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Despite all of those that strove to assist in calming things down Penny knew that things continued to dissolve into chaos. If not here then all across Penrose, as dozens of girls had left via other means before the Ascendancy sent their Barrier up, but there wasn’t much she could do in regards to that half of things right now. The people here were in danger, both from the extremist forces of Ascendancy and the vile influence of Vi’s music.

Because of that, the monstrous girl didn’t even give Vi a second look as the cowardly idol fled from the stage. She just continued her swinging arc up onto the stage, not stopping she continued her rush towards the sound system tucked away in the back. Her magical skill was never going to be able to unweave the Sound effects of someone else, but with through this she might be able to override what was coming out of the speakers.

Thus she merged with it, just in time for Lei Zi surge of Lightning to come ripping through the systems frying everything that they could.

At first Penny nearly rebelled against the attack, nearly fought to keep the speakers functioning, but she didn’t. Instead she drank freely form the storm sent racing through them, drawing into herself the storm once it had fulfilled its primary purpose, and then she called to metal, seeking the fried and damaged components, but also willing to take anything that would answer. She didn’t need them to be in one piece for her to do what needed to be done, for within her they could be remade to fulfill her desired function.

As the metal flowed to her she unfurled her lower set of hidden limbs and plunged then into the floor.

“Systems re-calibrated”

The next moment a deafening note echoed out from Penny’s location, her Gauss system disgorging naught but a wave of low frequency sound. It would roll though the building undeterred by walls of any kind as it originated underneath the ground and at the same time it would do little other than possibly distract. It wasn’t focused enough to harm.

For Penny was looking for a way out. She was still patched into the other drones within the area, she knew that even if the walls were punched through, or the roof broken out of that the majority of girls were still trapped in here. But she had seen Cindy and her entourage leave before everything went to hell. That secret could hopefully lead out of here, and hopefully there was more than one.


.:Falling back:.

With the return of sanity Ashlyn and Monica were able to much more easily start rounding up girls who simply trying to leave. Monica kept her larger friend abreast of what was going via psychic updates even as they fell back into one of the furthers rooms away from where it was the Ascendency.

Once they reached it Ashlyn would take a defensive position, fending off anyone who tried to force their way in, at the door as Monica opened a large gateway into her Interdimensional home and started shepherding girls into it. Both of them would stay here in the Rave until things got too dangerous for them to stay any longer before they would both also flee into the home.

They could return once the place was safe.


Despite the wide grin on his face Aurelio knew he was in trouble. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his Compassion clone simply stand there and get taken out, which now that he had traded places with said clone he could understand why.

Defending against this crazed lamia was hard. He was rather good at defense as well, in his own humble opinion, but this was very much straining his skill at it and with each barrier that got destroyed his capability of staying ahead of his laser focused opponent got that much harder.

He heard reinforcements arrive, but couldn’t bother devoting any attention to them and he ducked under another swipe that would likely have left quite the impression. Then the Metal wielding foe also joined in the fray and Aurelio position turned even worse as he was forced to dodge both of them and split his attention.

His mind raced to try and find a way out of this predicament, for he was much closer to exhaustion then one would originally expect. The reason for that was his own fault, he underestimated just how badly that they wanted this Coin, and his earlier stunt with the Wonder, swapping place with his clone, was more costly than normal due to chaining it with the Determination and illusion set up.

Which as he narrowly dodged another blow, one that shattered his last barrier, wasn’t even something he could make use of anymore. The idea had been to mirror his and Kimble’s images over each other, but the second it would take to trigger that would likely end up costing him more than he was willing to give at the moment.

But then he remembered the wise words of Master Fung “The goal is simply not to lose, and that is victory enough” and with that a plan formulated in his mind ‘This is going to hurt’

As once more his opponents attacked him in a pincer, a metal claw swinging from one direction and a Barrage of slashes from the front Aurelio put his plan into action. Moments before they struck him there was several flashes of magic from him, before his cane was tossed at the metal hand before he spun to try and block in the incoming assault with his arms crossed over his torso, the White Coin peeking out from between his fingers.

A moment later Aurelio did his best to hold back the scream of pain as his right arm is removed from him in a vicious display of strength. The white coin seemingly still tightly held in its hand.

