Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Nice of you to join us, Ayame." Alicia smiled as the fox girl sat down next to Yume. She checked over her dorm assignment one last time. Four names, four girls. Yep, everybody was here. This meant it was time for everyone to start getting to know everyone else, and Alicia figured a classroom-style icebreaker was the perfect place to start. "So, I personally think that we need a little introductory session to start getting acquainted with each other. Everyone says their name, where they're from, what kind of magic they do, and something that might be interesting about them. I'll start." Alicia cleared her throat, then said, "Hi, I'm Alicia. I'm from Pennsylvania, my magic enables me to control plants, and I like to draw in my spare time." When she finished, she looked around, wondering if anyone would be willing to continue.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago



The Anubis Anthro female grinnes when the cat girl reacted to her touch, then mused as she started purring and as the cat girl started rubbing towars her she was love struck. When she heard the soft whine it almost broke hear heart but still managed to fill her belly with butterflies. "Naaawww... Im sowwy~ I promise to ask for your permission next time~..." she said and decided to gently brush her own soft furred head beneath Shino's chin as she cuddled into her.

"My name is Melody~... And you can pat me right back as much as you like~" she cooed as she gently started stroking Shinos back again. She supported Shino's weight and didn't mind holding her close at all, after all the cat girl proved to be so cute, adorable and warm at the same time.

Its been a while since she felt this happy, even if she felt glad to play a slight prank on her room mates, Shinio was just like an affectionate presence she had been missing for so long. Her own ears tilting slightly as she mused to it all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cupido makes it to his room with a cup of tea in his hand. As he gets there two versions of himself form. One demonic with jet black horns and deep almost black bat like wings the other version the Angel. With white swan like wings and white hair. He strides to his desk as the two versions start moving about the room doing various things to set up the room. He wanted to present the illusion that the students coming in would have an easy regular class. Course considering his classes...it should cause some pause. He even has syllabus. In it is the suggested list of supplies he would slightly go over. He placed an apple on his desk then leans against his desk, the two versions of himself staying where they are now, like two oddly realistic statues.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Matsuri procrastination station

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Vera Rosenberg

The Rose warriorress simply smiled at the two newcomers. She didn't want to make… well, too much of an unnecessary fuss after all. Vera hadn't come across a woman with a spider's lower half before. As for the fox girl? She seemed nice enough. Both of the supposed yokai were actually pretty tolerable, thankfully.

"Indeed. It's a pleasure to meet the both of you, Yume, Ayame."

"So, I personally think that we need a little introductory session to start getting acquainted with each other. Everyone says their name, where they're from, what kind of magic they do, and something that might be interesting about them. I'll start."

That wasn't a bad idea at all. At least this way Vera could get some sort of insight on her new roommates. She would need it.

"What a wonderful idea!" Vera said, clasping her hands together with a smile. "I would be lovely to get to know the rest of you."

"Hi, I'm Alicia. I'm from Pennsylvania, my magic enables me to control plants, and I like to draw in my spare time."

Another sweet smile overshadowed Vera's true, bitter demeanour.

"Well, it's nice to see that we have another Bratus mage among us. As you may or might not know from the dorm arrangements, my name is Vera Rosenberg, and my original home was in a countryside in England. As for my magic, I have the ability to create and manipulate roses, big or small. I don't think there is anything too notable about me, but I do enjoy gardening and tending to flowers. It really is hobby that sets your emotions at peace, and certainly love it for that."

Putting her fingertips to her mouth, Vera's voice drifted off. She chuckled, taking a more sheepish appearance.

"Forgive me, I didn't mean to drag on for so long… Oh my goodness, that introduction made me sound so conceited, didn't it…"

Things were going well, for now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~The post in which time moves forwards!~

(Aka, A timeskip)

The day trudged forward like any other day, and eventually the afternoon came and went. Soon enough, it was time for the introductory classes. They weren't anything huge. Most teachers simply introduced themselves and gave a general overview of what they would be teaching that year. Most students, of course, attended, though there were those who didn't. They wouldn't be bashed too badly if they did miss it. Might not be such a good idea, in hindsight though, since they could miss some important information. Chances were, they'd be over just a little after dark.

The familiars, who didn't wish to attended classes started filing into the main office. Many jobs could be found there for them, ranging from janitorial jobs, construction jobs, helping Gall in the library, to helping Meredith watch over some of captured beasts that were used during certain events. They were being given out by the staff, though if one wanted too, they could personally ask the headmistress for a job. The most time consuming thing, is waiting in line to talk to someone. Even with numerous staff members going through the paperwork and handling them, a single applicant could take around anywhere from ten minutes, to twenty depending on the type of job they wanted.


Lyssa had for once, attended classes like a good little student. The cake she had brought earlier for Iravis was safely tucked away in their room, hidden away where no one would find it. Mugi, Katie, or Iravis herself! If Lyssa had hidden it whilst under the influence, it likely wouldn't be found again for a month. Okay, so maybe it was just sitting in a to-go box in an inconspicuous corner, hidden by her laptop case but that was irrelevant.

She made her way back to her dorm and removed her laptop case from its corner, revealing the delicious looking cake inside. She visibly had to refrain from eating the delicious looking cake herself. Even a few hours later, it still looked almost perfect. Well, almost. It had been sitting out for a few hours, but she was confident it was still delicious. Certainly smelled delicious.

"No no, not for you, Lyssa. This is for someone else, no no, do not eat it." She said to herself, mustering the will power to close the lid on the container. Whew, that was a close one. If worst came to worst though, she'd always just rush off and buy another. At the moment though, she had done good.

So for now. The demon simply headed out of the dorm, laptop in hand. She didn't know what classes the other girl was attending, and she didn't wish to hang around the dorm until she showed up. Iravis might get lost or held up by someone. So she did the logical step, and waited for her outside of the dorm building, near the gardens surrounding the entrance of the place.

It was a pleasant evening, to be sure, and maybe instead of being a huge nerd and playing video games she should be enjoying nature...but nah. The slaying of dragons must be done.

So she found a seat on a brick half-wall surrounding the planters, and sat the box next to her. Crossing her legs, she set the laptop on her lap, booted it up, and waited.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cupido sipped his tea as he watched students file into his room. He waited a few more minutes before seeing down the beverage and straightening. his two illusions grabbed the papers and passed them out. "Hello there darlings, I am Cupido Morningstar and I teach winds and weapons. I am skilled in winds, illusions, and a specialty ability" He walked more toward the center of the room as he spoke. "As you can see my two illusions are passing out my syllabus. It covers the basics...but I will cover some sections because i know just how confusing it can be. This particular syllabus is for my weapons class." The syllabus had sections covering everything from grading, to attendance, to the supply list. There was even a list of when things are due, though that was rather short. Then there was that odd part about apple duty. "The supply list does indeed say that you should purchase at least a bow for practicing outside of class. However, I may be willing to loan you one. It does also say a sketch pad, this is because I will be showing you...not just writing up on a board. In fact, we will hardly ever be inside this room." He gave a small smile.

