Avatar of ShwiggityShwah
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1378 (0.54 / day)
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    1. ShwiggityShwah 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Done with this site for now. Take care.
6 yrs ago
Except for 1 or 2 rps and some partners, I'm essentially done with the site. Can only sit down for posts once a week. Hate to make others wait.
6 yrs ago
Im cutting down on my writing time. Other projects to focus on.
6 yrs ago
Pointless and garbage respectively.
6 yrs ago
Want to do a slice of life romance, in the MHA universe. SoL is good with an interesting backdrop.


I don't know how to make this all stylish yet. I'll figure it out eventually.

In the mean time ahem:

Hello! I am currently writing a script for a fantasy story I plan on animating (Using the program Poser) Rping really helps get my creative muscles flexing and I'm going to be incorporating some character ideas into the RPs I produce with other people. This could include Male or Female. I really try to challenge myself.

I am a huuuuuuuge fan of epic scale narrative, and breathing life into a story is a great passion of mine. Seriously I watch trope talk pod casts and how to write, just to make my script as effective as possible.

I am versatile. I love things with emotion, whether Romance, Grim, Adventure Thriller, or even Comedy. Above all else, I love to entertain. I hope to do so with you.

Discord Shwiggityshwah#6420

I also have a 1X1 interest check.

Most Recent Posts


Should wait for Paul before posting correct?
丂刀のW 丂アム尺尺のW

It is good to face a challenge with friends. Cillia and Axley both came to his defense, thinking about others than themselves. They were too good for him. "Cillia. Axley." He whispered, feeling his head thrum from the tension and release of adrenaline.

Cillia recommended a place nearby and frankly the option had merit but would be considered a last resort. There were... places... in every city that felt the touch of the war. Dark places. Everyone knew that ghosts exist, very few seen one, but fewer still know what kind of terror they can wreak. If that was indeed the case... there were worse things. Still he knew the rites and words for an excorcism. But he knew that wouldn't be an easy choice. "It's an option..." He said considering.

Axley was a bit more direct. She was always that way. Yes, a talented bard, easy on the eyes but she could command an entire room if she wanted. Had she been of higher birth she'd be a heck of a patrician but probably not so artistically inclined. For a moment even Snow was tight lipped watching her. She had the floor and she was his 'lawyer' it seemed. Her empassioned plea like the Fires of Hesiesh herself.

Then Mr. Fergus spoke. His expression was sympathetic, but- nervous. He ate something from his belt providing a much needed pause as tensions simmered. The man gave a speech and while Snow was expecting the honey'ed words of a man whom was used to using those less fortunate under a seal of authority, his words and actions were much different. Fergus seemed a man of integrity and virtue. In a single moment he had offered dire news but atleast a temporary solution that was indeed a safer recourse.

Taking the coins in his hand, Snow rubbed them together... they were real. This earned the ex-monk a sigh of relief. "This is a sizable offering..." He said with a growing smile. "You are only the messenger of bad news, but you do not reflect your supriors. That is a rarity in this world." He bowed to him again. "Thank you, your hands will be appreciated. It is a dark day, but the Dragons will see us through. A moment please to share the news and give the others time to pack."

He turned to the Cillia and Axley, his handsome, even pretty face smiling warmly at them. "And thank you both. Honestly I'd feel lost if I didn't have either of you here. If you can think of anywhere in the meantime and help me, I'll repay you in kind." More books for the urban explorer, more concerts with Axley. "Though I'm afraid we might have to reschedule our music session..." He said, trying to put on a brave face.

He looked to Cillia holding up a hand and smiling nervous. "Not saying you didn't have a good idea, I'd prefer if I didn't have to fight for it.

He would walk off for a moment, finding the older, if still capable man he spoke to. The news was obviously harsh, but Snow was friends with this man, and while Snow sought new dwellings, he would spread the word. He went to a corner, taking a walking stick in his hand, and setting the prayer scroll case across his back. "I was thinking the Metal Road. Surly there must be an empty warehouse we could procure." And he exited into the streets.
Im essentially back, still need to get home but will have internet from now on.

