Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"I can understand that." Relatable, getting your stuff eaten wasn't something he'd want happen to him, most of all a pet. The man recognized him as a Guildie, but he got the idea that he was expecting well... more. Harpies were always small in stature, and young looking. He was technically an adult but he's mistaken for a kid all the time. "Completely understandable sir." He said forcing a smile. "I get that all the time, but I am part of the Guild sir and currently on the case." He saluted, to atleast show a bit of enthusiasm, though it cemented the whole kid opinion.

It seemed like the thing was definitely a sore spot, and Ozzy used his wits and eyes to size him up and the scene. The man seemed uninjured, and was close enough to see its teeth. He couldn't run fast enough if the creature could catch a dog... so maybe it wasn't inherently hostile to humanoids. Maybe it just hunted smaller quarries... or the dog got it defending the chickens. It did seem like a mess.

He nodded to the description and the warning. All of the intel, spoken and noted were actually pretty good news. He was hoping this wasn't going to be too dangerous. He had to consider Haley too. "Thanks for the tip and the heads up. Sounds like a some kind of beastkin, maybe an albino. We'll take care of it." He puffed out his chest and smacked it with his fist. He hoped he can get to the poor beast before it lands in those traps.

He then looked back, hoping to find Haley. "Heads up Haley, that gentleman over there set up traps." Good thing they can fly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 19 hrs ago


Yang Bethlehem.

"I wouldn't know." She answered even as stories of the mist continent came to mind. With a shrug of her shoulders, she dismissed it. It was just stories after all.

"Well, Mr.Cabbage, you're certainly dutiful." Yang raised an eye to that and shook her head as she quickly crossed the distance between them easily.

"But that's horizon leads to Ambran, not Boreal port." She dropped the news to him with a deadpanned look. Yang also then handed her own waterskin she had packed before the journey. "Here, drink this first. It's a lot better than swamp water."

She wondered if it would be easier to just knock him out, that seemed tempting but she decided on the other approach first.

"You know, tell me more on why you think it's ridiculous that monkeys are related to humans." Yang slyly changed the topic as she moved ahead of him, then slowly dragged his attention away by controlling how he moved with her own position.

With any luck, she might be able to distract him with her conversation and get him to the Boreal Port without him realizing.



Ditzy Stoneclub

Ditzy kept moving until he finally heard the roars that continued on.

That had him excited and with a skip in his step, head straight for the source.

When he finally saw the two, they changed a lot but Ditzy was able to tell whom they were.

Seeing Titanica punching Rodie had Ditzy giddy when he realized that she was flying to him.

"Okay!" Ditzy didn't even consider that it was the wrong thing, all he knew that it looked fun as he built up momentum in his sandbag by letting it twirl around his arm. The thing picked up more and more speed until it managed to push leaves and small stones away from its speed.

As the fiery girl turned projectile headed for him, Ditzy smiled.

Every muscle in his body relaxed for a moment, giving him a light-headed sensation.

Before that changed as every part of his muscle strained, tensed and pulled. Veins was visible as Ditzy clenched his teeth down, his entire being working as one to deliver maximum power in a single move.

If the two Kaiju's was the monsters of the old world, Ditzy was a monster of a new world. Perhaps he would proved a challenge, perhaps he won't. It mattered little to him.

To Ditzy, who can perhaps count the few times with his finger, was going at full strength without anything to hold him back. He found someone that he can play without needing to be so gentle.

The sandbag aimed and swung downwards like a bat, the air warped around and seemed to deform before it outright cracked. Force, mass, and acceleration, all worked together to form a harmony of movement.

Whether Ditzy attack managed to thwarted Rodie momentum, or was part of the casualty, none can say. What can be said, was that the motion of the attack was silent for a brief moment until the sound of explosion like a crack of a whip followed Ditzy pattern.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



It did take a good moment as the group stood completely quiet and still, surrounded by that ominous fog as they searched for the two titans that were fighting. It was then that, just as sudden as they had disappeared, the red headed, flying titan appeared from amidst the fog, screeching at the top of her lungs and lunging at something, which was probably Titanica. Notably, her body was in the middle of transforming to her kaiju form ash she sank her talons into what was apparently Titanica, despite being still covered by the mist.

Before she could do any significant damage with her talons though, both the kaiju and the group realized that she was perched at what it was Titanica's half transformed arm. In a moment, her other arm exploded on the red kaiju's face, sending her flying and barreling towards the group, who helplessly watched as both titans ravaged the forest.

Due to his agility and speed, Freyr easily avoided the half transformed kaiju, dashing towards a safe spot. Seeing Titanica enraged once again, Freyr couldn't help but to realize that she was indeed a threat to everyone nearby her, both due to her temper and how easily she would lose control and just proceed to destroy everything...

Surprisingly enough though, Ditzy didn't try to avoid the projectile that Titanica's kaiju rival had become, instead assuming a firm position and facing it head on, swinging his sandbag downwards to try and stop the red kaiju's momentum.

Unlike Ditzy or the others, Freyr's only options to try and stop that were either try to talk with both rampaging beasts, which had already proven to be useless, or... attack. Despite them being monsters, in every meaning of the word, there were many incredibly dangerous creatures living in the Vieran Woods, which every Viera hunter had to learn how to deal with. Freyr's bow, made with the secret, traditional technique of the Viera, including both enchanted wood from the biggest and oldest tree in the forest and fibers from powerful animals, would be able to pierce Titanica and the red titan's hides if he aimed at the correct spots. The thing which stopped Freyr to do so was that said spots were mostly... vital ones. If he did something, the chance he would hurt one of the two titans was big...

He could only hope that Ditzy's attack would make both Titanica and the other kaiju realize what they were doing...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

~@ShwiggityShwah, @13org (HUS)~

"What were you before that fateful day? You mentioned you were a traveler."
Ozzy Skyway

"Yeah. Here I got again, telling my life story..." Haley sighed, indicating she sort of did this before. "Well I'll make it short, I was born in Ortus. You know Ortus?"

You did. Ortus was also known as the Moon Kingdom and a human nation that once was under The Order. But then, some incident happened and now Ortus is at war with the Order and technically the rest of the humanity. This civil conflict did make Ortus a lot more lenient towards monsters, having no resources to repulse the monsters that live in Ortusian forests and remote lands.

Technically, monsters were still not allowed to live in Ortus but they were free to visit the kingdom for trading and business. But in actuality, the people of Ortus no longer view monsters as the enemy of mankind, even if they will not admit it.