"Grading here is based on improvement and effort, if you show that you have been trying to get better you will do fine here, if you put in no effort....you will most likely fail." He continued through the more specific parts of the syllabus and then giving his office hours if they needed him. He had then taken those present outside to the edge of the forest and showed them a rather nice archery and dummy set up. Really, he seemed like a rather laid back teacher. Though something about him put off the impression that as soon as someone pushed him, he would become completely different. Once everything was said and done, he headed back o the room and the students left.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shino Koizumi

The Jackal girl spoke quite girly towards Shino in an adoring tone. Shino didn't suspect anything else from her, most people acted like this especially when they were girls. The girl spoke as if she was talking to a little girl! but no just a little girl only but a little cat girl instead! These girls were especially easy to convince or entertain. She didn't feel offended.

"Thank you for your understanding. Shino wi-..."

The girl rubbed her soft head under her chin which released all her inner stress that build up and immediately made her feel relieved. She couldn't talk with this overwhelming feeling growing in her tummy. The hand went down her back again raising goosebumps on her arms once more, the hairs on her tail almost stood fully upright but it was to see that she clearly enjoyed it way too much.

The woman girl said she could pet her the same way as she did with Shino. Shino tensed up a little, now this was a little new to her. Animals petting each other was definitely something else. Shino carefully placed the hand on top of the girl her head and softly moved it around. Shino looked a little curious and uncertain about her actions at the same time. Shino titled her head lightly while continuing to pat the girl.

"L-like this nya?"

Her head was a little red as she did it and she stopped with it rather quickly feeling uncomfortable about it. She'd rather not do it and keep it the way it had always been. When the continuous petting and affection finally stopped Shino got a little bit more talk active. Which was to be proven, not her strongest point. Shino curiously looked up at the girl, she was kind of wondering what she was, it wasn't that she really needed to know, but knowing what she was would have been a nice little add on.

"Shino's name is Shino, very nice to meet you Melody-nyan."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Livia's office~

Livia quietly sat at her desk. The door to her office was open, as it always was this time at the start of a new semester. A few familiars had decided to pay her a visit, and ask for a job personally, rather than take one of the simple ones. Of course, she didn't mind giving familiars their own tasks, if they wanted them. That was part of her job, after all. Making sure these precious little students of hers learned the value of hard work and perhaps a little humilty in the process. Some were more difficult to place than others, since some familiars could...well, be a little on the troublesome side.

But she was confident she could handle them. She had yet to find a familiar she couldn't handle on some level.

At any rate, however, she awaited the first of the people that would be so bold as to come to her directly for a job.

Iravis had decided this was going to be short, sweet, and diplomatic.

The Phoenix knocked on the open door to alert the headmistress of her prescence, the fist crashing down heavily and producing sparks as it landed each time. Fire didn't follow her feet as she approached the desk, but some smoke did rise from the floor.

"May Ra have granted you a productive day under his watch, Headmistress." There. An introduction. Now only two things to ask about, and then leave. Unlike her younger self, this red haired girl was staring straight at Livia, as if peering into her soul.

Livia, was a bit surprised to see who her first guest was, though it only amused the older woman. A small smile crossed her lips as she listened to the other girl.

“Oh my. Someone must be having a bad day, but there really is no need to take it out on the poor carpet.” Livia replied with a chuckle. “But indeed, if I was religious in any way, Ra perhaps has granted me a productive day.”

“How has your first day here gone so far, hmm? I hope it has gone well, but since you are here I take it you wish to have a job of sorts instead of classes?” Well, she was hoping Roux would chose to attend her classes. A little…hard work would do the girl some good, however, so she wasn’t going to complain.

Iravis returned a glare. Considering the way her dorm had turned out, the cursed woman had to be in on it. Her voice subsided into a small fire. "May those you do not believe in be merciful when you cross. Either way, I will be given more suitable living arrangements. I will work as Sir Wick's teaching assistant. We both know I am qualified for that job, based on my ability to wield flame and handle the spear." She ignored any more pleasant greetings, getting straight to the point.

“Both requests, denied.” Livia replied rather bluntly, without even giving much thought to it. “Do you have a problem with your room, Roux?” She asked, a small smile forming on her lips. “I thought it was quite suitable…you did agree to attend here, after all. And an assistant? For Arthur? He doesn’t need such a person.” The headmistress leaned back in her chair, calm as ever, and not concerned with Iravis’ rather…fiery voice.

The glare hardened, if that was possible, in response. "It is indeed your created domain, and I shall respect that." She had to resist the urge to tell the headmistress to drop the pet names, and instead continue with her second question. "So what alternative to class are you offering me, then?"

Well, it seemed she wasn’t completely hopeless in the realm of respect, then. She could tell she was annoying her just a bit with the pet names, however. Which well, she had to admit she was having just a bit too much fun with.

“Hmm…I don’t know, Little Roux.” She replied. “A creature as powerful as yourself…a god is a little difficult to find work for, after all.” She continued, though the tone of her voice was definitely meant to be patronizing and sarcastic. “Perhaps you could work at the pool located in the dorms, hmm? Or water the gardens. They are so lovely this time of year.”

A look of fear crossed her eyes. Livia knew that cold water terrified her. A hundred years ... Iravis shook her head after drifting off to space for a few moments, a less harsh gaze returning to the headmistress. "... If cruelty is your plan, I will not follow it, keeper ..." If she looked carefully, some of the child who had shown up three years ago was in her voice and posture, eyes drifting towards the ground after a few moments.

Livia simply smiled. She still didn’t like being called ‘keeper’, but well, this was simply a small test if you will. She of course, had no plans of being cruel to Iravis. She cared too much about the girl to do that. Of course, not that she was going to let Iravis know that at the moment. The girl insisted on strutting about as a ‘goddess’, so she was going to teach her the meaning of the word ‘humility’.

“No? Such a shame. That noble friend of yours would love to see you in a swimsuit.” She chuckled. “But that’s fine. I understand. So…I really don’t have much work on campus for you.” She continued, falling silent as she thought for a moment.

A slight blush ran across her cheeks as her childhood companion was mentioned, and the Goddess regained her ground, back to glaring at the headmistress.

“However…I do have one thing you might be perfect for. You like History and Pyromancy, hmm?”

In response to this, the teenager nodded. "I doubt that's even a question." As if to express a little eagerness towards where this suggestion was going, a snap of her fingers brought a small flame into her palm. "Of course."

Livia smiled, and if Iravis was paying attention, she would recognize it as the smile that Livia wore when she had something up her sleeve. Or as someone else might say, Iravis done goofed.

