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HIVE is going to be interesting for her then. As I've been tempted to have Jinx crash into Jinny there and possibly start up a friendship.
It takes just over two pounds of force to pull the trigger of the rifle that Slade brought to this little trip. The velocity of the round is just shy of breaking the sound barrier. The critter is dead on impact, it just takes a few seconds for its brain to catch up and a few more for its body to follow though. All in all, it was a quick and clean kill. Easy, simple, and for Slade, boring.

But that’s to be expected. This was to help his niece learn. So, he stayed quiet, watching her. Because of that he would catch onto her confusion before she even knew to express it. Because he would see the lack of any real impact. The rabbit was dead, undeniably so, Jinny had been the one to pull the trigger. Yet nothing.

He would take a moment to formulate his thoughts regardless, “If you are broken, you are no more than I am. Most people would have some emotional reaction to their first kill, even if it is only a rabbit, but not all. There are those who are a part of normal society that don’t react. To them it’s too disconnected from people to feel any connection when it dies.”

“Easiest way to test that would be finding someone to kill, but I don’t think we need to go that far today.” Besides he was a professional, if they were going to kill someone at the very least, they should get paid for it. Bullets weren’t cheap after all.

“I can state that I am, and have never been, concerned with the lives of other people. Empathy in general isn’t something that I personally understand, even though I can still make use of it. So even if you never end up feeling anything when it comes to taking lives you aren’t alone.”

He would glance at the sky, checking the daylight left. “Do you want to keep hunting, head back to camp, or just hike around a bit more?” He would ask “We’ve got a few more hours before we would need to turn back.” He would add on moving to pick up the killed rabbit. Would either be a good addition to their dinner, or the pelt could be kept for a souvenir.
I'm assuming Socipath, this version of him is that, just with very strong ties to family once they are fully formed.

And sounds fair enough for her to have a mix of both.

.:⋮Not In Another Castle⋮:.

Penny was content to wait for MDP and her friends to conference real quick to determine what they were all doing. She would pop over the snow mound to sling snow at people every now and then, but that was to be expected in the middle of a snow ball fight. She would give Melisa and Amanda a wave when they both went off to do other things. A little torn between being both glad and sad at such a turn of events. She wanted to get to know MDP’s friends, wanted to be friends with MDP’s friends. But she also was glad that she didn’t have to share MDP’s attention with anyone else for the moment.

“Princess, any castle I own is always open to you” Penny would answer smiling. As a Penny from inside the fort would shift the wall that MDP was next to so that she could enter. Inside the walls of the fort there were five Penny’s, all of which would swap between building up the fort, or attacking with the arsenal of snowballs that would constantly appear. It was also easy for MDP to notice the difference between the Penny’s in here. The Original Penny’s Presence held a weight to it that her clones seemingly lacked. Not something that would be noticed unless Penny and her copies were next to each other but unmissable if they were.

“Welcome to my snowy home” The original Penny would greet, with a half-tired smile. Another thing that was easy to see was that Penny wasn’t as chipper as her copies. That didn’t stop her from also issuing a hug to MDP alongside her greeting. “Glad you decided to stop by”

For a moment however it seemed like entrance to the fort was the worst idea that could have come about, as Mayra’s impressive show of snowball creation was a sight to behold. Even more so since they were a Fire spec girl. The mobile Penny’s hand to stop and just give the thing an appreciative clap. It led to both of them getting pegged with snow, but seriously that thing was impressive.

The fact that Mariette, of all people, stole it for some reason just had Penny cracking up. “Too bad Dragon lady, I’ve still got my castle and my Princess!” A Penny would call out from within the fortress she had assembled. “Better luck next time” she would end with flinging a larger than normal snow ball at Mayra. It wasn’t the same as the ‘Mega snowball’ but obviously inspired by it.

Unnoticed by the participants of the snowy chaos, one Penny walked away from the battle field. With so many of herselves in the area it was impossible for her to miss when Freya ran. At the timing of it and the braking of the phone. It wasn’t hard for Penny to piece together why.