"My parents came from an Order territory and wanted to get to the Demon Realms. They planned to cut through Ortus to travel more safely. However, my mother gave birth to me in Ortus and they had to spend all their coin on me. Thus, me and my family stayed and I grew up in Ortus. I haven't met a fellow monster until I was twelve or something." Haley continued her story. "I eventually left home to travel the world 'cause... I don't know, find more about monsterkind, I guess?"


The old man explained that he and the other farmers were being harassed by the white creature. The creature itself was last seen nearby the river and the old man has left traps for the creature there, warning the two harpies to be careful.

"Heads up Haley, that gentleman over there set up traps."
Ozzy Skyway

"Noted." Haley replied, her attention not wholly there due to having spotted something on the ground.

"Hey Ozzy, check this out." The Siren called over the Owl Harpy and pointing at the unusual and old footprints upon the soil. "Know anything that could make those? I'll bet it's our white mystery creature." She told Ozzy before asking the main question. "Should we follow it?"

The Great Horizons 2
~@Restalaan (YNG)~

"Here, drink this first. It's a lot better than swamp water."
Yang Bethlehem

Samuel waved you off, declining the drink. "Oh, no need for kindness, Miss Monkey. I have... I have my own." His hands reach for his absent canteen. "Oh, now where is my... Ah, there it is!"

The delirious man fished up his canteen which had sank into the swamp water, completely filled. Samuel then poured the murky, greenish water onto his mouth. Slurping it all as if he had quenched a mighty thirst. A rather nauseating sight for you, probably.

"You know, tell me more on why you think it's ridiculous that monkeys are related to humans."
Yang Bethlehem

"W-Well for one thing... they're uhh, they're monkeys!" Samuel had no idea about your plan. "Do we... do we look like them in any way, Miss Monkey? And... and..." With his mind thinking, focus returned to Samuel and his senses snapped back to him. "You know, I-I really should get going. I need to get to Boreal Port." He told you, sounding irritated.

"Here. Can you just take this and leave?" A frustrated Samuel gave you a handful of gold coins. "Please, just leave. Just... leave. I can't be wasting time here."

The man was getting impatient, packing his stuff and quickly heading off. This time towards Boreal Port's general direction. Your quest was done(?). It was up to you to head back to the guild or go somewhere else.

Setting Up
~@Stern Algorithm~

"The greenhouse will likely be the most difficult, since we'll need glass, but i can get started with just the herb garden. All it would need is a fenced-off area around some decent soil and maybe a shed for tools. Oh, we'll need gardening tools too."
Sylvia Altissima

"Oh, I can help you build your garden and greenhouse." Talia smiled. "We can build them near the kitchen. Probably restructure the kitchen too so you two will have an easier time moving around." The Cyclops explained.

The three monsters then moved to the right side of the guild building and began the long work. As you were doing so, Talia began to speak. "Hey Sylvia, Vivian." She began. "Can I... ask you two for a favor? I mean no offense to our other guildmates but you two look reliable and... other things."

"It's... about Neil. He's... I don't wanna say he's suspicious because he's not but... he's hiding something." The Cyclops explained. "There's something... off about him. I've also heard strange sounds from his room at night. Especially last night. He was singing, I've heard, but I've also certainly heard instruments playing along with him. And there's definitely no instruments in his room."

"I'm... asking you to spy on him. Learn anything." Talia herself was not comfortable with the request. "I mean, you two are a Liliraune. You're more suited for stealthy tasks than a large, imposing Cyclops. So, can you two do it?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Having gathered information about the mysterious creature with the old man, they had a few hints to what where to find said creature. Not only that, but whatever that creature was, it didn't seem to be actively aggressive, judging by how the old man was still alive and completely unscathed even though there were footprints so close from his house. Thanks to those observations and the information gathered, despite the nature of said creature still being shrouded in mystery for both Ozzy and Haley, they certainly shouldn't expect a creature that would actively hunt them.

Whether they ended up following the strange footsteps or going right to the river they would occasionally see some rather strange carcasses through the forest. While most of them were of wild animals that lived there, there were a few carcasses from cows, obviously the livestock that the old man was talking about. There was one thing in common about them were that upon close inspection, the bite marks on the ones that still had some meat and on the bones were exactly the same.

As the two harpies approached the river, they would soon hear a sharp snapping sound of metal hitting metal, the noise of a bear trap being triggered. Upon getting closer to it, they would see a strange, female white creature holding one of the old man's traps on her hands (although it was already disarmed), curiously turning it and examining it. Upon seeing another bear trap on the ground, this time an armed one, the creature immediately jumped and dashed towards it with a surprising agility and speed, stopping just in front of it. With a single, lightning fast movement of her arms, she took the piece of meat that was used as a bait to the trap without hurting herself and promptly swallowed it, making the trap snap on the air and produce the same sound they heard. As the metallic sound echoed the forest, the creature gave a small jump, turning it's head, clearly curious by the metal trap in front of her. When she was about to take it in her hands though, the creature's eyes met with both Haley's and Ozzy's, startled by their presence. Apparently, it was too busy messing with the traps to notice both harpies earlier.

Upon seeing both of them though, instead of charging or fleeing it simply dropped the metal traps she was holding on the ground, looking at both of them with cautious, but curious eyes. Apparently, it was watching how they would react and their actions. Maybe she didn't hide herself, ran or attacked them due to the fact that neither Ozzy nor Haley were armed...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


I eventually left home to travel the world 'cause... I don't know, find more about monsterkind, I guess?"

Ozzy felt guilty having asked the question. "I didn't mean to pry." he hoped he could make it up to her with some follow ups, maybe get a look into her personality and psyche. Ortus would be a good indicator of who she was, maybe having grown up in alot of strife. It sounded like she wasn't untouched by that. It reminded him how lucky he was, growing up in the Aerie, the harpy clan having mingled successfully with the humans there. He could imagine she probably might have been picked on for her wings. He didn't want to bring it up.

He brightened when she said her reasons why. "You should have told me earlier." He beamed back. "Cultures and ecology are like my specialty. I have books on the stuff, and the people I've met on the way! An Imp in Whitewall is an acting minister for monster human marriages. A gremlin in Softbay runs her own factory." He smiled broadly. "Then there's the Demon Circus to get a sight of the Demon Kingdoms. You'd have a blast."

"Hey Ozzy, check this out."

He hovered over her shoulder and looked at the tracks. A beastman from the paws, but there was soemthing very odd about them. "I'd say lizard man, but-" He pointed out the curvature of the claws. "The way it runs... it digs its claws in. Lizardmen are mostly upright. This has them leaning in and pushing off the ground." From his observations of body structures, this running is more seen in birds. They grip the ground when they run. "Posture must be really off, but its hard to tell." She suggested following them. He nodded. "Ill give you what I found out on the way." He flew, again, to avoid the traps.

