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Okay, no reply yet but I have been chipping away at it so one should be up in the next day or two. Has been fighting me for some reason, which has been very annoying.


“Problematic Beacon boy?” Penny would ask, more to herself than Freya. Though it wouldn’t take long at all for her to answer her own question. “Oh, Aurelio. Really?” Penny was a bit surprised at that, she’d not thought she had left a good impression on the emotive boy. She wasn’t exactly a happy person at her core after all.

“That would make you Freya” Penny would continue on “He mentioned you to me once a few weeks back. Said I should keep an eye out for you, but was vague on why.” She would explain looking over Freya a bit closer “Dan’s realm screwing with you as well?” She would ask gesturing towards her legs.

It was easy to be happy around MDP, even if they weren’t dating Penny would believe that too be true. Perhaps it was due to her nature that she enjoyed the manic energy that MDP brought to everything while she was transformed, or perhaps because she treated everything with a simple joy.

Such as they way she bounded off and abducted Eliza and turned her into a Christmas tree in the center of the fort. As Penny was somewhat sure that MDP hadn’t realized that it was a person and not an animated tree just yet. “Hey Eliza” Penny would say not bothering to conceal her smirk at the other girl’s situation. “Fancy meeting you here” she would go on stepping closer to the bound maho, but obviously not doing anything to help free her just yet. “You know that you and your friends could always have just knocked.” She would go on to say looking at Emily for a moment before turning back to Eliza, because at this range one couldn’t hide from Penny easily. She was too attuned to her elements to not notice the gravitational pull of other people when they got this close, to say nothing of buttons and zippers or buckles or phones.

“Unless of course you wanted to do this the hard way?” She would ask as her body flared red for a moment as a dozen more Penny’s would step out of her all with matching smirks. “Then by all means” They would say in unison.
Outside Oros was faced with the full might of the firing line of Snowmen being directed by one of the counterfeits who was also laying down some covering fire. In addition, there was a pair of Penny’s who was moving to flank the girl to get in some snow strikes at her back. “

Sam and Tetrad would find the back of the fort was less defended, but all that meant was there wasn’t a line of living snowmen raining down a wave of snow at them. There were still a several counterfeits that maned the walls ready to receive them.
Inside the increased number of Penny’s all split off to separate tasks. Some were setting up choke points and small defensive walls. Others were reinforcing the outer walls, or acting as scouts to track all of the girls who had tried to assault their fort. More were starting to amass a sizable number of snowballs, assisted by the snow itself as well as various little spirits doing the same.

It was interesting to watch in one aspect as none of the Penny’s seemed to be talking to one another, but neither did any of them get in each other’s way, more often than not helping out their fellow counterfeits without even looking up.

Near Eliza, since it was in the center of the fort roughly, the three counterfeits continued to build up their Mega snowball. Growing it up more and more, “Would it be to cliché to start cackling?” Penny would ask the girls within the fort. “As I feel like I’ve taken up the position of evil mastermind all of a sudden, what with the WMSD and the damsel in distress and in the invading interlopers.”

The two Penny’s that infiltrated the fort of Victorias were unprepared for the entire fort to collapse in on them, and were quickly buried in the fluffy powder. Rather then be upset however, they started laughing. “Fair counter snowcone!” One of them would callout from within the pile of snow.

A few moments would pass before Both Penny’s would emerge from the snow their hidden legs on full display, causing the illusion cast over them to glitch and distort as the magic tried to reconcile the inhuman limbs with the Christmas theme of the island.

“Attack!” The two counterfits would call out before rushing towards any of the Victoria’s they could see their spider limbs scooping up large swaths of snow from the fallen fort into large globs of snow to fling at their chosen foes. They were less compact, and thus less accurate, but it was still a notable amount of snow to throw at someone.

All of the Penny’s out of the fort would dive for cover, either inside of the fort if they were close enough, or behind hastily constructed barricades each time Sann and her copies flew a bombing run. And Each time Sann would be able to hear at least one of the Penny’s grumbling about not being able to fly herself. AS they would glare at Sann in jealousy at her ability to have the areal superiority.

Quietly the real Penny, now nearly lost admit her sea of counterfeits, would keep track of her own Mana levels. She had a lot, much more than most would expect of her since she wasn’t much of a caster. But she knew that she had placed a time limit on her continued involvement in the snow battle, as even with her Regen focused on Mana production she was bleeding mana with all of the magic she was using. None of it was large scale castings, but the number of small leaks were adding up.

