Hidden 3 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Due to lack of activity and the waning interest and mistakes of the GM, this RP has officially ended! More details can be found on the last pages of the OOC.

Many thanks to:
@13org, @Restalaan, @Stern Algorithm, @Rezod92 and @AzureKnight

The last players of this 4-year-long RP.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

"Where do you think you are?"


A lone, dilapidated building stood at, what could be said, the border between the Order and the Demons. In the past, the building's position symbolized its allegiance in the long, almost-eternal conflict. But now, no one inhabited the structure. No one took care of it and no one gave it meaning. Thus, the building became just that: a building. One that is old and crippled and abandoned.

While many a passerby saw the potential of reviving the building to its former glory, only one pursued that notion and he traveled far and wide to invite as many people as he could to restore a quest-accomplishing Guild that made this forgotten building its home. His name was Bartholomew Barker, or just 'Bart', and you are one of those people who he invited. He told you where the headquarters was and, for reasons of your own, took him up on his offer and went off to see what this Bart was up to.

You arrive at the given location and there it was, the uncared and abandoned headquarters of Bart's guild. You should not be too surprised, Bart told you as much about the state of the building. However, 'quite old and unfurnished' may be an understatement judging from the appearance of the building. The structure itself had two floors and an entrance that seemed grand during the building's glory days. There were several windows that peered inside but only some of them had glass while some only had frames. It was no question that considerable work is needed to restore the guild's headquarters.

Once you are done examining the building or skipped that part entirely, you notice that you were not alone in your arrival.

Not all the newcomers were human. In fact, it may be humans that were in the minority Most definitely that the ragtag group that Bart assembled was... diverse, to say the least. There were undead, there were horrors, there were mysterious figures.

All of you arrived at almost the same time. Was it a coincidence or a plan by the powers that be? Ponder on it if you must but before any of you could say or do anything, a young man emerged from the guild headquarters. He appeared to be busy with the wooden board he held in his hands. He had short brown hair and wore average adventurer gear, some normal clothes with a pair of metal spaulders on his shoulders.

When he raised his head, there was a moment of silence as he processed the amount of people suddenly in front of the guildhouse. Fortunately, he recovered his wits as quickly as he lost them. "O-Oh hey! You guys must be the people Bart invited." He began. "I-I too am one of the invited. I just, uhh, came early." He continued. "Uhh, Bart left. He, uhh, said he was going to... gonna get some things... to put in the building. I think." He said. "He also said he would be back before any of you guys show up sooo..."

He took a glance at the guildhouse before resuming. "So, uhh, welcome to the guild guys." He said, his arms stretched. "It's not much right now but... with everyone's help, I'm sure-- I'm sure we can make this place wonderful." He let his arms fall down. "I'll save you guys some time and say that there is literally NOTHING inside the building. No tables or chairs, no cabinets, no closets, no beds. I think looters and bandits took them since no one was using or coming for them anyway." He said. "I saw a furnace though so if you know how to work that then... that's good, I guess."

Another moment of silence took hold but it was the boy who broke the silence once more. "Uhh... so, maybe we should start with introductions." He began again. "I'm Neil and I'm... no one basically." He said before chuckling. "So, uhhh, who goes next?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Man Jack Frost
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Man Jack Frost A gentleman, if nothing else

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

In answer to the nervous fellow's question, a cheerful eldritch monster steps out from behind the building, where she had been doing some minor repairs, and says, "I will!" She goes up and stands next to Neil, putting her hand on his shoulder in a chummy gesture, "Heh, sorry, I should've introduced myself already, Bart asked me to wait till I could meet the guild as a whole. He seemed to think I might, erm, bond with whatever fellow I happen to meet as soon as I found them, which isn't entirely wrong," She shrugs and chuckles amiably. "Anyway, I'll be doing groundskeeping, cooking, cleaning, various forms of personal service, and if it's requested of me, some fighting as well for mast- Er, mister Bart's guild."
She hadn't precisely been invited, which was why she was a tad early. She arrived just the other day, and was quickly conscripted to serve the guild, a position she was quite comfortable with. She's been working on the building since she arrived; there were considerably less windows with glass there before she got there.
She quickly steps over to the group of other monsters and humans, and extends her hand out to the crowd amiably for one of them to shake, "It's a real, genuine pleasure to meet you~!" She says with a giggle, and you can see in her eyes that it's very literally true.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Arletta Dupain~

Standing near the front group was a rather tall human looking woman wearing rather ornate black armor. At her side, was strapped a matching black sword. She didn't say much to the others to begin with, merely kept to herself and rested a hand on her chin, seemingly pondering something - namely the building. The woman didn't seem too impressed by it.

To say this building was in need of a fixer upper was an understatement. Just what exactly did Bart expect them to use this for?! This was absurd, to say the least. The place looked like some sort of building she'd have stayed in temporarily when she had been human. The thought made her frown a bit. Though, she supposed not much had changed since then - she was still visiting old ruins and places, traveling around...though it was in a much different manner than she had been.

Arletta frowned as she noticed some of the others that had arrived as well, already spotting a few potential problems among them. A ragtag group to be sure - it reminded her more of her old life. Something she'd rather forget. Nothing to do about it now though, she supposed. Didn't get much room to ponder it before some...kid, walked out of the building carrying some sort of wooden board, obviously meant to be used in construction. He went on to further explain that the house was completely devoid of any furniture whatsoever. He was followed quickly by a Shoggoth of all things - knowing their kind though, she had likely literally just popped up out of nowhere and offered her services.

"I see," Arletta replied with a small frown, though her tone wasn't unfriendly - she was just thinking about the work they were going to have to put into this. "I am Arletta Valencia Dupain, pleasure to make your acquaintance, Neil." She removed her hand from her chin, walking towards Neil and the building as she gave a small nod to the Shoggoth who had decided to leave out her name from that introduction. "We...have quite a bit of work ahead of us, then." The Dullahan said with a shake of her head. "Suppose there's nothing to be done about it but to do it - is there any immediate things you need help with?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ryla has traveled far and wide to get to this place, and sufficient to say, she was a bit disappointment. Perhaps she has just been spoiled by the usual majesty of the mage's college, with stone working and engineering that defied mortal physics, but this place... Hardly looked like a guild. Barely looked like any unique building. If it wasn't for the fact it was the only building around here, Ryla would have easily overlooked this place as a mere ruin. There was no signs, not emblems, no landmarks. There wasn't even any windows. Truly pathetic. "Tch..." Ryla looked up and smiled.

"Heh, I'd say it's better than nothing... But there's nothing here!"

Ryla raised her arms up and walked forward as everyone was introducing themselves. She let out a breath and looked to the others. "But then again, every masterpiece starts as a blank canvas, no? I'm glad to see that we have such colorful characters to paint this portrait!" Ryla turned and gave them a proper bow, her pointy ogre teeth on full display. Evidently Ryla was big on oral hygiene, as her teeth was as white as fresh snow. "You can call me Ryla! Witch Doctor in progress. Peace~" Giving a wink anda peace sign, Ryla seemed rather chipper. She quickly calmed down and looked back at the building, hefting her spear/brindle stick over her shoulder.

