Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11034 (2.81 / day)
  • VMs: 42
  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 5 mos ago
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Recent Statuses

1 day ago
Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
2 days ago
so are these nuts
21 days ago
"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
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1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts


"Once you step in, you'll never want to leave..."
Feel Good Inc., another outpost of the Dollhouse, is located in an industrial district of St. Portwell. On the surface, it is a nightclub and clubhouse catering to those seeking a fun night. The exterior is a sleek, modern design with neon lights and a large, inviting marquee that promises a night of unparalleled joy and excitement. However, beneath this facade lies a place of unspeakable horror and manipulation...

The main feature of Feel Good Inc. is its walls, lined with potent enchantments that induce intense feelings of happiness and euphoria in anyone who steps inside. These enchantments serve a dual purpose: they keep patrons coming back for more, creating a constant flow of potential victims, and they keep the captives in a state of docile compliance, unable to escape. The enchantments are woven into the very fabric of the building, ensuring that the effects are inescapable and pervasive.

The ground floor operates as a typical nightclub, with a dance floor, VIP lounges, and bars serving an array of exotic cocktails. The music is carefully selected to complement the enchantments, enhancing the overall feeling of ecstasy. The building's upper floors are a haven for Dollhouse members to relax, socialize, and plan their next moves. These floors are luxurious and well-appointed, with lounges, private rooms, and meeting areas where members can gather away from the prying eyes of St. Portwell. The enchantments that induce happiness on the ground floor do not extend to the upper floors, ensuring a neutral atmosphere. Members often use these upper floors to discuss strategies, make deals, and recruit new associates. It's common to find members of the Dollhouse indulging in the finest foods and drinks.

However, the true horrors lie beneath, where the basement levels reveal the Dollhouse's true intentions. The basement is accessed through a hidden elevator behind the DJ booth, guarded by heavily armed and enchanted bouncers who ensure that only authorized personnel can enter. Feel Good Inc. is divided into several specialized chambers in the underground levels, each dedicated to different forms of experimentation (of the human variety).
The "Bliss Room" is a chamber where captives are subjected to extreme doses of happiness enchantments combined with experimental mind-altering potions to induce a euphoric state. The Dollhouse uses this room to extract valuable information from their prisoners, forcing them to relive their happiest memories while subtly manipulating their emotions and thoughts. This method breaks down psychological barriers, making it easier to coax out secrets and personal details without resorting to traditional torture techniques. Adjacent to the Bliss Room is the "Lab," a grotesque parody of a scientific laboratory. Here, the Dollhouse experiments with conventional and magical drugs, pushing the boundaries of human and magical endurance. Subjects are forcibly injected with various substances, their reactions meticulously recorded by Dollhouse scientists. Shelves line the walls, filled with beakers, vials, and flasks containing brightly colored liquids and powders. The air is thick with the acrid smell of chemicals and the faint, unsettling scent of metallic blood... and cleaning fluids.

In the Lab, researchers test the effects of these drugs on human physiology, seeking to create more potent concoctions for use and sale. Captives endure extreme pain and euphoria as their bodies are pushed to the limits. Each chamber and corridor in Feel Good Inc. is meticulously monitored, with security cameras and magical surveillance ensuring that no one can escape or interfere with the Dollhouse's operations. The walls of the underground chambers are enchanted to prevent teleportation in and out of the building, except for a particular, heavily guarded room designated for such purposes. Additionally, monstrous creatures, bred and controlled by the Dollhouse, roam the tunnels as guards, adding another dangerous layer for anyone navigating the labyrinthine network unauthorized...

There was a knock on Kimberly and Jordan's door.

After a few moments, the door was opened.

“Oh, hey - what the hell?!” Kimberly shouted as her eyes shot open. Lisa and Saskia were carrying a bound and gagged Ella (with lots of spiders in her hair) through the door. With surprising strength (it’s magic, shut up.)

”Hey, watch her head!” Lisa shouted as she walked in with Ella before she looked up at Kimberly. ”... We don’t want her no more! Bye!”

She said before she threw Ella on the ground and ran out like a crackhead.

"She cockblocked us," was the only explanation Saskia gave, giggling, before turning around and running right after Lisa.

Ella wriggled on the ground, words muffled by the webs binding her mouth, looking at Kimberley and Jordan with a super adorable, pleading look. Surely they’d know what she wanted and free her! Then she could get all these spiders out of her hair… she just didn’t understand! She’d saved them from something horrible!

She awkwardly flopped towards Kimberley, with another pleading look.

“Oh my lord,” Jordan facepalmed from the background.

“Hold on!” Kimberly ran off for a second… and when she got back, she had a switchblade. “Hold still.”

She began cutting away the webs around her hands before she paused.

“... Can’t you shoot light?!” Kimberly asked before she looked at the webs around her mouth. “... Oh yeah, you can’t answer that.”

When Kimberley said that, Ella realised something… she could get out of this easily herself! Not by shooting light, she needed to be in her magical girl outfit for that. Since Kimberley had paused in the cutting, Ella took the opportunity to move back away from her. Alright… just think about being fabulous and adorable!

Ella turned into a massive ball of rainbow light, burning away the rainbow webs, before turning back to a normal person. She grinned, shouting, "thanks, Kim- oh, I developed ice powers! Can I have my scepter back?!"