So, she followed after Freya. She wasn’t sneaking or trying to hide her presence, but she knew that there was a chance she would sneak up on Freya anyway. When she did come across Freya and another girl, she didn’t recognize she wouldn’t wait on the edges to be seen she would openly walk over to Freya. The dejection on the lamia’s face was easy to read.

“I take it the Prick’s game got to you?” She would ask moving to sit near Freya. “Was what I assumed when you took off from the game. Wanted to make sure you were okay, but I get the feeling that isn’t the case.”

“Portals and Duplicates” Original Penny would mutter to herself. “All I’d need is a steady stream of Metal and I could be Omnipresent.” She wouldn't bother adding in Portal based Snow strikes, that was just unnecessary. Would make getting to all the events a breeze though.

@PlatinumSkink & @Ponn

I think to have such a emotional reaction at a young age is indicative of some serious mental trauma, and or neurodivergence.

But Slade is her father figure who I'm rather sure is a sociopath. Since he feels that even though he is a hired killer that has taken countless lives, and is fully cognizant of that fact, he still thinks he is a good person. Since that was all done in the name of work, so it shouldn't reflect on him as a person, disregarding the fact that he loves what it is he does for work.

So I doubt that her view on it will get straightened out anytime soon.
A reply \o/. I really need to get a better handle on my reply speed.

Also, I changed where the rifle was, as upon rereading it I noticed that while I described the bolt action rifle in question I never actually stated where it was. So now there is only one and Slade was the one holding on to it until now.
Watching Jinny climb the tree was an interesting experience, and Slade made a mental note to purchase a rotating climbing wall. To further assist in overcoming this handicap before it became one. Her choice of vocabulary didn’t really mean all that much, did have him passingly curious as to where she learned them, and whether it would be a good idea to teach her more at this age.

“Good” Slade said with a touch of pride at her reasoning for not simply floating up the tree “Your abilities are a great X-factor, and will no doubt be the thing that saves you time and time again. But never grow to be dependent on them.”

“Because you are correct, there are ways to dampen or or seal your abilities. Not common ways, or easily acquired but that doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. But mastery of yourself can’t be taken away. It’s the reason The Batman is as accomplished as he is. Because despite what the myths say he is only a man. Yet there is no more a difficult opponent.” He would answer her half asked question. “Except for me.” Because it wasn’t vanity if it was true.

He gave her nod of approval for her tumble out of the tree, it was a good show of understanding the skill required, as doing that on untamed ground wasn’t as easy as padded flooring or concrete and asphalt.

Once they continued on their way, Slade would occasionally tap at her shoe with his tree branch when she was about to step wrong. Making sure she was being mindful of her steps, it contributed to the extended time it took, but it helped it become closer to second nature as well.

Upon seeing their quarry Slade would glance around, scanning the surrounding area quickly. He could note another rabbit or two in the area, but they were hidden by the brush. Their spot wasn’t the best, but at the same time they didn’t have much time either. If the rabbit was here for a drink, it would leave once it was done. Thankfully they were downwind, which was a stroke of fortune.

Silently he would crouch down next to her “This spot will work, but there is a clock ticking. The quarry will notice us once it has had its fill of water.” He would slip the rifle off his shoulder and hand it over to Jinny without a word. It was up to her now.

.:⋮Total snow-fare⋮:.

Penny noted the fact that all of the girls in this snowball fight knew her. She noted the comradery between them all, the posturing of the Fey looking, the desire to challenge from the draconic one, the desire to talk from the lizard one.

She noted it, and for the moment simply ignored it, and while she ignored it, she would dance across the battle field, reveling in the physicality of it all. She was always in motion, dodging around incoming snow fire, sometimes even catching the offending snowball just to throw it back at the one who targeted her in the first place. Her throws were fast, accurate, and seemingly never ending. Yet she was only one person. And it was only a matter of time until some hits landed.

