(The players shown below are the active ones in the RP. The list is up-to-date as much as possible)

- Race: Viera
- Gender: Male
- Height: 1,96m
- Weight: Unknown
Appearance and Apparel:
Long, white hair, fair skinned and a beautiful face, even if Freyr was a human, he would be considered as extremely beautiful, but the fact that he is a Viera only makes it more apparent thanks to the big, white ears. If anything, it can be called an "exotic beauty".
Standing at 1,96m, Freyr is a good deal taller than normal humans. His lean and graceful body hides powerful muscles, fitting to hunt and live in dangerous forests.
Reserved and ingenuous regarding the world outside the forest he was born, he is deeply curious about other people and things he doesn't know. Just like all the Vieras, Freyr is a warrior and an incredibly skilled hunter. When in combat, he will show no emotions and focus completely on his objective. But outside of combat, he is a very kind and caring person. He will often help those in need.
Regarding relationships and the opposite sex, he is rather shy and doesn't know how to react to any type of romantic advance, not without great effort.
The viera have leporine features, including long ears and supple limbs. They generally wear stilettos, possibly due to the shape of their feet, although there have been exceptions. Their trademark long ears grant them exceptionally good hearing, although they are said to have excellent senses overall.
The viera are sensitive to Mist (Magic) –if they are exposed to high concentrations of it, they will enter a berserk state referred to as a Mist frenzy. When experiencing a Mist frenzy, a viera can tear apart metal shackles and kill armored humes with unarmed blows.
Not only do the viera's ears allow them to hear over great distances, they also allow them to listen to the voices of the spirit world. They can put this ability to great use, for example to communicate with the world around them.
The viera live deep within wooded area, earning them the call "People of the Wood." They have excellent senses, and their hair is usually white. Males and females live separately, only making contact and communication when the need arises. Viera have superb eyesight: it is said that they can spot their prey from as far as 10 km (6.22 miles). Their sense of hearing allows them to hear even the slightest sound, which comes in handy if they are being hunted themselves.
Their lifespan is roughly three times that of humes. They grow much like humes as children, but upon reaching adulthood the viera retain their appearance until old age.
Additionally, their incredibly strong legs not only make them incredibly agile, but together with their claws it is a very dangerous weapon. Both their feet and hands have claws, which are used not only to climb and move themselves more easily, but also as weapons. Their great affinity with the natural world give them an intimate connection to the world around them, giving them the ability to communicate with the world around them & etc. But this same affinity also make them incredibly sensitive to things with tamper with the natural order of the world (magic).
Freyr is a male Viera, which was already incredibly rare, since female Vieras very rarely give birth to a male. After the demon queen turned every monster into females, he became basically the only male Viera. Living a solitary existence in the forest, since female Vieras don't live together with males (in fact, male and female Vieras constantly clash, due to competition for food, resources and territory, only getting together in very specific occasions (such as breeding, helping on extraordinary occasions such as invaders on the forest & etc)). Being a solitary male only made things even more difficult for him. Even though male Vieras are naturally stronger and better hunters than female ones, he was the only male, against a forest full of females. Even though many things changed in the world after the demon queen (the hostilities between male and female Vieras became much rarer, even living harmoniously between them), the traditions continued, and as such, female Vieras continued living separately from males.
Solitude can be a very cruel thing, especially when someone is living for years alone in the forest. Most of the Vieras live their entire lives in the forest. For them, the forest is seen as a sacred place, where one should not leave. Once a Viera makes the choice to leave the forest, it can never return to it.
Even if it was extremely painful for him to leave the forest where he was born, he had no choice but to do it.
Leaving behind the forest, his home, his lair, his prison, he headed out to search for a meaning for his own life, to search for the reason why he was a male, to search for an end to his loneliness.
In one of the first places where he stopped, he encountered Bartholomew, and by some reason unknown to him, received an invitation, a proposal.
Two long hunting knives, almost as long as a small shorsword.

Bow and arrow, made by himself using strong wood and animal bones. Its quite bigger than a normal bow, and almost impossible to be drawn by a normal human.

