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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

-Anouk Dijkstra-

The mission has been compromised! Abort! Abort! Abort!

Anouk froze for a second as she heard an unknown voice. Luckily she did not discharge all of the energy she had build up in her hand. Instead it just started to flow back and became stored again.

She looked over at the unknown person. When Anouk first saw her Anouk thought that the girl was gonna really tell on her and Tabitha. But then a thought quickly crossed her mind and... Well, she smiled at the other girl.

"Ooh am I? I havent done anything except for looking at it. Is that so bad?" she said in a clearly faked innocent way. She then smiled abit wider. This girl looked around her age, so she was probably a first year student too. Hell, even if she wasnt, as far as Anouk knew all the students had their introduction lessons right now. So that meant that this person, who seemed to not be in a rush, was skipping on a class. "Besides, if you tell on me not being in class dont you think they'll ask questions as to why you're not in class either?" she stuck out her tongue just like a small child would do.

"So you can either tell on me and probably get the same punishment, or we just dont interfere with one another and continue on like nothing happened, deal?"

-Anastasia Tepes-

There was really something odd about this Miss Hillard. The way she talked, the way she acted... It was all just abit off. And then there was that smell. Ooh god that smell. It smelled like something sinister, something not from this earth. Seeing those tendrils busy on the board kind of confirmed that too... Okay, she was kind of creepy... But also kind of cool. Yet also, like something was dead. The dead part might just be some dead animals which were meant for disecting though... But still, something was off. And Anastasia was gonna find out what!

She gave an answer to the question of that boy about what the basic rules were at this school. They seemed reasonable enough to Anastasia. She had never been to a highschool so she wouldnt for the life of her know how they usually did things over there, but she did understand these rules. Although to be honest, the no-fighting rule was kind of dissapointing... And considering what happened yesterday she was kind of concerned about what would be done with her.

Then Miss Hillard asked if there were more, biology related, questions. Well alright then. Anastasia had a biology related question. Anastasia raised her hand, waited till she caught the teachers attention and then spoke. "Concerning biology, I am kind of curious... Are you human?"

She asked for questions didnt she?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Zac Yoxall

"Hey, wai--" Zac says, only for Alexis to move off without him. Sighing, he swears under his breath. If she had waited long enough for him to speak, he would have been able to tell her that he was the last person you'd want for a stealth op.

Since she was already putting her plan into action, Zac sighs and mutters, "Well...what could go wrong?" Waiting to hear Alexis' voice as she distracted the students, he then slips into the kitchen. Making sure the students' backs were turned to him, Zac slowly makes his way across the room to the food storage.

The large, metal door was ajar and, upon opening it, Zac comes into a storage room filled with crates and shelves of food. "Let's get this started," he mutters. However, as he begins to fill whatever he could with food, he had failed to realize that the door, set off-balance by him opening it, had slowly begun to close. It was only when the resounding click of a lock met his ears did he realize he had a problem. "Uh-oh..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 8 days ago

~Gracie Turner~

“I have quite a few questions. I wasn’t told much about this school before I found myself on the train to here. So I have been wondering what the rules are around here?

The voice came from directly beside Gracie. A blonde guy that was drawing earlier. He had a point. Surely there had to be some sort of disparency between this and a normal high school. After all, a normal high school didn’t usually have students that...well...did what they did.

“Ehe, well, I’m pretty sure the rules here aren’t too different from your normal high school. Dunno, since I’ve never been to one before!”

...nev...how was she teaching then? A teaching certificate required a certain level of education. Was she...was she making a jest? Gracie frowned. She had to be. Ms. Hillard had an odd humor. Using even more tentacles, teacher erased the board then started...well...illustrating the rest of her speech. Honestly, Gracie was impressed.

“So, skipping class is a no,”

Gracie shot mental daggers at Graham without turning back to him. Lazy potato. Though...to be fair...Tabitha wasn’t proving to be much better. Gracie sighed. There was no saving them.

“Being late would result in bad stuffs. Fighting would result in…bad stuffs happening to you, like expulsion! Or suspension. But really, if you want an in-depth look at the rules, you should probably ask Nina in your next class. She is, after all, the Vice-Principal and would know these things much better than I, a lowly biology teacher would!~”

...But shouldn’t all teachers know the basic rules of the school? Oh, Ms. Hillard...Gracie wasn’t quite sure she’d ever get used to that humor. Still, she brought up and odd fact. The Vice-Prinicpal would be teaching a class? That was...different. In her previous schools, the VP would just sit in his office, being fat and lazy. Or sometimes he’d patrol the halls, looking for scandalous girls who happened to be breaking the dress code with their short skirts or spaghetti straps. Then he’d take them back to his office to be yelled at and await their parents. Which honestly, for such a humongous pervert, had to be a cushy gig. Gracie despised that man. Just having him look at her gave her the creeps.

...Right then. What was happening?

“...logists after all, so please, I will answer any and all questions!~”

Well...Gracie considered for a moment, but no, she couldn’t come up with any questions. She was just ready for things to begin.

Others disagreed.

“Concerning biology, I am kind of curious… Are you human?”

Gracie turned back to the source of the voice just a couple seats back from her. She was tall. Even sitting down, Gracie could tell. She was rather attractive, what with her pale skin and blonde hair, but it was the eyes that Gracie found odd… They were as red as blood and...her pupils were slits. They were unsettling. Unnerving.

The pot was calling the kettle out on being black.

~Tabitha Turner~

“Well look at this,"

Huh. That was odd. Anouk’s voice sounded a bit different. Actually a lot different. Had a bit of a different accent to it, too...

“Looks like someone's tryin' to mess with the fuse box."

...That wasn’t Anouk. Stupid stupid stupid.

"It'd be horrible if someone told a teacher on you guys."

Tabby looked back to see a fairly tallish pale chick by Anouk. Black hair, blue streaks. Well, shit. It sounded like she wanted black and blue eyes to match! Tabby put her hands together and cracked her knuckles. If she wanted to be a problem, then great. She could use some fun.

“Ohh am I? I haven’t done anything except for looking at it. Is that so bad? Besides, if you tell on me not being in class, don’t you think they’ll ask questions as to why you’re not in class either?”

Tabby blinked, caught off guard. Anouk was quick. Right the fuck on. Tabby beamed at her partner in crime.

It seemed as though they weren’t the only crime partners. Tabby had noticed some guy getting closer to the little group after palechick. And now he was gone. And the door to the kitchen was softly closing.


Tabby, leaving the newcomer to Anouk, inched her way to the kitchen door. She barely opened it and peered inside. The lights and everything were still on, and some of the kitchen staff was inside, apparently cleaning up from breakfast and getting prepared for lunch. Had she imagined seeing the dude? Because it seemed like that was the only plausible thing...unless the dude could like, go invisible. And why not? It wouldn’t be the strangest thing Tabby saw here. Or...didn’t see...Whatever, Faders sucked.

Then she saw the rat bastard.


Tabby noticed the color she had saw disappearing into the kitchen now sliding into a room with a large, metal door. She would bet her left leg that that was where the food was kept. She couldn’t tell though, because the door quickly closed behind him. Tabby frowned.

How the flying fuck was she getting in there? How the flying fuck did he?! None of the staff noticed that? Was this dude unnoticeable? That wasn’t fuckin’ fair! She couldn’t do that. The second she set foot in the room, they’d notice her. Instantly. Without fail.

Tabby turned back to Anouk and the pale chick.

“We got a problem...some ratboy got in there somehow. If he eats it all, we’re fucked, dude.”

She frowned and rubbed her chin, ignoring the third girl. Anouk was right. Her hands were tied here.

“I could go kick his ass, but they’d probably hear that. Then we’re still fucked. Bit more fun that, though.”

Tabby didn’t like this. Not at all. If they bailed now, then what? They wasted precious time and get to show up empty-handed? They MIGHT have had a chance if they just rushed there...but now? Monster food. No, they had to get the food. The offering must be made if they wanted to live.

And Tabitha liked living.

They’d get that food alright. Even if she had to hold ratboy down, reach down his throat, and pull it out piece by piece.

~Graham Turner~

Dragons are cool.

Well…hot would probably be a better term. Not...sexually, mind you. Well...depending on what part of the internet one finds oneself…

Graham shook his head. Thoughts were weird. He looked down at what he had. A rather poorly drawn dragon being swarmed by stick people with spears. He was artistically a potato. Graham frowned, thinking of his sister’s favorite...insult? Was it an insult? He wasn’t sure. Gracie was an odd one. And a dork. He barely contained a snicker.

Then his blood ran cold, yet again.

He looked up towards Gracie. She wasn’t looking at him but...jeez...he could feel a murderous intent flowing from her. She couldn’t read minds, could she? He paused then went back to his doodling, seeing his stick person army fit to own a tank. How else would they down the terrible dragon. This was a dilemma. Why was Gracie here. At a school for superpowered folks. As far as he knew, she was pretty ordinary. Smart as a fuckin’ tack, he couldn’t take that from her, but ordinary. Was that her schtick? Super intelligence? Kind of screwed on the whole superpower thing if that was the case. Then again, who was he to talk? All he could do was mend a goldfish. Or a hamster. Super Vet. That sucked. Why couldn’t he like...control electricity? Or be an Earthbender?

...or even a Firebender…

Maybe there was more to his healing hands. He had never actually tried it on anyone. Maybe he should? Where was Kitty? She had a broken arm...maybe...He decided against it. Somebody had said something about not trying that, right? There was an infirmary for a reason. Whatever.

