Avatar of ShwiggityShwah
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 1378 (0.54 / day)
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    1. ShwiggityShwah 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Done with this site for now. Take care.
6 yrs ago
Except for 1 or 2 rps and some partners, I'm essentially done with the site. Can only sit down for posts once a week. Hate to make others wait.
6 yrs ago
Im cutting down on my writing time. Other projects to focus on.
6 yrs ago
Pointless and garbage respectively.
6 yrs ago
Want to do a slice of life romance, in the MHA universe. SoL is good with an interesting backdrop.


I don't know how to make this all stylish yet. I'll figure it out eventually.

In the mean time ahem:

Hello! I am currently writing a script for a fantasy story I plan on animating (Using the program Poser) Rping really helps get my creative muscles flexing and I'm going to be incorporating some character ideas into the RPs I produce with other people. This could include Male or Female. I really try to challenge myself.

I am a huuuuuuuge fan of epic scale narrative, and breathing life into a story is a great passion of mine. Seriously I watch trope talk pod casts and how to write, just to make my script as effective as possible.

I am versatile. I love things with emotion, whether Romance, Grim, Adventure Thriller, or even Comedy. Above all else, I love to entertain. I hope to do so with you.

Discord Shwiggityshwah#6420

I also have a 1X1 interest check.

Most Recent Posts

Making a mage monster type.

A neurotic slime girl. Water makes her swell.
A sultry mind flayer. **Shlurp**
A creepy shoggoth. So many tentacles...
A Grim but cute Lich. She tries to be dark, she really tries.
A mischievous Beholder. I see you.

What do you think would be a good addition?

The Sun Always Rises

丂刀のW 丂アム尺尺のW

Snow always got up before dawn every morning. This was his life. One of ritual. One of repetition everyday. It was an affront to the powers of chaos that he was the stability. It was his own sense of vindictiveness from the war, and reverence. He washed his face, slipped on his white yukata, something he would spend alot of time to stay white, slip on his sandles, take his satchel and live the humble interior of his little church. It was a fifteen minute walk out of the ruins into the nearby country side. There was a few groves and plots that the owners would allow him to occasionally pick fruits and vegetables for in return for blessing their land and honoring harvest gods.

He would always do something first. He would take off his sandles on a lonely hill, remove the creases in his robes and get on his knees He would face the East. He would wait in the darkness, until the first light stretches over creation. The Dawning sun. He'd be there to greet it, he'd be there to bow his head to it. He'd be there to thank it, the Unconquered Sun, and the chosen that had saved his life and freed him from a life of ignorance. He owed the hero that much. He'd do the same at sundown, bowing to it as it crests the mountain, thanking it for its warmth and light, and bid that it rise the next day.

Then, he remove the top of his Yukata. He'd take a wide stance, center himself, and Begin. He needed to practice the forms and katas. The Imperial Ruins have been dangerous lately. He has his congregation to look to him, to protect them. He needed to stay focused, stay loose, call back to his days in the monastary and put effort and focus into every strike, every move and flourish. He would hop on one foot to switch to the other, his arms folding and moving like a cranes wings in flight, before the hands would turn sideways, and he'd stamp his feet, cutting strikes, kicks and punches, emulating the aspects of the five dragons. He felt the pain of his sprained ankle from a few days ago, the pinch of a rotator cuff that needed more time to heal. His age was getting to him, but this was all he had. The people of the Realm.

If he could do this til Lethe takes him, he just might be happy.

He returned to the Ruins his basket filled with peaches, leeks, potatoes, and bushels of raspberry, he walked back to his little church, opening the door to the three dozen or so homeless that called the walls of stone and shakled roof home. He set the basket in the kitchen as a boy with a sick mother showed up. "Could you put this away Brother Lee?" he asked the boy who agreed.

He went to a basin of water and prepared a cloth of water and took a few bottles from a cupboard. He walked up the stairs, seeing an older gentleman with a twisted leg. "Good morning Angron. Good to see you out of bed."

The bearded man smiled at the ex-priest. "Still haven't cut your hair Snow?"

"I'm not with the Order, you know that."

"I know, the ladies like a well groomed man is all. You're not too old to pop out some pups.""

"I have enough children right now thank you." Snow laughed. "But I'll consider it.