- Vieran Phisiology: Enhanced Hearing, Smell, Sight, Agility, Dexterity, Jump, Strength (especially legs), Weakness to loud noises, strong smells. & other racial abilities from the Vieras (including magic sensitivity, natural affinity...)
- Natural Knowledge: Natural medicine (healing herbs, poisons...)
- Natural Hunter: Vieras are both a prey and a predator. As such, they make perfect hunters. Be it with their bows or with their knives.
Bast Ragoczy

- Race: Human?
- Age: 25 (apparent, real age unknown)
- Gender: Male
- Height: 1,92m
- Weight: Unknown
Appearance and Apparel:
Always wearing beautiful, formal attire together with a top hat and a monocle, his appearance is fitting of a nobleman.
His uncommon, white hair and piercing eyes further contributes to his mysterious aura and "exotic beauty".
Tall and lean, Bast's body is flexible and agile, the perfect mix of strength and elegance.
An extraordinaire gentleman, Bast is a deeply intelectual man, well versed in most of the subjects, from magic to technology. A lover of knowledge, he loves to have interesting conversations. Unlike his mysterious aura suggests, he is actually very sociable. His sharp tongue, smooth movements and intellect allows him to be accepted almost anywhere.
'He is an Odd Creature, and the more I see him the more curious I am to know something about him. He is everything with everybody: he talks Ingeniously with Mr Wray, Philosophy with Lord Willoughby, and is gallant with Miss Yorke, Miss Carpenter, and all the Young Ladies.
But the Character and Philosopher is what he seems to pretend to, and to be a good deal conceited of: the Others are put on to comply with Les Manieres du Monde, but that you are to suppose his real characteristic; and I can't but fancy he is a great Pretender in All kinds of Science, as well as that he really has acquired an uncommon Share in some''
- Lady Jemima, when inquired about Bast
Bast Ragoczy, a man shrouded in secrets. His origin is as uncertain as his name. His incredibly young appearance contradicts his knowledge, intellect and life experience, making many doubt of his actual age.
If one searches enough about this man, they will find some of the names he used in his history: Marquis de Montferrat, Comte Bellamarre, Chevalier Schoening, Count Weldon, Comte Soltikoff, Graf Tzarogy & etc.
With knowledge about even topics that one shouldn't have, there are tales of a noble, very similar to Bast, roaming around the Dwarven Kingdoms and even the Moon Kindgom. Referred by many important nobles as an outstanding scholar, philosopher, musician, composer...
The more one tries to dive in this particular man's past, the less it knows about him. None of his names link him to a wealthy or noble family or kingdom, he may not even have noble blood at all. All of the "possessions" he claims to have, have never been found by anyone.
The source of all his money is as uncertain as the man himself.
When he arrives in a town, he quickly become intimate friends with the most powerful nobles and most intelligent scholars, even attending to exclusive balls and parties. Everyone seems to like his company, but after some years, he disappears completely, leaving nothing behind and taking with him his knowledge and secrets.
In one of his trips, he met Bartholomew, whom after hearing his stories, gave him an invitation. Bast had nothing to lose, and as such, accepted it.
Customized playing cards. Each one of them contains an arcane circle drawn on its surface.

A beautifully crafted, Damascus steel sword cane. Besides its beauty, its nothing out of the ordinary. Although it is certainly an item fitting of someone from the high nobility.

- Card Manipulation and Combat: Being able to throw and control his cards with magic (similar to telekinesis), he is able to use them as weapons by throwing them as projectiles, create an aura of cards to protect him against attacks, throw them in the air to obstruct vision (illusionism. normal illusionism, as any magician would do) or even infusing them with elemental spells such as shock, fire, ice, light & etc.
- Mixed Combat Style: Using both magic and his rapier, his combat style mixes ranged attacks, magic and the close ranged, swift and agile movements of his sword cane.
Lamia, ofc... lol

- Race:'Hushabye'
- Gender: Female
- Height: 1,51m (her tail alone has around 3,5m)
- Weight: Unknown
Appearance and Apparel:

