Avatar of Shoe Thief


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Cleaning day! Made a ton of progress and even found my long lost DS and my missing laundry card that still has a lot of credits on it. Found it in my winter coat of all places go figure.
3 yrs ago
Finally got into D&D. Now I feel trapped and I am in love. Should I ask for help or ask where I can get more dice?
3 yrs ago
Breaks ups are weird. Not sure how to feel about the other person, or about yourself. It hurts for sure, but it's weird and uncomfortable just how different things seem now.
3 yrs ago
I get that dude. Could be one of those days, in the smae boat myself. Hope you're doing better soon though!
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3 yrs ago
It's an ass kick ass world out there. And all we can do about it is keep kicking ass .


Welcome to my profile! I decided I needed to update this, and I don't have much for updating... Only in a single role-play right now, so far it's going really well!

Most Recent Posts

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Battle Master, Level 03
HP: 31 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Streets of Avonshire
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A

Marita's assurance that the rat wouldn't attack had some sound logic to it. Her concern was more that the creature either didn't have the ability to reason like that, or that it had a totally wild train of logic to base it's actions off of. But if it was in league with Cavendish, then she supposed that Marita had a point. They had the ideal chance to do something not too long ago. Maybe it was missed while the party was inside, or maybe they had decided it wasn't worth the risks. It didn't matter too much either way. Kosara was able to get the note while not being attacked. Though Kosara's lack of concern for the situation only concerned Kathryn more. At the tiefling's comment about regrowing her tail, Kathryn held a puzzled look under her helm. Looking at Kosara's tail, it did infact seem... off. It was entirely non existent! Not that she was any expert in tiefling tails, but she would have to ask about that at some point. Was she attacked? Some form of cruel punishment? Torture? She wondered if the childlike shell Kosara put on was a reaction to some sort of trauma. But with that in mind, she couldn't be so sure on that either. She was no wizard who studied brains, nor doctor who studied tieflings. She was a simple woman who was very good at using her size, speed, and strength, to knock the cruel and evil down a few pegs when the occasion called for it. And a shoulder to rest on when those who did the same needed one. She did take a moment to acknowledge Blackberry's comment about Kosara. "Everyone has their own ways for dealing with the world. I guess this is Kosara's."

So that was some good news in this nightmare. Kosara wouldn't turn into a were-rat yet. Though thinking about it, she wasn't convinced rats under the control of were-rats could do that to anyone. Kathryn did take note of how quiet it was now. Not so quiet the world became deafening, but as if the whole town had just let out a huge sigh of relief, that they had been spared despite others not being so fortunate. And now waited for the inhale of the weight of the situation to kick in. Kathryn had no reason to trust the tone of whoever had spoken. For all she trusted it, there would be more attacks the moment they finished doing whatever they wanted to those already attacked. Be in before dawn, or the following nights. The whole thing reeked of deception. Though Kathryn was the last to wish for a fight, she wanted to sock whoever was speaking right in the face with her fist, and sit him down on his ass to give him a lesson in morality.

Kosara's explanation of the situation wasn't good, but she figured that is what Cavendish would want. A chance to deal with those who had beaten the shite out of him and his goons on broad daylight. Something that for legal stakes, Kathryn would request a pardon for later. Just to cover their own asses. "Even if Cecily isn't with him right now, she was taken by him. Even if we avoid a trap, we gotta locate her. And that may mean meeting him. Maybe we can do so on reserved terms. I worry about more crossbowmen like before though. Only now he'll have a proper chance to prepare for us." Sure, they had a moment to prepare, but they had no idea if he had more goons than what he had before, or if he would find some other sneaky trick. "A combined approach maybe?" Kathryn said in a hushed tone. "One or two of us meet him, the rest work on trying to find and free Cecily, or to remove as many of his goons from the picture as possible before they can react. A sort of... counter ambush. Though he may be expecting that... we could be making claims that the rest of the party left to get help from the fort. Or are inside the town municipal building." She wished she had more to offer in those regards. With a hostage, her skill set was just as much a liability as an asset. She wasn't a quiet fighter, and she was also only really effective up close. Sure, she was very effective, and if Cecily could be removed as a hostage, she is pretty sure she could take on Cavendish in a one on one without too much problem. She hoped. "It's apparent I am not good at a lot of these sorts of things, so if we go with an approach like that, I'll go meet him while the rest coordinate a way to save Cecily." Or if enough attention was pulled away, maybe she could do so herself? But in reality, if that plan were to work, she would need to keep all eyes on her.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Battle Master, Level 03
HP: 31 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Inside bed and breakfast
Action: Perception / Arcana
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn held for a tense moment waiting for the door to open. She was ready to invert the face of whatever poor bastard was going to try and harm those in the building, and then correct their face into its original position by force. But when the door opened, there was nothing. Nothing, but the Axe she gave Cecily to defend herself. Kathryn's heart dropped, and he posture weakened. "No..." She mumbled inside of her helmet. She let the hammer drop and she followed the others outside. She was slump, shocked, and barely coherent trying to process what was going on. That was, until the voice boomed over the town. By the time the second word had finished, Kathryn was back into a fighting stance, shield up, Hammer posed to strike. But there were no targets to hit, no hostiles' faces to invert, and no Cecily. Kathryn gritted her teeth to the mockery, and dared the poor bastard to say his words to her face. See how that went. For now, she slid the hammer back onto her belt, and walked with heavy determined steps to her hand axe still embedded into the door. "Glad we're on the same page Kosara. Let's find a presence to that voice and give it a piece of our mind." She said trying to hide her vengeful tone. She wished she did more to act when she had time. Now, she was determined to make up for it. After pausing for a moment, she wondered if she had heard the voice projecting before? After thinking it over, she drew blanks. She wasn't sure this could be called a setback, but it wasn't super helpful either.