On the ground Aurelio would curl up his left hand pressed tightly to the now empty shoulder. The wound would seal up near instantly however were one to be paying attention to him still as the second spell he cast went into effect. ‘Called it’

The first was the illusion he had been holding on too, but what it was he swapped the images of wasn’t him and Kimble, but of one coin with another. The last spell? Well that would be a nasty surprise here in a moment, but now wasn’t the time for that, he only had a few moments he could stall before his ruse was likely to be discovered.

Off in the tunnel bored out but the wooden torpedo’s another clone of Aurelio popped into existence. It had an urgent message it had to get out, and knew that its original self had placed themselves into danger to try and buy more time for this message.

Quickly it would take off its hat and hold it upside down before speaking quietly but urgently. “Floppy, need you get here quickly” Moment’s later a large black rabbit would pop up out of the hat looking distinctly annoyed. “No time!” the Clone would say cutting of his Beckoner before it could start saying anything “There is a group hunting after the White Coins. I’m not sure if I’m the only target but you need to recall all of the patrols that have them now!”


Viva would be too busy enjoying her meal to really notice any of the insanity that had sparked off around her, later she would look back and lament the fact that she had missed all the fun. At some point, Viva would never be able to pinpoint when, she would be swept away from the Rave entirely.

Deposited in an abandoned house in some further away neighborhood of Penrose to finish her meal in peace, all due to her ‘Get out of Jail’ perk.

-=Ǝ Show Time E=-


Being more aware of the world was a gift that Aurelio was always a fan of having, it helped with noticing the subtle details and variations of people and their emotions, made performing sleight of hand easier, and in times like this made it all the easier to start working against sudden ambushes that Beacon tended to get targeted with whenever the villain of the week cooked one up.

Thus when the magical field sprang into existence fired off a simple flare of shock from his cane, it did nothing but sail far into the sky, for it was only step one for the moment.

The next action he took was when the Vines erupted out from the ground, and he was acting even before the vines would discharge their payload. His Blue clad copy would rush forward and jab his cane into the ground as he took up a position in between Dorothy and the vine causing a blue bubble to expand out and surround the two of them in an attempt to block any possible assault form the thing, sadly he hadn’t been expecting a mental attack so wasn’t successful in protecting the Bunny girl.

The Clone near Kimble also moved into a position to block any possible attacks and simply jumped in front of the grey goo and let himself be immobilized by it “Good to know” He would say aloud before it would poof into nonexistence no longer being of any use.

The real Aurelio would be a mix of his two clone’s actions, as he would stab the green wall he had conjured with his can before swing it about himself, the shield turning into a large curtain as he did so. The curtain would split into two halves with each one wrapping about one of the vines that erupted near him.

“And now for the reveal!” He would quip as the earth then disgorged the foes that had sought to trap them and once again his awareness paid dividends to help him process everything, and he had to give them credit for a plan well thought out. He wasn’t sure if it would work in the long run, but then again he tended not to bet against himself.

Of with his colored clone, the blue hued variation was finding itself pushed mercilessly by the superior physical capabilities of his adversary, but at the same time said figure would be finding him to be annoying difficult to actually hit. As he never sought to strike back at her, only dodging or deflecting the incoming blows, and to make things worse a scattered mess of circular magic barriers capable of blocking her attacks were floating around him only adding to his defensive capability. “You know, attacking people like this isn’t very nice” He would go on to say as he continued to dance away from the attacks. “And if you wanted a White coin yvou’re going to have to get in line” He would add with a large grin as he spun the coin across his fingers having noticed the girls focus on the small magical relic.

As he dodged another blow his cane would start glowing a deep blue.

“I have to congratulate you for this plan” The real Aurelio would say as he maintained his readied position but didn’t move towards the one who was obviously marking him more watching his clone defend itself from the third attacker. “Good coverage from the outside, likely mind tampered bait, and even effective team work.” His smile however was blatantly mischievous, as he seemed utterly unaffected by being caught out so effectively. “It would likely have worked against anyone else, but the thing is... I am the Great Aurelio!” As he called out his name he would pull his curtain of Determination over himself.