The dragon was displeased by the tank. It demanded justice, and as such, it had gained the ability to breathe scimitars. Now THAT would have been a bitchin’ power. Or not even just that. Telekinesis man. Swords were badass. He’d totally use as many as he could if he could move shit with his mind. Telekinetic swordplay. That screams anime protagonist, man. Or FUCK! Just let him be the Hulk. Graham smash! Graham smash puny man. If he was the Hulk, no ginger Russian would be picking on him, no siree. Really, what was her deal? People ran into each other all the time here. It seemed to be a thing. He’s even a redhead too! There should have been like...Gingercode or something he could have invoked. Bullies…

The peasants complained. They were given flaming spears to compensate.

Whatever. He was shafted with his superpowers. Big deal. Some people don’t even get them. He should just be happy. Even if, y’know...his superstar sister was here too...whatever. At least it was just Gracie. If it was Tabs...Graham shuddered. Gracie could be a bit of a bully at times, but Tabby took it to another level. And if the two of them were together…

A chill ran down Graham’s spine and all of a sudden, being eaten by Ms. Monstrosity didn’t seem so bad.

"Concerning biology, I am kind of curious... Are you human?"

Graham snickered.

“Hell no, it ain’t no human.”


Graham looked like a startled deer. He raised his head up and looked around. Luckily he had said that under his breath and rather quietly. He didn’t think anybody noticed. He hoped nobody noticed. Hopefully they were too enraptured by the balls on...Anastasia, was it? Yeah, the girl that was a mile long. Though...the Russian might have had her beat. Graham shuddered again.

He made a quick note on his drawing, his last will of sorts.

Should I die, I, Graham Gavin Turner, do hereby bequeath all of my worldy possessions to my least assholish sibling, Theodore Troy Turner-

{:Introducing Theodore Turner:}


Huh. Thought I was gonna sneeze there for a minute. Wei-


“There it is.”

A long arm raised from its position on the bed and dragged across a man’s face. He sneezed again. Taking the covers in his hand, the man raised them to wipe his face. Perfect. He started to move, to get to his feet but...well, as he was adjusting, he hit the sweet spot on the bed. It felt glorious.

Ted slid back under the covers, rolling onto his side, and covering his face with one arm. Herculean Academy had awesome beds.

A few moments later, an alarm clock started buzzing. Ted, eyes still closed, scrunched his face together and buried his head into the pillow, hoping to drown it out. It worked. The alarm clock danced across the nightstand, but to no success. Ted was still out like a light. Distraught, the clock inched to the edge of the stand, and after saying goodbye to it’s little alarm clock wife and son, leapt to its doom.


Ted’s eyes slid open. He loosed a groan as he flipped over and looked off the bed into the floor. He saw his alarm clock on its side, batteries rolling beside it. Poor alarm clock. Yet another causality in the war on slumber. It was useless. Sir Covers III and Sir Mattressicus the Soft had him at their mercy. Who was he to resist?


Another alarm went off moments after the tall lad had drifted back to sleep. He awoke with a frown. Another one joins the fight, eh? Oh fine. Ted threw off the covers and rose to a sitting position. He silenced the alarm and...well...just looked at the three others behind it. All ‘gifts’ from various teachers. He sighed and started turning them off, not wanting the orchestra of buzzing to play. Until he got to the last one that was. He wasn’t a big fan of this one. It required a key to turn off. And he had it. Probably. Somewhere. Ted frowned. He got to his feet and stumbled over to the other side of the nightstand, bending over to unplug it.

Good. There shall be peace in our time.

Ted straightened up and looked about the room. He was alone. Which was probably good, considering he was about as naked as the day he was born. His biggest complaint with the rooms? Too damn hot. He strolled over to the end of the bed and picked up a pair of questionable boxers. He gave them a sniff test...frowned, then tossed them. He picked up another pair and after they passed the test, went ahead and donned them. He found a pair of white shorts lying near the floored alarm clock. They would do. Alright...he was good to go...no, wait, shirt. He had to have a shirt. They frowned on shirtless gingers around here for some reason. He grabbed a red button up that happened to be hanging off a nearby lamp.

Looking somewhat presentable, Ted looked over his mess of a dorm. Then he spotted his sandals. He was pretty much good now. Always more of a night shower kind of guy, he was relatively clean, so that was nice. Teeth...felt a bit scummy. He could use a bit of a brush.

Ted grabbed a notebook and a pencil then started to leave the room. Luckily, he remembered to grab a toothbrush from his nightstand before he made it out. He stopped by the bathroom and gave his teeth a once over with some paste and brush action, rinsed, then threw away the brush. It didn’t taste too hot today. Usually a good sign to ditch ‘em.


Ted pulled out his phone and looked at the time. He was late for class...but more importantly, he had missed breakfast. And he was hungry.


Very hungry.

Welp, no problem. He’d just stop by the kitchen and ask if there was anything cookin’. He hoped there was.

Ted left the bathroom, forgetting his notebook. And pencil. And toothpaste. At the moment, all he wanted was food. He turned a corner, and off he went.

It was a few minutes later when Ted found himself peeking around a corner at the small crowd outside of the kitchen. Three girls seemed to be having a bit of a chat. Which would have been fine and all...but if they were waiting for food, this was a dilemma. The cooks gave him some every now and then but...well, they didn’t want him to tell others. If he showed up now...they’d think he was trying to show off for the underclassmen. Then poof...no more underground food supply. Ted silently cried to himself before turning around and leaving. Perhaps if he would have stayed, he would have recognized the little redhead that had lived in his home for years and years. But he hadn’t and he didn’t. Oh well.

He frowned. He was supposed to be doing something…


Probably important….

Something he should probably be…


Ted found himself outside the classroom of one Geoffrey Burr.


Ted was probably supposed to be in there. He could probably keep going, maybe find a nice quiet spot to take a nap…?

Somebody happened to be staring out the door as Ted passed. He made eye contact. Poo. He couldn’t just leave now. Probably. Ted stood there, absentmindedly staring into the classroom for a few moments, weighing his options. Finally, he took a few steps in, leaned around the corner, and smiled lazily at the man with the plan, Geoff himself.

“Hola, Burr. Got room for one more?”

Not really waiting for an answer, Ted strolled in and plopped down near the back of the classroom. On second thought, he wasn’t QUITE sure if this was the class he was supposed to be in at the moment, but Burr was a pretty cool dude. He’d just stop by, maybe rest his eyes for a little bit, then see what else the day had in store.

Ted lounged back in his chair, he closed his eyes and just let the buzzing florescent lighting rain down upon him. It wasn’t the sun, but it had to do.

For now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Paul Ray

Paul didn't immediately notice Ziska walking up from behind him and only when she talked did he realize she was behind him. Paul silently greeted her with a wave and turned his attention back to the trio in front of him, a trio that quickly became a duo when the boy Miska was holding escaped her grasp and, after quickly apologizing, ran away to his class. Paul did catch a glimpse of the boys face and realized he was one of the freshmen he met earlier that morning at the train. Poor boy, he's one unlucky fellow... Paul couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. Nevertheless, he had been through the same things last year when he was a freshman as well, albeit, he found a way to deal with problems fairly quickly, so he could relate somehow to him.

Moments after the boy left, Mishka turned to them "Nothing happened and nothing is happening." Relax girl, what's with the angry look? I didn't do something... Paul wanted to say but knew better than to do that. "Especially not something concerning the likes of fascists." Code Red! Code Red! We have an emergency here! Mishka then turned back to Prof. Burr and asked if she could leave, clearly annoyed by something. Burr just turned and drifted inside the classroom without so much as giving an answer to her. Bravo Prof. Burr! Way to go creating a friendly relationship with your students! Paul thought and sighed.

He was about to follow Burr inside the class before Ziska started talking. Of course she wasn't going to let Mishka off the hook like that, after that comment she just did. Paul leaned at the hallway wall and watched the two girls argue. If anything went out of hand, he was gonna have to step in and stop them somehow, a thought that made Paul's hair stand on end. Fortunately, Ziska did nothing more than threaten Mishka. Eh, could've gone better I guess, he thought as he walked into the classroom, walking right behind Ziska. He took his seat near a window and watched as the classroom slowly filled. As he lazily watched the room slowly filling up with people, his eye caught a familiar figure walking past the classroom, Ted. He also noticed Paul and after a moment, came inside and sat near the end row of seats. Paul knew Ted since they were classmates the year before too. When they first met, they instantly clicked, both of them being the lazy bums they are, albeit Ted took it to the extremes sometimes. Paul looked back at his friend and made a mental note to greet Ted once first period was over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Alexis Sinclair~

"Ooh am I? I havent done anything except for looking at it. Is that so bad?"

Heh. She didn't need an excuse to beat her to a bloody pulp or rat her out. She'd do it just for the lulz. She'd just as easily damage it herself and then blame it on the other chick. After all, she could have Zac testify. Not like that kid was going to say no in the first place.
"Besides, if you tell on me not being in class dont you think they'll ask questions as to why you're not in class either? So you can either tell on me and probably get the same punishment, or we just dont interfere with one another and continue on like nothing happened, deal?"

Ooh. She was good. Against someone else, that threat might have worked. Someone who was actually concerned with getting in trouble for doing something illegal. Unfortunately for her, Alexis was not one of those people. Hell, she had gotten into more trouble than she could imagine in those three years following getting rescued from that place. If it wasn't for her moms uhm...'persuasion' she was pretty sure she would have been expelled a number of times.

"Alright, I'll admit that was a good threat," She chuckled with a grin. "But ya know, I was never really one to follow rules that much, or care if I got in trouble. Hell, you could say I like gettin' in trouble. So you better come up with a new deal fast."

“We got a problem...some ratboy got in there somehow. If he eats it all, we’re fucked, dude.”

