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Current Alright, now I'm back. For real this time.
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Sorry guys, life happened. Finally have a laptop to use once more. Replies incoming!
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Finally getting back to responding, just bear with me!
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Recovering from Covid and being in the hospital. Hopefully replies tomorrow.
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I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Sailorsadie>

Cool, great to have you on board! :)

<Snipped quote by Operator Luna>

It's more like they have one specific virtue that they've used/developed even more than all the other virtues they have, and fortunately, it's something that could be used to keep them and their party going on their quest to save the world, as well as helping them give hope back to the people around them(and it doesn't even have to be a civilian; it could be an enemy/antagonist, if you're clever enough!). It's something useful for that whole thing like bravery, trust, or love, and not "showing up early to things" or "knowing how to spend money wisely", if you catch my drift! xD

@deadpixel101 @LuckyBlackCat

Okay, everyone, two questions:

1. Do you want a CS now or later? Having it now will help you all start to think about your characters ahead of time, while having it later will help anyone who joins after you guys(and before I make the OOC) have more room to ask questions about shit like the lore, without the pressure of making a character immediately after they read the IC pitch. Then again, I'm not exactly in a rush for you guys to make characters, so I don't know.

2. Should I make a Discord where you guys can talk amongst yourselves about character ideas and maybe come up with ideas about this world's lore/places/NPCs related to your characters, or do you all think that the IC/eventual OOC will be enough for that?

To me personally, I always find Discords really helpful. And a CS now would help me to understand what all you're looking for in your characters.
Definitely interested. Have a CS in mind? Or an OOC?

A collab between @sailorsadie & @haleytherandom
featuring Delaney & Rowan

It was finally the night of the Coven handover party, and Delaney had successfully gotten the night off work. Which was saying something, since their employees consisted of other Coven members. She knew it was going to be a big night and decided to go all out with her dress. Her eyes glanced over at the clock and she swore under her breath when she realized Rowan was going to be showing up at any time. Why hadn’t she just decided to get ready at his place? It wasn’t like she didn’t spend almost all her time over there anyway since they had become official.

Bending down to check herself out in her vanity mirror, she rubbed at a spot where her nude lipstick had smeared onto her chin. She groaned and hurried to fix the spot. Rowan had never seen her in anything this extravagant, and she knew that was the reason for the separate houses. She wanted his eyes to bug out of his head when he saw her in her dress.

She swiped at a few loose locks of her hair before walking over to her bedroom door and slipping on a pair of nude heels. Letting out a breath, she heard his truck pull up and she hurried over to her window to sneak a glance at his attire. She wasn’t at all disappointed. With a groan, she smirked. ”That is all mine. Good gods.” Shaking her head, she hurried to her door to start making her way downstairs.

Getting used to being a taken man hadn’t been as rough of an adjustment for Rowan as he imagined it was for some of his friends. Perhaps it was his old fashioned brain, but he had always wanted someone to share his life with. The way that Delaney had been so open to Rowan’s ideas of life and thinking only made him fall for her faster.

The night of the Coven Handover Ceremony, Rowan had spent literal hours contemplating what to wear. Dressing up for him was a pair of unstained blue-jeans and a decent button down - and a small part of him guessed that Delaney would have been disappointed if he arrived on her doorstep that way. Rowan wasn’t a stupid man - he knew his charm could only get him so far.

That was why he had found himself speeding into Seattle that evening to find the nearest men's department store.

He knew that he was cutting it close time wise, but there was no way he was going to show up looking like trailer trash next to the prom queen.

Rowan arrived at exactly 6:30 sharp that evening, dressed in a proper suit. He hadn’t even bothered with purchasing a tie - knowing good and well that he wouldn’t be able to stand the choking feeling around his neck all night. Hopefully Delaney wouldn’t mind that small fact.

Parking his truck, Rowan grabbed the few gifts he had bought for Delaney before stepping out of his vehicle. They had been on a few official dates over the last few weeks, but tonight felt oddly special - so he had decided to go the extra mile. Adjusting the collar of his shirt, Rowan knocked on the front door.

”Move, move, move!” As she came down the stairs, she kept shoving at her brothers who stood in her way. Her mother came over and gasped, putting her hands to her mouth. Delaney shook her head at her mother and put a hand up. ”Nope. No tears tonight. It isn’t like prom or something. Just a Coven party.”

