Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"A Fiery 'Friend' Approaches"

Mentions: @AzureKnight, @PaulHaynek, @Stern Algorithm,

The Next Morning...

Upon the aftermath with the cold-blooded Nagare and the fiery Varā, Titanica entered the guild hall and plopped herself upon the living room couch belly-down. When she awoke, she could hear the bustling activity coming around her. Being only half-awake, the noises were muffled and sounded far away, which made it hard to note what was going on. Suddenly, she could feel a rapid force shaking her upper-body by the only being here that was brave enough to wake her directly.

"Morning Titanica!" Morgan's squeaky voice pierced through the commotion, "Come get up, we got work to do!"

The titan groaned as she struggled to lift her eyelids open. It was as if she was pitted against two insanely large boulders that were trying to close her eyes shit. However, she was soon able to muster up the strength and slowly rise from her make-shift bed. She slowly turned her head to her fellow moth-woman friend with a drowsy look.

"Ugh..." Titanica growled before issuing a massive yawn, "What is it? Can you give me a bit to wake up?"

Morgan nodded understandingly. "Would you like me to make some tea? I'm currently making a second batch to serve for the others."

"That..." the scaled titan paused before confirming, "Would be nice. Thank you."

The mothgirl warmly smiled as she proceeded to enter the kitchen. "Coming right up!"

With that Titanica finally planted her feet onto the creaky floorboards and rose to listen in on the surrounding conversations. The only one that stood out to her was Bart's announcement regarding that a repair crew would come today to fix the hole that the titan created and that he had to stay and oversee them. At least they will be getting that sorted out now - the sooner the better. And for everyone else, it would be a more relaxing day for the members to enjoy themselves

But to start her day, she might as well find a place to wash herself. She hadn't bathed for a few good days and was starting to feel rather clammy. She knew of a lake not far from the guild and ought to issue a quick bathe before doing whatever she might want to do. Still, it would be best to alert Morgan to this. The tea will have to wait. She slightly turned her head back and alerted the fellow mothgirl.

"Save some tea for me, Morgan." Titanica called out, "I'll be washing up. Be back soon."

With that, the saurian titan proceeded to exit the guild hall and step out into the bright and warm sun. The sun's warm rays were absorbed into her jagged dorsal fins, slowly warming her body to a nice and pleasant temperature. Her spines can easily acquire solar energy the same way as how she gains her mana, only the former is more based on physical energy rather then replenishing her magical arsenal. They can regulate how much heat she can hold in, as well as when to cool her body down, much like certain ancient species of Saurians. But unlike them, Titanica doesn't rely on it, as it acted more of an additional convenience rather than a necessary attribute to survival. Her mana can help with warming her up in cold conditions, like during yesterday's trek into the frigid peaks of mountains.

As Titanica casually walked towards the main road, she would be quick to notice a disturbance in the air. She stopped suddenly, peaking her nose into the sky and proceeded to sniff the air. It was unusually dry, coupled with a slight temperature increase to the surrounding area. For most people, they may hardly notice the change or brush it off as a light heatwave, but for Titanica, she could pick up something else within it. She took another few sniffs to confirm her suspicions, looking around carefully as she did so.

Her eyes would soon detect various tiny dark-grey particles floating in the air past her. She looked at them closely as she caught some in her hand. It was ash... but not simply any ash, but rather ash usually found in and around active volcanoes. She could even catch traces of fresh ember passing by, still smoldering slightly. The titan was intrigued by this unusual phenomenon. As far as she knew, there weren't any volcanoes near here, and even if there were, word would've perhaps traveled quickly about the warning of a volcanic eruption. There was only one other thing that could've issued this.

It became clear to Titanica that someone, or something, was in the nearby vicinity.

And whatever it was, it was airborne.

And whatever was lurking around, it must be emitting an intense amount of heat from its body. The titan peaked her head upwards and scoured the airspace above, however she couldn't see any trails leading to the culprit. It must've either went by while she wasn't looking... or perhaps it was on its way. Titanica realized that it could prove to be yet another potential detriment to the guild hall's structure as she turned to face the entry way.

"Stay alert." she boomed cautiously towards the guild members, "We're about to have~"


And out of completely nowhere, Titanica was met with a powerful direct force thrusted upon the back of her head.

The mighty titan's head lurched forward, causing her to fall face first into the cobblestone path hard. It felt as if something had dropped kicked the back of her head at full force. And - to the bystanders who had witnessed this all go down - that's essentially what happened. A winged woman clothed in fiery colors swooped down and used her heels to smash into the saurian's neck in what could only be seen as a diving attack before using the momentum to propel herself back into the sky.

As the saurian titan rose from the earth, she was quick to rise and look for the opponent in question. She can hear a crying of laughter emitting from above, underlined with a rough and coarse voice that she knew all too well. And upon seeing the crimson figure flying in the sky, Titanica instantly recognized the culprit.

"BAWHAHAHAAA!" the winged woman cawed as she lets out a deep bird-like screech, "Bet ya didn' see that comin' did ya?!"

An embarrassed facepalm formed as Titanica emitted an annoyed groan. "Ugh, not this bitch again..." she thought to herself.

"What the hell do you want Rodie?" the saurian titan boringly called out, seemingly not threatened by the rival titan that was circling above her like a vulture to a carcass of rotting meat.

Rodie would then land on the ground, flapping her wings to stop her descent and smiled devilishly at Titanica.

"You know wha' I want, Titanica-san!" Rodie replied with a challenging vigor, "It's been far, FAR, too long since our last confrontation! Thought I was not eva' gonna see you again! But fair not! I've grown stronger since our last fight and I'm gonna kick your ass this time!"