At the same time his blue clad clone would flip the White Coin in to the air in front of him lightly just there was a flash of white light and in an instant the Blue was replaced with White as Aurelio just kept grinning. “Sorry to steal this dance but your last partner just lacked stamina ya’ know?” He would say cheerfully as he caught the coin his clone had flipped.

At the same time as Aurelio re-positioned himself his curtain would dissolve revealing the blue clad clone in the middle of it firing off a pair of spells, both its own Compassion and with the remnants of the Determination, towards its original and Kimble. Speed, Strength and durability, all were due for a raise once the green and blue spells landed. “Never take your eyes of the magician” The Clone would say with soft smile, knowing it was likely to be taken apart by the metal shards the original was being watched with, which was fine by it, as he was more or less out of juice as it was.

"Trouble with boss!" One of the numerous clones would say as they all felt the shock disperse in the air "Prep for Teleportation!" They would go on to say grabbing hold of the other beacon members as they started up the sequence to teleport all of them to the real Aurelio's position.

The phone based clone would type out one last reply before pocketing the phone.

"When it rains it pours. Got caught up in something myself, I'll be there as soon as I can!"
Not a job I've had to work from quite a while now, but I understand the sentiment all to well.

I'm pretty sure that I understand what it is you're aiming for with Jinny and her skill with this, especially since it is superhero land that we are playing around in, so post is fine.


Due to her Drone’s minute size slipping between the various rooms and side halls within the warehouse was a simple task. She lost some time making sure that the coast was clear at times to make sure that it wouldn’t get blindsided again. It was hardy little thing but it wasn’t able to take too many hits regardless.

Still slipping between the rooms Penny was able to more accurately scope out what was going on within the building. She noted Eden, in one of the rooms, along with the strange artifact that she held as well as Sasha and another girl she didn’t recognize. Not seeing anything else she moved on.

The room with Shane and the disorientated girl also was noted, but once again she moved on not seeing anything to stop and witness. She made it just in time to witness Cindy leaving with her retinue, of which she only recognized Ronin.

‘What’s going on here?’ Penny would wonder tempted to send the drone after them, but held off she should be able to track them down again later on since Ronin was in the party. She had the tiny samurai’s number after all. Instead she returned the drone back to the main hall, just in time to witness the eponymous Vi-chan taking the stage.

At first nothing really seemed a miss, Penny lacking any audio feed back wasn’t really captivated by the dance routine so instead she went back to scouting the place out, keeping an eye out for Alicia and on Veronica.

But then she witnessed what was happening and just like that all of Penny’s respect of Vi shriveled and died, for she saw the chaos starting to spread from her vantage point with her drone. She knew, even without being able to hear, what was happening. She felt sick, even though she was physically capable of being so. Then she heard the order from Rachel and knew that she could no longer simply sit still and watch.
“Fuck That!” Penny’s voice raged across the comms as she exploded into action. She wasn’t stationed with the rest of the Ascendency, so none of them would be able to stop her; scarcely a second after the order given out Penny was down the side of her building and racing at full speed towards the Rave, her thrusters leaving a blinding trail behind her.

She knew things were going to be bad, but this was so much worse then she had expected.

She didn’t bother slowing down for the door. Tearing through the thing like it was little more than paper, the extra metal wrapped around her as she rushed though. Originally she had planned on going through one of the side walls, but knew better now that she had gotten some Recon done. That very same recon played double duty as the black smoke enveloped the room, as alongside the endless amount of sound echoing throughout the room meant that Penny still had a perfectly clear image of everything going on.

She stood out within the smoke as well, as her eyes were glowing white as she had pulled her Spark close to the surface ready to ignite it into a brilliant blaze, there was a second point of white as well as she revealed her purification amulet awash with its own simple glow.

First order of business was shutting down the music. It was the source of the insanity; she could tell that the moment she had broken into the place, could feel the blackened tempo trying to dig into her mind and had it been a few weeks ago she knew that she would have turned this entire place into a crater because of such. Now she simply launched her arm at the ceiling, dragging herself above the packed masses below, swinging towards the stage where Vi was singing.