Alexis smirked. Good. Zac was doin' his job then. All she had to do was get these guys out of here and then they'd be set.

“I could go kick his ass, but they’d probably hear that. Then we’re still fucked. Bit more fun that, though.”

Heh, she liked this other girl. She seemed ready to fight. Maybe she would throw the first punch here. Would be fun at least. More fun than this talking.

"So, I guess this means we're at a stalemate here." Alexis chuckled, stuffing her hands in her pockets, turning up the volume on her music player, the headphones around her neck immediately increasing the volume of the music coming from them. "Either you two can scram...or I can, which aint' happening. I'm in a bit of a shitty mood thanks to my jackass of a roommate, and I feel like kickin' someones ass. And since you two don't seem like ya gonna scram either, I guess this means we're gonna end up fighting either way. I'll even be nice and let ya throw in the first punch."

The reason for that was simple. she could simply say it was self defense if they did in fact, attack. Not that she really cared either way, if they didn't she would. She already had a pretty good idea of how to kick these two butts either way.

~Meredith Hillard~

"Concerning biology, I am kind of curious... Are you human?"

oooh? In all her years teaching here...she had never once had someone ask that question directly to her. She didn't really know why. Probably because the students thought she'd find it offensive. They were wrong, of course. She didn't particularly care either way. It didn't make much of a difference to her, otherwise she'd try to hide her less than human attributes. But still...for someone to just straight up ask that.


A small smile formed on her lips as she looked at the girl who had asked her if she was human. She got off of her desk, and started walking over to Anastasia. There was only a handful of reasons why someone would probably ask her something like that. One, they were simply too curious for their own good. Or...two, they themselves weren't human. Those were the two most likely choices here considering things.

Her head turned in the direction of Graham. While she didn't hear him - she could definitely read lips. She gave him a flirty smirk and a wink, sticking her tongue out at him for good measure. While it seemed a harmless enough gesture, to Graham it would probably be absolutely mortifying. Seems the little brat would need a good talk after class....

But, back to Anastasia.

It didn't take her long to reach the other girls seat. She placed her hands on Anastasia's desk, and leaned forward.

"Hrrrm?~ I don't think in all my years teaching here someone has ever actually directly asked me that!" She giggled. Her and Anastasia's faces were uncomfortably close. So close, in fact if someone was looking in from the outside of the room, they might start getting the wrong idea. "Hehe, well this is a first," She continued, pulling away from the other girls desk, taking a few steps away from her. "I dunno why! All the students think I'm going to get angry if they ask or something," She sighed. "Its like they're all scared of me or something. I'm perfectly nice! I'd never hurt a little student!" She pouted, before doing a little twirl and facing Anastasia again, putting their faces even closer this time.

"But to answer your question, yes! I am not human!" She giggled. It was kind of nice, actually. No student had ever really asked about her before. Heh, maybe this Anastasia would be fun to have in her class. "What am I?" she continued, quickly walking back to the front of the room.

"We~ell," She began. "I did not hatch on earth, though I was...uh, raised here." She used that term loosely, considering from the time she arrived here to about a decade or so ago, all she did was...kill...and eat people. Details they didn't really need to know. "And while I do have no formal education from earth, my people have intimate knowledge about biology of all sorts! Otherwise we wouldn't be able to make full use of our abilities all that well. I mean, it was really a no brainer when they asked me to teach biology here! Trust me, when I'm done with all of you, you'll be the best biologists in the nation!~"

And that was that...she wasn't sure there was anything else she could add here. No sense in adding the morbid stuff like how she was actually a parasite inhabiting a dead human body that she killed.

"And I think that's enough of the questions! Any more feel free to talk to me after class! I do so love getting to know you lovely little students~" With that, she walked behind her desk, which was conveniently placed in the front of the room. "Soo...I've told you all a bit bout my fabulous self, how about you introduce yourselves to me, then? I would like to get to know all of you a bit! How about we start with you!" She pointed to Graham, a mischievous smirk crossing her face. "Tell me your name, and a bit about yourself!"

Paybacks a bitch. And delicious. Like Leeks. Leeks were delicious...so Leeks were payback? Focus Meredith. Eat leek later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Zac Yoxall

"Come on...you stupid...door...Do your job...and open!" Zac grumbles as he tries pushing the door open. However, obviously built to stay closed even against someone with enhanced strength like Zac, it doesn't budge. Taking a couple of steps back, Zac smirks and says, "Alright, you slab of metal. You may be used to people stronger than me, but you've never had to deal with anyone like me!"

Deciding to put his heard-headedness to use, he charges with a yell. As he charges, his right side hardens just before he slams against the door, resounding in a loud slam. He steps back again, only to slam his shoulder into the door again, denting it. "One more time," he mutters as his entire body hardens, turning his skin pitch-black. With another yell, he slams into the door. With a loud crash, the door comes loose, skidding against the floor a few feet as Zac, his skin still in its hardened state, stands there, panting. He then laughs and says, "Take that, you damn door! Nothing can stand in the way of Zacary Damian Yoxall!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

-Anouk Dijkstra-

Ooh great. Of all the people they could have encountered faith ofcourse threw the dimwitted brute at them. It didnt seem like this one would listen to reason. Screw you too faith!

But luckily she didnt appear to be too bright considering she only saw two options. Anouk would enlighten her about that.

"Well," she said with a smile, "I think you're missing option three."

As Anouk finished she ran up to the kitchen door and yelled to the kitchen employees. "Please help us! This girl wants to hurt us!" She put on the saddest expression she could to look more convincing.

Soon a few people started rushing out of the kitchen, one of which was a big, rather chubby man. He seemed like he was the guy in charge and from his voice he didnt seem like the most refined person in the world.

"Wot's goin on 'ere?!" He yelled at the trio.

Anouk pointed over at Alexis. "She's threatening us sir!" she said while pouting and blinking rapidly.

But before the man could say anything there was a loud clang. The storage room's large metal door flew out and a pitch black creature came out. Anouk was stunned. They kept things like that as food in there?! Well... Good thing that they were interupted by this other chick or else Tabitha would have been demon food... And this time not for a demon teacher.

The man seemed outraged and ofcourse he had every right to.

((You get the accent I was going for, continuing to write it causes me headaches so just pretend to read it))

"What in the hell is happening here?!" He looked back at the trio. "So, you three thought of causing a distraction so he could sneak out with some food? Are you mental?!"

Wait, that's supposed to be a student? How did he figure that out so quickly? Eh, he's probably used to it. More importantly was that he thought Anouk and Tabitha also had something to do with this. Anouk didnt really care for this other chick but she was gonna find a way to prove that Tabitha and her had never seen these other two before.

Anouk hastily looked around. If this school was anything like the schools back in the Netherlands then... Bingo.

"We've got nothing to do with this, I swear!" She pointed at the ceiling where cameras were keeping a watchfull eye over every hallway. "You can check it on those cant you? You'll see that after we got out of our dorm we got here and..."

Dammit, good job. Now explain why you were standing near a fuse-box you idiot!

"And... Euhm... I needed to recharge." Great thinking brain. "Ye, recharge. You see, I require alot of electrical energy to keep on walking. So when I saw this fuse-box I was only going to take a little bit of it's juice and then continue on to class..." She ofcourse wouldnt say that that she was completely recharged by sleeping, but hey, he didnt know that.

"I need you to go to the VP and explain your story there." The man said. He paused for a moment before he spoke again. "What class did you say you had again?"

"Biology, sir." Anouk answered to the man.

"By Miss Hillard no doubt." He sighed. "Well, she's an odd one so you better atleast show up to her class. But after it's done you're gonna report to the VP understood?"

Anouk nodded and pulled Tabitha by her arm, trying to drag her with herself and get away from this crimescene as fast as possible.

-Mishka Demidov-

Well, the teacher just floated off. Really helpfull that one. First causing trouble and then just buggering off. And ofcourse this was going to be her first teacher this year, greaaaaat...

The tiny fascist started speaking now... The little nazi wasnt just looking the part, she also came from the same country. That, or she tried really hard to mimick that god awefull accent.

Mishka chuckled at the little girl as she was acting all tough. To be honest, Mishka was suprised that the girl reacted in this way. If you dressed like that then you should expect to be called a fascist dont you? Hell, she even had a swaztika on her belt buckle. That's even allowed? What kind of school is this...

Anyway, she walked off aswell. Then there was just this one other guy left who... Didnt really do anything. Eh, good for him. Of the three people she had just been interacting with he was the least unlikeable. If only just because he didnt say anything to rile her up.

Ooh well, time to head to the class room.

As Mishka walked inside the classroom she scanned the room for empty seats. She quickly spotted an empty spot in a corner at the back of the classroom. That spot would be ideal as she would not block anyone sitting behind her with her large bulk. Never let it be said that Mishka Demidov doesnt think about others. She walked over to this spot and sat down.

She readied her pen and paper and was ready for the first class...

-Anastasia Tepes-

Just after Anastasia asked her question she could hear a familiar voice comment on it under his breath. Others probably didnt hear it, but Anastasia's greatly enhanced senses easily picked it up. Let's hope Meredith didnt pick that up too, cause that would be disasterous for the poor guy.

Just before Meredith made her way over to herself Anastasia noticed some people looking at her. One of which was a stylish girl with red hair. Was she... starring at Anastasia's eyes?

Anyway, before Anastasia could think some more about it her complete vision was suddenly covered by the face of Meredith.

Anastasia remained unfased as Meredith came very close to her face. What? Was that meant to make her blink or something? How old was this teacher? 10?

