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Current I've come down with something. Expect slow response times until further notice.
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3 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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8 mos ago
The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

"A frat boy!?" Luka repeated in pure indignation as he looked up from his card. "How dare you compare me to those tribes of savages! I have absolutely nothing in common with those barbarians! Nothing at all...! Never the less, you two do make a fair point." Luka turned his gaze from the girls and back to Santana. "Wealthy and well-connected as I am, those things take a little longer than five minutes to bring to bear. I trust you have some plan that will allow us to swiftly overcome this explosive enemy?"
Despite the bartender admitting to a lack of quality due to supply issues, Luka caught the bladed beverage with an appreciative and understanding nod. He'd forgive the inconvenience until the establishment had been restocked. Until then, Luka took a sip of the drink and considered it for a time. It was not the best beverage that had ever made it to his hand, but he'd certainly had worse. And if better offerings could be had once the logistical troubles were resolved, Luka decided he could afford to be patient.

As the bartender began to speak again, Luka only half paid attention to what the guy was saying as he finally spotted his card on the bar. It was certainly an intriguing thing to behold. Especially since doing so conjured up a feeling of nostalgia despite Luka being certain he had never seen this specific card before.

When the bartender - or Santana as he had introduced himself - had finished laying down the terms of his deal, Luka finished his own drink. "So to summarize: I can go back and finish my Christmas party, and in return, you want me to bring ruin to your enemies?" Luka said while glancing between his glass and the trash can. "...Sure. Why not. If nothing else, it will give me something to do while I wait for this establishment to restock and repair."

Luka pitched his glass towards the garbage receptacle just as his mysterious dealmaking host had. Not bothering to see if his aim had been true or not, Luka flicked his star shades down over his eyes and picked up his card.
E*D*E*N Bartender: I'm sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, but the bad news is that you're all dead.

This was most certainly not how Luka Durand thought his twelve day long Christmas party would end.

For one thing, he thought it would end after the twelfth day rather than the second.

But hey, the impromptu fireworks display that cut things short was certainly impressive. On top of that, Jesse and Montague weren't sitting with him at the bar. So presumably they were still among the living. But that wasn't the icing on the cake.

That honor belonged to the realization that one of the others seated at the bar was in fact the thrice cursed corvid that had recently taken to stealing from him. Luka couldn't help but laugh at that.

"The bane of my existence dying with me! Truly the finest Boxing Day treat I've ever had!" Luka exclaimed with a new appreciation for the saying 'save the best for last' in his heart, before turning back to the bartender with a happy grin on his face. "Barkeep. A round of your finest for everyone save that midnight feathered menace, if you would be so kind. Also, open a tab. I intend to be placing that order with a fair amount of frequency over the next few centuries."
And I am ready to be Anime Kuzco.
So now that all the player characters have been made, do you reckon this game will get off the ground before the year is out or will we be wating until 2025 begins before we do likewise?
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