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I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

Most Recent Posts

@Ignorancebliss Interested. Would there be a need for a medic/doctor on this journey?

Life was strange for Violet Parker.

Over the past month, a lot of revelations had come out. Her entire world had tipped upside down. The young witch had discovered that her parents weren’t her parents, and now she needed to discover the whole truth. Her birth mother had reached out to her and offered to give her all of the answers, attached to the letter was an invitation to the handover ceremony. Packing her bags with a variety of clothes and tidbits, Violet made her way to the airport. She didn’t even have to book a hotel, her birth mother had offered to house her for as long as she needed to get to the truth.

It was a long trip from Florida to Seattle. The entire trip Violet couldn’t help but think about her birth mother. The small conversations they had on the phone were light on details regarding Tanner, and her parents confirmed the story was true, but also were pretty light on the details. What led her to be given up for adoption, and why couldn’t Violet remember any of it? Was it Violet’s fault she was put up for adoption? So many questions rattled around in the young woman’s head. Arriving in Seattle, a pre-booked Uber was waiting for her to take her out of the city and into the foothills of Tanner. Violet spent all of her time looking at all of the trees and all of the surroundings. Compared to hot and swampy Florida, Washington state was a different world. While in the back of the vehicle, Violet looked over the original letter she had received, looking at the name over and over again. She then began to wonder how Tanner differed from her coven back at home. She knew that Tanner was important, but hadn’t really bothered to dig into how important it was. Her coven back home was fairly chill. They gave you some basic and simple lessons but left you to explore magic in the safer of the grounds. She imagined given the importance of Tanner Coven, the rules might be a little stricter.

She watched as the car pulled into Tanner. She looked in awe of the small town vibe the place had, nestled all around by ranches and tall pine trees. As the car pulled away off the main street, she got her first glimpse of the Coven household. It was such an ornate building. It looked like something out of an old movie or a TV show. She also noted how busy it was, and how the poor girl had heavily underestimated how formal the event was. She was sorely underdressed for the occasion. No matter. She thanked the driver and got out of the car, heading to the trunk to pull out her suitcases as people mulled into the building. She showed her invitation at the door, which caused the person greeting everyone to simply give her a confused expression. Once inside proper, Violet placed her suitcases in a quiet corner, before pulling out the letter and looking at the name. She began to quietly walk around the party, being careful not to touch anyone or bump into them, looking for someone she thought looked trustworthy to ask about where her birth mother was. She eventually found what looked like someone who lived here as opposed to being a guest.

”Excuse me… I am looking for Amanda Aston.”

A @Sailorsadie & @Soufflegirl123 collab ft @Hedgehawk
Starring: Willow & Clara ft Carlisle

The last week had been a whirlwind. Between dealing with patients, getting ready for the Coven party, and thinking about Carlisle, her time had been well spent. Yet, she found she was never happier than she had been right then. Things were going great in all aspects of her life. It could only get better from here. Though, it would naturally get better if Carlisle asked her to be his, officially.

Soon the night of the party arrived and Willow found herself at home, fixing her makeup in the vanity mirror. She wanted to look exceptionally perfect tonight, even going so far as to buy a rather scandalous looking dress. If she was going to date the head of this whole Coven thing, she had to look the part, right?

Standing, she started to pace the room and looked at her clock. Clara would be here any minute to finish getting ready together. She hadn’t seen the young woman since she got into town and it was about time they had some bonding time. If Willow could just get past her damned nerves, the party was going to be amazing and she wanted to share a big part of it with her best friend.

Already changed into her long yellow dress Clara appeared in front of Willow’s house. Well, that was her intention. Instead she appeared a couple of streets away and hitched up her dress and jogged the rest of the way, her black bag of makeup supplies banging against her waist. Teleportation was a good substitute for a car when not thinking about the logistical nightmare of one’s chances of missing their destination.

Eventually she met her friend’s door, giggling to herself. She was glad she had worn boots. It had been a couple of weeks since she’d seen her friend, both being wrapped up with their personal lives but she was excited to see how her past weeks had gone. She banged on the door before calling out ”Willow? Hellooooooo,”

Hearing the front door and then Clara’s voice, she beamed and hurried to her front door. Willow opened the door and her eyes widened a bit at the dress. ”Oh, that is gorgeous, Clar!” She threw her arms around the girl in a hug before backing up quickly. ”Come in, come in! I was about to get into my dress too.” Turning, she led the girl down to her room and let out a breath. ”Oh, I have so much to tell you!”

”Oh thank you!” Clara replies to Willow’s compliment on her dress before swishing the skirt. How Clara loved the swishing feel of a long dress. She reciprocates her friend’s hug before being led down to Willow’s room. ”Ooooooo, what kind of news?” she asks, excitedly bounding over to the woman’s bed and bouncing in her seated position

Sitting once more at her vanity mirror, she looked at Clara’s reflection and beamed. She couldn’t believe she had waited so long to tell the woman, knowing she always told Clara everything. Willow bounced a bit in her seat before bringing an eyeliner to the corner of her eyes, creating a dramatic look. ”So, remember how I’ve always had this thing for Carlisle? Well…” She squealed a bit before continuing. ”He kissed me last week. And we went on a date. It was amazing!”

As Willow tells her news Clara’s bouncing seemed to slow. It didn’t stop but it definitely slowed as she furrowed her brow. ”Doesn’t he like Lilith?” she asked. This was all confusing, people had been talking about Carlisle’s crush on Lilith for a long time now and suddenly Carlisle’s kissing someone else. Is that how dating works? she couldn’t help but think to herself.

Her smile faltered a bit before she let out a breath, shaking her head. She cleared her throat as she resumed her eye makeup, trying to keep her hand steady. Willow knew Lilith would always be a thing of discussion when it came to Carlisle. Yet, she was expecting her friend to be happy for her. Was there something Willow didn’t know? Was she being blinded by her feelings for the man? ”That’s all over. It wasn’t reciprocated. He’s moved on.”

Clara blinked once, then twice. ”That was fast,” she replies simply, falling back into her own thoughts. While she did want to feel happy for Willow, Clara did have some concerns and didn’t really know how to sort through them except just blurting them out. ”Does that mean if you break up he’ll kiss someone else next week? Is that how this works?” she asks somewhat earnestly, rubbing Willow’s bedsheets between her fingers.

”I-” She paused and let out a breath. How could she prove to her friend that this wasn’t going to end in disaster, when she wasn’t so sure of it herself? Willow cleared her throat once more and stared at her own reflection in the mirror. ”No, that isn’t how this works. He never broke up with her, Clar. They were never a thing, he told me. He said he finally realized how I felt for him, and he kissed me. And it was a great kiss.”