“Yeah,” Jordan said as she raised her hand, and from the corner of the room, the Ice Scepter drifted over towards Ella.

“... You also developed the power to do that,” Kimberly laughed.

“What? Did you channel your inner-homosexual?” Jordan joked.

"My gayness has never been kept inside!" Ella said, catching the Ice Scepter. Now her snow blast would be stronger! Even if… it really didn’t do much yet. "Lupe taught me it… Well, mine is a bit different, she can move super fast when she does it. It’s super cute, right?!"

“Oh, nice,” Kimberly said. “What can yours do?”

“And what did you do?!” Jordan laughed. “They sound like they sick of you!”

"I can shoot lightning near me and slam into people to hurt them!" Ella nodded. "And I…"

Ella trailed off, holding her head in her free hand. "I knocked out this scary man they’d called over to- to- to- I can’t say it! Now I think they hate me!"

The two began deviously laughing, looking at each other, then to Ella.

“... What was the man gonna do?”

"He was going to- they were going to-" Ella stammered, before throwing back her head and full on wailing. "They were going to perform sexual acts together! But- but he was so big and they were so small and we were high so it wasn’t okay!!"

“... What were you three high off of?” Kimberly asked, tilting her head. “Crack?

“I knew they were freebasin!” Jordan laughed.

"No, just weed! But it really affected them… Saskia was giggling! I’ve hardly ever seen her even laugh, and normally it's more evil!" Ella shook her head in despair. "I had to protect them."

They broke out laughing… Kimberly walked over to Ella and put a hand on her shoulder, holding back the laughter the best she could. Until the dam broke, and she began laughing uncontrollably.

“Oh, my God,” Jordan wiped away a tear. “Ya’ll got… ya’ll… ya’ll a trip!”

“Yeah, I wish I could have seen that!” Kimberly laughed.

“Okay, okay,” Jordan laughed. “You saw a stranger coming towards your friends and got spooked. It happens.”

“I don’t think they hate you, though,” Kimberly laughed.

“Yeah, ya’ll tight!” Jordan added.

“Just give it time,” Kimberly said, “Try to explain your side of things.”

“... And ask before you start swinging!” Jordan said.

“Yes,” Kimberly affirmed. “Ask.

“It ain’t hard to go: ‘What the fuck is going on here? Who the fuck are you?’” Jordan slapped her knee.

"... you think? They’ll still be my friends?" Ella asked with wide eyes. "Okay, I’ll explain, after waiting a bit! And ask next time- I just panicked! Men freak me out!"

She rubbed the back of her neck, smiling slightly at Kimberley and Jordan. "So… can I sleep here tonight? I don’t think Lisa will let me back in…"

Kimberly stared at Ella, tilting her head. Her mouth opened to say something, but Jordan spoke up.

“... Look, it’s obvious ya’ homegirls are frustrated!” Jordan said, walking over to Ella, she pounded a fist into an open palm. “You gotta go and make things right, and the only way to do that is to help them bust the nuts that’s got them all pent up. Ya’ dig?”

"I get it… how do I do that?!" Ella asked, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "Should I just go in topless? They seemed to like that last time… Or is that not enough? I’m willing to do anything for them! I just don’t know… about this stuff…"

“... You gotta follow your heart!” Kimberly said.

Jordan smiled at her, grabbing her by her hips as she began to gently push her out the door… Once she was out the door, Jordan said,

“... Google it.”

Then closed it in her face.

Google it… alright. Ella pulled out her phone as she started to walk back towards their room.

How to help my friends feel good.

The results weren't useful at all. No, that search wasn't working… alright…

How to help my girlfriends feel good (lesbian)

This time, it got her things that were actually useful. She stopped walking to read a few articles, nodding as she did. It all made sense. Nothing too complicated there… She could do all of that. Gladly, for Lisa and Saskia!

After gathering enough information about how to help them bust their nut, Ella finally got to their room door. With a deep breath, she knocked on it a few times, other hand going to her top… in case she needed to flash them right away to even get in.

The door gently opened just a little bit, and Lisa stuck her face in the crack as she stared at Ella. Completely silent. Spiders began to crawl from inside the room onto the door…

It took every little bit of magical girl braveness Ella had to not run as the spiders started crawling out. "Lisa, please let me in… I've come to apologise… and- and offer something to you both! Please!"

As she spoke, Ella decided to give a peace offering… in one fluid movement she pulled off her top. "Please, Lisa!"

Lisa’s face was blank.

”Bor-ring! I’ve seen these over a thousand times!” Lisa shouted.

"This is just the start! I- I can't do any of the other things from out here!" Ella said, stepping in close to the door. "I'll do anything you want- anything to- to-"

Her voice lowered to a very un-Ella like whisper. "To help you… bust a nut…"

”... Well, why didn’t you start with that?” Lisa shouted as she threw the door open, her dress off, and pounced on Ella.

| Compassion |

"This isn't to find you..."

| Developed collaboratively by Goro Hatanaka and Kari Wilson, Kari's Wayfinder was specifically designed to locate individuals across the All-Verse, with precision for those with whom the user has a strong emotional connection. |

| Navigational-Artifact. |

| The original and the several duplicates were made using Goro's Mass-Production spell and were originally in the possession of Kari Wilson, but their current whereabouts are unknown since Kari's death. |

| Kari Wilson. |

| No. |
Kari's Wayfinder, a product of the combined efforts of Goro Hatanaka and Kari Wilson, is an artifact for locating people throughout the All-Verse. This medallion projects a sophisticated three-dimensional holographic map when activated by touching its central gem. This map details the immediate terrain, uncovers hidden pathways, and displays landscapes usually concealed from view. It also shows various realms and alternate dimensions, providing names and unique markers for each.

