Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
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  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
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so are these nuts
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"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
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just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

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Alright, virgins! It's time to unveil the NPCs for the upcoming Elite Arc! Pretend I wrote them all in one night and not over a few days on my phone and just touched upon the rambling on my PC.


Centuries Old | The Floral Wreath | It/Its

One of the Calamities.

The Floral Wreath is a nightmarish creation born from the twisted experiments of a mad scientist across multiple dimensions. Originally designed as a botanical marvel, it quickly spiraled out of control, gaining sentience and developing a hunger for domination. The Floral Wreath's appearance varies as it adapts to different environments. Still, its core features include vines that writhe and pulse, flowers that bloom with toxic pollen, and roots that burrow deep into the earth, spreading its influence like a plague.

As it spreads through dimensions, the Floral Wreath leaves behind a wake of overgrown vegetation and mutated landscapes. Its presence is marked by the rapid growth of invasive plants that choke out native flora, transforming once vibrant worlds into verdant nightmares. The air around it becomes thick with the scent of pollen, carrying its mind-altering spores that infect and mutate living organisms into twisted, plant-like hybrids under its control.

Abominable - Overgrowth.
The Floral Wreath's Abstraction grants it unparalleled control over plant life and the ability to spread and mutate vegetation rapidly. Its primary ability is large-scale manipulation of plants and soil, allowing it to reshape landscapes, create jungles overnight, and craete flora that towers over cities. It can animate plants as its minions, from small vines to towering tree-like guardians that protect its domain.

One of its most dangerous is a virus that every plant it generates is infected with. This virus alter their victims biology, merging them with plants and enhancing their physical capabilities while enslaving them to the Floral Wreath's will. The infected become part of its ever-expanding army, spreading its influence further with each converted creature. This Virus can bypass Emotional-Fields to an extent - the Paranormal can stave off its effects but over time they will be dominated by the Floral Wreath if they are not treated/cured.

The Floral Wreath's presence corrupts ecosystems, turning them into extensions of its twisted garden. It can produce toxic pollen clouds that induce vivid hallucinations, or even outright kill through suffocation. In addition to its mastery over flora, the Floral Wreath can create portals that allow it to invade new dimensions. Its teleportation abilities enable it to move freely between dimensions, spreading its influence across the All-Verse and transforming worlds into nightmarish jungles under its control.

Saskia woke up to someone screaming.

They were wide awake immediately, falling off the bed and spearing a pillow with a blood tendril.

"NO, YOU CAN’T DO THAT AS A MAGICAL GIRL, LISA!" Ella, still asleep, screamed. She sat bolt upright, pointing at the air.

Saskia stopped panicking, standing up and slapping Ella awake. Such a pain when she sleep talked - well more like shouted. Rare, but annoying.

"BY SAILOR MOON- Wha?" Ella, who was finally slapped awake, looked confused.

"Rise and shine, it’s training day," Saskia intoned.

Lisa yawned.

”… You organized a train to get ran on us?” Lisa asked, before rubbing her eyes. ”Aw, you shouldn’t have…”

”Sadly not," Saskia said with a slight laugh. "Greta called last night and suggested we work on new spells… then we'll be able to kill Morningstar in new, inventive, torturous ways."

"Oh yeah, Greta said hi, Lisa!" Ella added cheerfully.

”... Awwww, and you didn’t tell me?!” Lisa groaned. ”Gretchen’s my homie! You could have woke me up- aw, nevermind!”

"You were dead asleep," Saskia intoned.

Looking around awkwardly, Lisa laughed, ”Where will we work on them? Here?” She asked. ”I, well…. I’ve been cooking up a few ideas, but we need more room for them! Also, one of them is going to be really messy, so, um….”

"I don't want mess in here! Not if it's like yesterday!" Ella said.

"Don't worry, I have an idea. Someone who can find us a place." Saskia nodded, picking up their phone from beside their bed. They then went to their near empty contact list and called… Lupe. She answered, and said,

“Maaaaami, what’s up?” Lupe began, “Did you run Dollhouse back their rock?”

"Yup, all sorted. We killed Ignatius too," Saskia said nonchalantly, before getting right down to business. "You know a place without anyone around we can go to? Like, an abandoned building or something?"

“What? Ya’ll gonna get freaky, mami?” Lupe laughed. “Ummmmmm… off the top of my head, there’s an abandoned mall on the outskirts of Mirage Springs. Morningstar used his Society goons to subtly break shit until it was too expensive to run the bitch, mami!”

"Oh yeah, super freaky," Saskia said, in a tone that very much didn’t sound like a joke. "That sounds perfect. If it’s already destroyed it doesn’t matter what we do… Is it on maps? So we can find it."

“I’ll send it to you!” Lupe chipperly said, after a few moments, Saskia got a text from Lupe with a link to its location on maps. “I’m busy right now, mami. But who knows! Maybe I’ll show up with some booze later!”

"Sounds fun, maybe see you then, bye." Saskia hung up, checking the location. They then turned to the other two. "I found us an abandoned mall."

"Oh, oh, that sounds fun!" Ella jumped out of bed, throwing her hands in the air. "Let’s go! Oh, we should grab snacks on the way!"

"Sure," Saskia said. "Lisa can make a flying spider, and we can grab breakfast on the way."

”You should make a spell that makes you grow wings!” Lisa said to Saskia. ”I’m tired of being the Taxi all the time.” She stuck her tongue out as she gestured towards the door.

”Let’s go, friends! Let’s give some poor barista with arachnophobia a heart attack!”

Lisa pried the wooden boards aside, which was easy because someone had done it earlier. She opened it wide enough for her giant Jumping-Spider with wings to crawl inside. The place reeked, but that was expected with an abandoned building with loads of debris, trash, and used condoms littering the floor. Lisa kicked it aside with her booted foot, and then turned around to face the trio…

”... Should I go first, or what about Ella? Since you’ve been fiending to make that spell?” Lisa grinned. ”Shit, it’s been awhile since I’ve developed some spells!” Then she awkwardly laughed.

"Oh, we can’t all do it at the same time? I guess it's more fun to do it one by one and watch! Ooo, okay, let me go first!" Ella grinned, hopping from foot to foot.

Saskia folded her arms with a nod, stepping back to watch Ella. She was fine with going last. There were a few spells they had in mind, so it would give them time to decide what to focus on.

"Alright! I want to make everyone a magical girl like me… but I’m going to enhance the outfits to protect you! It’ll be super cool, let me test it out on you, Saskia!"

Saskia grimaced. "Do I have to?"

"Well… no… Lisa?" Ella turned to Lisa with wide eyes.

”... Do I have to get naked first?” Lisa asked, grabbing the bottom hem of her dress.

"Not unless you want to!"

”Then go ahead!” Lisa shouted, eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Alright, here goes!" Ella raised her Channeler, pointing it at Lisa. A rainbow light coated it, before it also coated Lisa. It was just like what happened when Ella transformed, without the ridiculous posing! "I’m going to give you a cool spider one!"

As Ella said this the rainbow light died revealing Lisa with her clothes transformed into… a really boring magical girl outfit. It was like her own, but black. Very generic. No spider theming. Ella pouted.

"It’s still a work in progress! I should be able to make it anything I want!I dunno if the protective stuff works either."

"I can stab Lisa to find out?" Saskia intoned, pulling out their knife.

Lisa smiled.

”.... Do ittttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!

"Alright." Saskia walked over and calmly stabbed Lisa in the shoulder - where she wouldn’t bleed to death if the outfit didn’t protect her… which it didn’t. The knife went right through it.
"Awwww," Ella pouted, a different rainbow light shooting out her Channeler towards Lisa when Saskia had pulled the knife out, healing her. "Guess it needs some work… I gotta practice loads and loads!"

