Claire O'Malley [-]
Claire O'Malley
Basic Information
| Name |
Claire O'Malley
| Date of Birth |
January 22, 1991 (Age 29)
| Gender |
| Sexuality |
| Occupation |
Teaches high school biology, with a summer job as a grocery store cashier.
| In-Depth Appearance |
The first thing one notices about Claire is that she's short. Like, 4'10" short. Her teenage freckles never quite left, and sadly, there's no spell to cover them up. She knows; she's looked. Her voice still has a hint of an Irish lilt, though it's not that pronounced anymore after several years in London. She has several good-quality dresses for teaching, but off the clock, she's a T-shirt and jeans kind of woman.
Who Am I?
| Personality |
♦ Brash ♦ Confident ♦ Hasty ♦ Unsubtle ♦
If there's one thing to describe Claire, it's loud. Everything she does is bright, bold, and flashy. She's a tomboy to the core, and loves playing pickup sports with the local guys. Unfortunately, her enthusiasm in this regard does not match her skill level. She's also a regular at The Green Barrel, a local pub.
| Likes & Dislikes |
✔Bad horror movies.
✔Manchester United (You can blame her mum for this one).
✔Working on her magic-instruction website, The Cauldron.
✔Playing sports.
✘Reading (fiction at least).
✘Staying at home.
✘Random people asking her for magical help.
✘The dark.
✘Cold weather.
✘Doctor's visits.
| History |
Claire grew up in County Cork, the daughter of an Irishman and an Englishwoman who had met at university. The two lived together quite happily, with Claire's mother eventually confiding in her husband that she was a witch. Claire thus grew up around magic and proved quite good at magical theory, although she wasn't quite as good at the practical side. She eventually chose to specialize in summoning, though she knows the most basic fundamentals of all the schools of magic, at her mothers insistence. When Claire was 14, her dad got a big promotion at work which required him to move to corporate headquarters in London. She's lived there ever since.
When the supernatural was revealed to the public at large, it felt like Claire had a weight lifted off her shoulders. Magic was a large part of her life, and she didn't have to hide it anymore. She started up a website to teach new witches and nonmagicals alike how magic works, and she's begun to speak out for supernatural rights.
| Family |
Michael O'Malley: Father. Age 56. Tailor. Claire's relationship with her father is excellent. She often comes over for dinner, particularly over the summer.
Elizabeth O'Malley: Mother. Age 56. Nurse. Claire's relationship with her mother is still a bit frosty after Claire left the Brithonic Coven for the Circle of Sorcery in college, feeling that the former was "A bunch of old crones stuck two thousand years in the past." After much yelling, anger, and even a few threatened curses, the two were able, to an extent, mend their relationship, but they still don't discuss magic with each other. It's a sore subject.
| Strengths |
| Weaknesses |
•Poor with words
The Other
| Theme Song |
link]Song – Artist[/url]
”A few lyrics here, please.”
| House Number |
Faraday Heights, 27B (TBD)
| Extra Information |
Anything else.