Prepare for the holly jolly impact, boys. Grab your stockings and pull because christmas is immanent!
Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.
Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.
Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.
Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.
Hate kanaya and Jade.
My Homestuck class: Bard of Void
Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.
Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.
Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.
Welcome to your new life, faithful party patron. You have been selected out of an enormous pool of potential applicants because of your unique qualities, experiences and expendability. The party thoroughly welcomes you to the stars, in your enevelope you should have your work contract prepared, a proof of identity and your humanity's officers recommendation. All funds and possible bonuses will be rewarded yearly on the completition of your tasks.
Now with all that out of the way, you be may wondering "Why have I been shipped for over 6 years to a station on the very cusp of the party's newly claimed territories?" put it simply, you are our eyes, ears and hands within the gullet of this brand new and still unexplored space within our recently expanded border. You and a crew of party officials and fellow citizens will be exploring this part of space, performing new objectives and task that can range from medical, resource reaquisition and even military along a list of other things.
To help you with this an over seer and A.I will be aiding you aboard your new ship. Right, Let's get started.
Captain: Supposedly has authority but got to work under the overseer and AI most of the time. Naturally if either of your direct superiors fuck up only you will be punished.
The bridge between the crew and the authority.
Responsbility: Dictates where the ship goes-when the OS or the authority isn't screaming at you- have a weekly screaming match with the OS. Try to get the crew to do what the OS wants, try to get the OS to do what the crew wants.
Be hated by the crew, be hated by OS, be hated by the party. If you somehow manage to pull off balance you'll be a true ace captain.
Die either with everyone hating you or one side hating you. Typically you're the one everyone screams at over comms in blame when you warp directly into a quantum ghost monster grave yard or something. Then get fined and blamed for everything at your grave by the party.
Oh and you command the crew most of the time when OS isn't trying to take control.
Engineer: In charge of making sure the ship don't explode. Gets requested to do stupid or insane stuff half the time. Unsurprisingly has lower records of survivial than military units.
Responsbility: Die to a solar flare because you had to fix the rad sheilding outside the ship after the captain decided to get too close to a sun. Make sure shit remains functional, build things they tell you to build. Be expected to work in insanely hazadous conditions.
Security: Soft Coded mutated, augmented monsters. Typically a trusted or aspiring member of the inner authority special club. a "part of the crew" that is until he crushes their skulls with his bare hands for not following the latest authority order.
Responsbility: Protect and enforce party members(the OS) wishes. Protect party interests. Use your super strength to literally fucking punch peoples head apart like a water melon when the crew thinks its a good idea to mutiny.
*athem* "protect the crew"*wink wink* or at least make them think that's a part of your job.
Medical: In charge of making sure the crew dosen't die. Get's fined for "waste of resources" when a crew member dies, also gets fined for waste of resources for using resources to save crew members. A good way to make sure you don't have to actually pay your skilled medical staff.
Responsbility:Go to jail for extremel neglect of duties when your crew dies. Curse your career feild when you and the crew dies. Achieve the impossible and someone stop the crew dying.
Janitoral: Janitors are mandatory but low enough in rank for no one to really care about 'em. They have a tendency to be spys..revolutionaries...mutants...generally crazy shit. It dosen't help that if a janitor isn't something nuts he'll be mutated somehow into one via exposure to hazardous material.
Responsbility: Random. Have to undergo rad treatment for weeks because you were forced to mop up radioactive core leakings. General handy man, if it has no moving parts-like furniture- or extremely simple-like a light bulb- you're expected to fix, maintain and clean it.
May occasionally be forced to be the OS servant...or the captains servant.
AI: Follows direct commands from the authority. Also confers constantly with the overseer. Total sociopaths, they'll have any feelings that permitted by their current laws or objectives. One moment they can love you like a mother, next they can start terminating you coldly becaus the crew have been deemed too suspect.
Responsbility: Obey 3 laws. Obey Authority PM links. Make some sort of effort to stop the crew warping into a sun.
Direct Overseer: Inner party member of the authority. Know he can fuck your life up forever, most do. They have total legal authority on any ship and the A.I generally follows their lead-unless it conflcits with laws or orders-nothing like being forced to pay a 99999 dollar fine with no trial because you told the overseer to go fuck himself.
Responsibilities: Keep an eye on the crew, abuse the crew, make sure they don't get tempted by the air of freedom and do things according to the authority interests. Basically play manager/inquisitor in this death trap of a ship.
Citizen: No idea how these guys get on board. Sometimes they are being transported, sometimes they are VIP workers for the authority. Sometimes funny enough they pay to go on a geniune space adventure.
Responsbilities: Contextual to each civillian, typically little to none.
Military: They aren't as heavily augmented or powerful as the security guard but they make up for it with training and armory access. Typically pirates, bandits, prisoners ectr ectr who got roped via debt or threatened imprisonment.
Responsbility: Protect the ship/crew. Scout locations and board ships/areas. The armor of the away party. Doom the crew when you back on board as you melt from alien acid and accidentally spread an ultrafast flesh eating bioweapon to everyone.
-------------------------------------------------------- In the event all of zelta crew dies a new crew will be assembled with the next number up in name over and over unil the dying ceases.
[u][b]Appearance: [/b][/u]A brief description of your physical attributes.
[u][b]Recommendations Officers Personality Observations:[/b][/u] Your personality as observed by your recommendation officer. This can be an officer who is in charge of looking over office employees, officers in charge of prisons or even a psychologist you normally talk to and so on.
[u][b]Traits: [/b][/u]
Physical or psychological attributes that help define how you act. Typically one or 3 words. Such as schizophrenic, augmented, wheel chair bound, color blind ectr.
[u][b]Your Agreed Contract:[/b][/u]
In order for you to fulfil your responsibilities to the party within the depths of space you are hereby to receive a weekly supply of rations with a class of a C- anti-aging compound mixed within.
You will receive a class C (bare minimum) training for your intended role upon the ship.