Lisa chuckled, looking at Ella.

”… You think?” She then turned to Saskia and said, ”… And woooooooooow! You didn’t even need to think about that! It’s like you were waiting to do that for awhile.” She stuck her tongue out.

"I enjoy stabbing people," Saskia shrugged. "It helps me remember where all the veins are, so I know where to stab to kill someone… or let them bleed out painfully."

”You love to penetrate people don’t, you?” Lisa laughed. ”Oh! I think it’s my turn to go next, I have something cool in mind!”

Lisa turned towards the open space before them, illuminated by a white light.

”So, um, here I go!”

Lisa awkwardly said, as she closed her eyes and stuck both her hands out… and out of the ground in front of her came… a spider leg. It twitched as it poked out of the ground; it wasn’t large, around a foot in length. Lisa turned back to the three with a grin on her face.

”... This is my newest spell; I call it the Chitionous Spear,” Lisa said with a nod of her head. ”The point of it is that sometimes I think it’d be easier just to have a direct weapon as opposed to summoning spiders all the time!”

However, the leg fell apart seconds after she finished speaking, and Lisa shook her head.

”... It just needs just a little more work.” Lisa sighed. ”But! I know a lot about the anatomy of spider legs!”

"Oh cool," Saskia moved to squat in front of the leg that had fallen apart, narrowing their eyes at it and inspecting it. Really, a spider leg was similar to a bone. "It does look pretty close to working. Kind of like my bone spears… Doesn’t grow out of your body though."

They tried to figure out if they could give Lisa advice to actually help her. They held out a hand, bone spear coming through it, before snapping it off. They then chucked it to Lisa. "Maybe this’ll help figure it out?"

Lisa grabbed it, held it in her hands, and her face contorted into confusion.

”... How is this supposed to help?” Lisa tilted her head.

Saskia shrugged. "A spider leg is kind of like a bone, right? Figure out how that doesn’t fall apart."

They stood back up, stretching their arms up. They looked at Lisa. "My turn, I guess. You said about growing wings… I have been thinking about it."

Saskia pulled off their sweater and tank top, standing in just a sports bra - they didn’t want to deal with holes in their clothes right now. They grimaced, bending forward. Two wide gashes appeared on their back, blood trickling down it. It was intensely painful as a grotesque mass of sinewy muscle and bones pushed out of their back. One formed more of a proper wing shape, stretching out to their right, while the other was stunted and deformed.

It was painfully slow to experience and watch. Minutes of grotesque flesh wings pushing out of their back. It was difficult to keep their balance once they were complete. "It needs to be faster, and they don’t always form correctly."

”Oh, cooool!” Lisa grabbed both of her cheeks (on her face), dropping the boner spear. She bent forward to pick it up. ”You’re like an angel… of death!”

"Right? It’ll be better when I’ve mastered it," Saskia nodded, stretching out the wings, and giving the good one a flap. It didn’t do much. "I’m going to grow the bones at the end to be sharp so I can stab people with them."

”... Even more penetration?!” Lisa laughed, before she shrugged. ”Now and here’s why I said things might get messy…”

Lisa focused on a pile of rubble some distance before them… specifically the pipe sticking out of the top. Then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Out of thin air, a web net connected the pipe to a stone on the ground. However, Lisa walked over to it, pulling it apart with only her index finger.

”Snare!” Lisa shouted. ”Another spell that’s useless against someone with fire powers, but the point is to make webs in the environment! Again… needs work.”

"Fire kinda fucks us, huh," Saskia mused.

"I can handle fire!" Ella shouted, looking at the webs Lisa had made. "I don’t get how this is different from the webs you tie me up with."

Lisa stared at Ella for a moment. Face completely flat.

Before a web net snared Ella’s foot - weak enough to be snapped by even the slightest flex of her foot.

”... That’s how.”

"Ohhhh…" Ella pulled her foot out of it easily. "I see! Well, I don’t really have anything else exciting! I just want to speed up my colour absorption so… I’ll practice that while watching you two!"

Ella grinned brightly, beginning to slowly absorb the pink of her t-shirt while watching them both, practically not blinking.

"Alright, fine… this one’s more boring," Saskia shrugged. Using the blood from the wounds on their back, they formed a longer, thinner tendril than normal from their hand. It was kind of whip shaped, and they flicked their wrist to hit it against a piece of debris. Upon impact the blood splattered everywhere, the remainders pulling back towards their body. "It’s difficult keeping the shape when it’s so thin. I’ll figure it out quickly, I’m sure."

"Ooooooooh,” Lisa looked on in excitement. Before giving Saskia a mischievous grin. ”… You made that for that special torture you want to do to Ella, right?”

"Obviously," Saskia nodded, looking at Ella, who couldn’t say anything about it because of the spell she was practicing. "I was jealous you got to tie her up so much."

”... It was one time!” Lisa said, before she raised her hand. ”... And for the finale.”

Lisa’s hand was covered in a black, flaky, and deformed exoskeleton. It was twisted and hardly conformed to Lisa’s features at all - and it was one finger flex away from falling off. Lisa awkwardly laughed.

”… Exoskel-” The chitin glove fell off. ”… Well, that was exoskeleton.” She sighed, staring at it on the ground.

"Wow, spectacular," Saskia said drily, slowly clapping. "That one’s practically ready."

”Kiss my ass,” Lisa stuck her tongue out at Saskia. Before she turned to Ella, ”… Speaking of ass, pull an ice spell out yours!”

"Uh, ah, okay! I haven’t really thought about this one!" Ella flailed her arms about a bit, before finally raising her Channeler. "SHINING SNOW BLAST!"

As Ella shouted the ridiculous name, she held out her hands and… the most pathetic display of a few snowflakes burst out of them.

Lisa burst out laughing.

”Now THAT will strike fear into Morningstar.” Lisa continued to laugh.

"It’s not complete," Ella pouted, shaking her hands. "I don’t really know how to work with something that isn’t light or colour! It’s totally different!"

"Just try to channel your inner Ice Queen," Saskia suggested.

"I don’t have that!" Ella wailed.

”... Just stop being a coward and think of Sailor Mercury!” Lisa shouted, then laughed. After laughing, she rubbed her chin, ”... Isn’t it a little scuffed that Houndy sent us against a bunch of people who use fire?!”

"I'm trying!" Ella wailed. Murmuring about channelling Sailor Mercury under her breath, she started gearing herself up to go again.

"Maybe he just wanted us to die again?" Saskia suggested. "I wouldn't be surprised."

"No way!" Ella yelled. As she did she held out her hands, and a stronger blast of snow came out of them. It still wasn't enough to do any damage but it was better!

”... Now you can cool me down on a hot summer day!” Lisa laughed. ”But, I mean, to be faaaaaaaair… we killed most of them anyway so-”

A heeled boot went through the boarded up entrance, and wiggled a little bit. Then tried to pull back, to no avail.

“... Mami!” Lupe began. “A little help here! I’m stuck!” She laughed

“This didn't go as planned!

"I got you," Saskia chuckled lowly. They used the fully formed wing, both still coming out their back, to smash through the boarded up entrance and help free Lupe.

"LUPE! HI!" Ella shouted, waving.

Lupe fell on her ass… then laughed for a few seconds before climbing to her feet and climbing through the entrance. She was holding a brown paper bag in hands, and waved at the three with a smile.

“... Hi girls!” She said, before resting the bag on a chair. “I got liqooooooooooooooour, ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Then she looked around.

“Mami, ya’ll trainin’, right?” Lupe asked. “Shouldn’t ya’ll be naked and hailing Satan for more power or something?” She followed that statement up with laughter.

Utterly forgetting who she was talking to.