"Aye, it's mine. Cecily should have had it on her when she was here. Warning or taunt though, it does not matter. What matters in the message they are sending." Kathryn yanked the axe from the door with enough force to take a few chips out with it. "I vote we answer in kind." She said in a little more of a confident and calm tone. She took a few more deep breaths, and reminded herself not to let hate and anger get in the way of reason and smart decisions. Though she would still invert an asshole's face if given the chance. As she attempted to put the axe back into it's loop, and realizing she gave that to Cecily too, she took note of Kosara interacting with... A rat? "What in the four hells?" Kathryn said cramming the belt under her belt. She was starting to feel like a walking armory, not something she was against, but it was getting to be a bit cluttered.

Kathryn paused for a moment, wondering about wererats. "Kosara, careful. What if you get turned into one?" Not that she had a ton of experience with Wererats. But she thought about it briefly, and had actually recalled a story or two once long ago. And though Were creatures had many forms, she never recalled them doing anything like... That rat. "Or makes you sick. Rats are... Rats." But shy of physically removing Kosara from the situation, she figured there wasn't anything she could do to stop her. And she also wondered what the note said. Unsure if it was a lapse in her better judgement from her curiosity, or if she worried that the note could be much needed, she would let Kosara take the note.

Margarete O'Bryon

Location: Streets of Arkham --> Home --> Benny's --> Car Ride
Hit Points: 13 Sanity Points: 46 Luck: 75
Mental State: Sane

The plan was simple, but it would get the job done. Gather up their gubs, take care of affairs, drive to the job. Simple enough. "I agree, a second car may prove to be a liability as much as a help. One should do the job just fine. I doubt we'll do a ton of driving once we arrive anyways." Her car would likely be used to help move about boxes if they needed to, or if they needed to check out locations outside of town. "If we want to meet up by my shop when we're ready to leave I think it'll make things quicker than trying to track everyone down. It's the beige two story building with the little tower that looks like a bell tower." In actuality, it was just a pretty chimney topper. But she liked calling it a tower. It felt more like an adventure to her that way. She gave a farewell to her party members, and began her stride to her home.

It wasn't a long walk, but knowing she may be gone for a few days was an uneasy feeling for her. Apart of the job, any of her jobs, but she still didn't like it. She would be tossed into environments that were chaotic, and she held little influence over. The same was true for when she was out in nature, but it felt... different in these cases. In nature, she felt like another piece to a grander picture. Anywhere else she felt out of place, and that everyone else there knew it too. Entering her home, she took note that Sprinkles had not greeted her at the door. "Oi, you wee bastard are ya not going to say Hi?" She called out. No reply from the cat. Walking up to the counter of her shop she reached around to grab a small jar of kibble treats and bacon bits. The moment the jar left the counter a little bell could be hear as sprinkles jumped up onto the counter. "Meow." He announced himself with the biggest smile on his face. "Fatass." She called her cat as she gave him a couple of the treats.