Meredith then proceeded to answer the question but Anastasia noticed she left some vital parts out. Like, how does she mean "raised here". What, did she crash in a corn field in Kansas and was raised by two elderly farmers?

Before she could ask another question however, she was already stopped by Meredith, who wanted the students to introduce themselves to her. As her first victim she picked Graham, ofcourse.

Anastasia sighed. Seriously, why was she picking on him? Hell, why was Graham having this much problems anyway? It's as if some deity was constantly playing with Graham, making him go through ever more humuliating scenarios just for their entertainment. But eh, that wasnt possible was it?

Anyway, Anastasia looked over at the poor sod. He seemed to have been distracted by something before Meredith caught him completely by suprise.

Ooh Graham... Why do you make it so easy for the universe to mess with you?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Melkor
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Melkor The Nerd Formerly Known as Melkor

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Physics... Physics... Huh..? Oh yeah, Geoff remembered that he's teaching Physics now. The bell rang a few minutes ago. How did I drift off so easily... Well, I didn't mean it as a joke.

Suddenly Burr noticed an Amazonian entering the class and taking a seat somewhere near the back. That meant that everyone, or mostly everyone, was here. As a general rule you give students a while on the first day to remember where all of the classes are.

"Welcome to my second year Physics class. Most of you had me last year, so you should have an understanding of basic Physics including one and two dimensional motion." As he talked a marker began drawing triangles on the board behind him, labeled them with x, y and a magnitude on the stem of the hypotenuse or an angle with a degree. They were describing the direction, speed and duration of an object's motion - likely a projectile based on the magnitude of the base and hypotenuse.

"We're going to start by reviewing two dimensional motion because one dimensional is just basic two dimensional motion. Now. Can anyone tell me what is on the board?" He gestured to one of the labeled triangles with vectors and scalars drawn around it which served no purpose but to show what they are.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 8 days ago

~Gracie Turner~

Something about that girl didn’t sit right with Gracie. She wasn’t sure what it was but…

But she’d damn sure find out.

She had turned back around and returned her gaze on the teacher. She was looking off towards the back of the room again, and- was that a wink? Did she just wink at a student? ...and she was sticking her tongue out now… She certainly was an odd one. Not a bad odd just...odd. Then suddenly, Ms. Hillard was right before the red eyed girl. Right...before. Insanely close, really. Why...at a glance, one would think they might even be sharing a lover’s moment. Ms. Hillard decided to answer the girl’s question.

So...not a human. That much was obvious. So what was she…?

“What am I?”


She went on to explain more details of her existence. She was raised on Earth, but born somewhere else. Alright...so aliens. Gracie sighed. It was always aliens. Ms. Hillard went on to make a boast about making top biologists out of the lot of them...somehow, Gracie doubted that.

Ms. Hillard left the blonde’s side and headed back to her desk, calling off questions for the moment. She turned to the class and well…it was time for the dreaded introductions. Gracie wasn’t a huge fan of the activity. Surely there were better ways to learn about the people one would spend the next semester or two with…

A smirk crossed the teacher’s lips and she pointed towards the back.

“Tell me your name, and a bit about yourself!”

Gracie turned around, tracing the finger…




To Graham.

Gracie barely contained a laughing fit. How fitting. The Potato would make a fool of himself twice within the first ten minutes of his being in a class. It wasn’t the most favorable course of actions, no, but there was a silver lining: it could only get better from here on out for the little guy...right?


~Graham Turner~


Graham took a deep breath. He was fucked. Fucked. Fucked to pieces. Destruction, thy name ith Graham. She heard. She heard or she saw. She knew. That’s all that mattered. She fuckin’ knew.

Another deep breath.

She had looked back at him and winked. That...that was enough to make the marrow in a man’s bones freeze over. Absolutely nothing good could come from that wink. He was fucked. She knew. She knew what he had said. How fucked was he…? So fucked…

Then she...stuck her tongue out at him.

And it suddenly made sense.

His teacher, his fucking nightmarish, abomination of a teacher...was seven years old. This was a child. A child that could rip him apart and pick its teeth with his bones, but a child nonetheless.

Somehow...that didn’t make her less scary.

Graham shuddered.

The womanthing returned to its desk, then she said some words and pointed at him.

She wanted him to introduce himself before Gods and Men. Graham hesitated, then stood up. He considered his options here. He could just obey. Say his name, say he plays guitar, boom, over with. He’d probably get to just sit down and that would be that. Meredith Hillard would have asserted its dominance against him and moved on to bigger, badder threats.


Then there was option B.

Realistically, his nonhuman comment? He was probably all kinds of screwed due to it. So playing it safe...it didn’t really gain him much.

Why not live a little?

Graham gazed across his class, looking each of his classmates in the eye at some part.

“Heya, peeps. I’m Graham...uh, Graham Turner, and there’s nothing I enjoy more than long walks on the beach.”

He caught Gracie’s eye after that part. She seemed mortified, almost as if she knew what he was going to do. She seemed to beg him to reconsider but…

“Some of my other hobbies include watching the sunset from a picturesque grassy knoll, indulging in fine wine with a scrumptious foie gras dinner, and candlelight conversations on French film. But I think you'll agree that nothing is quite as sexy as me taking a long walk on the beach. Though my natural fingerpainting sessions are a close second.Just me, some paint, and the canvas. Nothing like clothes or some other bullshit to get in the way of true art. Ahhh…”

Graham scanned the room again. He was absolutely terrified. Luckily, it hadn’t shown in his speech. He could scarcely heart more than his own heart beating. Without waiting for an order or permission to sit down, Graham fell back into his chair. He never had a problem speaking in front of people. Never. What he took issue to was the look in her eyes. Graham couldn’t bare to look at those dead fish eyes.

Oh well. Whatever. He was done. Let the next poor sap try to please the monkey queen.

~Tabitha Turner~

“So, I guess this means we’re at a stalemate here.”

Tabitha shifted her eyes to the annoying bitch. Was she just trying to get her as- Oh! Tabby recognized the song playing in the chick’s headphones. It was one Tabby had gotten a wee bit obsessed with actually. She was really digging the bass line in it. It wasn’t too complicated, really…

"Either you two can scram...or I can, which aint' happening. I'm in a bit of a shitty mood thanks to my jackass of a roommate, and I feel like kickin' someones ass. And since you two don't seem like ya gonna scram either, I guess this means we're gonna end up fighting either way. I'll even be nice and let ya throw in the first punch."

Oh no. Please don’t kick my ass, random streeth urchin, I’ve had too much hilarity die at the hands of these Memefucks... . Okay. So Tabby would get to kick some ass today. Perfect. She pulled at her head, cracking her neck. It made a nice popping sound, which was even more perfect, actually. It foreshadowed what was going to happen to the nosey bitch just fine…

“Well, I think you’re missing option three.”

Tabbs looked back at her roommate. Option three? What was she on abo-

“Please help us! This girl wants to hurt us!”

She...ran to the door and yelled in. Which was...completely against the whole stealth thing they had going on...right? Besides...Tabby kind of wanted to hurt that other girl...


Oh fuck.

Tabby started to grin but just managed to stop. Anouk was a fucking genius. A few people, most noticeably a large, pot-bellied man, rushed into the hallway.

“Wot’s goin on ‘ere?!”

Anouk pointed back at Nosey Bitch, pouting and blinking. Alllrrriiiigggghhhht….so maybe genius was a bit of a strong word. That performance wasn’t going to get her an Oscar anytime soon. But it seemed to be enough for Chubs McFatso. Or it should have been...something caused a commotion in the kitchen. Tabby suspected Ratboy...or aliens. Couldn’t trust either, really.

Tabby just stared in awe as Anouk managed to smooth talk the cook into...well, shit...nothing. It was then that she saw the plan. Just cause a distraction and get the hell out of dodge. Probably the right call...Tabby would have fucked up that poor, confused bimbo, then what? Get expelled? Jailed? Day one fighting was pointless…


There were bound to be places that those cameras didn’t cover…

Tabby felt a tugging at her arm. It was Anouk, urging her to follow. She complied. The two girls took their exit, leaving Bimbo and Ratboy to clean up the kitchen mess.

It took a few more minutes of walking, but somehow they managed to find the biology classroom. Tabitha looked back at Anouk, ready to try to weasel her way out of going in first but...well, Anouk kind of just saved the day. Tabby owed her this much, at least.

“I’ll uh...I’ll go first. I volunteer as tribute!”

Tabby flashed Anouk an uncertain smile and held her breath as she approached the door. It wasn’t locked. Alright then. Good as time as any.

She twisted the handle and pushed the door in. She stood for a moment, just scanning the room. She noticed Gracie near the front (nerd), but the seats around her were taken. Gracie mouthed a rapid apology.

After that moment passed, Tabitha knocked on the door, and looked at the blonde at the head of the room. Her next line was directed at her.

“Excuse me...sorry to interrupt...but uh... could you tell me where to find Meredith Hillard’s biology room? My friend and I got incredibly lost and we’d just like to finally get to class. The cooks we asked were no help at all. Jerks.”

Tabby decided to take a page out of Anouk’s book and really hammed up the frustration. Of course, she totally knew this was the place. Gracie was here. And…

Oh my God…

The fuckin’ dweeb himself.

Tabitha, as she looked back over the class before turning her gaze back to the blonde, noticed the tiny redhead in the back. There was no mistaking it...unless the school found another ginger dwarf. There were no seats by Gracie, but the dweeb had spots on either side of him…

If only she were a telepath...she’d just share the plan she was forming with Anouk. Instead, she just had to hope that the chick for stick to form. They had to torture the loser. The fun Tabby had had making the little dweeb miserable...she could practically squee.

Focus, Tabby!