But Penny didn’t care, and slowly the Queen of Penrose relaxed more and more. With that relaxation, she became ever more dangerous. A particularly strong hit would knock her into the snow, and from the powder seven Penny’s would rise up. The squad of Penny’s would work together flawlessly. Two would start building a fort of their own. Two would blitz out continuing the mobile assault from earlier. The last three would stay where they rose and quickly begin raining an unending flood of Snowballs from their position. Ice was continuously forming new snowballs for the three artillery position girls, in addition there were small sprites that were gathering and forming snowballs as well that would suddenly appear to assist Penny as well.

It didn’t take long to realize that Penny was, by herself, more or less stealing the ideas of everyone else in the battle. Add on top of that her already proven physical advantage and it wasn’t hard to see how she could handle more or less charging into this ‘conflict’ without any backup.

It was total chaos.

Then MDP and her friends arrived. One of the ‘Hit-and-run’ Penny’s would build a small mound of snow for cover nearby her hyperactive girlfriend before replying. “The More the merrier!” She would pop up from behind the small fortification to let fly a few snowballs “You three teaming up with me or just sticking together?” She would ask, a playful gleam in her eye.

Aighorost’s arrival was noted, as was the untraceable text that Penny recived. She resolved to ignore both. Mika was an acquaintance at best, and an enemy at worst depending on how Penny wanted to view things and she knew better than to trust a damned Horror.

-=ƎDoll acquisitionE=-

”Thank you, Mariette” Aurelio would say as the small girl popped away. Tucking the small Unicorn under his hat for safe keeping.

Aurelio was typing….

Abigail got a text from Aurelio!
“Yeah, we are still together. In fact, we are currently on a date in Dan’s dimension again! It’s all wintery this time, sorry you couldn’t make it, lots of familiar faces here at the moment.

But how are you doing? Heard that you went north. Sorry I wasn’t able to say good bye, but I hope things are going good for you up there.”

<<Not enough PC status>>

“Why wouldn’t I?” Viva would reply with a smirk “The wicked always have more fun” She would say a bit teasingly. She was about to say more when the Horror showed up, and she couldn’t help but throw a withering glare at the abomination. She liked the whip wielder.

“Viva” She would introduce herself to Maribel with a pout, still glaring at the Lord of Change. She had thought of such a good follow up line for Lauren before it’s interruption.

She would tuck a Spider plushie away into her Hammerspace, not giving the gifter a second look.

@PlatinumSkink, @Ponn, @Majoras End & [@Broken Promise] & @Majoras End

.:⋮Checking the list⋮:.

Penny stood staring at the portal that had opened up with no small amount of curiosity. She knew what lay beyond, at least in principal, but the last time she was in Dan’s realm wasn’t the most pleasant. At least not from her perspective. She owed it to Dan however, or more likely to Dina, housing the girls from the Sanctuary while repairs were underway was a great boon.

With a shrug, she would venture into the Portal. Goblina and Ashlyn knew how to get in contact with her incase things went wrong and she couldn’t turn down the opportunity to talk with some of people who might be there. That and she could do with a vacation of sorts, Yes, she was literally a machine but the human elements she was holding onto did still get worn down from the near total focus on work.

Which was why the chance to see MDP again was really all she needed to venture forth.

The feel of Dan’s magic overlaying over her was always an odd one, as she could feel part of her systems trying to rebel against the seemingly aberrant readings that were suddenly being injected into her systems. Those were easy enough to silence, and when she took a moment to examine how it was that she was envisioned here within Dan’s world she had to give an appreciative whistle. After all she looked good.

With that out of the way she would once again look outward. Eyes skimming over everyone who was in attendance. And Much like last time she could identifying and name just about everyone. She noted that most people ended up with the same sort of outfit, tweaked here or there based on personal flair, but she couldn’t say she was that surprised. It was a Christmas party after all.

She would note the gathering of Beacon members, Alicia and others. She would notice Dina acting as a secondary host to Dan, who had yet to make an appearance. The other collections gathering here and there, such as the Maura and her host of agents or the coven of witches, also got notices. But ultimately none of them were all that important just yet. It was still early, and work would creep in sooner or later. Which was why Mariette also only given a simple passed over.

Justine being here did catch Penny’s attention. For a lot of reasons, but she put that on the back burner as well. Talking to her could wait, as with all the other official stuff she wanted to get to, plus she had no desire to get closer to the One-eyed God in the area either.