She initiated a fighting pose, extending her right arm out like a kung-fu warrior, beckoning the definitely taller titan (7'4" vs 5'8") to do battle. And yet, her opponent didn't seem nearly as interested as the flyer may have thought.

"Really?" Titanica inquired in a painfully bored and monotone voice, "You're wasting your time. Get lost."

Rodie's confused expression became more annoyed by the titan's seemingly odd unwillingness to do battle.

"W-Wha?! Es'cuse-eh me?" Rodie stammered awkwardly, "Waddya mean you're not interested?! Have ya been growin' soft or sumthin~?"

Suddenly she would find herself being casually pushed to the side as Titanica brushed her away and kept on walking forward.

"Not interested." the saurian stated as she continued walking.

Rodie's expression became blank with utter confusion at her rival's uncharacteristically behavior. What's gotten into her? She stammered in place before she turned absolutely steaming mad and began jumping up and down in absolute anger.


But all that Titanica did was simply keep on walking, ignoring the flurry of insults that just bounced off her thick hide. Her rival simply didn't know what to do with herself in this situation. For a minute, it would seem as if a confrontation had been avoided - a first perhaps.

But as Rodie's frustration rose to her limit, her senses were able to pick up an interesting scent emanating from her rival. A particular, undeniable, scent that had been discussed about before in a certain separate conversation. Rodie's frown instantly turned into a mischievous smile, revealing a row of sharp teeth. She briefly giggled to herself before regaining her cocky composure.

"Ohhhhhhh, I see how it is." she called out slyfully, "I see ya, I see ya. You're not gonna fight because of that one night, huh? But I thought the great and mighty Titanica was forbidden to fuck anything for pleasure!"

That ought to get her attention...

And well... it worked. But perhaps a bit too well... and for all the worst reasons.

Titanica's march ceased the very moment Rodie finished, as her entire body stiffened up.

"That BITCH." the saurian growled lowly as her gleaming-white jaws steamed blue smoke from the spaces in between her teeth.

Pure rage flew through her veins as she began to shake violently in place. But she wasn't angry about the fact that Rodie knew - as proven with Nagare yesterday - rather it was due to the sheer audacity of that cocky shit-stained flyer actually revealing it in front of the other guild members who were just several meters away! Then again, for an annoying character belonging to her, it shouldn't be that surprising. A guttural growl emerged from the tall woman's mouth, with her spines rapidly discharging flashes of blue plasma, as her murderous gaze grimaced upon the unfortunate demon's own.

Rodie's cock-sure look was soon replaced with a fearful gaze. She's gotten what she wanted, but now she's already gaining second chances about all this. Nervous bird-like laughter chuckled from her sharp lips as she tried to remain brave in the face of her larger opponent, who was now approaching her with hatred in her eyes.

"A-Ahh hey now," the cowardly flyer said with a begging tone, "I-I'm sure it's OK for all this now right? I mean... yer entire clan is gone, and you're alone... so uh, I guessa ya do what eva' you want r-right? Free country, amirite?"

It didn't help. Titanica's dorsal fins would begin to fully light up as it started charging from the tip of her tail and slowly made its way up her back. And with a momentous roar, her mouth opened as she released her atomic beam at her opponent.

Already realizing her next move, Rodie wisely was able to lift herself into the air before Titanica could have a chance incinerate her. The saurian's beam ripped through the ground underneath the flying titan, with her being careful not to accidentally damage the guild hall again, just barely missing both. Rodie rose into the air and proceeded to pounce onto her target's back to avoid the superheated beam by the front and began to choke her while rapidly bonking her on the head with surprising force. Titanica struggled to get the pest off her, bucking and swiping like an angry bull to a cowboy, before backing up into a tree and forcing her off.

The two titans continued to fight one another, while yelling, roaring, and screaming ensured for another long thirty seconds. Eventually, the crimson demon began to fly further into the woods, gawking wildly as she seemed to head to higher ground. However, Titanica wasn't going to let her off easy, not after the stunt she just pulled.

"GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE PIGEON-BRAINED SHIT!" the Gojira roared defiantly as she chased after Rodie and disappeared into the undergrowth.

The guild members could still hear the faint sounds of angry calls and screeches emitting from beyond, yet could only guess as what could happen next. Thankfully, this attracted the attention of Morgan, who had just finished making the tea and heard the commotion, as she proceeded to walk over to the scene. Whilst a little late to the scene, she placed her hand to her mouth and shook her head.

"Oh dear!" Morgan breathed out worringly, "I wasn't expecting another titan to show up - especially being someone like her. This is really bad! If we don't break them up soon, who knows for how long they'd be fighting - and all of the destruction they'll cause with it!"

The mothgirl's wings extended to their full size as she proceeded to enter the woodlands.

"I'm going after them!" Morgan cried as she followed Titanica's tracks of destruction.

Even for a lone titan of Morgan's status, it was a risky choice for her to go alone amiss two fighting kaiju. Perhaps a few should make sure she doesn't get hurt, or perhaps be an additional mediator in calming Titanica and Rodie down.

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 19 hrs ago


Yang Bethlehem

"Hey now, I wasn't born a monk and I'm a terrible one too." Yang said in between her cooking. "I love martial arts more than being a monk."

With that, the dinner ended and everyone retired for the night. Yang herself felt the exhaustion and strain her body had during the earlier varjo fight.

They're all so darn tough. She mentally noted and a tinge of frustration built up within her. It was already hard enough with all that armor, and now, physically, they seem to be harder too. Shock and direct hits was ways she dealt with opponents like that but she'll have to change her methods.

Though she'll leave that for now as she threw herself on the bed, sleep quickly taking her and she focused on recovering.