”People say he was obsessed with her. Is being obsessed a different kind of love to the kissing love?”

Biting the inside of her cheek, she dropped the hand that was at her eye as she looked at Clara’s reflection. She knew the woman only said these things out of love and concern for Willow, but damnit if she didn’t feel these same hesitations with Carlisle. Letting out a breath, she shook her head at her friend. ”Yes. No. I don’t know.” She groaned and hung her head, her palm coming up to cup her forehead. ”Look, all I know is that he told me things were just one sided and he was moving on. I helped him to realize that, I think. We went on a date at Huskers and saw Lilith there, and he really only had eyes for me that night. So.”

Giving a small shrug of her shoulders, she dropped her hand and raised another to finish her eye makeup. ”I believe him when he says he’s over her. Or, he’s at least on his way to being over her.” She groaned and scrunched her nose in the mirror. ”I’m a rebound, aren’t I?”

Clara thought for a moment. ”I don’t know, I just know mum makes comments at the TV on shows when someone kisses someone right after breaking up,” she replies to her friend.Clara looked over her friend, studying her movements and taking a moment to register the way she looked to be feeling. That was definitely a sad figure before her. ”Did I make you sad? I’m sorry,” she says, awkwardly staying in place on Willow’s bed.

She quickly shook her head at her friend and gave her a small grin. ”No, no you didn’t make me sad. From a clinical view I can see how this looks. I can see how I look like I’m a rebound.” Willow let out a breath. ”But from a personal view?” She shrugged her shoulders. ”I’ve had feelings for Carlisle since high school. And now I finally have my chance to be with him. So I want to forget Lilith even exists to him, even though I know that’s ridiculous.”

When I was little I always wanted to try cheerwine but they didn’t have it. I wanted it so so bad I cried. You told me ‘Clar, you don’t like cherry things, why would you like this?’ but I still wanted it. Eventually I got some and it tasted super yucky, I think I was sick. How do you know Carlisle’s not your cheerwine?’ She asks, pulling her bag closer to her to retrieve her make up soon.

Willow blinked in the mirror as she tried to think about what Clara just asked her. She understood the comment and she let out a slow breath. ”Car isn’t my cheerwine ‘cause we’ve kissed multiple times and it just keeps getting better. I just…I feel right when I’m with him. I’ve wanted this for so long and it just feels like it’s going to work out. But, I’ll keep an objective foot out the door. Just in case.”

Clara shrugged. ”Ok,” she replies simply and gently with a shrug. Toying with the zipper on her makeup bag. ”Oh, this may help you feel better!” she pulls out a small plastic bottle and holds it up for her friend to see. ”I brought face glitter!”

She couldn’t help but to smile and laugh at the sudden change, knowing her friend had finally dropped the subject. Willow finished with the makeup around her eyes and set it with her spray before standing. [color=lightblue]”Let me just get my dress. Grabbing the garment bag from her closet, she stepped into the bathroom and quickly slid into the white dress. She came back out a few moments later and spun for Clara. ”What do you think?”

Clara had stolen her friend’s place at the vanity and started on her own makeup. Unlike her friend she stuck to a light palette. And glitter. Lots of glitter. The best part about the glitter is it clung to her for days. That wasn’t her mum’s favorite part. Halfway into her eyeshadow she saw her friend’s visage in the mirror and swung around to look at her properly. ”Wow, Lo, you look good!” Clara says brightly before lowering her voice ”You’re not gonna get cold though are you?”

”Oh, I’m going to be absolutely freezing, but it’ll be completely worth the look on Carlisle’s face.” She smoothed out the dress before sitting on the edge of her bed. Willow looked under her bed and grabbed a pair of white heels before sliding them onto her feet. Leaning back, she smoothed her hair back and shrugged. ”I’ll wear my white trench coat there and take it off when we get inside. It’ll be fine.”xd

”Okay,” Clara replies with a nod, ”Just be careful, I don’t want you getting sick!” She turns back to the mirror to finish off her makeup. Pulling out her glitter once more she dabs it under her eyes and on her cheeks before holding out the bottle to her friend. ”Boys like shiny things,”

Grinning at her, she took the bottle and stood next to the girl at the mirror. She dabbed a bit of the glitter around her eyes and the tops of her cheekbones. Willow approved her reflection and gave the bottle back to Clara. ”I say we’re ready for this party, don’t you?” She returned to her walk in closet and grabbed a white trench coat out, sliding her arms into the article of clothing.

”Mm-hm,” Clara agrees enthusiastically, jumping out of her chair. ”Carlisle’s not gonna get mad at me again, is he?” she asks innocently, wringing her hands.

Willow shook her head and put her hands on the girl’s shoulders, bending down to look into her face with a grin. ”He absolutely will not, I promise. He’ll be too busy with Coven things to worry about anything else. Okay? So, we are going to take my car. I know your way is quicker, but. This way is safer.”

Clara’s face fell slightly at Willow’s instruction. ”But… mine is cooler. It’s a poof and tada, driving takes forever,” she complains with a sigh. ”Fine, but I get shotgun!”

”I know, I know. It’s very cool. But I paid more than my rent on this dress and I’d like to keep it in one piece.” Willow grabbed a clutch and her keys before grabbing Clara’s hand and practically dragging the woman to her car. She slid into the driver’s seat and started the drive to the Coven. ”I can’t wait to see everyone. I think this is the fanciest thing we’ve all been together, besides prom.”

”Prom had less old people so I think this is fancier,” Clara responds, buckling herself into the car and smoothing out her dress. She looks out the window and Willow drives out her driveway and down the street, watching the sunset through the trees. Clara always loved sunsets, Clara just loved pretty things.

”Oh, that’s true. There’s going to be a lot of older people there.” Her face paled as she thought about all the attendees. ”Carlisle’s mom is going to be there. What if she finds out we’re dating? I’ve heard she’s super intimidating.”

Clara shrugged. ”Maybe you should just hide from her. I have some excellent hiding spots in the house,” Clara had some favourite spots to stash herself away in when everyone in the coven was getting too much. All of which she found playing hide and seek in the house growing up. Luckily she was still small enough to fit into those hiding spaces.

Willow let out a slow breath as she continued to drive. She couldn’t just hide from people, she was an adult. She had to face them. Even though the thought made her palms all sweaty. Letting out a breath, she shook her head. ”No, I can’t hide. I’ll have to face her. Just remember me fondly, okay? Make sure my funeral is a nice one.”