"That works?!" Ella shouted, looking down at her clothes.

"No way…" Saskia shook their head. They were the most on their way to being naked, but that was out of necessity because of the wings. Which they should pull back in but… it would be a lot of effort and hurt. "Morningstar is basically satan. It would empower him."

“ It was a joke, mami,” Lupe flatly said before she laughed, digging through the bag.

”... I wouldn’t mind if we got naked,” Lisa tapped her fingertips together. ”Everyone else though, not me.”

"I'm not getting naked unless you do," Saskia replied.

”I got naked in the shower!” Lisa shouted.

Lupe triumphantly raised a bottle of spiced rum into the air.

“... Ya’ll ready to spice this up?!”

"YEAH I AM!" Ella shouted. She raised her hands in the air and let off another blast of snow - still not good as an attack but it was kind of cool as it fell down on them all, Saskia had to admit.

"Let me get these in first," Saskia said, pointing to her wings. As they did the painful process of pulling them back into their body began, with the horrendous sound of skin ripping and bones cracking echoing around the abandoned mall.

Lupe loudly gagged.

“... What the fuck, mami?!” She followed that by laughing. Lupe turned to Ella, “Aw, cool, you can shoot ice now!”

Lupe aimed the bottle of rum at Ella with both hands as far out as her arms could go.

“Shoot the bottle with snow, mami. Just the bottle. The bottle.

"Ok, I'll try! I'm not well practiced at it!" Ella scrunched up her face, holding out her hands. She shot snow at the bottle… and also a bit of it but Lupe's arms. But it was just like being hit by snow caught in a gust of air, not damaging at all. It was more targeted than before, though. ”Free drinks cooling!"

“Ayyyyyyyyyyyyy, maaaaaaaaaami!” Lupe triumphantly raised the bottle of rum in the air and shook her ass a little bit. Before she stopped, she looked at Ella, “If my AC breaks next summer, you gon’ hook me up, right?” She smiled, putting a hand on her hip before she said,

“I forgot to bring some soda to mix it with,” Lupe began as she turned the top of the bottle, and there was that satisfying snap. “So, we’re drinkin' it straight for your next lesson.So, who’s ready to get a little hair on their concha!?

”... Aren’t we training?” Lisa asked, tilting her head.

“Okay, just a little bit if you want to,” Lupe raised a finger.

"I'll take a bit to dull the pain," Saskia intoned, grimacing as the wings finally disappeared into the gashes on their. They bent down to pick back up their sweater and pulled it back on, hiding the horrendous looking wounds.

"Gimme a shot! I bet we can train better after drinking!" Ella shouted, bouncing forward with a grin, and without a second thought Luped handed her the bottle of rum.

“I also forgot cups, so you’re just gonna have to guess, mami,” Lupe laughed. “And don’t worry about the germs - we kissed each other, after all!”

Meanwhile, Lisa walked over to Saskia and grabbed onto her arms and said,

”Hold still!” Lisa said as the healing spiders forced their way out of her pores and crawled onto Saskia before they dug into her flesh to heal her. ”Dr. Turner has saved the day!”

"Thanks Dr Turner," Saskia chuckled, pain immediately subsiding. "Maybe I should work on a healing spell… no, it's less thrilling if I do."

"What do you mean?!" Ella screeching, pausing her long drink right from the bottle of rum. "Bleeding out isn't thrilling at all!"

"It isn't when you're boring," Saskia shrugged. Then they held out their hand, thin vine whip wrapping round the bottle and pulling it into their hand. They smirked. "I'm getting better at that one."

”Oh!” Lisa shouted. ”Maybe I can teach you mi- oh wait, you’re not a Gold Adept… shit.” Lisa awkwardly laughed.

”Do something that freaks out the normies! Like vomit healing blood on them!”

”That would be fun," Saskia took a sip of the rum before holding it out towards Lisa. ”Maybe I could mix it up a little. Sometimes blood, sometimes stomach acid, sometimes lumps of flesh."

”… You’ll be coughing up more stuff than Ella did after her uncle got done with her!” Lisa laughed.

“… Dios mios, mami,” Lupe facepalmed, “And that’s directed at both of ya’ll.”

Lupe sighed, “Why don’t you two just touch people to heal them like normal people?!”

”I AM touching them,” Lisa said. ”With spiders!”

"Just touching them is boring, anyway," Saskia shrugged. "Our way is more fun."

"No it isn't! It's terrifying! The way the spiders burrow…" Ella shuddered, hugging herself.

Toooooooooooooooooooo beeeeeeeeeee faaaaaaaaaaaaaaair…” Lisa put her hands behind her back and put a cutesy look on her face. ”They annoyed me into it! I was like, ‘I only heal spiders’, and then they were like ‘People are dying, Lisa’! And I was like ‘So what!? They should stop dying!’’ They kept going on about it, so I was like, fiiiiiiiiiiine! She followed it with some devious laughter.

”You should have seen Olivia’s face when I first used it on her! I don’t think she’ll ever forget that, Lisa began. ”And Jade grabbed my hand while showing me how to heal people! It was the best day ever!

"I don't think Olivia will forget anything you used on her! I bet she's got spider PTSD or something!" Ella shouted.

”Good!” Lisa shouted. ”That’s what she gets for grabbin’ muh titty!”

”She's probably fine," Saskia shrugged. "They tried to get me to learn but stopped trying when I just hurt people with blood."

”Wow, scrub,” Lisa laughed.

“Actually, mamis,” Lupe put a hand on her hip. “Ya’ll Adepts, right? Like, what color are you all?”

"Only green," Saskia said.

”Green and gold!” Lisa shouted.

"Green, red and orange!" Ella shouted.

“Wow, so we’re all green,” Lupe laughed, before she turned to Ella.

“Ooooooooooh, mami!” Lupe said. “Remember that spell when I was running from you three!? I think I can teach that to you, but, um… I don’t think you would learn a copy-copy of it.”

"Oh yeah the one where you went all neon and colourful and ran away! That was so cool!" Ella nodded, grinning. "I wouldn't be able to do the running, right? That's… purple?"

“I mean, you can still learn a version of it, mami.” Lupe shrugged. “But, it’s not about speed, mami. It’s about being fabulous! Okay, hold on!”

Suddenly, Lupe exploded into a pink fireball with arcs of electricity bouncing off it; she flew around the room a few times before circling back and coming to a skidding stop. Lupe dusted herself off, then smiled at Ella as she said,

“Okay, okay, I know that looked complicated, mami, but it’s not!“ Lupe began. “Clear your mind, focus on the energy ‘round you, mami! Then let your Lux guide you like you’re dancing to the music of the universe!” Lupe spoke as she walked over to Ella and grabbed her hands.

“Trust your lux and try it, mami! Let the world see how fabulous are!”

"Ok, let me try!" Ella nodded. She put her feet shoulder width apart and held out her channeller before yelling,


She turned into a ball of vivid, rainbow light, with multi coloured electricity sparking off her. She managed to move a little bit in it, before fizzling out and returning to normal. "That was so… amazing! Just like a magical girl!"

“Mami, you’re a natural!!” Lupe said with a smile as she ran over to Ella, wrapping her arms around her. “You just needta’ practice! Practice makes perfect, mami!”

”Just channel your inner homosexual!” Lisa laughed. ”And your outer one!”

"I am a proud lesbian!" Ella shouted, hugging Lupe back and full on lifting her into the air. "It was so fun! Kinda similar to my super prism kick but... everything! I never tried completely transforming!"

“Aye, mami!” Lupe shouted, laughing. “Put me down!”

”You're not very efficient with your lux mixing," Saskia commented. Though it was good that Ella was able to learn from Lupe, since Lisa and them… really couldn't help her. Their magic was too macabre.