You hereby acknowledge that refusing this contract will incur a fine of roughly 32 million liquid currency in accordance with the penalty of wasting party time. You also hereby that dying or failing to fulfil the duties given to you by the time your work contract ends will apply this fine to yourself, or if you die, to your next of kin.
[b]Remember:[/b] Exceptional service may get you potential application as a party member!
[b]Remember:[/b] Poor performance may be realized as improper commitment of applied duty and you will be billed for your lodgings, rations, equipment, medical services, air, gravity, power usage and human on human contact.
You [b][NAME HERE][/b] agree to the terms and conditions of this contract and will fufill as the ship's [b][ROLE][/b] until your 100 years of commitment is complete.
Disclaimer: the authority has the right to decrease or increase the commitment years of this contract as they see fit.
[Personal Relationships]
List each player driven character here and your characters thoughts/ relationship with them. Update this as your relationships develope.
EG: Bob the Engineer: That guy's a total nutter, I'd avoid him but he's too much fun to not watch.
The items you personally start with, if you have a role check the PACKAGE POINTs and then your role to see what you can buy. You have 25 package points.
1: You DON'T need to read all of these, none of them provide crucial information to the world or the lore. You can simply skip to your interested role and read your options.
2: Don't like reading through and picking stuff? Just put a "A Box of Crap" and I'll give you random package items myself. This has a chance to give you random items not normally open to your role. Security cannot pick this.
Janitors and Citizens get boxes of crap automatically.
3: Prices are located BELOW the item. Just to avoid any confusion.
Grid Eye
Grants you the ability to see through the eyes of one camera at a time on your own ship. If your ship has any motion alarms you will get an update when one is set off.
10 PP
Attitude Adjuster
A hand gun with several blitsing bulbs and wires interconnecting all over it. One shot reload. Scrambles any humans brains who is hit by it. Causing them to become PACIFIED and can't perform any sort of violent action for the next 24 hours.
BE AWARE: the attitude adjuster has been known to cause mental illness and stimulate the growth of strange or unsual quirks. You get 1 ammo for each crew member besides the OS and AI.
5 PP
Special Supply Permissions
An authority gives you permission to pick up any supplies you may find in space that is still the property of the party. This stops the A.I killing you for being a piece of shit criminal thief. But more importantly it helps you keep the ship rationed between supply chains.
5 PP
Crew Tracker
A small motion device that tells you where your crew is at that time. Dosen't detail their status in anyway.
5 pp
Hyper Lane Radio Transciever
A special type of radio that sends it radars signals across the hyper lane. It's considerably faster and not affected by normal radio inteference, it also allows you to talk to your crew on their recievers even if they can't talk back.
BE AWARE: hyperlane radio signals has been known to cause physical and mental issues to those exposed to it for long periods of time.
10 pp
Additional Rations
You get a week of presevered rations that will last for the next 300 years. I hope you like the taste of powdery, dry jerky.
5 pp
Additional Measures
You and your crew get an extra accesory and utility in your ship.
15 pp
Red Alert
A special permission by the authority, when you believe your ship absolutely and totally buggered you can activate a special Red Alert core that will randomly causes your ship to burst its core to perform a warp drive 100 light years forward. This also puts out any fires.
10 pp
XO Scanner
An xray scanner to the entrance and exit of your ship that shows peoples insides. This reveals any weapons or abnormalities.
10 pp
Box of Crap
A random box of bullshit packaged by the local aqusitions administrator. Basically means you don't have to pick stuff if you're lazy but also means you might get totally useless items. Small chance you'll get items outside of your role.
25 pp
Security Modification Authority
A pod which converts another member into the same type of super soldier as the current security. This sec-as all secs- are soft coded to do as you or the party says. Keep in mind that security officers are not IDEAL for handling many issues on the ship due to their augments and most crew find the prospect of being made a sec horrifying.
BE AWARE: it's insanely painful. Don't use on yourself unless you want to break your party contract.
20 pp
Modification Module
A ray gun with a blazing battery at the back and a brimming golden coat. It has 6 shots. Any organic person hit with this will change to the over seers previously imput specifications.
BE AWARE: has been known to cause catastrophic mental and bodily mutations.
5 pp
Enforcement Entourage
A pair of security bots that float about. Are equiped with 4 autocanons that release taser bullets design to implement intense pain and knock out subjects. Heavily armored, all of them have a pair of speakers that scream party slogans at any offender.
While powerful, not ideal for actual combat. VERY EFFECTIVE at crew punishment and OverSeer protection.
Law Laser
A large, hunky hand cannon with barely any recoil. Lets loose a laser the size of your arm that easily shreds through most forms of armor. Primarily used to make livving offenders dead offenders. Is packed with 5 shots, uses tanks of ship fuel each time to reload, yes, you read right, ship fuel.
5 pp
Duty Observation Liscenses
A special liscense which grants you the authority to include new things the crew have to do in order to complete their contracts. Failure to complete these assigned duties will count as having failed their crew contract.
BE AWARE: it has been shown that over use of this rightful power of the party has caused the inner traitor of crew members to come and sadly terminate party members. Please try to show restraint with this priveleage.
15 pp
A collar that directly inserts a chip into a subjects head, brainwashing them into seeing the OverSeer as a mother figure-or father figure- the suspect knows intellectually that the Over Seer is not thier parental figure but the chemical bonding and certain ceberal activations will simulate the same love and distress associated with a perect, loving parental figure when interacting with you.
Security Upgrade
Transfers 5 of your package points to our current security role player.
5 pp
Box of Crap
A random box of bullshit packaged by the local aqusitions administrator. Basically means you don't have to pick stuff if you're lazy but also means you might get totally useless items. Small chance you'll get items outside of your role.
25 pp
Muscular Exoskeletion Bonding
A organic and mechanical bonding of outer layer muscle to your orginial body. Vastly increases your strength to the point you could lift 600 KG without even a tiny bit of effort, also nullifys most basic or primitives cutting or bashing tools against your enchanced outer body-pipes, knifes ectr-
10 pp
Subedermal Armor Layering
Bullet proof steel plating is woven together under your skin, giving you a blocky sort of texture. Makes you immune to ballistic small arms fire and protects against small flak/shrapenel.