"Now then, assuming there aren't ghost or spiders in here, why don't we take a look around? I wanna find the best room to call me own!" Ryla was rip and roaring to go inside and stake her claim. As she talked, a cat jumped out of the bag and looked towards the others. He seemed... Condescending. He turned back to Ryla and climbed onto her shoulder. "Looks like the cat's out of the bag. Say hello to everyone Sfyr!" The cat did no such thing and seemed to just stare at the building. Ryla turned to the others and whispered in a way that everyone heard anyways. "He's a scardey cat. Give him some time and mackerel and he'll be a sweet kitty."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Anitta was never one to judge a book by it's cover. She's heard plenty of tales of brave heroes and mighty warriors who have fallen against a seemingly underestimating foe. And this lone debilitated building was no different. Sure, it may be empty. Sure, it lacked much charm or character... But it was going to be home. Her home. And where her legend begins. It's humble beginnings would only serve to make the rise to fortune and fame even grander. Anitta knew this.

As for her future company, Anitta was optimistic. While some communities and people distrust monsters, the Dawnstar tribe was no stranger to girls of different species. While still mostly human, Anitta was no stranger to the likes of beast, demons, and fairies. Admittedly many of the girls she saw here Anitta has never seen before, but she was certain that they would be good and honorable. If they weren't, Anitta would sort them out soon enough. Soon a meek young man came out to greet them, introducing himself as Neil. Apparently Bart went out to get furniture. How one man would do that himself Anitta wasn't sure, but she trusted that her new guild master knew what he was doing.

"Greetings," Anitta stepped forward and bowed. "I am Anitta the Blade Dancer, of the Dawnstar Tribe. I am pleased to make your acquaintance. Please take good care of me." Anitta's voice was soft and gentle, like the hands of a seducer. Though she introduced herself, Anitta still wore her mask; the blank white wooden face plate hiding her expression. Only her cold blue eyes could be seen through the slits.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 5 days ago


Standing in the very center of the group, Freyr watched the building curiously, as the boy called Neil talked about it. On the forest he lived, there weren't any buildings like that. The villages were made on top of trees to avoid the dangerous forest floor. Although the city where the female Vieras lived had big temples and beautiful spires on top of the biggest trees in the forest, he never dared to venture too close from it. But more important and interesting than the building itself, was the number of people there with him. He couldn't lie, after spending so much time alone in the forest, living in the ruins of a place where once the male Vieras lived, he was very, very excited and happy to not be alone anymore.

As each one of them started presenting themselves, Freyr listened carefully, his big ears (a trademark of the Vieras, and the very thing that make them so popular when they go outside of their forests) moving and turning to hear their names.

"Neil, Arletta, Ryla, Anitta..." he repeated their names to himself. There were some who haven't told their names yet, but they all seemed to be good people. He couldn't help but stare at them, with curious eyes as they talked. There were all sorts of races and people, some wearing light clothes, other wearing big and heavy suits of armor, some wearing robes... Freyr particularly didn't understand why they needed so many clothes, and how they could even move themselves freely using all that, especially suits of armor.
Freyr himself wore only very light leather bracers coming up to his shoulders, cotton and leather pants, made to be flexible and give him at least some protection and leather shin guards. Anything more than that was unnecessary, as it would hamper his agility.
But the very fact that the Vieras never covered their bodies as much as the others did, made all those colorful, interesting clothes very beautiful and strange to his eye.

"... Oh, i'm sorry, My name is Feyr. I am a male Viera, probably the only one alive..." he said, surprised when it was his turn to present himself.
"Yes, male Vieras do exist. We are only even more secretive and secluded than the females are. Oh and please do not pull my ears... They are quite sensitive... " he said, his ears going down as he spoke it, almost as if he was already foreseeing that someone would try to pull them (which has already happened many times since he left the forest).
"I'm really happy to meet you all." Freyr said, with a kind smile. Anyone looking at him could see that he was actually very happy to meet them, to talk to them and to be with them in general.
"If you need any help, or even if you just want to talk, please let me know I will be glad to help you all."

Bast Ragoczy

Patiently waiting for his turn to talk, a mysterious man wearing magnificent, formal clothes and holding an elegant cane stood in the back of the group. His clothes, mannerisms, his impeccably white hair, the monocle, the discreet, but beautiful gold jewelry adorning his finger, hat and clothes made him feel incredibly out of place in the middle of all the others.

"Herr Bartholomew must be very busy, especially after reuniting so many different people, from so many races in one place!" he said, walking forward to the group to present himself, looking to all the different races there.
"I have many names, but you can call me Bast. Bast Ragoczy." the man said, taking off hit top hat in a flourished bow.
"Its a pleasure to meet you all. So many beautiful and interesting ladies, and even a male viera! I'm almost feeling intimidated!" he said, putting the hat back on, laughing.
"We do have quite the work ahead of us, indeed, but I'm sure that with a little bit of effort, we can restore the building back into its former glory. I wonder what happened to it to become like this..." Bast said, answering the girl in armor and looking to the building.
"Don't hesitate in asking me any question you feel like, after all, if there is something I have is knowledge and secrets. And I would also love to know you all better. With so many lovely companions, I'm sure that one thing we wont have is boredom!"

Bast was quite interested in all the different people there. A witch doctor, a knightess, a shoggoth maid, a blade dancer... He was certain in accepting herr Bartholomew's offer, it promised to be very entertaining.

"Herr Bartholomew has quite the eye to find interesting people! I am quite amazed myself!" He said, looking to the others with a very satisfied expression.

"Although I must say, he also has a very good eye for women!" He said with a mischievous smile.

"Pardon my indelicacy, but... You ladies are simply breathtaking!" He said putting his hands together on top of his cane in a noble pose.

"Deadly, swift and beautiful, the grace of a blade dancer is unparalleled in combat. Strong, with an iron will, unbreakable, a knightess's honor and virtues are incorruptible. Knowledge coming from ages and ages of culture and tradition, the inquisitive spirit of a scholar, the witch doctor uses the knowledge as it's weapon, as sharp as any blade. And how could anyone forget the kindness and caring nature of a maid? Always there ready to help, resting your head while under the care of a maiden is enough to raise anyone's spirits." Bast said as he walked to the back of the group, looking directly to the eyes of each one of them as he passed, with a gentle stare.

"Ruthless, ferocious and the ultimate hunter on the sea, the mershark's dangerousness only makes her even more beautiful. A mask is just like a beautiful painting, once you understand then completely they only become even more beautiful. Their charm is unrivalled, dancing, acting, losing your heart to a mask is very easy. A wendigo, a living fortress, as impenetrable as the cold and harsh winter itself, but at the same time, their embrace is warm and full of love." He said getting back to the place he was before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 3 days ago

Matti Virta

The building was in a terrible state of disrepair, that much Matti could see as he peered at the building at the very back of the building, floating slightly above ground so he could see over the shoulder of a particularly wide monster girl wearing a coat. He was surprised at the sheer diversity of the adventurers that Bart has successfully recruited, assuming there would be a human majority; instead the monster girls comprised the bulk of the new guild, some far more dangerous than was to his liking. He was wary of the excited maid in particular, knowing he would supervise over the slimy woman's duties at the guild, being the financial manager for the establishment and inventory. Thus, he would have to check up on her the most; even the thought was enough to cause a shiver out of him.

