Kazumin Nagasa

Time: 25th
Location: Carriage-Pinewood
Clickity clackity, rickekty clack..clack..clack..clack…clack! Round and round again as the carriage wheels trudged on in growing tandem with every new carriage tagging along.
On the mundane boredom ticked on and only the sounds of nickering horses and faint chirps of bugs and insects. A lovely full moon gave the incredibly bored Kazumin, fingers drumming in attempted unison with the carriage’s rumbling.
* Errgh! I should be excited as all hell for this trip and yet all I feel is fucking bamboozled!* Gently slamming his fist against the base of the window, the curtain rustling from his frustrated grunt.* And to be stuck with Mr. uptight Mcgee over here.* The blonde slyly glared over at Hugo, who quietly sat across, arms crossed, gently across his chest and eyes closed, appearing as if asleep..
Oh, but the stingy bastard was far from doing so, the slight sting of his neck where his small dagger left its all too unpleasant reminder, and for merely trying to flick his nose. A tightwad with a lot of anger, that one.
Kazuming leaned against the window, trying to peer out for a better peek, hoping to discern how much longer to this so-called campsite. Though still seemed a decent bit to go, having only set off minutes ago, for Kazu it might as well have felt like hours, as such had him shifting and miming all his thoughts as if he had been conversing with the statue.
Once learning this, he let his body collapse back down in a defiantly angry pose. He both wanted and didn’t want to go to this so-called camping event. Camping. What peasant and least of all, what farmer didn’t love camping? Hell, it was one of the few bloody damn things men like him could do and after everything gleaned from the meeting; this had been exactly what he needed.
At least, that’s what she told him.* It was her. That blasted maid and that wicked tongue of hers. It’s thanks to her I’m on my way to a d-d-...gah, fuck! Even the word!* He had turned, body coiling away, turning back to lie against the window; ignorant of Hugo’s presence.
* To think, a gift could come with such a hidden cost. Damn you Sasha!* In his frustrations, he pulled the curtains, and the luminescent flash enveloped Kazu’s visions.
[The blinding flash fades as the location rewinds to Asteroth’s estate half an hour before departing]
“ Owww! The hell was that for? Bloody christ!” Kazu cried out; left hand clutching his freshly red-printed cheek, followed by a grimaced wince at having his right hand tugged at.
Sasha with an irritated huff of air, blew a strand of hair from her face as she sharply pulled Kazu’s hand closer into her lap.” If you would stop moving so much, this would already be over. Course, if you had the sense to get it dealt with when you were with your friends we wouldn’t be in this situation.” She started with restrained anger etching the lines of her face, unusual to see on the mostly calm maid while her eyes, though showed concern.
Seeing the concern deflated his anger and with it gone, left Kazu feeling sheepish and ashamed.
Her anger was justified by having to deal with him bursting in with an injured hand and some unpleasant bits of news, though given no internal details itself, simply mentioning a meeting. The less she knew the better and each of them knew that the lord would expect a proper report.
Said report that could wait for it was easily apparent that Kazumin was stressed out, seeing him fidgeting in place and nibbling at his thumb without noticing, the stings of his hand and cheek long since gone from his mind
A final tug of the freshly placed bandage.” All clean. Consider yourself thankful it was just a cut.” Her face softened, giving his hand a gentle comforting pat.” It's discerning seeing you so shaken, Mr Nagasa. It must have been a…difficult meeting.” She soothed, her once angry words now a warm balm.
Hearing them afforded Kazu the respite needed to relax, albeit if a little since bursting his way in bellowing about needing a drink.
Could be it was the shock of him just plopping onto the couch and chugging the bottle over his hand like it had been dying of thirst that warranted the slap? He thought before dismissing it with an airy wave of the mind.
A tired sigh as he turned his hand over; cleaned and reeking of scotch, the partially emptied bottle now sat on the coffee table. Just sitting there, mere inches away from him, teasing him like the decadent whore it was! * Why are you not in my mouth?!* Kazu thought pained though he dared not make for it; a feeling any attempt would only be met with further pains..” Ugh…you’re telling me. If you had to be in that room with those involved, you’d be a right mess too. And…who decided to go and show up dressed in such a manner.” Motioning at himself still very much wearing the overly fancy, puffy suit.
A stifled snicker from Sasha.