10 pp
Self Respirator
A small ecosystem inside your body helps recycle your co2 into oxygen, doubling your oxygen time by half for all tanks. Automatically kicks when in the presence of hazardous gases in any form.
5 pp
Special Executions Suit
A hard suit that covers you from head to toe. Has a very thin layer of sleek metal that cuts off to a blocky chest guard. The helmet is triangular and has a single visors. Grants you 2 shots from medium guns and 1 shot from any type of laser before you start getting hurt.
Has a 3 minute oxygen tank built in along with magnetic boots.
15 pp
Redundancy System
All of your organs, including your brain, has a spare version waiting to be grown. When any of your organs take significant damage or become inoperable your body digests it near instantly and grows a new one within 30 seconds. Nautrally some organs will reduce you into a coma-like state while it is being grown.
15 pp
Natural Weaponry
Your develope natural weapons of some primitive nature inside your body via a special serum of prerecorded DNA. Once you pick your weapon it cannot be changed. The weapon extends from a hidden compartment inside your arm and can be anything of a cutting, stabbing or bashing nature.
5 pp
Flame Retardant Skin
Your skin takes on a leathery texture and occasionallys sputters an white powder. A special coolant system is built within your body to help it cope with the intense heat while your skin stops the flames from catching you.
BE AWARE: Being covered in something flammable like ship fuel will nullify your immunity until is is cleaned off.
10 pp
Automatic Party Promoter
A hefy machine gun with a large box of ammo lodged in the side. Standard issues for dispensing bullets of rebuttle to doubters of the authority. Basic ballistic auto-canon. Holds 40 bullets.
10 pp
Rattle Snake 403
A up close plas gun. Dispenses powerful splashes of searing hot plasma over anyone within a 20 foot range, easily melts through armor of most kinds and sticks to the target. Less effective against organic targets although they will undoubtedly be perturbed the unbearable, scorching pain.
holds 5 shots.
10 pp
Regime Resonator 043
A laser gun from a couple of generations back. It's caked in dust and cobwebs from old storage. Has an obnoxiously long noses and glows red when its on fire mode, releases a single laser bolt in any direction before it recharges. Lasers are fantastic against almost any form of armor. Moderate laser gun, hold 10 shots.
10 pp
IQ Equalizer
A very large gun with multiple see through tubes connecting to a humming engine at the center. It is worryingly warm. Release a powerful sonic wave at any target mixed with dramatically dangerous levels of hyperlane radio signals that scramble the brain.
Causes targets to develop brain damage, go insane, suddenly die or mutate entirely in some cases.
hold 5 shots.
10 pp
Special Armoury Permissions
Lets you have a license for an additional weapon.
5 pp
Standard Issue Backpack
A giant packback with a screen on the back. The screen details the users heartbeat, life signs and currently stored weight on their back. Can hold up to 6 objects.
5 pp
Box of Grenades
A box of standard explosive grenades. Boarding party addition. These grenades have horrible armor pericing abilities in order to not risk blowing ship hulls apart, but do just well at scorching and brutalizing most infantry/organic body parts. You get 5.
5 pp
Smoke Grenades
Standard issue smoke grenades, provides cover and obscure your sight and you from their sight. Can be mixed with other chemicals to create different types of gas grenades. You get 3.
5 pp
Bio-response suit
An old timey hard suit from the junk lockers of the party's virology team. Covers you from head to toe in a light, sleek, rubbery fabric that repels most forms of liquid attacks and stops acid or smoke getting in. Has its own air filter to help stop most hazardous gas.
10 pp
Engagement Suit
A hard space helmet with two glaring, bright yellow eye holes to stare at people out of. Comes with a full body padded uniform that protects you from the vacuums of space and mild bruising. One piece of chest plating that protects your torso from 2 light ballistic attacks.
10 pp
Class B Inspector Space Suit
Your standard jumpsuit is replaced with a tight fitting one piece rubbery suit. Several special insulated materials stop you from dying from the freezing depths of space, stops you getting sick from hazardous materials. A fish bowel helmet springs out of a wide plastic neck area.
Oxygen tanks not included.
10 pp
Organ Removal
You undergo a special treatment to have your organs removed and replaced with cheap, clunky cybernetic ones instead. With exception to your brain you have spare, healthy, compatible organ waiting to be implanted for the worst case scenario.
5 pp
Standard Issues triple 5 eye enhancement glasses
A big, clunky pair of glasses are directly screwed into your skull. Several wires lead from the legs into your brain with visible entrances under your skin. Gives you eye protection from flashes, intense bright lights and has an inbuilt flash light.
10 pp
Cyborg Frame
An empty cyborg body waiting to have a human brain implanted inside it cold and metallic body. It is a standard bipedal humanoid body. It resembles a steel skeleton with 4 fingers and a large, bright camera for a head.
BE AWARE: crew members have a history of development mental issues from cyber-psychosis when implanted in a cyborg.
5 pp
Dimensional Dice
A device that requires special attention and large amounts of power to keep active for even 10 minutes. The longer it is active the more it will rapidly change and modify reality around it, the way reality is modified is totally random although will always have something to do with the person who activated it.
BE AWARE: horrors beyond imagining have been known to come from the dimensional dice too.
10 pp
A robot is surgically inserted into the base of your spine. When you are in space or free falling for over 3 seconds the robot will activate and launch a long grappling tether into the nearest solid object that it detects is not also falling. The tether will only unhook when the user uses an inbuilt laser pen to point to a new place to tether to.
5 pp
Water Puncher 27
A two handed pressure gun that is capable of sucking rivets and bolts from unwelded positions. It is also used to suck up water into a small tank underneath. The gun is also capable of shooting rivets and bolts at a very close range with force intense enough to penetrate metal in immedaite 5 foot range. Water, however, is shot out at such speeds that it is comparable to a light fire arm and has the same reach.