Margarete went about the building gathering up some spare clothes, some gear, and some stuff for Sprinkles. Instinctively, the first thing she began to pack was the 12 gauge shotgun. Placing it on the bed with some of the ammunition. Store with it, some of the .45 caliber she kept on hand for her pistol she almost never used. Today, it would sit in her hand bag. Just in case. Grabbing the shotgun with both hands, she put her finger on the release and began ejecting the shells onto the bed until the gun was empty, then disassembled it like someone who had been practicing with the weapon for a long time. When broken down it fit nicely into a small and thin leather bag. Though a bit wide, it shouldn't draw too much attention to itself unless she decided to unpack it. She grabbed 20 shells for the shotgun, deciding if she needed more she could come home or buy more. For her grandfather's handgun, she grabbed 30, plus the six still loaded in it. She would not lack protection on this trip, that's for sure. She'd grab some of her tools of the trade incase her brains decided to take a turn helping her out, her outdoor clothes, lantern, and a bottle of fine wine for when this was all over. A good little reward for the group when they had a job well done.

Walking out back, she began loading up her bags into the Nash Touring. Suitcase for clothes, the rectangular leather bag, and a small metal box that could be identified as an ammunition box for the munitions she brought. The lantern would be packed neatly in her suitcase, and the wine under her clothes. Deciding she should have an option that didn't involve going guns blazing, she would grab the baseball bat she kept behind the counter. There are countless situations where drawing a gun would only escalate a situation, but where violence may still be required. Thankfully, other than the bat, most of her things fit into the two bags, and the munitions box. She figured she still had a bit of time before everyone would arrive, so she returned to her home and approached the sleeping Sprinkles who was enjoy the best of catnaps when his mother decided it was time to no longer sleep. Picking him up with both hands the big kitty was clearly confused as he was hugged and squeezed while trying to enjoy his nap. "Who's a good boy. Who's going to behave for Benny while Mother's working? That's right, you are, you are!" She said in a cooing voice, before stopping and realizing she had done so. "Gawd dammit sprinkles yer making me soft." She said in a more stern tone trying to redeem her embarrassing act her cat had witnessed. Sprinkles seemed more concerned with getting back into the bed, but realized his fate was sealed when the kitty harness that he may have been a bit too big for was attached to him. Despite his biting and tugging at the thing, it would not come off. And Margarete held him tight as she gathered his treats, a bag of litter, and some blankets and toys for the cat.

Rushing over to Benny's she made it short and sweet for the poor lad. He had put up with her nonsense for years at this point, and he did a damn good job doing so. But she did push it from time to time. "I know it's short notice, but I need you to watch after sprinkles for me. I'm leaving town for a job, shouldn't be more than a couple days. But things happen. If it takes longer I will do what I can to update you. I won't be able to share much yet, but I'll tell you what I can when I get back. Make sure to give him tons of love, affection, and attention. Also do not eat in front of him unless you plan on sharing. He gets really upset when people eat in front of him without having anything to eat himself. I got litter, and it should be enough to last until I am back. You'll have to figure out food, but he loves eggs, bacon, salmon, and chicken. You can do cat food but he'll get sick of it fast without something to break it up. I got his treats and toys so he should keep himself occupied as long as his other needs are met. Also, make sure to take the harness off once he is inside. He will begin to bite after a while if he is stuck too long in this thing." A bit of an info dump for poor Benny, but he would understand. "I'll pay you back and then some when I return. But this is important. Thanks!" She said as she passed off the very much resisting cat to the poor Benny, who had to watch there confused and awe struck as the most agitated cat in town was tossed into his arms. Margarete left the young man mouth wide open in confusion, still unable to get a word out by himself with Sprinkles as she closed the door and ran off back to the car.

Arriving back, she was surprised to see Ellie already at her car. Not thinking much of it, she unlocked it and stood by the trunk door as she unloaded her belongings into her car. She would do this with all, a compulsion to keep the situation with her vehicle under as much control as possible. Once or twice rearranging how everything was packed in together. Either for space efficiency, to make sure her most important things were easily accessible, or to just make sure all the right things were in just the right place. She took another note of Ellie getting into the passenger seat of her car. She was used to keeping that one free for her hand bag, but supposed in their tight conditions she would have to adapt and overcome. But once in the car, she had no room to complain. She had been handed money, and the greatest gift god had given the human race, Coffee. "Thank you very much." She spoke in a sweet, yet professional tone to the payment. She took a bit of note of the flirting, and thought no mind to it. It was far less crude than what she was used too before she got burned.