Her mother scoffed at her and shook her head. ”More like the biggest Coven party of the year.” She rolled her eyes at her daughter as she went to the door, opening it. Eleanor beamed at the sight of the man in her doorway. “Rowan dear, you look fabulous!”

Coming up behind her mother, she stopped when she noticed Rowan. Looking him over, a giant beam spread across her face. She’d definitely be ripping that suit of his off later that night. She moved past her mother in the doorway and stepped up to her man. ”Look at you all fancy.”

With a simple nod of his head as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink, Rowan responded with a simple ”Thank you ma’am,” to Delaney’s mother before turning his full attention to the beautiful woman before him.

Hearing Delaney’s words, Rowan could only hope that the fading sun could hide how red his face was. He had never realized how much of a blusher he was until he had spent more time around Delaney and her family.

”Nothing compared to you,” he responded before gently placing a kiss on her cheek. ”You look absolutely amazing tonight. These are for you,” he complimented her before presenting the bouquet of blue poppies and white roses.

Gods, he was such a gentleman and so unlike anyone she had ever dated before. She absolutely loved it and adored the attention he gave her. Her eyes went down to the bouquet and her smile grew even more. ”My favorites. Thank you.” Delaney turned and handed the bouquet to her mother. ”Can you put these in some water for me?”

“Of course, dear.” She winked at her daughter and put a hand on her arm. “You two have a fabulous time.”

”Thanks, mom.” Quickly grabbing a tan coat, she slipped it over her torso before grabbing Rowan’s hand and leading him back to his truck. ”We need to hurry up and get out of here before the woman remembers she has a camera.”

”You mean to tell me you don’t want some cute pictures of us posing on the staircase,” he joked as he was led away from the house. Opening the truck door for her, Rowan waited until Delaney climbed in before taking his place on the driver's side. Leaning over and reaching into the glove compartment, Rowan pulled out a black rectangular box that he then held out to Delaney. ”I thought about grabbing you a corsage, but I figured it might be cheesy, so I decided on that instead.”

As she settled back against the seat, her brows furrowed at the box. He got her a present? Delaney took the box from her and opened it before gasping. ”Oh, hunky dunk..” Lifting the bracelet from the box, she looked it over before quickly clasping it around her left wrist. She grinned up at him and leaned over, brushing her lips across his. ”Thank you. I love it. Definitely much better than a corsage.”

”I’m glad you like it,” the man responded, now cranking the truck. Rowan had really wished that he had hand crafted something for her - but life had been busy. He was glad that his gift sufficed. Once he had carefully backed out of Delaney’s driveway, Rowan began driving at a comfortable speed down the road. ”So how was the time at home?”

Huffing out a breath, she leaned back against the seat and shook her head. ”I really need to get my own place.” She glanced over at him. ”Mom is absolutely thrilled about you, by the way. Thinks you’re going to whisk me away on some fairytale. Think it might be the hair.” Delaney smirked and reached over to play with a strand of his. ”How’s the chickens and Sassy?”

A fairytale? Rowan couldn’t help but smirk in the shadows at the thought as he drove down the winding road. He was far from Prince Charming, but if a fairytale was what Delaney wanted - she could gladly get it. Each time she brought up getting her own place, Rowan couldn’t help but grip whatever he was holding at the moment even tighter - in this case, his hands growing tight around the steering wheel. He really didn’t want to rush things, or to tell Delaney he had had her a key made after that first morning they had spent together - but he couldn’t help but feel the cold metal weighing even heavier in his pocket as she spoke.

”Oh you know - the usual,” he chuckled in response. ”Took Ol’ Sas for a hike the other morning up to the falls. She always really likes going up there. I think it’s because of all the squirrels she can harass.” Dimming his lights for a passing car, he asked ”So do you wanna make a bet with me? See who throws the first punch of the night at this thing?”

A hike. Her nose scrunched at the thought. She was definitely not a hike person. How would she be able to walk over gravel with her heels? Delaney blew out a breath at the thought as she shook her head to herself. Rowan was a hiker. An outdoors man. She would have to adapt. Somehow.

Looking back over at him at his question, she snorted and raised a brow at him. ”How do you know it won’t be me?” Her brow raised higher in question as she tilted her head.