One of the medallion's standout features is its ability to find any individual across the All-Verse. It is particularly effective at pinpointing people with whom the user has a strong emotional attachment, marking their approximate locations with glowing white kanji glyphs. For others, the Wayfinder broadly estimates their whereabouts, highlighting general areas. Kari's Wayfinder also offers the capability to drop waypoints on the map. These waypoints can be used to mark significant locations or track paths that need to be revisited. The artifact records these waypoints, allowing users to navigate back to them quickly.

It can analyze environmental conditions in real time, providing updates on weather, magic disturbances, and potential hazards and obstacles. The medallion can also scan and store data about encountered dimensions and terrains, building a comprehensive log that can be accessed for future reference. Another advanced feature is communicating with other Wayfinders (including Goro's Wayfinder). By sending signals to its duplicates and sister artifacts, it can triangulate the positions of multiple users and show the trails of other users.

The user interface of Kari's Wayfinder is highly intuitive, responding seamlessly to gestures and commands. Users can zoom into specific regions for detailed examination, plot potential routes, and even set up alerts for when tracked individuals or waypoints are within proximity. Enhanced with potent Orange Lux enchantments, the Wayfinder boasts supernatural durability, making it resilient against magical and physical damage.

However, there is a hidden feature for people Kari cares about.


| The Cursed Amplifier |

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

| A powerful Adept created the Orange Stone named Henry Blake, seeking to create a relic that would elevate his magical prowess; Henry imbued the stone with the soul of a dying Adept. However, the immense power came with a hidden curse, binding the stone's fate to the wielder's sanity. |

| Cursed Pedant |

| In the possession of the Agents of Death. |

| Henry Blake: The original creator who succumbed to madness and destroyed his kingdom.
Sarah Donovan: A legendary warrior who wielded the stone to defeat her enemies but ultimately lost her mind and vanished.
Dollhouse: Dollhouse had the Orange Stone until they passed it off to...
Saskia Otten: Was given the Orange Stone as a "reward" for distracting one of Morningstar's minions. |

| No. |
The Orange Stone is a mesmerizing yet dangerous artifact. The gem, warm to the touch, pulsates with its raw, untamed energy. The stone's primary function is to exponentially amplify the wielder's abstraction. Simple spells become monumental feats of magic, and minor manipulations transform into grandiose displays of power.

However, the Orange Stone carries a dreadful curse. Each use of the stone's power slowly erodes the wielder's sanity, driving them to madness. The more the stone is used, especially for mighty feats of magic, the quicker the descent into insanity. The wielder becomes increasingly unhinged, their thoughts dominated by chaos and destruction. Their grip on reality slips, and they are consumed by a desire to cause havoc.

The curse binds the stone to the wielder's flesh, fusing it seamlessly to their body, making removal painful and arduous. The only way to break the curse and free oneself from the stone's influence is to remove it physically, an act that often leaves lasting scars both physically and mentally.

| The Frozen Jewel of Lumina |

"The Cold bends to your will."

| It's unknown who created the Ice Scepter or where it came from, but the earliest recorded instance of its use was in Lumina. |

| Freezing-Artifact. |

| Currently in the possession of the Agents of Death. |

| The Ice Queen: The most famous wielder of the Ice Scepter was the Ice Queen, a powerful and just ruler of the universe, Lumina. She used the wand to protect her dominion from numerous threats, both internal and external.

The Ice Princess: Following in her mother’s footsteps, the Ice Princess also became a notable user of the Ice Scepter. Though younger and less experienced, she showed great promise and skill in wielding the artifact. The Ice Princess used the wand to defend the dominion after her mother's death.

Morningstar: The original sin, the Apparition, came to the Ice Scepter's possession after the Ice Princess's death and was stolen from Lumina. He purchased it in a black market trade and kept it in his vault until...

The Agents of Death: After a climactic battle against one of Morningstar's lieutenants, the Agents of Death took it from Morningstar's vault. |

| No. |
The Ice Scepter is an ancient artifact of formidable power, its exact origins unknown, but it's from the frozen world of Lumina.

The Ice Scepter is a stunning piece of craftsmanship. Its handle is made from enchanted silver, twisted into an elegant, spiraling pattern that offers strength and grip. The top of the wand features an intricate design resembling frost patterns on a window, radiating outward from a central crystal. This crystal is the heart of the wand, a shard of the eternal glacier, and it glistens with a perpetual layer of frost, making it cold.

The primary ability of the Ice Scepter is to emit beams of freezing energy. These beams can instantly freeze whatever they hit, and the freezing effect is so potent that it can encase whatever it hits in a thick layer of ice. This ability can be adjusted in intensity and width, allowing for precision strikes and wide-area effects. Furthermore, the Ice Scepter significantly boosts any ice magic the wielder already possesses. Minor uses of Cyromancy that normally creates small icicles will instead create massive ice spears, and cyromancers can cast their magic faster and far more efficiently.

| The Celestial Dragon |

"An ancient behemoth, broken but not forgotten, lies in wait to protect the realms once more."

| The legendary Hatanaka family crafted the Tenryu with a Purple, Orange, Red, and Yellow Lux Adept team. It was created from a collective belief in a powerful guardian that could protect the world from threats from beyond, such as the Stygian Snake. |

| Airship. |

| Unknown. |

| Hatanaka Takashi: The most famous Hatanakas who led the airship into many battles, including against the Stygian Snake.

