Opening his eyes, Carlisle found himself somewhere new. First things first: could he move? He willed his legs to stand up and below and behold he could. Okay. so no longer frozen. So where am i? Looking around, Carlisle seemed to find himself standing on a train platform. He could see two train tracks either side of him. Oddly he couldn’t seem to see anyone else. Or any sign of life at all really. Looking up at the sky to see where the light was coming from, he could only see auras of luminous purple and blue.

”Ah you are finally here. I was wondering when you would actually show up”
The sudden arrival of a voice, caused Carlisle to jump.Looking around at the voice, he managed to locate the source: a tall slender man, clearly in his older years, but still somehow full of energy, with what could only be described as the whitest hair Carlisle had ever seen. He seemed to be wearing circular spectacles with a thick black frame. In terms of clothes he was wearing an exquisite Navy blue three piece suit with a matching bowtie. It looked like it had been designed to fit his figure almost perfectly.
”And who exactly are you?” Carlisle asked, taking a cautious step back, given their ability to just seemingly appear out of thin air. The mysterious male raised his arms disarmingly before continuing.
”I have had many names over the Millennia: Some called me The Ferryman, The Traveller, Heck even The Moonwalker once upon a time. The Greeks called me Charon ” Carlisle stopped. That was a name that he was familiar with. Now he knew where he was.
”So I am dead then?” He asked, preparing himself for the response he was sure he was about to receive.
”Not exactly. Not in the sense you think you are. This…” He started to raise his arms to show off the train station ”This is limbo if you want to call it that. The place spirits go before they either die, or go back to the world of the living.” With a shuffle, Carlisle took a step closer.
”So what happens now? Do I just wait until the train comes to transport me to death?”
Charon smiled lightly at his question. ”Well firstly we need to see if anyone tries to save you. And then you need to decide whether you actually want to return”
”I get a choice?” Carlisle asked, looking at the floor, a pang of shame hitting his heart ”Also I don’t think anyone will be rushing to save me currently”
”Of course you get a choice. A soul has to be willing to return in order to go back. And yeah, I saw what happened down there. Really screwed the pooch with that one hey” The male would bend down and sit against the armrest of the bench.
”Not my proudest moment. I ended up pushing away everyone I ever held dearest to me. Wouldn’t be surprised if anyone actually finds my body.” Carlisle raised his hand to check on his nose. It seemed perfectly in place, no damage at all.
”Well, you certainly didn't come out of that looking like a saint that is for sure. Said some things that weren’t exactly easy to take back, didn't you?” With a soft chuckle the male shook his head. ”Let me go over how this place works. This dimension is designed to act as a holding place, as well as helping you decide whether you should, you know, stay or go…”
”And how exactly does this place show me?” Carlisle interjected, looking around for anything that showed signs of activity.
”Well… you will see. However, I figured I should help you first. I want you to watch something. It is very important that you pay attention to what is unfolding infront of you. Don’t try and interact with what you see, as it won’t work. But I think it will at least give you answers.” The male raised his hand to go to click.
”Wait… Go wh-” *click*
The train platform disappeared in a wisp of smoke and seconds later, the smoke settled and he was standing in the coven household once more. Specifically one of the main reception rooms. He was confused for a moment while he had been bought here, only for his question to be answered a second later as Miles and Lilith entered the room. He felt his heart crash into his stomach. Why was he being forced to watch this? What exactly was the end game here?
He watched as Lilith and Miles spoke about him as if he wasn’t there. Only remembering that he technically wasn’t there. He didn’t exactly agree with anything that either of them were saying. Hearing Lilith say once more that she would never be into him once more made him nearly wretch in horror. Recomposing himself he heard Lilith start talking about Grandpa John. He swallowed hard. So earlier when she said to Miles she really needed to speak to him, this was what she had meant?
He had spent all day, the past few weeks even, focusing on his relationship with Lilith. He had been so blinded by his own desire, he had neglected that his friend was asking for help. He had drowned out those cries for help by his own selfish paranoia. He gasped for air, as he face became hot, Tears once more for the umpteenth time for today rolled down his cheek. He would raise his hands on instinct and wrap his hands around his neck, clenching tight as he felt his airway close. Charon appeared next to him watching the scene unfold.
”You know you can’t choke yourself to death right? You always do that when you are stressed, but it never works.” Carlisle lowered his hands after gasping for a few seconds. At this point, Lilith and Miles had moved on in their conversation. They had started to bond. And then it happened. Carlisle watched as they kissed. Both leaning in. While Lilith eventually snapped back. It had been done. Carlisle’s nostrils flared.