It felt like a moment hadn't pass at all but Yang internal clock felt it, it was just before morning. Yawning, stretching and brushing the eye dust out of her face. She rinsed her face and body before going out, stretching herself before settling into a stance. Moving slowly and deliberately first as she contemplates on her conundrum.

She moved ever so slowly, almost like she's buried in mud. Yet the motion carried strength and in such slowness, it caused just as much strain if she moved it at her usual speed. Her mind cleared slowly and less thoughts entered her head as her previous conundrum took a backseat.

This continued on until she remembered something.

Her new disciple!

Without much thinking, she quickly headed back in and looked for Ozzy room. Taking a few steadying breath, Yang encouraged herself with a fist pump before waking him up.

"Wake up, disciple. It's time for training." She adopted a more formal and regal pose, one that her own master often do.

The moment they're outside, Yang took a long fallen tree, plunked it in front of Ozzy before gesturing him to pick it up.

"Hold it." To Yang, the fallen tree probably weight as much as a feather but to Ozzy, it was perfect as it wasn't too heavy but nor was it too light.

"Not with your hand," Yang said before she then pointed to his legs. "With your legs. Both them."

Yang didn't know exactly what to call Ozzy hands since technically those are also wings. A hand wing perhaps? Oh well.

Once Ozzy talon had a good grasp on it, Yang continued to the next phase.

"Good, now fly with that around the guild house. No need to fly high, the point of the training is to get both of your arms and leg stronger first."

She waited for Ozzy to take flight, the moment he did, Yang sprung upwards easily and caught onto the fallen tree. Giving Ozzy a rude shock as her sudden weight turned the relatively normal tree into something much heavier.

"Keep flying! Don't stop!" Yang shouted even she kept her eyes on the ground. Her entire body straight an arrow and hanging on with literally one arm. "Your leg may be strong but your arms aren't! You need to be able to not only lift people but soar high like an eagle with it!"

Despite Ozzy best effort, it was inevitable that his stamina wouldn't last long as they lose altitude. Getting them closer to the ground.

Well, at least he kept moving his wings instead of just gliding or dropping straight down. Yang tried not to grin too obviously as the moment her feet touched the ground, she sprinted into a full run. Pulling Ozzy as he held on for dear life, the wind blowing him enough that he was flying.

"If you drop to the ground, you practice your grip!" Yang started to laugh maniacally in between her run. "Try not to let go!"

When the sun finally broke dawn, Yang concluded their practice as she looked over Ozzy who was on the ground and hefted the fallen tree across her shoulder, she'll have to carve and smooth it out later.

If Ozzy paid attention, Yang was barely fazed at all, considering that while Ozzy did fly with her weight underneath, Yang had clung onto it using nothing with one arm. That also hadn't been counting her previous training before Ozzy.

"Wash up and get some food. You'll need it more than ever when you're training." Yang pointed as she picked off some dirt from Ozzy feathers.

She looked at the numerous amount of job, and hearing that Guildmaster Bart saying that they've spend their funds made her decide to take a paying quest.

"Watch yourself out and be careful. You exhausted your body after all." She tapped the back of Ozzy head as she pulled the request [The Great Horizon 2] out. "I'll do this one, we need some funds."

At least, that was the plan before she felt an unusual feeling formed in the pit of her stomach and the hair rose at the back of her neck. Her sense immediately flared out as she looked around for any discernible threat. Then her attention was drawn towards Titanica before she was treated to the sight of her skidding face-first into the cobblestones from afar.

If it wasn't serious, Yang would have laughed out loudly at that but such demeanor was hardly fitting of the situation, so she suppressed that laughter even as the edge of her lips curled upwards.

Seeing the new presence of the intruder, Yang quietly looked on as events unfolded to the point there was nothing much she can do. So she kept quiet even as some of the quicker guildmates followed Morgan and Titanica trail.

Once that was over, Yang clearerd her throat and begun trekking out.

"Well. I'm off to work. See ya all." Yang replied in a non-plussed manner, almost like such commotion was a daily thing as she left the guild through the hole.


Ditzy Stoneclub

"Let's play..." Ditzy thought of a game before he beamed with a smile. "Tag!"

Ditzy hand swung at Ozzy, missing him completely as he stumbled off from his chair and hitting the floor. Ditzy laid flat on the floor on his back at the sudden movement of his and off-balance.

Yet it didn't seem to deter him as he quickly stood back up. He was about to continue until his elbow met the table, which shook it briefly and it caught Ditzy attention.

"Oh, we'll play later! Dinner first!" He said after a while of thinking and contemplating before going to his dinner. It would've gone a lot worst for the others if Ditzy fell the wrong way and topple the table completely. As it is, the only casualty was him.

Despite the offer, Ditzy was still very much exhausted from today's event and headed to bed afterwards.


The next morning, Ditzy woked up, cleaned himself and headed down to greet the new day. Stretching his arms as he changed his bloodied chest cover and replaced it with another.

He pat the side of his injury and grinned when it was completely healed.

The old moth doctor lady was nice. Ditzy smiled and headed downwards, perhaps he should help her out. Yup, that's what he must do. Papa always say one must repay kindness with kindness.

So with that, Ditzy waved and greeted Morgan the moment he saw her. "Ah, old moth lady doctor! Thanks for fixing me!"


That greeting was short live even as Ditzy heard a commotion outside and wondered what was going on. Seeing the big lizard lady fall flat and the flying red loud lady, the two conversed and seemed to argue with one another. Their conversation ignored as Ditzy slow mind caught up to what the flying lady did initially.

She wants to play? His slow mind thought as he was happy, that seemed like fun. He wondered if he can join in.