Mid way there would be a thunderous roar, as Penny fired her Gauss system down at Elvira seeking to strike her down. And quietly her Drone would dock once again within her frame, it’s mission done, for now.


.:Ground Zero:.

Elsewhere within the Rave Two others would near instantly fall under the sway of the maddening rhythm. Ashlyn would be the first to fall under the music’s influence and she forced herself to a stand as she slammed her hands together causing blue purple flames to begin manifesting around her, before they would condense into three armor clad Oni.

Each Oni would then Race outward spurred on only by their summoner’s mental orders. There were those within here that were in need of protection, and it was Ashlyn’s duty to save them, all of them. with another pair of gestures glittering red translucent walls would begin raising from the ground around those fighting, cutting them off and imprisoning them.

Then the Smoke would fill the room, and all Ashlyn could do was summon more Oni, most remaining as simple flickering spirits sent out to find those that needed help and guide them back to her, but on occasion another armor clad one would be crafted and sent off to intervene to protect some unlucky soul based of the information she received.

Monica would last only a few moments longer then her large friend and only because she wore enchanted earrings, blessed with purifying properties. It was enough for her to set into place a mental routine, a mental program to over write her motivation.

She would reach out, mentally, to those that were crying out in pain or in panic and relay a message to them ”I’m here to help” She would tell them “Trust the Purple Oni and follow the Red walls they will lead you to safety” And then she would reach out for the next person who needed help and repeat that message.

Those that would need more assistance she would ping Ashlyn, with their location and fall back into searching for those that needed help. She could do nothing else until more of the lost lambs made it to her at which point the next step of her mental program would kick in and she would lead them and Ashlyn back into one of the far rooms. One she had previously taken over to help those who partied a little too hard. Where everything would continue from there until the room got too full for more people, but even then there was another step to the plan, but that step could wait until it was needed.
Blerg, meant to have this post out much earlier then I did.

Also, I used to work in retail, so I am well acquainted with how the toy isles look. Bright Pink one can see for miles right next to a Dark Blue that is easy as eye catching.
“Then I shall do my best to teach something new each day” Slade would reply casually even as he hid a small amount of surprise at Jin’s choice. At the same time her choice did raise his respect for her; she had a goal, and already was willing to put it front and center. That was never a bad trait.

It took him only a moment to sift through the vast majority of his ideas of things he could chose to start her training. Discarding most of them simply because she did not yet have the right equipment to begin partaking in some of them, thus most basic conditioning would have to come later, once he had been able to get some workout clothes for her.

“Follow me” he would say standing up and walking towards the garage. Once there he would slide the button to open the garage to the side revealing a blank keypad, to which he would rapidly input a combination. Once he was done a cabinet off to the side would swing out revealing a stair case that went under the house following him down Jin would discover a large open room that seemed to run the length of the house, there was a variety of workout equipment down here, along with a handful of robotic looking dummies.

The side was caged off, and within it there were dozen or so lockers that all seemed to be keypad locked. There was also a suit much like the one he had been wearing but it too was locked behind a Plexiglas case. Slade didn’t move towards them however he simply kept walking. As beyond all of that there was a firing range, in fact it was the range that took up the majority of the space down here, and it was there that was his intended first lesson.

At the edge of the firing range was a different, albeit similar type of range. One Slade had set up for throwing weapons. “This is where we will begin” He would say as he walked up to a table that was stocked with a wide variety of throwing tools and grabbing a few darts from it.

“Many people assume that being strong equals the ability to crush or destroy anything that gets in their way and while that is one interpretation of strength, I am of the belief that to be truly strong requires perfection in all things.” As he spoke he would set up a simple target dummy. “At your age there isn’t much that can be built up, your body is still growing, but one thing that can be worked on is a fundamental aspect.” He would return to behind the line that detonated what was and wasn’t within the firing area and raise one of the darts so that Jinayah could get a decent look at it. “Precision” Without turning to look his hand blurred as he threw the dart at the target. It would hit the center of the dummy with a soft thunk.

“You can have the greatest power in the universe, but it means nothing if you cannot hit, and even the weakest strikes can topple titans if you land them in the right location.” Another dart blurred from his hand as he threw it at the target without looking, it landed next to his first dart. “Power and speed we shall get to in time, for now technique and procession shall be your goals.” A third dart thrown landing opposite the side his second one had.