The road trip wasn't all too bad. Sure Margarete drove a little bit too fast for the roads, and very much enjoyed the feelings of the engine of her car going full burn across the road way. But it was just some harmless driving. "If that thing leaves so much as a speck of ash, or a single smug on my car, we're going to have problems Ms. Estelle." She spoke sternly. She loved this car, and it was her biggest financial sink outside of her current home since she left her old family cabin. She wouldn't have it ruined by a cigarette. She did ponder the thought of something to eat. Breakfast had its own hiccups, so she wouldn't mind. But she would hold off for a bit. "I'll be fine for now. But thanks anyways lass. Feel free to ask again when we get there." She continued driving a bit like a mad woman, but they would make very efficient time.
Kathryn Pyke
Human, Battle Master, Level 03
HP: 31 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Inside bed and breakfast
Action: Attack {Held}
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A

The more Lizbeth explained of the situation, the more Kathryn suspected foul play. And the more she heard, the more she worried about Cecily's fate. The note, the screams in the dark. It all upset Kathryn. She was armed now, so that was something. The amulate Marita gave her may even help motivate her, or feel safer. Kathryn wasn't sure. She wasn't the biggest follower of religion. Though she did her best to respect those who did, she held little understanding herself. Her reaction to Kathryn wasn't the best, but she supposed that should have been expected. She was scared and anything spoken could only add to her fear and misery. Kathryn was determined to help this poor lass out though. Kathryn turned to acknowledge Blackberry and despite the helmet, she worked up a smile. "She's tough as a one of those rocks used to forge iron from." She said in her best gruff voice. And to her credit, she had a pretty solid one.

The half giant was a little more than surprised to see Kosara's gift. Had she not been wearing a helmet the whole group would have seen her jaw drop to the bag of Caltrops. She had heard stories from her uncle and Ser Lucas about how dastardly they were to horses and footman alike. Though they rarely killed, the injuries they caused were the stuff of nightmares. "Kosara... I..." She paused, retracting her thoughts. Remembering how desperate the situation at hand was. "N-Nevermind..." She said, not quite in a defeated tone, but pretty damn close. Victoria turned to help reassure Lizbeth. Soon the small girl would be hiding upstairs, safe for the night. And the party would end things by dawn. Kathryn got ready to face on the night, but it appeared the night would face them.

The thud hit the wall with enough for to make Kathryn question all sorts of things. She figured, something big, and something mean. Without speaking a word she finished strapping down her armor, locked her shield in place on her arm, and drew the hammer in her free hand. Stepping towards the door with a calm collective as Kosara prepared to open it, letting the terror of the night through to face on their own terms. Kathryn braced her steel clad boots on the ground, and held the hammer back preparing to swing it with enough force to invert any asshole who was stupid enough to try her tonight. "When the door opens, get clear fast." Kathryn said in a hushed tone as others prepared weapons and spells. She on the other hand, wanted a clean shot to get first blood on whatever came through that door. Kathryn's breath slowed as Victoria's music was sung in the background. She took note of Marita preparing on her flank, and hoped the woman would take a more reserved role. She saw what the Cleric's magic could do, and wanted her free to use it should the chance arrive.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Battle Master, Level 03
HP: 31 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Inside bed and breakfast
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


It seemed the plan had changed. Though Kathryn wasn't against said plan, she worried they were under prepared for it. They knew little and less of the scope of what was going on, and things were kicking off to a degree that by morning, the streets could be littered with corpses. Kosara also had a point on how they couldn't sit back and do nothing. If they waited the night, so many things could happen that by the time things were resolved, there wouldn't be much left to save. She worried for sure, but in the end they didn't have a ton of options. Cicely was missing. Lizbeth was alone and scared. And already attacks had began. Kathryn let go of her embrace of the small girl and looked down at her. Worry in her eyes. She hated the idea of leaving her alone, and if anything happened to her while they were gone she would never forgive herself. But if they sat and hid while the turn burn, she also couldn't forgive herself for that either. But Victoria was right. Baronford was right. And both him and Marita prepared the girl as best as they could. But they had a job to do, and they wouldn't be able to hold her hand for now. "You should take the Blade Lizbeth. You know, when I had turned seven, I got my first sword." She said in an optimistic tone. "My uncle gave it to me, said "A lass like her needs ta know how to fend for herself." And despite my parents protest, I got a cool looking sword. No one expects you to use it, but I know having it made me feel a lot safer when things got scary." Kathryn said in a soft tone with a smile on her face.

Kathryn gave the girl another good squeeze before letting go. "For now, we'll need you to take care of yourself okay? Find a good spot ta hide, and wait for our return. We'll be back as quick as we can, but we gotta go help the town now." When she spoke softly bits of her old accent poked through, something that was harder to hide as she spoke. But listening to Marita, she was right. it was time for war. Kathryn stood up, gave Lizbeth a rub on the top of her head, and smiled on her one last time before affixing her helmet to her head again. "We'll be back soon." She strapped on her battered, but still effective shield. Made sure all her belts and straps were all tightened, and checked her weapons on hand. All where they needed to be.

