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.:Kyle Anderson:.

"Ehe, well, I'm pretty sure the rules here aren't to different from your normal highschool. Dunno, since I've never been to one before!"

Kyle just planted in his face in his hand at that statement, biting down on the sarcastic comments he could make. No point in pissing of the teacher this early.

‘Honestly who would put someone in a teaching position that had never gone to school? How were they expected to teach a class if they hadn’t-‘

”-if you want an in-depth look at the rules, you should probably ask Nina in your next class. She is, after all, the Vice-Principal-“

‘Well that’s interesting’ he mused wondering why the vice principle would be teaching a class as well. He couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps they were understaffed, or maybe it was just an odd quirk of the VP. He figured it was more likely the latter if they had also chosen someone who was uneducated to be a Bio teacher of all things.

By this point he had stopped paying attention to the teacher, as she had been of no help as of this point and he wondered how if at all they were supposed to learn anything from her if she had no formal education. The entire thing seemed stupid, and was shaping up to be a pointless waste of time in his opinion.

”- I am kind of curious... Are you human?"

This question made Kyle snap his head towards the person who asked, not many would notice but his body hadn’t move much leaving his head turned nearly 180 degrees to face the person who had asked. It took a moment for him to register the student who had asked. She was tall and was quite attractive, not that he would actively take not of that for a few more breaths, and the most fascinating thing were the girl’s eyes, a deep blood red. Absently he wondered if she would let him sketch her portrait.

Silently he let out a breath, as he noticed she was looking at, and likely referring to the teacher. Granted he had wanted to ask that question earlier as well, but held back out of fear. Not fear from how the teacher would react, but for what it might mean about himself. He couldn’t deny they both of them seemed to have the same capability, and ever since his woke up he hadn’t felt comfortable in his own skin.
Shaking away his thought he turned his attention back to the teacher and the almost erotic event that was playing out in front of him, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the teachers antics. She seemed more a kid then a teacher.

"But to answer your question, yes! I am not human!"

Meredith’s answer however was like being dropped in to a bucket of ice, and quietly he turned to face the front of the class room again, doing his best to tune out any information the teacher was giving. He didn’t want to know. So he closed his eyes and counted in his head using that as a way to block out what was going on around him.

After a count to fifty he reopened his eyes. He noted two more students and figured they were introducing themselves ‘So on to introductions I see’
Blerg, weekends just kill my free time due to work. Don't think I'll be able to get a post up today till later, and if not today I will get one up tomarrow.
@Zoldyck Makes sense, Kyle would have a faint smell of the unnatural at the moment however due to extra eyes under his hair, that could easily be covered by Meredith scent at the moment though.

Edit: Kyle also has a few twisted bone spines chilling near the front of the classroom as well.
@Zoldyck Now I'm gong to be trying to figure out what Anastasia is sensing fir the rest of the day.
I got the perfect place to get pitchforks

@Rune_Alchemist, @Ogobrogo may I present you the Pitchfork emporium catalog for all you mob needs
Slow week it seems
@Ogobrogo Even if Graham represses the day Kyle will still have his back, all the more if he does actually repress the day
Well Kyle to the rescue, sorta, He is at least drawing the attention away from the poor kid

EDIT 6 hours later:*Chirp Chirp*
.:Kyle Anderson:.


The bell had finally chosen to ring, its note pulling Kyle away from his pointless scribbles. Looking down at the page he just shrugged at the incomprehensible shapes he had drawn before closing the sketch pad and putting it away in his back pack. Then he turned his attention to Meredith, and had to blink a few times as he noticed that he was still seeing all around himself.

‘Seems I forgot to remove the extra eyes’ he grumbled to himself Kyle never like forgetting any additions that he made as stumbling across them later always felt unsettling. Quietly the eyes closed and a moment later vanished. Or most of them did, he left three in place, even put a bit more effort in to them so he was getting a clear picture from them. His earlier episode was still fresh in his mind and not being able to tell who was around him wouldn’t help him at the moment, at least that was what he was telling himself.

The young man also took this time to examine the classmates he had, the first thing that he noticed was that there was quite the age range and he seemed to be one of the older students in the class. He wasn’t sure if that should make him feel better or not. None of them all the interesting at first glance, but considering they all had powers of some sort who could say at the moment. Well save for the cute red head that sat next to him, that had been reading one of The Song of Ice and Fire books.

What? He has a thing for Red hair.


Turning to look as the door flew open and a younger student came crashing through it; Kyle couldn’t help but feel sympathy for the fallen student. He had taken his own fall earlier, but with much less witnesses. He would have gone to help up the boy but the teacher beat him too it, at the same time something about her demeanor seemed different. Something in his gut was causing the hair on the back of his neck to stand up.

The movement Meredith turned around to face the class again Kyle raised his hand “I have quite a few questions, I wasn’t told much about this school before I found myself on the train to here. So I have been wondering what the rules are around here are?” he asked meeting Meredith’s eyes as he did, there was caution in his eyes as he asked as well as curiosity. There was another question he wanted to ask, but asking if someone was human didn’t seem like the most polite or sane thing to do at the moment. He could always ask later, besides he was more drawing the teachers attention away from the late comer.
I'll have a post for Kyle up tomorrow, he has a few question to ask should also be done with my teacher sometime tomorrow as well. This post is mostly to let people I still live.

No one shall ever suspect I am the true puppet master!
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