“Ready to begin?” he would ask offering up one of the darts to Jin. If things went accordingly they would be down here until lunch.

.:⋮little Eye⋮:.

At the far end of the warehouse a Minotaur girl extracted Penny’s drone from her cleavage, mainly to get out of her clothes, but also to get a better look at the thing that had fallen in her ‘shirt’. When she extracted the metal ball she gave it a curious look before shrugging and tossing it over her shoulder not seeing any reason to care about the metallic oddity.

She continued on her way to the bar before sitting down next to a towering horned girl who seemed to be knocking drinks back like they were water. “That’s two more already passed out” The Minotaur would say succinctly as she sat down “At this rate there’s not going to be any space in an hour” she complained as she sipped from a tumbler.

“Ya knew that this was going to be the case loooong before tonight” her drinking companion said briskly whipping her mouth with the back of her hand as she finished off another drink. “So why you complainin’ now? It’ll pay off once everything hits the fan and you know that”

“True” The smaller girl would let out a sigh “I would like the chance to enjoy my drink however”

“Drink faster”

Unseen to either of the girls now drinking at the bar, or most others within the rave, the metallic sphere that the Mino-girl had tossed over her shoulder never hit the ground. It stabilized itself midair before quickly rising to the ceiling before reopening the cover on its single lens. Penny had close it shut shortly after it came to rest within the sizable bust of the unnamed girl, figuring that if it would be open she would be much more likely to simply crush her drone before moving on.

Now that she was inside, and not being randomly assaulted, she ran a quick diagnostic while the drone floated over the crowd below.

“Eye is inside” Penny would relay to the Ascendency over the comms “Audio is a no go,” Which wasn’t much of a surprise, even if the real reason was more to do with the fact that the speaker on her drone had been damaged when it got kicked across the room “But I’ve got a good angle on the main room. Cindy is not present but I have visual on our girls” ‘And on Veronica’ she would confirm to herself, moments before noticing who it was that Veronica was talking too.

‘This just keeps building’ “Confirmation on Justine as well” She would add knowing that at this point there was very little that Penny could do to limit the damage for when this all kicked off. “I’m going to scout the rest of the premise, see if there are any more surprises in store for us.” She would inform them before she piloted the drone off towards the other rooms to try and get a full picture of where everyone was.

She had a bad feeling about all of this, and she was going to need an accurate layout of this place, and soon if she was going to be able to help when the all of this came to a head.

-=Ǝ Double lift E=-

“No, don’t need anything” The solitary Aurelio clone in front of Hilaria would say giving the dark girl a measuring look. “Some advice, if you want it, is ignoring sudden and unexpected emotions like that tend not to be a good idea in the long run.” He would say before giving her a slight bow. “Have a nice night, and hopefully a good meal soon”
That clone would head back to his teammates, the ones who hadn’t run off, “Shall we continue ladies? I can catch up later after all” The Phone clone would wordlessly step back in line with the others, still tapping away at the phone.

Over at the park the real Aurelio was already moving to stand, as he could feel the panicked Dorothy barreling in his direction. It wouldn’t be long after he stood that he saw the two of them come racing across the rooftops. Another moment later and Dorothy was sprawled out in the dirt in front of him and it wouldn’t be a moment later then he would flow into action.

His can would be drawn and stabbed into the ground in one fluid motion. From the point of impact a large green shield would form from nothing blocking Kimble’s assault. At the same time behind the shield an area of Calm and Trust would settle as another Aurelio would fade into existence wearing a dark blue outfit.

Once Kimble came to a stop, even for a moment she would see the shield split open down the middle and Aurelio walk out of it wearing a rather annoyed look. “Alright, I think an Explanation is in order don’t you?” The magician would ask as he folded his arms across his chest. “How about you start with why your treating her like an enemy?

Behind the shield Dorothy would not see the shield open. She would instead just bear witness to two Aurelio’s talking with each other. “You think we are going to be able to calm Kimble?” asked the Blue clad one.