She wanted to do more for Lizbeth. Barricade the door maybe, or hide her in a secrete compartment. Stash her away under the floorboards. Take her with them and hold out the night, preventing anything that would want to hurt her from getting anywhere near her. She wanted so much to not let this poor girl's world get turned upside down like her own world was all of those years ago. But Lizbeth had to be brave, and the party needed to take action. Aggressive, and precise action. The Municipal building would be a start. Clear out any rodents along the way, and grab Cavendish. Get some answers, and finally some solutions. Something, anything really. She thought of all the old stories she used to have read to her growing up, where the plot device was found and everyone was saved once it was used or destroyed. She doubted this was the same kind of situation. But she hoped. She hoped that they would be the ones to come in and save the day.

Margarete O'Bryon

Location: TIME Agency --> streets of Arkham
Hit Points: 13 Sanity Points: 46 Luck: 75
Mental State: Sane

Margarete listened closely as Happy spoke. She had some focusing issues, but she figured she got the most important bits. Margarete did her best to follow along when the other members of her team spoke, and though she supposed what they said made sense, she struggled to make much sense of it herself. Professor Dupree had mentioned the school's involvement in such matters, but it all seemed way too complicated for something that didn't need to be. Granted, most of her "Expeditions" were personal and rarely needed more than a boat ticket, some cash, and a location to hash things out. And when Berry, her main contact was in a good mood, those places she didn't need to show up with a gun in her purse. What did catch her attention was Harry's comment against Eleonora flirting with the secretary. That caused Margarete's thought process to pause a moment, and process things. She wondered if the woman was in fact, a Lesbian, or it was a crude jest from Harry. She supposed she would figure out one way or another. As long as it didn't interfere with their work, Margarete didn't mind too much. She didn't know too many, or any on a first name basis, but she gotten enough comments from the opposing sex years ago before she got scarred to hell. They still made comments, but not the same kind. Though she supposed one didn't need to be attracted to a woman to make cruel comments.

Margarete didn't like the response for how they would be received. Margarete was normally at a disadvantage in these sorts of situations. Between her crude social skills, her blunt nature, and just... the other obvious factors. There were always complications without a mutual third party involved. One reason of many why she enjoyed working with Benny yet again. "Big City Cheese?" Sure, Margarete enjoyed the outdoors, had even done some amateur hunting from time to time. But she was about as big city cheese as they came. She was well educated despite her learning difficulties, always well dressed, even when spending time outdoors, held a commanding presence, and she was ill-tempered. She didn't handle being corrected well either, especially in an area of her expertise. "I hope you realize what yer asking there Harry. But I shall do my best. As for the notes and such I wouldn't put it past him to have some personal work space. Either at home or in a place of occupation." She paused, not convinced she used the right wording. Before she let herself get flustered, she took a deep breath and sighed. Not letting it get to her. "When we talk to our lawyer friend, it may be a good idea to try and get keys to such places. See what he was working on before he was lost." She took a pause again, but decided she contributed enough and just took a moment to catch her breath and focus. She let herself get too stressed over her own words, but she had practiced and that would be a quick fix with some controlled breathing.

When she paused, she noticed it again. That Fucking Lamp. It was so close to being perfect in the corner of the desk. And yet, it was off just enough to get to Margarete. It wouldn't need to be moved much, just a little. Just a little bit to help put everything else where it needed to be. She took note of the map to distract herself, but Eleonora had snagged it up pretty fast. It was time to leave, and if she left that lamp the way it was when she left it would be on her mind all day. As they were ushured out of the office, Margarete couldn't wait anymore. She reached out with a couple fingers, and pushed the lamp about a half inch one direction, then less than a quarter of that in another to correct any errors along the way. She did a couple more corrections in rapid successions hoping to fix it fast, each one being less than the last. But within two seconds of the first correction, it was better. As long as it never moved again, everything would be okay. "Have a lovely day Harry." She spoke in her most professional tone as she stood up, smoothed out her blouse, and walked away with all the pride in the world. Her work for now was done.

It was only at that moment she saw Alessa walk in. Another member of their team who would assist however her expertise allowed. "Welcome." Margarete gave the woman as things wrapped up. "It is time to get moving though. SO let's get going." There were some talks of plans, and who shall drive. What they needed. All the good stuff. It seemed much of their group lacked in the form of automobiles. Thankfully, Margarete owned a rather nice car, with a fair amount of seating. She debated a moment not offering it. Like her own home office, it was a space she controlled in its entirety. Once she allowed passengers, she was sure she'd spend countless hours trying to fix it up. But... They had a job to do. Sacrifices needed to be made. She had decided, no one else shall drive her car but herself. That was where she would draw the line.