She would need to start thinking of exit stratagies.
Depends on the day, as what task I have at work changes around at times, but 12's aren't so bad. Though I do understand I am quite the outlier since I actually enjoy 12hr overnight shifts.
That. That hadn’t been what Slade was expecting. Which was good, in at least one sense, as the thing that was bugging Jinny was something that Slade could answer and explain. It just sucked because it wasn’t an easy thing to talk about for him. “It’s likely a mix of things, but you are right that people can tell when there is something… different about us.” He would start leaning forward as he spoke.

“It is something that you can learn to hide, but as you already have found out its not exactly an easy skill to learn. And there will always be some people that can sense it. The only way to completely get rid of it would be to forget completely.” A solution that, in Slade’s honest opinion, was worse then living though the events that changed them into who they were.

“But that doesn’t mean you will always be alone.” He would continue on without waiting. “Even discounting me” Since Slade was sure he would live at least another hundred years “Just as there will always be people who can pick out the differences, there will be people that aren’t phased by them. The underworld is filled with people like us, for example, most of them won’t care.”

And he could stop there, it was an uplifting message to give. That there was always going to be people out there that could care for her. That she could hold close.

And it was true.


“That doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy or safe.” He let out a bitter chuckle and let his gaze drift away from Jinny. “Before. I had three people I would gladly call friends. Your mother was one of them. Now I have one and even then, it has been a few years since me and Wintergreen have talked.” He let out a sigh, he really should get in contact with the old bastard. “But even before then I had a family. I don’t really need to explain what happened to most of them however. My Ex-wife is still alive though. She hates me though. Gave me a parting gift before she left.” He would say sardonically, tapping his eye patch. He didn’t blame her though, because she was right.

“So, as you can see, I wasn’t always alone. Thus, there is no reason for you to be.” But he had spent a large part of his life alone. And those he considered close never numbered very high. “Besides, things are different. Places like H.I.V.E. are new, a school for kids like you to learn how to do what I do is interesting.” He would add with a shrug “They likely won’t care about the rabbits either”

.:⋮Prepping for a Penny drop⋮:.

In contrast to her bubbly girlfriend, Penny had a set of ears close enough to hear and understand what it was that just flit past one of her counterfeits, or at least the basic gist of what it was had nearly happened. “Very strange” she would agree somewhat glad to see the boisterous one leaving as she really didn’t want to get dragged into that type of arms race. She was pushing it as it was when it came too snow warfare.

“And it isn’t really dark enough for fireworks” Even if said ‘snowball’ couldn’t really be counted as one “But if we are here long enough, we could probably go on a sleigh ride around the island while fireworks are sent off” She would suggest “Dan wouldn’t be too hard to sell on the idea I think”

“I’d like to do all the events with you” Penny would admit “Staying here is tempting, as that way I’d get you all to myself” She would say giving MDP a one-armed hug “But last time I was here I spent too much time away from people making Sandcastles.”

“Besides, I’d like to meet all of your friends, and introduce you to mine as well” She would finish glancing back to her other clones in the fortress who had stopped expanding the fort for the time being to replicate Mayra’s ‘Mega Snowball’ “Think we could top Mayra’s Mega ultra throw with one of our own?” she would ask with a raised eyebrow gesturing at the nearly completed Mega snowball.

Slade watched his niece with a critical eye as she withdrew. He allowed it to happen, wondering if perhaps it was a delayed onset reaction to her first kill or perhaps it was coming to face to face with her lack of empathy that was the shock. He had seen both happen before.

“To camp then” He would agree, but rather then shadow her as he had before he would walk along side her, a step behind at most. The training portion of the day was over after all, no need to stand back and observe. He would answer her questions, the berries were fine and he would point out how to tell which was which. Would tell a few of the simpler jobs he had in forest locations, though he focused more on tactical applications or work arounds more than the jobs themselves.

But for the most part he left her to her silence, willfully filling the silence with simple dialogues and anecdotes. Some people just needed time to process. He got that, he couldn’t say he understood what it was like, but he did understand that some people did.

It wouldn’t be until after they got back to camp that he would bring it up. He had seen her nail-biting habit enough to know that she wasn’t dealing with this very well.

“Want to talk about what it is you have on your mind?” He would ask sitting in off to the side in one of the chairs set up. Not the comforting opening, but it was very likely that the up coming conversation wasn’t one he would be able to fully understand and help with. Assuming, of course, that it was connected to death dealing and the emotional ramifications of such.
Not to terribly bad, though I will admit it is annoying. The three to four day weekends make up for it, that and the fact that my workweeks are only three to four days long themselves.
I've got enough to work with, it's just finding the time to get it written. The down side of 12hr shifts, very little free time during the work week.
I could have sworn I replied to this, but as I think on it that might have just been me dreaming about such.