Training Morning

"Good, now fly with that around the guild house. No need to fly high, the point of the training is to get both of your arms and leg stronger first."

”That’s it?” Easy enough. Too easy. But sure enough he got his branch in his claws, his legs looking much more bird like with his shorts on, puffy brown tan feathers coating his skin down to his knees and then they took a more segmented kind of texture before bending again for his legs to form grasping claws and wide feet. He circled the building, no worse for wear, though he felt an ache in his shoulder from yesterday. No problem.

And then.

”Raawwrp!?!” The branch got heavier as Yang jumped on. While she wasn’t the heaviest he’s ever carried, it was pretty big adjustment. Immediate panic began to set in as he had to flap his wings faster just to stay aloft.
"Keep flying! Don't stop! Your leg may be strong but your arms aren't! You need to be able to not only lift people but soar high like an eagle with it!"

Inevitably, his wings would give out and he could feel his shoulders and arms beginning to throb. In retrospect he should have paced himself but he burned himself out all too quickly. He was panting, his lungs screaming, he began to droop, lower and lower, and suddenly Yang was the one pulling him. "What the-YIPE!". Now he was flapping his wings just to keep from colliding with the ground. Honestly it was not only exhausting, surprising, it was scary too. The imminent threat of bashing his skull against a rock.

"If you drop to the ground, you practice your grip!" Yang started to laugh maniacally in between her run. "Try not to let go!"

He kept trying, but an onlooker would swear he was more swiming and flying, his arms kind of going wild. "WHAT HAVE I DOOONE!?" He said realizing this was just the beginning of a difficult road.

One Hour Later...

The tired harpy waved his hand, not picking his head up. "Take care Sensei Yang..." She seemed more chipper this morning.

Nagare turned to the young owl boy, who just declared what quest he wanted to take. Sensing fatigue from him, she couldn't help but feel concerned.

"Hello Ozzy. You've been a member of the guild for a little while now but I don't think we've had the chance at a proper introduction. I'm Nagare and it's a pleasure to meet you! Um, if you don't mind me saying, you look very tired. I imagine that you had a long day yesterday, I don't mean to overstep my bounds but don't be afraid to rest if need be. We'll all here to help, so try not to push yourself too hard."

Ozzy tried to quickly pick his head and posture up in order perk up for an introduction. This was quickly thwarted by the soreness of his arms and legs. Still he fought through the discomfort offering her a tired but genuine smile. Ozzy had been meaning to talk to her, and for the most part was only gushing from afar. Not only was she ethereally attractive, she was an honest to goodness dragon! He felt that pang of inferiority. What was a harpy compared to a dragon? And two essential gods! He felt like wasting their time with his stupid questions was wrong somehow.

But she broke the ice (pun intended) and it did much to set his mind at ease. It reminded him that they were in this together. And for that matter he should apologize to Morgan and Titanica for treating them differently... atleast in his mind he did. "Something I blame myself for." He was quick to add. Honestly things could get crazy, it was hard to get a few minutes with anyone if you didnt go on a mission with them. "Honestly Miss Nagare, the pleasure is mine." He was about to raise a hand, but he bowed back, something very common among those that range from far away lands.

She mentioned he looked tired, and yeah, he did. Feathers and unkempt hair and the remains of sweat from the morning. He raised a hand, his wing screaming at him, he waved the palm at her as if to show her its no big deal. He chuckled. "I know how it looks, and it's sweet of you for noticing." Honestly he got a little red faced, but that might be exhaustion. Her concern for him was heartwarming. Another oddity from what he little he knew of dragons. "Sensei Yang offered to help me get a little stronger, so I just experienced Day One. Besides, I got to be useful to everyone somehow." Cooking didn't count apparently.