”SEE! There, I was right! Miles stole her. The bastard! I will kill him!” Charon sighed and rubbed his fingers over his temples.
”For a moment, just a moment, take a step back from your emotions. Look at them. Wouldn’t you agree that they are happy together?” Charon stared at Carlisle, hoping to break through to him.
”Yeah, happy at my expense. They will get to play happy couples, and I will once again be left alone. Carlisle sighed and ran his hands through his hair. He did have to admit, they did look peaceful. With the music faded from the room opposite he watched as the two closest people in his life got closer and closer. He felt his lip quiver slightly as he tried to keep it together once more.
”Now…. I am not an expert at relationships at all or anything… only been alive since creation and all that. But I would say, the mark of a true best friend would be noticing and accepting when your best friends have found happiness, and letting them have it. Even if it means that you don’t get your turn yet.” Carlisle wiped his nose with his sleeve before finally responding.
”I am happy for them. I am. But where is my happy ending? I have waited forever, watching as Miles took chance after chance from me. And now look. I am going to be left alone again. They will become a couple, they will bond, and sure, they will have a happy relationship. And then I will get left behind. On my lonesome”
”Yeah, but true friends stay together, even when the circumstances change. And well. If you could get over your own gain, then you would be surprised at how much they actually like you. And lest we forget. You aren’t exactly easy to be friends with. Both Lilith and Miles had to make sacrifices to be friends with you. Miles had to literally fight because he took you along. Lilith ended up helping solve your issues, she neglected her own.”
Carlisle took a hard swallow. His throat is now dry and raspy. He didn’t like taking any criticism, but watching them leave the reception room, he knew that Charon was right. There was no way that Carlisle could stop any of this. He had spent so long fighting what his mother told him he was going to be, he had neglected everything else in life.
”Okay, so now you have subjected me to my worst nightmare, anything else?” Carlisle said as he shrugged his shoulders.
”Well yes, but I am not going to guide you through it. Just walk out onto the veranda and everything will reveal itself. Just remember, some things will be trying to convince you to stay, and others will be trying to convince you to leave. Sadly, it isn’t possible to tell the difference between the two of them. You will just have to trust your emotions.” Charon shrugged his shoulders and clicked his fingers, disappearing in a billow of sudden smoke.
Carlisle stared around the room, walking over to the sofa that Miles and Lilith had just kissed. He placed his hands on the top of it, gripping it harshly. He wanted to tip it over. But he stopped himself for a moment. What would it actually achieve? Letting go he stroked the leather instead and sighed, taking a deep breath to try and centre himself. Miles and Lilith were happy. That was the important thing. Walking out over to the veranda, Carlisle opened the door, to see that the sky was the same purple blue that it was back at the train station. Maybe the scene in the reception room was just a hallucination, like everything else. Looking over onto the patio near the grill, he did see someone standing there. His heart nearly stopped. Looking back at him, was a younger version of his mother.
Carlisle stepped closer, going down the steps towards the grill. To start with neither of them said anything. All he could see was his other looking him up and down, a look of pure disgust painted over her face. Carlisle was going to tell this was going to hurt.
”You know… If I had known ahead of time that this was how you were going to develop. I would have had you aborted.” Her voice was cold, but true. Carlisle could feel her words coming through, not that of an imposter.
”I am sorry that I don’t live up to the expectations you so wanted of me” There was a hint of malice and rebellion in Carlisle’s words, but also sincerity too. He was legitimately sorry things turned out the way they did. But he wasn’t going to hold back.
”Yeah well, I got used to living with the disappointment that you brought to the family. Born a warlock. What an embarrassment. Not only could you not be powerful, you couldn’t even complete college. Name one thing you have done that you have actually completed and been successful at?” Carlisle stopped for a moment to think. Over a minute passed and then he finally spoke.
”I was made temporary leader of the coven.”
”And was that on talent or because of all the work I put in behind the scenes to convince everyone else to give you a chance, huh? And how is that working out for you? Cause day one and you have already been killed, and half the coven is trying to kill each other. Don’t exactly think you have got control of the situation. Except you don’t even know what the situation is because you were so busy being a failure trying to get the only girl that might actually make your existence worthwhile” His mother shouted at him, her finger pointing at him judgingly as he stood there and listened to her.
”Maybe I am happy with my life. Just because I don’t fit what you wanted me to be” Carlisle began to raise his voice to match his mothers, though he didn’t exactly have the same vocal depth as she had.