"It's hard with three types! And I do… a bit!"

“Aye, mami!” Lupe said. “That’s why we’re here, to practice!”

Lupe grabbed the bottle.

“... And to drink and have a good time!” Lupe shouted.

”Yeah!” Lisa shouted as she threw up a fist. Lupe grinned, downing a good amount of the rum straight. Lupe also threw a fist in the air, shaking her behind.

“... So let’s get to it, mami!


Eons old | The Great Maw | He/Him
"All will become part of my dominion."

The Great Maw is a terrifying Aberration-Abominable, monstrous entity that instills fear across the All-Verse. His origins are unknown, but it's been recorded to have been around since creation itself. The Great Maw's appearance is a nightmarish blend of dragon and demon. Its massive, serpentine body is covered in obsidian-like scales, with veins of molten lava coursing through them. Its presence is accompanied by an oppressive heat, making the air around it shimmer and distort. Towering above its victims, the Great Maw is a living embodiment of fire and destruction, a creature born to incinerate and annihilate.

Throughout the All-Verse, the Great Maw wreaked havoc, leaving behind a trail of scorched earth and ruined civilizations. It sired many sons with human women, creating a powerful, fire-wielding offspring lineage. Despite its destructive rampage, the Accordance managed to subdue the Great Maw. They bound the Great Maw and cast it into the Pit using immense magical chains forged from hundreds of Orange-Adepts across the All-Verse. There it remains, creating a firey hellscape around it, where only the brave enter.

Abominable - Dominion
The Great Maw's Abstraction, known as the Dominion, grants it unparalleled control over fire and heat, making it a force of unprecedented destruction. Its most devastating attack is the ability to shoot beams of heat so intense that they instantly vaporize anything in its path. These beams are a concentrated manifestation of the Great Maw's fiery power, capable of cutting through the most rigid materials and reducing entire structures to slag in seconds.

Beyond these beams, the Great Maw can manipulate fire at the macro level. This ability allows it to summon and control massive infernos, create towering pillars of flame, and even conjure firestorms that can engulf entire cities. The Great Maw can precisely shape and direct these flames or unleash them in a chaotic, all-consuming blaze. Its control over fire extends to manipulating temperature, enabling it to create areas of intense heat that can incinerate anything within its radius.

The Great Maw also possesses extraordinary physical strength and durability, making it a formidable opponent in combat. Its scales are nearly indestructible, capable of withstanding the most powerful attacks. This near-impenetrable hide, combined with its immense size and strength, allows it to crush and demolish any obstacle. The Great Maw can easily tear through buildings, rend the earth, and overpower even the most resilient foes. In addition to its pyrotechnic abilities and physical prowess, the Great Maw can create portals. These portals can connect different dimensions or instantaneously transport the Great Maw and its minions across vast distances. It's teleportation is also powerful enough to allow it to enter and escape the Pit and Void at will.

Thousands of Years Old | The Rampage | He/Him
The Rampage is an immensely powerful Apparition born from the ancient cataclysmic Crimson War, a conflict where countless civilizations across various universes went to war, fueled by hatred, vengeance, and unending rage. The sheer destruction and violent emotions of trillions of beings across multiple worlds merged into a single, nightmarish Apparition: The Rampage. The Rampage embodies the collective fury and violence of the Crimson War and begins its crusade across the All-Verse, annihilating everything in its path.

The Rampage's appearance is terrifying: a towering figure wreathed in flames, its skin a dense, fiery red armor that seems to pulse with malevolent energy. It has blazing eyes that burn with an insatiable rage, massive horns jutting from its head, and claws capable of rending through the most rigid materials. The Rampage's presence is marked by an aura of intense heat, making the air shimmer and distorting light around it. Its very form is a constant reminder of the devastation it represents, a living embodiment of the cataclysmic Crimson War.

When the war finally ended, the survivors from various dimensions realized they had created an unstoppable force. The Rampage's destructive power seemed limitless, and its rampage across the All-Verse was legendary. The Rampage was finally subdued and trapped in the Pit by the All-Blade. A coalition of All-Verse's greatest champions managed to weaken The Rampage and use the All-Blade to seal it within the Pit, at the cost of most of their lives. The Rampage's legend has spread across the All-Verse, symbolizing destruction and rage. Its name alone strikes fear into the hearts of those who remember the Crimson War and the devastation it wrought. Even in the Pit, The Rampage's influence can be felt, and many fear the day it might escape its prison and resume its rampage.

Apparition - Fury.
The Rampage possesses several formidable abilities that make it one of the most feared entities in the All-Verse. Its primary ability is accelerating to blinding speeds, turning into a crimson blur. This Blinding Charge creates shockwaves that can level entire cities, and upon stopping, The Rampage releases a massive explosion of destructive energy, devastating everything within a several-mile radius. This explosion generates intense heat and concussive force, capable of obliterating structures and causing severe damage to anything within its range.

In addition to its speed, The Rampage has immense strength and durability. It can crush mountains with its fists and tank even the strongest Paranormal attacks. Its incendiary aura, a field of intense heat and flames, incinerates anything too close, melting steel and turning the ground into molten lava. The Rampage can also generate seismic shockwaves by stomping the ground, creating massive chasms and volcanic eruptions.

The Rampage's rage fuels its regenerative capabilities, allowing it to heal from injuries rapidly. This regeneration makes destroying it incredibly difficult, as it can recover from nearly any attack. The Rampage can also unleash a thunderous roar, its most destructive attack. This roar can shatter buildings, symbolizing the collective rage of all who died in the Crimson War. The roar's shockwave is so powerful that it can level entire city blocks, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Furthermore, The Rampage can tear open rifts between dimensions, allowing it to travel from one dimension to another with ease, and this portal creation is so potent it can enter and escape the Pit and Void freely.

| The Carniverous Blossom |

"Within its petals lies a hunger that knows no bounds, consuming all, even its own user."

| A coven created the Ruthless Bloom in the universe of Shade. They sought to embody nature's wrath in a single artifact, merging botanical beauty with a monstrous appetite. The witches' collective hatred and desire for vengeance against their oppressors breathed life into this malevolent flower. |

| Life-Draining Artifact |

| Thrown into the Pit for the good of humanity. |

| Morgan the Terrible: A witch who used the Ruthless Bloom to terrorize villages, feeding the flower with the souls of the innocent. |

| Yes |
The Ruthless Bloom is a grotesque artifact, deceptively beautiful with its delicate, pale pink and white petals. Nestled within these seemingly innocent petals lies a maw lined with sharp, fang-like structures, ready to consume anything or anyone that comes too close. The Bloom’s surface is often covered in a fine layer of dew, giving it a deceptively fresh appearance despite its vicious nature.

At the heart of its power lies the ability to Devour Life Force. The Ruthless Bloom can consume the life force of any living being that comes into contact with it. This process is excruciatingly painful for the victim and rejuvenates both the Bloom and its wielder. When the Bloom devours a being, it also absorbs their knowledge, allowing the wielder to gain valuable information and skills from their victims. The Bloom can use the absorbed life force to heal its wielder’s injuries, making them incredibly difficult to kill. The presence of the Ruthless Bloom instills an overpowering dread in those nearby.

However, wielding the Ruthless Bloom exacts a horrific toll. As its powers are used, the wielder undergoes nightmarish transformations. Initially, the skin has slight discoloration and an unnatural sparkle in the eyes. But soon, twisted vines begin to erupt from the flesh, tearing through skin and muscle in a visceral display of agony. The body contorts and twists as bones elongate and warp, transforming the wielder into a grotesque mockery of a human form. The skin becomes tough and bark-like, covered in thorny growths and pulsating with a sickly, unnatural fluid. Limbs warp into gnarled, root-like appendages that twitch uncontrollably at blinding speeds. Flesh splits and peels away in layers, revealing writhing plant matter intertwined with necrotic tissue, the stench of decay ever-present.