She looked at Meredith and stuck out her bottom lip slightly. Maybe she would find it in her heart to forgive such a tardy. She had to say...if this was Meredith, she had absolutely no idea what the rumors were on about. This wasn’t a monster. It was just some chick. Chicks weren’t scary, dude…

Oops. Sidetracked. Again.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Alexis Sinclair~

"Well," she said with a smile.

Oh? She knew a smirk like that. The little punk thought she was clever. Well, what were you gonna do then?

"I think you're missing option three."

Well, yeah there were other things you could do moron, but why the hell would she have told them to you? Someone she was planning on beatin' up. There were a few things she could do. Like call for help. But like there was anyone around here anyways that would
"Please help us! This girl wants to hurt us!"

What...She actually did. And she was pretty sure she could hear the kitchen staff behind those doors.

Well shit.

Sorry Zac, but you're on your own, pal. She was hightailing it out of there. She may have been an admittedly stubborn idiot, but she wasn't stupid, and was most definitely not going to be fighting the entire kitchen staff. Mostly because she did rather like eating and getting on bad terms with them was not a good idea. So yep, see ya losers later!

And she was out of there as fast as she could, before the other two girls had even finished accusing her of threatening them. She was smart enough to know to high tail it out of there before the cavalry showed up. Even if said cavalry was a fat cook in a chefs hat. She wasn't gonna fight all of them. Alexis was out of the cafeteria soon, glad to have gotten out before any major trouble happened. Thanks for the distraction Zac! She'd bail him out of detention or something later probably. Hopefully those two morons would get in trouble too. That'd be fun to watch.

It didn't take her long to get back to her dorm. She still wasn't going to be going to class...at least not the first class. Maybe she'd go to the next one...but first she wanted to get back into Mishka's laptop. She didn't exactly have the proper tools to make it easier, but she wanted to see what little secrets that girl was hiding. Especially in that encrypted file.

~Meredith Hillard~

“Heya, peeps. I’m Graham...uh, Graham Turner, and there’s nothing I enjoy more than long walks on the beach. Some of my other hobbies include watching the sunset from a picturesque grassy knoll, indulging in fine wine with a scrumptious foie gras dinner, and candlelight conversations on French film. But I think you'll agree that nothing is quite as sexy as me taking a long walk on the beach. Though my natural fingerpainting sessions are a close second.Just me, some paint, and the canvas. Nothing like clothes or some other bullshit to get in the way of true art. Ahhh…”

OOh, that was a total lie. She could tell. But well, if that's how he wanted to introduce himself, that was his problem. Still, it was amusing and she couldn't help but giggling a bit at it.

"Eheh, well aren't you the little Renaissance man? I do...love someone who loves the arts~" She continued to giggle after Graham introduce himself. "Maaaaybe~ You could show us one of these beaches sometime, hmm? Maybe the first years could have a field trip or something! Marine biology is quite different from mammals and other land animals." Well, she wasn't being completely mischievous. Hands on experience was always good. "Ooh...i haven't been to the beach in ages," A mischievous smirk appeared on her lips. "Perhaps...I could get someone a bit more familiar with them to show me around. I could do with a new swimsuit too~ I wonder where I could possibly find a good looking guy to help...with that small problem?~"

before she could continue further, she was interrupted by a few more late students.

“Excuse me...sorry to interrupt...but uh... could you tell me where to find Meredith Hillard’s biology room? My friend and I got incredibly lost and we’d just like to finally get to class. The cooks we asked were no help at all. Jerks.”

Ooh? More students? Did more get lost on their way here? Silly little kiddies. They should have carried a map with them! Though, even with these two it looked like they were missing two students who either were really, really, lost or were skipping class. Oh well. She'd give them the appropriate punishment whenever they got here~

"OOh, its fine! Graham here was just regaling us at how sexy he looked on a beach." She turned to face the two newcomers. "While you two are up here, perhaps you can introduce yourselves before you take a seat?~"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Zac Yoxall

The young man had just finished with gloating at the door when he realized all of the cooks were glaring at him. Looking around, he realizes that he was the only student there. I can't believe it! Alexis abandoned me! he thinks as the cooks close in on him. Raising his hands civilly, Zac says, "Hey, there's no need to be angry...I'm sure we can settle this like civilized people..."

"You destroyed our door!" the fat chef complains. "A door 'at was built to keep you brats out!"

Swallowing nervously, he says, "I-I'll work off the damages! On top of however long my punishment lasts!"

At this, the chef looks at his coworkers before turning back to Zac. "Wut could you do? Break something else?"

Seeing a spark of hope and deciding to attempt to seize it, Zac says, "Well, I'm pretty good around the kitchen. I could wash dishes, mop the floor, or even help cook during lunch!"

After a few tense moments, the cooks huddle together, talking quietly amongst themselves, until the fat man turns back. "You have a deal," he mutters, the idea to take Zac up on his offer apparently not sitting well with him. "But, one more fuck up and you're outta 'ere!"

Zac grins and says, "Of course! I understand!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 8 days ago

~Graham Turner~

“Eheh, well aren’t you the little Renaissance man? I do...love someone who loves the arts~”


“Maaaaaybe~ You could show us one of these beaches sometime, hmm? Maybe the first years could have a field trip or something! Marine biology is quite different from mammals and other land animals.”

What was...did she….

“Ohh….I haven’t been to the beach in ages, perhaps...I could get someone a bit more familar with them to show me around. I could do with a new swimsuit too~ I wonder where I could possibly find a good looking guy to help...with that small problem?~”

She was coming on to him.
She was one hundred percent coming on to him.
She wanted the Graham, not that he could blame her.
Oh Gods…what did he know about female swimsuits?
He wasn’t ready for a committed relationship.
And with an older lady? She had experience that he couldn’t match...

But no…

He was the breathtakingly dashing student, and she the nightmarishly terrifying alien teacher from space.Theirs’ would be an impossible love.

Wait...what the hell? NO! ABORT! ABORT!

Graham had to mentally slap himself. He had to have misheard her. She couldn’t have said that. PLEASE don’t have let her said that. It was uh...lost in translation. Haha, yeah, that had to be it. She was an alien, so English wasn’t her first language...probably. And was she an alien? She only said that she wasn’t hatched on Earth...Demon snake lady? Likely.

In any case, the normally sharp witted Graham found himself utterly speechless, so he closed his eyes, trying to escape into nothingness. It never worked, but he still kept trying. If Ted could do it…

A familiar voice pierced the silence. Graham didn’t want to open his eyes. That would mean confirming this hellish nightmare.

“OOh, it’s fine! Graham here was just regaling us at how sexy he looked on a beach. While you two are up here, perhaps you can introduce yourselves before you take a seat?”

He finally peeked through one eye.

It was her.

Graham’s mouth flew open in a mixture of rage and disgust. This absolutely could not be happening. This was literally his personal hell. Why, of all the people in all the classrooms, did it have to be THAT person in THIS classroom?

~Tabitha Turner~

“OOh, it’s fine!”

...that was it?
Tabitha was...not expecting that. Any of that. This chick was supposed to be the maneating beast she was terrified of?

Fuck rumors, man. Fuck ‘em all. Tabitha’s disappointment was intense. For a moment, at least. Then she realized she wasn’t going to die, and all was good again. And then it got even better.

“Graham here was just regaling us at how sexy he looked on a beach. While you two are up here, perhaps you can introduce yourselves before you take a seat?~”

Tabitha laughed. She couldn’t even attempt to hold it back. Graham? Sexy? First off, ew. Secondly, no. Finally, pfft.

She looked over towards Graham who was just staring at her all slackjawed. She grinned. Honestly, he was just asking for it now.

“Sexy, eh? I remember that beach trip. He was too scared to get in the water so he just stayed on the beach. Then he got like, a terrible sunburn and spent the rest of the trip at the beachhouse. And…” She paused, snickering a bit before continuing, “Didn’t you like, wet the bed every night we were down there? Oh my God...did you already piss the bed here?”

The newest redhead let that question float in the air for a moment. Graham’s skin had turned a shade lighter than his hair. Heh. What a spaz.

“Oops, sorry. Got distracted there. I’m Tabby Turner. Uhm...ok then. Three fun facts: I box, pretty well I might add. I’m probably the best bassist in this dump. And I’ve got a twin sister. She’s sitting over there.”

Tabitha ended her spiel by pointing towards Gracie who had pulled out her book and was buried nose deep in it, pretending that this wasn’t happening. Tabby gazed over the the class, then turned back to Meredith.

“That’s it, I guess?”

She looked over at Anouk and shrugged before trotting off towards the back of the classroom. A horrified Graham eyed her suspiciously and after realizing what her dastardly plan was, began silently begging for her to reconsider.

Too late, Little Bro.

Tabby slid into the seat immediately to Graham’s left. She could feel him mouthing the words ‘Fuck you’ at her. She just grinned her shiteating grin.

Game on, dork.

First point goes to Tabs.

That’s Tabby - 1, Graham - 0.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Graham throwing his head against the surface of his desk, stopping just before he made contact. Silent temper tantrum, then?

She leaned back in her chair and threw her hands behind her head, kicking back in style. She waited for Anouk to say her stuff...but she’d learn that soon enough. Honestly, she was more curious about the other peeps in the room.

What kind of freaky deaky powers did they have?


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 3 days ago

.:Kyle Anderson:.

"Ehe, well, I'm pretty sure the rules here aren't to different from your normal highschool. Dunno, since I've never been to one before!"

Kyle just planted in his face in his hand at that statement, biting down on the sarcastic comments he could make. No point in pissing of the teacher this early.