The other members seemed civil enough. The black knightess named Arletta had a professional air about her, and it also showed in her armor and weaponry. Demon silver? Now that is a girl the enchanter would like to talk to later, as he would love to experiment on a material that rare and magically potent. In complete contrast, the lady ogre was quite jovial, which was to be expected of a shaman; she reminded him of her home, and of his roots which he abandoned in favor of progress. He also noticed the swordswoman, who called herself Anitta. She seemed like a human, but he couldn't be sure due to the mask she wore over her face. Her tone of voice also caused him suspicion, as it resembled a monster's in its sensuality.

Finally, a bunny-eared warrior and a gentleman spoke up, and Matti was surprised; he did not know male Viera even existed. It seems this guild would become notorious, if for nothing else than it's extraordinary members in an already extraordinary world. The gentleman claimed he had knowledge of secrets, and this piqued the enchanter's interest.

"I would like to discuss of discrete matters with you as well, mister Ragoczy. My name is Matti Virta, the financial manager for the guild as well as the resident healer. If you have any injuries or unpatched wounds I ask that you report to me before you head out on a quest. I will look forward to working with you all." That said, the healer flew up to the roof of the guild hall, and examined the structure as he wrote down on his notebook with a red feather quill.
"Based on the budget mister Bartholomew has initially given for the repair costs, there is a possibility that we might have to complete a couple of quests before we can afford all of the necessary refurbishments."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 3 days ago

Marxello Catchanale

It was a matter of mere minutes after Mark had arrived at the guild house, and he was already unhappy with how it was arranged. Most notably, he'd anticipated far more humans to be part of it, yet it seemed the majority of its members were monsters, up to and including a shoggoth. An actual chaos demon, far worse for various reasons than any regular demon, or so he had read in the library of his Order's headquarters. And yet not only had Bart somehow convinced her, based on her words, to serve as a servant for the entire guild, but she seemed... inordinately chummy. Then again, her race did apparently breed, or otherwise achieve sexual pleasure, by essentially making skin contact with a human... possibly anything at all... so there was that. He certainly wasn't going to touch her, with or without armour on.

Otherwise, many of the monsters seemed to be quite normal, compared to others of their race. The notables were a... potentially a human, introducing herself as Arletta Dupain, and who Mark mused might make a good sparring partner if she wasn't planning on doing horrendous things to him, but the fact she was clad entirely in demon silver save her head, neck, and upper legs was rather suspicious; another seemingly-human character, distinguished by the mask over her face and the emptiness behind the holes in it, alongside a rabbit-shaped doll that was identifiable as living and demonically-aligned simply from looking at it, for doing so instinctively imbued trust and compassion within him, to his trained senses a warning to maintain the exact opposite mindset; a mershark, apparently allowed to swim through the air by the magic of her human companion, and that raised the question of whether the Undine he'd made a covenant with was pure or corrupted... since he was friends with a Mershark, he imagined the latter; and finally, a person hidden beneath a cloak large enough to obscure all but the faintest hint of her facial features, and how rare it was for a, what were they called, for a wendigo to come down from their mountainous homes. Bart really was charismatic, wasn't he, to gather such a crowd without being violated by any of them?

Then there were the other creatures of note, the ones that appeared quite bizarre even by monster standards. There was a girl who at first glance appeared to be an ogre of some sort, but for anyone who knew their usual appearance she was very obviously... stunted. No horns, physically inferior to any normal ogre, and apparently making up for it with magical prowess that no ogre should possess. He wondered what exactly had happened to allow that of her... and then there were the male monsters. In and of itself, this term was an impossible contradiction, and yet there they stood before him: the wererabbit Freyr- no, this was a different type of wererabbit than was usual, a viera from his words... was the most obvious of the two, but the smooth-talking man called Bast was more... subtle, yes, to the point that you might assume he was a human from the get-go, but the way he talked was insidious, the attempt to charm every other monster there at once just a bit too ostentatious for Mark's liking. Perhaps he was an incubus looking for a wife? Either way, Mark was going to keep his eye on him.

Then again, Mark considered, glancing over at Syszi next to him, it's not like monsters deviating from the norm is something I'm unaware of. Besides, maybe he is human after all, and just happens to be kind of odd. Speaking of humans, it seemed that aside from himself and Bartholomew, there were very few definite humans in the guild: Neil, a self-proclaimed nobody, meaning he was obviously marked out by Bart for some special reason... whether legitimate or pity-based; Anitta the Blade Dancer, who also had a mask on, but with eyes that were actually visible behind the object, marking her out as non-monster; and Matti Virta, who from the sound of things would be managing the guild's finances and healing those who needed it. Naturally, he would be having words with all three of them, Anitta in particular. He was sure she'd appreciate being inoculated against monsterisation... perhaps she'd even allow him to teach her the basic purification spell itself. She had a sword, after all, and it would be a good way to begin spreading it into the wider world.

But for now, he supposed it was his turn to introduce himself, reluctantly or no. He was part of this guild, at least for the time being, so he'd have to be friendly with them sooner or later. 'Hi, all,' he began as calmly as he could, waving to the assorted group members, 'I'm Marxello Catchanale. Call me Mark. I'm, uh... I'm a Hero, specifically a Knight, from the Order of the Chief God in the nation of Andrale, and I've obviously been asked to join this guild alongside... you guys. And girls.' Was his reluctance showing through? Nah, he was alright. 'I assume I'm here as a fighter first and foremost, but I can also heal anyone who needs it, if they don't mind my doing so. Other than that, I hope we can all get along reasonably well, regardless of our origins.'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Tue and Bunny

Tue smiled a bit at the ridiculously rundown building. Reminded her of the believer's temple. It had a sort of charm that only an object or place so worn down could truly have. Bunny, peeking out of her partner's bag but still, as to not disclose her true demonic nature, thought much more inline with everyone else; it was terrible. The place was a crapsack frankly, and even though she was expecting something bad, this was far below her expectations for the place. She was surprised it was still standing and not a pile of rubble they were going to work out of. Hell, that may have been preferable.

Tue pulled herself closer as introductions began. First there was Niel and a Shoggoth, both of whom had arrived early apparently. Bart wasn't here, according to them. He had left to hopefully get some furniture, since the inside was absolutely bare. That harshed even Tue's opinion on the building. Looters must've gotten to it. Ah well, that just meant she didn't have to move any furniture to replace it with something better looking! Not that appearances mattered of course... But still, it would be nice to have an attractive guild.

The next people to introduce themselves were a human, a mask(?), and a half-ogre. Both of the possible humans were quite cordial in their introductions, but the half-ogre seemed much more entertaining. She was even traveling with a little companion, though that one may not have talked. The guild's doctor and financial manager was not very interesting to either Tue or Bunny, but the two men who introduced themselves next were quite interesting.

