So, this is Montagne Academy? Nice place. I just might regret all the kicking and screaming I did about going here. Alicia was wandering the halls, looking for the inevitable school assembly. She hadn't been able to find it, but it turned out, that didn't matter much. A small green blob appeared in front of her, scaring the plant witch out of her wits. The spirit handed her a piece of paper, then disappeared.
Ah, my dorm assignment. Just what I needed. And a map, too! She looked out the nearest window and saw a massive oak tree with a treehouse in it. Obviously, it had been grown with magic, since no normal oak could grow to several hundred feet. She went over and made contact with the giant tree. Communing with plants was... well, she didn't know how to explain it. It was a mental thing on her part, but plants didn't have anything that a human would call a mind. Regardless, she was able to make it work. Looks like I'm going to be seeing you a lot. Just keep it down when I'm trying to sleep, and we'll get along fine.
I shall.
With that established, Alicia used her powers again, this time growing an extra limb on the tree to carry her and her belongings up. She plopped her bags down on a bed and waited for her roommates to join her.