So when Morgan flew off ahead first, Ditzy followed soon. A skip in his beat and a large smile on his face, thoughts of work and all flew out of his head as he wanted to play with them. They look strong too so Ditzy didn't need to hold back so much.

"Can I play too?!" He shouted to Morgan as he moved forward to the forests with the two dueling and rampaging beast. Heedless and unafraid of his situation.

A thought most exemplified as when a tree stood in his path, Ditzy didn't bother to go around or change his path, he simply rammed through it like it was made out of paper. Ditzy continued onwards, taking the shortest path and straight path. Almost unheeding of anything in his way. A destructive trail that wasn't out of place for a Wrym rampage.

He had new playmates, and they're strong! He never gets to play with all his might before, and he certainly didn't wanted to miss out on that.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

(Ignore this, I double posted)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Freyr couldn't help but to let out a discreet smile at the young Ozzy's cheerful personality, curiosity and love for knowledge. While books and knowledge about the Viera were indeed scarce, the boy seemed to know everything someone who wasn't a Viera would be able to know about his race.

"The Vieras are historically very secretive, yeah. Still, I do sympathize with your thirst for knowledge. Whenever you have some free time, I would more than gladly share what I know about my people." Freyr said with a respectful nod. It was indeed very impressive that someone so young had such a big thirst for knowledge.

Other than that, he was almost certain by now that being cheerful and happy was a trait shared by most harpies. Not that it was bad, of course, it was only... curious. Maybe it had something to do with harpies having faster metabolism than other races?

Despite everything that had happened and not having solved the issue about the black crystal yet, the day was finally over and Freyr was able to enjoy a good and tranquil night of sleep.

The Next Day...

@PaulHaynek @Lmpkio

As usual, Freyr rose up from bed early the next morning. For him it was already a habit to do so and even if he wanted to sleep more, his body basically would wake up by itself when the first rays of dawn arrived. Arriving on the guild hall for a quick breakfast, Freyr couldn't help but to notice that despite being well... a gigantic hole in the wall... it was really nice and peaceful to drink a cup of tea while watching the sunrise.

He was surprised though when Bartholomew came to warn the guild that they had finally earned enough money to fix the wall and he had called the construction crew to fix it today. Maybe it was for the best but Freyr would miss the cool morning breeze and the oversized window.

Before going in a quest though, Freyr had something to do first, which involved the strange black crystal he had found on his visit to the Vieran Woods.

"Bartholomew, we need to talk... Something happened while we were on the Vieran Woods." Freyr said in a low tone as he approached Bartholomew.

"Varjans..." Freyr said as he raised his hand towards Bart. On the middle of his hand, Bartholomew would see something carefully wrapped in leather.

"They found a way to... repel, or maybe ward off the magic of the woods... It was... strange. They were trying to capture Vieras, to use them as weapons, by branding them with magic runes and sigils, taking advantage of our magic sensitive bodies to make us go into a frenzied state..." Freyr explained, with a serious concern in his voice.

"Things are changing, Bart. We need to take a side. The Vieras are preparing themselves to go to war..." he finished.

Just the words that the Vieras, who were known for closing themselves into their forest and not caring about the outside, were going to war, was enough for Bart to realize that if something was able to make the Vieras take such a radical posture and change how they dealt with outside matters that much, it was indeed serious.

Before Freyr could say anything more or Bartholomew could answer though, Freyr, who was initially oblivious to the 'intruder' that had arrived, heard Titanica's angry roars, followed by strange screeches and clear sounds of battle. Even though Freyr knew, judging by the sounds, that Titanica was going away from the Guild, to the woodlands, he knew very well how... destructive... Titanica could be... If something made her that angry, who knew what she would do...

"Sorry Bart, we will talk more later. If someone doesn't stop Titanica soon, something bad might happen..." Freyr said as he quickly put the leather wrapped crystal on Bartholomew's hands and ran after Titanica and whoever the intruder was.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

*I misposted - my apologizes*
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Vivian & Sylvia Altissima


The Altissima twins awoke the following morning feeling motivated; several guildmembers had expressed eager anticipation to try their special pastries. They looked on as their guildmates eagerly headed to the quest board to pick up jobs, and smiled, knowing that today, they would remain behind to set up their spot in the guildhall. They were also glad to not be going on any crazy quests, especially after what happened last time. Before she could make her way back to the kitchens, Neil approached, apologizing.

Sylvia looked away, still embarrassed, but Vivian stuck out her arm to shake hands with Neil. "No hard feelings, Neil. My sister and I definitely over-reacted and put you in an awkward position. You weren't at dinner yesterday, but the thing about my nectar is it's a powerful aphrodisiac, used by Alraune and Liliraune alike to seduce mates. We use it in our pastries since it also has healing properties, but we mix it with herbs that can counteract the aphrodisiac effects. It's our specialty, but also a bit of a curse."

Sylvia finally spoke up, "We were raised by humans, so we were taught about the dangerous effects of our nectar, and we're very careful not to let it put people we know in...compromising situations, or result in situations that we might regret later."

Vivian hoped this explanation was enough to sate Neil's curiosity, and she was eager to set up her bakery and Sylvia's apothecary shop, and wanted to seek out Bart or their resident carpenter, but decided to ask, "By the way, why weren't you at dinner?"

Suddenly, A loud, bird monster girl attacked Titanica outside, but the loud, flaming, bird lady reminded the twins too much of the exploding, ball-shaped birds that had assaulted them in their collective hallucination, so they decided to just sit this one out and pretend to ignore what was going outside.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 2 days ago

🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥 & ❄️Nagare❄️

Much to the surprise of both of the girls, Titanica agreed to Nagare's terms. After warning them the consequences of breaching said agreement, she walked off back to the guild hall. Turning back to Vară, Nagare placed a hand on her chest and let out a large sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness! I'm really glad that TItanica came to see reason. For a moment I really thought I was going to have to fight her..."