Despite her somewhat humanoid appearance, even from a distance, there are quite a few striking features which immediately differentiates it from almost any race, be it humanoid or not. One of those features, perhaps the most visually striking one is her tail, which is almost twice the length of her own body.
With both her hair and her skin being completely white, other than a few, rare red stripes on her body and two red spots above her eyes, her appearance can be described as maybe... 'chimeric'. Sporting a double row of razor sharp teeth (accompanied with a strangely long tongue) and incredibly sharp talons (supposedly used both to give her extra grip when running and attacking due to their size), it's predatory nature is more than clear. One interesting point, which further reinforce the chimeric appearance is that her nails, which are similar to a human's from distance, upon close inspection, are much more resilient and unusually sharp. Their small size indicates that it is not that often used for hunting and more to help her hold her prey in place. Her main weapons are her sharp teeth, her tail and her sharp talons.
Despite her terrifyingly sharp teeth and obviously predatory looks, she is not violent nor aggressive, only attacking animals and creatures in order to feed herself or in extreme cases, retaliating if humans try attacking her. Interestingly enough, she shows extreme curiosity regarding other sentient beings, be them humans or monsters.
Even though she doesn't know how to write or talk, she displays advanced intelligence and is a fast learner despite her ingenuity and innocence.
With an unknown origin and from an unknown race, not much is known about this particular female monster's past other than the assumption that whatever she is, it's not been long since it was born... or made.
Having received the nickname 'Hushabye' due to a local dialect spoken by the few inhabitants who caught glimpses of said mysterious creature, the first sightings were reported after a strange explosion coming from a forest in the border of the Varjan Kingdom. Other than the remains of a magic circle and the ruins of what was once a stone house, nothing else was found. Whatever she is, one of the theories behind her origin is that she is not a natural monster nor a normal creature, but that in fact she was made completely, or at least partially, by using some strange type of magic.
But as the woods around the Varjan Kindgom started becoming more dangerous, she began heading towards more friendly lands, which started putting locals in panic when unavoidably, they caught a glimpse of an unknown creature hunting a deer near their village. As such, the Guild received a new request, involving a dangerous (?) beast.
- Unique Physiology: Due to her unique physiology, not only she is extremely fast, agile and able to do move herself in a very unpredictable manner thanks to her tail, but she is also able to sustain her own body on top of her tail and even crush someone with it's strength. Her bite is also incredibly deadly, not only due to her sharp, curved teeth, almost making escape impossible once she bites something, but also due to her biting strength, which seems to be enough to easily crush bones and tear flesh. While her hands closely resemble a normal human's, including fingernails, her digitigrade feet do have sharp, retractable nails, that seem to be perfect not only to help her to run by giving her an extra grip, but also to hold down prey.
- Sensory Organs: Her long tongue and interestingly enough, the two red spots on her forehead function together as two additional sensory organs. While her tongue functions almost like a reptile's, by 'tasting' the air, the red spots works as a thermal sensitive organ, capable of tracking prey by their bodily temperature.
- Active Camouflage: While it's not exactly 'invisibility', it functions similarly, providing her with an almost perfect camouflage if running and being impossible to spot by normal means if stalking someone or moving itself slowly. It's undeniably a very problematic ability coupled with her agility and her natural ability to be stealthy.

Name: Yang Bethelehem
Race: Human female
She has short blonde hair, blue eyes and wear a slightly tattered version of eastern monks clothing that has the sleeves cut off for practicality in using her fist, her body is toned but her thighs and legs are heavily muscled as it was the core of her martial arts strength, though she has problems with the growing assets of hers and tie it down with bandages so it won't move around so much.
Body of steel and feather: Yang is a practitioner of the far east martial arts, her master, a man who learned Nippon and the misty island martials arts taught her everything she knew as well as conditioning her body. To be able to turned steel but flexible enough to be as a feather in the wind, Yang have nearly completed the mastery of her arts in its physical form at least.
Ki: While the western calls it mana, its name matters not as it still is the same. Yang is able to reinforce her body, strengthened or sped it up in burst, and at its extreme, give rapid regeneration to herself.
Skilled practitioner : Nowhere enough experience to be called a master, yet Yang is still one of the top students and was the closest to be a successor in terms of skill. Grapple, strikes, weapons, and techniques, she learned enough to perform them.
A pair of metallic prayer beads : A farewell present from her master, she was gifted this to keep training as well as an impromptu weapon to serve as a knuckle duster.
Personality: Yang is a curious, energetic, and kind women who would never turned a blind eye to injustice. A wild, and untamed spirit burns in her as she is ever curious about the wide world.
Background: She was born an orphan in the far east and abandoned to a temple of monks, from there, she was raised by a monk in the far east who taught her martial arts and the basic of Ki. She soon climbed the ranks and was considered to be next successor of the temple and martial arts, however, Yang heart was still too wild and wished to see the world. This was a sentiment that her master agreed as she was still too naive and inexperience to take on him mantle just yet in the martial arts, this was also followed that he wished for her to have a better life than simply being in a temple for the rest of her life.
So with the well wishes of her master and temple disciples, she left the monastery to begin her journey. After a long travel, she ended up far in the west and realized that she was slowly running longer have any money. Deciding to earn some money, she decided to join the guild.