So, she stayed at the fringes, going mostly unnoticed. She didn’t look like herself after all. Ruby would be the only one to approach her, hard to avoid the greeter when she pops up with magic, which Penny would sign up for everything.

But that was it, Penny didn’t feel like talking to people, not yet at any rate. So when her attention caught wind of something else going on, something that didn’t require talking, she drifted that way.

As she drifted away she would send out a few texts. To those that she wanted to know that she was here.

From there, she was free to join in the thing that sounded the most fun at the moment.

The snowball fight!

Penny didn’t know these girls, and as far as she knew they didn’t know her. That meant little to her as she entered the fray with out warning. A lone girl against the three different teams. But her raw physical advantage, coupled with gravity packing while she was throwing was enough to somehow bring her onto equal footing with them, assuming that they all didn’t just gang up on Penny that is.

She wouldn’t care though, it was senseless, it was pointless, and it was fun. And that was what Penny needed right now.

-=ƎSugar and SpiceE=-

”Well now” Aurelio would say with a nod of appreciation as he admired his new set of threads. It was always a treat to see how it was he would end up here in Dan’s realm, especially since it paired with his Eternal Style so easily.

It wouldn’t take much for him to see a friendly face, as to him most of the people here were friendly faces! Still there were a few that demanded his attention first. It wasn’t hard to slip up behind his first target, all the wandering reds and greens helped him blend in, almost more than his normal attire would have here. “Sally my dear,” he would say warmly, giving her a hug from behind “You look wonderful” A soft kiss on the cheek and he would turn his attention towards the rest of the small gathering they had already not moving from the embrace.

“FanFan! Gald to see you got an invite.” He would say with a nod to the Ascendency girl, “Alicia and Kimble, always a pleasure.” Another nod “Lily, Alex it’s been too long. Here’s hoping that this treat will be as joyous as the last one!”

He would ignore the brewing and, seemingly, deflating confrontations off to the side. This was Dan’s realm, and the dolphin was all about fun. It wouldn’t do to step in the way just yet. If it continued to escalate, he would. It just wasn’t kind to let that kind of thing ruin the mood for everyone else, but for now he would let the Host take care of things.

<<Pricking of a thumb>>

It was proving to be a rather odd week for Viva, or really things had been weird ever since she had woken up on that sidewalk two weeks back. She had gotten new directions from Mother, Reaver had gone AWOL, new plans were put in place, new friends made. But the pièce de resistance had to be when a rather mouthwatering winged Monstergirl flew up to her. Just to slap her in the face with an envelope and fly off again. It was rather disappointing at first until she read the invite in the envelope.

And today was the day, at least she hopped that was why there was a glowing blue portal in her room. With a smirk Viva would saunter into the unknown ready and willing to see what this newest twist had to offer her.
Viva would take a slow look around, eyes darting across all those that had arrived before her. Most of which she couldn’t recognize, which all in all was likely a good thing for her. New faces meant less worry about jilted feelings. So would avoid those she knew for now, after all with the curves on display at the moment work was the last thing she wanted to talk about.

Speaking of such, Viva would stroll her way towards a delightful looking trio. Nearly any of the groups around had a chance of getting the corrupted nurse’s attention, but bringing a whip to this place? That was always going to tip the scales, the tight leather her friend was wearing didn’t make it a hard choice either.
“Good evening ladies~” She would announce as she approached. “Seems like you three now how to have a good time. Mind if I tag along?”

@AtomicNut, @PlatinumSkink, @Flamelord, @Ponn & @Ariamis, @Card Captor, @Flamelord & @Majoras End
Yeah, both Slade and Jinny have a bolt action rifle that fires .117. Which, according to my google-fu, should be enough to cleanly take down a rabbit or similarly sized animal, while also being one of the lowest caliber bullets. Only one smaller is .22LR which is only a small step up from BB pellets according to the same google-fu.

How true all that is I'm not 100% but does sound right from what I've learned from friends of mine who are more interested in owning guns.
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