“I hope so. Shouldn’t be too much of an issue if it is the reason I’m thinking it is” The White one would say pivoting on his cane to face his blue clone.

“Odds on that being the case?”

“Longer then I would like them to be” He would answer with a sigh, before at last turning to face the, hopefully calmed, bunny girl. “Sorry about that. Not entirely sure why Kimble raced off after you like that, I’m hoping it’s just a holdover from her own purification. She used to a cat girl” he would explain with a warm smile as he sat down where he was.

“My name is Aurelio, as mentioned I’m in a position at Beacon where I can offer you purification without having to run it past anyone.” He would go on to say as he pulled a White Coin out of his jacket pocket “There are two options that we have at our disposal. The quicker route would be that you use this, though it does come with a catch, It will swap your patron over to Beacon” He would say holding the White Coin up so that Dorothy could see it “The other option is that we wait here for one of the purification team to reach us so that we can get a ritual set up. I’ve not called them, so right now it’s just you me and Kimble.”

“If you want to use the Coin I’ll pass it off to my clone” He would nod at the blue clad version of him “Who will carry it over to you. Then once you use it I’ll take you to HQ to help you go through the orientation. If you want to wait for the purification team I’ll sit with you and wait and once you’re turned back into a magical girl it’s your choice if you want to join Beacon to head you own way. No strings”

“So which option do you want to take?”

>>Ill omen<<

With a drink in one hand and her prize in the other Viva retreated back into one of the various side halls that dotted the building. She didn’t want to be interrupted, and she wasn’t sure if what she was going to do would spill out into the rest of the party, not that she would mind either way.

Once she was situated she reached into her Hammer space and pulled out the corpse of the lich she had helped take out a week ago. She would lay it out on the table, stopping for a moment to notice that there were sparks of a greenish magic flying off the body. A moment later she would simply shrug and turn her attention towards the red egg in her hand. It was such a simple looking thing, but Viva knew better then to assume that was all it had to offer.

In her hand was a gift, once she consumed it two things would happen for certain. One was the fact that Viva would no longer be without a Patron, the Second was that she would no longer be fully human, though it might take a bit of time for the energies of the egg to finalize her evolution to a Monster girl.

With one last moment of wonder Viva bit into the blood colored egg and drank freely of the blackened goo that was contained within it. At the first rush of corruption that swept through her she gave into her dark desires and began feasting on her prized meal. Any who had the misfortune of interrupting her would find themselves becoming her next meal if they weren’t lucky.

As luck would have it, the well spring of corruption would be contained within the room that Viva had chosen, locked in due to the overpowering Aura of the Monster Queen elsewhere within the building. Otherwise the corrupting influence could have caused who knows how much chaos.

.:⋮Eye Spy⋮:.

“Understood Alicia” Penny would reply evenly even as she felt that the lack of an ‘eye in the sky’ inside would prove to be a bad idea in the long run. She wasn’t the one running this operation however so she would defer to her C.O. the fact that she felt it hard to not simply go with the standing orders serving only to highlight both her level of determination and make her slightly annoyed. “Will do Rachel” Came her reply, this time though the com earing.

Afterwards she simply went back to watching the surrounding areas through her drone, keeping tabs and tallies on the numbers and names of all the people that had shown up. It was due to her continued bird’s eye view that she saw something that threw a wrench into her plans of simply staying still and waiting for everything to go horribly wrong. She noticed Veronica.


She wasn’t sure what to do exactly at this discovery. Pointing her out to everyone on the comms would easily kick start this powder keg into going critical. It took only a moment for Penny to make her choice; diving deeper into her guide drone she piloted the small drone into the Rave after Veronica. It was small, hardly bigger than a stress ball, and capable of independent flight it should easily be able to slip in when no one was looking. Once inside it would be nearly impossible to detect due to the massive Aura flooding the area.

“Rachel, I’m sending my eye inside. Need to verify something, as it could have made this a lot more dangerous. I’m not going to be as tapped into the rest of the drones so let me know if anything starts acting up out here.”

She needed to keep an eye on Veronica, and possibly talk to the mysterious Patron level magical girl. The other lady that she had come in with was also likely important, but Penny couldn’t place her, which was all the more reason to tail the two of them if she was being honest.