Name: Yang Bethelehem
Race: Human female
She has short blonde hair, blue eyes and wear a slightly tattered version of eastern monks clothing that has the sleeves cut off for practicality in using her fist, her body is toned but her thighs and legs are heavily muscled as it was the core of her martial arts strength, though she has problems with the growing assets of hers and tie it down with bandages so it won't move around so much.
Body of steel and feather: Yang is a practitioner of the far east martial arts, her master, a man who learned Nippon and the misty island martials arts taught her everything she knew as well as conditioning her body. To be able to turned steel but flexible enough to be as a feather in the wind, Yang have nearly completed the mastery of her arts in its physical form at least.
Ki: While the western calls it mana, its name matters not as it still is the same. Yang is able to reinforce her body, strengthened or sped it up in burst, and at its extreme, give rapid regeneration to herself.
Skilled practitioner : Nowhere enough experience to be called a master, yet Yang is still one of the top students and was the closest to be a successor in terms of skill. Grapple, strikes, weapons, and techniques, she learned enough to perform them.
A pair of metallic prayer beads : A farewell present from her master, she was gifted this to keep training as well as an impromptu weapon to serve as a knuckle duster.
Personality: Yang is a curious, energetic, and kind women who would never turned a blind eye to injustice. A wild, and untamed spirit burns in her as she is ever curious about the wide world.
Background: She was born an orphan in the far east and abandoned to a temple of monks, from there, she was raised by a monk in the far east who taught her martial arts and the basic of Ki. She soon climbed the ranks and was considered to be next successor of the temple and martial arts, however, Yang heart was still too wild and wished to see the world. This was a sentiment that her master agreed as she was still too naive and inexperience to take on him mantle just yet in the martial arts, this was also followed that he wished for her to have a better life than simply being in a temple for the rest of her life.
So with the well wishes of her master and temple disciples, she left the monastery to begin her journey. After a long travel, she ended up far in the west and realized that she was slowly running longer have any money. Deciding to earn some money, she decided to join the guild.

A mismatched pair of horns at the top of his red head with one bigger than the other, Ditzy wore the same clothing that was meant for hob-goblin which included the strap across his chest. Revealing his muscled and toned body despite wearing female clothing. Rather than the standard club, he is seen wielding a training sand bag used by fighters. Often seen with a smile or daze out look as he looked around.
Name: Ditzy Stoneclub
Race: Hob-goblin male
Abnormal strength: Ditzy birth was an abnormality itself, being a male hob-goblin but to make it even odder, Ditzy was far stronger than any hob-goblin of his age. Strong enough that he could quite literally crushed stones into pebbles, then dust as if their made of paper, the standard heavy hardened club that hob-goblins used also proved to be fragile as it would shatter into splinters if Ditzy used his strength fully. His father, a well travelled fighter realized that Ditzy had strength that could rival Ogres minotaurs or even Wurms.
Long stamina: Ditzy stamina is one that also surpass normal hob-goblin as he can and often would helped his parents to till the lands, move heavy things into carts, and cut down timbers. This further improved his stamina as he can play tag the whole day for him, though he never can catch anyone.
A weaved sand bag: Ditzy strength was proved to be too strong for any conventional weapons, his father feared that strength would have him do something too much to others hence he created a custom weapon for him. A half filled sand bag with the leather of a cured old hell boar hide, wrapped around it was a mesh of tough ropes and arachne silk to provide a grip for Ditzy and reinforcing it was another hide for heavy strain.
Personality: Ditzy, as his name implies, is not the most focused person as he would zone out day dreaming or trying to figure out things around him. He was not in any means dumbs but rather, slow because he takes time to understand what's going on. Nevertheless, he is optimistic, cheery and curious about the world. That slowness of his is also punctuated by his abnormal strength where he often have to be careful in touching things.
However, when push comes to shove and Ditzy actually recognized a threat, the word restraint doesn't comes to him as he will use all of his strength to get rid of those threatening.
Background: Born to the village and tribe of stoneclub, Ditzy parents was a retired travelling fighter and hob-goblin who helps maintain the village as mason and carpenter. Mostly done by his father. Despite his status and abnormality of a male, his parents still tried his best to raise him up like a normal child as they can. His father worried tremendously however when Ditzy strength grew far beyond a normal hob-goblin, that he would accidentally hurt someone.
So Ditzy was often asked to be slow and gentle when grabbing things, the few times he can used his full strength was only when physical work or playing with his mother. Who was the few hob-goblin in the few village who could handle him. The small times where trouble occurred had also force his father train Ditzy in some self-defense but mostly, he was far more afraid of the opponent than Ditzy.
Ditzy life nonetheless was quite calm but he wanted to see more of the world beyond his village, even if he never fully understood the full extant of his own village. He heard rumors after observing and hearing the people talk for a long time, and heard of a new guild formed. Ditzy had begged and asked his father so he can work and see the world. Day after day until his father finally relented and allowed him to go, knowing that Ditzy had to learn self-control over his strength one day and hoped that he will. After being promised to control his strength no matter what, Ditzy was finally able to make the journey.