Aiko Hatanaka: A brilliant tactician and descendant of Takashi who utilized the Tenryu during the Yokai Uprising.

Kenjiro Yamamoto: A legendary pilot and engineer who restored the Tenryu after it was severely damaged in the Yokai Uprising. |

| No. |

The Tenryu is an airship adorned with dragon motifs and intricate designs reminiscent of ancient Japan. Once a marvel of engineering and magic, it was created and powered by the combined Lux energies of its creators. The airship was equipped with various weaponry and defensive mechanisms, making it a key player in defending against powerful threats. The exterior of the Tenryu is dominated by a golden dragon figurehead, symbolizing its power and the protective spirit it embodies. The airship's body is constructed from enchanted wood and steel, providing durability. Once fueled by magic, the multiple rotors and propellers allowed it to hover and maneuver with surprising agility despite its size.

Now, however, the Tenryu lies broken and non-operational. The once-glorious airship has fallen into disrepair, with its rotors and propellers rusted and its magical systems inactive. The golden dragon figurehead, once a symbol of strength, is tarnished and cracked. The enchanted wood and steel that made up the body of the Tenryu are now weathered, no longer able to withstand the rigors of flight.

The interior of the Tenryu is now a shell of its former self. The main deck, which once housed a command center equipped with enchanted maps and navigation tools capable of predicting and charting courses through the All-Verse, is now cluttered with broken instruments and faded maps. The living quarters and armory, designed to accommodate a crew of Adepts, are now filled with dust and debris, savaged completely dry of any useable resources.

The Tenryu's weaponry, which included Lux-powered cannons capable of firing elemental blasts, is now silent and inactive. Once able to launch concentrated bursts of fire, water, wind, or earth, these cannons are now rusted and jammed. In addition to its offensive capabilities, the Tenryu had energy shields that deflected physical and magical attacks. These shields, generated by a series of crystals embedded throughout the airship's hull, are now inactive, their crystals dim and lifeless. The protective barriers that once absorbed and dispersed incoming energy are nonexistent, leaving the airship vulnerable to attacks.

One of the Tenryu's most unique features was its cloaking device. This device, which used a combination of Yellow-Lux and advanced enchantments to render the airship invisible to both mundane and magical detection, is now nonfunctional. The enchantments that once allowed the airship to fade from sight are now broken, and the device is damaged beyond repair. The airship's ability to maintain the cloak for a limited time before recharging is now irrelevant, as the cloaking device can no longer be activated.

The Tenryu also possessed dimensional traversal capabilities, allowing it to travel to different worlds within the All-Verse. This ability, powered by a specialized crystal engine located at the heart of the airship, is now dormant. Despite its current disrepair, the Tenryu's core systems remain intact, though inactive. The heart of the airship, the magic crystal engine, still holds a glimmer of power, waiting for someone to reactivate it...


Lupe shouted as she ran through the opening she created.

Lisa was right behind her, flipping off whoever was behind her as she ran.

Who were they running from?

The police.

When Lisa convinced everyone to get naked, the pigs showed up to ruin the fun training session! They made some progress with their various spells, drunk spells,

"I'm too cute to be arrested!" Ella shouted.

"It could be fun," Saskia commented, at the back.

Lupe pointed at her car.

“Hurry up, mami! My car’s right there!” Lupe picked up speed. “They gainin’ on us!

"Saskia, you're too slow!" Ella shouted, slowing down. She picked up Saskia and threw her over her shoulder before speeding up… and also picking up Lisa. Her legs turned rainbow as she sped up, shouting to Lupe, "open the doors! I'll throw them in!"

WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Lisa shouted in joy before she flipped off the two cops chasing them with both hands. She looked over her shoulder and saw Lupe activate her Neon Dash to cover the last bit of distance. She came to a skidding stop at the car and opened the door.

“Mami!” Lupe gestured for them to come on. “I ain’t going back to prison! My bootyhole can’t take the abuse!”

"I don't want my bootyhole involved at all!" Ella shouted as she threw Saskia then Lisa through the back door. She then jumped in after them and pulled it closed. "Go, go!"

"Ow," Saskia intoned when they were used as a cushion for Lisa.

“Who you tellin’, mami!?” Lupe shouted as she slammed on the gas pedal, and the car skidded off. The cops could be seen in the rearview mirror - until Lupe took a hard left, and then they were gone. She let out a sigh of relief, before looking over her shoulder, “... That was crazy, wasn’t it?” She smiled, then it turned to horror.


Lisa grabbed both sides of her head,


“We gotta go back!” Lupe shouted, swerving left and banging out a U-turn.

”IS THE RUM MORE IMPORTANT THAN OUR BOOTIES?!" Ella screamed, slamming into the car door.

"This is exciting," Saskia said, before making a gun with her hand. "We can just kill them if we need to."


“You give those cops a double mamada while I make off with the booze!” Lupe shouted, slapping her knee. “They won’t see it coming - and they’ll be coming alright!” Lupe blew Ella a kiss.