“ You got any idea the time it took putting on this blasted beard?! Two hours!” Ripping it off as he claimed so.” And for wha- yeowch! Ya fuckin git!” Hands hugging his cheeks now burning freshly anew.” Here I go and have a lovely evening with Ruby and…and well let’s just say my day has been ruined….the meal was still immaculate and Ruby looked lovely..and ravenous for meat, but besides that, ruined!” A weak chuckle, rubbing idly at his burning cheeks all the while.
“ A damn bloody fool, that’s what I was. And one of them was drunk at that!” Kazu groaned incredulously, recalling the glass-breaking incident all too well. Gods, how humiliating, who else could say their first impressions of the prince were dancing with his sister and having a cheesy moment amid it all?
Frowning, Sasha had stood up and stepped around to gently place a comforting hand on his shoulder.” Shh, let's put a pin on this for now. It is quite evident you are in no state to fret over the matters plaguing your mind.” She nodded, her gentle grip tensioning slightly.
“ In fact, I believe there is something that may be exactly what you need to help get your mind off things.”
Lifting his head from his internal cringing, intrigued curiosity grabbed his attention.” Oh yeah? Hit me?”
She started as if to speak, but hesitated shortly as if wrestling with to say it or not then gave a simple disarming smile.
That damn smile. deceptively sweet and innocent like honey, but beneath her lips hid a viper.
“ Yes, before you decided to come in, screeching like a boy whose hand got stuck in a jar. I had intended to inform you once you had made yourself comfortable that Lord ASteroth, in his generous heart, had set up a camping courting event for you.”
Every word spoken, candied sweets, an attempt to cover up the ruse, the guise.
One that had worked, at first as Kazu’s face instantly lit up with color not formed from pain as he and his cowlick perked up, his body previously lying back now sat up, hands on knees, akin to a child eager at the prospect of a trip.” Camping?! Yes! Gods yes! Getting away from all this romantical and political bullcrap, and instead go roughing it in the wild!”
Now rubbing his hands together, the fun activities he typically enjoyed like hunting or foraging and climbing around like he was a monkey; such that he has since been deprived of, his excitement was palpable.
A confirming nod from the maid.” Do keep in mind that ladies will be joining coming along as well. So do keep in mind to behave.” A small wave of the index finger as she stated such.
Letting loose a long relieved sigh.” Really? Could be fun. Guess Lord Asty isn’t so bad after all. Odd though…one could hardly expect a group of noble ladies to go to a camping event….hang on a mo…didn’t you say courting?” He asked Sasha accusingly.
At this, the maid shifted and covered her mouth playing off a small cough.” I..I don’t believe I did. Now stop fretting and go get packed.” Attempting to get him up to shoo off.
“ You did. Camping courting event..you definitely did…courting…ladies..behave? While camping?!”
Then it dawned on him and with the realization, the world spiraled around him. Now his mind whirled; lost amidst memories, searching for something, anything that could explain how he could be so betrayed, his love of camping..merely a backdrop for a d-d-d-damn it all!
With Kazumin just sitting there like a statue, Sasha had exhaled, having expected his reaction to be far more reactive.” I know that this may be upsetting, after already going through what you have, but It is time you participate in courting, to go in line with partaking in all the formalities of nobility.” She attempted to explain, but no response came from the blonde, only the shifting of his eyes on her to and fro.” But, I know how much you love camping (in thanks to their numerous chats) and this way you can have a courtship in a place most comfortable for you. This might be exactly what you need to calm that busy mind..and might find yourself a lady at that.” Folding her hands and resting them against the bottom of her chin, where she gave a cute, almost pleading expression. She seemed to genuinely just want him to find a girl to finally get this spastic young man on some restraint.
Every word she said might as well have been spoken from space with how it sounded a garbled mess. That’s what he wanted, at least. But no, he heard every word; each like a dagger jabbing into his ears for each uttering twisted the knife in his back. The knife, the camp he could not escape, his nightly fate sealed. All he could do was sit there and stare at Sasha without really seeing.
Picking up on Kazumin’s distraught about this whole situation, the maid quickly cleared her throat.” A-and since this was thrust upon you out of the blue, I think allowing two little requests of yours might..improve the night for you and the lucky partner..” Frantically suggesting in the hopes this might ease the statued peasant.
A long minute of painfully awkward silence was broken by a low faint low groan, one that might be mistaken for a dying animal as Kazu slowly leaned forward until his upper body was bent forward and hovering above his knees. His right hand rubbed at his forehead. Still trying to work out what led to all of this.