-=Ǝ Down the rabbit hole E=-

Aurelio couldn't help but let out a huge sigh as what should be a very simple encounter crumbled into chaos in only a few heartbeats. “I swear there is something fundamentally wrong with this city” He would say to no one in particular as he ran a hand down his face “Things spiral out of control here way too often for it to be normal, even factoring in magical weirdness.”

Taking a breath he shrugged off his annoyance and set about focusing. For even as things went crazy in an instant her was perhaps the only one to be able to deal with it all, the fact that he could do it both easily and in style just helped things really.

Once he was done gathering himself he held up his off hand and snapped his fingers and with a multicolored plume of smoke four more Aurelio’s came into the world. One of them immediately split away from the group by jumping up to a nearby roof. A second moved closer to the other two Beacon members that they had been patrolling with.

The third actually moved forward towards Hilaria, his cane tucked underneath his arm and his pace simple and relaxed. “Greetings to you my lady, how has the evening been treating you so far?”

The fourth simply stayed in place, though he pulled out his phone and started typing on it.
"Well hello to you too Vi-chan. Kinda figured that trouble part out myself when we first meet remember? Regardless, what’s the danger and what can I do to assist?"

The original Aurelio, possibly it was hard to tell which was which with him, just waved to everyone here before vanishing in a flash of light. He would reappear in a similar flash of light over at the Park that Dorothy had offered up as neutral ground.

Knowing what he did about Beast magic, as well as a few assumptions about monster girl physiology He was reasonable certain that he had made it first. So with a shrug he would find a bench to sit at while he waited for both her and Kimble to make it here. Dorothy wouldn’t be hard to find with the amount of Panic she was likely to still be giving off after all. Calming Kimble down wasn’t going to be fun either, but that was neither here nor there.

.:⋮Before the fall⋮:.

“Don’t worry about it” Penny would reply as she returned the hug, letting the sensation of her girlfriend ground her more firmly into the now. “I’ll be fine” She would say not wanting to voice her nerves. She wasn’t sure if they would slip away from her if she gave them anymore attention as it was.

She felt off, wrong, and she knew that it was because of her Split but there wasn’t anything to do about it now. That would be for later, Her other half was already putting the final touches on something that would fix this after all, and they both knew it was going to be a temporary thing at the start of it.

“You’ll just have to make sure that you’re here when I get back” Penny would smile, she didn’t really know what Chloe was going off to do, but she understood the rational about not wanting to be there when one’s Patron was going to be killed. Not to mention the Mint “Hopefully they’ll give you a break soon. They tend to be really pushy.”

She would release Chloe before standing up and nodding to Divina “Hey, I’m doing… as well as one could assume, considering” She would reply to the Moth girl “I’ll be better once this is all taken care of though and thanks for the help I don’t think I could have done this solo.”


‘It’s a nice night out’ Penny couldn’t help but muse as she waited. She was currently sitting on a roof top not far from the rave’s location, far enough away that she wouldn’t be seen but close enough that she could be inside in only a few moments all the while hidden by her Cloaking artifact. Again not too far away from where she sat was the Ascendency attachment that was here for the rave. She was patched into their comms but so far hadn’t really interacted with any of the other girls there, which wouldn’t have been too odd really, except that Penny seemed to be withdrawing from everyone as of late.

‘I’m running out of time faster than I expected’

Up in the air darting between the other drones was Penny’s Guide. ‘I need to name it’ and currently her eyes were seeing through her Guide as well as through the eyes of the other drones and the cams worn by the Ascendency.

‘Lily and Alex are here as well’ She would think adding them to her internal catalogue of everyone who had shown up. She recognized most of the faces; she had seen many of them back at the Sanctuary, but most of them she didn’t have a name for.

“I’ll keep an eye where I can as well” Penny’s voice would crackle out from nearby comms unit “I can send you my drone as well if you want, that way we can have an eye inside as well” She would offer shortly after.

>>Now The Real Celebration Starts<<

Viva had been one of the first to make it too the party, after all why would she avoid such a wonderful chance to indulge in some wonton excess? So far she had enjoyed the drinks, the girls, the music, and the cages. Really there wasn’t anything here that she hadn’t enjoyed so far.