Reply incoming as soon as I can steal the time for it.

.:⋮Penny for your thoughts⋮:.

“Penny Asimov, but it sounds like you knew that already” Penny would return Freya’s introduction, having let the girl vent her frustrations quietly. “And honestly I came after to make sure you had someone in case you needed an ear to vent or a shoulder to lean on.”

“It wasn’t hard to gather that the offer he put forth meant something to you, sadistic prick that it is, and no one should be alone after such a cruel lifting of hope.” She would explain honestly. It could have been anyone here on the island and Penny would have went off after them if she noticed. It was things like this had made her hate Horrors in such capacity only AM would be able to understand her.

“I might not be who you wanted to see, but before you got pelted with a snowball you were mentioning that you wanted to talk to me.” She would go on shrugging slightly even if the Lamia wouldn’t see it. “I’m free to talk now if you want, about what it was you wanted to talk about earlier or anything at all. Sound good?” Because Penny wanted to help people, the lost and hurt most of all. She swore to protect Hope after all, and it wasn’t hard to see that Freya’s had been hurt.

“I can’t normally” Penny would reply as MDP looked about the fort. “Sorta like how I can mimic magic I can copy powers. Though only one at a time.” She would explain, though she honestly wouldn’t be surprised if her explanation went in one ear and out the other due to the super snowball incident. She’d explain again later if needed.

“I’m just speaking truth Princess” Penny would reply as she returned the snuggled embrace. Though her apparent suave was hindered due to the rather large blush She was sporting. It was a cheesy line, and she had no regrets with it, but the heartfelt reaction she got from MDP always did get to her, even if most of the time they weren’t visible due to her mechanical nature. Here in Dan’s realm the illusion she wore allowed them to be put on radiant display.

While the embrace was only a few seconds (and Penny would have loved for it to last longer and didn’t really want to let go) she returned to the snowy fight with just as much enthusiasm as her girlfriend. She was willingly letting herself get caught up in the infectious joy that normally surrounded MDP, her own issues could wait. “I’ll always want too, but I know you can handle your own” She would say as she started to conjure up some more snow for the two of them too use.

“Seems like you lost your fire support!” One of the roving Penny’s would shout as the other snuck into Victoria’s fort to launch a guerilla warfare style invasion. “And now you’ve got intruders in your base!”

Looking at Hilaria and the other girl rush into the battle field Penny would simply shrug before hurling snowballs at them as well “Fresh targets!” She would exclaim with glee.

Of all the circumstances and possibilities, of all the simulations and expectations she could have had. It would still be that Penny wouldn’t have ever guessed at the scene in front of her. Perhaps it was because she had never really talked to the person in question, or ever really seen them all that much. Or maybe it had more to do with the shadow of a Horror looming over them. It was hard to say.

What wasn’t hard to say was just how baffled The Queen of Penrose was to see ‘The Portal Witch’ more or less swallowed up by a pit of snow buns. Penny had pet a few of the critters herself in her walk over here, but the fluffy blobs were more her girlfriends thing then her own.

Nevertheless, she would shake off the surprise and finish her walk over to Mariette, though she would stop at the edge of the bun pile, and would note the copper colored bun that the younger girl was holding.

She would take another moment just observing before shaking her head and speaking up. “When I set out to talk to you, this was not how I expected to find you” she would let out an amused huff “And something tells me that I would regret trying to take you out of there. So, mind if we talk here?”

Mariette blinked awake from her position of extreme relaxation. She was still covered in the cozy white snowbuns, and gently stroked the fur of the Harebringer in her lap. She looked up to Penny, a little startled that she was here, but… it was fine. In this dimension, none of them could hurt one another. It was… fine…

‘I am… the Princess of Bunnies…’ Mariette replied, giving a small smile and sounding pretty tired. ‘I will grant you an audience…’ she continued, tilting her head a bit as she looked at the mechanical queen… that didn’t look very mechanical right now, but.

“So you are” Penny would say with an amused smile. She would look around for a moment before, simply sitting down at the edge of the bun pile. “I talked with Ronin” She would say after a moment. “I met her back when I was having my identity crisis, and had a chance to meet up with her again shortly before this” She would gesture about at Dan’s dimension.