Scouring his history in his mind, but none gave the answer he sought. Fingers moved to rub at his eyes followed by the slowest nose exhale a man could feasibly do before uttering a single word.
“ Why?”
Sasha with an irritated huff of air, blew a strand of hair from her face as she sharply pulled Kazu’s hand closer into her lap.” If you would stop moving so much, this would already be over. Course, if you had the sense to get it dealt with when you were with your friends we wouldn’t be in this situation.” She started with restrained anger etching the lines of her face, unusual to see on the mostly calm maid while her eyes, though showed concern.
Seeing the concern deflated his anger and with it gone, left Kazu feeling sheepish and ashamed.
Her anger was justified by having to deal with him bursting in with an injured hand and some unpleasant bits of news, though given no internal details itself, simply mentioning a meeting. The less she knew the better and each of them knew that the lord would expect a proper report.
Said report that could wait for it was easily apparent that Kazumin was stressed out, seeing him fidgeting in place and nibbling at his thumb without noticing, the stings of his hand and cheek long since gone from his mind
A final tug of the freshly placed bandage.” All clean. Consider yourself thankful it was just a cut.” Her face softened, giving his hand a gentle comforting pat.” It's discerning seeing you so shaken, Mr Nagasa. It must have been a…difficult meeting.” She soothed, her once angry words now a warm balm.
Hearing them afforded Kazu the respite needed to relax, albeit if a little since bursting his way in bellowing about needing a drink.
Could be it was the shock of him just plopping onto the couch and chugging the bottle over his hand like it had been dying of thirst that warranted the slap? He thought before dismissing it with an airy wave of the mind.
A tired sigh as he turned his hand over; cleaned and reeking of scotch, the partially emptied bottle now sat on the coffee table. Just sitting there, mere inches away from him, teasing him like the decadent whore it was! * Why are you not in my mouth?!* Kazu thought pained though he dared not make for it; a feeling any attempt would only be met with further pains..” Ugh…you’re telling me. If you had to be in that room with those involved, you’d be a right mess too. And…who decided to go and show up dressed in such a manner.” Motioning at himself still very much wearing the overly fancy, puffy suit.
A stifled snicker from Sasha.
“ You got any idea the time it took putting on this blasted beard?! Two hours!” Ripping it off as he claimed so.” And for wha- yeowch! Ya fuckin git!” Hands hugging his cheeks now burning freshly anew.” Here I go and have a lovely evening with Ruby and…and well let’s just say my day has been ruined….the meal was still immaculate and Ruby looked lovely..and ravenous for meat, but besides that, ruined!” A weak chuckle, rubbing idly at his burning cheeks all the while.
“ A damn bloody fool, that’s what I was. And one of them was drunk at that!” Kazu groaned incredulously, recalling the glass-breaking incident all too well. Gods, how humiliating, who else could say their first impressions of the prince were dancing with his sister and having a cheesy moment amid it all?
Frowning, Sasha had stood up and stepped around to gently place a comforting hand on his shoulder.” Shh, let's put a pin on this for now. It is quite evident you are in no state to fret over the matters plaguing your mind.” She nodded, her gentle grip tensioning slightly.
“ In fact, I believe there is something that may be exactly what you need to help get your mind off things.”
Lifting his head from his internal cringing, intrigued curiosity grabbed his attention.” Oh yeah? Hit me?”
She started as if to speak, but hesitated shortly as if wrestling with to say it or not then gave a simple disarming smile.
That damn smile. deceptively sweet and innocent like honey, but beneath her lips hid a viper.
“ Yes, before you decided to come in, screeching like a boy whose hand got stuck in a jar. I had intended to inform you once you had made yourself comfortable that Lord ASteroth, in his generous heart, had set up a camping courting event for you.”
Every word spoken, candied sweets, an attempt to cover up the ruse, the guise.
One that had worked, at first as Kazu’s face instantly lit up with color not formed from pain as he and his cowlick perked up, his body previously lying back now sat up, hands on knees, akin to a child eager at the prospect of a trip.” Camping?! Yes! Gods yes! Getting away from all this romantical and political bullcrap, and instead go roughing it in the wild!”
Now rubbing his hands together, the fun activities he typically enjoyed like hunting or foraging and climbing around like he was a monkey; such that he has since been deprived of, his excitement was palpable.
A confirming nod from the maid.” Do keep in mind that ladies will be joining coming along as well. So do keep in mind to behave.” A small wave of the index finger as she stated such.