Unlike many of the others that had arrived here, Viva did so in full outfit, save for the hat, which she had chucked into her hammer space. After all some of the other girls might be a bit feistier then her normal human body would be able to handle, not that there was anything wrong with that, but she was the type to bite back so long as they enjoyed it.

Lea would have found Vivian lounging at the bar, waiting for the bar keep to get her another drink. “Mother sent you?” the deranged nurse would ask with a raised eyebrow giving the fey like monster girl a once over obviously not believing the other girl. That changed the moment she laid eyes on the blood egg.

The dark girls eyes went wide at it, even as she snatched it away, not caring if it seemed rude or not and it would pulse with unholy light the moment Viva held it. “Oooh, this just made my night much, much better” she would save with a vicious smile.

“You have my thanks princess~” She’d call out she skipped away from the bar off to find a more, comfortable, nook to partake in Mothers gift.

.:⋮The Calm Before⋮:.

Off, far, far from the Rave that had drawn most of Penrose’s attention, so far in fact to be in another dimension Penny sat staring at her own reflection in the TV. She herself wasn’t fully aware of the fact she had been staring at her own reflection, her thoughts were a strange mix of tactical focus on what was coming up and a scattered hurricane of disjointed thoughts and memories.

‘I’m fine’

She was already transformed, her blade safely tucked into its sheath at her side, her fingers laced together in front of her as she waited for Chloe or Divina. She couldn’t quite remember who it was that was going to be taking her to meet and kill Iesude, not that that was anything new. Her mind seemed to be slipping away from her a lot the past day, or was it two? But that was fine, she had Chloe after all.

‘I’m fine’

Still she couldn’t help a feeling of dread that welled up within her, she was after all about to go and hunt a dragon, so she was rather certain that it was simply nerves, and those were fine, and she was fine. Just nervous and that was fine.

‘I am fine...Right?’

-=Ǝ Heart for the people E=-

Even with the large operation that the Ascendency was currently putting into motion, the rest of Beacon couldn’t simply sit back at wait for it to happen. No they still had a mission to uphold after all.

And for some they were glad for it. “I’m telling you I’ve seen it done elsewhere, does wonders for the overall mood of a city I promise” Aurelio would say defending his idea to one of his patrol partners.

Normally Beacon was content to let their members go off solo on patrol routes, or even pair up if they wanted to. But tonight with the Rave going on they didn’t want any of their members being caught unaware thus they had been sent out in four man squads.

Before the person he was debating the merits of setting up free service clinics for the magical community could reply, the small part was confronted by a rather peculiar sight. A bunny girl, even though that was not the first thing that Aurelio noticed about her, what he noticed was the potent mix of Fear Desperation and Hope.

“Done” He would call out before anyone else in the squad could even hope to say anything to the contrary. “My name is Aurelio, I’m high enough up in Beacon that I don’t need to converse with the boss. If you want to be freed from your purification I’ll see it done” He would clarify his aura filled with Calm and Ernest.

Many people who have met Slade had labeled him a heartless monster, someone devoid of any empathy, who enjoyed inflicting pain onto others. The man himself had never gone out of his way to disabuse people of that notion either, after all he did enjoy his job, but the truth was that he was far from heartless.

Thus he had no qualms about moving to kneel next to Jinny’s seat and placing a hand on her shoulder for comfort. He would not embrace her unless she sought it out first; they had only just met each other after all.

“I will teach you everything that I can” he would promise the small girl “It will not always be easy, and at times it will be painful but I will teach you everything I can”

“It will never be enough to bring them back, but hopefully it will be enough that you will never fear losing anyone else.”

He would allow her space and silence until breakfast had been eaten, or at least as much as young Jinyah would be willing to eat. Afterwards he would silently take everything into the kitchen and place it in the sink to take care of later.

“Schooling we can take care of tomorrow” He would say once he came back “Along with other legal proceedings so that you are considered my ward. For today I’ll give you the option of shopping, as you will be needing some more things of your own or we can begin with some training” He would offer simply, for even though he wasn’t heartless there was a reason so many people were willing to assume such of him.
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