He told her his facts and theories. Fast, carnivorous, ate livestock and a dog, but didn't attack the farmer, meaning its a predator but it rather not eat humans. This made sense, alot of carnivorous monsters were much the same. He also said it was by the river. He made sure Haley knew everything.

The corpses were the first thing they saw. Mostly eaten, and quite a few of them. He landed on a branch before checking it it was clear, comparing one bite to another. "Wow... things got teeth. Beastman... This might be a new species." He got excited.
"Hungry isn't she? Maybe she's trying to fatten up for winter." Speculation. "Lets not end up on the menu. If its smart enough to-"


The sound echoed in the forest, the sound of a bear trap. He looked to Haley, and gave her a finger to his lip, the sign for quiet. He took to the skies again, finding another branch and taking out his little pocket spy glass. "Oh my gods..." He whispered when he saw it. The creature was... so bizarre! Tail longer than her own body, she ran like a bird, arms tucked in, but the body was sinuous like a lizard. The 'hair' on her head was almost like tendrils... "Ahh she's beautiful." She said, but that was more out of a marvel for the unknown then actual attractiveness. He passed the spy glass to Haley. "Look at that. She's so fast, and she knows how to spring the traps, and use them. She must have a super high metabolism. That must explain all the eating." Ozzy was in total nerd mode, and couldn't keep his beak shut.

Thats probably why she noticed them.

He made an 'oop' sound. He started into her red eyes, she stared into his golden ones.

He stayed stalk still, he whispered to Haley. "I think she's intelligent, and harmless... I hope. Stay here, if something goes wrong." He didn't give her an alternative plan, but she was safer than he would be. He stood up, and with a step flitted down with a couple of beats from his wings. He was on the ground, maybe ten, twenty yards away. He hoped she wouldn't see him as lunch. Another, larger chicken.

He immediately smiled, raised his hands, took a gulp and spoke to the creature. "Hi there!" He said, a little squawk in his words but he tried to sound pleasant, cordial. "Hello, my name is Ozzy. I'm not going to hurt you. Just wanted to talk. Maybe be a friend! You're so- unique. You might be a natural wonder. Truly extraordinary." He just gabbed not even sure if she understood him.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"When Legends Collide"

- : | Mentions | : -
@13org, @Restalaan

Sayonara @AzureKnight

Rodie's flaming body continued to fly back at a break-neck speed, still dazed by Titanica's sudden punch. But little did she know, she was about to get yet another rude awakening. Having failed to see the two newcomers pop up to observe the fight, the flaming titan thought she would be skidding back onto the hard ground below. Instead, she felt something hit her square in the back... HARD. Rodie's eyes bulged from their sockets as she was briefly stopped by such an abrupt change in movement, just to be suddenly catapulted right back the opposite direction.

Rodie's screech raptured through the forest before skidding head-first into the dusty ground, letting in a mouth full of grass and earth. Titanica had witnessed the entire situation go down, and while it surprised her for a minute, she kept her glare towards Freyr and Ditzy.

"WHY HAVE YOU COME?" the titan growled intimidatingly as her spines slowly pulsated in a calibrated formation, "THIS FIGHT IS NOT FOR YOU TO INTERFERE."

A weakly groan emitted from the fire demon's shaken form as slowly began to stand back up.

"W-What the 'ell was THAT?!" she squawked before she turned to face Titanica interacting with the bunny and hemoglobin. Her face began to blush red in a fierce combination of anger and embarrassment as a bird-like gurgle escaped her lips.

"W-Who are these people? What are they doing here? Did Titanica actually make the effort in making new friends...?"

She then locked eyes with Ditzy, who was holding the giant sandbag that must've hit her. Rodie's blood began to boil at just the very notion of it.

"And YOU!" she screeched impulsively, her face growing hotter as her emotions flared, "Ya dare attempt to plant a successful hit on me with a... FFFFUCKING SANDBAG OF ALL THINGS?!"

Titanica would turn to face Rodie as she planted her mass in between her and the two guild-mates.

"That's enough Rodie." the spiked titan demanded as calmly as she could, "You've already lost. Leave now or I'll rip your damn wings off."

"NO!" Rodie screamed as she began to flap her wings, "I WILL NOT BE BEATEN BY A DUMB OAF WITH A SANDBAG! OUTTA MY WAY!!!"

The flying titan's body began to morph into its final stage, transforming her completely into her beastial pterosaur form. Titanica attempted to swing her tail to counter her foe, but Rodie anticipated the movement and swiftly dodged it. This was followed by her using all of her strength to push the lumbering titan out of the way and onto her side. With her foe currently distracted, she can finally enact her sweet, sweet revenge.

With an ear-piercing screech, she extended her claws out as she attempted to grapple Ditzy in a blink of an eye - knowing fully well of her sandbag capabilities. If grappled, Rodie attempted to scrape the giant onto the floor before tossing him straight into Freyr with a quick and violent thrust.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

~@ShwiggityShwah, @13org (HUS)~

The two harpy monsters followed the tracks for a bit before encountering the carcass remains of various forest creatures, a trail of the white creature. Hearing a loud clang of a metal contraption, Haley and Ozzy quickly went to investigate and found their farm-raiding mystery creature. The creature was feminine in appearance and easily, almost effortlessly, subverted the traps laid out for her.

Haley had not seen nor heard of such a monster before. Ozzy had been mostly correct about his theories about what she could be. Some sort of lizard or beastman with white skin and exhibited features of different animals. Both the harpies were at awe at this strange new monster and the sentiment was reflected when the mysterious monster noticed the two of them.

The white monster did not react with any sudden movements. She merely stared at them with her red eyes of curiosity and caution. Haley stared back, not knowing what to do but realizing that the white monster was beholding them much like how they beheld her. Or at least, something similar.

"I think she's intelligent, and harmless... I hope. Stay here, if something goes wrong."

"Okay. Be careful, alright?" Haley whispered back as she held her ground. Or rather, branch and watched Ozzy establish contact.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Vivian & Sylvia Altissima


The sisters turned pleasantly to Talia in the middle of their work to hear her out, but when Talia got to the part about spying, Sylvia suddenly let out an explosive, abrupt, bark-like laugh, that dissolved into a fit of embarrassed giggling. "Oh shit, sorry Talia! Vivian apologized, "Sylvia's not laughing at you."