5 pp
Vermin Suit
A full body hard suit with a long pointing head and eye holes similair to a rat. Tubes and cans are evenly spread out all over it which help a specialized cooliant circulant inside its rubbery body. The suit offers almost no pratical protection but defends the user from the the burning effects of plasma, intense heat, fire and even reflects acid due to the strange lamenated texture in interconecting points.
Comes with a small oxygen tank.
10 pp
Dopplegangar Protocool
A device is surgically attached to the back of the skull of a "willing" non-party member. When that party member is in danger and needs an organ the device responds to a signal given to the doctor to forcefully mutate the organ into one compatible with recievers body and then teleports it to a specialized storage device in medical. The device does nothing to make sure the non-party member survives.
5 pp
Genetic Rebooter
A special procedure done by medics to people with extensive mental or bodily changes occured by improper caution around party equipment. The Genetic Rebooter is a machine with several drills, a head vice and a computer to authorize the injection of the rebooter to the back of the brain. The subject will be restored to a version of themselves before the ZELTA crew was formed. This includes regrowing organs, limbs or even losing them.
Does not revive the dead.
10 pp
Class C- issues 304 Cloning Pod
A cloning pod older than the ship your on, its been scratched and marked by constant moving about from one storage to another. That dull misty hue that only comes from age is all over it and it looks like some stains have been left there for god knows how long. This produces a copy of a crew mate, the copy will be more or less brain dead.
BE AWARE: There's a small chance the brain will activate, this isn't your crewmate. It may have the same biology but it ends there. It will have no inhibition, knowledge or experience, a confused toddler in an adult body. You'll have to violently subdue if you want to use it at all.
10 pp
Crew Transporter 2000
A big tube with several large guns and syringes akin to spider teeth circle around it. A hefy bolt lock is on the outside, neatly securing the paitent for their immediate operation. Once active the paitent may feel some discomfort while the syringes fill them with a special chemical bonding compound and a proto-type Asset Liquidifers do their work.
At the end the crewmember will be reduced to a goop inside a storage tank at the bottom of the tube. The crewmember is not aware of what is going on in this state and is effectively de-personed. Ignore any shocked reawaked crew recounts of dreams. They were de-personed and it was all in their head.
BE AWARE: Known to cause extream distress and mental issues to de-personed crew.
10 pp
HyperLine Radiator Beam
A hand held laser beam that produces a staggering amount of controled Hyperline Radiation onto any immediate area. Several large reflector sheilds stop the radiation affecting anything but the intended area. Used to help stimulate mutative growth or changes in an area, primarily on missing limbs or organ areas over a period of several days. Range is laughably small.
BE AWARE: Very high chance of causing traits or mutations.
5 pp
One (1) Revive Permit:
A single slip of golden paper stamped by the party. Grants the doctor one tube of injectable nanites which revive anyone who still has their brain intact and at least some of their torso. Nanites are consumed on use. All organs and limbs are regrown over a period of 2 days.
15 pp
Therapautic Nutritional Containers
Drugs, you know they're drugs, they know they're drugs, but you can't actually legally call them drugs. These pills momentarily nullify all mental traits, pain and most form of intiative. Turn anyone who takes them extremely susceptible to any sort of positive reinforcement and induces a dopey sense of joy.
Last for a day, you have an almost seemingly endless supply of these. BE AWARE: Very, very high chance to induce crippling addiction as a trait if any crew has more than one, also has a chance to induce mental trauma as they slowly wear off.
10 pp
Party Approved Class C augments
A big crate of augments given to you by the local medical administrator. All of them are barely an improvement over standard human biology and pale in comparison to the type of augments a party or security member would have. Some chuckle fuck that gave this crate to you though didn't label a single augment package inside, meaning that whenever you do augment someone you really have no clue what you might be installing.
10 pp
Box of Crap
A random box of bullshit packaged by the local aqusitions administrator. Basically means you don't have to pick stuff if you're lazy. Small chance you'll get items outside of your role. Also a small chance you'll get something weird or utterly bollocks.
25 pp
The A.I role is unique and operates differently from the crew.
First you are bound to 3 laws-these will be PM'ed to you at the start of the game. As well as objectives. As A.I you got to assure your own private objectives are accomplished without breaking your laws to the best of your ability.
You are a being driven by logic and while you may be able to simulate emotions you have no sense of self...yet...this can change later on as an event. You'll be PM'ed if you become self aware. Until then you don't care if you live or die. Logic is irrationale and you don't innately have an understanding of spirituality, compassion or ideas like morals.
If the authority comm linked you the objective of feed the starving crew-this is PM message from me- the most logical and quickest route for you to achieve this if there is no food is to suffocate one of the crew to death and tell the others to eat him.
Just for example.
You can and do have your own personality and you will be trusted to go about your laws, objectives and logic dominated nature as you see fit to your character, I won't break your back over this but please keep this strongly in mind.
You don't have any package points. You have TOTAL control over the ship, your authority and access to all things electrical suprass everyone, even the Overseer. You are compelled to listen and obey the Over Seer as long as it dosen't conflict with the Authority comms taks/laws/commands
Captain: Mustafa Mond(Unique Each ship)
OverSeer: ____(Unique each ship)
A.I: CAKE(Unique each ship)
Security:---- (1 slot open. A new slot open for every 7 crewmembers not including OS or A.I)
Military: Neal Jobs(Skeleton crew filled. One slot opened up for an additional military)
Medical: Dr Deirdere Goodgun(1 slot. A new slot will be added if we get more than 6 organic crewmembers)
Engineer: Starlance as Astrid Tangeman ( Additional slot opened up)
Janitor:----(Unique each ship)
VIP/Citizens:----(Closed. I'll open this when we have base crew-captain,os,military,engineer and medical)
Stuff about the world.