Chuckling as he continued to drive, Rowan nodded his head in recognition, a small smile creeping upon his lips. ”You got a good point,” the young man responded, keeping his eyes focused on the road. As the pair carried on their journey, they continued to talk about things and make small jokes here and there. Once they had arrived, Rowan had found a relatively decent parking spot. Putting his keys in his pocket, Rowan walked to the other side of the truck, opening the door for Delaney.

”Ready for all this,” he asks, offering her a helping hand.

Her eyes fell on the Coven and all the cars lining the drive. Sure, she loved a good party. But this Handover thing? Delaney didn’t want to be a part of it. All she wanted was to have a good night with her boyfriend. Letting out a breath, she put on a grin and took Rowan’s hand before moving herself out of the truck. Her eyes moved back to look at the building and she took in an unsteady breath.

”Not really. I give it twenty minutes before someone starts a fight.” Delaney looked back at him before kissing the side of his jaw. ”I’m sorry in advance if that someone is me.”

Rowan couldn’t help but smile as he closed the truck door behind her. ”I’m sure you’d have a good reason for doing so,” he joked, the two of them now heading up to the Coven house.

He’d be lying if he said that he wasn’t nervous. Sure, he had always taken care in grooming his beard and making sure that he had showered - all of those basic things - but it was rare for him to be this dressed up. It felt like his shirt collar was choking him. He was a house party sort of guy - not the private events sort.

Rowan approached the front door, greeting Carlisle and Mary as he did so. Stopping to let Delaney say her piece, Rowan continued to hold her hand as they stepped into the Coven house.

”Would you like to grab a drink first,” he asked her, his eyes taking in their surroundings.

As she looked around the massive amount of people, Delaney took in a shaky breath. This was too many. She really hoped Rowan wouldn’t want to stay the whole night. Clearing her throat, she looked up at him as he offered a drink. She wouldn’t need just one; she needed several. The woman let out a rushed breath and nodded eagerly to her boyfriend.

”They so better have rum here and not just the bubbly crap.” Squeezing his hand, she led him over to the drink table. A relieved breath released from her chest as she noticed her favorite drink. ”Well. At least Aston didn’t mess this part of the night up.”

While he wanted his attention to be focused on Delaney, Rowan couldn’t help but take note of every familiar face and exit. He truthfully wanted to bail already, but unfortunately, they both had responsibilities. The young man knew that this was a ‘classy’ event, but his heart still sank when he saw that the red solo cups had been replaced with actual rocks glasses and champagne flutes. The bourbon sitting on the table seemed to even out everything.

Promptly pouring both himself and Delaney a shot, Rowan passed Delaneys drink to her before he found his eyes being drawn to the developing scene by the doorway.

”Looks like he’s fumbling that part though,” Rowan nodded towards the group. Studying them, his brow furrowed. ”Is that Claire Montgomery? I thought she was dead.”

”Who?” Turning to look at the door, she furrowed her brows as she watched the scene. She blinked at the hit before downing her shot. ”Well. I lost that bet. And have I mentioned that I hate magic?”

She gave a small scoff as she poured herself another shot, already wanting this night to be over. ”Dead should stay dead. Magic shouldn’t be allowed to bring people back.”

Knocking back his shot, Rowan shook his head. ”I agree. I don’t think Lilith would be the sort of person to break those laws - but somethings definitely going on there. Don’t wanna worry myself with it or anything, but I think someone should still care about the Covens moral code.”

Seeing her frustrated expression, Rowan planted a kiss on the top of Delaneys head. ”That was a pretty good throat punch, but I’m sure there’s plenty of time for you to get yours in. I’m sure you’re ready to go find Miles, and I should probably make sure Kolby isn’t starting trouble anywhere - unless you just want me to stay with you, of course.”

She snorted a bit and rolled her eyes. ”Only person dumb enough to do that would be Carlisle. But I’ll be thoroughly surprised if he’s capable of that kind of magic.”

Delaney threw back another shot before grinning up at her boyfriend. She reached over and squeezed his hand. ”You’re pretty much perfect, you know that?” Leaning up, she kissed the side of his jaw. ”Even if you have bad taste in friends.”

She winked at him as she made herself another shot. ”Go. I’ll have you all to myself later.”