The tension in the air finally fading, Vară regained her composure and was the next to speak. "Nagare, that...that was amazing! I didn't think there was any force in this world that could say that womna. But you stood her right in the face and said your piece. But more importantly, I think you just saved my life! Well, temporarily anyway..."

"Vară, it's like I said, I don't want any bad blood between my friends. Now, I think that's enough excitement for one evening. why don't we head back and get some rest?" Nagare began walking in the direction Titanica went and she motioned for Vară to follow.

"Oh! Yes, of course! After being forced to trek a snowy mountain trail and winding rough terrain for days on end I'd like nothing better."

The two mamono walking side by side back to the hall, conversing about how each of their respective quests went. After arriving they ate a little dinner then turned in for the night.

The next morning

Nagare would be the first of the two to awaken after the sun rose. Arriving downstairs, she greeted the Altissima sisters, not having the opportunity to properly introduce herself the day prior.

"Hello, my name is Nagare, I'm a frost dragon from the far eastern mountains. It's a pleasure to meet you both, I hope you enjoy your stay here at the guild! And good morning to you as well Neil." She politely bowed to the boy.

Nagare turned to the young owl boy, who just declared what quest he wanted to take. Sensing fatigue from him, she couldn't help but feel concerned.

"Hello Ozzy. You've been a member of the guild for a little while now but I don't think we've had the chance at a proper introduction. I'm Nagare and it's a pleasure to meet you! Um, if you don't mind me saying, you look very tired. I imagine that you had a long day yesterday, I don't mean to overstep my bounds but don't be afraid to rest if need be. We'll all here to help, so try not to push yourself too hard."

Nagare noticed Freyr talking to Bart about the events of yesterday's quest, it seemed Varjo was becoming more aggressive and expansive with each passing day. However, her thoughts were cut short when she sensed Titanica raging outside along with an unfamiliar presence. Rushing outside along with other guild members, Nagare witnessed Titiance in her bestial form fighting what appeared to be another titan.

The being certainly didn't look like any dragon one would come across, and Nagare could recognize that the scent wasn't draconic.

Titanica, this is what we get first thing after last night? Nagare silently pouted to herself

In addition to Freyr, she also noticed Ditzy tagging along. Ditzy seemed to think that the whole situation was a game, a fact that didn't surprise her in the slightest. Instead of exasperation, Nagare could only giggle at his enthusiasm.

Nagare began to take flight shortly after, she was curious as to who this new kaiju girl was. "Freyr-san, I'd like to go on ahead and see if can calm the both of them down. I'll admit I'm a little nervous but I should be fine."

She entered her dragon form, the surrounding air glistened as frozen droplets fluttered about. Using her large wings, she flew to catch up with the two titans hoping to at least somewhat quell there rampage.

Having awoken after most of the commotion had subsided, Vară walked downstairs with a light yawn after freshening up. Noticing that some of the guild members were missing, she presumed that they had already picked from the posted quests and made their way out. While not overly excited at the thought of more treking after yesterday, she ultimately felt that it would be for the best to earn her keep and prove herself. Although, she mainly just wanted some more spending money. Looking at the quests on the board, she could at first pick which one to choose from.

Noticing Neil talking with the Liliraune twins, she promptly made her way over as well.

"The sisters Altissima, greetings. I am Vară, the curent heiress of the esteemed Riemsianne clan of noble fire demons." Her salutations to them were brief, as she was mainly focused on Neil.

"Good Morning Average Boy. I have a request of you." She began to blush slightly, trying to hide her insecurities.

"Mind you I'm not nervous to go out on my own or anything, but I was thinking of taking the quest Fame and Fortune and was wondering you wised to accompany me. If you don't want to, then so be it. Just know you may regret your decision, as this is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

~@ShwiggityShwah, @13org (HUS)~

"Hey, I can identify a mysterious creature. My flying would be a great asset. I'll take Hushabye! I wont let you down today Master Bart!"
Ozzy Skyway

Haley the Siren flew next to you. "Let me come with you on this one, Ozzy. Two harpies are better than one, right?"

"Say..." She then leaned close to whisper, out of earshot of everybody else. "I haven't really thanked you properly for standing up to Bart to protect me, have I?" She pulled back and returned to her normal tone. "So thanks! We bird monsters gotta stick together." Haley patted you with a wing.

With that, you and the Siren were off to Lozagon Forest to find and identify the mysterious creature.

The Great Horizons 2
~@Restalaan (YNG)~

The trip to Lokdar Swamp was uneventful save for some passing horse riders and the occasional human-monster couple travelers. You even encountered a Lizardman too you being a woman, she simply acknowledged you as a fellow warrior and went her way.

As soon as you step foot in the moist soil of the swamp, you immediately see a man with fair skin and black short, combed hair. His traveler clothes indicated wealth but they were ragged and worn and dirty. You observe him filling his canteen with water. Swamp water. No filtration of any kind. His gaze darted to and fro, he was very clearly lost and likely very tired.

You approach him and he quickly went into the defensive, dropping his canteen into the water and pulling out knife. "Hey stay back! I'm warning you! I may just be a traveler on his way to B-B-Boreal Port but that don't mean I'm harmless!"

Fame And Fortune
~@AzureKnight (VRA), @Stern Algorithm~

"By the way, why weren't you at dinner?"
Vivian Altissima

After the commotion with the kaijus, Neil replied. "Well uhh, let's just say..." He gulped. "Let's just say me and Bart aren't... had a falling out recently so we're not exactly... friends right now."