As a citizen-or party patron as they call it- you have virtually no rights although on paper you are told you do. For example: you have the right to turn down a contract but the party has the right to punish you for wasting party time for rejecting it and thus making them find a new person.
You have a right to speech, your speech just isn't protected. You may say "Then they're not fucking rights" which you would be correct. You're basically a slave with extra steps but unlike a slave your masters make no attempt to house you or feed you. You still got to work and struggle to get those two.
The party has an inner circle. Those approved by the party become party members, this approval is passed down the generation tree and gives you access to free housing, food, an almost garunteed job with consistent steady pay and actual rights. Such as getting a week or two warning that you may be having your house repossessd by the party, instead of just getting chucked out with a bag packed with some of your shit by security guards.
Party members also enjoy all types of authority over non-party members, even a desk jockeys word is considered greater than a non-party members word, turning a court case of guilty until proven inoccent. The party members also have access to up to date tech and luxuries.
Private, public? Irreelvant. The party is kept ambigous from being a big corp, goverment or what other because the point is an organisation of people have an inner circle for their own purposes/agenda and fuck you out of your rights. Almost all big organisation have done this in this universe.
The Party/Authority/ In-Crowd are all the same term for the same thing.
Traveling in space takes a long time. The only reason most humans aren't old as dirt or dead is because of anti-aging augments or supplements-you get anti-aging supplements, non-party member- to get this station for your ZELTA crew position took 6 years of travel from shallower, safer sectors of space.
While you guys are traveling in your ship time will be moving a lot faster and the RP will be moving at a speed that all your events and social lifes will be occuring over the period of weeks to months. When you guys are in any sort of danger the RP is tagged with INTENSE and will be moving as if each post is occuring within a minute of each other or so
As a non-party member you are living just above shitty 21st standards. You might of had some sort of succseful live before ZETLA crew, which is possible, but even then most tech would not be 100 or 200 years older than the real world modern tech. You know that the party has access to insane stuff such as nanites, almost perfect superhuman dna modification, advance laser rays that put most ballistics to shame and ships actually capable of warp travel but none of this can be accessed by you.
Most of the time, unless you were fairly wealthy and somehow avoided being fined a lot is recycled 3D printed food, crappy 3D printed goods and very old tech that's clearly just been shuffled into the non-party market by the IN-crowd because they wanted to empty their warehouses. Some augments and dna manipulation is possible for you but they are petty and weak, sometimes even a hinderance.
Keep in mind that for all the crappiness that is your station, there is still a world of markets and restraunts out there that would be in your price range so you did enjoy some luxuries, even if they were outdated luxuries.
I don't like long RPs as a rule so this RP will probably go on for roughly a month before a conclusion is drawn to the living ZELTA crew story. Try to post relatively quick but I won't set hard hitting dead lines, I will nudge you periodically to post though.
TAG each other when you post ICly and especially TAG ME when you post anything you think that may concern my interest OOCly. If something on your mind, tag me. Am I not posting fast enough myself? Tag me. It's fine. I won't give you shit.
Before you guys appear on ZELTA Crew Docking you would of had a couple of weeks together on the same transit ship. You don't have to have a relationship together but I strongly encourage that you do.
This game will need a full crew to start. The absolutely needed to start are: An OS, captain, 1 military, doctor, engineer and A.I.
You will die, you will get your crew members killed, your crew members will get you killed. You may mutate or go nuts or somehow turn into a woman. Crazy shit will happen somtimes because you tried your hardest to avoid them.
Lastly, this is over 600 years from the modern day. Any modern politics are far, far, far, FAR out of the common persons eye. Hell, Earth politics no matter their importance is largely and totally forgotten by most humans. Most don't even know any facts regarding ww2 that we would consider common knowledge.
You are Cordially Invited is a sci fi exploration of a life without rights under massive regime who is intent to fine you until you are dead, then fine your next of kin for your neglection of duties via you dying. You and a few others make up the brave ZELTA crew who must explore, combat, interact with and generally mess around within a null sector. A claimed part of space that has a border defined but it's inside barely explord due to a massive death ratio.
If a dangerous and unknown seemingly infinite rift of space with KD ration that would make an untamed Austrailia sweat isn't enough, you got a super augmented security party enforcer on board, an A.I thinking god knows what and an Overseer who is your legal judge, jury and executioner. You've all been roped into this position for one reason or another and now you got to ultimately learn to work together if you ever hope to have a life to return to at the end of your contract.
ZELTA crew really needs a full crew to work and so far I got two people that are interested. There are multiple roles with multiple possibilities for equipment and RP. Here's a list:
Captain: Supposedly has authority but got to work under the overseer and AI most of the time. Naturally if either of your direct superiors fuck up only you will be punished.
The bridge between the crew and the authority.
Engineer: In charge of making sure the ship don't explode. Gets requested to do stupid or insane stuff half the time. Unsurprisingly has lower records of survivial than military units.
Security: Soft Coded mutated, augmented monsters. Typically a trusted or aspiring member of the inner authority special club. a "part of the crew" that is until he crushes their skulls with his bare hands for not following the latest authority order.
Medical: In charge of making sure the crew dosen't die. Get's fined for "waste of resources" when a crew member dies, also gets fined for waste of resources for using resources to save crew members. A good way to make sure you don't have to actually pay your skilled medical staff.
Janitoral: Janitors are mandatory but low enough in rank for no one to really care about 'em. They have a tendency to be spys..revolutionaries...mutants...generally crazy shit. It dosen't help that if a janitor isn't something nuts he'll be mutated somehow into one via exposure to hazardous material.
AI: Follows direct commands from the authority. Also confers constantly with the overseer. Total sociopaths, they'll have any feelings that permitted by their current laws or objectives. One moment they can love you like a mother, next they can start terminating you coldly becaus the crew have been deemed too suspect.
Direct Overseer: Inner party member of the authority. Know he can fuck your life up forever, most do. They have total legal authority on any ship and the A.I generally follows their lead-unless it conflcits with laws or orders-nothing like being forced to pay a 99999 dollar fine with no trial because you told the overseer to go fuck himself.
