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10 mos ago
Current A little ad for my RP, Mahou Shoujo no 30 Dai! IC starts Wednesday, but signups always open!…
7 yrs ago
Out $200+ thanks to government incompetence. Thank you, state of Pennsylvania!!
7 yrs ago
Don't listen to them. The Force is strong with this film.
8 yrs ago
@Rekaigan Some guy in a wheelchair stole mine. He can hide, but he can't run!


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so uh @shagranoz I didn't ever see a definite yes or no to Claire bunking with Katie and Andy? If yes I'll edit my post to include her too :D sorry for my confusion xD

I thought I'd given my approval. Post must not have gone through. My bad.
Bridgit was still reeling from the events of the past week. From her ship sinking and nearly killing her, to waking up in a strange place she'd never even heard of, to getting herself caught up in an assassination plot. A drink was actually the best thing for her right now. Good thing the plan actually called for one.

The meeting place was a squat, grey stone building, another difference from back home. A tavern in Mjolgung was designed with carved and painted wood on every facet, and large windows to let light in. A place to feel welcome and celebrate. This was a place to drown one's sorrows. Unfortunately, hers knew how to swim.

Bridgit slid up to the bar and ordered the Black Mead, giving the pass phrase as well. "No, not yet," the barkeep responded. "I want to wait until everyone's here." Bridgit shrugged her shoulders and took a sip of her drink. Fair enough.

I am unsure if you saw this, Shagranoz, but there is currently a rather large collab with everyone who is attending the Ball.

If you could, please do join us there. There's a link at the end of the previous post before yours.

Okay, then. I can't do much tonight, but I will hopefully join tomorrow.

Just found this roleplay and decided to put up a sheet. My apologies, but I am completely bbcode illiterate. I ask that if I am accepted, a gm or co-gm could reformat it into something appropriate.

Name: Claire O'Malley

Witch (Affiliated with the Circle of Sorcery, but still has ties to the Brithonic Coven)

Birthday: January 22, 1991 (Age 29)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Teaches high school biology, with a summer job as a grocery store cashier

Appearance: The first thing one notices about Claire is that she's short. Like, 4'10" short. Her teenage freckles never quite left, and sadly, there's no spell to cover them up. She knows; she's looked. Her voice still has a hint of an Irish lilt, though it's not that pronounced anymore after several years in London. She has several good-quality dresses for teaching, but off the clock, she's a T-shirt and jeans kind of woman.

Personality: Brash, Confident, Hasty, Unsubtle

If there's one thing to describe Claire, it's loud. Everything she does is bright, bold, and flashy. She's a tomboy to the core, and loves playing pickup sports with the local guys. Unfortunately, her enthusiasm in this regard does not match her skill level. She's also a regular at The Green Barrel, a local pub.

Likes: Science
Bad horror movies
Manchester United (You can blame her mom for this one)
Working on her magic-instruction website, The Cauldron
Playing sports

Reading (fiction at least)
Staying at home
Random people asking her for magical help
The dark
Cold weather
Doctor's visits

History: Claire grew up in County Cork, the daughter of an Irishman and an Englishwoman who had met at university. The two lived together quite happily, with Claire's mother eventually confiding in her husband that she was a witch. Claire thus grew up around magic and proved quite good at magical theory, although she wasn't quite as good at the practical side. She eventually chose to specialize in summoning, though she knows the most basic fundamentals of all the schools of magic, at her mothers insistence. When Claire was 14, her dad got a big promotion at work which required him to move to corporate headquarters in London. She's lived there ever since.

When the supernatural was revealed to the public at large, it felt like Claire had a weight lifted off her shoulders. Magic was a large part of her life, and she didn't have to hide it anymore. She started up a website to teach new witches and nonmagicals alike how magic works, and she's begun to speak out for supernatural rights.


Michael O'Malley: Father. Age 56. Tailor. Claire's relationship with her father is excellent. She often comes over for dinner, particularly over the summer.

