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Snow was on his hands and knees for a while though eventually he did look back towards the smoke and the death. So far away. He pulled himself up and simply watched the smoke and the fire for a moment. He let the sweat fall from his face, his body screaming from the exertion, but pain was replaced with sorrow. A profound sadness that seemed to hit him and hit him hard. He sat up to a kneeling position. He closed his eyes, he felt his eyes water as he watched the carnage, now so far, too close. A bit of wind picked up the stray hairs from his face.
He closed his eyes. The Immaculates had words for those who have died, and indeed even monks do. Snow had said it many times on the Threshold, and he would say it again for each of his friends, the people he helped, those that had life until something awful had taken them. "Let go of this life. A greater one awaits. May you walk with the Dragons." It felt like... a lie now.
He whispered other Immaculate prayers, before Cilia interrupted him. The woman had taken steps to ensure their survival. He tunnel visioned before, seeing her stumble, but now she is holding other things. She did all this with barely a word, her actions and her eyes speaking volumes. He eyed her, a tear on his cheek that he wiped away. He forced a soft smile to her which quickly faded. He was so selfish! He thought he would have nothing to offer, save hopeless useless words. He gave a quick check to her, legs, torso, then his companions, Axley was nearly collapsed, Fergus pulling himself together. He sighed relieved before taking the skin and returning with a warm reassurng smile, though there was no reason too. "Thank you Cilia. I'm happy you're with us. You're more a survivor then I am. We'll need your skills." The water was luke warm, but it might as well come down from a glacier for how it felt. He accepted the jerky and berries as well.
When Cilia shouted. "Cilia has the right way of things. We are now fighting for our lives. If we find something useful. Let's take it. We'll warn the living, and borrow from the dead." He stood up when Fergus did, though his body ached, his breath short. "Food, water, and when we cannot see smoke, shelter. And, horses, wagons. Anything that could let us rest on the move. Thankfully I have my salt, and I have a healing kit." He tried to offer. "Of course, lets not get hurt so we wont have to use it." The salt was for any ghosts that the enemy may employ. He forced himself to the group and then offered Axley a hand-
And just then, there was a bellow echoing in the distance, and three lights in the sky. Its hard to guess... its hard to see but through shielded eyes a mountain was moving... and not towards them. "They.... they're going the opposite way?" His kingdom for a spy glass. He wanted to know more but the moment the group walked, so would he.