"I have a car we can take, but we'll need to walk to it. I wouldn't mind picking up a few things, as it seems this may take a while, and I don't think this is a trip we can make every single day for the next few days. I'd like to pack some changes of clothes." She spoke nicely. But another thing that crossed her mind, was the shotgun she kept under the bed. Though this should be like any task she's worked on, something about it seemed off. It could be because it was Time asking her to do it. But remembering how things turned out in France, she wanted to have as many cards in her hand as possible should things turn south. "Cover some gas and coffee and I'll take you there." Margarete said in a surprisingly soothing tone to Eleonora as she began to take her huge strides back to her shop. "After we grab a few things, we can get coffee and get moving. We can either go strait to my place and stop around, or all meet up at my place once we get all of our necessities." Like a 12 gauge shotgun. She supposed they could also meet up at the diner. With a car, Margarete would likely be first to arrive should they choose to split up. She'd have to make sure Berry took care of Sprinkles. The poor kitty would starve without her present for more than a day.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Battle Master, Level 03
HP: 31 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Inside bed and breakfast
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn looked at the note, even more confused when seeing it. No wonder the poor girl was terrified. She knew so little, and so much was happening so fast. Kathryn wanted desperately to help her out though. "Do you know where she may have gone? We may be able to find her before she returns?" Kathryn said optimistically. Hoping that would help reassure the poor girl everything would be alright. "I don't know," responded Lizbeth, her voice whispering a childlike lamentation. "Aunt Ceecee and I were the first to come down for supper. I left to go wash up like she told me to. When I got back, she was gone." The girl sniffled a bit as tears welled up in her eyes, "The front door was open and this was at her place setting." Lizbeth pointed to the dining table and the door in turn, confusion and sorrow playing heavily on her face. The response wasn't the game changer she hoped it was. Kathryn worried Cecily could have been taken by force, had legitimate concerns and left in a hurry, or could have been one of those turned already.

Kathryn wished she knew how to make Lizbeth feel safe. She was isolated and alone. Scared and unsure of everything going on around her. She wanted so badly to embrace the poor girl in a hug. Let her know she was safe. But there was that little voice in the back of her head telling her she wasn't safe. Physical contact with anyone could always turn into letting her guard down, her not being ready if someone tries to hurt her, make her vulnerable to ill intentions. The screams off in the distance only made that voice in the back of her head worse. She imagined what Lizbeth was going through right now was very comparable to how she felt when her home was destroyed. The sounds of those unfortunate enough to have been found being cut down, every person who was supposed to be there for you now being dead or gone, and your best hope being some strangers who you barely know. Kathryn gave at that point, remembering how scared she was more than a dozen years ago. How scared and alone she felt, she figured Lizbeth was in much the same boat. Silencing the voice in the back of her mind Kathryn took the shield off her arm and began to hold her arms out. Hesitating at first, she reached out again and embraced Lizbeth in a firm and safe hug, though still soft enough to not hurt her or crush her under all the steel. "It's going to be okay darling. Everything is going to be okay." Despite everything working against her, the hug was gentle and protective.

Without breaking the protective hug, Kathryn turned ever so slightly to the rest of the party and mouthed "What do we do?" She wanted to go out and find Cecily, but they were out of time. They could hold up there, but that may leave Lea unprotected, and they knew nothing about this place. It seemed no more secure than anywhere else they had been so far. Maybe less so. And for sure, the rats would have watched them enter. The loft or the public house they may be able to make distance first. But they were stuck between a rock and a hard place, and Kathryn found herself split on how to handle the situation at hand.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Battle Master, Level 03
HP: 31 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Outside Bed and Breakfast --> Inside bed and breakfast
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


The lights helped. But Kathryn was on edge. She could hear the rustling around her as she booked it. She could feel every dent and chip in her armor as she ran. She had scrubbed off the rust and patched it up so many times she had them committed to memory. She was scared, though she still had her wits. As it got darker though, she was worried they were out of time. She took note of Victoria and Marita following close behind. She'd take care to protect Victoria and the rest of the party this time. She had skills that fit a mercenary party well, but an adventuring party her main role was to protect the others for them to handle their tasks. And she was determined to physically crush any poor bastard that wanted to challenge her on this. Cavendish especially. Time after time he gave the weasel a chance to back off. A chance to end things before they escalated. He had mocked her about her heritage, her want to end things peacefully, so he'd get his wish next time they crossed blades. And she would flatten him until his broken body could be dragged to a cell, or he died whatever glorious death he deemed most worthy a man his station. And Kathryn would oblige.