Letting loose a long relieved sigh.” Really? Could be fun. Guess Lord Asty isn’t so bad after all. Odd though…one could hardly expect a group of noble ladies to go to a camping event….hang on a mo…didn’t you say courting?” He asked Sasha accusingly.
At this, the maid shifted and covered her mouth playing off a small cough.” I..I don’t believe I did. Now stop fretting and go get packed.” Attempting to get him up to shoo off.
“ You did. Camping courting event..you definitely did…courting…ladies..behave? While camping?!”
Then it dawned on him and with the realization, the world spiraled around him. Now his mind whirled; lost amidst memories, searching for something, anything that could explain how he could be so betrayed, his love of camping..merely a backdrop for a d-d-d-damn it all!
With Kazumin just sitting there like a statue, Sasha had exhaled, having expected his reaction to be far more reactive.” I know that this may be upsetting, after already going through what you have, but It is time you participate in courting, to go in line with partaking in all the formalities of nobility.” She attempted to explain, but no response came from the blonde, only the shifting of his eyes on her to and fro.” But, I know how much you love camping (in thanks to their numerous chats) and this way you can have a courtship in a place most comfortable for you. This might be exactly what you need to calm that busy mind..and might find yourself a lady at that.” Folding her hands and resting them against the bottom of her chin, where she gave a cute, almost pleading expression. She seemed to genuinely just want him to find a girl to finally get this spastic young man on some restraint.
Every word she said might as well have been spoken from space with how it sounded a garbled mess. That’s what he wanted, at least. But no, he heard every word; each like a dagger jabbing into his ears for each uttering twisted the knife in his back. The knife, the camp he could not escape, his nightly fate sealed. All he could do was sit there and stare at Sasha without really seeing.
Picking up on Kazumin’s distraught about this whole situation, the maid quickly cleared her throat.” A-and since this was thrust upon you out of the blue, I think allowing two little requests of yours might..improve the night for you and the lucky partner..” Frantically suggesting in the hopes this might ease the statued peasant.
A long minute of painfully awkward silence was broken by a low faint low groan, one that might be mistaken for a dying animal as Kazu slowly leaned forward until his upper body was bent forward and hovering above his knees. His right hand rubbed at his forehead. Still trying to work out what led to all of this.
Scouring his history in his mind, but none gave the answer he sought. Fingers moved to rub at his eyes followed by the slowest nose exhale a man could feasibly do before uttering a single word.
“ Why?”
[The agitation in the eyes rubbed away and as the darkness ebbs, light brings the carriage into view]
Fingers pulled from his eyes, annoyance etched in his features.” Pretty as the moon is, got no need blinding me like that.” Groaned the cowlicked blonde.
“ The farmer has returned to reality, I see.” Hugo’s harsh, gruff voice suddenly grated at his ears after breaking amidst the rumbling wheels.
Tilting his head without actually lifting his head from his left hand holding it up propped by an elbow on the knee. Only now noticing he had been bent over similarly as before for the past several minutes or so, lost in that horrid retelling that landed him here. And all during had drawn ever closer to the campsite. A convenient distraction in that regard, at least.
The stony guard now shifted in a more upright position, hands rested on his knees; hilt bouncing idly at the left side of his waist.” A peculiar sight. I assumed you to be the most eager for such an event as this?” Casually motioning out towards the window, where the light of flames flickering could be seen.
Grumbling was his answer at first, Kazu turning away in with a disgruntled meh.” You’re telling me. I should be, damn it. How can I when it's about courting!” Throwing out his arms in disbelief and then collapsed back against the cushioned seat, hands sliding down his face, where his left hand then dropped with a soft thump onto the camping bag sitting to his left.
The touch of the old fabric against his palm and the faint chinking of the canteen and other small camping trinkets calmed him.” Kind of her to let me bring this. This bad boy’s got everything any camper with a right mind needs.” Kazu started showcasing his gear whether Hugo asked for it or not, showing off some rope, a sewing kit, a canteen, an extra pair of socks, an old mostly worn-out sleeping bag, and a small tent among other things.” If there is one thing I can say to always have on ya when camping...” Snapping his hand outward with a metallic click of his pocketknife.” A handy pocket knife. Never be caught without it, certainly not when out in the woods.” He laughed as he showed off his gear.
Raising his brow; a small dismissive snort at the dingy switchblade.” If that is your go-to weapon for hunting then I pity the game you hunt.” Shaking his head, amused.