Clara furrowed her brow at her friend’s words, trying to comprehend them. ”She’s not going to kill you… is she?” she asks her friend, watching her face carefully. For someone thinking they may die she seemed rather non chalant

With a small breathy laugh, she shook her head at her friend. ”I’m just kidding, Clar.” Mostly. She cleared her throat and looked up at the Coven house as they approached. There were several cars already there and she let out a shaky breath. She could do this. She couldn’t wait until Carlisle saw her. Parking in an empty spot just out front, she turned off the car and glanced at her best friend. ”Alright. You ready?”

”Mm-hm,” Clara responded, collecting the skirt of her dress in her hands. As much as she loved them they were awfully impractical. She awaited her friend to start opening her door before she did the same. As she stood she let her skirt fall back into place, giving it a quick swish with a couple of turns of her hips and giggling to herself. She then looks back up at her friend. ”Are you gonna go kiss Carlisle?” she asks.

Willow had gotten out of the car with her and grinned at the joy in her friend’s face. She smoothed out her dress and pushed her hair off her shoulders before grabbing her invite from the inside of the car. She beamed and bounced a bit on her heels at the girl’s question. ”Oh, most definitely. If he isn’t busy. I don’t want to mess him up tonight.” Looking back towards the house, she let out a breath. ”Alright, let’s go make our entrance.”

Clara gave a nod, bouncing to her friend. She hooks her elbow around hers and walks alongside her. As they got closer to the house it was becoming apparent the sheer amount of people at the event. She froze in her place briefly, swallowing the lump in her throat. She flashes Willow a smile then continues to follow her into the household.

Giving her friend an encouraging smile back, she led her up to the main house where their coats were taken. Willow looked around and soon spotted Carlisle. A beam stretched across her face at the sight of him in a tux. He looked incredibly put together and so handsome. She let out a breath and handed over her invitation. ”Hey, Car. You look great.”

Carlisle had been briefly distracted, and Willow was able to come fairly close to him before he realises. He jumped and turned back to face her. His mind melted. For a moment he didn’t say anything, his eyes instead focused and locked on the dress she was wearing and how it hugged her body. Swallowing hard, he smiled and leaned forward, kissing Willow on the lips. ”Welcome! You look even more amazing.. I mean… stunningly amazing”

A blush crept up her face at the kiss, then deepened to her cheeks at the compliment. The dress had done what she wanted it to do. Shifting on her feet, she let out a breath and grinned. Her cheeks hurt from smiling so much, and she absolutely loved that he kissed her despite being around everyone. Maybe now everyone would see that they were on their way to being a couple, even though Carlisle had never outright asked her. ”Thank you.” She tugged at Clara’s arm and gave her a small wink before looking back at Carlisle. ”Everything here looks perfect. You outdid yourself.”

"I tried my best. It's not done too badly" Carlisle smiled and took a step closer to Willow running his hand along her cheek as he leant in a little to whisper, so only she could here""So, after this we need to work on getting you out of that dress"

Her breath immediately caught in her throat as it went dry. She bit her bottom lip and couldn’t help a slight smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. Bringing a hand up, she ran the back of her knuckles along his jaw before she kissed his chin. Willow whispered back to him and winked. ”Only if you play your cards right, handsome. Gonna have to work for that reward.”

Carlisle felt his own throat go dry at the final statement. He could feel the heat rising, but at the same time people were queuing up. Regaining his composure he stood back up straight "Ahem.. I will be fighting hard for that then. Do enjoy yourself though" He said with a smile.

Willow’s smirk widened when she noticed her statement had hit its mark. She leaned forward and quickly kissed his cheek before dragging Clara past him and over to the main area of the room. Letting out a breath, she bounced on her heels and tried to hold back a squeal of excitement as she looked at the girl. ”I was so right about the dress. Told you, he’s over her.”

The past interaction was almost an awkward endeavour for the petite woman. Carlisle hadn't even spared her a glance, too enthralled by his new lover. Although Clara didn't mind being overlooked he had quite obviously missed the sour glares she was shooting him. Soon Willow was dragging her away, still glaring at the man until he was no longer in view.

At Willow's words she gave a half shrug, still not fully convinced at that claim. She then asks "What is he fighting for?"

Her cheeks immediately reddened as she tucked some hair behind an ear with her free hand. There was no way in hell she was going to repeat what just happened between her and Carlisle. Willow shifted her feet as she shrugged her shoulders. ”A, um. More time with me, of course. Come on, let’s go mingle.”

A @Sailorsadie & @Soufflegirl123 collab
Starring: Delaney Barlowe & Miles Price

It was only a night after Lilith and Miles had made up yet here he was again, in front of Huskers once more but this time sat in his car. With the later time than when he met Lilith the night prior hed’s had time to get changed. He tapped his phone over his hand repeatedly as he walked from his car to the bar. He had to admit, it seemed borderline scandalous meeting another girl in a bar right after reconciling with an old love but it wasn’t like that with Delaney. The girl was his best friend, his wingman, nothing more. They just ignore the one time they were ever more.

Miles pushed open the door to see Delaney at the bar, preparing a cocktail in a rambunctious display. He shook his head as he approached the bar with a goofy smile. He waited for the woman to serve her drink before calling out to her, ”I just want all the tea you have in this place.” He slips into a barstool. Miles and Delaney’s monthly catch-up was one of his favourite parts of the month.

Glancing up at the voice, she immediately beamed at the sight of him. It felt like forever since she had last seen him, even though it wasn’t more than a day. Delaney made sure all her current customers were set before moving over to Miles, pouring him a shot of his favorite. She handed it over before leaning against the bar. ”Well, well. Aren’t you lucky? I happen to have so much tea.”

”I’m willing to bet not as much as I do,” Miles replies, leaning into the bar also. After a moment he picks up his shot and holds it out to Delaney in a silent toast before downing it and slamming the glass back on the table. ”When do you finish? I don’t think you only want half a mind for some of this,”

Delaney raised a brow at the confession before looking over her shoulder at the clock. She looked back at him before refilling his shot glass. ”As if you don’t know when my shifts end. You’re my last customer.” She pushed away from the bar before winking at him. ”Let me close out on my people and I’m all yours.” Without waiting for confirmation from him, she nodded and started closing out the tabs of the patrons at the bar.

It was about ten minutes later before joining him at the other side of the bar. She nodded to her relief to pour her a shot of rum before she looked back at Miles. ”Alright. Who first?”

As Delaney joined his at the table, Miles gave her shoulder a nudge. ”Welcome to the fun side,” he jokes before ordering a beer from the bartender. After all the drinking the past week he was sure his liver was going to hate him.