As the transformation progresses, the wielder's internal organs mutate, merging with plant life in a horrific symbiosis. Roots and tendrils snake through veins and arteries, spreading like a cancerous infection. The heart becomes a twisted knot of vines, beating with an unnatural rhythm. The lungs fill with spores and fungal growths, making each breath a painful rasp. The mind deteriorates, consumed by an insatiable hunger that mirrors Bloom's own. The wielder's thoughts become fragmented, driven by a primal urge to feed and grow.

In exchange for these nightmarish mutations, the Ruthless Bloom grants a form of floramancy, allowing mastery over plant life on a grand scale. This power enables manipulation and animation of vegetation, creating grotesque plant monsters driven by an insatiable hunger for flesh.

Lisa dreamed of tiddy.

Ella carried Lisa into their room with Saskia following behind. She looked at the bed, then at the fact they were still covered in horrible gunk. There was no way she was letting that get on their bed! No! Ew!

She went past the bed completely and into the bathroom, stepping in fully clothed (well as clothed as she had been!), turning on the shower while holding Lisa in her arms so the warm water hit them both.

Lisa’s tiddy dreams were violently interrupted when the water hit her. She screamed and thrashed around as she shouted, ”... AWWWWW WHAT THE FUCK?! Before she just went limp, then raised her head to look around.

”... Shouldn’t we all be naked, Ella?”

"If I’d stripped you, you would’ve set spiders on me like you did to Olivia!" Ella said. She was half naked already! And this was two birds with one stone - clothes and bodies washed. Though it was very gross seeing all the blood, guts and gore go down the drain. "But we can get naked if you want!"

”I mean, I only did it because she didn’t ask before she start-” Lisa tried to say before she stopped, went silent for a few moments, and then said. ”... You know what, sure!” Lisa said as she threw the tattered dress onto the floor next to Saskia.

"Room for one more?" Saskia intoned, though they must’ve been joking since they didn’t try to squeeze in. They’d washed their hands and were holding two towels, still covered in gore otherwise. They held them out for when the other two were done.

Which wouldn’t be anytime soon for Ella! She was determined to get every last bit out of her hair, which she shoved right under the shower head.

”Get in, friend! There’s room for all of us!” Lisa shouted, squirting a bottle of body wash on her head. ”You know, like, it would be really fucked up if the drains got like really clogged, and they gotta take them out, and see all these guts!? ” She laughed with the widest smile on her face.

"Alright," Saskia shrugged. They also stepped in fully clothed, squeezing in beside Ella. They then took the body wash off Lisa and also dumped a bunch on the top of their head, rubbing it in. The blood that stained their blond hair red slowly started to come out. "Ooo, I wonder if we'd get kicked out? Or would they think there's a murderer staying here?"

"There probably is!" Ella said. She moved so that she was only holding Lisa with one arm - still possible with how small she was - and grabbed a fancy ass conditioner she'd bought with their totally not stolen money. But she had to keep her braids in tip top shape! She started carefully massaging it through, grimacing at the feeling. Gross, gross. "Not us, obviously. We only kill monsters that deserve it. Oh, maybe when we go back to St Portwell we should become magical girl vigilantes. We're real good at it!"

”We can go around throwing acid in people's faces!” Lisa said, throwing her hands into the air - and water all over the place. ”Maybe we can make our own Coven! What should we call it?!”

Ella immediately got excited at the idea. Their own coven! It'd be amazing! "The Super Sa-"

”No way," Saskia cut her off. "Hmm… it needs to be something cool. What about Mortifer Coven?"

Ella tilted her head, confused. ”That doesn't sound bad… does it mean something?"

"Bringer of Death, roughly."

”... Mortifier Coven?! Really?! Lisa broke out laughing, as she washed her hair. ”That doesn’t ring at all! What about the Lunar Coven? It’s perfect because of Ella’s weird-ass obsession with Sailor Moon!”

Then Lisa looked at Saskia, ”... And take your clothes off! Do you wash your hands with gloves on!?”

"I like Lunar Coven! But it's not a weird obsession!" Ella shouted, splashing water at Lisa's face… which was kind of useless when they were already in the shower.

Saskia looked at Lisa, then at Ella, then back at Lisa. Then they sighed. "Fine."

They stripped down to their underwear, but no further. Ella was a bit disappointed… strange. Oh well.

"Lunar Coven works, I suppose. It fits all of us."

"Ooo, ooo, I can make us outfits!" Ella said excitedly, jumping up and down in an already cramped space. "I'll figure out a spell to give you magical clothes too!"

”... We can just go buy some, Ella,” Lisa tilted her head at her.

"But I could make extra durable outfits! And if you buy them you won't match me when I transform!" Ella shouted. "I'll make us magic magical girl outfits!"

”... Ooooh, can mine have spiders!?” Lisa asked, ”I would say put blood on Saskia’s, but that would make them want to shower with it on!” She snorted, sticking her tongue out at Saskia.

"Of course! I'll be able to make it look like anything!" Ella grinned, while vigorously scrubbing the blood off their body. "We'll all look so cool! I'll make Saskia's bone themed!"

”Boner-themed.” Lisa added.

"Haha, very funny," Saskia intoned, sticking their tongue back out at Lisa. "I know when it's real."

”... But do you know when soap and water is real?!” Lisa laughed as she flicked some water onto Saskia.

Saskia looked Lisa dead in the eye and said, "this is real?"

Then the showering went on… they all got out, fully bathed, and in various states of dress, and the first thing that Lisa did was flop on the bed and pretty much immediately fell asleep. She loudly snored, and had a snot bubble coming from her nose.

Ella looked at Lisa sleeping with a slight smile, before stretching her arms up with a yawn. She wasn't tired at all! If anything she was more away. "Saskia, let's-"

"No, I'm not practicing kissing with you again," Saskia interrupted.

"That wasn't-"

The laptop began ringing… someone was calling them.


"OH, IT'S GRETA!" Ella shouted, leaping for the laptop and answering. "Hi Greta!"

At this point, Ella was only wearing a towel, grinning, and waving at the camera. Saskia, fully clothed again, appeared behind her with a wave. Greta was wearing a white labcoat, holding a red potion in her hands. She also had a welding mask on… one that she lifted when they answered. She rolled her eyes.

“... I see you couldn’t bother to get dressed before you answered,” Greta snorted.

”I am dressed?" Ella tilted her head, confused. Everything was covered, wasn't it? What was the problem with it being a towel?

"You should've seen her earlier," Saskia commented.

Ella shrugged. "What's up, Greta?!"

“I was hoping to finish our touching reunion before your friend asked to see my backside,” Greta rolled her eyes as she grabbed a beaker full of water and poured it into a jar full of various ingredients. It bubbled as it turned green and began glowing. “You’re… you’re really back to life! I cannot believe it…”

”You get used to it," Saskia shrugged.

"It's amazing! So much has changed!" Ella shouted with a grin. "We're almost done here, then we need to do one other task then… we can come back to St Portwell!"

“Excellent,” Greta said as she put the potion down. “But, you three need to watch your back - and I don’t mean when you get back to St. Portwell, I mean in general.

Greta narrowed her eyes at the two, saying, “I’m not sure if you’re aware, but Daisy’s little brother, that one girl from Japan, Jade, Kari, and Elsa, was recently murdered. Nobody believes that there’s a pattern, but I do. And I’m certain that you three are targets as well.”