"And thanks for telling me about your nectar. I uhh, really should've seen that coming." Neil scratched the back of his head. "Then again, I-I didn't know what to expect coming here. I--" He stopped suddenly, biting his lip, as if he was about to slip a secret. "You see, I'm not exactly... from here, so to speak. Still, thanks for forgiving my ignorance."

"Good Morning Average Boy. I have a request of you. Mind you I'm not nervous to go out on my own or anything, but I was thinking of taking the quest Fame and Fortune and was wondering you wised to accompany me. If you don't want to, then so be it. Just know you may regret your decision, as this is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
Vară Riemsianne

Like Vară, Neil had a blush on his cheeks as well. Likely from being asked out but also likely because of his previous... relationship with the Flame Demon. "W-Well, yeah. Sure, I'll-- I'll go with you, Vară." Neil agreed to the proposition. "It'll be like a d-- N-Never mind! Never mind." He stopped himself from slipping further.

Turning to the Altissima sisters, he asked. "What about you guys? What'll you do for today? You-- You wanna come with us?" Neil invited them. "The previous quest was trouble, sure, but I have a feeling this one will be pretty simple. Maybe."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"When Legends Collide"

- : | Mentions | : -
@13org, @AzureKnight, @PaulHaynek, @Restalaan,

As the guild volunteers tried following the conflict as fast as they could, they could hear the roars of battle echoing in the distance...



Fist and heel collide as a powerful shockwave rocked the entire forest with their extraordinary might. The leaves rustled violently in the wind, with the resident creatures hastily fleeing the scene with their lives. Everyone could feel the brutal force of the ancient rivalry at work, one the world had not felt in countless millennia. Titanica fiery glared towards her winged adversary, who's heeled foot had collided with her front knuckles. Rodie quickly retracted her left foot before spinning around and utilizing her other foot to kick her face in. Titanica ducked, narrowly missing it, before swinging her own weight around and whacking her tail straight into Rodie's side.

The flying titan cried out in shock as she was tossed from the thick woods and into a large clearing surrounded by trees. Skidding onto her feet, Rodie cockily glanced at Titanica who emerged from the forest with fiery rage steaming from her eye sockets. Even facing in such grave circumstances, the flier simply chuckled and wiped away the spit off her mouth.

"Hngh," she growled in a playfully mischievous manner, "Not bad for someone having been asleep for a few thousand years. Still, yer' quite rustyyyyy!"

Suddenly a flash of blue erupted from the saurian titan's maw as Titanica unleashed a blast of her atomic breath. Late to dodge, Rodie's rose her arms to defend her face, as the beam collided with her. It pushed the winged titan back, however as the dust settled, it became clear that her arms had changed into something more. Her arms were no longer like those of a human's, and her flame-engrained flaps were no more. No. Her arms had transformed into fully shaped wings, dark reddish-obsidian in color that steamed from the cracks and pores. Her wings were like those of ancient pterosaurs of old, only coated in hardened lava and much sturdier looking. Rodie's grin intensified as she released a childish uproar.

"Hahahaha!" the winged beast cried out in laughter, "Is that really the best you got?! You're not the only one who can bring in the heat ya know!"

The fiery woman quickly lowered her form, crouching as she kept her balance, before launching herself towards Titanica with a powerful burst of power. As she accelerated, she too began to issue flames from her mouth - this time a more traditional fiery-orange aura - as she prepared to fire. Within mere seconds she closed the space between them and slammed into the grounded Titan with her head. Titanica prepared to retaliate by going in to grab Rodie's back, but the speedy flier was just a bit faster. She unleashed her fiery beam, causing a massive explosion upon impact with her opponent's skin as she back-flipped out of the impact.

The explosion cloud could be seen by the heroes - unleashing a volley of smoke and debris throughout the forest - as they made their way to the battlefield. Once they reached their destination, they could feel a strange eeriness that blanketed the area. Not a movement could be seen, for the air was still as could be. What's more, they've seemed to loose sight of Morgan.

Where could she be?

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 19 hrs ago


Yang Bethlehem

She waved her hand idly back as she smiled towards Ozzy.

"Good luck!"

With that, she left the guild and headed for her own quest. Thankfully, it was without much hassle to get there to the Lokdar swamp. Yang noted the lizardwoman and greeted her with a hand over fist. She admitted that it itched her greatly to test her mettle against another warrior.

Perhaps another time, she thought to her self before she finally arrived at the swamp. She shuddered slightly as she wondered just what kind of mamono stays or lurks there.

I hope there's no centipede woman there. Yang didn't fancied seeing another one here, it terrified her immensely as she felt a shiver down her spine.

That's when her eyes caught someone filling water straight from the swamp and not even boiling it.

Yang furrowed her eyebrow at that, she better step in before it got worst. Diarrhea was the least of his worry if he drank that stale water.

"Hey! Good stranger!" She waved her hand and shouted loudly, which prompted him to drop his canteen alongside pulling a knife on her.

That's cute. Yang idly thought even as raised both hands in a placating way.

"You drinking that water will make you harmless, so harmless you wish you were dead." She advised and stopped her approach, leaving a good distance between them to assure him.

Well, a distance that he thinks it's safe. Yang mused since she could cross it in an instant but he didn't need to know about that.

"Swamp water has a lot of decaying plants, and small parasitic critters that live in there." Explaining and pointing towards the murky water, the decay of plants present in all swamp hung over them and noses. "You have to filter it first and boil that water thoroughly."

"Besides, I'm a monk, I'm not allowed to kill or rob people." She shrugged, making her assets shook along with it.

Looking at him closely, it seemed he looks exhausted and tired considering he wasn't even thinking about the consequences.

