Avatar of Sadie


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1 mo ago
Current Alright, now I'm back. For real this time.
4 mos ago
I'm backkkk.
6 mos ago
Sorry guys, life happened. Finally have a laptop to use once more. Replies incoming!
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6 mos ago
Finally getting back to responding, just bear with me!
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6 mos ago
Recovering from Covid and being in the hospital. Hopefully replies tomorrow.
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I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

Most Recent Posts

I'm reserving a spot. Will have a CS up by tonight.

WHAT IS A STRANGER'S FIRST IMPRESSION UPON MEETING THEM? That she's a hippie, tree loving pothead covered in tattoos.

WHAT IS THEIR PROFESSION AND HOW DO THEY FEEL ABOUT IT? Hospice nurse. Something that she prides herself in doing, helping those sick or aged progress to the ends of the life with grace and dignity.

HOW HAS BEING A HOWL AFFECTED THEIR LIFE? She never had an issue with being who she was until she became a nurse. Now, it has just made her become even more empathetic with her patients and their families.

WHY ARE THEY IN OAKEN CITY? Born and raised.

DO THEY HAVE A HOWL ABILITY? WHAT IS IT? Sadie can hear the Rue. More so when around the dead or nearly dying.
I'm interested
@Sailorsadie Your images are busted.

@Kuro I should have my CS up by tonight.

A collab between: @Sailorsadie & @HaleyTheRandom
Featuring: Delaney Barlow & Erin Blake

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beeee- The alarm was interrupted by a hand grabbing the device and throwing it at the wall opposite, shattering it. Groaning at the noise, a small pale hand went to the girl’s forehead in protest. Shouldn’t have had that last shot. Or five.

A pounding at the door made her wince. “Yo, Del. Didn’t you have a thing to be at today? Like, I dunno. An hour ago?”

Her voice came out raspy and dry as she replied. ”What?”

“I dunno, like one of your witchy things?”

Delaney’s forehead creased as she turned to look at the spot her alarm once was. She clicked her tongue in frustration as she searched for her phone. Soon finding it under her mattress- the fuck was it doing there?- her eyes caught sight of the time. They soon widened. ”Shit!”

Scrambling to her feet, she hurried to her closet before stopping. Her nose scrunched as her eyes scanned over the options. She knew she had to go to work at the bar later, so she had to dress for both occasions. Delaney grabbed a few items and soon dressed. Pulling her hair up into a messy bun to complete the look, she grabbed her keys and wallet before hurrying from the room.

Her mother turned and glanced at her, biting back a disappointed sigh. “Good morning, Laney. How’d you sleep?”

”Like I had a chainsaw trying to make babies with my brain stem.” She noticed her mother had made breakfast. Grabbing a slice of bacon, Delaney popped it into her mouth and took the mug of coffee from her youngest brother. She quickly kissed her mother’s cheek. ”Thanks, call you later.” She turned to her brother. ”Bye, bitch.” She smirked and quickly ran out of the house before she could get scolded by her mother for the language.

Hopping into her car, Delaney sped off to the coven. She glanced at the clock on her radio as she sipped from the lukewarm coffee. 11:30. Groaning, she shook her head. ”They’re so gonna be on my ass. Awesome.”

It didn’t take her long to get to the coven. Grabbing her mug and her wallet, she locked the car and hurried into the building. The atmosphere felt tense. Raising a brow, she sipped at her coffee as she walked into the main room. Her face instantly lit up at the group despite the harsh emotions. ”Well. Look who the cat dragged in.”

Watching the scene unfold between Carlisle, Lilith, Kolby, and Serena had been an emotional roller coaster for Erin. She had done her best to keep everyone calm and level headed, but it seemed as if her powers just simply weren’t working this morning. As she tended to the small wound on her cousins cheek, Erin sighed, all but ready to just walk out and leave everyone in the room behind.

That was, at least, until she heard the voice of literal sunshine behind her. A smile already creeping across her face, Erin turned back around to see her best friend, Delaney.

Practically running over to the other young woman, Erin quickly wrapped her arms around Delaney’s shorter frame in a tight embrace.

”Laney!” she shrieked. ”How have you been?!”

Delaney couldn’t help a laugh at the noise as she hugged her best friend around the waist. It felt like she was finally complete again and her entire body relaxed. ”I’ve missed the hell out of you, woman! Look at you!”