"Yeah Clem and Nessa told us they'd died! I can believe Kari… before we…" Ella's bottom lip trembled as she was overcome with emotion. Kari had been the other magical girl, Ella's other bestest friend, but she'd died before they could reunite.

"Why would we be targets?" Saskia said as Ella was crying. "They would have to know we were alive. We've been quite low-key."

Greta snorted.

“… The three of you have the subtlety of a brick thrown in a dryer,” Greta grinned. “Either way, don’t become… complacent. It’s the most insidious of all killers.”

"We won't!" Ella shouted, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "We're basically fighting for her life every day here! We'll come back stronger than everyone else!"

"Right… oh, want to hear how we beat a dragon, Greta?" Saskia asked.

“I’m more than certain I’m going to regret saying this,” Greta sighed. “… but, sure.”

"Ella showed him her tits and he came so hard he exploded," Saskia nodded.

Greta stared at the laptop for a few moments.

“… I think I need to go take a toaster bath now,” She sighed.

"Oh, can I join?" Saskia asked.

”Why are you taking a bath with a toaster?" Ella asked, confused.

“Yes,” Greta said. “To both questions.”

”Ooo, wait for me then," Saskia said.

Ella was very confused, so she decided to completely ignore it. "Greta! How is everything at home?"

“Terrible,” Greta shook her head as she finally sat before her computer. She gave her pigtails a twirl as she said, “St. Portwell has become a hive of scum and villainy. Though, things are a little better now that we got rid of the Nazi-cosplayers…”

"I hope you killed them in horrible ways," Saskia intoned.

"It sounds like St. Portwell needs us! The magical girls! To save everyone," Ella nodded. "Are you safe?! Do we need to come protect you?!"

“I would suggest staying as far away from St. Portwell as possible… for your own protection,” Greta snorted. “And I am perfectly capable of caring for myself, thank you. Don’t you have a job to do?”

"We can't go there anyway!" Ella groaned, throwing up her hands. "We're almost done! We've killed all of his stupid minions, now we just need to find and kill Morningstar! It'll be easy."

"Very easy," Saskia nodded.

“… Then what’s the hold up?” Greta asked. “Eliminate him already and gain your freedom.”

Ella scratched the back of her neck. "Oh yeah, you're right… well Lisa's asleep. So after some rest!"

"We still have to do another task," Saskia said with a frown. "We won't be free after killing him."

“Hmmmmmmm…” Greta mused, as she looked at these two psychopaths. “Do you have any idea what that task is? Do you have a time limit at all?”

"Nope and no idea!" Ella said cheerfully. "We'll find out when we kill Morningstar!"

“Well, if you weren’t told of a time limit,” Greta cracked a wry grin as she leaned back in her chair and steepled her fingers. “Then you can assume there isn’t one until you are informed.”

She was silent momentarily, “You three are still Adepts, right? Death didn’t make you lose your connection to your Lux, right?”

"Of course not!" Ella shouted. ”Then I wouldn’t be a magical girl anymore, would I?”

“... Then prepare, devise some new spells,” Greta flatly noted. “Unless you’re that comfortable that you don’t need it, but… complacency kills.

"Oh, you’re so smart, Greta!" Ella grinned. "We definitely should while we have time!"

"... We were planning to do that anyway," Saskia intoned, pressing a hand to her forehead. "We talked about it less than an hour ago."

"Oh yeah! I’ll develop a snow spell and one to transform all of us! Ooo, when we get back I can use it on you too, Greta!"

“… I don’t think such an outfit would compliment my figure,” Greta snorted, gesturing down at her rotund figure. “Besides, I’m not an upfront fighter like you three.”

"You'd look so cute, though!" Ella flailed her arms around, looking at Saskia for agreement… who just shrugged. ”But you're right… I'll save it for upfront fighters…"

“My fupa would be showing,” Greta flatly noted.

"Oh," Saskia got an evil glint in their eye. "Use it on Drake when we get back."

“And have his little dragon hanging out for the world to see?” Greta cracked a wry grin. “... Just make sure I’m not around when you do.”

"I don’t want to see it either!" Ella shouted, shaking her head. "No way! I’m not doing it."

"Aw… I’ll find another way to get revenge," Saskia shrugged, before yawning. "Anything else you wanted to warn us about, Greta?"

“No,” Greta said, “But, I would love to talk… about anything, really…”

"I can talk! Oh, oh, show Greta the stone, Saskia! Maybe she can help us figure out why it made you go crazy!" Ella said.

Saskia shrugged, pulling out the orange stone and holding it up. "I killed three people using this."

"And tried to kill us too!"

Greta leaned in, and stared at it for a few moments.

“... I have no clue what that is,” Greta began before she pulled out her cell phone and fired off a text. There was that ding, notifying her that she had received a text message. “But maybe our resident supernatural expert can help out.”

She chuckled… and a few moments later, Nadine King, walked into the room utterly towering over Greta. She wore a black sweater and a long-skirt and had rings and bejeweled necklaces around her neck. She leaned forward, staring at it for a moment, rubbing her chin, and said,

“... It’s the Orange-Stone, ya’ll,” Nadine spoke in a thick Louisiana accent. “It’ll boost your abstraction, but it comes at a pride. The more you use it, the more violent and destructive you get.”

Nadine shrugged.

“I wouldn’t use that thang’ if I were ya’ll,” Nadine said. “Where did ya’ll even get it from?”

"Who are you?" Saskia asked, before seeming to look at Greta (as much as possible through the screen. "Who is she?"

Nadine King,” She succinctly answered. “Your lil’ girlfriend Greta’s Coven-sister.”

“She’s legit,” Greta said before tapping Nadine on the side and whispering something in her ear. Nadine nodded her head, and was silent.

"Saskia got given it by these spooky guys who kidnapped them!" Ella shouted, not caring who this other spooky person was. If Greta trusted her enough to tell her, then Ella trusted her too. "I agree we shouldn’t use it! You nearly killed us, Saskia. Lisa had to melt your face off!"

“If I had some to spare, I would get you all some of my Abstraction-Boosting Potions, but…” Greta was silent for a moment as she looked up at Nadine. “... The Orange-Stone is still an asset you three can and should use. Just be careful with it - though, that’s really asking a lot from you three.”

"That’s why I’ll keep a hold of it," Saskia said, putting it back in their pocket. "As the most sensible of us three."

"Hey, that’s not true! You’ll just use it right away to go on a rampage!" Ella shouted.

"I won’t. I’ll use it against Morningstar if we need it. But it’s not fun to kill him quickly."

"I want a turn! I bet I could resist it!"


"What- Greta, tell Saskia to let me use it!" Ella turned back to the laptop with a wail.

Greta just laughed as she reached forward.

“Unfortunately, I have no say in this matter,” Greta began. “It was great talking with you two; I must get back to work. Make sure to tell Lisa I said hi.”

Greta cut the call.

"Oh well," Saskia shrugged. "I’m going to bed."

"What, no, Saskia-" Ella started, but Saskia had already fallen into the bed, bundled themself in the blankets and closed their eyes. She pouted. Fine. They’d talk about it tomorrow.

Whistling to herself, Ella discarded her towel and pulled on some bright pink pyjama shorts and a t-shirt. Then she flopped onto bed with Lisa, wriggling up behind her and wrapping her arms around her (avoiding touching her tiddies).

Then she fell asleep, contentedly dreaming of her magical girl adventures.
In Heyo 4 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself

Hours later….