"But personally, I would really love to talk sometime, Maybe after-"
Then came the scuffle outside, drawing a crowd of people to go see the commotion. A new challenger had come and boy was Titanica pissed. Morgan, Nagare, Ditsy, all of them ran off to chase down this threat. Ozzy made a split decision, wanting to fly to his friend's aid in case they needed... anything he supposed. "Wait! I'm coming too!" He unfurled his wings, flapped them two or three times. CRASH Ozzy face planted on the road....

He experienced muscle failure and his wings just wouldn't carry him as fast as he needed, they members leaving him behind. He sighed, feeling utterly useless.

Haley the Siren flew next to you. "Let me come with you on this one, Ozzy. Two harpies are better than one, right?"

Picking himself up again and getting the dust off him, the bright speckled and cheery Siren Haley "Huh?" Seeing a smiley face, hair a shade of violet and cerulean wings, he returned her suggestion with a big grin and near tears of gratitude in his eyes. "Sure! You bet they are!"

"Say..." She then leaned close to whisper, out of earshot of everybody else. "I haven't really thanked you properly for standing up to Bart to protect me, have I?" She pulled back and returned to her normal tone. "So thanks! We bird monsters gotta stick together." Haley patted you with a wing.

Her whispering in his ear, her getting so close did do alot to get him a little flustered. "Th-thank?" It sounded almost provocative, but he returned to normal when she pulled back to pat him. He scratched his messy hair as he grinned back. It was nice to be among familiar company. "No problem. You were right after all." He side stepped her. "Be right back, just gotta grab my stuff."

While disappearing back inside, then back out, passing the fire demon, Neil, the twins, he thought about how many people here he would love to be friends with. He wished he could go on adventures with all of them one day. Same with Haley, and now was his chance to make a good impression with a fellow harpy. "Ready!" He got his second wind, got his backpack and began to fly with her. "Was hoping to get a chance to hang out with you. How did you start with the guild?" He asked taking to the air, trying to avoid the pain in his arms. "Seems like you're really close to Neil and Bart?"


Definitely stuck in a bad internet spot. Yeah at least a week
Very much torn.

Yes sadly i might have Ozzy not join the rodan group. A combo of percieved failure on his point and his morning excercises just killing his wings rendering him unable to fly and thus having him fall behind.
Just a notification.

2 weeks of military training and I've no idea how good/bad internet reception is going to be so apologies if I vanish.
丂刀のW 丂アム尺尺のW

It was going to be an interesting day...

Cilla would not trust this man, in fact most people wouldn't. He could already feel like the breeze had shifted. The wheels of destiny were turning and the world itself would turn on the ex priest. He abandoned his order. The dragons had no obligation to look after this meek little traitor, so of course he was just as vulnerable to bad news as anyone.

Still... Sparrow would not treat this man any differently. He had seen evil. This man was not evil. "Please. Come in. I'll prepare us some tea." He smiled at Cilla happily. He wanted to make sure his friend was no too perturbed. He always showed that face, closed eyes, soft almost fatherly grin through white teeth.

'All will be well.'

A truly maddening sentiment.

He got out of the man's to invite him inside. "I appreciate the friend, though I must correct you on the title. I'm not with the order. They kicked me out when my hair grew too long." He joked. "It looked so nice, I didn't have the heart to cut it down."

He then heard the songbird voice of the woman he had mistakenly stood up. She seemed to come to his aid and defense, much to the glee in his heart. His smile faltered as a hand went to his head, a slight lingering on his brow. "Oh dear. I apologize Axley, no I didn't forget but I was very much delayed." He bowed to her, hands in front, a fist into an open palm fingers pointing upwards. "Please, forgive me. We will leave as soon as I hear what this gentleman has to say."

And the man did not take his invitation instead, offering him the bad news. This was enough to make Snow's smile fade completely. A pause uttered through as adrenaline seized Snow's heart, making his chest tighten. Barrister Fergus was a messenger though. It wasn't his decision or his desire... atleast from what was stated. "Oh... Oh dear." The ex-monk tiled his eyes down for a moment as he attempted to come up with some kind of solution. "A day..." He repeated. It was impossible... he couldn't prepare anything within a day... it was near noon already. "I- I sincerely wish I had received this news earlier." He closed his eyes, muttering a small prayer to himself before he centered, trying to atleast come up with a way, any way he could rectify this.