"NOOOOO, I'D RATHER KILL THEM!" Ella cried, covering her eyes. She then peaked through her fingers. "... Unless ones a woman."

"It's fine, Lisa and I will handle it," Saskia nodded. "But I might still kill them."

While killing people sounded fun, there was something on Lisa’s mind…

”... Why don't we just get another bottle?”

“Ay, mami, that’s right,” Lupe said as she banged out yet another u-turn, “But I think you three are ready for the big leagues!”

”... The big leagues?”

“The big leagues!” Lupe said, “... Gas!”

"Like, the gas we put in cars?!" Ella shouted.

”Yes she wants you to drink it, only you though,” Lisa deviously laughed, before she looked at Lupe confused, ”... But gas?!”

"Ooo, I'm down," Saskia said.

“You know, mami,” Lupe said before she gestured as if she was smoking a cigarette. “... Weed. The ganja. The devil’s lettuce!”

"OH! You're suggesting we get high! I've heard that's fine!" Ella grinned.

"From who?" Saskia tilted their head.

"There was this one anime that-"

"Forget I asked," Saskia rolled their eyes. "Let's do it."

“Alright, mami!” Lupe shouted as she sped off back towards her apartment…

… Then got pulled over.

The door to Lupe’s apartment flew open, and Lupe held the door open for the girls to come in.

“Sit down, sit down!” Lupe shouted as she walked towards her bedroom. “I’ll be riiiiiiiiight back!”

A few moments later, she walked in, rolling up a blunt with some rolling papers they picked up on the way here. She stuck the completed blunt in her mouth, pulled a lighter out of her pocket, and gently sucked in as she lit it. Then Lupe walked over to the three…

“Now, mami, don’t just suck it all like it’s a mamanda!” Lupe laughed. “Gently suck on it like it’s a straw for a few seconds, inhale it, and then pass it to the girl next to you - like this.”

She took a puff of it before handing it to Ella.

"Me first?" Ella's eyes widened, but she took it. "A magical girl never backs down!"

Then she put the blunt to her lips, doing just as Lupe suggested… face screwing up a little. When she pulled it out she coughed multiple times, eyes scrunching half closed, and she held it towards Saskia.

Saskia took it silently. She took a drag like an experienced smoker, with no coughing at the end, before holding it out to Lisa. Lisa grabbed it and, against Lupe’s instructions, and huffed it all and began loudly coughing as she put a fist to her mouth.

“Mami, you gotta take it slow!“ Lupe laughed as she took the blunt and took a puff of it. “Like this!”

She exhaled, and Lisa looked on in excitement. ”... Can I try again?!”

“Of course, mami,” Lupe laughed, handing it to Ella. “... When it’s your turn.”

”... Aw.”

"Yeah, my turn!" Ella grinned, taking another awkward smoke of it… and coughed again, but not as much as last time. "Oh, this is like a indirect kiss! If this was an anime we'd all be blushing, hehe."

"We've already direct kissed," Saskia rolled their eyes, taking the blunt, taking a long drag before holding it out to Lisa.

”We can do it again like you know…” Lisa laughed as she took the blunt and took a puff of it, trying to follow Lupe’s advice… but still breaking out into a coughing fit. ”Is this what getting high is like…? Yooooo…”

“You indirectly did something else, if you know what I mean, mami!” Lupe laughed, as she took a puff from the blunt and handed it back to Ella.

"No, I don't know?" Ella looked confused as she took another puff with minimal coughing. She was staring fixatedly at Lupe now, eyes narrowed.

"I'm not feeling it," Saskia commented, leaning in towards Ella for another much longer drag, handing it off to Lisa again. Lisa puffed, only to cough violently and hand it to Lupe.

“Ella, you do not want me to elaborate,” Lupe laughed as Lisa passed her the blunt. Her eyes were red as she continued the cycle. “It’ll change everything about our first party, mami. Eeeeeeeeeeverything! You might need therapy for it later!”

"But- but, now I’m just going to keep thinking about it!" Ella wailed. She momentarily stopped to smoke the blunt, finally not coughing at all. "I need to know. I might die if I don’t!"

"We already need therapy," Saskia intoned, frowning as they smoked, passing it on again. Lisa took a puff, violently coughing, before she passed it to Lupe. It was about half length at that point.

“So, um, I have a guy-friend - you know the deal, mami, I help him out, he helps me out…” Lupe laughed as she took a puff, but she held onto it. “Okay, okay, to make a long story short, before we met that night I…”

She dramatically paused.

The tension (and the sound of Lisa loudly coughing) filled the air.

“... Gave him a mamada.”


Ella screamed, jumping up and holding her hands to her cheeks. Tears started streaming down her cheeks immediately. She turned and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door shut and locking it. Loud sobbing could be heard from inside.

“You kissed a stranger, mami!” Lupe shouted, “You have no clue what I be doing with my mouth!”

"She’ll get over it soon," Saskia shrugged, turning to Lupe. "What does it taste like?"

Lisa laughed her literal ass off. She fell over, grabbing her stomach, and rolled around. Lupe looked at Lisa, before smiling at Saskia, putting a hand on her hip.

“... Why don't you go find out, mami? I can like hit him up, you know!” Lupe laughed. “It's every man’s dream!”

"How attractive is he?" Saskia asked, tilting their head. "And how nice? I’m not really into nice guys."