“I trust her, and her sister.” She would pause as she sought the best way to phrase the next bit, knowing that what she had already said was likely a bit worrying to Mariette. “But I agree more with Ronin than Miko on what should have been done after they got in contact with you, but I’m not here to force that issue. I’m just here to open more doors for you and simply listen if you need to talk”

“I kinda understand the position you’re in at the moment after all” Penny would add with a sad smile “Though I understand there is a difference between them, mine still looms in the background, so it can’t be easy for you since your still right there with them”

Mariette’s smile vanished quickly as the subject of the conversation was revealed. She quickly deposited her phone through a portal, but afterwards noted how Penny didn’t actually speak the circumstances out loud. That was appreciated. Who knows who could possibly be eavesdropping, but that made Mariette’s answer difficult if she was to adhere to the same rules.

‘… It’s not been difficult, yet,’ Mariette replied. ‘I’ve been on a quest to make sure everyone gets Christmas invites to this party. With that occupying my mind, it’s been easy to simply focus on that. Nothing… nothing difficult has happened yet…’ she sighed. She really didn’t want to speak about this, but…

‘… What doors do you wish to open for me?’ she asked, leaning her head back as she asked, petting the Harebringer still.

Penny’s paranoia being returned to her was both a comfort and worry. It meant too much that Mariette was afraid to speak openly here in Dan’s realm. The reassurance was that Penny had been treating it with the care and caution it deserved. She leaned forward, chin in her hand, elbow on her knee. Relaxed from an outsider's perspective.

“Coins are the most drastic, but I’ve got a few notables still laying around so they are still available. A room is another. I know that you’ve gotten offers already, but I don’t want you to be stuck between only two. Not as cozy as you might be used to, but it is right next door to mine.”

“Payback might be doable as I have a contact that would know how to deal with the issue more permanently, but I can’t say I know what that cost would be. I also have eyes, ears and hands at disposal if you know of something that you need taken care of.” Penny would not take her gaze of Mariette as she spoke. “Other than that I can talk to others, I don’t know what they would be willing to do. I am willing to do a lot though, it's the reason I picked up the station I did. Not enough of us looking out for each other.”

‘… Hah,’ Mariette made a somewhat amused sound, albeit it was bitter-amused. She noted herself, and made sure to keep her tone more positive when she now spoke. The Princess of Bunnies couldn’t sound anything but serene. ‘The two first options I already have available, but it is nice to have more sources. Thank you. As for the other…’ … … … … …

Mariette and a large amount of snowbuns fell through a portal. Another portal emerged under Penny. If she let herself drop, she’d find she only fell about a foot before hitting a chair made out of a portal. A room had been created, with floors, chairs, even tables created out of portals that didn’t lead anywhere, just solid darkness, these same portals serving as walls to cover for wind, because…

Because they were sitting in the sky, wind breezing through the space between the portals, Mariette huddled on her portal-chair positively covered in snowbuns, portal chair-arms keeping them wrapped. If Penny let herself through, Mariette would move the portal she came through up and then close it. Then, they could speak.

‘… “Payback”,’ she repeated the word. ‘What could you possibly have in mind?’ Mariette asked, her tone more serious, possibly a bit strained from the amount of portals she was suddenly maintaining.

Penny dropped freely, not because he fully trusted Mariette, but she doubted that there was much she could do to really hurt Penny here. Still the Portal room was an interesting sight, though it wasn’t one that Penny let herself dwell on at the moment. “I can guarantee an audience with a God of Destruction.” She would answer “It can only happen once, after that I’ve no better chance than anyone else. If anyone knows how to harm your problem it would be him.”

“I offer it as an option, because honestly sitting on this for too long is likely to blow up in my face, and I do want to ask them a few personal questions but getting their attention for just my own curiosity doesn’t seem like a good idea.” She would explain efficiently, she didn’t know how long Mariette could keep up the rather impressive display but she wasn’t going to push it if there wasn't a need to do so.

“I will warn you that you’ve met the God in question before.”

‘… Can a “God of Destruction” actually supply the power necessary for the task at hand?’ Mariette asked, sounding very doubtful. ‘We’re… not talking a garden-variety patron here. We’re talking a multidimensional emperor who can slip through the very foundation of space. If he actually decided to come after someone, it’d be impossible for a common Magical Girl to escape. Even Gods are typically restrained by dimensional borders. Can it actually provide something to oppose something like that?’ Mariette asked, ignoring the warning for now.