Snow went to a room, one of the only private ones available, a prostitute, her eye bandaged, arm broken and all manner of welts lay here, two of her friends waking up nearby. She had been savagely beaten by her pimp for getting pregnant. Maiden's Tea had become quite expensive and many had to go without. Thankfully she had friends who brought her here. "Good morning sisters. How are you today Lilly?" He kneeled next to the hurt girl, looking at him through tearied eyes, another rough night. "Don't give me that look. The medicine can't be that bad." The handsome man smiles happily down at the hurt woman. His face showing constantly that there is nothing to fear, all will be well. Gentleness in his hands he coats a spoon in the medicine and held hers head. "Say ahh."

They all had worries, they all had no where else to go. Snow always tries to keep the doors open. The community called it Sparrow's Solace. Everyone had a roof and a friend at Solace.

Near lunch, after morning prayers.

The bard Axley had given the ex-monk an idea when he complained to her that he wasn't getting rich off of providing a safe place for the penniless, the sick, and the maimed. It was donations, tit for tat, and services that would bring food and clothing, and medicine for those in the Solace. He managed to get his hands on an old Sanxian and he was to meet the talented musician near the center of the 'city'. He hoped to maybe impress one of the merchants, hopefully using Axley's good looks and supreme talent next to his own reputation (And also debatable good looks) to get a few more yen for himself. He hoped, but not even the Dragons could make him a better player over the course of a weak. Still, she was atleast open to the idea, maybe he could play base... well, striking the same chord over and over again. He could do that.

He had the saxian all in tune and ready to go on his back when who would appear, a friend. A friend and a giver. Truly Cilla was always welcome and infact, he enjoyed her company. They'd talk over the items she'd bring, offering stories if he could over the bland tea he could afford. He enjoyed teaching her to read and even offered her books that were donated for her travels, though he figured she was always just going through the ruins getting into trouble. She could always stay but she deserved more than just spending her nights at a half run down piece of masonry. He'd have to see where she was always running off to. "Morning Cilla. Maybe you'd like to-?"

Her words gave him pause. "Trouble?" his smile fainted only slightly as he laid the sanxian down and went for the door, his hands in his sleeves.

He appeared in the door way, confronting a man that the monk was immediately reminded of patrician's clothes. Or maybe a merchant. In any case, it was made of leathers and silks, not cotton or wool and he had cobbled shoes. He looked at the man, before a big smile formed on his face. He bowed his head, his long dark, almost blue hair cascading over a shoulder. "Hello my brother. Welcome to Solace. You may always find rest here, please come in if you need."
Those special quests seem like alot of fun. Or Horizons. Again companion options open, I'd love to go on one with another character.

Are special quests available for anyone?

My character is an eldritch entity, maybe they know each other. =P
Good to go.

Yang Bethlehem

Her eyebrow rose at Ozzy statement of her passing a girl, to which she glanced to her own body, sighed and patted Ozzy on the head.

"Just give yourself time, I was flat as a board once and many thought I was a boy too. Did I mention that I shaved my head for almost 10 years before this?" Yang rubbed the crown of her head in nostalgia and wondered just how dumb she was, her short hair was a relatively new thing she had. "It took a while until a monster girl challenger realized I wasn't a boy which was hillarious."

"I'll do the soup, it's been awhile since I cooked something from our temple. Clear vegetable soup, I'll try to add some potatoes and milk to thicken it." She hummed on the menu, there was no soya sauce, miso or even seaweed here. So she'll have to make do with what they have.

"I just wish we have rice, I do miss rice," Yang said as she cracked her fingers to prepare everyone a dinner.

He chuckled to himself knowingly. He really should tell her. He really should. But nah! Maybe at their next training session. He tittered to himself while she patted his head. "Maybe I'm a late bloomer." Again, there was something kind of mentor'y about all this. She really looked out for him today, and he was happy he could atleast try to do the same to some small degree. Yang was a true friend, and his eyes twinkled at that realization.

She finished her story "That must have been awkward. I bet you were cute when you looked like a boy too." And then he was back to his chatterbox ways, his harpiness showing. He raised a fist and a wing in the air. "Did you seize the confusion and win the day? And that's another thing - I heard about the whole shaving head thing, why is that?" Just meaningless conversation while they prepared, getting the pans, utensils going to the store room. "Maybe we could mix the meat in. And I'll get the potatoes and, I actually thought I saw rice there from last time." Ozzy left the kitchen, coming back with the slab of beef, and a sack of the left over potatoes.