“Excellent, little Roux. Then I’m certain you won’t mind teaching either to others.” She reached into her desk, shuffling through some pieces of paper as she pulled out a single sheet, and a pen, and began writing.

“It will be work off campus, in the town. There’s a small place, recently the one who teaches history there retired, so I’ve been looking for a replacement. The children there certainly could use someone to teach them a good, exciting history lesson.” She finished, signing and folding the letter and handing it to Iravis.

“A brief letter of introduction. Give this to the person who runs the place, and he’ll take care of everything else. Of course, you will be paid and you will not have to attend classes.”

The goddess' mouth dropped. That had gone badly, and her emotions turned around instantly. "CHILDREN? CHIL-?" Iravis trembled with rage. She hated kids. Despised them. She didn't pick up the letter, and felt tempted to burn it.

Aha, she was hoping she could sneak that word by Iravis by talking quickly.

Ah well~

Livia simply smiled. “What’s this? A goddess like yourself is afraid of a little children?” The headmistress chuckled. If Iravis attempted to burn the letter, she’d simply find that the piece of paper was oddly incapable of burning.

The goddess' rage finally came to bear, a blast of flame going through the paper and setting the purple curtains on fire behind it ablaze. However, she did carefully avoiding hitting the headmistress herself.

Seeing the paper not burn, the Phoenix snatched it, saying something about starting a religion under her breath and practically screaming at her roomate to enter the room before storming off down the hallway.

Mugi was waiting outside the Headmistress' office for her turn to talk about an idea she had when Iravis stormed out. "Oh, hi Ir-" She didn't even bother finishing as the girl was out of earshot. With a slight sigh the Yuki-Onna walked into the office. "Greetings Headmistress." Before continuing she stared the woman up and down for a minute before speaking again, "Oh my, you're even prettier up close than far away. How are you today?"

“Really, Roux, those were expensive!” Livia pouted, as the flames were doused in a timely fashion, seeming to suddenly become slightly damp. Still, the damage had been done, and she’d have to get someone to fix them. Later then, for now she had another little student to deal with.

“Oh my, and who are you?” Livia replied to Mugi. “At least one of my precious students is good mannered.” She continued with a sigh. “And I’ve certainly been better, but I’ve been worse, but enough about me.” She gave Mugi a friendly smile. “I take it you are here because you want a job?”

"In a sense I suppose. Oh! Even after you praise my manners. My name is Mugi. On the registry it's Mugi Yukimura. The name Yukimura is hardly my name though, and just an unnecessary identifier. So please, just call me Mugi." She gave a quick bow as was customary from her culture. "Onto the topic I suppose. I'm a Yuki-Onna and we have an affinity for Ice. Well, I like to make Shaved Ice, Ice Pops and other things of the sort. I was wondering if I could start one somewhere on campus. An pretty place perhaps?" She gave a great smile after asking.

“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mugi.” Livia greeted as she listened to the girls idea. It was…certainly a unique one to be sure. Most jobs were for the benefit of the campus in some way, but…well. She couldn’t say no, since the jobs were also supposed to teach the familiars the value of some hard work.

And well, if this little Yuki-Onna wanted to, she couldn’t exactly say no, could she?

“That is a wonderful idea, I think.” Livia replied. “And the garden is a perfect place, I think. So you have my full support in this endeavor.” Livia reached for another piece of paper, quickly writing on it, followed by signing it. Well, this had been surprisingly painless. She was glad that it was after Iravis stormed out of here.

“Take this to the kitchens. The Head Chef can get you started quite easily.” She said, handing the girl the letter.

"Yay! I'm sure people will appriciate frozen treats when it gets hot. I know I would! Come visit sometime, I'll make you an extra big one! I think I'm getting the hang of customs over here!" Mugi took the letter and lightly hugged the Headmistress. "Thank you again." She said happily as she let go and made her way to the kitchen to start work on her Shaved Ice stand.

Well. She had certainly not been expecting a freezing hug from the Yuki-Onna, and her eyes widened slightly in response.

“O-oh, you’re quite welcome.” She replied. She didn’t think she had ever seen someone get so excited about running a shaved ice stand. Hah, if this sweet girl was one of Roux’s roommates, then perhaps she would change her attitude faster. “I shall be sure to come and visit once you get things started.”

Well. That had gone extremely well.

A few minutes after the Yuki Onna left Livia's office, another figure made itself present in the door frame. Six feet tall and still irritated from that disgusting confrontation with Sorcha and her pussy-whipped lackeyes, Arata made a very visible attempt at keeping his footsteps regular as he approached the amethyst-eyed headmistress of the school. Though he wouldn't mind exchanging blows with her, right now, he needed money for food. An oni like him, after all, could not just subsist off squirrels and sparrows.

"Is there someone you want dead?"

A simple question. Oni was synonymous with war and death, after all.

The next person, however, may not be so easy.

“Someone…I want dead?” She replied, fixing the Oni with a somewhat confused look, before laughing. “Well, there are plenty of people I want dead,” She replied after her laughter subsided, her voice taking a much more serious tone. “But none of them will be killed by you. So if you understand, then do not ask further.” Of course, she meant she was going to kill them with her own two hands. With that out of the way, she fixed Arata with a small smile.

“You are Arata, then?” She continued, leaning back in her chair. “I saw your little…argument with the dragon. You are here for work of some sort, I assume? Don’t worry, I won’t be giving you any sort of labor that you don’t find interesting…or fun as long as you understand you will be sharing that tower with a few other people.”

"What. The tower is shared?"

“Indeed, if you would have read your dorm assignment then you would have noticed that.”

Arata paused. "...I can't read. I don't even know how I'm speaking French right now."

Probably some Mentis magic or something. She dismissed the thought quickly. “That is indeed, that is rather troublesome. Perhaps have Gall teach you sometime. He loves teaching people to read.” In fact, Gall hated it, but well, that was his problem if Arata decided to take up that route.

“But that isn’t what you are here for, is it? You’re here looking for work?”

Gall? That flimsy death god was a teacher as well? How far they've fallen after all, though Arata supposed that it made some sense that the familiar of someone who ran a school would also be a teaching type. Well, not that it mattered too much.

"I'll keep that in mind then," the oni said, "And yes, I need to work for food, though I will not work with food."

So far things had been going rather well. So perhaps she should get on with the main point. She had been hoping he would visit her for work.

“Well then, since that is settled…perhaps you should work on fixing that home of yours, you just so conveniently just put holes in. And do not worry about the…” Livia surpassed a chuckle. She was going to have to tease Sorcha with that at some point. “Bat-girl, she won’t be causing you any trouble if you do. I’ve made sure of that. The construction material will be prepared tomorrow evening. I will pay you in whatever you wish, so long as you do not cause any more trouble to the tower. Indeed, feel free to even improve it if you wish. I will tell the foreman that as long as the changes are reasonable, then you may work.”