At the woman’s question, Miles cocks his head slightly in thought. His beer is placed in front of him and he takes a drink, still thinking through her question. ”How about we flip a coin for it?” he offers, pulling his tattered leather wallet from his back pocket and producing a dime. ”Head or tails for you to start?”

Looking down at his wallet, she snorted and shook her head before throwing back her shot. She set it back down on the table and nodded for a refill before returning her attention to Miles. ”Hmm…Let’s go for tails this time. Though I have a feeling I know what your tea is all about.”

Miles chuckles at her comment, wondering how close she really was to guessing his new. Probably further than she thought. ”I’m not so convinced you do,” Miles muses before flipping the coin in the air. He snatches it in his hand and slaps it onto the back of his other hand in a closed fist. He then reveals the coin to show tails facing up. ”You first, Disco Inferno,” he says, slipping the coin into his pocket. ”First lemme guess. He took you back to his place and cooked you dinner. You slow danced under the stars and talked about your traumas and feelings then he dropped you home with a kiss on the forehead like the good boy he is?” Miles guesses, his voice half mocking in a few places.

Delaney smirked at the man and raised a brow. He didn’t know her at all. Well, he did. But he didn’t know her and Rowan. Picking her new shot glass up, she brought it to her lips and grinned. ”Well, yes. There was dancing.” She knocked back her shot and placed the glass back onto the table. Running a hand through her hair, she sat back in her chair. ”He made me dinner, like the good boy he is.” Her smirk broadened as her eyes held a bit of a sparkle. And he made me breakfast.’

”Damn, girl. Look at you go,” he says, pointing his bottle in her direction calling for the clink of glasses before taking another swig. ”So does that make you fully off the market now?”

Clinking her empty glass against his, she let out a slow breath and shrugged. She looked up at the bartender. ”I’ll switch to beer now.” Looking back over at Miles, Delaney scrunched her nose and grinned. ”Well, he asked me to be his lady.” She bit the inside of her cheek as she looked away from him. ”I like him, Miles. Like…like him. I want this to be it. I want-” Letting out another breath, she shrugged before looking back at the man. ”I want Rowan to be it for me.”

She huffed out a breath and nodded as her beer was delivered. Picking it up, she sipped at it. ”And that feeling alone scares the hell out of me.”

Miles’ fingers tapped against the glass bottle as she talked, his voice remaining silent until she mentioned Rowan asking her out. ”Boy howdy!” he called out in response. One of the few southern phrases he’d picked up from his family and the Montomerys, although it seemed out of place in his Pacific Northwestern accent. ”Look at you go, truly a one person woman now,” He was happy for his friend, it was about time she found her happiness too. As she confessed her last line, Miles nodded along. He knew that feeling way too well, he’d felt it with her but maybe in a different flavour. For him it was less of the fear of something new but moreso the fear of messing it up… again. ”I get it,” he shrugs before taking another sip of beer. ”Is he worth the fear?”

Delaney took only a moment to think about his question. With a slow grin, she brought the bottle back to her lips before nodding. ”Yeah. I really think he is.” She huffed out a breath and shook her head. ”He was, is amazing. Sorry, Miles, but you have nothing on him. Whatsoever.” The girl smirked then nudged him. ”Now. Enough about me. What about you and Lil? The thunderstorm back together again?”

”Wow, rude. I guess some people just don’t know perfection when they experience it,” Miles jokes, nudging his friend in return before bringing the bottle to his lips. At her question he gave her a goofy grin. ”Well, do you want the long or short story? I promise the long story is probably worth your while,”

]color=teal]”Oh, I’m going to need more alcohol for this.”[/color] She waved her hand at the bartender. ”Shots, and keep them coming.” Delaney finished her beer before tossing it in the garbage can behind them. She looked back over at him and nodded. ”Alright, hit me. I’m sure whatever put that dumb grin on your face is so worth my time.”

”Oh, where do I start?” Miles half teases before downing his own bottle of beer and setting the empty bottle next to him on the bar table. ”I would start with last Monday but honestly you probably figured as much as either Lil and I remember. We were wasted, man.” He starts before calling for another shot himself. ”Anyway, her grandpa John figured it out. Threatened me with a gun- not that I’m all that surprised. Oh! And Carlisle lives with them now?” At this moment Miles shot was set in front of him and he downs it.

She just sat there and blinked at him. Delaney had the inkling that Lilith and Miles had hooked back up, but there was so much more to unravel here. John threatening Miles- actually, no. That one didn’t really surprise her. But Carlisle living with them? Scoffing, she sat back in her chair as she looked off. ”That guy just keeps getting himself involved with Lil somehow. When the hell is he ever going to get the message?” She rolled her eyes and downed her own shot.

”He still doesn’t when it punches him in the face, literally. I kinda feel sorry for the man. I swear Lil nearly killed him.” Miles stops himself for a while. While he wanted to tell his friend about his godmother who died a decade ago returning he knew that was the last thing the Montgomerys wanted getting out while she readjusted to the land of the living. He hides his hesitation with a call for another beer.

”So family dinner was kinda a bust, I have to say. I was hoping to talk to Li just to figure out what is going on between us but between everyone just being at everyone’s throats it funnily enough didn’t come up,”

”Eh, he probably deserved it,” she responded. She held no love for the man, and was definitely not a fan. By a long shot. Delaney shook her head and took another shot when it was placed in front of her. ”I still can’t believe you went to the family dinner. After everything. Especially knowing how old man Montgomery is when it comes to Lilith. And, quite honestly, how he feels about you.”

At Delaney’s response Miles shrugged and scratched the back of his neck. ”I don’t know, I guess I was kinda hoping enough time had passed that things would go back to the way they were. In my defense we did plan this before Lilith woke up in my bed,” Miles replies with a huff.

Letting out her own little huff, she shook her head and eyed the man. She felt sorry for him, in a way. Delaney knew he was head over heels for Lilith, but there was a lot of pain there. She had seen the two together and it was like oil and flame. Then again, nobody else made more sense together than the two of them. She just hoped her best friend wouldn’t get hurt in the process. Or do something to fuck it all up again. ”Look, Mi. You know I love ya. But you two need to figure this shit out before it blows up in your faces again.”

”Yes, yes, I’m getting there,” Miles jokingly chastises before clearing his throat for dramatic effect. ”Last night,” he begins, looking his friend in the eyes, ”We met up again. And before you make some comment about me coming on too strongly or whatever, Li invited me out.”

He takes another sip of his beer before continuing. ”To start with, she just wanted something casual, I guess is the best way to put it, but I don’t know if I could take that, not anymore. Anyway, we talked, quite a bit and, well, we’re official again,” he says before downing his drink before his friend could contribute.