Color me interested.
Do you have a OOP? CS?
@Martian Skinwalker it is then.
@Martian I am wanting to either go with shapeshifter or skinwalker.
Caught my interest

A collab between @Hedgehawk & @Sailorsadie & @Soufflegirl123
Featuring Carlisle & Miles & Violet

The speech was over and it seemed that everything was okay. People didn't seem to react badly to the speech, so that was a weight off Carlisle's back. He looked out to the crowd as he walked off the stage. His eyes settled on Miles standing at the back of the crowd. He couldn't quite see from where he was standing how Miles was looking. While before he had decided to leave Miles and Lilith alone until after talking to Salem he supposed it wouldn't hurt to check in with Miles and just see how things were going in his world. Carlisle entered the crowd and grabbed a small glass of wine as he walked past a waiter. He shifted through the crowd eager not to make a scene before arriving at Miles.

"Hey buddy… How you doin???" Carlisle asked, his voice getting slightly higher pitched at the end as he didn't know what was going on.

Miles barely moved when Carlisle started his speech. It was a good speech, at least the parts he could make out in his shocked state was good. In a way the boy was stuck in his own world, still trying to process everything he had learnt. That was when Carlisle join him. At the rising of his voice Miles couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Did Carlisle have more news for him too? "I'm fine," he replies cautiously. "What'd your voice do that for?"

Caelilsie's eyes looked away as Miles questioned him. It seemed that Miles was out of the loop possibly. Carlisle certainly didn't want to make Miles problems worse. "No reason. Just you know… After speech nerves" Carlisle replied with a nervous chuckle.

Miles cocked his head, unconvinced of the man's words but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to push this more. Maybe Carlisle just knew about Miles' dad? Miles pushed his situation and gave Carlisle a nod. "Well, you did good Car," Miles responds, clapping the man on the shoulder.

"So what's the boy wonder doing over here? Shouldn’t you be mingling with the big names of magic?"

"I just wanted to check in on you" Carlisle replied. Being honest, but realising he may have stepped into it. "Like, stuff kicked off at the entrance with my mother, Salem and Mary. Amanda is in my head currently so she can't cause any more trouble. Turns out I found out about your father, and just wanted to you know check in and see how you are doing" Carlsie scratched the back of his head. He wasn't lying. He was just being slightly liberal with the definition of the truth.

"Sides, the big names tend to be boring. It's all monotone stuff. Salem comes later and that is going to be a difficult conversation with the whole…" Carlsie realised he almost spoke out again. He paused his sentence to think for a second before finishing Amanda situation"

Miles couldn't help but notice the way Carlisle was treading eggshells when it came to his words. Miles wasn't privy to what had earlier transpired at the entrance and wanted to ask Carlisle what had happened but that thought was interrupted by Carlisle mentioning Miles' dad.

Did Carlisle know about his dad before Miles? And did he know Miles knew? Were Carlisle and Miles' mother in cahoots? How much did his friend know? Miles was stuck as to whether he asked Carlisle what he knew or how he knew it as Carlise said his piece. Him pointing out the Amanda problem made him more suspicious. Why did he hesitate before that word?

"And the my father situation," he mutters under his breath before looking Carlisle up and down. "Is that what this is about?"

Carlisle realised that screwed up in revealing he knew about Miles' father's true identity. Still better to reveal that than what else he had worked out. "Yeah… That's what it was. Salem could see the resemblance in you and wanted to speak to Amanda about it. Turns out my mother was responsible for alot of what happened before we were born" It shouldn't have shocked Carlisle that his mother had acted like that. But it still hurt. "She wanted to have your father to herself. And when she found out you had been conceived, she alerted Salem who came to get him and take him back to the Guild"

Miles reeled back slightly at Carlisle’s words. How had he known more about his father than Miles. "What actually happened with this situation with Salem and our mas outside?” he asks his friend curiously. A more dangerous question played on his tongue but he held it back.

Carlisle choked slightly as he tried to figure out exactly how to word his response "Well. Salem saw you and she thought you had an uncanny resemblance to your father. She went to ask Amanda and Mary about it, and well. Things did not go well. It was revealed that Amanda had been the one to call Salem about your father purely out of spite and jealousy. Eventually Amanda got punched in the throat and everyone stormed off." There. He had told enough of the truth and simply omitted the parts about the pregnancy. " I also found out that the only reason I was conceived was to get revenge over the fact That Mary was Pregnant" Carlisle let out a soft sigh. He had suspected it for a while, but this pretty much confirmed it.