Construction work? Well...he did thinking that the tower was far too unreliable as a watchtower or a fortress. Though it irked him that the bat-girl was going to benefit from the changes, at the same time, he was going to kick her out after he beat her ass in a week.

Wait, no.

A week was definitely too long.

Arata closed his eyes, envisioning the fortress that shall be constructed. Then, he opened them once more, and said, "So I'll start work tomorrow. Where's the foreman?"

“Around now? Probably in town, getting everything ready.” Livia replied. "I would...give you written directions, but since you cannot read."

"Draw a map. I can read pictures."

“Very well.” She pulled out a piece of paper, and a pen, and with somewhat uncanny skill drew a fairly good, clean map of the town, starting with the main road if you were coming from the academy. A thin, easily seen line pointed him right towards the foremans’ office. If Arata hurried, he probably could get there before they close for the night.

“Is that all, then?” She replied, handing him the map.

Arata looked at the the map, folded it up, and then nodded. With the directions in his pockets and his mind, the oni took one heavy step and leapt out one of the windows. Somersaulting through the air, he did a three-point landing as glass shards twinkled around him, before shooting off into the distance.

He had a job now. And that was enough to drown away his thoughts for the time being.

Meria sighed, nearly feeling like throwing up at the moment. I forgot that I hated seafood. However, she simply waved it off after a while, not wanting to ponder on such things like distasteful food. She concentrated on her hand, making a dark fjkdsnafjknsdja appear inside of the palm of her hand. It had images inside of it as she saw someone enter a room with a light. Dang it. It's a nice little dream she gulped it down, the sweet aftertaste leaving a strong flavor. She never understood how most normal food tasted like... cardboard. However, she could understand Drael and his lust for blood. It wasn't bad for whatever reason.

This place needed good food. She didn't mean to be conceited but she always felt extremely happy when someone, usually her parents in the past ate her food and praised her greatly for making it "perfectly". hfjdshfkjdshfj fjdskfjdkls hfkdsjfkdls jfdjsklf jdks. With that, she decided to decide on her job. Hmmm~ She would love to defeat some beasties but... She felt that she could cook up some food and make people happy with the taste.

Meria smiled and headed over to the spectacular mistresses office to request that she cook up her own recipes. Standing outside, the last thing she saw was someone shoot out of the window. Her eyes almost widened but she simply walked inside of the room unnafected. "Excuse me head mistress. My name is Meria and I would like to request a certain job if I may. she bowed her head politely before raising it and smiling kindly at the head mistress.

“Why must they insist on destroying my office every semester…” Livia sighed, shaking her head, before turning to Meria. She’d clean it up later. At least there was a pleasant breeze.

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Meria.” She replied, returning her smile. “I apologize for the window…and the carpet and curtains. Some people are just completely unreasonable. But more to the point, what job would you like?”

Meria looked over to the window, not realizing that any damage had been done. She had a habit of ignoring things sometimes. Meria frowned, shaking her head at this "That's not very good... Would you like me to fix up the place? I could..." she honestly wanted to. Things like broken glass didn't sit well with her and she was good at cleaning. I suppose this was the noise.

However, she realized that she had wanted to ask the woman something first. "Oh, that's right. I would like to request if I could work in the cafeteria? Cooking my own recipes that is." she allowed a small smile to form, her eyes wandering over to the broken glass more than once.

Another request for cooking something? Well, she could hardly say no this time, either. A small smile formed on her lips as she spoke.

“Aha, do not worry about the glass, Meria. I shall have it taken care of soon enough, just try to leave in a semi-normal fashion, if you don’t mind.” She chuckled, before addressing the girls main reason for being here.

“And of course! It would be rather mean for me to not allow you.” She started writing on another piece of paper. “It always good to see students interested in the culinary arts. Perhaps I will come by and try something of yours one day.” She smiled, finishing the letter and handing it too her. “Give this to the Head Chef, he’ll be able to get you started.”

Meria smiled and nodded her head, understanding that she should leave the glass be. Looking up, her smile widened a bit when she heard that her request had been approved. "Thank you miss. Interested in the culinary arts? Haha, yes that would be great. rather than interested, she just liked the praise that she had received from her mother in the past. If she hadn't, she would have probably never cooked again in her life if possible. However, I suppose she loved it. Meria took the paper and nearly headed out the door but stopped abrubtly, turning back around. "Also...Could I tend to the flowers as well? before bowing her head once again.

“Hm? Oh of course. I will inform the groundskeepers that you will be dropping by, Meria.” Livia replied with a polite nod. “Don’t try to overwork yourself though, now.”

Ayame had finally found her way to the headmistress' office. Instead of roaming around like last time, the fox-girl had meekly asked a student to kindly direct her. So she found herself leaning against the wall, fiddling with the ornamanets on her clothes as she waited for the headmistress to finish speaking to the student who had arrived before her.

After a few minutes or so, a pretty pink-haired girl left the room with a paper at hand. Ayame shyly poked her head inside the room before entering, politely closing the door behind her before reciting the speech she had thought of while waiting.

"I admit I'm not the most comfortable around humans, b-but I would like to try to get used to them. So, if it isn't too much trouble...May I have a job that teaches music to the little ones?"

Well, good. Her office hadn’t suffered any more disturbances yet. Hopefully that would end on a high note. Just one more person to go through at the moment, and then maybe she’d be done.

“Music? That is a wonderful idea.” Livia replied to the rather timid looking girl who was in front of her. “I assume by ‘little ones’ you mean children, miss?...”

She blushed, nodding her head. "C-children, yes. I have heard that they are mostly harmless?"

“Harmless?” Livia softly laughed. “Well. I wouldn’t say they are harmless. They can be quite a handful, if you are not prepared.” She took a piece of paper and started writing. She would send her to the same place she had sent Iravis, then. It was the only place in town where children were taught, since the Academy itself didn’t cater to younger children.

“Ah…it would be easier to introduce you if I could have a name?” She gave the girl a friendly smile.

Ayame paled a bit when the headmistress said that children could be a handful if not prepared. "Oh, I see," she breathed out, trying her hardest not to pass out. Her ears flattened as she contemplated asking for another job. But...That wouldn't look good! She needed to have some sense of responsibility.

"Ayame. Just Ayame," she replied, twiddling her thumbs.

“A pleasure to meet you Ayame.” Livia replied, signing the letter and handing it to the girl. “I’ve written clear directions to the place in the letter, so you should have no trouble finding it. A small place that teaches children who are too young to attend my academy yet. If you have any trouble at all, feel free to come talk to me about it.”

"Thank you miss!" Ayame took the slip of paper, bowing her head before slipping out of the room.

Livia smiled, watching the girl go. Perhaps Iraivs and her could become friends. It certainly would be a pleasant turn of events.