”All you had to do was be successful. Not majorly successful, but just successful enough to continue my legacy and give the middle finger to that bitch Mary. And you couldn’t even do that.” Amanda spat out, pressing her finger against Carlisle's chest which he swatted away. Carlisle did not respond right away. Instead, he tried to focus on exactly what she had said.
”Hang on….” Before he could even finish, Amanda finished her rant off first.
”And then, rather than being better than it, you decided to make friends with it and bring it over to our house!” That was it. He finally realised who she was speaking about. He had a hunch to start with, but now this just confirmed it.
”Miles? Are you telling me that you had me, to get back at the fact that Miles was born?” Carlisle could almost feel his heart slow down. He could quite believe what he was being told right now. His mother didn’t respond with a yes or a no, instead she rolled her shoulders and looked away from him. In the kind of way snobbish people did when they didn’t want to acknowledge your existence.
”You couldn’t even end up being stronger than him. That was the most basic thing I could have asked for. That was the whole reason you were even conceived!” So it was true. Once again Miles dominated his life. He took his girls, took his dorm, and now apparently, he owes his very existence to this man. It always seemed to be that everything in Carlisle's life was about Miles. And then people wondered why he was so paranoid about Miles coming into his life and taking even more things.
"Hang on… I was born just because Miles came along?" It was such a bizarre statement that he had to say it out loud. And it still felt wrong. His gut felt like it had been churning in overdrive. That sinking feeling in his stomach that he had since arriving here was now starting to feel like it was in free fall.
"Miles's father rejected my advances. We were supposed to usher in a new age of powerful witches by merging our bloodlines. But instead he chose that bitch Mary instead. So of course I wasn't going to let Mary have the last laugh!" Carlisle figured this was some kind of dream, so whatever he did here would have consequences. Clenching his fist he swung it awkwardly forward, hitting his mother in the face who gasped and staggered a step back.
”That’s for all the times you have berated me and made me feel like shit. I like Miles, and I don’t care that my whole existence was down the fact, you couldn’t live with someone else being happy.” He took a moment to shake his hand before continuing "I get that Miles is a handful. And women around him just seem to turn to putty. And yeah, it does feel like I am living in his shadow at times. But do you know what? I don't care. Cause he actually puts up with me" He then began to walk back to the veranda. Turning once more to look at his mother
"And I appreciate that being my friend is hard. Apparently I am a piece of shit and I haven't even noticed. So the fact he stuck around actually means something. Despite the flaws. And once I figure out all those flaws I will fix them. I will find new friends, and you know what. I will become coven leader, even if I have to face Serena in a showdown. But I won't do it for you, I will do it in spite of you!"' With that Carlisle stormed off back into the household leaving his mother out on her own.
Only a few moments later to find himself somehow back on the train platform. Charon was casually sitting on the bench that Carlisle had arrived on, eating an apple. Walking across to him, a look of confusion came across Carlisle's face.
"So I am back here, now what?"
"Well, I didn't expect you to finish your introspection that quickly. Normally it takes people a few days of back and forth torture and meditation before it sinks in." He said with a nonchalant tone.
"I don't think I have it all figured out. But look. If Grandpa John is in trouble. If he really is… Dying…" Carlisle struggled to get the word out by swallowing hard "But Lilith needs me. I need to be there." Carlisle began to speak faster.
"And what would you do when you get there?" Charon asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Something. Anything. Maybe there is an Abjuration spell. Something, or a potion that can reverse the effects." Carlisle began to pace back and forth.
"Wrong answer. That's you being you again. You have to fix everything. Have to be doing something. Maybe you just need to be there, give her a hug and say that sucks. I am here for you. Not everything has to be you finding a solution to a problem" Carlisle stopped in his tracks looking over at the male, A small look of confusion adorned onto his face.
"But what is the point in that? A friend is a person who solves problems. Makes sure they are okay"
"Your mother told you that, didn't she?" Charon started, shifting on the bench to get into a more comfortable position. "Everyone's happiness is more important than your own. You have to do what you can to make others smile. You need to bring value to the table in order to feel like you are doing good” Carlisle let out a sigh, listening to the words the deity was saying infront of him. He was trying to take in everything that was being told to him, but his mind kept wandering him to Lil and how she must be feeling.
”Look, this is all superfluous. I need to get back. I need to be able to comfort Lilith.” Carlisle would go back to pacing once more, staying still just seemed wrong.