What Marita brought up about the Hayloft was concerning. It was too late to sneak back there quietly. Far too late. "We should consider ways to get back without followers then. We also need to check in on Lea." Kathryn said when she had finally stopped at the door. Now she could talk quietly without having to speak over her own steps. "Should we hold out with her then? The building may be stronger, and it has the space." She wanted to say places with kitchens had better standards for keeping rodents out, but her travels with Ser Lucas brought to her attention that many kitchen outside of castles had standards that varied so widely, that there was little rule of thumb there. She'd just have to hope this kitchen was well kept. "We'll always have our camp later to fall back on." The public house didn't have the advantage of being unknown. But it was a bigger building that seemed pretty well defensible. Their options were rapidly running out. And that concerned Kathryn. They took too long, and things were getting worse. It was getting darker.

Then what concerned Kathryn, was just how quiet it had gotten. Were they gone? The rats? No, they had to be there. They had just backed off again. The bed and breakfast was quiet. It was dark, and looked nearly abandoned. What in the many gods was going on here? Did everyone up and leave? Kathryn set her torch on the ground on the stone so that it wouldn't catch anything, and approached. Her hammer lighting up the ways a bit, and her shield still strapped to her arm. She knocked on the door with force, though a small fraction of the force she used on Mallard's door. She didn't want to spook anyone inside and risk getting locked out. She took a look around while she waited for a response. It was getting darker. Then the screaming began. A scream that sounded like it belonged to someone who was about to experience death. They were out of time. The victim was close. Kathryn reflexively prepared a defensive position when the door opened, and relaxed to see Lizbeth. Where was Cecily?! The owner?! Anyone other adult who was supposed to be here?! "Lizbeth? Are you here alone?" Kathryn went to her knees and took off her helmet to listen to this poor girl. Cecily was gone. And left a note that was now the only clue they had to helping this poor girl.

More screaming. Followed by another. They were out of time. They had to get moving. But Kathryn couldn't push herself to rush this girl. She was scared, and alone. "Lizbeth, things are going to be okay. We came to help, and that's what we intend to do. But we need your help okay sweetie?" Kathryn got back onto her feet, her helmet wedged between her shield arm and her torso. Kathryn attempted to step in slowly, trying to not frighten the poor girl anymore. Stepping inside, she saw the note, and the source of the only light in the building. The place seemed truly empty and abandoned shy of this small child. Her wide eyes watched as Kathryn stepped in. Kathryn still taking the extra moment to not bump her head into the doorway as she stepped. Thankfully, that wasn't an issue.

Kathryn knelt down, trying to suppress her own fears and concerns for the situation. Kathryn would keep her safe, that she was determined. Even more so than neutralizing Cavendish. "We're going to keep you save Lizbeth. And we're going to help however we can. May we please see the note? It'll be a great help." Kathryn held out her gloved hand, a warm smile on her face, despite the fear and dread in her system telling her to wrap her arms around this girl as run as fast as her legs could take her. She figured she may end up having to do that anyways. They were out of time.

Margarete O'Bryon

Location: TIME Agency
Hit Points: 13 Sanity Points: 46 Luck: 75
Mental State: Sane

Margarete turned to face Henrietta as she entered the office. "Thanks darling, always keeping an eye out for me. It's appreciated." She spoke in a surprisingly soft tone for a woman her size. Some of it was Henrietta was a great secretary, some of it was as well she didn't feel like she needed to make her presence known around her. That always relaxed the big woman.

Margarete listened intently as the others spoke. She followed along as best as she could, but retaining information has never been a strong skill of hers. She was a commanding presence, a loud voice, muscle when it called for it, and an expert in her field. She also graduated second last in her class. But she did graduate. But the job itself seemed pretty strait forward. Follow what leads were left of their Mr. Cornthwaite, figure out if he was missing or just off doing his own thing, and she wondered if worst case, if it had anything to do with why the lot of them were recruited. "Seems like the kind of Gent who'd up and go off on his own just because he could. But a job's a job." She said, her tone returning to it's usual stern and professional foundation. Though not loud. She did take a moment to read over the papers presented. She again had trouble. Though she wasn't reading allowed this time, her lips were moving along as she skimmed the important bits. And she read at a slow pace compared to most adults. Though she still did her best to hide this fact, there were giveaways that she couldn't avoid without really trying. When she finished up with the papers she passed them along to whoever needed to see them. When she did so, her eyes locked with a small lamp on the corner of the desk. Noting nothing spectacular about it, but it seemed off to her. Was this her own home she would fix it no problem. But not only was it not her own home, she was in a meeting. The way it sat in the corner though, closer to one side than the other. It bugged her to an extreme degree. She'd leave it for now, but she felt almost compelled to fix it.