An attractive young man with a rabbit's ears plastered upon his head introduced himself. He seemed sensitive, definitely cute, and was apparently the only male of his kind. Tue had no issue trying to help him with that, and she would need a concubine for her new empire...

The other man was entirely human, as far as either of them could tell. Though his compliment didn't give Tue the vapors or anything, she was a fan of his showboat-y, flirtatious persona. Bunny wasn't particularly tied to any one person, save the man named Matti, who seemed entirely devoted to his job and she was definitely going to need his medicinal help in the coming future.

The most interesting man was the last to introduce himself, certainly. He gave off an aura of doubt, and by the way he stared at Tue and even Bunny, he knew they were both demons. He also mentioned that he was the Hero, the human destined to slay the demon lord. Tue and Bunny were quite surprised at this. Must have been how he knew they were both demons just at a glance. Tue would definitely have a word with him later about collaborating on taking down the succubus, while Bunny would avoid him like the plague.

Anywho, it seemed like there was an open spot for introductions, so Tue and Bunny made theirs. "Hey, hello. I'm Tue, and I'm seeking to become stronger. This is Bunny." Tue said, pointing behind her to the living doll resting in her bag. Bunny seemed visibly annoyed for a moment, before deigning to reveal herself. "This doesn't seem like a trap, I suppose. We're blades for hire. Mostly assassinations and blitz strikes. We're at the service of the guild for now." Bunny explained, before hopping up and out of the bag, high enough to reach the roof. Once there, she simply watched Matti work, intently. While this was going on, Tue got closer to Mark. "Hello Mr. Catchanale, you're the hero who is going to slay the new demon lord, yes?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Interacting with @Man Jack Frost

Winter was waddling through the streets. A white fluffball, a blob which was basicallly covered with fur. Her own arms hidden her face hidden. She just looked like a menacing little monster, the hands of the coat making light running motions as she scurried along holding the coat tightly to her female figure. She had to get there on time she had to get there on time. She tripped in front of everybody as she rolled slightly the coat protecting her from harm. She lay to rest in front of the group still holding her coat tightly not revealing a hint of her figure beneath.

"Hi everyone" She said with a hint of embarrassment her voice sweet and serene. Obviously a female voice. Everyone was talking introducing themselves and someone even offered a hand shake. She took the handshake walking up to the Soggoth and extending a hand from beneath her coat. A smooth feminine hand stretching out to shake it profusely, the rest of her figure hidden as she spoke up. "The name is Winter. Pleasure to meet all of you." She said shyly aloud so everyone could hear, though it was mostly so the Soggoth in front of her could hear. As she kept shaking the Soggoth's handing unsure of when she should stop. She wasn't very good with other people. So she just kept a firm grasp of the warm though slimy hand shaking it while doing so. The soggoth would feel the radiating smile of insecurity coming from within. The Wendigo had yet to adapt to the change in environment after all. So many people felt weird.


Interacting with @Rune_Alchemist

Liliana had been up all night. All night she had been up, scheming. Thinking. Trying to work out if it was the correct idea to punctuate her greeting by wearing literally nothing but a robe. Perhaps not but what did it matter. She wasn't one to care what the peasants and the populace thought of her. She was better then them that was for certain. Certainly better then them in every possible way shape or form.

Here she was just looking at herself in front of the mirror in her house. Willow had gotten her a nice outfit to wear. She was just staring at herself. "I look like a complete slut." She said aloud with a large sigh. Talking to herself was a trait she had acquired during her time researching. Though the outfit was pretty comfortable. What with the stockings that didn't cover her feet, gloves and a warm sweater that her showed her smooth back. It'll have to do for her though as she didn't have time to change and her robes were in her rather small suitcase. The only she had on beside the slightly daring outfit was her phylactery in the form of a pendant hidden beneath her sweater.

Still, it was time to hit the road barefoot in her outfit, a well dressed but rather slutty looking undead mage. Dragging behind her a suitcase that contained all of her necessary equipment to move into the guild house. Locking her own home behind her. She hid the key in her special spot, the broken flowerpot inside the soil of it. Still, its not like her home had anything worth stealing. So here she was. Outside. Time to get her butt moving towards the guild.

*Some time later*

She had arrived late and what sight befell her, only the biggest bunch of clowns ever. A mershark. Cool, Fish food was never on her agenda. Some men. Boring. A Wendigo that was shaking hands with a Soggoth maid? Interesting but neither of them could get their filthy or slimy hands on her. Ever. It was safe to say that they were all extremely terrible uninteresting and shi- she stopped in surprise. Who was this girl cloaked in armour yet didn't seem to give off the same tint of soul as a living woman. She obviously had the soul for it but it was different. Similar somehow to her own... Possibly? The suit of armour and then it hit her the woman in front of her was another undead! Knowing this she instinctively walked over to the Dullahan whom instantly became the most tolerable person here simply by being dead. She even caught her name purposely ignoring every other name while doing so because the others didn't matter at all. she rested an arm around the Dullahan leaning on her as if talking to an old friend.

"Greetings Arletta." She said over pronouncing the 'ta' part at the end, "I see you also came to the guild like myself. Nice to see another dead person here. Love the outfit. Though you could do a better with the metals used, Steel really isn't your Style." The Lich said with a voice low and rather rosy. Still all roses have thorns as she stepped up to greet herself to the group. Letting go of the Dullahan

"Listen up, Cretins, Uninspired hacks. Mouth Breathers and Arletta!" Liliana said with a hint of flourish as she did a theatrical twirl. "You all should be happy that I am even here. A Lich of my calibur, hanging around a bunch of living fools and creatures barely passable for monsters except you Arletta." She said with a rather loud rather confident voice. "Honestly, I hope none of you die because if you do I am totally reviving you as zombified jesters to portray the jokes you really are." Liliana said with a wide smirk upon her rather mean looking face, she was purposely leaving Arletta out of her insults. Gotta have some respect for her dead peers.

"Now then... Any questions? Or are you gonna keep introducing yourself even after the most important person is here." She pointed to herself doing a little curtsy in the process as she stepped back to stand next to the Dullahan. The only person whom she felt she had any connection too. Even if it was a thin one at best. She hoped that the living creatures had gotten her wise words through their thick heads.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 3 days ago

Marxello Catchanale

Mark had largely expected a cold response to his self-introduction. He hadn't expected the mask to approach him almost immediately, devoid of her doll ally, which had leapt to the roof as soon as possible. Apparently, it... she, he corrected himself with an internal sigh, was curious as to his identity - "the hero who is going to slay the new demon lord", as she put it... only, her wording was a bit off.

'I mean, uh... I'm not necessarily The Hero,' he corrected, scratching his head and wondering what Syzi thought of the almost-immediate approachee, 'but I am a Hero, in the sense that I... well, dealing with the Demon Lord herself may not happen even in my lifetime, knowing what usually happens to Heroes who try their hand, but I do usually slay monsters, that's no secret. Usually. Recent circumstances for me have been quite unusual, as it happens; Syszi and I can tell you more, if you're interested?'

