Avatar of Shoryu
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  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
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@Shoryu...is the swearing really necessary? The closest Undyne comes to swearing in game is during that whole grass/grooty phone call.

grass/grooty? Aaaand, I dunno actually >3> Considering the content of most animes, and her history of all but 'injecting' anime directly into her blood-stream, It seemed viable. Granted, I could probably have replaced a couple of those... come to think of it, I don't even remember if there was swearing in Undertale...

Of course, I'm also someone who doesn't look at this 'set of words commonly labeled as swears/curses' as most people look at them... They're just words, They have normal meanings, and slang meanings, and Where I grew up such words generally had a slang meaning of 'completely standard expression of either insult, anger, shock, praise, or excitement, or any number of other things depending on the tone of voice.'

Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of turning her into a swear obsessed lunatic that'll say 'fuckin' 3-5 times in one sentence... I 'know' one of those and grates my nerves.

It just struck me that the 'last' thing on her mind while fighting something, or... at all really, save for moments where control is expected, would be 'is my language clean enough for a situation where I'm stabbing pointy objects into things?'. XD
seems fine to me XD none of our characters really 'know' eachother much, there wouldn't really be any team dynamics so early... A clusterfuck of people randomly assaulting the bugs and possibly, at best, just trying to stay out of eachother's way, or getting 'in' eachother's ways in some cases like all those explosions that nearly knocked someone else out of the sky, just kinda seems like what would happen naturally XD
Woop! I forgot to add mentions D: Hopefully a bunch of glowing spears won't be easily missed XD
Undyne - Skies over Mahora?


Wind roared around her as she fell, 'eye' closed for but a few moments as she reveled in the thrill of gravity threatening to drag her into being crushed against the ground... "PFF! Fuck you Gravity! I'm Undyne!" She threw her limbs out to catch the wind, figuratively speaking of course, and slowed her descent by, like, a tiny fraction, since it wouldn't do to slow down so much she seemed like a wussy! Why she was even falling out of the sky at this point, whether it was the transition to another world or throwing herself in a grand leap from atop some other tall building, was a moot point.

What 'mattered' was what she saw when her eye opened... Creatures, she was sure humans would call them monsters, she was still trying to accept that it was just a word they used for evil things and dangerous beasts and that it was only coincidence that it sounded like her species... "Jeez Alphys, all that analysis turned my inner monologue into a walking tangent, UGH!." Screw it! A bunch of 'monsters' swarming over a barrier like an ocean of, She grinned suddenly, Targets!

Now she felt a familiar power coursing through her, pouring out of her hands and gathering around her in the form of those familiar energy spears, then with a swing of her arm a dozen of them launched down at the swarm... "CRAP!" and she sent herself tumbling about in the air from the motion "Screw you Physics! I preferred when I didn't know you existed!" not that this would stop her, She began re-summoning and flinging the spears at random, without a care in the world for the possibility that someone might already be flying around down there that might get hit or not... Nope! What mattered was that it was fucking AWESOME to drop hundreds of spears on a bunch of freaky Insect monsters that were trying to eat people!

Eventually she got lucky with several of her throws her caused her tumbling to start to even out, where she was able to better see her distance from the creatures, which had sense been peppered by the pointy projectiles, even if many of them were too large for 'normal' spears to kill them that instantly, the velocity of her fall augmenting the spears would've thrown the things clean through the softer ones and left big gushing holes in them "Hah! Never fails!" Next she put her hands together and summoned a much more concentrated spear, energy seemed to leak off of the pointed blade and pour around her like thin clouds as it enlarged and she angled herself into a dive towards the biggest critter she could see.

As if on que, an especially large beetle kind of thing became visible through the swarm and with a twist she aimed aimed herself for it... which really kindof meant it was directly under her to begin with. "PERFECT! HRRRAAAAAAGGGHH!" She let out a piercing battle roar as if that was going to make several hundred pounds of mostly armor and muscle falling this velocity hit the thing any harder than she already would.

The spear connected with it's head it's head with flawless precision!... Which meant 'at all' and with enough force to bury her entire self in the things shattered open head as it's momentum was suddenly and violently changed into a free-fall for the ground with a big glowing point coming out of the bottom of it, and a similar sharp rising out of the top. This ended suddenly with a Massive crash, dust, and preferably an explosion or two!... those might have just been in her head though. Regardless, the thing was still motionless save for an occasional twist of wings, and pinned to the ground by it's head.