A mismatched pair of horns at the top of his red head with one bigger than the other, Ditzy wore the same clothing that was meant for hob-goblin which included the strap across his chest. Revealing his muscled and toned body despite wearing female clothing. Rather than the standard club, he is seen wielding a training sand bag used by fighters. Often seen with a smile or daze out look as he looked around.
Name: Ditzy Stoneclub
Race: Hob-goblin male
Abnormal strength: Ditzy birth was an abnormality itself, being a male hob-goblin but to make it even odder, Ditzy was far stronger than any hob-goblin of his age. Strong enough that he could quite literally crushed stones into pebbles, then dust as if their made of paper, the standard heavy hardened club that hob-goblins used also proved to be fragile as it would shatter into splinters if Ditzy used his strength fully. His father, a well travelled fighter realized that Ditzy had strength that could rival Ogres minotaurs or even Wurms.
Long stamina: Ditzy stamina is one that also surpass normal hob-goblin as he can and often would helped his parents to till the lands, move heavy things into carts, and cut down timbers. This further improved his stamina as he can play tag the whole day for him, though he never can catch anyone.
A weaved sand bag: Ditzy strength was proved to be too strong for any conventional weapons, his father feared that strength would have him do something too much to others hence he created a custom weapon for him. A half filled sand bag with the leather of a cured old hell boar hide, wrapped around it was a mesh of tough ropes and arachne silk to provide a grip for Ditzy and reinforcing it was another hide for heavy strain.
Personality: Ditzy, as his name implies, is not the most focused person as he would zone out day dreaming or trying to figure out things around him. He was not in any means dumbs but rather, slow because he takes time to understand what's going on. Nevertheless, he is optimistic, cheery and curious about the world. That slowness of his is also punctuated by his abnormal strength where he often have to be careful in touching things.
However, when push comes to shove and Ditzy actually recognized a threat, the word restraint doesn't comes to him as he will use all of his strength to get rid of those threatening.
Background: Born to the village and tribe of stoneclub, Ditzy parents was a retired travelling fighter and hob-goblin who helps maintain the village as mason and carpenter. Mostly done by his father. Despite his status and abnormality of a male, his parents still tried his best to raise him up like a normal child as they can. His father worried tremendously however when Ditzy strength grew far beyond a normal hob-goblin, that he would accidentally hurt someone.
So Ditzy was often asked to be slow and gentle when grabbing things, the few times he can used his full strength was only when physical work or playing with his mother. Who was the few hob-goblin in the few village who could handle him. The small times where trouble occurred had also force his father train Ditzy in some self-defense but mostly, he was far more afraid of the opponent than Ditzy.
Ditzy life nonetheless was quite calm but he wanted to see more of the world beyond his village, even if he never fully understood the full extant of his own village. He heard rumors after observing and hearing the people talk for a long time, and heard of a new guild formed. Ditzy had begged and asked his father so he can work and see the world. Day after day until his father finally relented and allowed him to go, knowing that Ditzy had to learn self-control over his strength one day and hoped that he will. After being promised to control his strength no matter what, Ditzy was finally able to make the journey.
Vivian & Sylvia Altissima