Before he could continue, the lich began to say her spiel. Unmistakable as anything else; if the lavicious outfit didn't prove it, the pompous attitude and the direct declaration of being a lich did. In fact, it seemed like the only one she was even considering allegiance to was the demon-armoured girl he'd noticed earlier, only heightening his theory about her being a monster... perhaps an undead... oh, was she a dullahan? That would make the most sense, all things considered.

Even so, there was bait to take, and damn the consequences of being seen as a bigot by the other monsters here, since they probably already thought he was. 'Nobody likes arrogance of your sort, Lich,' he called to her, putting as much snark and sneer in his voice as he could, since he couldn't convey his emotion via facial features. 'Do not mistake yourself for "superior", for you are no less of a whore than any other undead of your sort, and frankly, you deserve whatever hell you will- in fact, no, you deserve the exact opposite of that, since you'd probably enjoy the sort of hell you're likely to be sent to when death finally claims you.' And then he smiled under his helmet, because that was one of the better putdown speeches he'd ever given. Just the right mix of pompous and insulting to really rile her up... and now that he thought about it, he did actually hope he hadn't promptly made enemies of everybody else there. Especially not Syzsi, but he expected she'd be able to figure out when he was being facetious by now.

@Kafka Komedy@1Charak2
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Man Jack Frost
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Man Jack Frost A gentleman, if nothing else

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Wow, what an incredible group master Bart has managed to assemble! She thinks privately. Strong, wise, charismatic, kind, authoritative.... They may be a bit of a managerie, but so many people with so much combined potential can't possibly come to nothing!
Of course, she was slightly dissapointed that no one wished to shake her hand... The armored gentleman in particular looked like he would've rather fallen upon his blade than touch any nonhuman member of the group, but that sort of thing can be easily fixed by showing him how kind and helpful monsters can really be! She briefly considered lowering her hand to go talk to him and explain that she, at least, means absolutely no harm, but no, others are still in the process of introducing themselves so she'd better wait.
And besides, the armor-clad woman seemed like a far easier cause to pursue! She may be a tad unfriendly at the moment, but she didn't seem to harbor any ill will towards any member of the group in particular. All I need to do to make friends with her, she intuits thoughtfully, is show that I can do my job, and do it real damn well. Hehe, that just gives me another incentive to do my best! It's a good thing someone with high standards is here to keep us on track~!
That Matti fellow though.... He didn't seem to like her in the slightest! This was certainly problematic, it's hard to make someone like you if you don't know why they already don't, and you don't know why.... She made a note in her head to have a little chat with him whenever they had a private moment.
Tue and Bunny somehow struck her as private folks... Like their friendship was reserved almost solely for each other.... So, perhaps that's not a pair she'll pursue too terribly much, but she may be able to lend a helping hand if the two of them ever get into an arguement (which seemed likely from what she had seen so far) and needed someone to mediate it, or perhaps a shoulder to cry on should things go wrong.
Now this Bast gentleman... this is someone who might be a good master, should this guild business not pan out... Someone that flirtatious ought to be given a pernemant companion! Particularly since, given the crowd they're in, it's possible that he'll need a bit of protecting. Sure, they're all here for the guild, but some might take offense at his silver-tongued nature. Not her though, certainly. Compliments (smarmy though they may be) for everyone is an excellent way to start off a friendship with all involved!
Now, Freyr... A male monster.... Well, that's weird, but it doesn't interest her at all. Big dick tho, so that's nice.
Ryla struck her as an optimistic sort, which was an extremely good thing. After all, in any group as large as this there's bound to be a great number of problems (the state of the guild hall is certainly one of them), but an attitude focused on the possibility of future success can only make them easier to get past! Plus, she seemed rather cute, in a confident, competent sort of way.
Anita won Gor's favor in a single sentence, "Please take good care of me." Well, that was it right there, Gor would be overjoyed to take on that particular duty! She wondered briefly if Anita quite meant it in that way.... But in any case, it was an invitation she'd soon be accepting!
Now... As for Liliana... Gor just felt awful for her! It was so blindingly obvious that she was very determined to keep herself lonely, aside perhaps from those that are already dead... But that's limiting your friend-pool to an extremely small number! Oh yes, Liliana was going to be her major project.... She doesn't care how long it takes, she's going to use politeness, submission, and friendliness until she made Liliana her friend, Damnit! She'd bring her food, ask if she wants to chat, follow any and every order that is given to her, until she finally gets the chance to make the lich open up to her! The thought of it energized her greatly.
But, one thing still bothers her... The whole crowd has introduced themselves, but her hand remains unshook. She awkwardly starts to lower it, but... What's this? A late arrival? She yelps in surprise as the monsterous figure tumbles clumsily to the ground, and moves to help her up, which the newcomer responds to by shaking her hand oh so vigorously~ She eagerly returns the gesture, shaking the Wendigo's hand for as long as the creature will shake her's. At last, she feels that others are staring at her, and pulls tenderly away.
"Well it's positively wonderful to meet you~! Oh, goodness, how did I forget to tell you all my name? I'm Gorschilthextreeb, but please, do feel free to call me Gor!" She says delightedly. "But goodness, you must be boiling up in that thing, shall I take your coat?" She puts a hand on the back of her coat and helpfully starts to tug it off, unaware of the coat's sentience or necessity.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Arletta Dupain~

Interactions with:

All things considered, this was going well, wasn't it? Everyone for the most part seemed to be getting along, even the Wendigo and others she initially had misgivings about. A male Veira which she had never even considered to have a possibility of existing. A half-orc who seemed perfectly friendly, and two humans who introduced themselves. There was a member of the order, even! Odd, but Arletta didn't think too much of it. She had nothing against the order at all, personally - in fact she had worked with them on occasion...before becoming a Dullahan, but, but that was a thought for a different time. As long as they all kept to being civil then this would go well. A small smile found its way to her mouth at the sight. Now this was the sort of camaraderie she missed...though, she could do without Bast's flirting.

"Thank you for the compliments, Sir Ragoczy." She said turning her attention to the questionable human with a frown. "But, I am not impressed. Keep your lecherous thoughts to yourself will you? I have no desire for such relations. If not, then I will kindly remind you what this sword of mine is used for." Despite her words, there was the unmistakable slight blush that spread across the dullahan's cheeks. She...wasn't quite so used to being complimented, but she knew someone who was looking for a little more than she'd be willing to give...well, as long as she kept her head on straight.

She unconsciously ran a finger across the metal choker around her neck, just as someone else decided to get a little too friendly. She nearly caused the Dullahan's head to slip and pull off her own head from the suddenness of the touching.

"E-eh, pardon?" She blurted out as the Lich commented on her armor and causing the Dullahan a small bit of embarrassment. W-wasn't her style? What? She didn't get much time to ask further before the obviously arrogant Lich decided to introduce herself. Now that was going to be a problem, but as long as no one escalated it then she could politely ask the Lich to be a little more tolerable.

And then Marx just had to fan the flames further.

Arletta like to think of herself as reasonable. There was no need for the Lich to act as she did - but there was definitely no need for Marx to act as he did. Aside from that, he had basically just insulted all undead. She could handle insults being tossed at herself - that wasn't something she was fond of starting something over...but insulting an entire species simply because of the actions of one?