Vivian tried to console Sylvia, who was wrapping herself up in her large succulent leaves. "Something...embarrassing happened between us and Neil yesterday, and...Sylvia's not quite gotten over it yet. Get yourself together, girl!" That wasn't the full truth of it though. Sylvia thought Neil was cute, making the previous days incident all the more shameful. More than anything, Sylvia didn't want her nectar artificially influencing Neil. Vivian knew this, but Neil wasn't her type. Still, despite being the younger twin, Sylvia had always been the more responsible, and Vivian owed much to Sylvia's maturity, and was willing to help her deal with her confused feelings.

"This request might be too much for my sister to..." Vivian began to apologize but was interrupted.

"We'll do it," Sylvia said, suddenly sober, "I mean, ahem, if it might end up being a threat to the Guild, we definitely should investigate, right? But since all we have is a small suspicion, no point making it a bigger deal than it needs to be, hence the secrecy. If it's nothing, then no harm done, right?"

Vivian could tell Sylvia just wanted an opportunity to look inside Neil's room, potentially learn his secrets, and look at him while he's sleeping. A look of disgust passed over Vivian's face, but she swallowed any words she wanted to say. "W-well, if Sylvia's okay with it, then, I guess...why not?" Vivian concluded, a defeated look on her face.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 19 hrs ago


Yang Bethlehem

Huh, that was easy. Yang thought to herself as she stretched her arms upwards and groaned.

Letting out a relieved sigh, she glanced back towards the delirious man before slowly tailing him from afar.

Better make sure he actually gets to Boreal Port. Yang had enough of letting things take a turn for the worst.

Quietly and stealthily, Yang was poised to intervene as she kept following Samuel until he finally reached Boreal Port.

Once there, Yang finally relaxed and decided to explore the small town to see the sights.

She looked around for a bit until she saw the local church converted to the mamono side. Her curiosity brimmed as she wondered just how different their teaching was, or if they practiced martial arts too.

Perhaps there was a chance encounter today?

Ah well. Yang smiled as she headed towards the church and rapped her knuckles against the door.



Ditzy Stoneclub

Seeing Roadie went forward and tumbled non-stop had Ditzy waited anxiously at first, not even acknowledging Titanica words as he waited patiently for Roadie to rise up.

When she twitched and slowly rose back up, scuffed but not horribly injured, Ditzy had the widest of smiles on him. So much so that he jumped up and down at that, gesturing and pointing his finger excitedly as he turned to Freyr.

"Frey, Frey! Look! She can stand back up! They're just like mama! They can play with me!" Ditzy blurted his words so fast that it sounded like one sentence. An amazing feat when one considering how slow hobgoblins usually were.

"Lizard lady! Can I play as well!?" Ditzy shifted his attention to Titanica immediately.

"And YOU!" she screeched impulsively, her face growing hotter as her emotions flared, "Ya dare attempt to plant a successful hit on me with a... FFFFUCKING SANDBAG OF ALL THINGS?!"

"Yup!" Ditzy beamed proudly as he fist-pumped upwards with not an ounce of regret or shame in him. If anything, Ditzy reveled in it since it was absolutely cathartic to let out a strike without the need for restraint.

Perhaps the flying lady didn't like playing sandbag? Ditzy idly thought before he grinned.

He then dropped the sandbag to the side with both of his arms outstretched. "Wanna wrestle?!"

"NO!" Rodie screamed as she began to flap her wings, "I WILL NOT BE BEATEN BY A DUMB OAF WITH A SANDBAG! OUTTA MY WAY!!!"

The flying titan's body began to morph into its final stage, transforming her completely into her beastial pterosaur form. Titanica attempted to swing her tail to counter her foe, but Rodie anticipated the movement and swiftly dodged it. This was followed by her using all of her strength to push the lumbering titan out of the way and onto her side. With her foe currently distracted, she can finally enact her sweet, sweet revenge.

With an ear-piercing screech, she extended her claws out as she attempted to grapple Ditzy in a blink of an eye - knowing fully well of her sandbag capabilities. If grappled, Rodie attempted to scrape the giant onto the floor before tossing him straight into Freyr with a quick and violent thrust.

"Ah~!" Ditzy took it as a yes as Rodie transformed into a bigger and bestial version of herself. For him, it was like his birthday present came early.

So excited by this, he didn't even bother to evade Rodie. She snapped him up into her talons easily and introduced Ditzy to the ground with a vengeance. Leaving a furrow behind and upturned dirt wherever Ditzy was scrapped.

As Rodie decided to toss Ditzy with a quick and violent thrust, the momentum and weight in her talons followed through but the offending hobgoblin didn't as he clung onto her.

That's also when Rodie realized that Ditzy hadn't loosened his grip on her limb at all despite the rough scrapping he had. The latter was covered in dirt, twigs and grass but the smile on him didn't fade at all, if anything, he screamed in joy.

"This is fun!" Ditzy shouted as he followed the momentum like a child at a swing whenever he was flung by Rodie. "Faster!"

The momentum and mass advantage was still with Rodie but Ditzy own movements were proving to be a nuisance to Rodie's flight as the latter stuck to her like glue.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Surprisingly enough, the red titan was still able to stand up after Ditzy's blow. Despite that, the tension between them was still as strong as it was when they began. Titanica growled angrily when she realized that other guild members came. Freyr already knew that Titanica had quite a temper, but it was starting to get dangerous to those around her. Unfortunately, the red titan had, ironically, a temper just as bad as Titanica herself.

Almost as if the situation wasn't bad enough, the red titan redirected her rage towards Ditzy, after he tried to knock her down with the sandbag. Pouncing on Ditzy with her eyes bristling with rage, she fully transformed on her bestial form. Even though Ditzy was tough and... strangely enough... thought that entire situation as playing, happy that there was someone whom he could use his full force, Freyr was done with all that nonsense. Talking wouldn't work, so Freyr was forced to do something that he didn't want to do...

In a single fluid motion, Freyr drew his bow and shot two arrows, one after another. One of them went towards Titanica, missing her eye by mere centimeters, the other one passed between both the red titan and Ditzy's faces as they rolled through the ground.

"ENOUGH! STOP THIS NONSENSE!" Freyr shouted. For the first time since he arrived on the guild, the calm Freyr who always had a smile on his face now had a cold, serious gaze towards both Titanica and the red titan.

"Look what you have done to your surroundings! I don't CARE if you two decide to kill yourselves! But you will not drag innocent people or leave a trail of destruction behind due to your petty squabbles!" Freyr said, with a cutting cold tone on his voice.