A liliraune is a large plant consisting almost entirely of roots and one massive, bulbous flower. Within the petals of the flower is a deep pool of liquid nectar. Standing submerged up to their knees in the nectar are two voluptuous, green-skinned female bodies with lilac hair, Vivian and Sylvia, whose feet are rooted to the base of the flower at the bottom of the pool. Leaves and vines awrap around them, scantily covering their naughty bits. Vivian has chosen to leave her hair long and has a generally peppy and mischievous expression, while Sylvia has her hair cut short and wears glasses, often with a critical, bookish expression.
Name: Vivian and Sylvia Altissima
Race: Liliraune
- Alraune Nectar-Liliraunes are technically mutant alraunes, and produce the same nectar, which is sweet, has stamina-boosting effects, and is a powerful aphrodisiac.
- Photosynthesis-Liliraunes can choose to derive all their nutrition from the soil and the sun. A doemant period of photosynthesis can usually heal most I'll and injuries.
- Plant Regeneration-Through photosynthesis, and enclosing themselves within the petals, Vivian and Sylvia can engage their plant-like ability to regenerate, closing wounds and leaving no scars, and even recovering lost limbs.
- Vine Control-The roots and vines sprouting from the base of the flower can be used to attack and ensnare prey, and otherwise hold or manipulate objects.
- Thick, Succulent...Petals-The petals of the flower are surprisingly tough and can be used for protection, especially when it closes up and Vivian and Sylvia retreat inside.
- Multitasking and Uncanny Coordination-Two minds, one body, Vivian and Sylvia have lived their entire lives together and know each other's minds and bodies like their own. Though not exactly telepathic, they share a link of familiarity that allows for amazing feats of coordination.
- Limited Mobility-The plant is usually rooted into soil, but it can uproot itself and crawl along on tentacle-like roots, albeit quite slowly.
- Pastry Chef-Vivian is quite the accomplished cook, though her specialty lies in pastries that incorporate her nectar.
- Knife Throwing-A violent and territorial chef, Vivian has learned how to throw kitchen knives in order to keep others out of her kitchen.
- Botanical Expertise-Most plant-based monsters have an affinity for other plants. Sylvia takes it to another level and has studied human botany and gardening. She uses this knowledge, as well as her plant instincts, to grow fruits, vegetables, and herbs for use in both her and her sister's crafts.
- Pharmaceutical Alchemy-Sylvia's natural affinity for herbalism, and her study of alchemy have made her quite the proficient producer of medicine.
Energetic, peppy, and mischievous, Vivian is the less responsible, but more openly friendly of the pair. Her lack of caution hides her intelligence and talent. Vivian is boastful, arrogant, and competitive, easily getting into arguments, especially with her sister. She takes pride in her work, and will love anyone who appreciates or praises her.
Sylvia-Sylvia is quiet and bookish. Analytical and pensive, she can become overly critical and pedantic, especially of her sister. She appreciates intellectuals and loves discussing scholarly interests. Shy but caring, Sylvia is motherly and likes to run a tight ship, more concerned with providing material comfort, and somewhat clumsy when it comes to providing emotional comfort.
A liliraune who sprouted in the backyard garden of a house in a monster-friendly village, Vivian and Sylvia were raised by the farmer couple who owned the house. The couple we're surprisingly knowledgeable about alraune physiology and took steps to make sure no mishaps occurred concerning nectar and seduction. They instead found an alchemist who knew how to take alraune nectar and remove the seductive, aphrodisiac effects, allowing it to be used as a sweetener without the embarrassing side effects. this alchemist intrigued Sylvia, who desired to learn more about the properties of other plants, while also inculcating Vivian with a love of cooking. Over the years, Vivian and Sylvia opened up a side of the farm as a small store, selling baked goods and medicine, becoming popular and contributing members to their society. One day, Bart passed through, and Vivian and Sylvia's parents offered him room and board. Impressed by the skills and talents of the sisters, and marveling at the harmony in which they have integrated into human society, Bart mentioned a desire to have someone help with infrastructure and logistics of the guild he planned to start. After all, most who joined would be adventurers and fighters, but who would feed them and provide them with medicine? When he left, he gave the location of his guild, should Vivian and Sylvia choose to participate. Recognizing the good they could do, and longing to spread their proverbial legs and see more of the world, the transferred their flower into a wheeled clay pot, and set off. Unfortunately their incessant bickering, days of stopping to photosynthesize and taste the local soil, and Vivian's insistence on not asking for directions meant that their already slow pace of travel took significantly longer than expected.
Favorite MG: Yer lookin' at 'er