“I don’t know” Penny would answer “But I wouldn’t say that the God is a garden variety one either. He is old, very old, and yet carries out his task with minimal magical support. I can’t promise killing your problem is a possible outcome, just that harming them is. Even if it is only an annoyance.”

Mariette was quiet for a bit, leaning back and petting the Harebringer. It took a decent part of a minute before she spoke again. ‘I am doubtful. Would I even want to just hurt that kind of being? It’s all too easy to imagine him coming back with a vengeance. Between the two options, I would almost rather just use a coin and hope he’ll let me go, if it came to that. That said, I’m not done exploring my options, and it would be foolish to not explore this one as well.’ With that said, she looked at Penny again. ‘I’m prepared to accept this audience, to see what your God has to say on the subject.’

“I’m just laying out options, which door you take is up to you” Penny would say leaning back in her portal chair. “But calling him is going to be loud. Mainly because he is loud. And the best place to do so would be in the Overcity, not here or Penrose, if you are still wanting to keep your change of circumstances quiet that is.” She would point out “I know of a place or two that isn’t likely to have anyone in the area, however, so the only question is when to have this meeting.”

“I don’t know how time sensitive your situation is but I think it would be best to wait until the party is over at least before we try and contact him”

‘… Yes, it’s probably best we wait, at least for now,’ Mariette agreed.

Penny would nod once in affirmation. And then a somewhat awkward silence would creep in. There wasn’t much more for them to talk about at the moment after all. It would linger for a moment before Penny would shrug. “Want to go make a giant snowbunny?”

Mariette retained her serious expression from the previous conversation, but with the mention two round pieces of blush appeared on her cheeks. ‘… Yes.’

Penny smirked, but not a moment later she was struck by the sudden curiosity of Mariette’s age. For all her cunning and shrewd machinations, she also seemed rather innocent. Setting that thought aside Penny would stand up “Lead the way”

‘I will bring my court,’ Mariette replied, standing up and opening a portal to a snow-field for them to go to. As soon as they came through, two portals opened in the air and deposited all the other snowbuns Mariette had caught and hadn't fit in the room in the sky. With her snowbuns scattered around the area, it was time to begin building.

It started with Mariette dumping an ocean of snow from the field she’d fought the Harebringer on onto the grounds, after which she fished up all the snowbuns she’d accidentally buried. After that, she stood up on a portal to overview the production as she sent out tentacles to squeeze the snow together, petting her Harebringer with her actual hands as she worked, a small blush constantly on her cheeks.

Penny for her part in all of this was stuck to doing things the manual way, because her status as not the original Penny made it impossible to use any magic that she might normally have used. Still that wouldn’t be as much a detriment as one would think. While the snow snowbun was still small Penny would make use of all of her limbs, extra ones included, to work on the base. And it was apparent from very early that when Penny had said giant, she had meant it. As the thing was roughly twenty five feet in diameter and a big oblong.

She wasn’t able to affect as much of an area at once, but she was very good at packing it down to maintain stability. Odd side usage of her exceptional understanding of how to break things, making things very hard to break in the first place. And could float over the top while she worked due to her hover jets, so nowhere was really out of reach for her.

Mariette wasn’t as good at making things stable, but she could supply the snow where Penny needed it and make the general shape of it. Then, she focused on making the face and ears, because it was very important to her that it turned cute… but probably needed Penny’s help with it.

Then she decorated the giant snowbun by putting a lot of snowbuns on top of it. Because adorable.

It wasn’t that hard to shape the ears and face of the snowbun, perks of computer brain, but it was when Mariette started to cover their giant snowbun in smaller snowbuns that inspiration struck. Carefully Penny started adding rungs of snow, or small hidden pockets into the giant bun. Sturdy enough for the snowbuns to climb about the giant snow bun, then she would turn the tail into a slide, and same with the ears. Thus turning the thing into a massive jungle gym/playground for snowbuns.

Melisa might be able to make use of it, but everyone else was far too big.

Mariette’s face started to positively sparkle from this idea. She reached out even further with her magic, collecting new snowbuns to put inside the jungle gym giant snow snowbun in addition to on top of it. Those on top of it could of course go inside it too. When she felt she’d populated it enough, she sat back in the snow and just watched dreamingly at the snowbuns playing around inside their giant snowbun. She was so happy.

Penny would stand back and watch the handiwork that the two of them had put together with a satisfied smile. She would also slowly drift around the giant snowbun recording all the smaller snowbuns playing along it as she went. She was a bit disappointed that she hadn't made this one with her girlfriend, but there was still time for that later on. Regardless she knew that MDP would enjoy the recording.

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