"I won't stand by watching you destroy your surroundings without a single ounce of respect to the forest, nature and those nearby!" he finished, still with his bow on his hands.

"Not even ANIMALS do what you are doing right now! Keep insisting on this senseless, violent and self destructive behavior and you will prove to me that you two are a danger not only to the world around you, but the people too. And if you do so, I will do the necessary to stop you two." Freyr finished.

His glare towards both of them was... honestly, unlike Freyr at all. Not only his voice made it clear he wasn't bluffing, but the wind pressure both Titanica and Rodie felt from the arrows he shot was enough for them to realize that not even their thick hides would be able to stop them if he aimed towards a weak spot. Freyr only hoped that his voice and his arrows were enough to call their attention and stop them from rampaging even more.


Much to the female creature's own surprise, instead of screaming, being surprised, attacking or flying away, the strange winged creature had a complete opposite reaction to what she was thinking, going to the ground instead and looking at her with the same curious eyes she was looking at him. While she didn't knew most of the words he said, she knew that he was speaking to her and could understand enough to know that he was presenting himself. His name was Ozzy.

As he raised his hands and smiled at her, he appeared to be trying to ensure her that he wouldn't attack her or anything. Even though he was speaking a lot of words she didn't understand, him having raised his hands was enough to make her less wary around him. After all, it was an universal sign of submission, showing his belly and his most vulnerable spots.

As she walked closer to Ozzy, he would notice that she walked much like any other humanoid monster would, the footprints he saw earlier were, apparently, of her running. The lack of the talons he was able to see in the previous footprints indicated that she had retractable talons on her feet, probably both for hunting and running. Other thing that would draw Ozzy's attention was that even though her hair wasn't silky smooth, making her hair bundle together due to her hair's natural oils, making it look like 'tendrils' from far away, it definitely wasn't as dirty as he would expect from a wild creature with such long hair, being in fact, almost spotless, matching her body. Such fact was another proof that the creature was in fact, intelligent, at least enough to care about her own appearance and clean her body for more reasons than just mere instinct.

Showing the tip of her tongue as she approached Ozzy, she stopped in front of him sniffing the air for a second. Apparently, it had a similar olfactory system to a reptile's being able to use her tongue to almost effectively 'taste' the air. After looking at him curiously and sniffing a bit, she delicately, but unceremoniously grabbed his right wing, extending it, touching his feathers and curiously analyzing it. Before Ozzy could even react to that, the tip of her tail touched his chin, gently pushing it down and opening his mouth as she looked inside of it, apparently comparing his teeth to her own, noticing that they weren't nearly as sharp as hers.

It was evident to Ozzy by now that the creature wouldn't attack him and was, in fact just as curious about him as he was of her. The only problem was that the white female creature's 'curiosity' was a tad bit... invasive... Perhaps a bit more than what he would be comfortable with.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Fantastic, he's established contact.

She was now curiously approaching him. He had to trust his instincts, and her eyes looked at him with more interest then threat. If anything she was walking towards him. Good time to establish communications. "Wow, shes bipedal, and she keeps herself clean. She might be cultured. Can you speak?" He moved his hand out from his open mouth. "Speak? Hello? Hi? Ozzy? My name is-?" He tried to coax a response.

What happened next was exhilerating. Established touch. She went for his wing, giving off a surprised. "Oh uh yeah, thats my wing, see?" He flapped it a little, but then her fingers ran over his feathers which gave him a shudder. It was a weird sensation. "Okay, you can- bleh" Her long tail went to his mouth and she was looking into it. The exhileration became annoyance. He tried to reason with her, but she seemed to be more curious then polite.

"Haley? I'm being examined." He said when his mouth was allowed back. She seemed to study him bit by bit, and if she started going towards his legs, he'd reach out to try to keep her hands off of him, one enclosing around her own to stop it from trying to pick at his clothes or something. "Please mame. I know I'm interesting-" He stopped what he was saying when he inspected her right back, his other hand going over the back of her hand her claw, finger tips feeling over her knuckles and back. He was leaning in, admiring her skin. "That's a unique texture."

And it might devolve into a 'study off' with Ozzy managing to get his hands on her arm, his fingers trying to understand her musculature and whether she was more reptile or mammal. Or she might just bite him... He is too enthralled to see that as a possibility at the moment.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"A Titanic Trio"

- : | Mentions | : -
@13org, @Restalaan

Rodie attempted to launch the hobgoblin off towards his friend, using all of her burning rage to concentrate on this very moment. However, she soon discovered that her opponent was firmly grasped to her very talons. Yet he wasn't screaming in pain, but rather in pure joy, like a child playing in the sand. The fiery titan was startled by this realization, and began to slam her onto the ground multiple times more, yet no matter how much she tried to throw her off, Ditzy simply refused to~

"GAGH! GET OFF OF ME YA PERSISTENT WRETCH!" the winged titan shrieked viciously as she swung her whole body back and forth in a frenzied panic, "WHAT KIND OF MADMAN ARE YA?!"

Meanwhile, Titanica began to slowly rise back onto her feet as she glared straight towards the distracted Rodie. Wanting to end the battle as soon as possible, the titan's spines began to crackle and spark as her signature blue aura began to hint to what was about to come. But as she was about to release her atomic fire, an arrow streaked right by her line of sight, almost completely obscuring her vision for half-a-second. Her flame began to die down as she cocked her head to the direction of the shooter.


At the same time, Rodie could see another arrow zoom in between she and her opponent. The flaming titan also turned her head in the direction of the shot, only to see an angry Viera declare his statement of the matter. The two titans would cease their activities and look upon this mere stranger, however the flaming titan seemed more curiously peeved compared to the silent, blank-faced, saurian.

"Look what you have done to your surroundings! I don't CARE if you two decide to kill yourselves! But you will not drag innocent people or leave a trail of destruction behind due to your petty squabbles!" Freyr said, with a cutting cold tone on his voice.

Titanica remained neutral on the matter, resting only due to her "moral" high-ground on the situation. Rodie on the other hand, didn't seem to take his statement as respectfully. She became visibly annoyed by he bunny's careless complaints as a bird-like growl emitted from his vibrating throat. She looked down at Ditzy for a few seconds before tossing her to the side, but still kept the same aggressive look towards Freyr.

"Ohohoho..." the fiery pterosaur cooed mockingly as she slowly approached the archer, "Wise words to go by considering yer idiot friend decided to, oh I dun' know, SLAM HIS STUPID BAG INTO MY BACK! Y'all should've stayed back and let us duke it out alone, but nooooo, you just HAD to add yerselves in. I think it's all yall's faults for gettin' into this.