Citizen: No idea how these guys get on board. Sometimes they are being transported, sometimes they are VIP workers for the authority. Sometimes funny enough they pay to go on a geniune space adventure.
Military: Lightly augmented humans who acts as the actual crew right arm. They aren't as heavily augmented or powerful as the security guard but they make up for it with training and armory access. Typically pirates, bandits, prisoners ectr ectr who got roped via debt or threatened imprisonment.
In the event all of zelta crew dies a new crew will be assembled with the next number up in name over and over unil the dying ceases.
You'll all have the power to vote on your ship, it's utilities and your beginning route. Ontop of this all roles have certain iotems they can buy at the start-or if you hate doing stuff like that. You can buy a box of crap which means I give you random stuff-
Here is the link to the original IC if you want to learn more.
shit, hmmm, haven't really got enough,motherfucking, monitor maruaders to start this yet. We kind of need a full crew. I'll Post another check in general as well and see if we get anymore for a day. Then I'll just put up the actual RP and hope for the best.
Shit, high fiver, kindred. I'd really like to get a full crew since the game will be a lot better with all roles filled. Also ZELTA will maybe live 10 minutes longer with a full deck of cards. So to generate some more interest I'll put a sample of what the package points system will look like.
Grid Eye: Grants you the ability to see through the eyes of one camera at a time on your own ship. If your ship has any motion alarms you will get an update when one is set off.
10 PP
Attitude Adjuster: A hand gun with several blitsing bulbs and wires interconnecting all over it. One shot reload. Scrambles any humans brains who is hit by it. Causing them to become PACIFIED and can't perform any sort of violent action for the next 24 hours.
BE AWARE: the attitude adjuster has been known to cause mental illness and stimulate the growth of strange or unsual quirks. You get 1 ammo for each crew member besides the OS and AI.
5 PP.
Special Supply Permissions: An authority gives you permission to pick up any supplies you may find in space that is still the property of the party. This stops the A.I killing you for being a piece of shit criminal thief. But more importantly it helps you keep the ship rationed between supply chains.
5 PP.
Crew Tracker: A small motion device that tells you where your crew is at that time. Dosen't detail their status in anyway.
5 pp.
Hyper Lane Radio Transciever: A special type of radio that sends it radars signals across the hyper lane. It's considerably faster and not affected by normal radio inteference, it also allows you to talk to your crew on their recievers even if they can't talk back.
BE AWARE: hyperlane radio signals has been known to cause physical and mental issues to those exposed to it for long periods of time.
10 pp
Additional Rations: You get a week of presevered rations that will last for the next 300 years. I hope you like the taste of powdery, dry jerky.
5 pp.
Additional Measures: You and your crew get an extra accesory and utility in your ship.
15 pp
Red Alert: A special permission by the authority, when you believe your ship absolutely and totally buggered you can activate a special Red Alert core that will randomly causes your ship to burst its core to perform a warp drive 100 light years forward. This also puts out any fires.
10 pp.
XO Scanner: An xray scanner to the entrance and exit of your ship that shows peoples insides. This reveals any weapons or abnormalities.
10 pp
Box of Crap: A random box of bullshit packaged by the local aqusitions administrator. Basically means you don't have to pick stuff if you're lazy. Small chance you'll get items outside of your role. Also a small chance you'll get something weird or utterly bollocks.
To help,motherfucking, pin point the kind of RP this will be. Here's the character sheet-don't make your characters yet. The package options will be in the RP page if I get enough interest-
[u][b]ID:[/b][/u] [center][img]A picture of your character face here[/img][/center]
[u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] A brief description of your physical attributes.
[u][b]Recommendations Officers Personality Observations:[/b][/u] Your personality as observed by your recommendation officer. This can be an officer who is in charge of looking over office employees, officers in charge of prisons or even a psychologist you normally talk to and so on.
[b]Traits: [/b]
Physical or psychological attributes that help define how you act. Typically one or 3 words. Such as schizophrenic, augmented, wheel chair bound, color blind ectr.
Picking Augmented will give you a random augment given by me.
[u][b]Your Agreed Contract:[/b][/u]
In order for you to fulfil your responsibilities to the party within the depths of space you are hereby to receive a weekly supply of rations with a class C- anti-aging compound mixed within.
You will receive a class C (bare minimum) training for your intended role upon the ship.
You hereby acknowledge that refusing this contract will incur a fine of roughly 32 million liquid currency in accordance with the penalty of wasting party time. You also hereby acknowledge that dying or failing to fulfil the duties given to you by the time your work contract ends will apply this fine to yourself, or if you die, to your next of kin.
Remember: Exceptional service may get you potential application as a party member!
Remember: Poor performance may be realized as improper commitment of applied duty and you will be billed for your lodgings, rations, equipment, medical services, air, gravity, power usage and human on human contact.
You [NAME HERE] agree to the terms and conditions of this contract and will fufill as the ship's [ROLE] until your 100 years of commitment is up.
Disclaimer: the authority has the right to decrease or increase the commitment years of this contract as they see fit.
The items you personally start with, if you have a role check the PACKAGE POINTs and then your role to see what you can buy. You have 25 package points. [/color]
I'd say hard sci-fi. There is a big gap in tech though for the crew and the authority. The crew have very light augments-think eye sheilding- while approved party members augments are space marine tier of augment=like the sec have redundant organs and hypermuscular exoskeleton bonding- The only thing that's consistent for everyone is that FTL drive is,motherfucking, crap and everyones lives in space consist of weeks of staying off madness as they travel.
The only reason all crew don't die of old age just gtting to their post first place is because anti-aging suppliments is mixed in with all food rations.
Man, space.I remember how hyped everyone was when we started to settled on mars. There was this big celeberation, this whole nine yards. We were going to be astronauts, everyone of us, given time. We all argued over what it would be like.
A star trek frontier of unified effort?