Delaney blinked at him before playfully shoving at his arm. ”You could have started out with that. Making me sit here thinking I’m gonna witness hellfire again.” Taking another shot, she sat back and folded her arms across her chest. As she thought, she couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped her chest. ”Damn. Look at us. You with Lilith, me with Rowan. One person people.” She scrunched her nose. ”When the hell did we grow up?”

”Who woulda thunk it?" Miles asks in agreement, slumping over his next drink. ”Do you have that sinking feeling? Like you’re scared you’re just gonna screw it up again? I was so so sure that I’d never mess up again, that I'd be perfectly committed but the more I think about it the more I’m scared I’ll get it wrong.” Miles turns back to his friend. Despite sharing such joyous news his face was almost twisting in internal pain. ”I can’t lose her again, D. I really can’t”

Looking over at best friend, she let out a slow breath before offering up a slight nod of her head. ”You won’t. We’re older now, we’ve learned from our mistakes.” Delaney cleared her throat and looked down at her drink. ”But I get what you’re saying. I barely have Rowan and I’m terrified of doing something stupid.” She shrugged her shoulders and looked back at Miles. ”But you two love each other. Everyone knows this. Just don’t stop fighting for her, okay? Don’t run anymore.”

Miles forces a small laugh. ”For almost a decade running is all I've done. Running and distracting and blaming. I just don't know if I know how to live any other way." Miles gives an exasperated sigh, bringing his new bear to his lips. ”I suppose you're right though. We're older and wiser… I hope,"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes at him. ”You’re older. I’m wiser.” Giving him a small grin, she shrugged her shoulders. ”You’ve already proven you can live another way, Mi. You came back to Lilith. And despite everything, the two of you are back together now.” Delaney groaned and shook her head. ”Just, whatever you do, don’t tell her we slept together. I rather like my hair in my head, okay?”

Miles chuckles, giving his friend’s shoulder a squeeze. ”I suppose I’ll save that little tidbit for when you really get on my bad side,” he teases.

Delaney eyed him. ”Don’t make me waste a decent drink on your head.” Looking down at her phone as a notification went off, she visibly became more soft. ”Anyway, Rowan wants to have dinner. I’ll see you when I see you. Don’t fuck up.” Leaning over, she placed a kiss on top of his head, ruffled his hair, and walked out of the bar, leaving him with the tab.

A collab between @Sailorsadie & @Hedgehawk
Featuring Willow & Carlisle

Everything had been quiet in the town and with the Coven. Almost too quiet. Almost two weeks had passed since she’d seen Carlisle, and it weighed on Willow heavily. He hadn’t been in the best of moods nor had he been appropriate with her and Clara’s return. Finally getting a day off work, she decided to check up on him herself. For…Coven related reasons. Or so she told herself.

Driving up to the Coven house, she parked at the curb and got out of the car. She smoothed out her deep purple sundress and pushed her hair off her shoulders before heading up to the door. Walking up to the door, she took a deep breath and shook out her hands, finding herself incredibly nervous. Why should she be? This was work related. Magic related. This visit had no other reasoning behind it. So what if she stopped by her house just to dress up? Didn’t mean anything.

The young woman knocked once on the door before letting herself in. She raised a brow and glanced around the empty front entrance. ”Hello? Anyone home?” Shutting the door behind her, Willow walked around the lower level and found no one. She could have sworn she saw a vehicle in the driveway. She eventually made her way up to the second floor before seeing a door cracked open. Peeking her head in, a smile immediately brightened her face as she saw the person she was looking for. ”Carlisle?”

The room she opened the door to was the coven leaders office. It was quite a nice little space, certainly not pokey. But at the moment it was decidedly empty. Amanda had moved everything out, leaving empty shelves and cupboards. In their place were little post-it notes that Carlisle had scribbled on; giving suggestions as to what he might furnish these bare units with. The only place that wasn’t bare was the dark oak desk in the back end of the room. It was littered with paper and folders, and buried there was Carlisle, who raised his head upon hearing Willow call his name. ”Hey! Willow, come on in!”

Slowly opening the door the rest of the way, she looked around the room and blinked. Willow distinctly remembered this room having much more furniture and decor. Tilting her head in question, she looked back at Carlisle and took in a slow breath. He looked ragged. She cleared her throat and approached the desk. ”Hey…I wanted to check in on you, since last time we spoke you weren’t feeling that great.” Willow rocked back slightly on her heels as she bit lightly down onto her bottom lip. ”So…How are you?”

Carlisle slowly put down the pen he was using, and put a bookmark onto the documents he was filling out, before folding it shut and giving Willow his full attention. ”I am alright. I think. Getting hit by exhaustion twice in a single week certainly was an experience. One I don’t intend to replicate anytime soon” With a click of his tongue, Carlisle rested his shoulders on the desk. ”So what brought you to the coven randomly?” He asked, somewhat perplexed as to why she was here.

”Um.” She brought a hand up to play with the ends of her hair, a nervous trait for her. A small grin pulled at the corners of her lips as she studied the man. He looked better than he had, so at least that was something. Tilting her head at him, she shrugged. ”Am I not allowed to check in on a friend?”

After how their previous engagement had gone, being called a friend was certainly a surprise. He was surprised he hadn’t had another glass bottle thrown at him. They seemed to be everywhere at the moment. Crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair he smiled. ”No, of course you are, I am just shocked anyone would be with what happened at the party. Though I suppose you didn’t get to experience it live.” He unfolded his arms and motioned for her to at the chair opposite the desk.

Quickly taking the invitation, Willow moved forward and swept her hands over the back of her dress before taking the seat. Her brows furrowed as she sat back against the seat, her legs crossing at the knee. She shook her head and let out a slow breath. She hadn’t quite been updated on all the happenings at the party, but she was still surprised to hear that nobody had bothered checking up on the man. ”I hear that’s a good thing, actually. To not have been at the party.”

"Yeah, I wish I hadn't of been there. Though to be honest, the reason it was a bad party was because of me. Things have changed a bit since then. I have moved out of the household. Couldn't stand being here 24/7" Carlisle unfolded his arms and watched as she sat down.

She blinked at that information. Nobody was living at the Coven house? Willow was pretty certain that she’d never heard of the house being empty before. Must have been some party. Clearing her throat, she leaned forward slightly, her elbows on her knees. ”Do you want to talk about any of it? I’m all ears. Always.” She gave him a reassuring grin.

"Well, there isn't too much to say. I didn't really enjoy hanging around with Hayden. Couldn't kick her out. So I moved out. Ended up asking Lilith for help. Even though we aren't still on great terms. The ranch has always been a safe space" It was true that the duo hadn't really made alot of progress over the past week. Carlisle was trying his best however.

