Avatar of rush99999


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Current [@Cleveraptor] What happened with Hololive?
1 mo ago
I've come down with something. Expect slow response times until further notice.
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3 mos ago
3 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

@Cao the Exiled
Good to have you on board, Cao.

@Fading Memory
Sorry for taking so long. A heatwave passed through my town and I can't really think straight when the temperature climbs too high. It's cooled down a bit for now though, so I'll try to post something soon.
Mar'a'gan simply grinned in amusement at the threats leveled against him. As the party moved then to continue on, the imp moved to start packing up the felidar fleeces. But then he paused as Rala passed. "Wait... what was that?" The tiny fiend asked as he turned to regard the rogue. Mar'a'gan's eyes went wide as he spotted the scabbard bracer hanging off Rala's wrist. "Wait! WAIT! Hold on! Hold on!" The imp called out to the party. "There is one last offer to make! One that could solve all Zephyr's woes! One that could cast the Northmen back into the sea! One that you would not even need to think about risking your soul over!"
Brutrumukk after Zavakri tells him she didn't kill her husband after the +2 AC effect of the marriage ceremony wore off:


Brutrumukk tried to look around for any signs of the cat having passed by, but he quickly forgot all about the cat when he was led into the main hall of the palace.

The bugbear gnome's mouth fell open as he beheld the sight that lay before him. "So much treasure." Brutrumukk breathed in pure wonder as his avaricious gaze swept over every item in the room. Never before had he seen so many valuable things in the same place in his entire life. How did this Ishaan guy manage to get all of it? Why did the just leave lying around his house?

...Would anyone really notice if two or three of the smaller, less notable things went missing?
Welcome back Cao indeed.

It seems Birdboy and Cloud have been caught up in things IRL, so I will be moving things forward. Expect a DM post before the weekend arrives.

"Hey to you too." Skobeloff said in response to Coryn's words. "You did indeed see us at the lab earlier, we're in you're room because we followed Rudrick here, and Lazward is attacking your Creeping Violet because it is trying to steal his stone samples."
Fyodor Strelnikov

"You alright, lad?"

Those words and the feeling of Ulgad's paw on his shoulder pulled Fyodor from his wine once more. "I... I am better now." Fyodor said after another sip of wine. "...Forgive my outburst. I try to remember what you told me about Sigil being different. I try to remember that I shouldn't even care. But... the fangs..."

Fyodor took another, longer sip of his wine as he tried not to think about the memories that fangs dug up. Memories of the fangs that glinted in the dark of the night. Memories of the fangs that hounded him in the wake of that ill-fated siege. Memories of the fangs that one of his older brothers grew after killing their youngest brother and drinking his blood.

Fyodor tipped back his head and downed the rest of his wine just as Jarret had, then took up the pitcher and refilled his glass nearly to the brim.
Happy Two Years!
I keep blanking on Aaliyah's reaction to Hags. X_X

Do you also keep blanking on Stargaze's reaction to headpats?
Hopefully Charm managed to restock the shop after Brutrumukk swiped everything that was there under Trinket and Bauble's watch. If she hasn't... sorry about that. 😖
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