“Mami, he’s hot, tall, sexy, tattoos! I can’t get enough of him,” Lupe began laughing. “And he knows I’ll kick his ass if he’s mean to ya’ll, so nice enough!”

Lisa stopped laughing, as she hopped to her feet! There was no way Saskia was going to swipe her card before her!

”... Oh! Can I help?!” Lisa said, before she laughed some more.

“Oh, mami,” Lupe laughed. “You two need to practice first. Ya’ll ain’t gonna embarrass me! Do I need to go grab a banana?!”

”A banana is boring," Saskia rolled their eyes, slumping back. They held a hand out in front of them as if to hold something before squeezing their hand into a fist. "No reaction. No pain."

Lupe laughed her ass off, almost falling out of her chair.

“... Maaaaaaaaaami!“ Lupe shouted, wiping away a tear. “You ain’t even swipe your card! Stop talkin’ tough!”

”Being a virgin doesn’t stop me from knowing what I like," Saskia replied bluntly. ”Since when is hurting someone else tough?"

“Okay, okay, one!” Lupe laughed, raising a finger. “... You should not be hurting someone when you’re giving them a beej.” She did a lewd gesture.

“And two, you don’t know what you like because you haven’t even tried it!

"Well then," Saskia held up her hands. "I don’t think I want to give one at all. That sounds boring. What do I get out of it? Nothing. Unless… Can I tie whoever it is up?"

They then looked at Lisa, then back at Lupe. "I disagree that I don’t know. Just wait. I’ll prove it."

“You know fuckin’ what!?” Lupe shouted. “Imma phone papi up right now! Make you eat your words!”

”... That’s not the only thing we’re going to be eating!” Lisa laughed.

"Do it!" Saskia said, with uncharacteristic loudness. Even louder wailing could be heard from the bathroom. "I’ll show you that my love for pain is genuine."

“Oooooookay, mami!” Lupe laughed as she pulled out her phone and sent out a text… and Lisa shook with excitement as she patiently awaited the ding of a reply. After a few minutes, there was a ping, and Lupe deviously laughed. “Alright, he’ll be here in fifteen minutes! Though, I told him he’s getting two virgins, so he’ll probably get five tickets on the way here!”

She laughed.

Lisa was so excited! She was finally getting what she wanted, though she just kept laughing… until Lupe handed her the blunt.

“... We gotta finish the roach!”

After ten minutes, five minutes less than Lupe’s estimation, Lupe received a text and ran over to the door. She threw it open, and shouted, “Raul! Baby! How are you dooooooooooing?!” She said as she wrapped her arms around him.

Raul was a rough, burly, Hispanic man, that stood a few inches above Lupe. He wore jeans, a black t-shirt, and some sneakers. He didn’t smile, he just looked at the girls on the sofa.

“Oh, these are my homegirls! Lisa and Saskia! They talked aaaaaaaaaaaaaaalll this big tough talk!” Lupe deviously grinned.

”I didn’t!” Lisa laughed.

“So, go easy on them; they just wanna practice!” Lupe said.

He shrugged, before he walked over to the two…

"Alright, get it out," Saskia clapped their hands together, looking very intently at a certain area.

But before he could get any closer, or get anything out, the bathroom door creaked open. Ella stepped out, eyes slightly red but otherwise not looking like she’d been sobbing for over ten minutes.

"Ok I’m- WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?!" Ella went from talking to screaming the moment she saw Raul, eyes widening.

"Get away from them, you nasty male piece of shit!"

Ella screamed as she swung a foot at him - leg glowing rainbow even though she wasn’t in her magical outfit! Her foot slammed into the side of his head, and sent him careening into the hall.


Lupe screamed at the top of her lungs as she ran over to Raul and put her hands on him. He was wrapped in a wavy pink and purple aura as his wounds were healed.

”... ELLLLLLLLA! Lisa shouted, pointing at Ella, ready to scream the worst swear imaginable. YOU COCKBLOCKER!

This was inexcusable! He was a hunk! Lisa ran towards Ella with her hands out, as spiders came from underneath her dress. They covered her hands as she tried to shove them in Ella’s hair.

"BUT THERE WAS A STRANGE MAN COMING FOR YOU! WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?!" Ella screamed. She turned and ran away from Lisa - jumping up and completely over the couch, before continuing to run around the room away from her. "HE COULD BE DANGEROUS!"

Saskia, still sitting on the couch, just watched… before bursting out in a fit of laughter. They fell to their side giggling, holding their stomach and seemingly unable to stop.

”...THAT’S THE BEST PART! THAT’S THE BEST PAAAAAAART! Lisa screamed as Ella just didn't get it. The danger was the fun! The excitement! A strange man doing whatever they wanted to her! Though, this was a great time to practice Snare!

“... You could have fucking asked, mami!” Lupe screamed at Ella. “Used your big girl words! Look what you’ve done! I have to find someone else to dick me now!”

After Lupe got done screaming, Lisa used Snare to (weakly) bind Ella’s leg. Hopefully a distraction for her to put spiders in her hair!

"I PANICKED! HE'LL BE FINE!" Ella shouted, not looking all that apologetic at all. "I'll help heal him- AHHHHH, LISA, NOOO!"