She took a small step back to fully take in her appearance. Giving a whistle, she nodded and smirked. ”Looking hot as hell, as always.”

”Oh, you know - gotta do it for the fans,” Erin joked back.

Her eyes took in the rest of the crowd and she gave simple nods to everyone except the new girl. Delaney immediately disliked her. Raising a brow in question, she returned her attention back to Erin. ”Looks like I missed all the fun.”

She turned back to the group. ”Anybody feel like getting rid of the screaming badger in my brain?”

Laughing again, and ever grateful to be back in Delaneys presence, Erin smiled. ”I mean, one of us might be able to offer a temporary fix, but I think you might need a big tall glass of water, and a big ol’ burger, hm?”

Looking around the room, Erin sighed. ”I guess someone better catch you up to speed, huh? That is - if your head isn’t going to literally explode?” Still joking, Erin’s attention was now back on her friend, her eyes twinkling with happiness.

Delaney eyed the girl before playfully rolling them. ”Yeah, yeah. I’m late to the party and sporting a hangover. Really, did you expect anything more from me?”

She spotted a bit of blood on the table and she folded her arms across her chest. Her nose scrunched. ”Aww. Please don’t tell me I missed a fight already. I always miss out on the fun.” Looking at Serena, she smirked at the girl. ”Please tell me it was you. Who’d you hurt?”

Lounged back in one of the dining room chairs, Serena laughed. ”It was me,” she began.

”Mostly,” Erin interjected sarcastically.

”Fuck you,” Serena grumbled back. Turning her attention back to Delaney, the dark haired girl began giving her a quick rundown of events. ”I actually arrived in a good mood, and Carlisle had the audacity to be a little fuck head and make some comment about me doing cocaine in an alley or whatever, so I listened to his speech and then I might have tried to make him break his own face on the table.”

Delaney pouted out her bottom lip. ”Aww, you hurt Grover? You know the kid is pretty much useless.”

Very obviously pleased with herself, Serena smirked as Erin glared at her. ”And don’t forget that Lilith flew over the table and would have rocked your shit - had it not been for Kolby,” the blonde added, her eyes flicking over to the dark haired boy momentarily. ”That’s why she looks like she’s been fighting alley cats for that cocaine she mentioned earlier,” she smirked, directing her comment towards Delaney.

Her eyes moved over to Kolby and she took a brief moment to fully appreciate him. Damn that’s just gotten better with age. She tilted her head as she looked over to study Serena. ”Sure you don’t have any snow? I could definitely use some of that right now.” Delaney could practically feel Erin staring daggers at her. She gave a mere shrug of her shoulders. ”Kidding. Mostly.”

She sipped at her now cold coffee before sighing. ”For real, though. Is there any actual information I missed? And for the love of Pete will someone fix my hangover? I know one of you bitches can do it.”

While Serena sighed quietly at Delaney’s joke, Erin chose to glare at her friend instead. The blonde haired girl knew that Delaney didn’t really mean anything by her words, but someone had to stick up for Serena - even if it was silently. Besides, Serena was an alcoholic anyway. Why anyone thought she did hardcore drugs was something that Erin had never understood.

”Not really - besides the fact that Carlisle’s our new temporary leader,” Erin stated simply. While she was sure that some of the other witches and warlocks were freaking out over the Council’s decision, Erin was overall very indifferent towards the situation. There was nothing to worry about, especially if things weren’t official yet. ”And I can try to fix your hangover, but I’m not sure I’ll cure it - more so just trick ya into thinking you’re fine - technically speaking and all that.”

”It’s okay, I trick myself into thinking I’m fine everyday.” Delaney couldn’t give a damn who was running the Coven. In truth, she wouldn’t have even shown today if she knew Erin wouldn’t be here.

Finishing her coffee, she gave a slight nod of her head and turned to face the door when Carlisle’s voice broke through her haze. She turned back to face him and looked him over. Oh, he’s in way over his head with this crap. Delaney couldn’t help a small smirk as the boy apologized to Serena. Aw, so he does have a soft side. It’d be cute if it wasn’t pathetic.

She started to focus on the pain in her head when one word broke through the dam. Delaney blinked and she immediately perked up, a bright grin on her face. ”Party? Hell yeah, I’m in.” She nudged her best friend. ”Say you’re in, too. Come on, Tulip. Need my bestie to shake her ass with me.”
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