Daedalus Atsali
Country of Origin:
Standing at 5ft 11in, what's left of his organic body is slim, pale and littered with surgical scars grafting the cybernetic parts into his organic ones. His arms, legs, right eye and spine up to the base of his skull are all replaced by enhanced cybernetics. Limbs are made from polished black metal alloys that are resistant to scratches and light damage.
Human, Cyborg
To protect Innocent people.
Calm and Analytical, Daedalus prefers to apply logic before emotion. He has an effective control over his emotions, never showing them at a high level and not allowing them to affect his judgement. He has the same practical outlook for both positive and negative emotions, seeing Excitement and Passion as blinding and dangerous as Anger or Sadness. This also allows him to detach himself from his emotions and make complex moral decisions by quantifying the variables and using logic and practicality, such as killing one person to save 5 more. This detachment, however, can make him come across as cold and unfeeling, and as such hasn't afforded him many friends.
Despite this cold exterior, he is just a teenager force to grow up too soon. When in trusted company, which is limited to his mother and close friends only, he displays signs of high stress and depressive behaviour. He subconsciously refuses to let people in, which only leads to him suffering in times of need, yet he just quietly accepts this and tries to hide it until it becomes too much and he isolates himself to vent.
Brief Bio:
Orphaned at a very young age, Daedalus Anthrakas spent most of his early life raised in an orphanage in Atlas until he was adopted by a woman working at a company developing new weapons for the military, Asimi Atsali. She was an unmarried widow and a very loving mother, supportive and understanding when he expressed interest in becoming a Huntsman. He began to train using a pair of swords that doubled as high-powered pistols, but his life was derailed when he was 12. When returning home from a visit to Atlas Academy, the transport was attacked by the White Fang and crash-landed. Most of the passengers and crew died in the crash, and most of the survivors were left with life-threatening injuries. When Daedalus was finally recovered, his limbs were mangled, his spine fractures and his right eye was ruined by shrapnel.
His mother pleaded with the company and had the damaged parts of his body replaced by cybernetics, linked to processor chip within his cybernetic eye. Once he recovered, he began to train with his new body and its built-in weaponry to sharpen his combat abilities, but the company came under scrutiny due to immoral working practices so Asimi and Daedalus moved back to Asimi's old home in Vale. Not wanting to compromise his dream of becoming a Huntsman, she allowed him to enroll at Signal Academy and updated his cybernetics every 6 months to compensate for his growth. A graduate of Signal, he was accepted into Beacon without much of an issue.
His original semblance used a rotating electromagnetic field to create a magnetic shield around his body, but following the attack and his subsequent cybernetic replacements he was unable to expand the magnetic field outside of his torso. Instead, the electromagnetic field was passed through an internal generator inside his torso and used to charge his internal electrical supply via the Faraday Principle.
Disable Limiter - A Pseudo-semblance that sharply increases his speed, strength, agility and damage output for a limited time by allowing his cybernetics to operate at the maximum of their capabilities. This drains his power faster than his internal generator can produce it, so there is a short period of time directly after deactivating this semblance in which is vulnerable while his power recharges. There is also an automatic failsafe that deactivates this ability when power reserves get too low.
Icarus - His cybernetic limbs contain a suite of in-built weapons in his arms and legs, separated into 3 modes: Blade Mode, Ranged Mode and Shield Mode, powered by passing electrical current through lenses made of Cyan (Barrier) Dust, or he can instead use that power to augment his unarmed strikes in Hand-to-Hand Mode. He also has an integrated Dust system built into them, which can augment his abilities with elemental effects as well as other effects. The dust is stored in a revolver-like mechanism in his bicep and lower leg areas, which can hold 5 types of dust each. The mechanisms are paired, so the dust must be the same on either side. His typical load-out is Fire, Lightning, Ice, Gravity and Earth.
A fairly simple weapon in principle, a blade formed from hard-light on the outside of each forearm. Can be modified with elemental effects using Dust Excitation modules inside the blade projectors, but still retains its blade shape.
Repeating Hard-light guns, built into the top of the forearm. The output can be adjusted between high-impact and rapid fire. When dust is introduced into the weapon, it behaves differently depending on the element. Fire Dust produces a jet of flames similar to a flamethrower, Ice produces frozen bullets or a freezing cone of ice, lightning can produce Tesla-coil like arcs or charge up more powerful bolts of lightning, etc.
A hard-light shield emitted from the top of the forearm, behind the guns, large enough to complete cover a fully grown adult. Lacks Dust Emitters, so gains no benefit from Dust usage.
Not often used, he can increase the speed and power of his unarmed strikes with the power normally used to power his weapons as well as further augment them with elemental Dust effects. He can also use them in a more utilitarian manner dependant on the application. This includes using Gravity to reduce the effect of a fall or Lightning to provide less lethal electrical current
Personal Theme: Titan Slayer - Titanium
Note: Wings are coloured orange with a steel gray base.