Distracted by Lupe, Ella hadn't even noticed the snare until she tried to move again - weak enough it didn't stop her running, but it did trip her up, causing her to fall into a heap on the floor. And Lisa hopped on top of her (hmmmyes) and laughed like a super villain.

”... HAHAHA IT’S SPIDER TIME! Lisa shouted, before the spiders on her hands hopped off and began crawling into Ella’s hair. ”THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING A COCKBLOCKER, ELLA! THIS IS WHAT YOU GET!”

"NOT MY HAIR!!" Ella screamed, attempting to roll from side to side to get away from the spiders to no avail. In her panic she wrapped her arms around Lisa and flipped her so that Ella was on top (hmmmyes)... But the spiders were still in her hair. "GET THEM OFF!! GET THEM OFFFF!"

"Ooo, don't have fun without me!" Saskia giggled, rolling off the sofa and attempting to flop on top of them both.

They started wrestling, with Lisa putting as many spiders in Ella’s hair as possible. Lupe looked on in horror.

“... Can one of you help me heal my boo!?"

| The Cursed Accord |

“Bound by ink, sealed by fate.”

| The Hatanaka family created the Contract Scroll during great political turmoil to ensure trust and accountability between warring factions. This powerful scroll resulted from a collaboration between the Hatanakas and a team of Blue-Lux Adepts, who imbued it with potent magic to bind agreements and enforce honesty, inspired by the belief in the unbreakable power of a promise. |

| Curse-Granting Scroll |

| Lost to time like many of the other Hatanaka Artifacts. |

| Hatanaka Hiroshi: Hiroshi was a legendary diplomat renowned for bringing peace and stability to Japan. During intense rivalry and conflict among various clans, Hiroshi utilized the Contract Scroll to negotiate and solidify peace treaties.

Hatanaka Keiko: Hatanaka Keiko was a merchant who recognized the potential of the Contract Scroll in the world of commerce. She employed the scroll in her trade agreements with foreign merchants, ensuring fair dealings and mutual trust. |

| No. |
The Contract Scroll is an ancient, meticulously crafted scroll that allows two parties to inscribe and sign binding agreements. The scroll is adorned with the sigils of both the Hatanaka family and the Blue-Lux Adepts who helped create it. Upon signing both parties, the scroll's enchantment activates, ensuring that the terms written within are strictly upheld.

To activate the scroll's enchantment, the terms of the agreement must be written down in precise detail. Both parties must sign the scroll, acknowledging and agreeing to the terms. Once signed, the scroll's magic ensures that the terms must be followed to the letter, leaving no room for interpretation or deviation. Any attempt to breach the agreement will result in the violator suffering one of seven dire curses, each designed to ensure compliance and enforce the sanctity of the contract.

The curses are punitive and serve as a means of rectification. The only way to break the curses is to follow the terms of the agreement as originally written. This ensures that violators cannot escape their punishment through deception or manipulation. Instead, they must fulfill their obligations precisely as agreed upon, restoring the balance and integrity of the contract.

Each day, the curse will change, cycling at random. Below are the seven curses:................................................................................................


| The Colossus of the Battlefield |

"Strike with the force of the ancient wolf."

| The Hatanaka family crafted the Lupine Fang during a time of great strife as a weapon to defend their realm and assert their dominance. Forged from the sacred wood of ancient trees in the heart of Japan's mystic forests, this colossal sword embodies the natural world's raw power and enduring strength. |

| Enchanted Greatsword |

| Lost like the other Hatanaka Artifacts |

| Hatanaka Hiroshi: A legendary general who wielded the Lupine Fang during the Sengoku period. Known for his strategic brilliance and unyielding resolve, Hiroshi used the sword to lead his forces to victory against overwhelming odds.

Hatanaka Mei: A renowned warrior of the late Edo period, Mei used the Lupine Fang to defend her clan from a rival faction. Her unparalleled skill with the sword earned her a place in the annals of history as one of the greatest warriors of her time. |

| No. |
The Lupine Fang is a colossal greatsword, its blade extending nearly eight feet and forged from enchanted wood. The blade’s surface is etched with intricate runes that pulse with a profound, verdant energy. The Lupine Fang has the ability to channel immense physical force into each strike. The sword’s blows can shatter shields, break through armor, and send enemies flying with a single swing.

Each impact resonates with the forest's raw power, causing tremors and shockwaves that can destabilize the ground and knock opponents off balance. The Lupine Fang allows the wielder to strike the ground with such force that it creates localized seismic activity. This powerful slam can cause the earth to quake, creating fissures and shockwaves that disrupt enemy formations and incapacitate foes. The effect can be devastating, flattening terrain and destabilizing structures.

Lastly, the Lupine Fang grants the wielder enhanced durability and resistance to physical damage. The sword’s enchantment makes it exceptionally resilient, allowing it to withstand extreme impacts and maintain its integrity even under the harshest conditions. This robustness extends to the wielder, providing additional protection against harm and enhancing their ability to endure sustained combat.

"Step into Mirrorland...."
Nestled discreetly in the heart of St. Portwell's West District, the Mirrorland Lounge draws in a clientele as diverse as the city itself. Frequented by Isaac Allen Kane, the enigmatic information broker renowned for his impeccable taste and unwavering neutrality, Mirrorland is a sanctuary where the city's power players and secretive factions converge. Antique mirrors line the walls, reflecting the soft jazz music that mingles with hushed conversations and the clink of glasses filled with cocktails and rare spirits. Adding to its allure is a dedicated cigar lounge, where the aroma of fine tobacco wafts through the air, adding a layer of refinement. Mirrorland's allure lies in its discretion and privacy. It offers secluded booths and private alcoves for intimate discussions or quiet contemplation. Here, amidst the murmur of negotiations and the exchange of information, Isaac Kane often holds court in his favorite corner booth, a silent observer amidst the city's intricate web of alliances and rivalries.