"HAAAAAAAAH!" Came a Triumphant or possibly desperate shout from within the gorey mess which began shifting for a few moments... Then several glowing spears crashed out from within the chitinous mess of it's head and shattered a way for the mess to pour out, along with a series of clanks from something metal, which quickly stood itself up. It's helmeted head seemed to split a bit and vomit out a bunch of gooey muck before clanking shut again "UGH! Damnit, that things tastes Disgusting! At least I can clear my helmet... other than that, That was AWESOME! HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHH!" It looked rather an imposing thing probably, nearly 8 feet tall, metal armored from head to foot, holding a glowing blue spear, and with a helmet that itself looked like it would reach out and bite someone, while having only a single eye-hole that possessed a small glowing dot in it.

Finally she was on the ground! So, what's next? Oh right, figuring out what all these other not bug monster noises were.


For the first time in a long time she froze in... something. Humans, lots of them... But not just 'any' humans. Humans with weapons... big ones, making lots of noise, peppering the bugs in gunfire and slicing them up with deadly blades, and that was hardly all they were doing, some were beating them down with their bare fists too! There weren't 'just' humans either, there was some strange being covered head to toe in outlandish armor she hadn't seen before, someone with freaking 'monster hair', and a flying horse thing that was 'on fire' and currently on course to zip right over her with a plethora of bug monsters chasing it... oh hey, that's right, things to fight!

"Stupid! Gush later, Fight now!" with one excessively over done stomp that buried her left leg up to the ankle in the ground before her, accompanied by sloshing of nasty fluids that had gotten into the armor, she 'set her foundation' then spread her arms out and began summoning her spears again... This bunch were moving fast so she wouldn't have a longer period of time to pepper them, it would have to be one-"NOW!" She suddenly threw both arms forward, clapping them together as several dozen spears launched up in a converging pattern into the cluster that was passing by... Splitting one right down the middle from sheer focused hits, before the spears all scattered and embedded into various random targets. "BULLSEYE!"
@Shoryu And thus Undyne finds out that anime is real. Accepted. XD

I'll GM post either tonight or early tomorrow.


And now.... Her entrance!!

There's a chance I might think of some things to tweak or add in, like the claws and teeth I forgot about last night XD But it shouldn't be anything 'huge' I think.

Do you think her 'energy spears' should be explodeable? or would over-charging them just make them bigger?
Yes, hello, i still exist
Could I get some help catching up?

Edit: So what do you think Undyne's reaction would be to a weird naive giant anime robot with a garbage dump on his back?

That depends xD What she normally hears about are humans piloting big robots to crush evil. I may have to, figuratively, roll the dice on how she'll react.

She might also just try to find out if she can actually manage to throw him xD how much you think he weighs?
Edits 'might' happen before the night's over, I got a bit distracted, but it is mostly complete.

NOTE! My profile is likely to contain spoilers about the game 'Undertale', which apparently many people will encourage you 'not' to encounter if you can help it... Just warning everyone, though I will 'try' to keep em down a bit. :D
@Grey Star
Hmmm... ya know, since I haven't 'done' much with boss, and unfortunately have lost my urges to play as him... I might have new character in mind, an especially fresh one that... actually... may or may not work out >n> But if the GMs be alright with it, I'll make a CS for em and find out!
Twilight Sparkle - Ranma's Bento Tree


Hmmmm... everyone seemed to be introducing their skills as well. It made Twilight wonder if she should do the same......... It, really wasn't something she liked to do, It tended to make her feel like she was rudely bragging or something...... Perhaps she spent too long thinking about it, long enough to be suddenly interrupted by the offer of a cookie that completely derailed her thought train as she stopped to stare at it... "Ooh! I'd love one!" She quite happily floated one of the offered cookies her way in that sparkly lavender aura to pull it over to start adorkably nibbling on it... she got about half way through the cookie then paused, swallowed, and smiled broadly "Hrm, sorry. It's a pleasure to meet you all, Er, Jax, Chun-li, Kino, Hermes, Tachibana, and Ranma? those are fascinating names, and this is a tasty cookie... It reminds me of home, there's always somepony cooking something sweet, heehee."