Hayden. That was the new girl she heard about. There were quite a lot of people who had issues with that one. She gave a slight nod of her head as she actively listened to him, even though Lilith was mentioned once more. Not just mentioned, now they were living together? Taking a breath, Willow tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. ”Well, at least you know she’s always there for you. I have a spare bedroom too, if the ranch gets to be too much.”

Carlisle listened to Willow and nodded giving off a slight chuckle. "The ranch is something alright. But it's nice to be in a Hive of activity. Even if it is a bit tense at times." Carlisle would give off a soft smile as he watched Willow put some of her hair behind her ear. "Thanks for the offer though. One day I might just have to stay over for a night"

She couldn’t help the pink in her cheeks at his last statement. Willow cleared her throat and steadied herself. She was a grown woman, she shouldn’t be acting like some lovesick teenager. That wasn’t who she was anymore, even though she had been holding a torch for the man ever since their school years. ”Y-yeah, absolutely. Sounds great.”

Her eyes went back to the paperwork on his desk, then once more to the empty room. Willow let out a slow breath and decided to change the subject lest the flush creeping up her neck gave away her feelings. ”What, um. What happened in here?”

"Mother decided to clear the office of anything of 'sentimental' value to her. So basically everything. I need to find some things to replace it with. Though I am kind of holding off. With my mother disowning me… I don't know if I will end up becoming Coven leader. It could be Lil or Serena now. More now than ever" Carlisle had been avoiding thinking about the upcoming vote to decide the replacement for the coven leader. It was going to happen the day before the handover party. Normally it was a formality as everything had already been decided. But for the first time in a long while, people weren't so sure now. "Either way. I am stuck actually planning the event. And there is so much I have to order and arrange. I feel like a wedding planner"

Willow bit the inside of her cheek as she studied the man. She hated that he was going through so much turmoil. Clearing her throat, she played with the ends of her hair as she looked at the paperwork on his desk. The only real thing she could do to help was with the event. She’d never planned a party in her life, but for Carlisle? She’d do anything. With a short nod of her head, she offered up a kind smile. ”Lucky for you, you now have me. What can I do to help? I’ll help with any part of the event.”

Carlisle was going to simply shrug off the offer for help. Afterall, it was his job to do all this. And it wasn't that complicated. It was mostly signing paperwork. "I mean, there isn't alot to do right now. It's mostly just checking things have been ordered. But if you come back the day before the event, I could totally use some help figuring out how to decorate the place. I have no idea how to make it look attractive"

”Done. I’m your girl.” She blinked before giving an awkward laugh. ”For the event.” God, shut up, you sound like an idiot. Willow let out a breath before glancing down at the watch on her wrist. She hated that she couldn’t keep her cool around this guy. What was it about him, exactly? She couldn’t put her finger on it but there was something that just always kept her coming back for more. Clearing her throat, she gave him a small smile. ”Well, you look better than you did the last time I saw you. So. Maybe the ranch will do you some good. Sure Lilith’s grandfather is keeping you busy.”

"Honestly right now, I am not sure where I prefer to be, here or at the ranch. Both have their pros and cons" Carlisle ran his hand through his hair. He didn’t really want to involve Willow with all of the drama that was surrounding his life right now. He didn’t really know where he preferred to be and while Willow was being nice and generous, he wasn’t entirely sure how stable she would be, if she discovered what had happened on that Sunday dinner. ”Thanks for all of the help though. Listen, this is out of the blue, but do you maybe fancy getting a drink at Huskers this evening?” It was a casual question, company would be nice. Plus it meant he avoided going back to the ranch for a bit.

Her entire back straightened at the idea of getting a drink with him. Did he just ask her on a date? Or was she projecting her own wants onto him? Willow had to try not to react in such a quick jab manner. She had to play it cool. It was just a drink. At Huskers. With the guy she had had a crush on for years. No big.

Clearing her throat, she gave a slight nod of her head and offered up a small grin. ”Sure. I’d love to.” That’s an understatement. Stop with the stupid grin. It’s just a drink. She cleared her throat. ”Meet there around eight?”

”Awesome, it’s a date!” Carlisle proclaimed back, tapping his hand against the wooden desk. The idea of having a drink with someone had perked his mood somewhat. He had wished somewhat that it was him and Lilith going for drinks. In all honesty he missed getting drunk senseless at Huskers with her while everyone was at college. But Willow was a nice enough person to get a drink with, even if she was a little too enthusiastic at times.

Willow tried with all her might to hide the blush creeping up from her neck. He had confirmed it was a date. But, a friend date? Maybe something more? It wasn’t time to get ahead of herself. The man still obviously had feelings for another woman, but- maybe she could wiggle her way into his heart? It would all start tonight, it seemed. She grinned and nodded her head. ”A date. Yes. Well, I’ll let you get back to your checklists. I’ll see you tonight, then.”

Thinking about it. Willow was always enthusiastic. And she always seemed to blush whenever she was around him. Maybe he hadn’t noticed. Maybe he was so fixated on trying to chase after Lilith that he had completely ignored an amazing woman right infront of him? It was almost as if the darkness had been lifted from his eyes. He was looking at Willow in a different light all of the sudden. A very attractive light at that.

”Wait! Hold up” Carlisle called as Willow was starting to make her goodbyes. He got up and moved around over the desk until he was right infront of Willow. Was he really going to do this? It seemed he was. He stood there for a second, up close to Willow while staring into her eyes before suddenly moving in and planting a kiss on her lips. He could feel heat rush to his head as he did, this felt good.

Willow barely had time to react before he was standing in front of her, his face coming ever so close to her own. Is this happening? What- All thoughts went away as his lips brushed against hers. A bit stunned at first, she gave a brief second’s hesitation before deciding to go for it. Bringing her hands up to his chest, she placed them lightly against his shirt as she returned the kiss. Her entire face felt flushed, but this felt right. Just as she knew it would.

It felt as if some kind of cosmic rebalance had just shifted in the universe. Things were coming up Carlisle. His brain scanned through all the things Miles used to say to girls at parties. Anything that would make him sound all cool and suave. ”So yeah, drinks later, and maybe your place after if things stay this hot.”

Letting out a slow breath, she searched his face and blinked at his next statement. Willow tilted her head and couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped her throat. Patting a hand on his chest, she shook her head. ”You’re not Miles, Car. Let’s just start with a drink and take it from there, okay?” She grinned and leaned forward, brushing another kiss against his lips. Before he could react, she pulled back and raised a brow, a smile on her lips. ”I like you for who you are. Don’t go pretending to be somebody else with me, okay?”