Appearance: Chocolate skin. Silver chitin plating on her arms, legs and abdomen. Black wings. Black hair. Like most mamono, she wears just enough to cover her modesty, but will always wears a long bright red scarf her Echidna mother made for her as a farewell gift.
Name: Kira Gigas
Race: Beelzebub
Magic/Abilities: Adept in Wind magic, can use element both offensively and defensively.
Equipment: Has a satchel. So far, only contains a slingshot, which she uses with surprising accuracy.
Personality: A troublemaker with a good heart. Mischievous yet kind. Not as mean-spirited or greedy as most Beelzebubs(Due to how she was raised by stern but fair father.)
Background: Hailing from a quiet and fairly boring town located west of the Lozagon Forest, Kira was approached by Bart with a proposition: Work at the new Guild that just popped up! Her mind made up and a heartfelt farewell to her friends and family, Kira comes to the Guild to make a name for herself. Perhaps make some new friends, have a few thrilling quests and maybe, just maybe, find herself a smelly man to hold.
🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥

"Nothing's impossible for the next head of the Riemsianne family! (OK! Relax, Vară you got this...I hope...)

"I'll carve ya up! Medium, or well done?"
Appearance: Vară stands at 5'4'', having a slender and delicate frame. She wears an elegant vermilion dress that at first glance looks to be made of autumn tree leaves. When she becomes excited or is in the midst of spellcasting the ends of her sleeves give off the afterglow of blue, red, and purple flames. Her vivid red eyes and bright, long orange hair often causes the males around her to blush and reminds others of the beauty of the setting sun.
While in her true demon form, her clothes become more eastern in appearance and she grows white horns on the sides of her head that point horizontally. The most notable feature is the large and imposing polearm weapon she dawns, called Camael; it helps augment her fire magic and makes for a powerful battle weapon (though she's not very good at wielding it yet).
Name: Vară Riemsianne
Race: Fire Demon (Demonic beings who are born with the power of fire imbued in their souls)
Being born into a clan of fire demons, the young heiress can innately use toasty magic to attack foes. While having high aptitude, she still has a lot to learn when it comes to combat. She mainly cast a small assortment of different fire-based spells, in addition to the crimson axe she has in her demon form. She can also turn her body into flames briefly, making herself intangible. She can also use this ability to escape disturbances.
- Will-o'-wisp: Vară summons multiple small fireballs from the ground that form a haze of indigo light. The hazy light causes foes to see illusions and be throw astray. The wisps can also burn opponents that come into contact with them.
- Firefly: Vară shoots out small orbs of fire that resemble fireflies fluttering around. She can make then hone in on opponents, and they explode upon impact.
- Lotus Bloom: Shoots fireballs in the shape of lotus flowers.
- Blaze Polearm:
While in her true demon form Vară gain access to a powerful fire axe that helps augment her magical abilities. It also doubles as a melee weapon that can deal quite a bit of damage. However, due to the heavy and unwieldy nature of the weapon she mainly uses it as more of a magical staff.
Personality: Vară presents herself as a spirited and tad overconfident young woman. While coming from a noble clan, she does very little to give off a befitting air. She is rather immature and self-centered at times, but for the most part her heart is in the right place. She tries to always be optimistic and give positive reinforcement whenever possible.
However, her high-spirited nature is just there to hide her insecurities. She knows that she's lacking in certain areas, and it causes her to doubt herself at times. While she puts on a brave face during fights, she actually gets very nervous and becomes unsure of herself. She often has to force herself to calm down and regain composure.
While not on the job, Vară can usually be found either napping the day away or stuffing her face full of sweets and pastries laced with spices. Hard shell candy pieces covered in dried red-hot chili pepper spice are her favorite. She also has a habit of giving people she associates with often, or leaves an otherwise lasting impression on her, dumb nicknames in order to make them easier to remember.
Background: Vară is a young fire demon who aspires become the next head of her clan. Thinking it'd be a good idea to travel and hone her knowledge and skills, Vara decides to set off on her own one day against the wishes of her parents.
She found life outside her home to be quite...different to say the least. She was able to survive for a while thanks to the funds she gained doing odd jobs, but because she has little to no concept of managing finances she quickly found herself lacking any funds, having spent most of it on frivolous pursuits useless trinkets.
Vară spent recent days searching for a guild to join, as she lacked the gold to buy supplies and a place to sleep. As fate would have it, a young guildsman who called himself Bart appeared before the demon one day and saw that she was down on her luck. She quickly accepted his guild membership after being offered an invitation, and dubbed him "The Blue-eyed Savior".
Favorite MG: Right now, a tie between the Ryu, Sea Bishop, and the Lizardman.