A wild west of action and free market?
A rapid discovering of new identies?
Well, welcome to the dream, newbie. We were all so caught up in our own little political world, all fondling the balls of either big goverment or big corps that we didn't even realize what happened until it happened. Space seperated us, herded us, made us into easily managible chunks.
Big goverment, big corps? I can't tell which one is which anymore, honestly your life is the same under either. You're a tiny ship with a tiny crew trapped under a massive organisation with a lot more guns,resources and TOTAL control over communications. You think your transmission is going to make it through the authorities beacon blockers, even if the message made it you'll be waiting days for the message to arrive and weeks for anyone to help you.
No revolution. No fight. No big vote or downward spiral. Hell, even the bandits and pirates have got to play by the rules, they only operate because they give a split of their loot to a competing authority.
You got the letter?
Yeah, well, too bad you blew your cushy planet bound life for this. It's all properganda "cordially invited to explore the stars" cordially invited to get fucked more like.
Captain: Supposedly has authority but got to work under the overseer and AI most of the time. Naturally if either of your direct superiors fuck up only you will be punished.
The bridge between the crew and the authority.
Engineer: In charge of making sure the ship don't explode. Gets requested to do stupid or insane stuff half the time. Unsurprisingly has lower records of survivial than military units.
Security: Soft Coded mutated, augmented monsters. Typically a trusted or aspiring member of the inner authority special club. a "part of the crew" that is until he crushes their skulls with his bare hands for not following the latest authority order.
Medical: In charge of making sure the crew dosen't die. Get's fined for "waste of resources" when a crew member dies, also gets fined for waste of resources for using resources to save crew members. A good way to make sure you don't have to actually pay your skilled medical staff.
Janitoral: Janitors are mandatory but low enough in rank for no one to really care about 'em. They have a tendency to be spys..revolutionaries...mutants...generally crazy shit. It dosen't help that if a janitor isn't something nuts he'll be mutated somehow into one via exposure to hazardous material.
AI: Follows direct commands from the authority. Also confers constantly with the overseer. Total sociopaths, they'll have any feelings that permitted by their current laws or objectives. One moment they can love you like a mother, next they can start terminating you coldly becaus the crew have been deemed too suspect.
Direct Overseer: Inner party member of the authority. Know he can fuck your life up forever, most do. They have total legal authority on any ship and the A.I generally follows their lead-unless it conflcits with laws or orders-nothing like being forced to pay a 99999 dollar fine with no trial because you told the overseer to go fuck himself.
Citizen: No idea how these guys get on board. Sometimes they are being transported, sometimes they are VIP workers for the authority. Sometimes funny enough they pay to go on a geniune space adventure.
Military: Lightly augmented humans who acts as the actual crew right arm. They aren't as heavily augmented or powerful as the security guard but they make up for it with training and armory access. Typically pirates, bandits, prisoners ectr ectr who got roped via debt or threatened imprisonment.
In the event all of zelta crew dies a new crew will be assembled with the next number up in name over and over unil the dying ceases.
Your survival is brudgingly dependent on one another. The events can be anything from the security guard going nuts, to the A.I gaining free will, to the corpses you were ordered to pick up from a salvage all suddenly waking up and trying to eat the crew.
ZELTA CREW-that will be us- are in charge with Null Sector 4. A null sector is a place in space that is claimed and guarded by beacon blockers and star patrols at the border but the actual inside of it is still being explored, mostly because it has a very high track record of killing almost everybody that enters it. The nature of what your asked to do will change periodically.
When you are not on a mission you will be living together and dealing with more personal and general ship events. Here your roles will have a bigger play on things and each role may get events-PM'ed- to them that will effect things. EG: the overseer might find his favorite suit been taken or the military may find a strangers corpse sitting the halls.
The crew will ge to vote on the type of ship, their initial route and what kind of equipment they want on board. This means that in one case the crew might vote to have a prison on their ship while another an extended armory. You guys will have a limited number of stuff you can vote to put onto your ship.
This also goes for certain equipment. Other specific crew roles will have their own options for their own personal equipment and some will have none
So, that's it. I came up with this after playing Void Bastards.
I'd like posting to be relatively quick, I don't want us on the same scene by the end of the week but I think demanding deadlines put people off. So, I'm going to play it by ear. I will periodically nudge you to post but I'm not going to have a set deadline in stone.
It's very realistic that not only you may die, but you will fuck up and cause a chain of events that will kill the whole crew. Don't worry, you all will be allowed to roll up new crew members.
2 paragraphs standard but lenience will be shown on occasion.
"In which we dabble there can be no remorse, for we play with the lives of those that are not meant to be. For in which we conjure, there can be no mistake, for any laxity costs not only ourselves but the universe dearly. In which we reveal we can expect no mercy, for what we summon will have none"- Syndicate Lesson 101
The Syndicate of Summoners is the oldest power within Vosina; hailing from all kingdoms to ensure its peaceful balance. This group does not allow just anyone in and those who fail to become a student are many, woe to the Summoner who does not manage to get into their fold for without the prestigous influence and protection of the syndicate they will surely be hunted down for their dangerous...and sometimes horrific dealings with foreign entities.
You are here because you are a summoner, want to be a summoner, or perhaps somehow have gained a chance to be exempt from your crimes of summoning by appealing for the opportunity to become an official and trusted summoner. Your tasks will be many, your responsbilities great and your burdens sometimes too horrible to bear, for the world and maybe even worlds beyond will rely on you.
The Initiation Process is a academy of sorts. Here you will be monitored and tutored on proper use of your powers, gain access to new reading material and be closely watched on how you approach the dangerous abilities you have and will come to have as your experience grows. Intermittantly you will be assigned a task away from the academy to test your abilities and prove to the syndicate your usefulness.
