Kathryn Pyke Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05HP: 43 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Another Growth spirt Location: Wall thing --> Old Distillery Action: N/A Bonus Action: N/A Reaction: N/A |
Kathryn understood that much of her skills for the party consisted of her ability to wield All the weapons, and her ability to fight well with them. Her ability to physically overpower her foes came in handy often, as for many enemies it removed that option for them entierly. Otherwise, she didn't have too many skills to offer to the party. Raw strength helped, but not as often as she would like. She had the introduction to a high quality formal education, but never finished. She wasn't as dumb as a rock, but she wasn't the wisest either. She wasn't fast or agile, but she wasn't slow either. She supposed she could reach the top shelves for her shorter party members? But with magic many had a work around for that too. So when the chance came to literally brute force the dirt until a doorway appeared, Kathryn was excited! Sure, she wasn't the best of laborers, but she was strong as an ox and wasn't afraid of a little dirt. Though thinking on it, she was probably stronger than an ox. As well, she had more than just a little dirt on her. "damn... there's dirt packed into the links." She muttered. Doing manual labor in full armor after getting into a one on one with Blackberry was exhausting, and her concern with taking off her armor were hindering her probably more than it was helping to keep it on.
Her thoughts on keeping the armor on when she saw the reinforced door bar from the outside were reassured though. But as the party was already likely to go in despite concerns, Kat simply attached her helm, gripped her shield, and kept a hand on her hammer taking point and preparing to face off against whatever poor sap had been locked in here. Or monster. She wondered what could be in here? Treasure? Undead? Mimics? Could mimics survive so long on their own bared down here? She wasn't too sure. An old prison maybe? Or simply an abandoned building that the locals wanted to deter kids from exploring? She was determined to find out! Thankfully, the exterior once bared door was for all intents and purposes, not a problem. The second door, was still very much intact. And could present a problem or two. Until she saw... it was open. Creepy. Taking the edge of her shield, she prepared to face whatever came out head on. And if need be send it deeper into the dirt. But nothing came. At least... not a monster, or a humanoid.
Kathryn wasn't sure what she saw. But... there was something for sure. She was still getting used to dark vision with assistance of her runic magic. And the gentle glow from her hammer made it even easier to see in the dark. Other than more exaggerated shadows, it was almost like looking at things in the daylight. But there was... a gust of wind? Or maybe... a ghost! Kat reflexively swung the hammer, missing entirely the non existent target and taking a small chip out of the wall. She didn't swing too hard in the confined space, not wanting to risk a cave in. But whatever it was, she had missed it and probably looked like a paranoid fool. She stood up strait, attempting to move on from the situation. Until... "Thunk" She paused a moment, confused. She hadn't changed her footing, and unless the tunnel was about to cave in, she didn't understand how she could have hit the ceiling? "Ow?" Kathryn spoke in a confused tone. She wasn't in any sort of pain, just shocked as she tried to process what was happening. Did the tunnel get narrower as she walked along?
The weird ceiling wasn't the only notable thing that had happened. Blackberry was... shinier?! Kosara had flowers in her hair?! Though... Kosara may have done that while they were working in the dirt. She would have to check to be sure. But Victoria had probably the most noticeable change to Kathryn. She was taller! Visibly taller! She couldn't be too sure without measuring, but the short woman had gotten average! "V, I think you're taller..." She paused, then looked up to the ceiling and let out a frustrated sigh after thinking for a moment. "Mother fucker... I'm taller too!" She exclaimed when she put the dots together. Maybe not as much as Victoria, or maybe because Victoria was so short in comparison to Kat that the same height change is more noticeable on the smaller woman was more noticeable. Did this mean she was over 7 foot now? That would be at least 4 inches in half as many weeks! She was joking when she said she was a half giant, but now she is concerned that she may not stop growing! Problem for later though. For now... weird underground room.
Kat moved on into the next room prepared for... whatever may be there. She first noticed the two corpses in the room, and wondered if they were intentionally trapped in the room. The room also appeared to be a storage cellar of some kind. Putting the hammer away, she walked up to the closest body to see what she could tell on the corpse. The answer? She wasn't so sure. They had definitely been here a really long time. Past that she had no clue. She had no idea how long though. Listening to Kosara's line of questions Kathryn soon spoke up as well. "No one I spoke too knew either. But, it looks like it used to be apart of the winery. Maybe someone knows of the old distillery, even if not the wall as we described it?" A chance to rephrase the question could help ten fold. But for now, they would have to figure out their own answers. Taking a chance to get buzzed, Kathryn grabbed some tools from a nearby shelf, opened up a barrel, and poured herself a cup of what definitely smelled like alcohol. "Can't say I know a ton about wild magic... but what if it's not a one time thing? And passing through will cause other effects?" Kat asked pouring herself a cup of the strange alcohol. "Or, what if we find a way to trigger it again?" Kat said right before taking a few very long sips of the wine. Rather good wine at that! Though... familiar. She sampled a few flavors to be sure, and no matter what, the booze was a win.
"I think this is still the L'Rose brand of wine. This one tastes a lot like the one I had the other day that paired so well with Morty." Pondering that, she would have to ask if there was much left of Morty. He was a great treat, and nothing tastes sweeter than loyalty. "Can't say I know much on the corpses. Though I am concerned that they were locked in here. The fact that it is a storage room is even more concerning. This is not a small inventory of expensive alcohol. So maybe it was a rush job? But why seal these two inside? There has to be some history on this somewhere right?" Kat asked concern. But pondering what Victoria said about something causing a buildup of magic. "You don't think that the alcohol could be causing the magic build up do you? Because it's either that or the bodies. And dead bodies to my understanding, are rarely a source of magic." She supposed there could be some sort of magical artifact hidden away in here. But she wanted to know if she just drank 100ccs of raw magic.