"Hello, my name is Nagare. I hope low temperatures and large waves don't bother you too much."

Appearance: Nagare is a young dragon girl who always has a calm, almost demure expression on her face. In her humanoid form she has a modest height of around 5'6''. She wears a light blue kimono along with matching arm and ankle sashes, evident of her homeland in the eastern snowy mountains. She has long, icy blue hair that just reaches to her thighs and deep indigo eyes that glow when she is under intense emotion. She has rigid scales that make up her tail and ends with a fin of sorts at the tip.
In her dragon form she reaches a height of around 25 feet. She is still young, so she's not quite as large as older members of her species. She becomes a large, serpentine dragon whose entire body becomes enveloped in chilling air. Impressive fins of various lengths run down her long body.
Name: Nagare
Race: Sea Dragon (The same as the MGE Dragon, but is a sub-species that was born with the power of water/ice.)
Being a member of the dragon race, Nagare is granted many of the boons that are associated with the species. Though, water dragons tend to me more fragile than their cousin dragon-kin and they also lack the physical strength most are known for. However, what they lack in physical attributes they more than make up for with raw magical power and stout resistances to other forms of sorcery.
- Torrent Blast/Frozen Breath: Nagare is able to breath sub-zero breath from her mouth. It can be used to freeze what ever it touches. Those without decent resistance will find their limbs numb and covered in ice. She can also fire high pressure streams of water to push back foes and cut through obstacles.
- Ice Shards: Nagare can shoot mid=sized ice shards at her opponents using her mouth or tail.
- Tsunami Crash: Nagare can gather water using mana and create waves of various sizes, the tallest beeinh roughly as tall as she is.
- Transformation: Most dragons are strong enough to transform into their natural forms, despite the influence of the current Demon Lord. Nagare is not exception to this, however, she can't maintain the form for very long. How long depends on how much magical energy she uses up over time. All of her abilities are amplified several times over while in this form.
- High resistance: Ice dragons have poor physical constitution, making their defenses weak. However, their race is known to have impressive magical resistance. This even helps with her crippling weakness to fire-based attacks.
Personality: Nagare is a calm, polite, and somewhat introverted girl. While she is friendly and well-mannered to those she interacts with, she more often than not would rather spend time with herself. However, deep down she actually wants to make friends with everyone, but is rather unpolished when it comes to social interactions. She does not share the arrogant, superior nature normally befitting of a dragon-kin. She likes humans, and wants to learn about their race. Her drive to learn new things lead to a a strong sense of exploration, and those around her begin to see a more adventurous side to Nagare.
While not a fan of fighting, she will do so without hesitation to defend herself and others. She becomes stoic and calculating, studying the battlefield and her opponent for any openings and weaknesses.
Background: It is said that members of the water dragon race are distrustful of outsiders, and live in seclusion away from society. This has made them bitter and unemotional on the inside, lending backing to the term "cold-blooded." However, due to the new Demon Lord's influence, their clan has since become more welcoming of the human race. However, old habits die hard, and while the clan has begun letting outside human into the village it is a very slow process.
Nagare, not liking the isolated lifestyle of her village, decides to leave and explore the outside world against the wishes of her elders. Seeing humans as a fascinating species, she was overtaken by her desire to learn more about them and discover life beyond her small mountain community. Though it took her a while to get use to the higher temperature climate, she enjoyed her journey into the world.
Lacking any meaningful relationships with other people, Nagare began to feel a sense of loneliness. She thought that if she found someway to make a friend not only would it help with he goal, she's actually have a friend to confide in. By a stroke of luck, a young guildsman going by the name of Barts happened upon her. She quickly accepted his invitation, seeing as the perfect opportunity to meet new people.
Favorite MG: Right now, still Ryu, Sea Bishop, and Lizardman. Might change in the future.

A charismatic man looking to make a lasting legacy on the world.

An enigmatic boy with secrets to keep and worth to prove.

A lively Siren with a beautiful voice and a dry mouth.

A stoic Cyclops who seeks to expand beyond her race's specialty.

A wandering knight struggling with a strange, but devastating, loss.