"I won't stand by watching you destroy your surroundings without a single ounce of respect to the forest, nature and those nearby!" he said, still with his bow on his hands. "Not even ANIMALS do what you are doing right now! Keep insisting on this senseless, violent and self destructive behavior and you will prove to me that you two are a danger not only to the world around you, but the people too. And if you do so, I will do the necessary to stop you two." Freyr finished.

A brief pause filled the air as Rodie seemed to initially think about what he said. Suddenly, she burst into haughty laughter, her raspy shrieking enveloping the entire forest with her voice alone. It took a solid half-a-minute for the titan to finally regain her composure as her beak seemed to recoil into a smug smile.

"You?" she asked mockingly towards Freyr, "YOU are gonna stop us? Oh, foolish bunny, I don't believe ya recognize who you're talking to. We've existed on this world for far, FAR, longer then you or yer ancestors combined! You think y'all are the dominant and 'SuPeRiOr' species?!"

The pterosaur titan would then rise onto both of her feet and extends her wings as far as she could, rising them into the air for dramatic affect.

"We're KAIJU! TITANS OF OLD! The TRUE alpha rulers of this world! If there's anyone 'ere that's more a'tuned to nature then ya mortals living in artificial houses, it's us!"

Her beak would then lower to face directly into Freyr's eyes.

"And we will do what we please... when we please. So if ya wanna stop us, good luck doin' it pal."

Her jaws began to open slowly as her tongue began to lick the sides of her mouth.

"Cuz' yer about to become my NEXT MEA~"

Within seconds in preparing to eat Freyr alive, everyone would find the entire area being engulfed in a powerful white light from above. In addition, yellow scales began to fall upon them like slow-falling snow. Rodie paused before issuing a creaking growl, shielding her eyes from the intense brightness with her massive wings. Titanica also found herself covering her eyes as she tried to peer through the holy interference that showered upon them. However, she already knew on who was emitting those "God Rays".

"EVERYONE STOP!" a familiar voice echoed with pressured urgency as panicked chirps attempted to nullify the aggression from all party members.

Morgan had finally revealed herself, yet she wasn't in her own beast form unlike her fellow titans. Only her vibrantly colorful wings had been elongated and her eyes glowing a holy white color to them. The two grounded titans would only stand in place, glancing up at the marvel that was upon them, almost forgetting about the two strangers that followed them here.

"Morgan..." Titanica breathed softly as she slowly lowered her arms.

"Well if it ain't the tiny butterfly that comes to save the day..." Rodie muttered sarcastically before directly addressing Morgan, "I thought yer were dead!"

The girl's eyes looked down at Rodie, seemingly with indifference.

"Return to your default forms." Morgan ordered with an affirmative essence, before looking back at Titanica as well, "We shouldn't be fighting one another! At least, not in front of our humble guests. Please, I beg the both of you."

Both figures seemed hesitant at first, looking at one another with the last remnants of their primed hatred. Eventually however, the two would seem to silently concede and slowly morph back into their humanoid forms. Once they've morphed, Morgan's god rays would slowly dissipate and the particles cease, as she slowly descended towards the ground - yet still levitating a few inches above the ground.

It would seem that a crisis had currently been prevented...

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 19 hrs ago


Ditzy Stoneclub

Despite the rough tumble and ground slams, Ditzy was having the fun of his life.

Laughing, cheering and smiling, nothing else really mattered as he kept holding on to Rodie talons.

"GAGH! GET OFF OF ME YA PERSISTENT WRETCH!" the winged titan shrieked viciously as she swung her whole body back and forth in a frenzied panic, "WHAT KIND OF MADMAN ARE YA?!"

"No! It's fun!" He answered truthfully to her despite being swung around like a doll.

Though that moment soon ended as Ditzy saw a blur flew past him and Rodie, he blinked several times and hadn't realized it was an arrow that flew past him. What did gave it away for Rodie who had looked down to Freyr.

Ditzy winced when he heard Freyr shouted, it didn't seem like Freyr was happy at all. More so when Freyr had pointed out that they had ruined the surroundings completely.

That had Ditzy looking around when he realized that he had caused more destruction to the forest and grass due to playing with Rodie.

The forest that he made friends with from Freyr village came to his mind, and the disapproval built up in him. Made worst when Freyr livid face told him enough similar to the few times where his father got really mad.

"Sorry." Ditzy apologized with his head in downcast.

Titanica remained neutral on the matter, resting only due to her "moral" high-ground on the situation. Rodie on the other hand, didn't seem to take his statement as respectfully. She became visibly annoyed by he bunny's careless complaints as a bird-like growl emitted from his vibrating throat. She looked down at Ditzy for a few seconds before tossing her to the side, but still kept the same aggressive look towards Freyr.

Ditzy grip slackened during that moment and allowed Rodie to finally tossed him away, much to the latter surprise as he landed on the ground, sunken and leaving an imprint of his body outline.

He slowly got up from it and rubbed the back of his head, relatively unharmed, the shock of the landing was the bigger damage to him than the fall itself.

Planting his feet and making sure he had a good balance, Ditzy pushed himself to a standing position with both hands outstretched at first before bringing his arms together.

"You?" she asked mockingly towards Freyr, "YOU are gonna stop us? Oh, foolish bunny, I don't believe ya recognize who you're talking to. We've existed on this world for far, FAR, longer then you or yer ancestors combined! You think y'all are the dominant and 'SuPeRiOr' species?!"

The pterosaur titan would then rise onto both of her feet and extends her wings as far as she could, rising them into the air for dramatic affect.

"We're KAIJU! TITANS OF OLD! The TRUE alpha rulers of this world! If there's anyone 'ere that's more a'tuned to nature then ya mortals living in artificial houses, it's us!"

Her beak would then lower to face directly into Freyr's eyes.

"And we will do what we please... when we please. So if ya wanna stop us, good luck doin' it pal."

"Freyr is friends with mr.Tree," Ditzy pointed that out to Rodie and her proclamation that they're the rulers of the world. "And the trees also talks to him, he's their friend."

"Also, Freyr is taken, so you can't eat him. Ms.Nera will get mad if you do." He waved his hand at that, completely ignorant that Rodie context was different from what he usually knows.

Within seconds in preparing to eat Freyr alive, everyone would find the entire area being engulfed in a powerful white light from above. In addition, yellow scales began to fall upon them like slow-falling snow. Rodie paused before issuing a creaking growl, shielding her eyes from the intense brightness with her massive wings. Titanica also found herself covering her eyes as she tried to peer through the holy interference that showered upon them. However, she already knew on who was emitting those "God Rays".