The corridors would soon ring with the echo of the Nyan cat theme pounding loudly against the walls. Because after earlier today's stay with Shino, Melody had gotten all over herself with her cat love and found some students watching the figure on their cell-phone. It was enough for her to assume its shape and levitate through the corridors while loudly playing its theme followed by a rainbow as the real size nyan cat levitated towards the headmistress office.

It evaded things that came in its path gracefully, and didn't hesitate for a moment to barge right into the headmistress office where it would start circling around the room as the music slowly started dying down, eventually after circling it several time Melody would stop just where she began and settle down by the door.

Livia, seemed completely unimpressed by Melody’s shenanigans. In fact, she seemed to entirely ignore it, almost as if it wasn’t even there. There was always one weird one that always just managed to find some new way to make her shake her head in mild annoyance.

However, as soon as it stopped, Melody would feel almost as if a cold hand was gripping her, but there was no visible force to be seen. It shoved her right out of the room, the door closing shut behind her.

“Next time, try entering normally.” Livia replied from within her office. “If not, I will throw you out the window.”

The Nyan cat sponged slightly to the grip, then as it was shoved out of the room it turned around, grinned and then turned into Livia instead. She then entered the room again. "What norm do you seek then?... Is your own form entering normal?" she asked as she weren't certain of what normal really meant.

How one entered somewhere normally was not something Melody understood, a 'norm' was a complex thing to one who could become near anything she wanted or someone else wanted in return. She didn't quite grasp the subject, to say that to her was probably the same as telling water it should flow like a rock.

Livia, seemed even less amused as she was treated to an imperfect copy of herself.

“Well. At least you didn’t return with…whatever that was.” She replied, giving the creature before her a glare. “I take it you are here for a job?” She honestly, just felt like throwing this girl out. If she did a second time, she would not be able to return that was for sure. So she’d give the girl just one chance before breaking one of her other windows.

Melody simply starred at Livia with somewhat Livia's own eyes... more or less at least. Details weren't that important. "In that assumption you are correct Livia... " she responded crossing her arms as she starred back at her without batting an eye lash at the situation. "You know who I am already... So I believe no introductions are in order..." she replied pondering about what Job she could have to offer to her.

Livia’s frowned deepened, before a smile formed on her lips. Fine, if this creature wanted to play…games, then she could play.

“Oh yes…indeed, I know you. You’re just a hollow person who can’t show their true face because they have no personality whatsoever.” She cruelly chuckled, before giving Melody a glare. “Fool, I have no idea who you are. I am not a mind reader, and since you seem intent on using this guise In front of me, then you have no business here. Leave, before I make you or drop the disguise, and address me properly.”

To Melody put a hand on her chin, it was a interesting description to say the least. Being called hollow, yet she felt so full. In that statement you are not incorrect... Nor are you correct. A beings personality have nothing to do with their apperance, but you are right that I cannot show my true face as I do not possess one" she replied, rasing her arms slightly as she reached for the roof. "You may call me Fool if that satisfies you. And I can become one if its form suit thy more..." she said her body deforming once more.

She turned into what would be quite close to a fool, one who would jester at a kings court. With a Red top hat with bells, colorful clothes and a perfectly white mask with hollow sockets for its eyes. "How would a proper way to address you be?... Do you want to be called sir?...mam, lady... girl... woman... cat... there are many ways to adress someone... your name is Livia... And it was given to you so you could be known by it... Mine is Melody... " the Eyeless rather creepy 'Fool/Jester' stated emotionlessly.

Melody was her name?...she was the shapeshifter, then. Livia simply sighed. Well, at any rate she wanted this Melody out of her office sooner rather than later.

“You, may address me as Headmistress.” Livia was completely unmoved by the jester. She had seen much worse in her time.“Very well…what sort of job do you want, hmm? Or did you just come here to waste my time?”

Melody remained quite motionless where she stood, as she was told to call Livia Headmistress she simply gave a silent nod in return. "I want a job... that's suitable for me" she replied, she were told to come here if she wanted a job... yet she didn't know what job she could or couldn't do.

Livia sighed.

Well. She wasn’t wrong about her not having a personality. Really, some of the aides downstairs should have been able to handle this without giving her a headache. Though, she was likely just bitching about the rather rude way she had introduced herself.

Who does that, anyways? Shape shifter, shape shifter…something suitable for a shape shifter. Hmm.

“Honestly, unless there’s something specific you want I’m not sure I can be of much help.” Livia replied. “I can give you the list of the standard jobs. You can help in the library, help the nurse in the infirmary, and perhaps help with the gardens. If you want something more specific, then you will have to tell me, otherwise I cannot help you.”

Melody thought for a while, there was that list to consider yet she doubted they would be her kind of jobs... or perhaps they would. "Perhaps I can assist in classes then?... I can turn into any form or shape that a teacher might need?... Or perhaps I could spy on your enemies?... But... I will gladly look at this list. Perhaps I can learn any job required" she replied, she reached out a hand for the papers needed.

Livia pondered this for a moment. Any enemy she might have, was already being spied on by people much more capable than this person. The only one she might watch is Roux, but she needed watch her 24/7.

And actually…

“Ah, perhaps I do have something, actually. It just crossed my mind that perhaps you could help with the planning of the Party that will be happening in four days. It’s nothing major. If you do well enough, you can permanently help out with the planning of all future events as well.”

Melody nodded to this "That I can do... I will study party making until then, and shall present you with a party that none have witnessed before" she replied. Shortly bowing as her body deformed. "Until we meet again... Mistress" she said as he body formed to a mere shadow on the floor... quickly fading away from the room without a trace.

Livia sighed, glad that this was over with. She’d have someone clean up the mess in her office tonight. For now, though, she was going to have a chat with Gall in the library.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

The teenager decided to head back to her dorms after leaving the office, flame resistant letter of introduction in hand. The goddess wasn't satisfied about the whole exchange, but the fire in her heart had managed to calm down a little by the time she started approaching them. If she was lucky, no one else would be inside the room and she would be able to crack open a book for some time and bury herself within the pages.

As she approached the gardens in front of the dorm, she spotted Lyssa sitting on a ledge with some strange glowing tablet resting in her lap. The fire haired girl decided that the demoness might know if the room was already occupied, which would explain why she was waiting out here. Approaching the succubus, the goddess began to address here.

"Greetings, Lyssa." The girl paused slightly, trying to figure out how to ask this. "Are you observing the outdoors because another occupies our living space?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

ignore, please
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago


It was normally a rather unremarkable area of the academy, but that changed rather quickly as the circle of glyphs etched into the land lit up and drove back the darkness that followed the recently set sun. The light was soft even as the symbols shifted rapidly and motes of light began to drift upwards. They quickly gathered into a humanoid shape and each mote that merged afterwards seemed to solidify the form and shape further. There was no great flash to finish the spell, but Cole stood whole as the circle’s light faded.