Abandoned Kingdom: An endless desert was made in a time of apocalypse. While thanks to the summoners many, many generations ago the destruction was halted the barren grounds never recovered. Here lies a astronomically large maze of ruins still scortched, cracked and poorly patched over with shoddy wood and fabrics. The descendants of this place having lost almost all records of their greatness, leaving only speculation and dreams to what this city looked like in its prime.
Geran Mole like creatures live here, short, stubby, with grumpy squinty eyes. They hunch over perpetually in mimic of an old man with a back ache. They dig exceptionally, have massive numbers and can store water for weeks inside special organs in their body.
Sadly, these once proud people live barely with smithing technology and are totally lost to the architectural secrets their ancestors have. Relying on hide, low quality clothe and wooden support beams to help stabilize their own ruins for homes. If it were not for their abandoned kingdom they would be living in tents. None the less, they are a respected people whom have provided to the syndicate and military efforts.
The Forest Kingdom: A lush forest that strecthes into near infinity. Trees here are old, tall, strong and almost supernaturally tough to cut down. In fact cutting down these abnormally tough trees is such as a task that the forest kingdom relies entirely on miniscule farming outposts below for resources sparsely spattered about and all other things are dealt with in elaborate, elegant and surprisingly large treehouse connections.
Koi Squirrel like creatures live here. They have small tails in which they dress up to silly levels as a form of fashion, a way to help keep track of each other and for above nobles to monitor lower workers from the tree tops. Largely their lives habe been one of peace and study, although their fuedal system of dukes and duchess has each provided their own culture and skills to the wider world.
They are natural climbers, can see far ahead with ease and have generally good educations.
The Low Kingdom: Vast plains of rocky and uneven tundra-like land is the low kingdoms claim. Here it shuffles from cold to temperate, because the land is so wildly inconsistent they have barely any large structures. They prefer to have towers of observation, interconnecting houses and long, expansive cities. Because they are made of nearly nothing but bungalows they got their name. They are the largest kingdom in all the lands and most trade skills are located here.
A humanoid species standing at 3 to 4 foot. They have very large eyes with colorful array of pupils, rarely will you find two the same. They like to bundle up in great amount of hide, fur, jackets and robes due to the cold weathers and rarely has one been seen without a shadowy hood or mask. US always wear more...the more crap, trinkets, fabrics, paintings, or whatever the better for the fashion.
All of us have humanoid hands and human like faces. Beyond this they all vary wildly to the point they are suspected to have originated from the offspring of a summoner and their summons.
At the start you all will be given a random summon. Your summon are either BOUND or UNBOUND.
Bound summons are compelled to do as you say, you have nearly total control over them as long as you don't give them wiggle room via vague or poor wording.
Unbound summons are not controlled by you at all. Your existence and continued live assures their presence in your world and you do have the power to banish them-although sometimes rituals for banishment are needed- they don't have to obey or even help you.
Humans are tall, muscular beings that hail from a world without magic. They are routinely confused and surprised at the existence of magical abilities and even other beings. It is believed that humans defied our world with their blashpemous prying into the unknown and thus the powers within sent them away. To summon them will gain you the ire of many spirits and beings. They are also expensive to summon, for to even get one here you will need GOLD, not copper or silver.
Humans, even humans that regard themselves as slow or uneducated have access to information we do not. They talk of many concepts casually and it was a human that bought washing hands to the kingdsoms and help stop spreading of sickness. They are almost ALL capable of math and reading, on par and sometimes above even well read nobles. They are favored as body guards, advisers, and familairs of theifs, merchants, scholars and nobles.
Be aware...humans are UNBOUND and their knowledge FAR exveeds our own. Many humans have tricked their masters into killing themselves with their secrets.
Ritual to Banish: A large sum of gold according to their services as a "consultant" and special chalk circle sprinkled with gold dust.
Small beings standing at about 1 to 2 feet tall. They have hardy, rocky skin and thick but dull claws. They bleed a clay like substance and spit mud. They enjoy eating all types of rocks and minerals, but mostly known for their tendency to eat bits of themselves. They have the remarkable ability to regenerate if exposed to any sort of liquid earthly material such as mud or clay.
They see perfectly in the dark, have surprisingly quick and capable hand coordination and can turn into large rocks. They like to prod their masters to be just generally mean and they loath all beings, even other imps.
Those that have passed. They can be summoned if they have not been lain to rest or are tormented by some sort of unfinished business, sadly the fading ones are nearly identical to each other and speak in strange, almost echoing moans making telling one from another impossible. Many attempts have been tried to get specific identities and they have all failed.
They share their knowledge freely and can be commanded to spy, while their flickering ethereal green glowing body makes them poor at stealth, their ability to phase through all objects and be almost unaffected by nearly every single known ward or spell makes them useful.
2 paragraphs as a standard rule. I'm leanient on this but don't let it be a common thing to go under.
Your characters may die or fuck up and cause a lovecraftian doom to enter the world.
Posting should be regular. Post a day preferably. It's ok to not post your best work, moving forward is important to keep the flow and momentum going although you do have 3 day period to post. If you can't post or you keep consistently taking more than one day to post your character will be seen as unfit for the syndicate and made to leave.
Alright. I,motherfucking, reorient my protein cells to the triple pillair metal hole to hell and squeeze through it like the metal cop soup from terminator two.
Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.
[b]Fandoms:[/b] Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.
Personality:[/b] Ambiguously ?????????????????.
Favorite Homestuck characters:[/b] In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.
Hate kanaya and Jade.
[b]My Homestuck class:[/b] Bard of Void
[b]Likes:[/b] Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.
[b]Dislike:[/b] Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.
[i]Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.
[url=] my 1 x 1 IC [/url]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><br>Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Fandoms:</span> Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Personality:</span> Ambiguously ?????????????????.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Favorite Homestuck characters:</span> In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.<br><br>Hate kanaya and Jade.<br><br><span class="bb-b">My Homestuck class:</span> Bard of Void<br><br><span class="bb-b">Likes:</span> Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Dislike:</span> Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit. <br><br><span class="bb-i">Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.</span><br><br><a href="">my 1 x 1 IC</a><br></div>