"You look like you're about fall over too. Do you even know where Boreal port is?" Yang gestured her arms before sighing and pointing to herself with a thumb. "Tell you what, I'll help you get there so you can get a proper meal and rest."

She tried to be as amiable and non-threatening as she can, whether the stranger will accept her offer is another.



Ditzy Stoneclub

Ditzy chased the two rampaging monster girls, not caring and only wanting to play with them in their game. So focused he was it took him a long time as he slowed before coming to a stop.

He noticed that there was something missing in the area, Ditzy didn't really know what it was as he looked at the dust of could before it came to him.

Why is it so quiet? Ditzy looked around, normally woods have insect and persistent noises.

Nevertheless, Ditzy continued on by going to the last known place that the commotion happened. There wasn't much he can do besides that.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Vivian & Sylvia Altissima


Vivian listened to Neil's explanation and nodded, as if in understanding. "Well, Bart's lucky to have you then. It's not everyone that can stay professional and loyal and continue working for someone after a personal disagreement."

"And don't worry about the misunderstanding. There are hundreds of monsters we haven't met yet, each one with their own peculiarities and dangers that we don't know about. Nobody should be expected to know everything about a monster they've only met for the first time," Sylvia added, but then thought back to the moment they ripped off his shirt, and Sylvia, specifically, was trying to lick nectar off of his bare chest. Blushing (if plants can blush), Sylvia brought a large succulent leaf to cover her face in shame and whispered, "...I'm sorry for putting you in such a compromising position..."

As Neil invited them to join him on this next quest, Vivian declined, "Yeah, I'm sure other quests won't be quite as nutty as the last one, but Sylvia and I really need to at least set up our workspace here first instead of gallivanting on adventures. Thanks for the invite though, maybe we'll take you up on it next time." With that, the sisters made their way to the kitchen and began taking an inventory of the utensils, cookware, and ingredients, making a list of essential baking supplies they might need to get. They would also survey the outside for a place to set up a small herb garden, and potentially, a greenhouse in the future. They would try to seek out Bart to discuss if the carpenters who were fixing the hole could also be commissioned to lay down some basic foundation for their herb garden.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Training Morning

"Good, now fly with that around the guild house. No need to fly high, the point of the training is to get both of your arms and leg stronger first."

”That’s it?” Easy enough. Too easy. But sure enough he got his branch in his claws, his legs looking much more bird like with his shorts on, puffy brown tan feathers coating his skin down to his knees and then they took a more segmented kind of texture before bending again for his legs to form grasping claws and wide feet. He circled the building, no worse for wear, though he felt an ache in his shoulder from yesterday. No problem.

And then.

”Raawwrp!?!” The branch got heavier as Yang jumped on. While she wasn’t the heaviest he’s ever carried, it was pretty big adjustment. Immediate panic began to set in as he had to flap his wings faster just to stay aloft.
"Keep flying! Don't stop! Your leg may be strong but your arms aren't! You need to be able to not only lift people but soar high like an eagle with it!"

Inevitably, his wings would give out and he could feel his shoulders and arms beginning to throb. In retrospect he should have paced himself but he burned himself out all too quickly. He was panting, his lungs screaming, he began to droop, lower and lower, and suddenly Yang was the one pulling him. "What the-YIPE!". Now he was flapping his wings just to keep from colliding with the ground. Honestly it was not only exhausting, surprising, it was scary too. The imminent threat of bashing his skull against a rock.

"If you drop to the ground, you practice your grip!" Yang started to laugh maniacally in between her run. "Try not to let go!"

He kept trying, but an onlooker would swear he was more swiming and flying, his arms kind of going wild. "WHAT HAVE I DOOONE!?" He said realizing this was just the beginning of a difficult road.

One Hour Later...

The tired harpy waved his hand, not picking his head up. "Take care Sensei Yang..." She seemed more chipper this morning.

Nagare turned to the young owl boy, who just declared what quest he wanted to take. Sensing fatigue from him, she couldn't help but feel concerned.

"Hello Ozzy. You've been a member of the guild for a little while now but I don't think we've had the chance at a proper introduction. I'm Nagare and it's a pleasure to meet you! Um, if you don't mind me saying, you look very tired. I imagine that you had a long day yesterday, I don't mean to overstep my bounds but don't be afraid to rest if need be. We'll all here to help, so try not to push yourself too hard."

Ozzy tried to quickly pick his head and posture up in order perk up for an introduction. This was quickly thwarted by the soreness of his arms and legs. Still he fought through the discomfort offering her a tired but genuine smile. Ozzy had been meaning to talk to her, and for the most part was only gushing from afar. Not only was she ethereally attractive, she was an honest to goodness dragon! He felt that pang of inferiority. What was a harpy compared to a dragon? And two essential gods! He felt like wasting their time with his stupid questions was wrong somehow.

But she broke the ice (pun intended) and it did much to set his mind at ease. It reminded him that they were in this together. And for that matter he should apologize to Morgan and Titanica for treating them differently... atleast in his mind he did. "Something I blame myself for." He was quick to add. Honestly things could get crazy, it was hard to get a few minutes with anyone if you didnt go on a mission with them. "Honestly Miss Nagare, the pleasure is mine." He was about to raise a hand, but he bowed back, something very common among those that range from far away lands.

She mentioned he looked tired, and yeah, he did. Feathers and unkempt hair and the remains of sweat from the morning. He raised a hand, his wing screaming at him, he waved the palm at her as if to show her its no big deal. He chuckled. "I know how it looks, and it's sweet of you for noticing." Honestly he got a little red faced, but that might be exhaustion. Her concern for him was heartwarming. Another oddity from what he little he knew of dragons. "Sensei Yang offered to help me get a little stronger, so I just experienced Day One. Besides, I got to be useful to everyone somehow." Cooking didn't count apparently.