While uninjured, Cole’s attire spoke of the troubles he must have encountered. His clothing was had numerous uneven holes with blackened edges. A few tears and gashes were also among the damage although only the largest was stained with a slight brown of dried blood. The clothes weren’t necessarily in tatters, but he was a far cry from presentable. There was even a rather sharp acidic scent mixed with of gunpowder that clung to him. Though Cole didn’t let either stop him as he finally reoriented himself and went off to drop off the samples he had collected.

One was a blade of black chitin so dark it was impossible to see and would have seemed to drink in light had there been any around. About a foot in length with razor sharp edges, the fleshy bit at its base indicated it must have been torn from whatever creature it had belonged to. The other samples were bottled in several vials shrouded by a soft white glow, but even that wasn’t able to hide the green coloration of the liquid they contained.

If Cole hadn’t drawn attention with the condition of his attire than the shroud of mana that lit him up like a beacon certainly would have. Given the isolated location of that particular teleport circle, it would have taken more time than he was comfortable to reach the Nurse if he simply walked. The vials were enchanted and high quality, but even then the potent acid could only be contained for so long. The originally bright glow had dulled considerably and he guessed the magic wouldn’t hold for the hour. Ideally they would no longer be in his possession at that point.

Sharp knocks against the infirmary’s door were all the warning Meredith got before Cole promptly threw the door open and stepped in with a huff. The sound of wheels rolling over the tiled floors proceeded the nurse moments before she rolled into sight on a chair. While forward motion faded almost instantly, somehow she continued to spin round and round. “Oh! You. Ma-” Each spin seemed to coax another word from the Nurse, but he put an end to it quickly with a toss of the three vials at her. They wouldn’t shatter that easily, but Meredith nonetheless stopped to swipe them from the air.

“That was mean!” Meredith pouted for a moment as she wagged a finger in Cole’s direction, but her expression changed quickly as she raised the vials to eye level and examined their contents. “And what did you do with my vials?”

“I’m so glad you asked,” Cole drawled as he tossed a small slagged and blackened piece of material in her direction. Practically unrecognizable as what was once a glass vial, but an Alchemist of her level wouldn’t have any trouble deducing what happened and it seemed she did so quite easily. It was impossible to tell if she was bothered as Meredith simply shrugged her shoulders and threw her hands up as if it couldn't have been helped. Wheels rolled across the floor before she dropped the three vials onto a holder on a desk.

"Is that all you managed to get?"

"No, I did rip this off too," Cole said as he showed her the tail blade he had brought back with him. Her eyes seemed to shimmer at the sight of the pitch black chitin, and he recoiled a bit at how fast the nurse rushed up to him. She practically tore the sample from his hands and didn't seem to care as the edges sliced into her hands. "Those vials are probably going to fail in less than an hour for your information." She looked up at his head's up and nodded in response a few times before she reached up and patted his head with surprising quickness. Now he had blood in his hair... and it was definitely on purpose since she could have closed those cuts almost instantly.

"Aw, thank you for the heads up. And for the samples too."

“You’re welcome.” With that done he turned around and left the infirmary and Meredith’s presence. It was a bit too late for him to pick up payment for the job, so that would have to wait until tomorrow. For now he rubbed at his belly at the appealing thought of a hot meal. The cafeteria was probably packed with students right now as classes finished up, so that was right out. He looked down at himself as he descended the stairs and figured that it would probably also be for the best if he got changed first. So for now it looked like home was his first stop.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Ah, the smell of destruction in the morning always invigorated the demon. She stood over the battlefield, watching as countless numbers of troops fought for her, dying because of their undying loyalty for her, their glorious leader, Lady Demon Candy! A laugh escaped the demon queens lips as an explosion occurred in the distance. She reached for the plate of cake, conveniently sitting on a table next to her. Taking a bite out of it. Delicious, just like the tears of her enemies. The demon placed the cake back on the table, and began to laugh once again as another explosion rocked the battlefield.

"Ahh, it's good to be an evil queen~" She said aloud as Iravis approached, probably earning quite the stare from a few other people as well. The irony was not lost on the demon, who was currently taking over a fictional world on her computer. She would probably never have done something like this in life, but well, she was a surprisingly violent dictator in virtual reality.

"Greetings, Lyssa. Are you observing the outdoors because another occupies our living space?"

Iravis' voice brought her back to reality, however, and with a swift motion, she closed the laptop and gave Iravis a friendly smile. She hopped off of the brick wall, landing next to the other girl.

"Nope! Just thought I'd get some fresh air. Fresh air is always good when you're taking over the world, hehe~" Lyssa replied with a giggle. "But uhm, I dunno. I haven't seen Katie or Mugi since classes." She continued with a friendly grin. "Speaking of, I didn't see you in there! Were you skipping classes? Ya should have told me and I would have come with! I don't like class anyways."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ashifili
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Ashifili Always There

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It was enough to take his mind off things, if nothing else.

From noon until evening, Arata, with the blessings of the foreman and the construction crew, transported all the building materials and the vehicles to the Tower. Throughout the day, a rumbling could be felt by all those sensitive to such things, and if they chose to search for the source of that sensation, they’d find a blond youth carrying a ridiculous amount of construction materials on his back as he stomped from the Town to the Tower. His footsteps were imprinted onto the concrete pavement, his straw sandals pretty much destroyed from all the weight that was placed on it, but, other than the occasional grunt of exertion, he didn’t appear to be tired at all.

By the time the sun was beginning to set, the relatively short Tower that served as the home for a bat-girl was circled by various construction materials and vehicles, from steel rods to concrete blocks to bags of cement to literally everything else. It almost appeared excessive, as if they were planning on demolishing and rebuilding the Tower, instead of simply patch up a few holes.

But the vision that Arata shared with the foreman had lit the older man’s fighting spirit, and perhaps, the renovations that were soon to occur would actually closer to demolition and reconstruction.

And, coincidentally, the main entrance to the Tower was completely obstructed by all the materials that the oni had unceremoniously dumped in the general area.

Maybe it was a bit cheap, but Arata did feel like being petty after the events of today. As he dropped the final cement mixer beside the Tower, the oni rubbed his shoulders, turned upwards, and shouted out at his arrogant nemesis.


With that, Arata left, ready to search for his dinner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VanityMage Levi
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VanityMage Levi

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


I-Is this where I.... no. How about, here? N-No... I- where am I now?

Conner was absolutely confused. He probably would have made it to school on time to watch the opening ceremony if wasn't for his flight being delayed and the hardships that came with it, but that's a story for later. For now, he was wondering around assuming that he he could either find the principle's office or one of the teacher's to help him out with his schedule. He was holding his duffle bag of a luggage close to his chest so that whenever he came across any student's, he could use a similar flightless bird technique and hide his face within the bag thinking that "If I can't see you then you can't see me!" kinda thing although it did make him look like an idiot.