Now that was something the Dullahan would not stand for.

"Sir Catchanale," Her eyes narrowed, turning to the knight. Honestly, she had been hoping he would be more reasonable...she could use a sparring partner. "That is quite enough, please." She tried to keep her voice amicable and free of irritation as she spoke. "Aside from the fact that perhaps our new acquaintance here could have done things a bit more...amicably, I doubt all undead deserve whatever it is you think they do. So before you put your entire foot in your mouth perhaps you should quiet yourself. I am not one to start anything if I can help it, but I will not be having anyone fighting here. Do I make myself clear?" Turning back to the Lich, Arletta gave her an equally cool look.

"I do not mean to sound antagonistic to another undead, but perhaps next time try to be a bit less...vocal with your introduction." She realized that during that little spiel the Lich actually hadn't introduced herself. "Perhaps you can start by actually telling us your name?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 3 days ago

Matti Virta

While Matti was hovering around the roof, he couldn't help but feel like a pair of eyes were peering at him from a close distance. And to his surprise, someone did indeed watch him; it looked like a doll was thrown up to the roof, but the enchanter immediately recognized the entity as Bunny, who introduced herself prior to landing up here. He turned towards the spectator, giving Bunny an amused smile.
"Why hello there. That was an impressive jump you performed, miss Bunny. I see that you have taken an interest in my work; that is unprecedented. May I ask why you have chosen my presence instead of the more colorful cast below us?"

However, even as he was up in the air, writing out the renovation plan for the guild hall's exterior, Matti could tell that the crowd below was getting rowdy. It seemed that a couple of the undead were starting to cause trouble, especially the Lich. Now, he could tolerate the undead if they were your standard variety of mate-seeking monster. But he personally loathed Liches; not only do they actively make a mockery of his lifestyle and his people's traditions in the art of medicine and lifesaving with her disgusting defilement of the dead and cheating of death, but she has the gall to put herself on a pedestal above the rest.

"Excuse me for a moment," Matti spoke to the Living Doll, and floated down to the Lich and Arletta's location until he was at eye level with them.
"Mister Catchanale could have have worded his sentiments more carefully, but the point he has made still stands." His glasses seemed to gleam in a sinister fashion as he adjusted them.

Miss Lich, if you are to continue co-operating with your fellow guild members without causing further disruption, then you are advised to tone down your arrogant behavior and give them a measure of respect they deserve."
He then gave a smug smirk.
"However, I have my suspicions that your foul mouth is simply a product of a desperate attempt to seek attention, as is your choice of fashion; an outsider might think of our guild as a more...seedier establishment at this rate."

@1Charak2@BCTheEntity@Rune_Alchemist@Kafka Komedy
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Interacting with: @Man Jack Frost

Winter had been shaking the lovely soggoths hand for so long that she had grown confused what she was here for. Only snapping back once the Soggoth had so gracefully let go of her own hand. Snapping her back to the reality that she was in a town. Far away from any mountainous retreats. Far away from home. In the company of the people looking to become her fellow guild members. It was nice it was tranquil it was.

What was the soggoth doing trying to take her coat of! She instantly pulled back in surprise, the arms on the coat flailing like her own inside the coat, a sudden gasp of shock escaping. "What are you doing... I can't take this coat off. It'll drive everyone mad." She said with a low hushed down that only the soggoth can hear. "I don't think a servant like you wants to be mad... right?" She said quietly "But, if you can find us a private room and let no one in... and can handle insanity I'll take hte coat off but only under those conditions!" The wendigo said with a tone that demanded that it be adhered to. Or at least it would if it wasn' so tainted with the sweetness and shyness of her voice.


Liliana blinked. This guy in armour called her a whore! Ha! If only he knew that she was still a virgin even now. Not like that was anything to brag about but still, it allowed her to maintain her confidence. She wasn't going to take this sitting down oh no. She was gonna. Oh she was gonna rip him such a big new one that he will have to find numerous docters to close up that hole she'll make in his lower half. With a face that looked like death that even death himself would have trouble managing she slowly raised her hand. She was going to punish this individual she was totally going to punish this man.

Then the Dullahan spoke up. Attempting to defuse the situation. Of course, it was only right that Liliana didn't shoot anyone. She had to deal with the man compensating for his lack of a manhood to the point where he called her a whore. Simply put if the Dullahan didn't give him enough warning. Her slight gesture of decapitation might help. Though it was followed with a sweet smile. So it looked like a joke. Even though she was quite serious. Never the less...

Danm the Dullahan had that aura of those prissy rich girls she used to go to school with before her incident. It was one she could respect if it wasn't for the fact those types of girls were the reason she ended up dying. She tried to hard to impress them. She wouldn't make that mistake again. The Dullahan was her lesser if not her equal. "Oh I am sorry, before I was rudely interrupted by compensation over there. I was going to tell you. My name is..." She took a deep breath in. "Liliana Morgana Felica Francis Natalie IV. I expect to be called it in full by everyone except those that give me a good impression. Therefore miss Arletta. Feel free to call me Lilly or Liliana if you prefer." She said giving the Dullahan a notion of friendship, a hint that this powerful Lich wanted to be friends with the Knight. "Us undead have to stick close to avoid the extremely shallow extreme mean... extremely insensitive people like..." She paused pointing to the knight that had been so rude to her. "That Peasant!" She said quietly so the knight wouldn't hear but she said it in a way as if to make it sound humorous. A manner of talking she uses when joking around with Willow.

"Oh and kid." She said turning around to face Matti. "Don't you dare diss the outfit, that a dear friend of mine put togather. I mean if you really want to go throw shots at me like that..." Her voice trailed off as she had to keep control. She had to keep focused. She couldn't go trigger happy. She wanted to kill so many people today but she couldn't just like any other day. She just couldn't take another life for such a pointless unfruitful reason.

Turning back to the Dullahan rather looking slightly upset though it was something that would require being close to her proximity and considering how the only person she was near was the Dullahan. It was likely that only Arletta would know of her slightly hurt Ego. It wouldn't matter though She'd get her revenge on these blithering idiots eventually. "End of the day, Arletta." She began trying to talk herself out of her slight slump "I hope me and you get along well. Rather not have to break someones mind..." She said the last part inaudible to anyone but herself. She just stood there in her outfit. Confident, Calm, Collected and still a right bitch to anyone whom can classify as living.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Man Jack Frost
Avatar of Man Jack Frost