Miles stood still for a moment as he processed all the information he’d been given. It seemed Carlisle and his lives were more interconnected than he would have ever thought. A quiet "Well…” was all he could say for a good few minutes. "I need a drink.” was all he could muster as he turned back to the drinks table to grab another whiskey. His hands shook slightly as he grasped the bottle to pour the honey liquor into the cup.

It wasn’t until the bottle was safely back on the table that Miles spoke up once more. "Salem’s gonna kill me, ain’t she?”

" No… " Carlisle replied back right away. The couple of minutes of silence had been awkward, but Carlisle could see Miles shaking. He was struggling to hold it together. Has someone told him about Lilith? The fact he didn't blurt it out upon meeting Carlisle, told him otherwise. "I won't let her touch you. Magi or Witch, you are a part of this Coven and from Salem's point of view you are off limits. She will have to go through me first" Carlisle gave a slightly nervous chuckle. He didn't want it to come to that. But he was sincere in his promise.

"What if this Aloysius guy just isn’t my dad? I mean, the only proof we’re working off is feelings, right?” Miles asks. He knew it was a lost cause but he was desperately searching for some hope that maybe everyone was wrong. He wasn’t really ready for his whole life to be turned upside down. At Carlisle’s statement Miles gives the man a small smile. "Thanks, bud. But you don’t have to do that.”

" As leader it is my responsibility to protect the coven from outside threats. But I wouldn't be doing it for the coven. I would be doing it because you are my best friend" Carlisle smiled back at Miles, he could see that Miles was trying to claw at denial. Not a good sign. "Listen. I know it's alot to take in. The fact you are a Magi and your father is a terrible person. At least from Salem's point of view. I don't know enough about Magi history to be able to comment"

"My dad’s a war criminal, my ma’s been lying to me and Salem’s been looking at me as if I’m an adversary from her past. What is going on, Car?” Miles sighs, taking a large gulp of the whiskey in his cup.

"Look, you need to speak to Lilith. I ain't gunna say. It's not my place. Don't worry about your father or Salem. I will deal with it all. It's the least I can do." As if on instinct, Carlisle wrapped his arms around Miles to pull him into a hug to try and signal that it was going to be okay.

Miles couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh as his best friend pulled him into an embrace. Then he brought up Lilith. "Lilith? Why do I need to talk to Li?" he quizzes, his brow furrowing. She didn't have more bombshells to drop, did she? That was the last thing he needed tonight.

After having received no response from anyone regarding Amanda Aston, Violet had found her way to the drink table and poured herself a glass of red wine. She swirled the contents slowly in her glass as the speech had begun, her eyes traveling around everywhere to find anyone who resembled the person she was trying to find. At the mention of Amanda’s name in the man’s speech, she blinked and raised a brow before turning her attention fully to him. She looked him over and rose a brow. Her curiosity had been piqued.

Sipping slowly at her drink as she continued to listen to the speech, the young woman started to put everything together. This Carlisle was Amanda Aston’s son, and he was apparently a wizard who had been shunned from his family. Not only that, but he was to be the new Coven leader? Violet downed her wine in one gulp before setting the glass down on a passing waiter’s tray, grabbing a glass of champagne with her other hand. She waited for the man to be finished, her eyes trailing his every movement. She waited a moment as he approached another man and started a conversation with him. Her blood started to boil as she continued to study him.

She had enough of watching. Taking a small sip from her glass, she made her way over to the two men, her eyes never leaving Carlisle. Violet stepped up to his side and sneered as she looked him over. ”So. You’re the chosen one.”

Carlisle could feel Miles starting to fall apart. He was about to speak when all of the sudden an unknown woman walked upto him and suddenly started sneering at him. Carlisle wanted to sneer back, but that was something his mother would do. He was better than that. He would move to the side of Miles and look over the mysterious woman. ”Apparently so. For better or for worse. But I am sorry, I don’t know who you are?”

”Mmm. How convenient.” She rolled her eyes and looked him over once more. How could this puny little thing have her crown? Sure, she had only just known that the Aston’s were going to rule the Coven, but already she knew the title of leader should be hers. Besides, he had admitted that he was a warlock. A witch deserved to be in that spot.

Violet merely gave the other man a glimpse before returning her full attention to Carlisle. She tilted her head as she not so subtlety looked him over, her head shaking with disapproval. ”Seems as though mother dearest gave up the wrong child.” Her eyes once more landed on his face as she took another sip of her champagne. ”Name’s Violet. Unfortunately, it seems as though you’re my brother.”