The three staggered out of the tunnel, utterly drained from the relentless hours of battling the noise-induced exhaustion caused by the flying spider. Lisa's strength gives way, and she collapses upon emerging... Until a surge of determination, sparked by the sight of Ella’s tiddies, propels her back to her feet. She surveys their surroundings; they're still within the confines of the casino's warehouse.... And Lisa is left in the dark about the time. It must be, at the very least, morning, but she-

Lisa remembered that she had a cellphone and pulled it out… it was 11:23 PM. They were literally in there all night! Yay. Lisa was tired, and she slumped down to the side of the door as she said,

”Let’s find a window so I can make a spider so we can finally go…” Lisa groaned before she turned to Saskia, as a lightbulb went off in her weird little head. ”Wait! How about we just contact Kim and Jordan so they can teleport us…” She trailed off as she thought about it.

”... They said they had a tracking device in that, right? Right?

"They did? I don’t remember that!" Ella said with a shrug. She didn’t seem tired at all as she put a hand on her hip and looked around for a window. She still had the scepter they’d stolen.

"They did… I think," Saskia also shrugged. "Just call them, I can’t be bothered walking further."

Of course, they don’t. Lisa thought to herself with a roll of her eyes before she dug around for that phone… and then realized that her dress was in tatters from getting immolated over three fucking times. Her pockets were decimated; she patted herself down and realized she didn’t have her phone.

Lisa loudly groaned.

”... I dropped it!” Lisa whined before glancing back into the tunnel. Yeah. No. She shrugged. Well, this is turning out to be shittier than expected, but what would Adora think of her leaving her homies to the dogs!? She sighed, turning to Ella, Elllllllllllllla! Call Kim! Or Jordan! Or both! Maybe Lupe!”

Then her eyes landed on Saskia,
”... And try to find that tracking device in the meantime!”

Ella looked down at herself and her near non-existent clothes, then back at Lisa. And then at herself. Then at Lisa. "I lost it."

"Here," Saskia threw their phone to Ella before pulling out the orange stone. They held it close to their eyes and started turning it around, trying to find some kind of tracking device on it. Eventually, they found a tiny black electronic weaved into the necklace.

Ella, meanwhile, found Kimberley's number on Saskia's phone and called her.

Kimberly answered.

“... Hey, you three were gone for a while,” Kimberly began. “Are you okay?! We were about to start looking for you!”

"We got lost!" Ella said cheerfully. "Oh we also beat Ignatius with my magical tiddies!"

Saskia, meanwhile, was using a tiny, thin bone spear to get the small electronic out of the necklace.

“I, uh…” Kimberly trailed off, “... Do you need us to get you out?”

"Yes please! We’ve been walking for hours and Lisa’s about to pass out!" Ella shouted.

“Okay, um, where exactly are you? You went to the Devil’s Fortune,” Kimberly began. “Jordan can only teleport to places she’s familiar with… so we may have to teleport there and then just find you.”

"Okay! We’re like… in the warehouse! I’m sure it won’t be that hard to find us, we’ll try get back to the actual casino!"

"Got it," Saskia muttered, finally prying out the electronic, throwing it onto the ground and stomping on it multiple times. Then Lisa spit on the remains.

Now they don’t have to worry about the Spooky-Ho knowing their every location! That was the only reason Lisa could think of her giving them the Stone… but if they also told them that there was a tracking device on it, why would they give it to them? For a moment, Lisa’s brain short-circuited before she just settled on the Sexy-Spooky-Bitch, trying to get rid of them peacefully and as fast as possible. Though, Lisa didn’t see herself trying to pick a fight with that many guns.

“Try to get onto the casino floor and, um… just blend in,” Kimberly said. “I’m not sure what’s going on there, but if you killed Ignatius… there are probably more on the way.”

"Blend in, right… We can do that!" Ella shouted, flashing a thumbs up Kimberley couldn’t see. "We’ll see you soon!"

Then she hung up before Kimberley could say anything else.

"We gotta get onto the casino floor and blend in, then they’ll pick us up!"

"Right," Saskia intoned, looking at them both with a raised eyebrow. "How are we going to do that, exactly? We all look like we jumped in a fire."

They had no time for this. Lisa just wanted to return to the hotel, hog-tie Ella again, and call Gretchen! She grabbed onto Saskia and Ella’s wrists…

”We’ll figure it out! Let’s just go!” Lisa said as she pulled them outside to the best of her ability, and she saw an elevator. Then a light bulb popped in her head as she walked to the elevator and pressed the up button. After an awkward silence, the door opened, and Lisa and the two stepped inside… she looked at the buttons inside and just shrugged as she pressed the button for the first floor. The elevator was silent…

There was something on Lisa’s mind.

The Orange Stone.

”... So, um, maybe we should talk about what we’re going to do on the crazy-person rock,” Lisa shrugged. ”It’s… powerful, but also dangerous! So, I think we should only use it unless we absolutely have to.”

"I agree! It made you try to kill us, Saskia!" Ella nodded fervently.

"That’s fine with me," Saskia shrugged. "After we beat Morningstar we won’t need it, anyway."

The elevator doors opened, revealing the casino floors, which were all red with various patterns on the walls, carpet, etc. Casino games were as far as the eye could see - but empty. The casino was desolate, save for a massive beast they could recognize as the last member of the endless seven.

“Now, it seems you bested Ignatius, but your luc-”

Before mid-monologue, Lisa y pressed five on the control panel, and the door promptly closed.

”... Change of plans.”

"To what?!" Ella yelled, far too loudly considering the space they were in.

"Let’s make him run up and down the stairs until he’s exhausted," Saskia intoned.

”How about we just go to the roof and just uh…” Lisa just thought about it. A lightbulb went off in her head. ”Saskia! Call Kimberly again!”

Saskia nodded and pulled out their phone, calling Kimberley again. The signal wasn’t great, but it got through. "Hello, Saskia speaking. We’re stuck in a lift."

“... Well, then get out of there!” Kimberly succinctly answered. “You have Lisa! Who can make flying spiders! Just try to get to the roof.”

"... Right." Saskia held a hand over the phone and spoke quietly to Lisa. "She says to go to the roof and make a flying spider. Can you make another one?"

Lisa threw her head back and loudly groaned.

”... Fiiiiiiiine! She said, probably sounding like an annoyed teenager more than anything. Before she pressed the button again for the top floor and took the annoying ride up… hopefully, they could avoid that weirdo because Lisa knew he wouldn’t just let them leave.

The elevator reached the top floor, and Lisa resisted the lamentation that there wasn’t an elevator leading to the roof… though typically if there’s an elevator, there is a staircase nearby. Then again, this is a spooky demon-casino… though, after stepping out, she could see the door to the stairs right there. Without a second thought, Lisa ran towards it, through the door, and up the stairs, and… it was chained off. Probably after their fuckery last week (or was that a few days ago? Maybe Lisa has lost brain cells).

Lisa stepped to the side and gestured at it.


"On it - Magical Girl Aurora, Prism Power Transform!" Ella went through her magical girl transformation sequence, spinning around and throwing up a peace sign at the end. Unfortunately (or fortunately for Lisa) it only transformed the clothes she had on already.

She then coated her leg in light and kicked through the chain, and it fell to the ground as Lisa grinned.

”... Well, that was dramatic,” Lisa laughed as she pushed the door open… and they were exposed to the searing mid-day Nevada heat. She looked to the left and right, and after thinking about it, she remembered that she needed to create another flying spider. She sighed in irritation as she summoned a jumping spider and applied the Enlarge and Hybridization Spells. She wondered why if they were just going to be teleported out-

“... As I was saying,” The last member of the Endless Seven floated onto the rooftop away from them. “I, Baala’Khan, am the last member of the Endless Seven, and I am jealous that somebody got to kill them before I got a chance to, but it ends here. Everything ends here. Me and Morningstar....”

While he rambled, rage bubbled inside of Lisa. She was tired of these assholes. Tired of fighting. She just wanted to kill Morningstar already.