The ex monk stood with arms at his side. "Very well." He said agreeing to the writ. He looked up though, his eyes stoic, but pleading.
"Master Mac Teague. I have two pregnant girls, four injured men, three infirm, and nine children. I do not wish you to bring the Dark Helms to my door step, but I will need to find somewhere for these people to stay. If you could give me more time, three days is all I ask. Three, and we will leave without any trouble." He bowed his head to him. "Please, Good Sir. I can even bargain myself if need be as payment. I beg of you to ask your masters for just some time." He was a man who forgone pride if it meant ease for others.

Wants to help.

Remembers is just bird.... >3<

I can only try to talk things down. Rodan is kinda cute though.


He held his head after she explained she let hers out or more importantly his hair. "Oh thank the gods. I was worried you were going to make me shave it."

"No meat. Got it." That was nearly impossible to his bird of prey mentality. It got him thinking. "A life of detachment. No meat. No undue harm. No hair. We come from such different places. It's wonderful!" He held his cheek as a blush sprung to it. "You're really inspiring Yang, I mean, Sensei. I don't know if I could give up so much. Too many things that I love too much. I'd be a terrible monk." He laughed.


He figured it out that he was a boy, and he looked a quick glance at Yang, wondering if he would have to explain himself, but she was out of earshot. He looked back at the bigger hobgoblin, hands and wings going into the air. "You are correct sir." He said, figuring he had a pretty uncanny nose. "I'm down." To the invitation of playing. It might be educational.

@Stern AlgorithmVivian and Sylvia

Ozzy couldn't help but gush really. "Its so inspired! I wonder if maybe it can be updated a little." Wood was fine, but he's seen some really interesting contraptions in his day. "I've seen wheeled chairs before, people put a handle on the wheel to push them. Wonder if it'd be too heavy..." He leaned in closer, inspecting the wheel. Two females and a pot of dirt.

The chipper talk about a bakery snapped him out of it. He listened in, surprised they use their own Nectar. "But doesnt the nectar lead-" And then the explanation. "Ahh, probably a good call." He grinned before Freyr came in and made it a group discussion. Honestly who could resist cookies?


The handshake meant the world to the harpy. "Great to meet you Freyr. I've read about your people, which was like two pages, but what's a book to the real thing am I right? It would be incredible to study them." he chuckled. "If they'd even let me. Thing about being secretive I guess. But the Vieran are technically a civilized culture. My parents are- Sorry I'm babbling, we can talk after dinner if you want."

He was nice enough to compliment the food and Ozzy was getting some waters into cups. "Yeah, Sensei Yangs teaching me to kick good." He stood on one leg and had his hands and wings above his head, a mock pose of some kung fu move.

Another wonderful night to end a rather... unpleasant day. But that was what family was for. And thats what it felt like.

The next day. Just at Dawn.

Yang wakes Ozzy up from his sleeping roll. "MMmm, huh?" He wasn't expecting it to be so early. He ended up outside with a single shirt and some shorts, his owl like legs much easier to see without his baggy and customized boots. He was half asleep and yawning when they began to practice. And by practice it meant run Ozzy into the ground with exercise regimes to work on muscles he never even knew he had.

By the time everyone else woke up, Ozzy was already in the Guild Hall, nearly passed out on a table, his hair and feathers molted and dirt from where he took a few tumbles. "Everything hurts..." He grumbled. The call was made for the jobs for the day and he threw himself up, his body screaming for him to just lie down and die.

He stood reading each plague, his shoulders drooping. From yesterday, he was not in any state to do any fighting. Thats what Yang was training him for. And so he became quite dismayed when most of them had some semblance or risk of danger. His distress ever present. Until... the bottom two.

"Hey, I can identify a mysterious creature. My flying would be a great asset. I'll take Hushabye! I wont let you down today Master Bart!" He said, feeling confident again.
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