Carlisle’s heart sank when he heard the words coming out of the woman's mouth. He had a sister? And where was this aggression coming from? Carlisle took a moment to clear his throat ”My sister? I have never had a sister. What the hell are you on about?”

Rolling her eyes, she looked around the room as she resumed speaking with the man. ”Twenty five years ago, Amanda Aston gave up a daughter who she thought had no magical qualities. She found no use for the seemingly mortal little girl.” She shrugged her shoulders before looking back at him. ”Unbeknownst to her, the little thing just happened to be a late bloomer. And grew to be an exceptionally talented witch.”

Violet sipped once more at her glass, finishing the champagne. ”I received an invitation to be here tonight from my birth mother, as well as all expenses paid. Now, where is she?”

”Hang on. What. Mother sent you away” Carlisle was struggling to comprehend what was going on. How was the violet girl related to him? Why? ”My mother has caused no end of trouble tonight. So I have locked her away in a mental prison until after the service”

Before Carlisle could give Miles his answer they were interrupted by a blonde woman he didn't recognise. She was quick to state her piece. It seemed Carlisle's night was shaping up to be as mind boggling as his. At her speech about Amanda giving her up Miles raises an eyebrow. "And your way of getting back at her is continuing her line in the coven?" he questions, looking the woman up and down. "I feel like if my dad who abandoned me at birth was in some position of power the last thing I'd want is to continue his line's work." It seemed an understatement with what he had learnt earlier but he was still coming to terms with his father's status.

”You did what?” Her brows furrowed in annoyance at her pathetic excuse for a brother. She was about to speak further when the other man in the group opened his mouth. Raising a brow, she glanced at him and looked him over. He looked mildly interesting. Violet rolled her eyes and placed her free hand on her hip. [color=violet]”One, who the hell are you? This is a conversation between family. And two- did you not hear me earlier? I was invited.” She looked back over to Carlisle and snarled her lip. ”Let her out. I need to have a talk with our darling mommy.”

”Yeah, I ain’t doing that. I don’t trust her not to get up to no good, and I don’t trust you to somehow get involved” Carlisle snipped back, clearly getting more annoyed. ”Don’t talk to my best friend like that either.”

"Miles Price. Displeasure to make your acquaintance," Miles answers her first question, raising his whiskey to take another swig. "As for your second question, if you paid attention to your brother's speech you'd know someone else was more of a mother to him than his own, that was my ma. Essentially makes us brothers which makes us…there you go, family," he continues, throwing an arm across Carlisle's shoulders. He so desperately wanted to pull his attention away from this conversation and ask him about why he needed to talk to Lilith but he restrained himself.

Her lip snarled farther as she looked between the two men. ”Ew.” Violet rolled her eyes before looking back at Carlisle. She huffed out a breath of annoyance as she raised a brow. ”Amanda Aston sent me a letter stating that I would find out the truth about all of..” She paused to wave her hand at the room. ”This. I’m to stay here at the Coven while finding out said truth. Which means you’re stuck with me.”

Setting her glass down on a passing waiter’s tray, she looked back at her brother. ”So until further notice, I’m now your problem. I’m not leaving until I see our mother.”

At the woman's demand Miles snorts a laugh, slipping his arm off his friend and takes another mouthful of whiskey. "Look Vi, can I call you Vi? Actually, I don't care. Y'know how they say never meet your heroes? That very much applies to your ma too. Trust me, she's a vile monster set on just ruining everyone's lives. Don't fall for her traps. She might eat you if she's hungry enough. I say you stay for the booze then leave in the morning. Trust me, you don't wanna meet her."

Her eyes moved back to the other man and she let out a small breath. Why was she even bothering with this one? He had nothing to offer her besides raising her blood pressure. Rolling her eyes, she looked back at Carlisle and folded her arms across her chest. [color=violet]”I’m staying until I meet Amanda Aston. And trust me,” she paused to eye Miles before looking back at her brother. ”It sounds as if the apple doesn’t fall very far from the tree. What do they say? Like mother, like daughter.”

She glanced back at Miles and rose a brow. ”Now shoo. The actual blood family needs to have a chat.”