This net him an offended gasp.” The fuck? No!” He denied vehemently; diving into the back where from deep within, he had wrested a large old and well-used hunting knife, a slip of its old cow-hide sheath soon glinted the hunting blade’s beauty.
The knife, at first glance, looked nothing special. Simple make with strong signs of wear and tear, signs it was a few generations old passed down. The blade, however still looked as sharp as it was new that showed great care.” Nah, now this. This is my hunting weapon. The nagasa’s hunting knife.”
He held it with a gentle, yet firm grip and gave a few coy slices of the air in demonstration, the agile ease he did so showed his comfortability and skill, the cherished joy overflowing from his eyes as he admired the heirloom before a sadness took his brow, for it was in his hands but only for a borrowed time, till oldest under him came of age.” Mhm, this knife has slain many a beast of all sizes. Even took out a bear…or so grandpap told me and I’m choosing to believe it.” Guffawed Kazu.
He studied the giddy farm boy brandishing said knife though it was his talk of hunting beast and bears that had unexpectedly brought the man to laugh.
An act that took Kazu by shock, but far be it from him to miss an opportunity, shifted his position until he sat in a pose reminiscent of a grumpy old coot with a glinting stink eye aimed at the guard, brandishing the knife with mock threatening.” Find somethin funny, do ya, sonny?” Snorted the kazu-coot.
Hugo momentarily obscured his face with his left hand as if ashamed of letting this bit of emotion slip.” I suppose I should give apologies. But, I cannot help but find the idea of courting a lady terrifying you more than wild beasts.” The so-called stoned knight had struck Kazu’s male pride with a boulder slight.
“ H-hey! I’m not scared of gals..er vilage ladies…but noble ladies? They’re whole different class and in my case, literally. Do I look like the kind of guy who should be mingling with all those beautiful, high-class ladies?” Asked while slouching back and leaning against his pack, the cowlicked farmhand sat wearing no fancy suit or silly get-up or disguise, he merely wore his overalls and loose shirt beneath. (Freshly washed and steamed at that, Sasha ensured that)
Hugo, stroking at his chin shook his head in response.” Surely, knowing what this event entails you would have thought to have chosen your attire more appropriately.”
An exasperated sputtering of the lips.” If I got to spend the night stuck at a campsite trying to woo some lady who is leagues above my station, at that. I will do so in **proper** camping attire and I will not be denied my requests.”
A weary sigh from the annoyed gentleman, before he could say anything, Kazu interjected.” And fair warning right now, to be clear. Anyone tries to make me wear some uptight suit on this one night…I’mma deck em on the mouth.” He stated matter-factly with a look saying just try me.
This warranted Hugo to dismiss his original words with a wave of the hand.” Fret not, I have no intention of earning your ire over a minor issue, however, I would not be remiss to remind you to behave, regardless of whatever reasons for your…overdramatic fears.” Warning in his tone.
His mood relenting as he then raised his hands in a defeated manner.” Easy, easy. Just cause I have no idea what the hell I’m gonna do, being a jerk to a lady is the furthest from my mind. Believe me, I’ve already got plenty of bad eyes on me as it is, don’t be needing to get anymore coming after me.” Knowing his luck, he doubted things would go so smoothly, to his chagrin.
“ Long as it is understood.” House Asteroth needed not more negative views and to see young Kazumin shaken up by something simple as a courting event.” I wish to state this and I say so with no offense more so to understand, but one would think that one of your status would jump at such an opportunity.” Saying it out aloud left the man visibly perplexed as he peered at the younger man queerly.” Certainly, were it any man from your village they would be rightfully beside themselves.” Finishing his vocal pondering with a small smack of the lips, eager for an answer.
The questions that hit Kazumin left him appearing as if he might hit back with a rebuke, instead let out a sigh as he slipped the knife back in the pack before leaning forward, yet again with arms resting along his knees, fingers pressed together musingly as he gazed somewhere between the floor and Hugo.” Heh, you’re definitely not wrong there.” Chuckled, a soft smile lined with sad chocolate brown eyes.
That was something he had been wondering about, himself, for as long as he could think.” If any of the fellas back at home had even an inkling of what I was doing, they’d have me sack and clobbered with filled socks.” Unable to help but snicker at the image of the sheer jealousy they would have.” You don’t even want to know what the Anastasia fan club would do. Man, if they ever find out I danced with their beloved p r i n c e s s ….” Trailing off having said the last word in a long slow process as flashes of the newspaper hit like a spun newswheel, dawning on him.” Shit! Oh fuck! You don’t think the news got to them, already, do you?”
