Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

Got a little inspiration for the Chase from this fun song I stumbled upon last night. XD

And now I know what Mordent would be like if it were a Domain of Delight rather than a Domain of Dread.
Given how child enemies are off the menu now, Max is never coming back so he may as well be retconned out of existence.

And as for Gorgash, he was never even meant to be in this encounter. Hell, his name was never even meant to be Gorgash. He was an unfinished NPC that I hastily finished to fill the role that the new arrivals to the party would have filled back when I though there weren't going to be any new arrivals after all, only to be proven wrong once I had already set things in motion.

Honestly, this whole encounter is a mistake I would rather just erase all together.
After going through several drafts of a simple fast forward, I was unable to do so in a way that would both make sense and not cause further discomfort. That, plus the facts that I never plan on using Max again and that I never even intended for Gorgash to be a part of this encounter, has brought me to the decision to do what I have done instead.

I'm willing to admit that this solution isn't much better, but I've been holding things up for over nine days at this point.

Either way, Initiative order is no longer in effect.
It was at this point in time that time slowed to a crawl and the party's surroundings became blurred beyond recognition. Moments that felt like days passed as the blurry world slowly but surely shaped itself into an androgynous humanoid figure with icosahedral eyes. "This display is neither entertaining nor amusing." The figure spoke. "I command it to be something else. Now."

Then everything went black.

When the party regained their awareness, they did so slumped over a long line of tables and surrounded by a cheering crowd of tavern goers with Max, Gorgash, and his dire wolf nowhere to be found. Apparently, they had just participated in a drinking contest. And for holding their own for as long as they did, they had earned a night's room and board on the house.

Ok then. Skipping the encounter it is.

Once more, I'm sorry about the whole fighting a kid thing. Rest assured that will not happen again.
I will check in with everyone when I'm a little more awake...

Whatever the source of the stress that has been keeping you at the same level of drowsiness for 12 days straight is, I hope you're not having too much trouble dealing with it.
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