Couple minutes after, he manages to at least find the school's library. He thought that maybe he could find the librarian and ask them for directions. He peeked his head in first to see if anyone was in... of course there would already be some student's inside dummy! He quietly tiptoed step by step by each one, with his face looking down as to avoid making eye contact and prevent needless confrontation. Once finally alone, Conner found himself in the history section and decided to stay there until the place is more cleared for him to start searching and what better way to pass the time than with drawing. He looked both ways to make sure he alone at the moment, plus the scenery did looked perfect, so a little drawing shouldn't hurt... right?

With that, he took a seat on the floor and started taking out his sketchpad and pen, wondering what should he start with first.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

The succubus took an enthusiastic leap towards her roommate, which responded by taking a step back to put a bit more distance between them. This hellion is ... far too touchy.

Iravis shook her head in response to Lyssa asking if she had skipped class. "The headmistress discussed alternatives to class with me, which I accepted."

The Phoenix didn't feel like gracing the demoness with any more information, because stating directly that she had sought out work would reveal that she was a familiar, which would likely lead to rejecting an offer of submission from the overly cheerful woman. Despite how much fun that would be, so far she'd been good at delivering offerings ...

... suddenly the cake returned to her mind, left uneaten during her conversational duel with Katie. The talk with Livia had taken up her mind, and she had completely forgotten about Lyssa's loyal offering towards her resident goddess. After a few moments, the goddess curtsied towards Lyssa. "Apologies for not consuming the tribute you granted me earlier."

Swen had returned from the syllabus being handed out in Proffessor Cupido's class, and he seemed dumbfounded by the way the professor passed out his syllabus and described his course plan.

Why choose a bow as the required weapon? Why not the more noble sword? Wasn't this the most pristine school of magic in the entire world?

While he questioned the sanity of this academy once more, he returned to the library and decided to study the more sane subject of history in order to absorb some semblance of order to his mind. It didn't surprise him that someone was drawing there, but he wondered why they would be in history section for that, and not borrowing from the artistic section instead.

"Artist, if I may inquire, why are you in the history section as opposed to the art section if you are drawing?" Looking over his shoulder, the fourteen year old saw the student hadn't started yet. "Do you seek to draw a historical scene, perhaps?"
@VanityMage Levi
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alternatives to classes? Didn't familiars get those? Waaaaaait. So was Iravis a familiar then? A warm cuddly familiar that she could get lots of hugs from? Probably something fire-based judging from how warm she was when she got that hug in earlier, eheh. Not to mention that whole, fireball thing. Well. Iravis didn't tell her, so she wasn't going to press the issue. She probably had her reasons.

"Waaaah? Alternatives?" Lyssa replied, pouting a bit. "I wish I was a familiar so I didn't have to attend classes. I mean really, I'm not really learning anything anyways." She cheerfully giggled, but dropped the subject immediately when Iravis brought up the cake from earlier. Ack, she had almost forgotten it. She was too busy driving the Frenchies out of her German empire.

"Ah, no no, it's fine. We kinda got carried away anyways, plus class and stuff so that kinda had to happen first." She gave Iravis a friendly grin. "Besides, what kind of friend would I be if I let the cake go to waste?" She turned around, grabbing the box with the cake in it, before opening it and handing it to Iravis.

"Here ya go! Still fresh. Mostly!~"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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neogreggory Traveler of Planes

Member Seen 11 mos ago

It was Arthur's first class of the year. He sat at his desk, waiting for students to file in. When at last most of the seats were filled and it didn't seem like anyone was coming Arthur stood, moved to close the door to his class, the last person through had left it upon, and Arthur returned to his desk. He didn't sit though. Instead he stepped to the black board behind him, picked up a piece of chalk, and in clear simple script wrote his name, 'Arthur Wick'.

Turning back around Arthur said "I am Arthur Wick, I'm going to be teaching you all how to burn people to death. I would prefer if none of you actually killed any of your classmates, or burned down the school. I assure you, none of you would be the first to try, nor the last person to die at this school because of it." Arthur grinned before saying, "I won't be teaching anyone anything today however, as it is the first day and it'd be rather dull of me to do so. So instead I'm going to hand out some food, set this room on fire, and leave. When I'm out you can all leave at your leisure." Arthur would then take up a rather large box of donuts which had been resting on his desk. He slowly walked between the desks handing out the treat. With devilish glee Arthur watched the faces of the students while walking between the desks. Many of them didn't think he was honest about setting the room on fire, some of them realized he was sincere and Arthur was rather fond of the look of fear in their eyes as they considered their options. Some of the students had attended the class in prior years and knew this was happening, they had smug faces as watched their classmates with the same evil glee in their eyes as their teacher's. The box of donuts empty Arthur moved to the front of the class, and then dropped a single spark onto the ground, igniting a before unseen indent in the floor, leading up through the classroom, and in that moment fire was everywhere, between all the desks though none of the fire close enough to actually ignite the desks, for the most part at least. Of course a wayward spark or two would catch some of the flimsy wooden desks but the desks occupants would be gone from the burning desk by then regardless.

Arthur stepped out, nodding to the nurse assistant who was waiting outside the door. After a few years of doing this he had gotten a medic to wait outside the door to help anyone who got burned. Arthur walked away, planning out the rest of his day. "I love this job. Shame Red wasn't attending but I suppose she doesn't really need a introductory class anyways. Maybe I'll go visit her then." Arthur said to himself as he walked the halls towards the nearest exit. If Iravis didn't attend his class it would mean she was getting a job, and if she did that then she would have talked with the Headmistress, so Arthur might as well see if she needed cheering up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Mugi and Meria


Mugi was glad that she could do what she wanted and excited to start her Shaved Ice stand. Now she just needed the flavour syrups, little cups to hold the product, maybe some buckets of water would make it easier. So many things to get together that she was glad she had a week to get it all together. That being said. . . "Where am I going? I've not figured this place out yet." The Headmistress said the Head Chef and the kitchen but. . . She just got there that day, and didn't know where the kitchen was. Maybe she should ask someone? She looked around but found no one in sight. "Ugghhh."

Meria walked in the halls, examining her surroundings a bit as she walked. Soon, she noticed something that she had much rather ignored. However, the girl was adorable and who was cruel enough to ignore a troubled girl? She walked over to the girl and realized that she had a cold aura around her. Ooh~ a Yuki-Onna? Being a Japanese woman that grew up hearing about these ---errr Japanese tales?--, she knew that this would be what you called a Yuki-Onna or ice queen, meh whatever. "Are you lost?" she smiled kindly at the girl. How old was she? I don't think she's a little kid or anything but... Is she the same age as me?

Mugi smiled happily. She thought about how glad she was there was another person. "I guess you could call it that." She pondered on it for a second and nodded a comfirmation before having a revelating look come over her face. "But where are my manners, my name is Mugi." With that she took a slight bow and showed Meria the letter the Headmistress had handed her earlier. "The headmistress told me to talk to the Head Chef, but I got a little lost on the way to the Kitchen. Or, maybe it's better to say I just don't know the way yet." She gave a slightly pleading look to the other girl hoping she'd offer to help.