"Discover a sanctuary of wilderness and wonder,"
On the outskirts of St. Portwell lies the breathtaking Cascade Pines National Park, a vast expanse of protected wilderness that offers an escape from urban life. This national park, named for its towering pine trees and waterfalls, spans thousands of acres and showcases the region's diverse natural beauty. Cascade Pines National Park has many landscapes featuring dense forests, meadows, rugged cliffs, and crystal-clear streams. The scent of pine and wildflowers fills the air, and the forest is alive with the sounds of rustling leaves, bird songs, and the gentle flow of water.

At the park's heart, the majestic Crystal Falls cascades down a series of rocky terraces into a pristine pool below. This stunning waterfall is a highlight for visitors, offering a picturesque spot for picnics, photography, and reflection. A network of well-maintained trails flow through the park, catering to all levels of hikes, from strolls to challenging multi-day treks. Along these trails, visitors can discover hidden gems such as ancient trees, secluded meadows, and scenic overlooks that provide stunning views of the surrounding landscape. The trails also connect to several campgrounds and picnic areas, making the park an ideal destination for camping, fishing, and birdwatching.

Cascade Pines National Park is home to a rich variety of wildlife, including deer, black bears, foxes, and numerous species of birds. Nature enthusiasts and wildlife photographers often visit the park to observe these animals in their natural habitats. The park also holds cultural and historical significance, with ancient Native American sites and landmarks scattered throughout. These sacred spaces and historical markers offer a glimpse into the region's rich heritage and are respected and preserved by the local community and park visitors.

"A silent echo of preserved magic and mystery in the heart of St. Portwell"
Although the "House on the Hill" has been closed to the public for some time now, its presence still looms large in the northern district of St. Portwell. Despite its closure, the building has been meticulously maintained, preserving its eerie allure and mysterious charm. Ivy continues to creep along its weathered walls, but caretakers ensure the structure remains intact.

Inside, the once-electric atmosphere has given way to a quiet reverence, as if the very walls themselves hold the secrets of the past. Velvet drapes still hang gracefully, while the antique chandeliers cast a soft, ethereal glow over the silent rooms. Dust may settle upon the surfaces, but diligent hands brush it away, preserving the intricate sigils and symbols that adorn the walls.

Behind the bar, bottles of "elixirs" and "potions" stand untouched, their labels still legible despite the years. However, a discerning eye would notice that these potions and artifacts are mere replicas crafted with care to maintain the illusion of witchcraft and mystique. Though the bartenders no longer serve their mystical concoctions, the bar remains a testament to the house's former glory, a silent witness to the revelry and magic that once filled its halls.

Though the House on the Hill may no longer resound with the laughter and whispers of its patrons, it remains a beacon of mystery in the streets of St. Portwell.

"If you step in, you might not leave a human being."
The Funhouse, the dark heart of the Dollhouse operation, is a grim and foreboding structure hidden within the labyrinthine alleys of St. Portwell. From the outside, it appears to be an abandoned warehouse, its windows boarded up and its exterior cloaked in grime and graffiti layers. However, those who know its true nature understand that this hides a place of horror and suffering. Inside, the warehouse seems empty and neglected, not indicating the atrocities that occur beneath. The true horror lies underground, where a vast network of tunnels serves as the Dollhouse's clandestine base of operations.

The walls of these tunnels are lined with enchanted runes that shimmer faintly, designed to block any unauthorized teleportation. Deep within this subterranean maze lies the "Carnival Room," a nightmarish room filled with an array of torture devices and experimental apparatuses. Cold, stainless steel tables are stained with the evidence of countless procedures, and shelves are lined with vials of strange potions and jars containing unidentifiable substances. The Dollhouse's captives are subjected to unspeakable horrors here, as Apparitions are forcibly placed into their bodies, turning them into Abscised.

But the "Carnival Room" is just one part of the twisted operation; next to it is the "Laboratory," where human experimentation is carried out with cold, scientific detachment. Here, subjects are exposed to a range of cruel trials designed to test the limits of human endurance and the effects of various magical substances. Vivisection, forced mutation, and brainwashing are commonplace, with victims kept in glass-walled cells to observe their transformations in real time.

Further down the tunnels, the "The Whisper Room" is a place of psychological torment. The walls of this room are inscribed with enchanted runes that cause visual and auditory hallucinations and amplify emotions such as fear and paranoia until the target is driven mad. The "Pile," a cavity in the earth, is where failed experiments and uncooperative captives are discarded.

Each tunnel is carefully monitored, ensuring no one can escape or enter the twisted labyrinth without the Dollhouse's knowledge. The only way in or out of the Funhouse via teleportation is through the "Portal Room," a heavily guarded chamber near the entrance of the tunnel network. This room is protected by enchantments, making it impossible to bypass. Only those with the Dollhouse's approval can navigate this treacherous path, ensuring that the organization's dark secrets remain hidden from the outside world.
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