Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
3 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
3 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

@Lord Wraith I can't be assed to get the approval image right now but you're accepted.

I lost that pages ago
Speaking of Wonder Woman....

To the GM team; @Master Bruce & @Sep, my idea is to have Yara display her abilities publically for the first time during the ongoing event, having myself interact with bo th the event and other participants before going into a solo story after where the Amazons will come and whisk Yara away for proper training and to officially become 'Wonder Woman'.


"You must be full of axé if you're choosing to challenge me."
Y A R A F L O R G R A D S T U D E N T B O I S E, I D A H O
O R I G I N S:

During the height of the first World War, the Allied Forces gained the upper hand from an unlikely source; an Amazonian Princess hailing from the island of Themyscria. To outsiders, Themyscria was the mythical 'Paradise Island', home to only beautiful Amazon women, or so the story went. It was only when Captain Steve Trevor was shot down and crashed on the shores of Paradise Island, that Themyscria went from legend to reality. With the aid of Princess Diana of Themyscria, the Allied Forces gained the upper hand and ultimately triumphed in the First World War.

But soon fact was considered fiction and history forgot the 'Wonder Woman'. Princess Diana returned home after the war, having seen enough of 'Man's World'. But her warnings of the world outside was not enough to deter others from venturing from Themyscria's shore and so it was at this time other Amazonians began to wonder about the world beyond the island's shores before a few dared brave the journey to Man's World.

Desiring to see the world outside of Themyscria; the Amazonian, Aella, ventured beyond the shores of Paradise Island and sought out their sister tribe in Brazil. It was here that Aella was seduced by a local deity and would give birth to the child later named Yara Flor. Unfortunately for Yara, her mother was taken from her when she was young, leaving her in the care of her 'Aunt' Renata. Relocating to the United States, Yara would grow up without knowing of her true heritage. To the outside world and even herself, Yara Flor was just an ordinary farm girl living in the small community of Boise, Idaho. As she began to mature, her gifts manifested resulting in speed, strength and other abilities that Renata had not been prepared to deal with. Keeping these things a secret from the world, Yara never revealed them to anyone else until one fateful trip to New York.

S A M P L E P O S T:

Jolting awake, Yara's eyes slowly adjusted to the unfamiliar darkness. At first, her surroundings were almost foreign, the smells too clean, too natural and the world outside was far too quiet. These were just the first few hints that Yara was no longer in her apartment. Clues continued to fall in the forms of the faded Jonas Brothers poster to one of Bieber and even a half-hung One Direction graphic. This dim room could only be the bedroom she grew up in. The world outside was not the bustling city of Boise, it was rural Idaho, more specifically the farm belonging to her Aunt and Uncle.

None of that changed the fact that for Yara, it was still markedly too quiet.

It had been getting harder for Yara to sleep over the past few nights. Her dreams were haunted with visions of bat-like eldritch horrors and their horrible screeches. There was a longing within her that she wasn't sure how to sate, a calling to travel away from this quaint life. A calling to an adventure far from here.

Perhaps her need for adventure rose from the simple fact that no one was looking to hire here in Boise. Any job that wasn't helping her Aunt Renata work the potato fields would certainly feel like an adventure at this point. An exasperated sigh escaped from between her pouting lips blowing a few loose strands of her raven-coloured hair away from her face. Yara had already put in six years between her undergraduate and graduate degrees while still fully knowing she had yet another two years of clinical experience before she'd be a fully certified speech pathologist.

It honestly felt like her life was stuck at the starting line.

Slumping down on the porch swing, the young woman let the cool night air wash over her while she sipped a half-finished tea absently left beside her bed. Yara's mind pivoted away from both school and her lack of a career as a brown bat stretched its wings under the porch's awning. The sight of the flying rodent only sent her thoughts racing back to the series of nightmares that had been haunting her slumber.

Watching the curious creature, she couldn't help but feel as though the bat was seemingly staring back at her. Flapping its wings, it let out a little screech before dropping from its roost and disappearing into the night. Sinking further into the cushioned swing, Yara felt herself relax. It was only now that she realized she had been so stiffly watching the bat. Satisfied she wasn't about to face the monsters of from her nightmares, she took another sip of the lukewarm liquid. The flat taste caused her nose to crinkle in disgust, reminding her why it had been abandoned in the first place.