As Father C came in, Margarete listened as he brought up the library, pulling up local records and seeing what they could find that maybe could draw their attention. "The Library's a good idea. I'd also like to take a look at any notes he had left from his last expedition. If this is him just going off on an adventure there may be clues there as to where he may have gone. I wouldn't mind talking tot he sheriff either. Even if he cut the investigation short, we may still be able to get some sort of lead from him." Or worst case, know if he was someone to work with or avoid. There were a few folks on either end of the bar when it came to law enforcement. It was good to know where you stood with the law.

Professor Dupree seemed confident that it couldn't be an expedition, as rumors would have spread. Especially in his place of work. "That is fair enough, I don't want to rule it out yet though." His sudden exclamation made Margarete jump in her seat a bit, surprised at the sudden noise. But as he spoke, his logic was sound. How could one, even as rich as him set up such a large expedition? "What if he went just by himself? Like some sort of hunting or hiking trip. A way to avoid prying eyes maybe? Or some poorly planned trip? Hell, maybe something so rushed he didn't have time to plan anything of note." Though if he was so preoccupied before he went missing, there must have been some planning? "I suppose that's what we're here to figure out huh? Most my ideas be just theories though. I'm sure we'll figure out more once we arrive in Gamwell. Harry, is it safe to assume our arrival is welcome and not..." She paused a moment, maybe a moment too long thinking of the word to use. She didn't want to say unwelcome, she worried it would make her sound like a child. "Or will others outside of the attorney see us as uninvited visitors?" She felt like a fool, but her face was expressionless as she patched up her broken sentence.

Eleonore had a fair point. Why TIME specifically? She figured there was a couple reasons. But Margarete didn't answer them out loud. She had made enough of a fool of herself, and she didn't want to be wrong in front of everyone. "I got a car, but anyone who rides in it follows by my rules for it." She didn't get a chance to use it often, she walked most places in town, and rarely left town except for big events. Her car though was one of her most prized possessions, and she had full intentions of taking car of it. She was glad to be in a team of people who seemed rather decent at piecing together clues. Or at least good enough to fool her. All the points Eleonore made had sound logic and reasoning to them. "I agree, we can talk and drive. We'll have the time." She looked back at that lamp though. Something had to be done about it. But not yet, not yet.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Battle Master, Level 03
HP: 31 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Outside Mallard's --> bed and breakfast
Action: Dash
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Rats. So many fucking rats. Had she blinked she may have missed it. But she saw their eyes, how they ran. She saw how they stalked the party, and assumed that they would have to fight through them to get out of this. She shivered thinking about how many there were. She saw dozens before they ran off once visible to the torch light. Were they surrounded that densely? Were there hundreds? Fucking hell... They were running out of time. And running out fast. "We need to keep moving." Mallard thankfully opened the door quickly. Weapons in hand, Kathryn distributed them on her person like she would normally. Seeing how the axe had fared, she was impressed with how it had been handled. "Mallard, you surely know how to treat a woman. Tell yer wife she's a rather lucky gal." Kathryn said with a smile. She'd get herself a new shaft for the axe when this was all over.

They were kicked out fast once they all got their gear. Kathryn understood. They were on a short time table and likely would not get back before the sun set. It would be close. It would be so fucking close. But they were almost done. They were so close. "Thank you Mallard. Take care of yourself tonight. And we'll be seeing more of you soon don't ya worry." Kathryn said with a smile as she fashioned her helmet on. Kathryn tried to listen in on what Kosara was saying about the lights. But a lot of it didn't register as Kathryn got her kit as sorted out as she could. She did get some of what Kosara said about torches. Lighting up another for herself, she lit one for Kosara as well. "Here ya go, now let's get things wrapped up." She offered the torch to Kosara, though if she didn't take it she would put it out and save it for later. She wasn't struggling for them, but she didn't want to waste them either.

Kathryn began to book it. Her long legs taking heavy strides as her armor clanked and banged. She needed to get there in time. She needed to keep as many people safe as she could. Kathryn was glad to hear the rats didn't seem like they wanted to attack, it made her feel like she could get away with this a lot easier. She booked it as fast as her legs could carry her to the bed and breakfast. She was determined to protect the L'Rose's before the sun set. She was determined to keep them safe.
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