‘Honestly who would put someone in a teaching position that had never gone to school? How were they expected to teach a class if they hadn’t-‘

”-if you want an in-depth look at the rules, you should probably ask Nina in your next class. She is, after all, the Vice-Principal-“

‘Well that’s interesting’ he mused wondering why the vice principle would be teaching a class as well. He couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps they were understaffed, or maybe it was just an odd quirk of the VP. He figured it was more likely the latter if they had also chosen someone who was uneducated to be a Bio teacher of all things.

By this point he had stopped paying attention to the teacher, as she had been of no help as of this point and he wondered how if at all they were supposed to learn anything from her if she had no formal education. The entire thing seemed stupid, and was shaping up to be a pointless waste of time in his opinion.

”- I am kind of curious... Are you human?"

This question made Kyle snap his head towards the person who asked, not many would notice but his body hadn’t move much leaving his head turned nearly 180 degrees to face the person who had asked. It took a moment for him to register the student who had asked. She was tall and was quite attractive, not that he would actively take not of that for a few more breaths, and the most fascinating thing were the girl’s eyes, a deep blood red. Absently he wondered if she would let him sketch her portrait.

Silently he let out a breath, as he noticed she was looking at, and likely referring to the teacher. Granted he had wanted to ask that question earlier as well, but held back out of fear. Not fear from how the teacher would react, but for what it might mean about himself. He couldn’t deny they both of them seemed to have the same capability, and ever since his woke up he hadn’t felt comfortable in his own skin.
Shaking away his thought he turned his attention back to the teacher and the almost erotic event that was playing out in front of him, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the teachers antics. She seemed more a kid then a teacher.

"But to answer your question, yes! I am not human!"

Meredith’s answer however was like being dropped in to a bucket of ice, and quietly he turned to face the front of the class room again, doing his best to tune out any information the teacher was giving. He didn’t want to know. So he closed his eyes and counted in his head using that as a way to block out what was going on around him.

After a count to fifty he reopened his eyes. He noted two more students and figured they were introducing themselves ‘So on to introductions I see’
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

-Anouk Dijkstra-

Phew, that was a close one. Anouk didnt want to end up in a fight on her first day at this school. Even if it meant swallowing abit of her pride, she'd rather avoid a fight at this moment then to suffer with the long term consequences.

After a few minutes both Tabitha and she stood infront of the classroom they were supposed to attent. Anouk let out a sigh and was about to walk in before Tabitha offered herself up as the initial offering. Although it did not really sit well with Anouk she let her go first anyway. No point in argueing over it infront of the door is there?

So Tabitha opened the door, they walked in and... Wait, where's the greater demon? All Anouk could see were students and some lady standing infront of the class. Was... Was this the teacher who scared everyone? She didnt look that tough... Or scary.

Anouk quickly skimmed over the class. There were alot of diverse faces here, probably all with unique powers. They didnt look like jerks or anything like that, she the first impressions were okay... Just aslong as that moron they encoutered earlier was not supposed to be here atleast.

Anywaaaay, it apeared that the teacher wanted an introduction out of the both of them. She mentioned some Graham and Tabitha bursted out into laughter. Tabitha then went on to tell a very embarasing story about him which made Anouk chuckle, eventhough it was kinda cruel. Eh, this was probably her brother or something. Should be nice to have siblings around.

Apparently Tabitha was experienced in boxing. That's awesome! Maybe they could spar sometime. Ooh and she also had a twin sister who shared the same class? Damn, she's lucky...

Tabitha then walked off and sat next to a ginger boy who seemed less then pleased to see Tabitha. So that must be Graham... Ooh wait, everyone's looking at me.

Dammit! Introductions!

Okay, calm down... It's just a couple of strangers you've never met and you're just gonna have to introduce yourself which will only leave a lasting first impression on all of them so if you fuck up they'll torment you for atleast a month or two with it... No pressure right?

"Euh- Howdy y'all!" Ooh goddammit no. Those were her first words, seriously? Could it have been an even more obvious Texas stereotype? And she only lived there for 2 years now, she's born and raised in the Netherlands dammit! Her accent's gonna give it away in a short moment. And now she was wasting time just doing nothing for several seconds... Great, absolutely fan-fucking-tastic... Say something else dammit!

"Euhm,-anyway.-Hi,-my-name's-Anouk-Dijkstra.-I-live-in-Austin,-Texas-but-am-born-and-raised-in-the-Netherlands." Good, now keep the momentum going! "I'm-15-years-old,-play-guitar,-proper-football-and-kickboxing.-I'm-happy-to-be-here-and-hope-to-have-fun!" she said with an awkward smile and wave.

After that little introduction she quickly made her way to Tabitha, only to find out there's no direct seat around her. So... Then she would have to sit as close to her as she could, so she sat next to the little ginger fella she assumed was Graham.

I HATE crowds of people...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DFTBA
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rebekah Green

The first lesson to be taught in this class seemed to be pretty simple: think before you speak. Any thoughtless words would invite a bunch of uncomfortable weirdness from the crazy alien teacher?thing.

Weird, non-specific question about rules invites weird, non-specific answer.
Asking if she is human invites behaviour that any human would know is inappropriate.
Acting like a smartass and bragging invites being taken down a peg.
Coming in late with a clearly faked excuse invites getting stood up before the entire class with no warning.
And she would also bet that whatever she had missed before coming in started with a thoughtless word.

Only the Dutch girl, Anouk, seemed to have got it right. She introduced herself quickly, clearly and politely and gave Miss Hillard no room to twist her words or take offence. Smart girl.

Going over things like this, the principle was quickly solidifying into a kind of scientific law in Rebekah's head. Still, any good hypothesis needs to be tested. If she was right, she would be able to successfully navigate this class in the future. If she was wrong, things could get awkward and embarrassing fast. Here goes nothing.

She stood up, oe hand tightly clutching a carrot stick she had been saving for lunch, and looked around the faces of her fellow classmates for a second as she took a deep breath. When it seemed like most people's attention had turned to her, she began. "I'll go next, shall I? Kia ora everyone, my name is Rebekah Green, I'm from New Zealand, and my power is changing how big things are".

Holding the carrot stick for everyone to see, it began to swell to twice its original size, whereupon she broke it in two and lobbed on half to the front of the classroom so that it landed on the teacher's desk. It wasn't quite an apple, but it was a peace offering nonetheless.

He introduction done, she sat down, quietly nibbled on her half of the carrot, and looked around for who would be introducing themselves next.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Meredith Hillard~

“Sexy, eh? I remember that beach trip. He was too scared to get in the water so he just stayed on the beach. Then he got like, a terrible sunburn and spent the rest of the trip at the beachhouse. And...Didn’t you like, wet the bed every night we were down there? Oh my God...did you already piss the bed here?”

Meredith giggled. Quite loudly. IN fact, they could probably hear her down the hallway a bit.

“Oops, sorry. Got distracted there. I’m Tabby Turner. Uhm...ok then. Three fun facts: I box, pretty well I might add. I’m probably the best bassist in this dump. And I’ve got a twin sister. She’s sitting over there.”

Ooh. Twins. Yep, she could tell just from looking at them. So...did that mean all three of them were related? Hehe, she wondered what else the other red-head had on Graham she could use as ammo against him. Later though. She did have some semblance of a plan she wanted to follow today. The girl named Tabby took a seat next to Graham, letting the other girl introduce herself next.

"Euh- Howdy y'all! Euhm,-anyway.-Hi,-my-name's-Anouk-Dijkstra.-I-live-in-Austin,-Texas-but-am-born-and-raised-in-the-Netherlands. I'm-15-years-old,-play-guitar,-proper-football-and-kickboxing.-I'm-happy-to-be-here-and-hope-to-have-fun!"

Short, sweet, and to the point! Good! She liked the girl already. Not a trouble maker like little Graham, who she also decided to take a seat next too. Ooh, poor Graham. Hehe, looks like he was going to have fun with those two.

"I'll go next, shall I? Kia ora everyone, my name is Rebekah Green, I'm from New Zealand, and my power is changing how big things are."

And then...a girl decided to speak up without waiting for her to call on her. Ooh, someone liked taking the initiative! That was good. Good indeed! Not to mention...giant. Carrot. Meredith's eyes immediately lit up, and she practically pounced on the thing, picking it up before anyone could even say anything. She then, proceeded to shove the end of it in her mouth and started munching on it.

"Okay. howf abowt...mith twinthieth!" (how about miss twinsie!) She said giving Gracie a small finger point, pulling the carrot out of her mouth only long enough to let everyone understand her. "Name please! And any more Embarrassing stories about graham!~" She giggled mischievously, before returning to the carrot.

~Ziska Sieghild~

"Welcome to my second year Physics class. Most of you had me last year, so you should have an understanding of basic Physics including one and two dimensional motion."

Ziska sat quietly in the back of the room, making sure to listen to professor Burr. While physics wasn't exactly her favorite subject, she did understand the value of it. Physics was one of the most important subjects there was. After all, if one didn't understand it, then how could they ever hope to be a decent superhero?

As he talked a marker began drawing triangles on the board behind him, labeled them with x, y and a magnitude on the stem of the hypotenuse or an angle with a degree. They were describing the direction, speed and duration of an object's motion - likely a projectile based on the magnitude of the base and hypotenuse.

"We're going to start by reviewing two dimensional motion because one dimensional is just basic two dimensional motion. Now. Can anyone tell me what is on the board?"

Hrm. An easy enough problem. After a few brief calculations and other things, the answer was obvious enough.

"An object traveling. Most likely a projectile based on the hypotenuse, speed, and the duration of the objects supposed path."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Some random chef!