It felt weird that Willow was able to tell exactly who he was trying to emulate. But she was right. She seemed, for some reason, to enjoy dorky, clumsy and somewhat always getting into trouble with his best friends Carlisle. The second kiss caused Carlisle to sigh with contentment. He simply nodded at her words and took a step back. ”Yes, So I will see you tonight at the bar”

”Eight at Huskers.” She grinned and bit softly at her bottom lip before turning, heading outside of the house. Willow had to play it cool, had to keep the blush from her cheeks and the pep out of her step. Soon she made it to her car. Slipping inside, she gripped the steering wheel and squealed with excitement. Once it was over, she cleared her throat and brushed her hair back from her face before driving off.

A collab between @Sailorsadie & @HaleyTheRandom
Featuring Delaney & Rowan

Stumbling out of the alchemy with Miles, she wiggled her fingers at the man as she walked into the main area of the Coven. Her weary and drunken mind had already forgotten about the werewolves. Looking for more rum, she moved over to the party table and found one almost empty bottle left. ”Finally. Delaney grabbed the bottle and downed the rest of the contents. She wanted to block out the fact that maybe their lives were headed for such deep shit now that Carlisle was cursed and the barrier was down.

Though, she did wonder if her makeout session with Rowan would be honored. She grumbled as she set the empty bottle down, reaching for another one. ”I did my deed. Now for my reward..” With a smirk, the girl went off in search of her hunky dunk.

After the attack from Lucien and his werewolves, Rowan had done the best that he could to remain cordial with those around him. He understood his duties as a healer, but sometimes the responsibility pissed him off - especially when he had much better things to do. He didn’t want to think selfishly, or make his fellow Coven members feel like he didn’t care about them - he did.

However, in all honesty, there was only one person that he cared to check up on right now.

After helping a young red haired man, Rowan rose from where he was knelt on the ground to take a look at his surroundings once more.

That was when he spotted her nearly dancing her way across the wooden floors, bottle in hand.

Delaney. His Delaney. His woman.

Was it strange to think of someone as yours when you had no claim to them to begin with?

Right now he didn’t care. They had both nearly just died. Carlisle was cursed, the barrier was down, and he was drained from healing others. He deserved something good in this life.

Quickly closing the distance between them, Rowan wasted no time wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her as close as he could before burying his face in the top of her head.

”You’re okay,” he breathed.


Delaney barely had time to react when an arm snaked around her, slamming her into a wall of muscle. She blinked and hiccupped before settling as she heard his voice. Burying her now healed nose against his chest, she inhaled his scent and beamed. His statement about her being okay confused her. Why wouldn’t she be okay?

Giggling, she pulled back only enough to look up at his face, a huge grin on hers. She shrugged her shoulders. ”Of course I’m okay!” Delaney giggled again before continuing. ”I was just looking for you!”

She lowered her voice to a very loud whisper as her face turned as serious as it could in her drunken stupor. ”I punched a werewolf in the face.” Her nose scrunched at the thought. ”Damn, my life is weird.”

It suddenly dawned on her that maybe he wasn’t okay. Delaney blinked and pulled back more to inspect him. ”Did they get you? I’ll kick another werewolf’s ass if they hurt my hunky dunk.”

Watching her expression and paying attention to the jokes that Delaney had made, Rowan's worries seemed to fade away.

”Yours, eh?” he chuckled, watching her inspect him from head to toe. ”I’m fine. Couple of the younger kids got banged up, but it could have been worse - they could have come prepared with actual numbers. But –” His gaze falling to the bottle in her hands, he shook his head, ridding it of all of the negative thoughts. ”It’s over now. I have much, much better things to dwell on.”

Delaney nodded along as he spoke before bringing the bottle to her lips, taking another swig. She didn’t necessarily want to drink anymore, but the drinking hid her fear. The barrier was down. Werewolves were getting in. What else could come through and terrorize their little town? The thought made her take another sip.

She perked up at his last statement and she beamed before looking back up at him. ”Yeah? Like what?”

Crossing his arms across his chest, Rowan smiled down at her. ”If I remember correctly - I think you and Lilith struck some sort of deal back there before all this shit hit the fan. I always like to make sure that the winners get their trophies, ya know.”

Delaney scrunched her nose at his statement before her muddled brain brought everything together. The make out session. Her eyes widened a bit before looking back at him. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she watched him. ”That’s right…A little makeout sesh with yours truly.”

She blinked once more and tried to shake away the rum that was now floating in her bloodstream. ”That’s uh, you know. If that’s something you want too. All about consent over here.”

Continuing to watch her, Rowan's smirk never left his face. He wondered if he ever saw her the same as he did; wild a free, an absolute force of nature to be reckoned with. Hair like sunshine, and eyes as blue as the sky on Sunday morning. At her mention of the ‘make-out sesh’, he silently laughed and quickly followed it with a roll of his eyes when she went on to explain.

”Woman, if you don’t get your ass over here –”

With Delaney being so close to him, Rowan decided to wrap his left arm around her waist for the second time, his right hand gently cradling the back of her head as he dipped her towards the floor before planting a kiss on her lips. He preferred whiskey over rum any day - but on her lips? He swore he’d never tasted anything sweeter in his life.

”Consent is hot. You are hot. But please do not ever hesitate to kiss me. Ever.”

As they both stood back up, Rowans eyes fell to the bottle of alcohol in her hand once more. ”Bring your prize and let’s go.”

Delaney was stunned as she was dipped back, but then the world fell away when his lips met hers. Her free hand came up to cup the nape of his neck as he kissed her. But then his lips went away long before she was ready. She blinked up at him and her legs turned to jelly.

Huffing out a breath as they both stood back up, she had to blink away the dizziness from her eyes. Damn alcohol. She didn’t know what to say to the man. He had kissed her. He actually liked her! Delaney beamed up at him and bounced a bit on her heels. Right then and there she was determined to kiss him whenever the hell she wanted. Rowan was hers and he just had to deal with it.

She held up the bottle and smirked at him, her brows wiggling. ”Alright hunky dunk. Where are we going? Your car? Your place? Can’t really go to my mine, I still live at home.” Her nose scrunched as the alcohol continued to make her ramble. ”I can try to sneak you into my place. Ugh, I really need to get my own digs. Living with my parents is wholly inconvenient.”

Hunky Dunk. Rowan didn’t think he would ever get used to being called that, but he didn’t mind. It was her nickname for him, and he would gladly take it if it meant he had somewhere special in that heart of hers. As Delaney rambled off her list, he took the moment to think.