Man Jack Frost A gentleman, if nothing else

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh deary me... Things appear to be going wrong rather quickly... She worriedly thinks to herself. Ah, but matters at hand first!
She's slightly taken aback by Winter's apprehension, but quickly understands the situation and releases the coat, smiling warmly at the nervous creature, "I see. Well, worry not miss Winter, your coat will remain untouched, at least by me. But, if it would at all reassure you..." She suddenly thrusts her head through the coat and smiles as she looks directly upon her body, her eyes glowing and sparkling with a deep, inscrutable insanity. "I'm already quite mad~"
With that, she pulls her head right back out, apparently none worse the wear for having seen the Wendigo, and exhales. "Now, if you'll excuse me a moment, I have a crisis to at least attempt to avert."
She then leaves Winter for a moment, and heads over to the lich. The best method to keep things from escalating further, she thinks, is a distraction that she's likely to enjoy.
And thus, as soon as she's in front of the lich and her undead companion, she bows absurdly deeply, her head almost touching the ground in the gesture of utter submission. "My lady Liliana Morgana Felica Francis Natalie IV, it is a genuine honor to be in your esteemed company. " She says with as much reverence and sincerity as she can cram into her voice, "Though I am sad to say that my personal abilities do not even hope to approach yours, I would be humbled if you would accept my aid in whatever way I could offer it, be it organizing your tomes for your research, gathering and preparing food for you, or whatever tasks you may come up for me in your infinite wisdom. I am aware that you find the fact that I am not properly dead unsettling, and perhaps disgusting, but I assure you I am not properly alive in the same way that the other fine members of this guild are, so I do hope your distaste about my nature will not stop you from accepting my service."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Tue and Bunny

Tue nodded her head vigorously, before toning it down to a more cool, collected agreeance. How a Hero stopped slaying monsters did sound like quite the interesting story, filled with drama and romance, if his "partner" was anything to indicate. Of course, she was getting ahead of herself. She was supposed to hate humans! Still, she could rationalize her behavior as reconnaissance for a pawn she was planning on manipulating.

Bunny was off on her own, studying the flying human. He darted around the building, making notes in his little book, before Bunny's charm got the better of him and he had to turn his head. An amused smile was shot at her as he asked why she was interested in him. "I'm a sucker for a hardworking man." Bunny replied slyly with a dry grin.

Unfortunately, before the two got a chance to talk more, some undead were making a ruckus down below. That was another reason why she was up here, having these humans and monsters together was a powderkeg waiting to burst. Bunny wanted to be at a vantage point so if things went south she had the high ground. Instead of keeping her high ground though, Bunny hopped down off the roof, comfortably onto Matti's shoulder, just as he had finished his jab.

Tuesday turned to face the woman who had insulted everyone so, hearing all the witty retorts she soaked in as a result of her insolence. Everyone else ganging up on her seemed rather uncouth but, she seemed unaffected. All she seemed to care about was her apparent friendship with the other "undead," the woman Tue thought was both human and very alive. Well, it didn't matter. Now was a chance to show her stuff. "Miss Lily! I will call you by that instead of your full name, as it is such a mouthful!" Tue shouted hammily. "As the next Demon Lord, I will not be forced to spit out such long words so often! Now, I command us all to be nice to eachother, and get along." Tue ended, folding her arms haughtily. Yes, clearly that was very intimidating.

"I'd suggest you not be my enemy." Bunny added on, now comfortably taller and surprisingly threatening. She didn't pull out a knife for effect, being so close to Matti and not wanting to scare him off. Instead she simply stared at the Lich with her burning eyes, obviously aching for the conflict to stop entirely.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 5 days ago


Things went wrong faster than Freyr thought that they would with the arrival of a litch. All the other members seemed to be pretty fine. Every single one on them had their own particularity, their own quirks, and that made Freyr extremely curious. Thankfully, no one had pulled his ears, at least not until that moment. The trouble started when the litch lady arrived. With an extremely arrogant tone of voice, she didn't even bothered in talking to the others, instead starting to belittle them with harsh and cruel words.
With the rest of the introductions being made, Freyr knew the names of almost everyone, there were still some left to introduce themselves, but with all the confusion and tension in the air, as the Litch lady, who said that her name was Liliana Morgana Felica Francis Natalie IV, an awfully long and unnecessary name, if you asked Freyr, started arguing with the mage, Matti. The scene that followed was one that Freyr didn't wanted to partake. As the litch girl continued with her arrogant tone, even threatening, Matti himself came down from the roof, rather irritated about her behavior. For a second, Freyr thought that they would both try to kill themselves, especially after Matti himself started saying what he thought about the witch girl.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but the man called Bartholomew said tha-" he tried to say, to calm down everyone, but his words fell on deaf ears as the other one who was in the roof, Bunny, also came down, threatening the litch lady herself shortly after Tue tried to calm down everyone, albeit in a slightly unusual manner.

"As the next Demon Lord, I will not be forced to spit out such long words so often! Now, I command us all to be nice to eachother, and get along." Tue said, folding her arms haughtily. Although she was trying to look intimidating, that pose made Freyr giggle, as he couldn't feel any bloodlust coming from her, making her pose have the exact opposite effect for him, instead of feeling mighty and powerful, he thought she was adorable.

"I'd suggest you not be my enemy." she said, with a very threatening tone. Unlike Tue, Freyr could feel the bloodlust on her. Certainly, if things continued like that, Bunny would attack without a second thought.

"I... Excuse-me." he said, shaking his head in disappointment as he walked forward and gave an unnaturally high and agile jump, landing like a feather in the roof of the building, where he sat, patiently waiting for Bartholomew. Maybe he could do something about all that confusion... Freyr himself had a lot of questions for Bartholomew. He knew very little about the world outside of the forest, and with each thing that happened, each new creature appeared to introduce themselves, he had even more questions.
He had absolutely no idea of what race most of the other members were. At least half of them were strange to him. He knew humans, orcs, mages, but all the other ones were a mystery to him. Although he would love to know more about them, he didn't want to have to fight with some of them, so instead of trying to remain down there, he simply went to the roof, which was way quieter, without all the tension and threatening. Quietly waiting for Bartholomew, he remained sitting down on the roof, staring at each one of the other members, trying to know what they were.

Bast Ragoczy

Bast kept quiet, carefully hearing as the other members introduced themselves, until a particularly interesting individual called him.
Wearing a very interesting and beautiful blue robe, he seemed to be a mage or a scholar, his name was Matti Virta.

"I would like to discuss of discrete matters with you as well, mister Ragoczy. My name is Matti Virta, the financial manager for the guild as well as the resident healer. If you have any injuries or unpatched wounds I ask that you report to me before you head out on a quest. I will look forward to working with you all."

"Why, of course Mr. Virta. And please, call me Bast. There is no need for such formality." he said touching his hat in a quick greeting.
"You seem to be a very knowledgeable gentleman, I would be very pleased to have an conversation with you. After Herr Bartholomew comes back, would you like to join me for a cup of tea?" he said asked, maintaining his noble pose.
Indeed, he seemed to be a very reasonable and knowledgeable fellow. Polite and intelligent, he apparently was the type of person who gives more value to logic than emotions.

"Thank you for the compliments, Sir Ragoczy." The knightess answered after he complimented her.

"But, I am not impressed. Keep your lecherous thoughts to yourself will you? I have no desire for such relations. If not, then I will kindly remind you what this sword of mine is used for." she said. Despite her harsh words, he could perceive an unmistakable blush spreading across her cheeks.