”Well that is your next problem. You are no longer cursed, so you can’t uncurse yourself back, and because you aren’t dead, you can’t be revived. So right now you can’t exactly do anything. The only way would be to get yourself out of here by force. And there is no way you are going to be strong enough for that.”
Carlisle simply looked over at the male with a determined look on his face. ”Just watch me.”

”Ah you are finally here. I was wondering when you would actually show up”
The sudden arrival of a voice, caused Carlisle to jump.Looking around at the voice, he managed to locate the source: a tall slender man, clearly in his older years, but still somehow full of energy, with what could only be described as the whitest hair Carlisle had ever seen. He seemed to be wearing circular spectacles with a thick black frame. In terms of clothes he was wearing an exquisite Navy blue three piece suit with a matching bowtie. It looked like it had been designed to fit his figure almost perfectly.
”And who exactly are you?” Carlisle asked, taking a cautious step back, given their ability to just seemingly appear out of thin air. The mysterious male raised his arms disarmingly before continuing.
”I have had many names over the Millennia: Some called me The Ferryman, The Traveller, Heck even The Moonwalker once upon a time. The Greeks called me Charon ” Carlisle stopped. That was a name that he was familiar with. Now he knew where he was.
”So I am dead then?” He asked, preparing himself for the response he was sure he was about to receive.
”Not exactly. Not in the sense you think you are. This…” He started to raise his arms to show off the train station ”This is limbo if you want to call it that. The place spirits go before they either die, or go back to the world of the living.” With a shuffle, Carlisle took a step closer.
”So what happens now? Do I just wait until the train comes to transport me to death?”
Charon smiled lightly at his question. ”Well firstly we need to see if anyone tries to save you. And then you need to decide whether you actually want to return”
”I get a choice?” Carlisle asked, looking at the floor, a pang of shame hitting his heart ”Also I don’t think anyone will be rushing to save me currently”
”Of course you get a choice. A soul has to be willing to return in order to go back. And yeah, I saw what happened down there. Really screwed the pooch with that one hey” The male would bend down and sit against the armrest of the bench.
”Not my proudest moment. I ended up pushing away everyone I ever held dearest to me. Wouldn’t be surprised if anyone actually finds my body.” Carlisle raised his hand to check on his nose. It seemed perfectly in place, no damage at all.
”Well, you certainly didn't come out of that looking like a saint that is for sure. Said some things that weren’t exactly easy to take back, didn't you?” With a soft chuckle the male shook his head. ”Let me go over how this place works. This dimension is designed to act as a holding place, as well as helping you decide whether you should, you know, stay or go…”
”And how exactly does this place show me?” Carlisle interjected, looking around for anything that showed signs of activity.
”Well… you will see. However, I figured I should help you first. I want you to watch something. It is very important that you pay attention to what is unfolding infront of you. Don’t try and interact with what you see, as it won’t work. But I think it will at least give you answers.” The male raised his hand to go to click.
”Wait… Go wh-” *click*
The train platform disappeared in a wisp of smoke and seconds later, the smoke settled and he was standing in the coven household once more. Specifically one of the main reception rooms. He was confused for a moment while he had been bought here, only for his question to be answered a second later as Miles and Lilith entered the room. He felt his heart crash into his stomach. Why was he being forced to watch this? What exactly was the end game here?
He watched as Lilith and Miles spoke about him as if he wasn’t there. Only remembering that he technically wasn’t there. He didn’t exactly agree with anything that either of them were saying. Hearing Lilith say once more that she would never be into him once more made him nearly wretch in horror. Recomposing himself he heard Lilith start talking about Grandpa John. He swallowed hard. So earlier when she said to Miles she really needed to speak to him, this was what she had meant?
He had spent all day, the past few weeks even, focusing on his relationship with Lilith. He had been so blinded by his own desire, he had neglected that his friend was asking for help. He had drowned out those cries for help by his own selfish paranoia. He gasped for air, as he face became hot, Tears once more for the umpteenth time for today rolled down his cheek. He would raise his hands on instinct and wrap his hands around his neck, clenching tight as he felt his airway close. Charon appeared next to him watching the scene unfold.
”You know you can’t choke yourself to death right? You always do that when you are stressed, but it never works.” Carlisle lowered his hands after gasping for a few seconds. At this point, Lilith and Miles had moved on in their conversation. They had started to bond. And then it happened. Carlisle watched as they kissed. Both leaning in. While Lilith eventually snapped back. It had been done. Carlisle’s nostrils flared.
”SEE! There, I was right! Miles stole her. The bastard! I will kill him!” Charon sighed and rubbed his fingers over his temples.
