Avatar of rush99999


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Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
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It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
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Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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@Dark Cloud @Guardian Angel Haruki @Birdboy @Lurking Krog @XxFellsingxX @LostDestiny

Alrighty then. What I'm getting from this consensus is that the use of an annis hag is fine, provided that her child minions are non-combatants that can be rescued from her clutches and led back onto the straight and narrow.

If I've got that right, allow me to pose my final question.

Would you all just like to skip this encounter?

Since the whole fighting a kid thing is killing the vibe, I could just hit fast forward, resolve the rest of this situation ASAP, and get us on to the next thing if that's what you'd like me to do.
@Dark Cloud @Guardian Angel Haruki @Birdboy @Lurking Krog @XxFellsingxX @LostDestiny

Ok. By unanimous vote encounters against evil children are no longer on the docket. I offer you all my deepest gratitude for your input, as well as my sincerest apologies for any discomfort I may have caused. I shall try my best to avoid doing this in the future.

It is with this goal in mind that I ask my next question.

I'm sure by now that some of you have guessed that this campaign will feature a coven of hags. Without spoiling too much, one of the coven's members is an annis hag. A variant of hag whose preferred targets are children.

Should I swap the annis out with a different hag?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Create or Destroy Water specifies that it can only effect water in an open container. So the mouth would count so long as it's open. As would the eyes and nose.

Also, now that I think about it, I probably should have checked how ok you all are with this whole evil children thing before implementing it... Welp. Better late than never I suppose.

@Dark Cloud @Guardian Angel Haruki @Birdboy @Lurking Krog @XxFellsingxX @LostDestiny

How ok are all of you with the use of children as enemies? Do you not mind it happening or would you prefer that I not do that?
Alrighty then. Since you've rolled a 17, the IC post you've made can stay as it is. And surprisingly enough, the only NPC in the room with a passive perception score that a Stealth check of 12 can't beat is Gornash's 13. But the dire wolf has decided that the fact that someone has cast Levitate on his pet orc is more worthy of his attention than Rala's stealth Dash for the door. Speaking of, the shortest stealthy route to an exit is still longer than 60 feet, so Rala isn't out of the inn just yet.
Initiative order is in effect right now, so you'll need to roll for Initiative and wait your turn before doing any of that.
If so, I got a 12 on my sneak check so I assume people are seeing me just sort of... walk off. Asking for my next post

That would be a fair assessment unless you want to spend Inspiration.

Also, if you want to do things you'll need to roll for Initiative first.
@rush99999 I would like to point out Aura very intentionally chose an elevation he would not be able to grab onto anything to move himself..

Indeed. He cannot reach the floor and be cannot reach the ceiling. But he can reach the wall that Flicker's attack has pushed him into arm's reach of.
Due to Gorgash's elevated position, Flickers attack was unable to strike Gorgash's face. Instead, the snake-like flame that Flicker had produced through their attack lunge forth and sunk it fiery fangs into the left cheek of the levitating orc's posterior. "WOO!" Gorgash exclaimed as he pelvic thrusted up and away from the fire, spilling much of his drink and setting in the process. After taking a moment to steady himself on the corner of a wall he had been sent floating past by Flicker, Gorgash began to laugh again. "Well I'll give you this, 'ot 'ead, you certainly know 'ow to bite back!" Gorgash joked before putting two fingers to his lips and whistling.

A howl came in response to the whistle, followed a few moments later by Gorgash's dire wolf bounding into the tavern and over to where Gorgash was floating.

"Oh good gods!" The innkeeper yelped as the large lupine beast stopped right behind him.

"Ah steady on, innkeep. Gornash won't bite." Gorgash said reassuringly.

@Lurking Krog
With a History roll of 15, you can recall many historical accounts from all across the world of children turning to evil and gaining the moniker of bad seed. The one common thread among these children are that they are all encouraged down these dark paths by malevolent fey creatures known as annis hags. Some accounts also mention that the children who more readily embrace their role as a bad seed sometimes receive backing from their corruptors in the form of magical gear and minions, allowing these children to become formidable threats by the standards of their age.

The ball is in your court.
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