"EVERYONE STOP!" a familiar voice echoed with pressured urgency as panicked chirps attempted to nullify the aggression from all party members.

That's also when a bright light filled the place in addition to the daylight, Ditzy had to close his eyes briefly and placed a hand over his brows to limit the amount of light.

Then he saw yellow scales falling down like snow, this had him looked around for the source and landed his eyes on Morgan.

"Oh! Doctor lady moth!" Ditzy waved his hand excitedly to her.

"I wasn't fighting, I was playing with loud lady!" He smiled to her and approached her, though that cheer dissolved when he remembers the damage. "But we broke everything else."

"Can you fix mr.Trees? Like how you fix me?" Ditzy then pointed to the broken and fell trees, wondering if Morgan can do such a thing.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Surprisingly enough Titanica seemed to understand Freyr's point, standing down despite the situation. Hopefully it was a step on the right direction to fix Titanica's temper... Ditzy too, understood that it wasn't time to 'play' and let go of the red titan. Unlike them though, the red titan had the complete opposite reaction. Freyr never thought he would find someone who had a worse temper than Titanica, but the red titan quickly made him realize that, it would be impossible to talk with her. Despite her temper, Titanica would sometimes listen to their words. It was hard to make her listen when she was irritated, but it was possible. With the red titan that didn't seem to be possible, as it became evident when she threw Ditzy away before she began talking.

While Ditzy's mention of Nera did surprise Freyr, there were other, more pressing issues to solve. He would have to leave that misunderstanding for later.

As the red titan went on and on with an arrogant speech about titans being the rulers of the earth, displaying an fenomenal arrogance, Freyr's expression would only get colder and colder towards her.

"Your arrogance and foolishness truly knows no boundaries... After destroying almost an entire forest you DARE to say that you are more 'attuned' to the nature than we Viera?" he replied.

"You are nothing but an arrogant fool. You claim to be a 'titan of old' but has no knowledge of of the Viera and who we are... The Vieran Woods are as old as magic itself. There are creatures much older, powerful and wiser than you who dwell on that forest." he continued.

"For someone who claim to be the 'rulers of the world' you are painfully oblivious, painfully blind to the very world that surrounds you. What you see, what you perceive with your arrogant mind is but a fraction of what the world really is." Freyr said, as he grabbed another arrow.

"The countless years contained within every ring of a tree and in every tree of a forest, the voice of their leaves, silently whispering and swaying with the wind, the roots that extend themselves to the very womb of the earth... Still, you can only see what is immediately in front of you, trampling and destroying everything..." he continued.

"If you insist on acting like a mindless monster, I will treat you as one. Underestimating me will be a mistake you will never forget." Freyr said, almost hissing as he looked towards the red titan with the bow on his hands.

As the red titan began opening it's mouth, Freyr already had an arrow nocked on his bow, he was about to shoot it right on her eye, which would cause a grave wound, even for a titan such as herself, when a voice interrupted them. It was Morgan, who had disappeared earlier. Her voice echoed through what was left of the forest as she appeared with vibrantly colorful wings behind her, glowing with a strange white color. Somehow, the red titan seemed to calm down and return to her human form as per Morgan's request.

"Eyes are useless to someone as blind as you are... Next time, there will be no warning." Freyr said to the red titan, as he sheathed his bow and the arrow that was on his hand and walked away.

Turning towards Ditzy when he asked Morgan if it was possible to fix the forest, he kneeled down on the ground, gently touching the earth.

"The nature is stronger than any one of us, Ditzy. One should always respect and never underestimate it's power, because without it, we would wither and perish. Despite what happened, the forest will heal itself with time." Freyr explained to him, standing up shortly after.

"You..." Freyr said, looking at the red titan and pointing at her with the tip of his bow.

"You are not welcome here. You should leave." Freyr said, with a cold voice towards her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

~@ShwiggityShwah, @13org (HUS)~

"Haley? I'm being examined."
Ozzy Skyway

"Yeah, looks like it." Ozzy had made first contact and the white creature was... oddly okay with it. She was as curious about Ozzy as he was about her. It could've been worse, Haley thought. She could have been hostile or could have ran and forced the two Harpies into a harrowing chase.

Fortunately, all that happened was that both Ozzy and the creature got fascinated by each other. The sight of them inspecting each other was amusing to say the least and Haley was almost unsure if she should interrupt these two curious creatures but she and Ozzy was on a quest and they had to deal with this one way or another. Of course, they can just leave her alone but that would solve nothing.

"Ahem!" Haley cleared her throat to catch Ozzy's attention. "So what do we do about her? The farmers still want her head."

~@Restalaan (YNG)~

You followed Samuel towards Boreal Port. Once you neared the port, you ran out of places to hide and so entered the town ahead of Samuel. Surely he could not get lost this close, right?

The church that towered over every other building in the port appeared it still belonged to the Order with holy symbols and markings. Since Boreal Port is fully a monster-friendly town, it was doubtful that it still belonged to the Order.

Your knocks on the church doors were answered. Out came a woman in purple. Her fair skin was smooth and unblemished and her figure could catch men's eyes without effort. She was beautiful to say the least, and the saintly but sultry garments she wore only enhanced her alluring appearance. You notice that she has a devilish tail wrapped in chain behind her, which indicated to you that she was a Dark Priest.

"Ah, hello." She greeted you. Happily, not seductively as is the standard for Dark Priests. Maybe because you were a girl? "Welcome to this church of the Fallen God. I know it doesn't look like one right now but that's because we're not done converting it yet. So, can I help you?"

~@Stern Algorithm~

"We'll do it, I mean, ahem, if it might end up being a threat to the Guild, we definitely should investigate, right? But since all we have is a small suspicion, no point making it a bigger deal than it needs to be, hence the secrecy. If it's nothing, then no harm done, right?"

"W-well, if Sylvia's okay with it, then, I guess...why not?"
Sylvia & Vivian Altissima

Talia was initially startled and confused at Sylvia's sudden outburst of laughter and became confused, and a bit suspicious, when Vivian mentioned that they had an embarrassing incident with Neil. "May I know what this embarrassing moment was?" The Cyclops asked with serious concern. Was she that deeply suspicious about Neil or perhaps...

"Hey, all." Neil greeted the monsters, coming from around the corner. A bit tired and exasperated from the looks of him. "I'm back."

Talia almost yelped in surprise. "Ah, Neil! W-Welcome back! Umm, are you already done with your quest? You're here pretty early. And didn't you go with Vară? Where is she?"