[Quick zoom to a small run-down barn in a secluded outcropping a smidge removed from Kazumin’s village]
A group of drunk and incredibly pissed farmhands of varying ages and some gals huddled and crying around their treasured poster of Princess Anastasia. Sitting inches below, lie the poster depicting the source of their woes with mentioned newspaper scrap pinned next to Kazumin’s stupid grinning face. The image had been drawn over to look like a scummy dirtbag with crude scribbles and drawings.
Voices cried out in frustration.” Damn you Kazu!” and “ It should have been me-e-e-e!” Along with. “ Fuck him and his bouncy cowlick!” Among other jeers and booes aimed at Kazu as rocks and darts were flung, some brandishing voo-doo dolls trying to curse him.” Go to hell you blonde bastard!”
[Best mosey on back]
Scratching at his chin, pondering for a minute then shrugged his shoulders.” Ahh it will be fine. Hardly any of them can hardly read anyway….might need to ask Ani for some kind of gift to take back for them though..just to be safe.” Further chin scratching pondering at this.
“ Anywho, let’s just say for short story sake, my interests always been in other places like exploration and so forth. Hm…” Why was that so, he hoped to discern that eventually. A clap of his knees and a big huffing exhale.” Phew, welp. Not much I can do about it, so might as well try and get into the spirit. Lords knows some good old roughhousing is good for a hard reset, a break from all the drama nonsense and a chance to have the ladies experience camping could make this an interesting night.” Excitement began to fill his face anew.
A quizzical raise of the brow from Hugo.” Roughhousing? Mr. Nagasa….it seems Miss Sasha has failed to relay the full details of this camp event.” Obscuring his face, hiding an amused smirk as he had a feeling it was by no means an accident. For once, Hugo would get to enjoy a little show.
This was met with a quizzical tilt of the head from Kazu.” What? The fuck are you goin on ab-” Mouth went agape as the carriage pulled up and around to a stop at the entrance of pinewood. And with each horrific rumbling clack of the wheel, came the views of the tents and festivities. His face now pressed against the window’s glass, eyes widening in horror as he took in the disgustingly glamerous tents and lavish decorations and facilities all their fancy typical crap.
“ no……no…..No………Noo N- ooh I do like the lanterns though……NOoooo- oh god whyyy!” Face pressed further upon the glass in between each pause, forced to take in the hellish scene drawing upon him.” Oh..no..gods….what have you noble bastards done?! Is nothing sacred…oh lords, Hugo no..this..this isn’t camping? This..this sick abomination…what the hell even is this? Glamorous camping? Glamping?! Glamping Hugo!”
Sounds of immense disappointed wailing and thumping of forehead against glass could be heard. The carriage rocketed gently as Hugo was left to let the distraught fool get it all out.
Nearly five minutes passed before the door finally clicked open, where a dejected Kazumin stepped his way down, pack clutched and held to his right side; noticing the rest having gathered in the pavilion and with a defeated sigh, he trudged his way over.
Along the way as he went.” Ugh…come on, Kazu. You still got your pack, can still camp your way after…” Glancing around at the overly-indulgent set-up surrounding him, a mockery of camping; gagged from the sights, a headache inducing onslaught almost.” You can do this. Shouldn’t be that hard to do this whole..courtship thing. I can only pray its not a lady of stupidly high standing….might be some smaller house or someone I know, yeah? The uncertain blonde pep-talked with only marginal effect leaving him more nervous than agitated now.
Soon pulling up to the group, giving himself one last deep breath.” It’s all good. Just go at it like you always do without stressing so much. Just think of this as a normal camp night out and it all should go smoothly…..gods I hope so.” At the very least he could only hope this night would not get any worse.
“Once everyone gathers 'round, we’ll start handing out your tent assignments! And,” she added with a playful wink, “you’ll be assigned your partner for the evening. So stay close! It’s going to be an unforgettable night!”
The announcement by the preppy duo, the real and stark reminder of the real purpose he was here for. And he had to put up with such peppy schmucks, you know those overly preppy counselors? This campsite was starting to feel more like a hellscape.
“ There better be some damn booze somewhere in this blasted camp. Damn you, Sasha.” Glaring his disdain at the moon, swearing to see her face almost mocking him.