”Listen… Violet was it? I am going to say this once, and once only. So I want you to listen very well…” Carlisle leaned his head in close to Violet ”Fuck off! I don’t care if you are my sister, this is my coven now and I have decided I don't want you here. So crawl back from whatever hole you crawled out of.”

Her eyes darkened as a wicked smirk spread across her face. She lowered her voice before tilting her head at the man. ”As far as I can see it, this Coven belongs in the hands of the first born Aston. That would be me. So, you really want me out of here?” Violet growled from her chest. ”Make me.”

Miles was taken aback slightly at the woman's words. He gave an impressed whistle, looking over at Carlisle. "Oof, good luck with that one, bud," he says, clapping the man's shoulder. He chugs the rest of his cup before continuing. "I'll leave you with it, apparently I have a girlfriend to find." He turns on his heel before quietly calling out "Oh Lilith." Considering she wasn't in his line of sight chances are she couldn't hear him. He didn't mind. The call out was for dramatic effect more than anything else. He then wanders off.

Carlisle watched as Miles seemed to excuse himself, leaving Carlisle alone with Violet. With no offensive magic, there was no way he could make Violet leave on his own. He had kind of hoped that Miles would have at least stayed and used his enchantment magics. ”I am not letting my mother out so she can ruin this party.”

Her smirk broadened as she watched Miles walk off, then returned her sights back on her brother. She let out a bored sigh and rolled her eyes, grabbing another champagne flute from a waiter. ”Well. Looks like we have plenty of time to catch up then, don’t we?” Violet kept her eyes on him as she sipped her drink.

”Well sadly, I have alot of important things to do. So i won’t be able to spend any time for you.” Carlisle said with a catty smirk. ”I am sure you can find some people to annoy”

”That’s fine.” She glanced about the room and smirked, noticing some very important looking people. ”I’m sure there are plenty of people who’d be interested to know that there was another Aston out there.” Violet sipped at her glass as she continued to look around. ”And I’m sure even your scrawny self must have a girlfriend somewhere. I’ll make sure to have a nice long chat with her as well.”

Carlisle stopped when she mentioned Willow. ”Fuck you.” Carlisle growled. ”Keep pushing it and I will send you into the fucking void like mother.”

Her smirk widened as she found the right button to push. She looked back at him and raised a brow. ”Oooh, touchy, brother.” Shrugging her shoulders, she finished her drink in one gulp. ”But that would also mean that mother dearest and I will be together. Isn’t that what you don’t want to happen?”

”I can keep you in separate voids” Carlisle growled as he looked over at her, watching the sheer amount of alcohol that she was drinking [color=00FFFFF]”Keep drinking like that and you will be out like a light in no time”[/color]

She gave a small laughing scoff and rolled her eyes. ”Oh, please. I can handle my alcohol.” Violet returned her attention back to the crowd and noticed a brunette looking their way. Looking the girl over, she scrunched her nose and let out a disapproving click of her tongue. ”Really, brother? Her? I know you’re…you, but you really can’t do any better?”

Shaking her head, she sighed and returned her attention fully back to him. ”I’ll find my own room. Once your little party is over, have mother come find me.”

"You are not staying in my coven. You can go sleep on the streets for all I care" Carlisle scoffed back as she looked away from Willow. He had become extremely defensive now, this woman. His sister it seemed, was a much more dangerous threat than his actual mother.

Violet grinned at him and tilted her head. ”But if I’m not here, how will you keep an eye on me? You’ll let me find just any place to sleep?” She looked back at Willow and shrugged. ”She looks the accommodating type. She is dating you, after all, right? I’m sure she wouldn’t mind Carlisle’s poor innocent sister spending the night. Especially after she found out that you won’t let me sleep in our coven.”

Carlisle stepped forward and growled loudly as she mentioned Willow again. "Right that is it. I have had enough of you" Carlisle focused carefully as he then performed the mental prison spell on Violet and cast hr into his mind. He wasn't able to split the spell properly however and ended up sending her to the same void as his mother. Carlisle would take a few deep breaths, clearly exhausted from having to cast the spell and now maintain it twice.

Stumbling slightly, Violet looked around at her surroundings and growled under her breath. ”Damn idiot man.” She sensed someone else’s presence and she slowly turned, noticing a brunette woman standing behind her. Looking the woman over, she let out a shaky breath as she raised her brow in question. ”Amanda Aston, I presume?”
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