"Uhh, ahh," Neil stammered at the amount of questions thrown at him. "W-Well, I've got some bad news. We, me and Vară, encountered some people from her family. They practically forced her to come back with them. They invited me to come too but uhh, I-I turned them down." He explained. "So, I guess we're fewer now. Also, I went back 'cause I don't think I could complete the quest by myself."

"Oh, I see. Well, I'm glad you didn't go." Talia realized the small slip and blushed but Neil did not appear to have noticed.

"Heh, yeah." Neil then beheld the work the monsters were currently doing. So far they had planted down some wooden posts for the fenced-off area for the Altissima sisters' herb garden but the fence itself was still not finished. "So, what're you guys up to?" He probably knew but he wanted to hear the answer anyway.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 19 hrs ago


Yang Bethlehem

"Greetings." Yang bowed her head in respect, she looked at the priestess for a moment and didn't see any training that indicated that they practice martial arts.

"I'm from the Guild, and one of the newer tenants." She lifted her head and met the priestess gaze with a warm smile. "I was just taking a look around and seeing the area."

"If it's not too troubling, may I look at the inside of the church? I've never been into a church." Yang sheepishly said, not a monster church anyways. She had seen the normal and small ones.

Once inside, she let out her inner thoughts more to the priestess.

"Well...How should I say this? It has just been a rough time for me." Yang didn't quite know why but she felt like talking openly even if it was a stranger.

"I failed an old lady, couldn't stop or help a man from crashing to his death, and even the success I had is making things strained between Guildmaster Bart and Neil." It felt like she had been carrying a lot of burdens on her as of late, what's with the failures and straining relationship within the guild.

A lot of the older people that once made up the core had left, Magnus, the centaur, priestess, and the moth sisters. As brief as their meeting was, Yang treasured those moments she had with them.

A moment of silence passed and she leaned against the wall for a moment before relaxing her posture and back to her sunny smile.

"But that's enough of me, I don't suppose your church has anyone practicing martial arts and such? I was hoping for a friendly spar or such." She felt a bit more relieved taking that out of her chest. "Even those lizardwoman or salamander would be a good test."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


The female creature continued examining the weird flying creature in front of her for a bit longer. While it was undeniably similar to a bird in some aspects, it was much bigger and it had clear humanoid features too. Ignoring his obvious annoyance, she continued analyzing it for just a bit more before he touched her, making her give a small jump surprised with his touch.

Satisfied with her examination though, she gave a step back, looking at him with a puzzled expression. She didn't know many things he was saying but thanks to a few gestures he made she did understand that he was called 'Ozzy'... Not that she understood what it meant, but she knew the sound and that he identified himself as that. It was then that she remembered a certain gesture he made when she began examining him. Pointing towards her own mouth, she made a gesture similar to the one he made, misunderstanding what he meant by that.

Immediately, the white creature dashed towards another one of the traps scattered by. With the same swift movements and without any difficulty at all, she grabbed the piece of meat, triggering the trap and making the metallic noise echo through the woods once more. Dashing towards Ozzy again, she extended her hand towards him, holding the piece of meat. Pointing towards her own mouth, and then to the meat, she waited for a confirmation. That gesture he made earlier... It meant he wanted something to eat, right?

As Haley talked, the white creature's eyes met with hers. Her eyes were fixed on the colorful harpy even though she was trying to give the piece of meat to Ozzy, it was obvious that she was interested by the bright colors her feathers had.

Other than that, both Ozzy and Haley would soon realize that the creature had no intention of staying behind and instead would simply follow them if they decided to leave. Albeit it was extremely curious and didn't seem to have any notions of 'personal space', it didn't seem to be aggressive at all towards them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


He behavior surprised him, though it didn't take long for him to realize what was happening. He pointed to his mouth and then she went off to get him food. He made a big brimming grin, excited even that she was willing to provide for him. A total stranger it meant that she wanted to be friends! "She displays a willingness to share resources. An understanding of nurturing others. A firm understanding of empathy and compassion. You're so sweet! You are adorable!" he said, his cheeks brimming with pink, super excited.

He took the dirty rotten husk of rabbit from her and gave it a look. He grinned nervously. It would be rude to not accept the gift. He found a not filthy part and put his mouth on it. His owl harpy side would have allowed him to eat it without getting too sick, but he kind of faked it, merely putting his mouth on it and wincing as he ripped a tiny piece, chewed and swallowed with a 'bleh' sound. He then smiled back at her with a nod. His hand reached up slowly and put a gentle hand on the top of her head. "Thank you." He offered the meat back to her before removing her hand.

Her attention went to Haley. "That's Haley. She nice too. Super nice." She asked her a pressing question and Ozzy asked back. "Can we keep her?" He said completely nonchalantly. "She'd probably eat the guild out of house and home, but the job said Identify her. I still have no idea her species." He tilited his head and looked up and down her body, professional, even though she was naked. "This would call for more research. Maybe we discovered a new species. She's a brand new, first of her kind. We can name her Georgia!"

"Maybe we could show them that she's friendly. I mean if-" He turned back to 'Georgia' "How about it, want to come with us?" He moved his hands towards him while walking backwards. If she didnt get it, he would take her hand and gently tug at it as they walked.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

(Sorry for such a long break. I've been going through a lot over the past months.)

After a long day of working on building a barn, John took it easy for the remainder of the evening and found himself going to bed rather early. In the following morning, John woke up rather early and found himself in the forge tending to a weapon he was still working on. A hot forge filled with steam and fire was not normally a place one would want to find themselves in the early morning just before dawn but it was as much a place of comfort to John than his bed. Here he could work away his frustrations as he pounded away at hot metal to forge the shape he desired. Though it was not a new weapon John was working on or even a new weapon. The weapon before John was incomplete, a traditional longsword missing half of its blade.

John rested his hands on the work bench with his head hanging over the blade. His sweat gleaming off his face and on to the floor. He straightened his posture and grabbed the handle of the blade. Try to work this time will you. He stated before holding up in front of him. He breathed in for a moment before focusing on the sword. The blade began to glow a faint translucent orange. Not long after, a small flame erupted from the sword. He smiled slightly at the progress though it was quickly diminished as the blade cracked. He quickly set the blade down on the counter. Making a blade magic was one thing, but fixing a broken blade and enabling it to keep its magic properties was difficult for John. He reached for a cloth and wiped his forehead before exiting the forge.

Glancing up at the rising sunlight, he sighed. I need to spend more time in public. He had the idea to check the board for any jobs that may require his skill set. Hopefully there just might be.
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