Elizabeth O'Malley: Mother. Age 56. Nurse. Claire's relationship with her mother is still a bit frosty after Claire left the Brithonic Coven for the Circle of Sorcery in college, feeling that the former was "A bunch of old crones stuck two thousand years in the past." After much yelling, anger, and even a few threatened curses, the two were able, to an extent, mend their relationship, but they still don't discuss magic with each other. It's a sore subject.


Poor with words

Theme Song: Can't think of one at the moment, open to suggestions.

Housing: Faraday Heights, 27B (If @Dusk will take me)

Ah, the Grand Ball. Students decked out in all their finery, showing off the best of their cultures and their species. Everyone with their significant other on their arms, smiling brightly. Truly one of the happiest days of the school year.

Unless you didn't have a date. Then it was just plain depressing.

Alicia groaned at the thought. There was nothing else for it, though. She looked at herself in the mirror for the zillionth time, trying to get everything perfect. She'd put her hair in a ponytail for the day, and her dress was a slightly reflective light green with a high neckline. It's as good as it's going to get, I think. It wasn't quite time to head down yet, though, so she sat down in the common area of her dorm room, taking out a book to read as the late morning sunlight filtered through the branches.
With all due respect, I'm going to have to drop this one. Life is starting to speed up for me.
Now it was Alicia's turn to be impressed, and she let out a low whistle. "Manipulating plants that are already there is easy for me, but actually creating them out of thin air? You're already a better mage than I could ever hope to be." Alicia continued, "That said, I will take you up on your offer. Maybe I could teach you a thing or two as well, get you beyond just roses. Meet me in our common room tonight, and we'll have our session. I'll even cook!"
Name: Brigid Grigsholm

Titles or Aliases: Jal-Touched

Home Plane: Mjolgung: A land of savage cold, rocky coasts, and hard-living people.

Race: Human

Magic: Blue. Brigid is a hydromancer with few peers anywhere in the Multiverse. For power level, she'd probably lose to Kiora, but only by decision. She's not very good at summoning creatures, but hey, nobody's perfect.

Appearance: Brigid stands five-eleven and weighs about 190 lbs, with storm-grey eyes, blonde hair, and a fair degree of muscle. Brigid is a woman given to little finery. A rough-made gray fur riding cloak is her only ornamentation. As far as weapons go, she carries a steel longsword.

Backstory: Brigid is the daughter of farmers from the small coastal town of Sigsland. She'd shown a talent for water magic, but nothing to write home about. At an early age, her family took her to the small local shrine to Jal, goddess of the seas. When she entered the chapel, Jal appeared. Not in a vision, but an actual physical manifestation. The goddess told her that she was destined to bring glory to herself, and carry the goddess' words to places even she could not go. Brigid was skeptical to say the least- what place could a goddess not go to- but she kept the knowledge that she was bound for glory in her heart.

With the blessing of Jal, securing a place for her among the Seaspeakers was a mere formality. The Seaspeakers are a group of water mages who serve on Sigsland's ships. In peace, they silence storms and defend the ships from sea serpents. In times of war, they swamp enemy vessels and wash away coastal fortifications. Brigid sailed on several missions, serving with distinction and earning a reputation as the magically strongest of the Seaspeakers. Then came a disastrous voyage to the far north.

It happened while she slept. A giant serpent attacked the ship, wrapping it in constricting coils. She was roused from her berth to protect the vessel, but it was already too late. By the time she reached the main deck, the ship was already badly damaged and taking on far more water than she could bear. Brigid called forth a massive jet of water that broke the serpent's neck. It was, she thought, her final achievement. As the ship sank, Brigid was thrown into the seas. Normally, breathing water was a simple spell for her, but the icy seas were so cold that she couldn't concentrate enough to use her magic.

She was drowning.

She was dying.

Suddenly, she saw a flash of light. Was this it? Was this Jal taking her into her eternal halls? No. She found herself on an ash-blasted plain, a place utterly unknown to any on Mjolgung. She was alone, confused, and frightened, but alive. That was a start.
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