"I was merely stating the truth, Miss Arletta. I am an extraordinaire gentleman, I would never stain the honor of a knightess with such dirty, lustful thoughts." he said, putting his hand over his chest.
"If you allow me to ask, what bad there is in merely saying the truth? I see not only the beauty of a woman in you, but I also see the beauty of a honorable knightess, the beauty of an unbreakable warrior, which will stand its ground and keep its word under any circumstance."
"That being said," he said with a flourished bow, gently taking her hand, touching it lightly and approaching his lips from her knuckled, but without actually touching them.
"I am very pleased to meet such a wonderful and virtuous knightess."

Even though things got really tense after the arrival of an undead lich lady, Bast remained calm. It was uncouth for a gentleman to be seen partaking in such unsightly situations such as openly threatening someone. The lady in question was called Liliana, and her first impression wasn't a good one. Rude, lacking good manners and acting in a completely uncivilized way, she wasn't someone that Bast would like to have as a company.

But instead of paying attention on the undead girl and her rude words, Bast instead went to greet the shoggoth maid, which hadn't said her name until now.
"Miss Gorschilthextreeb, Miss Winter," he said, pronouncing the shoggoth girl's name perfectly, without even the slightest error.
"Its a pleasure to meet you." he said, gently taking both of her hands and approaching his lips from her hands, but without touching them, as it would be rather invasive and impolite for someone to greet a maiden they didn't know with a kiss. Unlike many would think, Bast wasn't even slightly disgusted by the shoggoth maid's appearance, instead, treating her just like he would treat anyone else. Even the fact that shoggoths had a slime-like physiology didn't bothered him. Like an experienced gentleman, he took her hands while being careful (albeit in a very discreet way) to not get his clothes or hands dirty (which would be very embarrassing for both of them).
"Miss Gor, I must say, your cheerful personality is very refreshing! You are a wonderful company." he said, smiling to her.
"Miss Winter, your shyness is adorable! But I also see that you are a very caring person. I would love to know you better."

Although it could be seen as very slightly flirtatious, Bast's words, tone of voice and actions were extremely respectful. The perfect mix between being flirtatious, courteous and polite.

@Man Jack Frost @1Charak2 @Ariamis @Rune_Alchemist
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
Avatar of Rune_Alchemist

Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Arletta Dupain~

Interactions with:
@Kafka Komedy

What was with these humans? Another monster too, even. Bart seemed to find the most intolerable of humans he could manage, didn't he? This was absolutely disgusting to the Dullahan. Certainly Lily could have done things in a much more amicable and more friendly manner, but this amount of backlash? This was preposterous. A small twinge of anger formed in the pit of the undead knights stomach as she took a breath. One did not solve bullying with more bullying. That just made the problem worse and in her opinion that was exactly what was going on here. Both parties were at fault certainly, but the ones who retaliated with greater violence against a weaker or outnumbered foe were the ones who needed to be educated in 'justice'.

It made her blood boil. If she was still human, one of their heads would have already been lopped off and hung on a pike to rot for her giggles. Her right hand twitched, resisting the urge to draw her blade and make an already bad situation worse.

"That is quite enough, everyone." Letta replied with a stern glare towards the rest of the ones who had tried to start something. She held her arm between Tue and Lilly, indicating that she was at least willing on some level to ally herself with, and protect Lilly if she had too in this situation. Tue, at least, simply seemed...misguided. Or at least, ignorant of the entire situation, though her heart seemed in the right place. It wasn't going to help the current situation though. "Simply repeating the same thing over and over again will solve nothing except making more people upset and drawing out this situation more than needs." She cast an unsure glance over to Marx - at the moment she didn't know what to make of him. She did hope he wasn't going to behave in such a manner in the future "You have all said your piece and unless someone has something constructive to say or do, then you should get back to work or I'll have to do something unseemly, and that would not be something I would...well, that would be a lie. I would greatly enjoy it so don't make me do it because it will hurt and trust me when I say I will take my time with it for giggles." With a frown, Letta turned back to Lilly. It wasn't an entirely false statement she had made, either.

"Perhaps it would be best if we...went somewhere a bit more private? I would actually like to speak with you in private about something, Liliana." Her hand moved to the silver choker she was wearing again. She was a Lich, so perhaps she could help...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Sufficient to say such a colorful cast was bound to come into conflict. Ryla wasn't too surprised when the evidently human warrior had something to say towards the most recent arrival, a lich from the power emanating from her. "A paladin and a lich. Of course this is going to be interesting." Ryla said to herself as she watched the scene escalate. The lich acting like a haughty bitch, and the paladin making sweeping generalization and threats. One of the others, Arletta, attempted to defuse the situation. Not that it helped that everyone else decided that this was a personal battle they took part in. Ryla was tempted to join in as well, but she simply stayed as an onlooker to evaluate her future teammates.

Without at doubt the paladin, Mark, was going to be a problem. A self proclaimed hero who slays monsters. Granted Ryla has killed her fair share of monsters and humans too (Typically in self-defense), but she wasn't going to claim to make a career out of it. People like him lived on a slippery slope of righteousness and fanaticism. Ryla certainly knew that if he was as lawfully anal as she suspects, at some point in the future she'll have problems with him. A witch doctor may be a healer, but she still consorted with demons and their ilk for power and gain. No matter the price.

The lich, Lily, wasn't going to be any more helpful. Ryla's seem plenty of her types back at the college: Arrogant, Rude, and most of all desperate. While Ryla doesn't know the circumstance of her lichdom, rarely does a competent mage rely on becoming a lich if they had great magical power. Lily might've resorted to lichdom to extend her own life or as a clutch to obtain more power. Ryla had similar goals, and if Lily still sought to improve her strength no doubt she and Ryla will become rivals. Ryla herself has considered Lichdom as a contingency plan but Ryla also doesn't intend to die anytime soon. But perhaps if Ryla plays her cards right she could still use Lily and siphon knowledge and power from her.

The others went about their business if they weren't getting involved in the little shitshow between the paladin and the lich, so Ryla figured she'd do the same. Make friends, get to know one another, perhaps even figure out their abilities and strengths. So Ryla started with Winter and Barst. Winter looked like a very pale girl and if her name was any indication she came from a cold region. Ryla suspects she's a Snow Woman, though she wasn't entirely sure why she'd want to wear such a heavy coat. Even Ryla herself, wearing not much more than her hide top and skirt, felt it was all too hot. And than there was Bast. He was a charmer though his honeyed words failed to enrapture Ryla. But she did appreciate the sentiment even though it only made Ryla think that Bast was a manipulator. Either he was a toadie who hoped that he could compliment everyone to help him or intended to shower them with petty words in order to push them in the direction he wants. Ryla would have to keep an eye on him.

Still, they weren't currently engaged in the shenanigans that the majority of the others were, so Ryla went over to them. Hopefully they heard her introduction because she wasn't about to do it again. "Shalloom! Bast, you sly dog. Don't think you can get into everyone's good graces without me!" Ryla walked up beyond him with a smirk on her face. "Tis a pleasure to meet you all regardless. Would any of you be interested in accompanying me inside? I was thinking of putting this drama behind me and start renovating this old building into a proper looking guild. What say you?"

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