A terrible noise suddenly broke the silence. The horrible tasting drink suddenly seemed so far away. The sound of wings beating against the night air ended the stillness of the cool night as Yara spun around frantically looking to locate the sound. Above the horizon, in the light of the pale moon, appeared the silhouette of what appeared to be a horse. Its lone rider, slumped alongside the horse's mane, seemingly barely hanging on.

Losing altitude rapidly, the animal tried with no avail to land. Its feet flew up from underneath it, only to send both it and its rider tumbling through the nearly mature potato plants. Jumping down from the porch, Yara moved quickly through the rows upon rows of plants, making the split-second decision to check on the rider instead of the winged animal.

The rider, a blonde-haired woman, was adorned in armour. Very familiar armour. Almost anyone in America would have recognized Wonder Woman, but Yara especially was a fan. Kneeling down beside Cassandra, Yara cradled her head, checking the neck for injury.

"I've got you," Yara muttered towards the unconscious woman. Her eyes widened as she surveyed the wounds on both the superhero and her steed. Long claw marks raked them both, claw marks that were all too familiar to Yara. Without warning, Cassandra suddenly clamped a hand around Yara's arm nearly scaring the darker-haired woman out of her skin.

"I'm here to protect-" The blonde Amazon managed to spit out, struggling to stay conscious, "...y-you." She added before her eyes closed, her body going limp in Yara's arms. Looking back and forth again between the pegasus and the superhero in her Aunt's field, Yara suddenly found herself unusually short on words.

Suddenly her nightmares were feeling a lot more real.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed interactions and stories.

Sounds pretty neat
I'm glad you're liking that and not me not writing myself into a corner.

I'd never do that.
@Half Pint accepted.

Just yeah. Accepted.

I totally hadn't written myself into a corner I struggled to get out of which lead to a subpar post.

No sir, no way.

Iris could not stop two trains from colliding with one another. It was a scientific impossibility, there was no way that raw speed could help that situation. She considered for a moment, though it was actually much less than that, trying to dismantle them in the same way as she had taken the wheels of the vans of the Condiment King. That would still leave the problem of their velocity, and she very much doubted that she'd be able to figure out how to dismantle them in time.

Realistically that left her with one possible way to save lives. Cursing the gods of fate for not striking her with radioactive protein powder or however the 'Superman' got his abilities she sped first towards the freight train, climbing up and in she grabbed the driver and twisted. Tossing him out the open door, followed shortly by his... co-driver? Whatever the other persons title was. Climbing back out she took the driver to the end of the block, returning for the co-engineer.

Now was the bigger job, the passenger train.

Praying to all things holy that it wasn't Springfields version of rush hour she went at it again.

Into a carriage, tossing everyone out the open door (that she had to force open, she didn't have the seconds to waste waiting for them to open) and then once the carriage was empty she grabbed them out the air and piled them at the end of the block. Probably not very delicately, but bruises were better than death.

Starting at the front of the train she worked her way back, the adrenaline pushing her on. Everytime she went out to move people Iris noticed how much closer the freight train was. By the time she got to the back of the train the two had made contact. Jumping out the back door with the last passenger she deposited him with the others and then collapsed, watching as the onlookers screamed. The two trains smashing into eachother.

The Passenger train buckled first, kicked off the track its lower speed kept it from going too far whereas the freight train continued on for several hundred meters, she watched it carefully and with baited breath. Her limbs aching, and tired, but primed and ready to move if it got too close to anyone. Thankfully, it didn't.

Crisis averted.

Then her phone rang.
Catching up on the IC. Chipping away at this Flash post she's getting there's I've rewritten it a half dozen times which is why it's taking so long
As far as a soft reboot goes, I think what's being done to address it is enough. Making a new thread or something feels a tad extreme. "Soft" would definitely be underlined.

Fair enough.
<Snipped quote by Sep>

I just want to see the RP be consistently active, will be working on my next Blood post, but definitely should maybe consider a character that'll be easier for interaction.

Shame there's not some kind of Man of Iron who has a history of meddling with other people...
UOU - The Soft Reboot lol

I mean.

If that's something people want, I'm willing to do it. I'm willing to rework things, bring about the initial threat a bit quicker work better to help facilitate interaction.
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