It was Pierre's first day at work and he was already nervous. Not because he had to cook for these sniveling brats rather than using his transcendental cooking skills in some upper-class restaurant. It's because he drew the short straw.

Since he and his coworkers decided to take in the little vandal as punishment, one of them had to inform his teachers that his attendance in their class would be spotty, at best. Pierre had heard rumors of this Meredith woman and, frankly, it left him rather frightened.

Looking at the door leading into the biology room, he sees the woman, and even hear her, giggling at something one of the students said. Swallowing nervously, he decides sooner was better than later and steps into the classroom. "Excusez-moi, Madame Hillard..." he says. "I would like to speak to you about one of your students...one Zacary Yoxall? Well, he was caught in ze food storage and damaged our door. He...he will be working off ze damages with myself and my colleagues, on top of his punishment, so his attendance in your class will be sparing..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DFTBA
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rebekah Green

Thank goodness that went well. Perhaps her hypothesis had been correct or perhaps the alien had a thing for carrots, or perhaps she just had so many better targets for her twisted games. Either way, Rebekah was profoundly relieved to have survived her introduction without being chewed out as thoroughly as that enlarged half a carrot stick.

Aside from the teacher, there were still her classmates to worry about. Had she said the right things? Was the kiwi greeting overdoing things? She was proud to be a New Zealander and all and wanted to represent her country well, but would she turn into a walking stereotype in the process? Was displaying her ability appropriate in this context, or was it too much like showing off? How different were things in a community of supers? How noticeable was her accent? Did she sound as ridiculous to them as the americans did to her?

These, however, were anxieties for another time. She had survived her introduction, the class had moved on, and she was quickly presented with another opportunity for her anthropological study of (was it still anthropological if her subject wasn't human) of Meredith Hillard. A chef entered, and quickly announced the breaking of both rules that Meredith had mentioned earlier: lateness, and skipping classes. Given what Rebekah had seen already, this was likely to get a student personal space violated and their morning ruined to to a large dollop of embarrassment. But this was different. Here we had another member of staff making the announcement. Would Hillard show a bit more respect or restraint? Was anyone safe? Rebekah looked on with interest. If she was going to have to deal with this creature on a daily basis, this was vital information to collect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 4 days ago

-Lukas Kunze : Geoffs Classroom-

Out of filled boredom, Lukas began to fiddle around with his powers of telekinesis, slightly levitating a pencil on his finger and spinning it while analyzing the area filled with familiar faces etched about. As he studied the area out of boredom, he slightly tilted the pencil to the side, making it appear as if he had performed a peculiar physical feat to keep the pencil from falling. The boy lazily drifted his head towards the door, he took note of the dwindling amounts of students entering inside. From the seats counted, it was still a mystery to which why specific students wern't in the general vicinity... however, he could probably figure out why.

"... Something tells me Ted might not have enough willpower to drag himself out of bed to attend class... heh, seems like him to not arrive. I just hope he isn't going to chill near the cafeteria one he awakes, as he will be in for a rude confrontation... Hm, looks like Leslie is here at least, and Aqua is out of sight... Ugh, second day and people are starting to ditch. At most, I hope they learn through example... And I hope and most she isn't pulling off one of her crazy antics again because this would of been the... oh dear god i've lost count!"

With an abrupt sigh, the boy promptly lied down on the desk, a hand rifling through his hair as he contemplated what spectacle would further transpire if he continued to be lenient. The boy groaned as he moved his head upwards so he could focus on the commotion of a few of the later students traversing into the classroom. Looks like Ziska decided to finally waltz on in after the bell shrieked... which seemed totally out of character for her.

As the boy pushed himself up to eye level with the girl in a rather tight suit, maybe he could figure out a way to break the ice? He only knew her as a rival between years in part due to one glaring reason. Lukas clutched one of the sheathes, squeezing it for a bit as she walked forward. One person he couldn't manage to fall was her, which irritated him to no end. He could only hope to surpass the girl this year, but only time would tell on that part.

"Hmm, I only know her out of her habits, and barely know anything about herself truly. Maybe this year I could try to melt that ice queen facade of hers to see what she really is... but first, maybe I could greet her! Alright, focus Lukas, don't wanna mess this up."

"Heya Ziska, you're looking rather ravishing this morning. Were you busy disciplining someone this morning as it is rather outlandish to see you late."

After that little statement, he didn't honestly show himself as he gave her a smile, hiding how stupid he made himself sound. At most he would get branded as a skirt-chaser and would fall short in attempting to befriend the girl. At most he ignored whatever comment she would shoot back if Ziska felt the need for a response to him and wondered why he dared to attempt saying that.

Mentally checking himself for probably blowing it up, he rotated his head towards the door, finding the Professor stationed by the door, as if he was waiting for a few others to come on in. The boy silently chuckled to himself, still believing she would show up. Much to his shock, it was Ted who managed to show up on time. Ok, now Lukas was getting a little antsy just looking at the door.

The next person he saw traversing in was Paul - the less lazy counterpart of Ted and not at all a bad guy. The boy gazed over as Paul took a seat in the back with the rest of the others who came in late. As he congregated in the back with the other latecomers, Lukas shrugged off what ever reason he had earlier, abandoning such miniscule theories which held no more use.

"Well I guess the whole gang has finally arrived, or most of them anyways. A few lingering seats here... well, guess now we have to wait for.


Crivens, that is one mighty giantess. Looks buffer than me at most... wait, didn't I catch her in the cafeteria? I thought she was a first year!... Maybe she recently transferred over? Eh, who knows... maybe i'll attempt interacting with her later on in or out of class."

The Telekinetic rookie let this thought settle in his mind as he looked at the tall chick before returning his attention to his pencil as he began to spin it on his finger yet again. He didn't have the audacity or the ignorant attitude to treat her no different than other students in the general vicinity. Even though this was a school, it's no more average than your regular high school from his perception. Even with powers, his thoughts were never faltering on this idea. As he looks from his pencil to the door at a swifter rate, he showed signs of impatientness.

Eventually the thought of her oversleeping perished. The boy reluctantly sighed as he stopped using his powers to outright pass the time and set the pencil back on the desk. As Burr entered in, he noted that this was one of the signs that she was up to mischief again. Although she was exciting to hang around, her antics did go a bit on the edge sometimes. As the boy watched the professor speak about physics, he lied his arm on the desk, keeping it perfectly erect in the air while he rest his head on it.

Class had started already and yet this was the time when he began becoming distracted by friendships as his eyes began to look glazed over at the moment. He stared into nothingness, or much more literally the back of a students head. Lukas deducted the worst had happen to Lonnie since she was a bit of a loose cannon from time to time.

"Who knows who she might of fought tho morning. Arduous to ponder on it, but seriously, she might end up getting an expulsion from the high school if what she does keeps up.... maybe. At any rate, i'll inquire some info about what happened later..."

Lost in thought, it was difficult to return back to reality after diverting his attention and delving into the mind, but it was something simple that brought him back.

Burr interrogating if anyone had the answer was at the top of his list, problem was he missed the whole spiel the physics professor spoke about. As he began running what he spoke about through his head, he came to the conclusion about the answer, or so he thought. He had no grounds to base if he processed it correctly, or if he should give it a chance.


Well, at least he was on the right track as he tilted his head slightly back to the person with the familiar german accent. Looks like she managed to snag it before he could even shift a finger. So much for his heels being cleared up as he ended up sidetracked by something he saw as important to him.

The boy returned his gaze to the front, waiting for the professor to give his response, still wondering about a few trifling things before dismissing them completely. Lukas knew where his priorities lied, and they were within the education he was receiving. The social aspects could wait for now as currently his focus had to explicitly be on this class, lest he doom himself to future misery set up by a chain of butterflies.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 8 days ago

Gracie Turner: Part I

Please...please just let a massive flood sweep everyone away.


As her brother got to his feet, Gracie could tell something was wrong. He didn’t have the twinkle of fear in his eyes that was...well...always present. Instead she saw only the spark of madness. He began to speak, and Gracie cringed at every word. She was trying to scream into his head. It wouldn’t work of course, she wasn’t a telepath after all, but it was better than sitting here hopelessly.

He continued.

Gracie slid down low in her chair and quickly snatched her book back from its resting place. She opened it up and hid her face in it. Just...no. She wasn’t here. She didn’t exist. None of this was happening. She didn’t know that madman. He was insane. He needed to be carried off. He nee-

“...ther bullshit to get in the way of true art. Ahhh…”


Did he just say bullshit? In a classroom? He couldn’t do that. Gracie didn’t dare move an inch. She closed her eyes and just waited for the death of her brother to occur. He messed up, and he will deal with the consequences of his actions.

Any moment now…

He’d be screaming. It’s what he did. He was a screamer.


She heard giggling. From in front of her. From Meredith.

She peeked over the top of her book. She was...she was going with it. And was she...Gracie had to repeat the teacher’s words in her head just to make sure she heard everything correctly. Her teacher was...flirting, right? Not with...not with Graham though, right? Right?

She heard the door open.

Gracie looked over to see who the next sacrifice to Meredith would be…

It was Tabitha.

Oh dear…

She was late. Of course she was. Oooh...she knew she should have stopped by her baby sister’s room. She was utterly hopeless, and now? Well…Gracie started mouthing an apology to Tabitha. Hopefully she would get the meaning. Just apologize to Meredith, show some respect, and things might be alright.

“Excuse me…”

Tabby went on to lie.

Gracie wept silently.

~Graham Turner~

He could do it. Right here, right now. He could get up, deliver a swift, flying, roundhouse kick of justice and be rid of that bratty, no-good, jerk of a little sister. Pacifism be damned. Now if only he knew how to throw a roundhouse kick. Or if...y’know...he knew what a roundhouse kick was. Or any kind of kick.