”For a moment, just a moment, take a step back from your emotions. Look at them. Wouldn’t you agree that they are happy together?” Charon stared at Carlisle, hoping to break through to him.
”Yeah, happy at my expense. They will get to play happy couples, and I will once again be left alone. Carlisle sighed and ran his hands through his hair. He did have to admit, they did look peaceful. With the music faded from the room opposite he watched as the two closest people in his life got closer and closer. He felt his lip quiver slightly as he tried to keep it together once more.
”Now…. I am not an expert at relationships at all or anything… only been alive since creation and all that. But I would say, the mark of a true best friend would be noticing and accepting when your best friends have found happiness, and letting them have it. Even if it means that you don’t get your turn yet.” Carlisle wiped his nose with his sleeve before finally responding.
”I am happy for them. I am. But where is my happy ending? I have waited forever, watching as Miles took chance after chance from me. And now look. I am going to be left alone again. They will become a couple, they will bond, and sure, they will have a happy relationship. And then I will get left behind. On my lonesome”
”Yeah, but true friends stay together, even when the circumstances change. And well. If you could get over your own gain, then you would be surprised at how much they actually like you. And lest we forget. You aren’t exactly easy to be friends with. Both Lilith and Miles had to make sacrifices to be friends with you. Miles had to literally fight because he took you along. Lilith ended up helping solve your issues, she neglected her own.”
Carlisle took a hard swallow. His throat is now dry and raspy. He didn’t like taking any criticism, but watching them leave the reception room, he knew that Charon was right. There was no way that Carlisle could stop any of this. He had spent so long fighting what his mother told him he was going to be, he had neglected everything else in life.
”Okay, so now you have subjected me to my worst nightmare, anything else?” Carlisle said as he shrugged his shoulders.
”Well yes, but I am not going to guide you through it. Just walk out onto the veranda and everything will reveal itself. Just remember, some things will be trying to convince you to stay, and others will be trying to convince you to leave. Sadly, it isn’t possible to tell the difference between the two of them. You will just have to trust your emotions.” Charon shrugged his shoulders and clicked his fingers, disappearing in a billow of sudden smoke.
Carlisle stared around the room, walking over to the sofa that Miles and Lilith had just kissed. He placed his hands on the top of it, gripping it harshly. He wanted to tip it over. But he stopped himself for a moment. What would it actually achieve? Letting go he stroked the leather instead and sighed, taking a deep breath to try and centre himself. Miles and Lilith were happy. That was the important thing. Walking out over to the veranda, Carlisle opened the door, to see that the sky was the same purple blue that it was back at the train station. Maybe the scene in the reception room was just a hallucination, like everything else. Looking over onto the patio near the grill, he did see someone standing there. His heart nearly stopped. Looking back at him, was a younger version of his mother.
Carlisle stepped closer, going down the steps towards the grill. To start with neither of them said anything. All he could see was his other looking him up and down, a look of pure disgust painted over her face. Carlisle was going to tell this was going to hurt.
”You know… If I had known ahead of time that this was how you were going to develop. I would have had you aborted.” Her voice was cold, but true. Carlisle could feel her words coming through, not that of an imposter.
”I am sorry that I don’t live up to the expectations you so wanted of me” There was a hint of malice and rebellion in Carlisle’s words, but also sincerity too. He was legitimately sorry things turned out the way they did. But he wasn’t going to hold back.
”Yeah well, I got used to living with the disappointment that you brought to the family. Born a warlock. What an embarrassment. Not only could you not be powerful, you couldn’t even complete college. Name one thing you have done that you have actually completed and been successful at?” Carlisle stopped for a moment to think. Over a minute passed and then he finally spoke.
”I was made temporary leader of the coven.”
”And was that on talent or because of all the work I put in behind the scenes to convince everyone else to give you a chance, huh? And how is that working out for you? Cause day one and you have already been killed, and half the coven is trying to kill each other. Don’t exactly think you have got control of the situation. Except you don’t even know what the situation is because you were so busy being a failure trying to get the only girl that might actually make your existence worthwhile” His mother shouted at him, her finger pointing at him judgingly as he stood there and listened to her.
”Maybe I am happy with my life. Just because I don’t fit what you wanted me to be” Carlisle began to raise his voice to match his mothers, though he didn’t exactly have the same vocal depth as she had.
”All you had to do was be successful. Not majorly successful, but just successful enough to continue my legacy and give the middle finger to that bitch Mary. And you couldn’t even do that.” Amanda spat out, pressing her finger against Carlisle's chest which he swatted away. Carlisle did not respond right away. Instead, he tried to focus on exactly what she had said.
