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Dealing With A Demon

Events were spinning out of control even faster than when Penny opened fire on Regina and Elroy, not that the mechanical maho could blame anyone since everyone seemed to be under the impression that she needed help.

The quick appearance, and even quicker incineration, of the vines told Penny she would have to act, but the length of metal in her arm hampered what she could do. She waivered for a moment as she struggled with what to do, she could keep the metal to continue her idea or remove it to better deal with her crazed friend and seeing as Thalia was more than willing to attack anything that moved Penny needed to choose fast.

Before she could come to a conclusion Thalia moved to shield her from any attacks that could be incoming, which, seeing as Elroy was still unaccounted for wasn’t a bad idea. It also gave Penny a better idea for dealing with Thalia.

While Thalia was eyeing every shadow that she could see, Penny gently laid a hand on the Kitsune’s shoulder “I’m okay, Thalia, I’m okay” She murmured softly as stepped closer to her friend, slowly moving to give Thalia a one armed hug “It’s fine, I promise” Penny continued quietly as she adjusted her left arm so that the extra metal sticking out of it wouldn’t poke in to Thalia or scrape against anything.

“Let’s go home Thal” Penny was nearly whispering as she spoke to Thalia, Partly so that only the fox could hear her and partly so her voice wouldn’t crack from her emotions. Every transformation Penny had seen always had the same triggering factor; grievous harm of a loved one. That Thalia cared so much for Penny was a balm that Penny didn’t know she needed, but the pain she had inadvertently inflicted on Thalia was just as sharp, if not worse because of that same fact.

Penny moved so she could look in to her friend’s eyes, making sure not to block Thalia’s vision too much as she did. “Please? We can hunt later” She pleaded quietly not fully able to halt the tears in her eyes. Penny didn’t want another fight, not against anyone gathered, and her loss of control from earlier was starting to catch up to her.

If Penny heard Scout’s appeal, she made no reaction to it, just as she didn’t move to talk to Alicia or Suwako, she would talk with the bacon-bits later. Thalia was more important right now.

She just wanted to go home; she wanted to cry, but she wouldn’t, not now, not until they both were safe. She wouldn’t abandon Thalia, not now, not ever.

@Vocab @Majoras End@Hammerman@Flamelord
Penny is up and moving, but she looks to be in a grim way. What will the Demon do? and what will Beacon?

From The Darkness

The moment the metal dome sealed over Penny her energy blades deactivated and she collapsed. From an outside perspective it seemed that she was succumbing to her wounds as she wasn’t breathing.

The truth was closer to the opposite however, as she had collapsed in relief. Being surrounded by her element reminded her of her lair and Elroy was moving away, the fight seemed to be winding down. So seeing as she was safe for the moment, not being concerned with the makeshift prison, she turned her attention inwards.

The wound on her side looked bad, and it did hurt, was the first thing she focused on. Silent arcs of electricity slid across the wound leaving a lattice of thin metal in their wake as deep inside the wound the blood loss was staunched. It still looked like horrific as she was covered in blood, and the lattice wasn’t easily visible, but the wound would heal clean.

Next she focused on her biggest concern the curse that had been placed on her. That took a more effort to figure out, and in truth she didn’t even break it so much as it wore off. Still she noted the bullet that had struck her and molded it in to her chassis, it wouldn’t add any benefit, but she wanted to hold on to the bullet as a memento. She had gotten reckless when fighting, this would serve as a reminder as to why she shouldn’t do so.

Finally she addressed the spear still lodged in her arm. Originally she had intended to tear it free and begin using it against Elroy, but now a different idea had come to her. One that would take a bit amount of time to accomplish, as the magic in the spear wasn’t hers. Methodically she began imprinting herself on the spear, removing Elroy’s magic and putting her own in its place. Normally it would be an impossible feat for her, but with it still stuck in her she could use her own regeneration as an interface and workaround, slowly transforming the metal in to another part of her body. It was also why she only allowed a patch job for her side; she couldn’t heal and imprint at the same time.

Because of her focus on the task of imprinting on the metal in her arm, she was only partial aware of metal sphere being torn open. Still the sudden light got her attention. She rolled on to her slide as she glanced at Alicia and Suwako, her eyes were glazed as she kept working on the imprinting and she was still covered in her own blood.