She'd been imagining such blissful delights from home that were inspired by the cookie, that she wasn't even paying enough attention to her surroundings to see someone in broad day-light gliding over them in an out-fit that vastly contrasted the colors of the sky... Of course, she 'did' hear the sudden rustling of someone dropping into the tree, possibly loosing a few of the 'fruits' of said tree, The looked up before jumping back with a quiet girlish yelp... she spent a bare moment listening to this new comer before thinking to herself 'this one's more paranoid than 'me'... At least I didn't throw accusations as a form of greeting.'

She was tempted to have something to say about his behavior, but any of those thoughts were interrupted by the sudden appearance of the... Giant. insect. monsters?

Even with half a cookie still in her muzzle she stared wide-eyed at the distant swarm that seemed to be quickly spreading out across the city, ears folded back, with her wings and tail twitching anxiously. "I suppose... I expected something like this to be possible, but It seems ridiculous to actually see it... A little overwhelming... Last time I fought an army of bugs they were a little smaller than me." Suddenly a memory of Pinkie pie somehow picking her up and using her like a magic powered minigun sent both a shiver and giggle through her, funny as it was, it was unnerving to remember that she 'still' had no idea how that had been possible!

Perhaps more importantly though, she suddenly stared in horror as the creatures were countered by some... strange devices firing many beams of some kind at them, leaving countless holes in the creatures... killing them in droves it seemed... Killing... It was something she'd literally never done, every problem she'd been faced with in the past had a solution other than killing, it was such a drastically far removed concept for her that she froze there, trying to rationalize what was before...

She knew that this and many other obstacles were standing between her and getting home... between her and 'survival' even... These people had experienced things like 'this' so much that they actually had dedicated defenses for these monsters, weapons and shields to strike back at them... This was a COMMON thing here! Perhaps it was here that it really clicked for her 'I might die here if I don't fight... but... I can't...' She just wasn't someone who could dive straight into killing things, fighting, yes, but not killing... maybe if she were in a moment of desperation, but she didn't want to even think about it.

So instead she waited, watching what the others would be doing first... then another thing clicked that she heard "... purge?" 'something' changed, there was a twitch... then another... This 'viewer' is responsible for this too... like everything else here, he is behind it, he's making this happen... He's sending in legions of monsters to 'kill' people who are already his victims. This was truly an enemy of kind she had not faced before. Magic eating tyrants, Jealous Royalty, Mad kings obsessed with slavery, emotivorous shape shifters, she'd even had a go with someone else who twisted reality with a snap of his claws...

None of them quite compared to someone who had 'this' kind of power, tampered with the lives of others for personal amusement, and then sets monsters upon his trapped victims like some sick foal with a magnifying glass... It was taking every ounce of control not to properly 'snap' as she started to fathom just how twisted this situation really was, one might even be able to see a bit of steam seep out of her fur, and the suddenly present snarl that accompanied this as she began to mumble quietly to herself "I can't possibly accept just finding somewhere safe to wait this out... I 'have' to help those people... but I might have to... to... Gah!" the very concept was disturbing her considerably, she just couldn't settle it in her head that she'd need to kill.

She wasn't completely oblivious though, she was still paying attention to her would be comrades, and what she was hearing was much more inspiring than her own inner conflict was, for certain... They were all ready to leap into the fray, whether that was for love of a fight, a drive to protect the victims, or a disturbing lust for murder, she didn't really know... What she 'did' know though, was that is infinitely more effective than her, sitting there confusing herself and wasting time being afraid to kill anything, rather than trying to find other ways to help that still suited her!

Regardless of their reasons, they were doing something and she was just whining at herself... This had to change immediately!

'Alright... a fight, people to protect, monsters to beat up...Sounds like Rainbow's thing, what would 'she' do... Probably saying something like 'stop being a wuss and to hit them a lot' but with much more inspiring phrasing... It'd work though, so 'what' can I hit them with? They're way too big for the book spell, they'd just end up swallowing me whole, probably can't paralyze them, last time I tried transmogrification on hungry bug things they started eating the 'houses' instead. I... don't think I can kill them... well, I 'could', but I don't think I can make myself do it, but maybe i can help the others with it... That it!'