”Hang on….” Before he could even finish, Amanda finished her rant off first.
”And then, rather than being better than it, you decided to make friends with it and bring it over to our house!” That was it. He finally realised who she was speaking about. He had a hunch to start with, but now this just confirmed it.
”Miles? Are you telling me that you had me, to get back at the fact that Miles was born?” Carlisle could almost feel his heart slow down. He could quite believe what he was being told right now. His mother didn’t respond with a yes or a no, instead she rolled her shoulders and looked away from him. In the kind of way snobbish people did when they didn’t want to acknowledge your existence.
”You couldn’t even end up being stronger than him. That was the most basic thing I could have asked for. That was the whole reason you were even conceived!” So it was true. Once again Miles dominated his life. He took his girls, took his dorm, and now apparently, he owes his very existence to this man. It always seemed to be that everything in Carlisle's life was about Miles. And then people wondered why he was so paranoid about Miles coming into his life and taking even more things.
"Hang on… I was born just because Miles came along?" It was such a bizarre statement that he had to say it out loud. And it still felt wrong. His gut felt like it had been churning in overdrive. That sinking feeling in his stomach that he had since arriving here was now starting to feel like it was in free fall.
"Miles's father rejected my advances. We were supposed to usher in a new age of powerful witches by merging our bloodlines. But instead he chose that bitch Mary instead. So of course I wasn't going to let Mary have the last laugh!" Carlisle figured this was some kind of dream, so whatever he did here would have consequences. Clenching his fist he swung it awkwardly forward, hitting his mother in the face who gasped and staggered a step back.
”That’s for all the times you have berated me and made me feel like shit. I like Miles, and I don’t care that my whole existence was down the fact, you couldn’t live with someone else being happy.” He took a moment to shake his hand before continuing "I get that Miles is a handful. And women around him just seem to turn to putty. And yeah, it does feel like I am living in his shadow at times. But do you know what? I don't care. Cause he actually puts up with me" He then began to walk back to the veranda. Turning once more to look at his mother
"And I appreciate that being my friend is hard. Apparently I am a piece of shit and I haven't even noticed. So the fact he stuck around actually means something. Despite the flaws. And once I figure out all those flaws I will fix them. I will find new friends, and you know what. I will become coven leader, even if I have to face Serena in a showdown. But I won't do it for you, I will do it in spite of you!"' With that Carlisle stormed off back into the household leaving his mother out on her own.
Only a few moments later to find himself somehow back on the train platform. Charon was casually sitting on the bench that Carlisle had arrived on, eating an apple. Walking across to him, a look of confusion came across Carlisle's face.
"So I am back here, now what?"
"Well, I didn't expect you to finish your introspection that quickly. Normally it takes people a few days of back and forth torture and meditation before it sinks in." He said with a nonchalant tone.
"I don't think I have it all figured out. But look. If Grandpa John is in trouble. If he really is… Dying…" Carlisle struggled to get the word out by swallowing hard "But Lilith needs me. I need to be there." Carlisle began to speak faster.
"And what would you do when you get there?" Charon asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Something. Anything. Maybe there is an Abjuration spell. Something, or a potion that can reverse the effects." Carlisle began to pace back and forth.
"Wrong answer. That's you being you again. You have to fix everything. Have to be doing something. Maybe you just need to be there, give her a hug and say that sucks. I am here for you. Not everything has to be you finding a solution to a problem" Carlisle stopped in his tracks looking over at the male, A small look of confusion adorned onto his face.
"But what is the point in that? A friend is a person who solves problems. Makes sure they are okay"
"Your mother told you that, didn't she?" Charon started, shifting on the bench to get into a more comfortable position. "Everyone's happiness is more important than your own. You have to do what you can to make others smile. You need to bring value to the table in order to feel like you are doing good” Carlisle let out a sigh, listening to the words the deity was saying infront of him. He was trying to take in everything that was being told to him, but his mind kept wandering him to Lil and how she must be feeling.
”Look, this is all superfluous. I need to get back. I need to be able to comfort Lilith.” Carlisle would go back to pacing once more, staying still just seemed wrong.
”Well that is your next problem. You are no longer cursed, so you can’t uncurse yourself back, and because you aren’t dead, you can’t be revived. So right now you can’t exactly do anything. The only way would be to get yourself out of here by force. And there is no way you are going to be strong enough for that.”
Carlisle simply looked over at the male with a determined look on his face. ”Just watch me.”