"Euh- Howdy y'all!"

Graham blinked then looked towards the front of the room. It was the brunette with the hair-thingy...Uh...right, so he wasn’t a hairdresser. Sue ‘em. Anyway, she seemed to be giving her intro next. Which was all well and good, but jeez, she spoke fast. Or was that a cough?


...not a cough. This girl needed some Ritalin or something. Calm down, will you? The irony of a motormouth like him wanting someone else to speak slower? Completely lost on Graham. Still...what did she say her name was? Anouk...Dijkstra? ...How do you even spell that? Is that with one phlegm or two? He grinned.

Something smacked him on the back of the head. He looked over to see Tabby scowling at him. He frowned at her and rubbed the back of his head before looking back at the little Texan from...the Netherlands? ...wasn’t that the pot place?


...she played guitar? Graham scratched his chin as he watched her wave and head to a seat. He wondered for a moment. What kind of music did she play? He’d have to as-why was she coming this way? WHY WAS SHE COMING THI- Oh.

Graham noticed her looking at Tabby then around her...for a seat? Well she was out of luc- Anouk sat down next to Graham. He looked over at her and gave her a little nod as she got situated. Then he felt another slap.

He looked at Tabitha who was grinning at him. She mouthed the words ‘switch me seats.’

Switch her...NO! No, he was the first one back here, he found his seat, and he was keeping it. If she wanted a spot for her little friend, she should have thought of that ahead of time. He wasn’t going to give the baby what she wanted. Just no. She could fuckin’ deal with it.

He shook his head and looked towards the front of the class. A blonde holding a...carrot stick? Sure. Anyway, she stood up and was looking about the room.

The hell was she gonna do?

Gracie Turner: Part II

Gracie continued staring intently into her book. Just block out reality with fiction. It had to work. Her sister had taken to telling the rest of the class about Graham’s incident at the beach. She didn’t mention that it was this past summer. Probably good for the little guy...well, not good but...better than the alternative?

Then she pointed at her, declaring Gracie to be her twin. Gracie declared herself to be invisible. Only one of them got to be right, though...Well, that pretty much killed any chance of her severing ties with the redheaded rejects, eh? Gracie mourned the death of her potential social life. It hadn’t even had a chance to bloom...

There was still hope that someone else would manage to be a bigger dork. That they’d be such a festering pit of lame, that…

The brunette with a mohawk that strolled in alongside Tabby went next. She seemed...nervous? Excited? Both? If it was the former, it was unwarranted. She gave a fine summary of herself. Before trotting off after Tabby. A guitarist and a kickboxer, eh? Gracie wasn’t surprised. In any case, she gave the Dutch girl bonus points. Not just any chick could pull off the mohawk but...well she did. Kudos.

"I'll go next, shall I? Kia ora everyone, my name is Rebekah Green, I'm from New Zealand, and my power is changing how big things are"

Gracie looked back at the tallish blonde. She was rather direct, no? Gracie had to admire her for that. Then she was caught quite off-guard as the girl caused what appeared to be a carrot stick to double in size. The she broke it and tossed it to Meredith.

That was…

Gracie exhaled. With something like that...this girl could potentially singlehandedly solve world hunger. Rebekah Green...Gracie made a mental note to not forget that name. Though she had to say, this was turning out to be a rather diverse group. A dutch girl from Texas? Another from New Zealand?

Meredith grabbed the carrot and attacked it. Viciously. Gracie’s eyes were the size of melons. That was…

She pointed right at her. Oh no. Had she angered Ms. Hillard by watching her eat? Was that taboo in her culture?

"Okay. howf abowt...mith twinthieth!"


"Name please! And any more embarrassing stories about Graham!~"


She wanted an introduction.

Right then.

Gracie slid her book down upon the desk. She hesitated for a moment then got to her feet. She didn’t mind people. Not at all. And in some respects, rather enjoyed being the center of attention. Public speaking, however, was not one.

“Ahem. Yeah, hello uhm...I’m uh...I’m the twin. Gracie Tru-err, Turner. I’m fifteen. I’m from Kentucky, uh, in the States. I like to read and play the-the drums.”

She started to sit down, but steadied herself. Embarrassing story about Graham. Uhm...oh!

“Graham cries during Disney movies and until last year, slept with a nightlight and a stuffed Teddy Bear named Pippin.”

She then sat down rather quickly. There. Now they could go laugh at him instead of her. She felt kind of bad for Graham, but hey, survival of the fittest. Also, he probably deserved it. She hadn’t quite worked out all the details as to why, but she felt like he had most likely done something stupid. This was justice. Deal with it.

Gracie picked the book back up and stared into it. Not a great start. It was fine, though. Just a speedbump.

...and yet again the class was interrupted. By a...a...

~Tabitha Turner~

A chef?

"Excusez-moi, Madame Hillard...I would like to speak to you about one of your students...one Zacary Yoxall? Well, he was caught in ze food storage and damaged our door. He...he will be working off ze damages with myself and my colleagues, on top of his punishment, so his attendance in your class will be sparing..."

Tabby nearly fell out of her chair. That fuckin’ moron got caught?! That was great! That a splendid! That was...was…

...oh. She gulped. This dude was a part of the kitchen staff…Y’know, if he blabbed the wrong words here, her’s and Anouk’s story would be blown to shit. Fuck. Well, whatever. If he did, he did. He probably wouldn’t. Nah, he wouldn’t. They were getting off completely stainless with this one. She could feel it in her bones.

She turned her head from the newest addition. She looked over at Graham. He had his face down on the desk. It had hit it about the time Gracie mentioned Disney. Shit...did he actually die from embarrassment? He sat up straight and looked towards the ceiling with a rather scary face. Pfft...he was probably making threats at the Gods again...or whatever that weird ass thing he always did was.

Oh well. Little Brother got what was coming for him. Really, it’s what he got for being born earlier AND being shorter. You don’t get to do that and not be tortured. Not in the Turner household that is.

She looked back over the class. So the blonde could fuck with sizes. That was...cool? Maybe?


She looked over at Anouk. So...she was a kickboxer? That was fuckin’ awesome! They had to go a few rounds sometime! Maybe she could even pick up a thing or two from her roomie. Seriously, she got like, the best possible roommate. Herculean Academy was shaping up to be pretty stellar. Especially when she could have had someone like that blue haired bitch bunking with her. Not cool. Not at all. Like, the hell was she trying to pull there? Tabby frowned. She should have just kicked her ass.

Oh well. Maybe next time.

She pulled out a pencil and tore off a small slice of paper and wrote on it. She slid it to Graham who looked down at it.

It would read:


Graham crushed the note and kept staring forward, just waiting to see Meredith eat the chef.

Tabby frowned. It wasn’t fun if she didn’t get a response…

Oh well.


~Theodore Turner~

Burr didn’t seem to notice him enter. Or he did, and was just being super chill. Ted liked to think that was it.

Ted felt something turn towards him. He wanted to look over, he really did, like the curiosity was killing him, but he didn’t. He had found the sweet spot in the lights where he could stare and his eyes wouldn’t hurt too much. He was just trying to build up the ‘dot’. Seeing Burr with a big multicolored dot face? Priceless.

Light was awesome, man. How did it even work? How could it be like...everywhere and nowhere at the same time? Could he feel light? ...could he….could he taste light?

Ted opened his mouth. Nothing changed. He closed it. Bummer.

“Welcome to my second year Physics class. Most of you had me last year, so you should have an understanding of basic physics, including one and two dimensional motion.”

Finally, Ted moved from his light wonderland and looked at the board. Burr was doodling on it. Triangles, letters...some other stuff. It was all cool. Ted didn’t have the slightest clue what any of it meant, but it looked cool. He kind of wanted to doodle now. He would have gotten up and crossed over to the board but...that’d mean getting up. And he was just soooooo comfy right now. Maybe later.

“We’re going to start by reviewing two dimens-”

Ted kinda trailed off. He never did understand all this magic mumbo-jumbo. Things just happened, man. He didn’t think about it too much. He looked about at noticed Paul again. Paul was awesome, man. He didn’t take things too seriously, and he never was in much of a rush. He might have been the definition of chill. One hundred percent kewl kat. They had met the previous year and things had just taken from there. He didn’t know much about Paul’s past though...not that he asked.

Some things were better off forgotten…

“An object traveling. Most likely a projectile based on the hypotenuse, speed, and the duration of the objects supposed path.”

Ted lazily rolled his head over to the source of the voice. Ziska. Ted didn’t know her all that well. Again, he didn’t like to dig. But she seemed pretty cool. Ted could respect her whole, rules stickler thing. He didn’t get it, but hey, rules seemed to make her happy and being happy is what it’s all about, yeah? Though, and Ted wouldn’t say it because it was rude, but he preferred her brother. Dude was chill...like, really chill. The world would be a better place if everyone could be so chill.

There were a couple other familiar faces about, Ted noticed. He spotted Lukas who had just stolen a glance at Ziska. Ted liked Lukas pretty well. He was a helluva worker, kinda like Ziska, not nearly as high strung, though. Usually. Ted would have his back if he needed it. Though Ted would probably have just about anyone’s back. He liked people. Or rather, he didn’t not like people. Or he...never didn’t not like no people never not at all no ways no hows no…

Ted groaned.

Thinkin’, man. Not that easy.

He snapped back to reality and reached for his notebook. It wasn’t there. Oh well. He probably just forget to grab it from his room. He looked around. Did anybody else have stuff? Well, only one way to find out.

“Hey...anybody got a piece of paper I could borrow?”
1x Laugh Laugh
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