”My place,” he responded. ”I can make you a nice pasta or something like you like, and then we can stare at the stars or some other romantic shit.”

Her face immediately brightened as a huge grin stretched across her face. Delaney leaned into his chest as she smiled up at the tall man. Her drunken brain was still a bit muddled, but she was becoming sober by the minute. ”Aww, so it’s like a date?”

With a smirk, she tossed the bottle onto the ground, not caring where it ended up. Carlisle could clean up after the party for all she cared. She took Rowan’s hand in hers and gave a slight nod. ”Let’s go have a date, hunky dunk. And I’m so cashing in on those kisses you owe me.”

Location: Apartment 4B. Sadie's and Ember's apartment.
Interactions: Sadie @Days Mentions: Christian @wolflover, Rhys @Pyxis

Seeing her friend's reaction to the jumpsuit positively thrilled the young woman. Hugging her back, she bounced on her heels and beamed as she watched the woman walk off. Sadie went back to her bathroom and spritzed herself with her favorite perfume. She didn't necessarily need to impress the friends that would be at this dinner; they were all family at this point. However, there would be a couple pieces of eye candy. Not that she wanted to date anyone. Her career was at the forefront of her mind. But she was a young, attractive woman. And women of her stature had needs that just couldn't be met with anything store bought. Maybe she could get a decent lay for the after party.

Hearing Ember calling out her name, she let out a breath as she looked at her reflection in her bathroom mirror. She spruced up her curls a bit before adding a light gloss to her lips. Winking at herself, she headed back out to her bedroom. She wasn't the cooking type, but was definitely the party type, so she grabbed a few bottles of heavy liquor from the top of her dresser. Thanksgiving was about to be lit. Sadie walked out of her room and held the bottles up for Ember to see, a smirk on her face. "Any bets on who's going to get absolutely smashed first?"

The young woman let out a light laugh before looping an arm through her roommate's. "Don't be so nervous. I love you, so they'll love you too by default. Don't worry so much." Giving her a quick peck on the cheek, she led her to the meeting place. Sadie gave a few taps on the door before letting herself in. She immediately beamed at seeing her party buddy, Angel. "Hey, girl, hey. I've brought reinforcements." Setting the bottles down on the counter, she quickly grabbed herself a cup and made herself a double shot of liquor. Sadie sipped from the cup before turning to face the others in the room. "Guys, this is my girl Ember. Embs, you know Christain and Rhys. That's Jasmine and Isabelle and Angel."

Taking another sip of her drink, she raised a brow at them. "Looks like Daniel is running late, per usual. He'll show up sooner or later." She moved to the table and took her seat. "This looks amazing. Knew we made the right choice by having the chef do the heavy lifting."

A collab between
Erik Matthews Marabeth Golding Sabrina Arison

First day was finally here.

A blacked out Rolls Royce pulled up to the curb, it's tinted windows reflecting the school. The back passenger window was slightly down, a young girl’s face peaking through. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. She knew her best friend was already there as per her live stream, so she was in a hurry to catch up with her. The summer had been great, but there was nothing like school at Edgebaston.

Seeing Alistair at the front gate, Sabrina let out a slow breath. The returning senior really couldn’t stand the boy, yet she put up with him for her twin’s sake. Or maybe in spite of it. In reality, she would probably ask how high if Alistair were to tell her to jump. Anything to put a good word in with Persephone and to stay on her good side.

The young brunette waited until her driver came around to her side. As he opened the door, she stuck one leg out, her heel landing on the curb. She grabbed the help’s hand and pulled herself out of the car. Looking up towards the school, the girl’s smile turned into a smirk. It was her senior year and she was ready to rule the school. With Persephone, of course. She had been apart from her best friend over the summer as she vacationed with her mother in Bali. Now, returning with a fresh tan and longer extensions, she was ready for all the school year had to bring.

Walking over to the front gate, she looked Alistair over and couldn’t help the small smirk on her face. He was no doubt giving all the freshmen a panic attack. She rolled her eyes and slipped her purse over her shoulder. Sabrina wasn’t ready to mingle with the lesser of the twins. The girl moved past the boy without a second glance, her heels tapping along the concrete as she made her way to LaRue hall.

She spotted riffraff along the way. Eyeing the redhead, she let out a scoff and rolled her eyes. The girl was too…happy, for her liking. Besides, Persephone didn’t care much for the girl, so why should she? Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she sneered her lip at the girl as she continued on her way to her dorm. Her luggage would arrive shortly thanks to the hired help.

Raising a brow at the look, Marabeth bit back a smirk and gave the girl the brightest smile she could muster. She raised a hand and wiggled her fingers in a small wave as she walked down the main walkway to the school. Her destination was the front gates to welcome any and all newcomers that would arrive. Then again, she hesitated in her steps when she noticed Alistair doing the exact same thing. She rolled her eyes and let out a slow breath. She could handle the LaRue twin for exactly two point five seconds before he got under her skin. But, she was stronger than that. Love was louder.

Mara moved over to the senior and stood next to him, a beam on her face at the arriving groups of young people. She bounced a bit on her heels and raised a hand in greeting. ”Hi there! Welcome to Edgebaston! Oh, I love your hair!” Turning to another new face, she looked the girl over and clapped her hands. ”Those shoes are to die for. You’ve got to tell me where you found those.”

The roaring of a motorcycle stole her attention away. Looking towards the lot, she waved her hand towards her fellow classmate. She leaned over and nudged Alistair with her elbow. ”Oh, look. It’s one of your favorite people.” Mara nodded in the boy’s direction as he walked up to them. ”Welcome back, Erik. Nice of you to join us.”

Walking up to the school, Erik gave a slight nod of his head to the girl before raising a brow at Alistair. He couldn’t stand the kid, yet he had to give him props in the gym. There was more to that kid than met the eye. Looking back over at Mara, he gave a lopsided grin. ”You act as if I’ve been gone this whole time. Literally been here all summer. So have you.”

Marabeth shrugged and ran a hand through her hair. It was true that she didn’t have anywhere to go like all the other students did, but she liked to act as if she had a life outside of the school. Most of the other Independence Hall kids just stayed outside of the school year since they had no home to run off to. Didn’t mean she couldn’t pretend. ”Don’t be such a spoil sport, E. It’s the first day!”

Giving the girl a small chuckle, he tucked his helmet under his right arm and held onto his backpack’s strap with the other. He slung the bag over his left shoulder and winked at her before heading towards the school. Erik was excited to see the friends of his that had been gone, but he was more thrilled to see one girl in particular. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too long till her voice would be back, fresh in his head.
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