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Having some personal issue. If I am due for something, know I do not wish to ghost. My sincere apology nevertheless

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@ERodeFinished to the best of my capabilities so tell me if you want anything changed. I'm open to changing the Property to Skill.

Hello, I'm interested in this and would like to reserve ancestral reverence if that is good with you.
@Dion Is this the Godherja from ck3? If so, signed me on. I played the game, haven’t read the lore but the in game magic is truly solid
interested, will keep a tab up.
@rocketrobie2you can bump it up to 5 dots. You have 15 freebies, each increase in discipline is 7, whether it is from 0 to 1, 1 to 2, or 3 to 4. You can't bump it up to 6 though.
@Eviledd1984 Just so I understand correctly, we don’t allow to use the 15 default freebies points or you not allow for the 7 flaws point buy?
@Eviledd1984I wanna ask, does the 11th generation by default count into freebies? Can we get 7 extra freebie with flaws?
Also, I wanna ask if it is alright if my Malkav's derangement can be a modified version of
Disregard of Human Form: Commonly associated with Serpentis, the vampire finds himself more comfortable in another form than the one resembling his mortal days. If suggested that they transform back, they have to check Frenzy

but instead for my Malkav, if they can be persuaded that they are uglier to something with less appearance points, they must perform a frenzy check. A decrease in Appearance automatically fails frenzy.
@Eviledd1984 hello, I was wondering if there is still room?
Hello, can anyone give me their input about these arts? I'm having a hard time determining whether these fit the high aesthetic anime or the character's digital art. I've got my concept down, just trying to see what image would work.

Thank you.
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