Penny was about to say something to them when she felt heat coming from Thalia, when she turned to look at her friend she felt her blood go cold when she saw how close they had been. She hadn’t realized Thalia had gotten stuck in the sphere as well. She had assumed that the fox girl had leapt out of the way when it rolled towards them or avoided it as she was skilled at doing.

But Thalia had been in the dark with Penny, and Penny didn’t say anything. She felt terrible, a feeling that only got worse as she finally saw what the wound on her side looked like. She looked back just in time to see Thalia transform completely.

“T-thalia” Penny croaked out as she pushed herself to a stand, fighting past tears and the guilt she felt for the fear she had inflicted on her friend. She took a wobbly step towards the large Kitsune, hoping that she would be able to calm her down despite her horrid appearance.

I'll start working on a Penny post, late today or tomorrow is the expected up time for it.
@Majoras End Ditto, though Vocab knew that from me already
@BrokenPromise I hate car troubles, also on the Pit Stop.

@Ariamis@PlatinumSkink@t2wave Do we want to move the conclusion of that in to a collab? or are we good with just calling it? as I'm not sure how to write for that scene at the moment.
Minor question; How long do curses/debuffs last?
@VocabStanding, She rooted herself standing with her feet blades. also there is at least one spear still embedded in her arm not sure about the one that got her hip.
@Majoras EndIf there is any thing left Penny will be back later to destroy it, just so ya know.

First Blood

Penny was rapid closing in on Elroy when the darkness descended upon the battle field. It was the first thing to truly penetrate the haze of destructive urges that she had given in too. It caused her to stop, and for a moment she nearly abandoned the fight as a chill gripped her spine, a clear portent of danger, but Elroy finally stopped scampering away and chose to finally confront the mahout cyborg.
Penny, like Elroy, could feel the metal around her so the darkness wasn’t a great hindrance, but only because of who she had targeted. She could tell he had constructed some sort of shell and knew that he was barreling down on her. She also knew just how fragile steel could be.

As she had when Elroy came crashing to the ground earlier Penny chose to stay her ground, only this time she was going to make sure she was in the path of his attack.

Feet firmly planted with the clawed blades of her feet stabbed in to the ground once again for added stability Penny crossed her arms in front of her, blades extended from both arms, and waited. She didn’t need to wait long as a few moments later the rolling ball of steel was nearly on top of her. In that moment Penny lashed out with both arms carving the steel casing Elroy had fashioned for himself with ease.

With the outer layer breached Penny noted the Spears that Elroy had hovering over his shoulders, she was exposed and had no way of defending against them other than to trust in her own durability. The first spear landed a glancing blow to her temple, the metal sparking against her own inorganic skin. It would also be the lightest wound she suffered.

Before the next spear could land a hit Penny was hit square in the back by Regina’s cursed round. The stinging sensation was a bizarre feeling as Penny had never been hit by a curse before, that didn’t mean Penny didn’t realize what had happened however. All of Penny’s magic is directed inward, as well as a majority of her body is built by the elements she specializes in, so despite not knowing what exactly happened, or why, Penny was perfectly aware that her body’s natural durability just got disrupted.

That Realization didn’t stop the next spear from embedding in to her upper left arm, nor the third one from gouging her just above her hip. The fourth thankfully missed Penny as she twisted due to impact from the other spears.

Pain flooded Penny’s mind and if she could see her vision would be swimming due to the pain. She had let out a small cry of pain at both of the impacts and the scent of blood was in the air as her wounds bled freely. Opening her mouth wide she vented the pain in the best way she could think of, but firing another Gauss round directly in to Elroy’s face, a pained scream sounded alongside the discharge.

Letting everyone nearby that could hear it know that someone had been hurt badly in the darkness.

@BrokenPromise@Vocab@Majoras End@Flamelord


Away We Go

Violet just nodded at Sakura’s stipulation, she agreed with her sister after all, but that was for later “Where would you like to get this taken care of Amber? As you are the one requesting the wish” she asked regarding the childish looking girl across from her. Violet didn’t really care, but she just didn’t have in it her to be very malicious when it came to granting wishes, unless she and Sakura had been threatened.

Absently she wondered about the sky pirate bit, but didn’t bother to ask. It wasn’t as important as the wish after all.

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