"No, that was soybeans." He made a mental note to get her some rice. Maybe if the jobs were light, shopping?

The door opened and a swarm of people entered through the door (and hole). Ozzy was searing pieces of chopped steak, a marinade mixed with spices in the air, along with a little smoke... "Hey everyone! Welcome back!" There was a fire underneath the pain that flared up when a little oil sizzled out but he was quick to remove it from the stove top with a little surprised bit. He approached eagerly, but then remembered how embarrassing he was before to Morgan and Titanica, essentially gushing over them and passing out last time. He took a deep breath. They were guildmates, not gods. Well, they were gods... and then there was Vara and Nagare, demons and dragons. They were so all so cool.

He felt a pang of inadequacy. He was just some dumb harpy who tried to play hero today and ended up almost getting Yang hurt, and successfully getting himself hurt. How could he possible compete with those four?

He wiped his hands, shoke out his feathery wings. As he approached, Bart being his usual happy self and Ozzy feeling pretty proud for being to help out for once, cheeks pink, and feathered eye lashes flicking up. Haley was the first to speak up, saying she wasn't too hungry. "You don't know what you're missing." He hinted to the Siren. No Neil though. Strange.

But this broke him out of his funk, there was others in the guild he didn't even speak to properly yet.

@13org Freyr @Restalaan Ditzy
The Viera had exclaimed of getting meat for his hobgoblin friend. His? Viera? Ozzy was once again star struck. Someone like him was like lightening, and he only read a few books about the Viera, so mysterious and secretive. And a hobgoblin, considerably more common but usually they forgo civilization. This one might be another oddity which was GREAT! This was an excellent opportunity.

"Hey there! Welcome to the guild. I don't think we ever met yet." Freyr and Ditsy would be met with the big cheerful inquisitive eyes of a harpy that could pass for human. He extended a hand, his cape/wing following suit and ruffling. "Ozmodius Skyway. My friends call me Ozzy. We have marinated steak and Sensei Yang is preparing potato stew." Cause honestly she was teaching him so why the heck not. "It would be great to have a talk sometime! I'd love to know about where you're from. Culture research is kind of my hobby." He hoped he wasn't being too forward.

@Stern Algorithm Sylvia/Vivian
The lilarune introduce themselves and immediately Ozzy was smitten, not because they were rather spirited and summery scantly clad plant people, but because of the pot and platform that they use for locomotion. "SCRAWWK!" He squawked in amazement. "That is such a good idea! Its so simple and elegant! This was an amazing work of engineering, and would be a fantastic alternative for rooted monsters." Now if only most of them weren't so sedentary.

"Its so great to meet you both! Another intellectual and a proper artist!" To Sylvia. "With you and Morgan, I'm sure any money troubles will be up and solved. Medicine is expensive." To Vivian. "And I can't wait to try your pastries! If you ever need ingredients, I'd be happy to fly to town and get some for you. Maybe we can have it with dinner tomorrow."

His wings fluttered and he bowed his head. "Ozmodius Skyway. Just call me Ozzy. Welcome to the Guild. I hope we get along." he said, completely tickled pink at meeting others in the Guild properly.
Sounds horrifying. And traumatizing. And painful.


I get super excited when I meet new people. So yeah sorry for the ramble, I had fun writing that.
Titanica is a secret romantic. <3 "I have been tainted."

I could write Ozzy talking to the guild and maybe introducing himself to a few people. It would be jovial and comical, should I wait for the drama to finish?

Professor Leo Squid

"Monsters! That is what we are!" The teacher began with his elementary class, beginning their lessons on history and social sciences. He raises all of his tentacles to emphasize the creepiness of the word, two tentacles grabbing chalk behind him, writing the word in big bold letters. "As defined in the dictionary and I quote "Monster, derives from the Latin monstrum, itself derived ultimately from the verb moneo ("to remind, warn, instruct, or foretell"), and denotes anything "strange or singular, contrary to the usual course of nature, by which the gods give notice of evil," "a strange, unnatural, hideous person, animal, or thing," or any "monstrous or unusual thing, circumstance, or adventure." The confidence and skill at speaking and writing at the same time while flapping his dozen or so tentacles in the air was nothing short of memorizing.