Something she most certainly 'could' do was draw their attention to lessen the threat on other people, as well as occasional shielding.... She didn't know enough about any of them to attempt 'directing' them, and they surely didn't know 'her' well enough to trust her judgement on it, so for now she'd settle for supporting their own actions.

A few moments of planning and watching the other's pouring into the fray and she had her plan of action!

She quickly trotted a few paces away from the tree, and anyone who was still near it, before she planted her hooves and a bright lavender glow poured over her horn, filtering into a swirling mass of differing shades of the same color range... She felt some memories flash back to when she'd first used the spell, Something she was actually ashamed of, when she'd first struck out at another in rage... The only other times she had practiced the spells she had used that day were for the sole purpose of ensuring she could control it and never let that kind of force slip free by accident. It had been an undeniable example of just how destructive she could be if she focused herself on it, and it truly terrified her to imagine what could have happened if she had just aimed that beam in the wrong direction.

This would be different though, She watched the swarming creatures writhing about in the sky, there were so many that 'not' hitting one would be a challenge in itself... It took several seconds to spot a prime opening, unleash her beam in a deliberate miss. The bright colorful beam of various purples was accompanied by a strange inexplicable droning sound unique to such attacks, and yet, she found herself ironically pleased that it had taken longer to prepare than she remembered, along with a decidedly less excessive amount of launching into the sky and zipping through a lucky opening in the swarm before exploding in a brilliant display of lights in the sky on the other side of it... she might not be able to push herself to kill so suddenly, but she could damn sure draw their attention upon herself!

The moment she saw several of the flying beasts redirecting towards a new 'threat' she crouched a bit, throwing her wings and re-igniting the glow upon her horn, similarly passing over her wings for another moment before she snapped them down, launching herself into the sky with a gust of wing that scattered some of the grass and rocks around where she took off, barreling towards insect-like creatures that 'may' have frightened her if she were a few years earlier in her life... As it was now, she wanted 'them' to fear 'her', the whole plan was to make a spectacle of herself and distract the monsters so that they would be easier targets for people more prepared for this violence, and to draw their attention 'away' from those who couldn't fight them at all.

She glared down a pair of the disturbing flying worm like monsters that had managed to get past the barrier without being blasted down, watching closely as they seemed to blindly bump against eachother while trying to line up to catch their flying meal... She loosed a quick concussive shot between them, far too weak to really harm, but enough to make them part ways a bit further this time, just enough that she could zip between them without getting crushed, before suddenly bursting into flames, earning the shrill screeches of the ones that she was currently passing by as they were licked by the initial flames.

Beyond this, she arched down away from the pair before those wily tails could come anywhere near striking her and soared off in broad arc, looking every bit a sparkly fire-ball that would occasionally flash purple when she'd teleport to avoid and confuse some pursuer... She recalled someone mentioning 'team-work' as they charged off to joint he fray, and she rather hopped that the other's would take advantage of whatever monster's actually got distracted by her, to take out easy targets everytime she led them back around or into the line of fire of those defensive weapons... Also, because if they didn't, she'd probably be in some deep horseapples, considering most of them could probably swallow her whole and put out her little 'light show' easily enough, a fairly likely result once she inevitably tired out from this.

@Grey Star@LuciansMentor@GameGuruGG@Raineh Daze@Dblade26and whoever else feels like noticing XD
So there's room to improvise with them? I admit I didn't know. ^^;

oh cool :D

<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

Your inspiration is hidden behind a paywall of pachinko machines. >:3

I still don't know what pachinko machines are, But I 'do' know that beyond the awesome golden portion of Phantom pain that would've been amazing even as it's own single game, things 'scream' 'sabotage'. I also know that they annoucned Metal gear solid 6 will be a mobile phone only rail shooter/half assed base builder because they heard people like dat.

But yeah >n> I hate when that happens though, When I make a character under the veil of awesomeness, only to suddenly realize later... I don't like it anymore D:


On 'another' side note...

guys and gals... Dat moment when you look at the character count and realize that you somehow wrote out practically a whole bloody short story about the beginning of a freaking 'fight'.

I... have a habit of getting really into fight scenes for some reason >3>
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