Meria looked down at the paper. She had done a bit of exploring around the school and knew where she was going. "Oh! You're going to the same place as me. I'll guide you." with that she dismissed the girl's pleading look with a reasurring smile and started to walk forwards, expecting the girl to follow.

Mugi jumped up and down excitedly and hugged the girl lightly before letting go and following her to the kitchen where they both presented their respective letters to the Head Chef

Meria's eyes widened when she was suddenly hugged. Touchy, I suppose.

The Head Chef seemed like a nice man and they were easily presented their things to get started. What was she doing though? "What are you making? You're obviously cooking but what specifically? she asked, a questioning look on her face. She was a Yuki-Onna, so probably something cold?

"You can't tell?" Mugi asked her newfound acquaintance. Well, it might be difficult without the rest of the product. "I'm making a shaved ice stand!" The Yuki-Onna almost shouted in joy, but settled on excited. She wasnt sure on what to do with the shack yet, but she'll figure that out soon. Maybe she should find someone that can help make a mobile cart, or maybe just a giant igloo. Too hard to tell at the moment. "It's fun, right?!"

Shaved ice...? Meria had a bit of a sour look on her face but quickly swept it away, not wanting to offend the girl. She didn't like shaved ice. Not only did they have no flavor, but they also gave you terrible "brain freezes". Meria nodded her head, it did indeed look fun to make at least. It just wasn't fun for her to eat. "I'm sure you'll make it wonderfully." she said, a sincere tone as she spoke. The least she could do was be kind and practically wish her good luck on its progress. "Just tell me if you need any help and i'll glady help." with that, she smiled kindly and walked over to a cabinet.

Hmmm... She wanted to make something simple, delicious, and easy to make. She was going to need to make it for many people after all. Gyudon (beef bowl) and ramen perhaps~
Meat for those that liked meat and vegetarian ramen for those that couldn't have meat.

"I'm sure I can handle it. Shaved ice is like the dessert of my people! We use our powers to make the purest, most fresh ice we can, shave it up and pour the flavoring syrup on. I personally like the Blue Rhaspberry one." Mugi wasn't usually one to prattle on, but it was her one pride, making ice based desserts that was. Still, she was trying to think of the best way to actually shave up the ice. Ehh, maybe there was something with the stuff the Head Chef offered her. "What's your favorite dessert flavor? Strawberry? Lemon? Are you a weirdo that likes Grape?"

Meria smiled at her confidence and paused from looking through the cabinet and glanced at her. My favorite.. flavor? Hmmmm... I guess strawberry is my favorite but honestly nightmares were the best. "Haha, I like strawberry but... i'm more into nightmares." she said with a smile. Soon, she realized that she had completely forgotten to introduce herself. "My name is Meria by the way. Nice to meet you." God. Did my manners always suck this much? I really need to practice more.

Nightmares? What could that mean? Could Meria be one of those species that feasted on dreams? In all honestly, Mugi could not remember what it was called, but it was something the Elder talked about a long time ago. Not them in particular, just of different types of Youkai. "There's no nightmare flavored syrup, so there is no helping you in that particular. So, I'll make you a Strawberry one for helping me! I'm glad I made a new friend."

Nightmare flavored syrup would probably taste... disgusting~ Meria though to herself, chuckling at the idea. She shook her head at the consideration "That's fine. You don't need to. I'm glad to have made a new friend as well but really, you don't need to make me one. Hmmm... Meria didn't want to sound too rude so she added something to the end. "I'm not really good with cold food. Thank you though." I would rather have her get finished than waste her time on me who would probably dislike it after all.

"I see." Mugi muttered slightly disheartened. It was a bit sad, but everyone had their own preferences after all. "Well, I understand I guess. I'm no good with hot foods. Well, not too often." She went around and gathered some of the things that she could use and was glad to see a hand-crank item that would act well enough as an ice grinder. "I wonder if I could request them order something for me." She muttered to herself. She wondered if the Head Chef or the Headmistress would be the better option for that but pushed it back in her mind.

In her thoughts, Mugi started looking around the room for what she needed to start up her little stand, but her eyes caught sight of the clock. "Oh my! Did it really get that late?" She needed to get planning on everything else about the stand. "We'll meet again, right?" She asked Meria while collecting the few things she noticed. "Well, I'm sure we will. Until next time." She said excitedly as she headed out the door and left for her dorm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cupido finished off his tea and went back to his office. There he polished a few of his weapons wondering how many of the students caught the 'at least part' for purchasing a bow. He then wondered how many more would read through the rest of the syllabus and realize his weapons class is broken up in sections...the first being bow and arrow. He chuckled, they would find out in due time. His winds class went similarly, for that the only suggestions he had for supplies were sketch pads and Chinese stress balls They are meant to be held in one's hand and rotated. Which he realized could sound very wrong, but those without perverted mind would be able to handle it. The reason for those is that they help relax the person and enable them to clear their minds. This winds class is also broken up between calm, defensive and offensive wind use. With calm being first.

After he place the sword back in its place he exits the building and headed toward the library. He had been trying to learn a new skill and wasn't having too much luck since he had advanced his magic so much in his specific abilities. Of course, even if he was not able to gain a new skill at least he could understand something new. His wings folded neatly as he walked, then tightened as he went through the entrance to the library...the world of books. And apparently also small living arrangements....how...quaint.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VanityMage Levi
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VanityMage Levi

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Conner was about to draw in his first line when suddenly someone behind him asked a question. The first thing he felt were the shivers crawling down his spine followed by his heartbeat increasing slowly, he then starts to turn around to face the student. Once he was completely face to face with the boy, he started registering the fact that the question was directed towards him. This only made him feel completely embarrassed by the fact he was caught... while drawing too! Now his heart was pumping blood to his face at a ridiculous rate. His instincts were telling him to "GET OUTTA THERE FAST" but when he tried to make an attempt to flee, he accidentally slipped backwards onto the bookshelf.

Thankfully they were rooted so he didn't fall completely down and the books were still intact but man did it make him look even more ridiculous now more than ever. Under these circumstances, he only then considered it would be better to start explaining himself before he makes more of a fool of himself than he already was. He quickly stood straight and tried his best to answer each question except that while talking, he would avoid making eye contact.

"B-Because.... Uhmm i-it's t-that I get ner-nervous around other so I p-p-prefer doing mmmmm-y work in places w-where I-I'm alone... And uh I was a-actually was going to draw the l-library itself..."

Anxiety was slowly eating away inside him while he waited for a response. What if he said something wrong? Something that could've been offensive. These thoughts kept circling in Conner's head and caused him to start biting the inside of his cheek bit by bit.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry if any of that sounded offensive..."
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