"Throughout human history it has been your forefathers and fore-bearers that have influenced cultures throughout the entire world. To us, Monster stands for the truly unique. The strange and wonderful. The odd and creepy. Monsters are the mandatory chaos that is thrown in a perfect natural system. You children are that legacy. You defy reality and biology as science understands it. You break barriers and norms, inspire, and bring about that sense of fear that stirs the hearts."

"Children! What I'm tell you is that without Monsters, the planet earth would be SUPER BORING!" He actually opened his mouth for that last part emphasizing just how passionate and grateful he was to be where he is. He expected it to be a joke but he only managed a few chuckles, but that might be mostly cause the Professor was acting so weird. He was as cuddly as an octopus on too much sugar

"Open your text books to page 394. We're going to learn about recent history. The finding of Foxbridge."

[Mentions - Riley]@Fabricant451

It was another beautiful morning in Foxbridge, Planet Earth. After communing with his patron for the mandatory 131 minutes and then dreaming another universe into existence before waking up and bringing his creations cataclysmic destruction in the blink of an eye, Leo woke up on the hour. It was the perfect time. He can slither his way through the house and take his time, preparing breakfast, coffee, check up on some emails, read reddit, watch MuuTube, and prepare lunch for himself and his daughter Riley. Despite his best efforts to try to get her to follow a strict schedule, 8 hours of sleep, food same time everyday, he gave up on that plan. Her human biology was just so antagonistic to the concept of order that she tended to stay up late and sleep late doing her little bits of distraction. "Teenage rebellion." He said to himself, before sipping his cup. "Isn't she twenty two?" A paradox.

At any case, on weekdays Leo would leave before his daughter got up to start her work day. He had a lesson at the elementary school for the diurnal students that rose with the son, but then a free period to visit Riley at his new hangout (he went to the little cafe alot, but since Riley started working there, its been almost an everyday thing). The school year was always tough for him, he had classes throughout the day and night, at all the schools. He didn't mind, teaching the next generation of eager brains was an honor and an absolute delight. The only sad part was less time with his little girl.

Still, he did his usual bits of fatherly duty. She'd have coffee, juice, toast, some scrambled eggs waiting for her along with a little brown bag containing some cut vegetables, dipping dressing, panino wrapped cheese, and one of those cupcakes she likes to snack on. Of course this was all topped with a little note.

Morning Pumpkin <3
Have a great day! But don't be late.
Also remember what I said, curl your fingers in when you cut
we're running out of bandaids. I'll pick some up :)
Wuv woo sweetie

This was all accented with a little cartoon squid with a '^^' eyes on it and a bunch of hearts. She hated all that mushy stuff and that's what made it so funny to him.

Free period. He would get to the cafe just before it opened. He giggled to himself as his tentacles scurried across the sidewalk and streets leaving a slime trail that somehow cleaned and polished whatever he walked on if making it slightly slippery for a few minutes, much to the chagrin of a few pedestrians who slipped on it a few times in the past. Thankfully it was still early enough that the morning rush wasn't in full swing quite yet. He went through his rounds, greeting, getting to know everyone on his path. He was definitely a positive influence on the community. That odd squid man that liked to say hi and talk about stuff he saw on the internet, no matter how mundane or bizarre. "Morning Mrs. Korderoy." A cute werewolf grocer was setting up her display. "Did you know a black hole will hit the earth in another 1.1 billion years? Better enjoy the beach while you have it." He yucked. The werewolf just smiled confused.

He went to the corner and made the turn, the quaint little shop coming into view. And like clockwork there was already a line forming. That silly robot, and someone with their hood up. Odd to see primarily human shapes in Foxbridge but she probably was hiding her features. Punk was all the rage with the kids.


"Good morning, good morning." Said the odd octopus creature two of his tentacles waving in the air like snake toys. He could never just sit and wait in silence. "4000, you're breaking my hearts standing outside every morning. You need more hobbies." The creature coo'd and yucked to himself. Robots and AI were still something he didn't quite get yet. "I hope they made those little lemon squares today." He could already tell he beat Riley to work. He hoped that sleepy head wasn't going to be late.
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