“... Will rebuild the Society to be better. This is just the beginning, you insignificant runts; I’m not even going to kill you. I’m going to crucify the three of you on top of the tower of Babel and force you to watch the rise of a new empire as the birds peck at your eyes and the insects feast on your skin…”

Lisa balled her fists. She was reaching her limit...

“... And I’ll ensure that your agony will last as long as possible. Until the end of time, if possible. You will watch the Society’s plan change the world once we get our hands on the All-Blade. We’ll merge the All-Verse with the Pit and create a Sanctuary within it that everyone will fight to reach. That way, in this new world, only the strong survive, and once they get there, they will finally be free to behave and act as they see fit. Kill who they want. Take what they want. Fornicate with what they want. A true Society. This is why Morningstar named the organization the Society-”

The ice broke.

Lisa had enough of this goon. She had enough of his rambling and his delusions. She stuck her right hand out at lightning speed, grabbing her wrist with her opposite hand. Out of her hand came a thick, pulsating mass of human flesh that was the same skin tone as Lisa. It attached itself to Baala’Khan, and his face turned to shock as he tried to break free to no avail. Lisa looked to Ella, then Saskia.

”He’s stuck!” Lisa began. ”Hit him with everything you got!”

"EWWWW!" Ella shouted, looking at the pulsating human flesh with a grimace.

"Whoaaa, cool," Saskia breathed out, crouching beside the flesh mass and looking at it closely. "How long have you been able to do this, Lisa?"

Lisa didn’t respond. She was accessing a dark recess of her mind that she was never prepared to show anyone. Not Adora, Kari, Aislin, Saskia, Ella… not anyone. It was supposed to be saved for Emily G. Reed - but Morningstar and his cronies were an exception.

They stood back up, blood tendril coming out from their back. They immediately stabbed it into his chest, using it to pull themselves up and onto his back, avoiding touching the flesh. They very brutally stabbed two bone spears into one of his heads, before moving onto the next.

Ella clearly didn’t want to touch the flesh, so she held up her Channeler to shoot a strong beam of light at Baala’Khan, starting at a head Saskia wasn’t brutally stabbing.

Baala’Khan tried to pull himself away, but he couldn’t break the Wretched Web—just as designed. However, Lisa didn’t anticipate Baala’Khan being stronger than her. So, when he began to backpedal, he sent Lisa tumbling forward and dragged her across the harsh rooftop as Saskia and Ella were barraging him. She could feel her skin tearing and peeling…

… Baala’Khan’s serpent head whipped around and attempted to bite Saskia. While Ella’s head appeared on his body, and shot a beam of light back at her.

"Oh, am I really that cute?!" Ella said, dodging the beam of light shot back at her. She ran towards Lisa, practically leaping onto her to hold onto her and stop her being pulled along the roof.

Saskia’s blood pooled across her body to stop the serpent fangs from piercing her skin, but she still let it bite her. She twisted around, stabbing it right between the eyes, and it thrashed around before it went limp…

Baala’Khan stopped struggling; he began violently shaking as he began “bubbling”. Massive, painful-looking growths formed on the right side of his body as he shook uncontrollably. Baala’Khan eventually fell over… and then he exploded. Like a fucked up pinata, he burst open and let out a gust of spiders, blood, and flesh that splashed in all directions. It began raining down, landing on all three girls, but Lisa was not bothered. She stood up to her feet, absolutely covered in that hellish mixture. She didn’t speak; she just sighed when the macabre rain stopped…

... And what could she really say?

"Oh cool," Saskia said. They’d fallen to the ground when Baala’Khan exploded, softening the blow with their blood armour. They even held up their hand as if they were standing underneath normal rain. "Well that made things easy."

They seemed completely unbothered by it. Ella, on the other hand, was very much bothered. She hopped away from the flesh covering the ground and started shaking her whole body, trying to get it off her.

"My magical girl outfit is ruined!" Ella shouted. "My- my hair! It’s in my hair! How am I gonna wash this out?!"

Lisa sighed. Typically, she would have made a joke about Ella’s uncle, but not right now. The spiders were crawling up and down her body before she threw her hand into the air and made them disperse. For a moment, Lisa wondered where they went, but it was one of the many mysteries of magic. She just shrugged.

A coral-pink sphere appeared right next to them and Kimberly and Jordan - wearing pajamas. They looked around before Kimberly asked, horrified…

“... What happened here?”

Lisa looked to Ella and Saskia… surely, they wouldn’t tell them.

”I stabbed him in the head then he exploded," Saskia shrugged. "These Endless Seven and their explosive orgasms…"

“... The one on his shoulders, right? Right?” Jordan asked.

”Kimmm, Jordannnn, they keep looking at my tiddies and exploding!" Ella wailed.

The two of them looked at each other before Jordan facepalmed.

“... Forget we asked.”

Jordan raised a hand, and the three were teleported away in a coral-pink sphere.

They were teleported back into Kimberly and Jordan’s hotel room. Jordan opened her mouth to say something, but Lisa spoke first,

”... Lay low?”

“I was going to ask what the fuck happened,” Jordan laughed. “... You three look like you've been through hell and back!”

"We fought Ignatius, twice," Saskia began with a shrug. "He had two brains. The second was in his dick."

"Yeah and it exploded when I took my bra off!" Ella added.

Saskia nodded. "He went all super Saiyan the second time round… and the room was set on fire. Then we had to fight some other asshole, but he only had the dick brain, I guess."

Jordan’s jaw dropped, Lisa figured that her brain couldn’t comprehend the scope and depth of their epic adventure! Though, she found herself drifting to the sofa then sat down.

Jordan facepalmed.

“... Forget I said anything.” Jordan groaned.

Kimberly laughed, before her facial expression went flat, “You got Dollhouse their rock back, right?”

She then eyed that Scepter Ella had, “... You didn't leave empty-handed, I see.”

"Yup, we gave it back already," Saskia lied without a second thought.

"Isn’t it cool!" Ella shouted, holding up the Scepter with a grin. "I think it really matches my look - it shoots ice and stuff!"

Kimberly stepped over to Ella, and grabbed it; she examined as she said, “... This is the Ice-Queen’s Scepter. It just… shoots ice, but it also boosts any cyrokinetic abilities of whoever is holding it.”

Then she looked at the group, “... Which none of you have.”

"My Scepter!" Ella yelled like a kid having her favourite toy taken off her. "We can develop them! I could totally have ice spells!"

"We can’t," Saskia gestured to themself and Lisa.

Lisa scratched the side of her head. She was told that she has Green and Gold Lux…, with Green meaning Biological and Gold meaning Minion Creation or something. Did that entail ice at all? Probably not. Or maybe they were looking at it the wrong way.

”Yeah, I think only Ella can do that,” Lisa shrugged, before turning to Ella. ”Ella, you can be like Sailor Mercury!”

"Oh, you’re right! I could use her ‘Shine Snow Illusion’ spell! She could make a massive storm!" Ella said excitedly, before pausing. "Oh, but, I’m like Sailor Moon herself! I can’t be like two Sailor Guardians! Or maybe- maybe it’d be alright? How do I make an ice spell?!"

”... How did you make the other ones?” Lisa asked with a raised eyebrow. That reminds her… maybe Lisa should get to work on some spells herself! She was already versatile, but some ideas were cooking in her little head.

Ella furrowed her brows, seeming to think about it. "Well, I just kinda had ideas, then I kept trying until they worked. Like a training arc! Except I didn’t get to skip it."

"Oh, if Ella’s figuring out cryomancy, I have a few things I wanted to try," Saskia said.

”... Let’s do it!” Lisa shouted, pumping her fists… though she succumbed to the comfort of the sofa and how tired she was.

”... After a nap.”
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