"But personally, I would really love to talk sometime, Maybe after-"
Then came the scuffle outside, drawing a crowd of people to go see the commotion. A new challenger had come and boy was Titanica pissed. Morgan, Nagare, Ditsy, all of them ran off to chase down this threat. Ozzy made a split decision, wanting to fly to his friend's aid in case they needed... anything he supposed. "Wait! I'm coming too!" He unfurled his wings, flapped them two or three times. CRASH Ozzy face planted on the road....

He experienced muscle failure and his wings just wouldn't carry him as fast as he needed, they members leaving him behind. He sighed, feeling utterly useless.

Haley the Siren flew next to you. "Let me come with you on this one, Ozzy. Two harpies are better than one, right?"

Picking himself up again and getting the dust off him, the bright speckled and cheery Siren Haley "Huh?" Seeing a smiley face, hair a shade of violet and cerulean wings, he returned her suggestion with a big grin and near tears of gratitude in his eyes. "Sure! You bet they are!"

"Say..." She then leaned close to whisper, out of earshot of everybody else. "I haven't really thanked you properly for standing up to Bart to protect me, have I?" She pulled back and returned to her normal tone. "So thanks! We bird monsters gotta stick together." Haley patted you with a wing.

Her whispering in his ear, her getting so close did do alot to get him a little flustered. "Th-thank?" It sounded almost provocative, but he returned to normal when she pulled back to pat him. He scratched his messy hair as he grinned back. It was nice to be among familiar company. "No problem. You were right after all." He side stepped her. "Be right back, just gotta grab my stuff."

While disappearing back inside, then back out, passing the fire demon, Neil, the twins, he thought about how many people here he would love to be friends with. He wished he could go on adventures with all of them one day. Same with Haley, and now was his chance to make a good impression with a fellow harpy. "Ready!" He got his second wind, got his backpack and began to fly with her. "Was hoping to get a chance to hang out with you. How did you start with the guild?" He asked taking to the air, trying to avoid the pain in his arms. "Seems like you're really close to Neil and Bart?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



As Freyr continued running towards the loud sounds of battle, he could only think what would he able to do to calm down those two. Words were the best he could think... After all, he didn't wanted to hurt them by shooting an arrow on their eyes and... well... He couldn't lift a mountain by himself... Let alone a kaiju.

Thankfully it seemed that others were as worried as he was with the situation. Nagare, who was one of them turned to Freyr as she flew above him, saying she would go ahead to try and calm them down.

"Please do. I don't know what to do if words don't work with them though... Be careful though." Freyr said, nodding towards Nagare with a serious expression. She mentioned she was a bit nervous, not to be surprised. Freyr was as well, he knew what Titanica was able to do and he surely wouldn't stand in front of her if words didn't work, lest he wanted to be obliterated.

Interestingly enough, by what he heard before Titanica and the intruder ran away towards the forest, they seem to know each other. A theory that got confirmed as he heard the Kaijus exchanging words on the distance while they fought. It appeared that both of them were rivals of some sort, even though the intruder was aparently taking all that much more seriously than Titanica herself, that much for their despair, seemed to be enraged.

It was then that an incredibly big explosion blew part of the forest away. The cloud and the debris flying due to the explosion could be seen even from far away, and Freyr felt the strong pressure of the explosion even though he was still far. As he finally reached the site of the explosion, it was clear on just how devastated that part of the forest was due to the debris and the thick smoke covering the area. Strangely enough, even though he was expecting to see both Titanica and the intruder fighting, he saw no one. It was eerily silent, no sound of battle or sight of the two titans anywhere.

As the other members of the guild who went after Titanica began arriving, they seemed to be just as confused as Freyr was.

"How... Where are them?" Freyr asked, clearly confused about all that. Despite the fact that the battlefield was covered in a thick smoke, he wasn't able to see any sign of the two titans and even with his enhanced hearing he wasn't able to hear anything.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 2 days ago


@Lmpkio @13org @Restalaan

As she may her way forward, Nagare could hear the sounds of nature tearing apart around the combatants - nevermind the intense mana that was pouring out from the both of them. The roars alone increased the young ice dragon's heart rate. She had try to make herself sound as calm as possible to her guildmates, but even at this point she was still frantically thinking of a way to at least somewhat quell the titanic battle. A warning shot perhaps? A mediation, like from last night? I already tried that last night, and now look where we are... she pouted to herself.

She suddenly felt herself being pushed back by a large explosion that blew away part of the surrounding forest. Thankfully, her large dragon form allowed her to absorb most of the shock and not be blown back completely. After the smoke cleared, Nagare quickly made her way to the scene. But, to her dismay there were no combatants, only silence. She looked around for a moment to assess her surroundings. Hard to believe that two giant monsters could just up and vanish into thin air. She tried to sense were they could be, but she could feel nothing aside from the let over energy from the explosion. What could this mean?

While still searching for answers, Nagare soon came to the realization that someone else was missing from the scene as well.

What had happened to Morgan? It appeared she had vanished along with her other two fellow titans.

🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥


Vară listened intently as the Liliraune sisters apologized to Neil for something that had transpired on their mission yesterday. She was quite curious, much more than she would like to admit. After a little bit, the twins departed into the kitchen - it seemed that they didn't desire to go on any mission this time around.

After Neil had turned back to her, Vară began to blush, following suit with the young man. "Stop acting so flustered, you dolt! You're making this awkward!" She hissed in an exasperated tone. She tried to regain her composure with a prompt 'Ahem" before continuing.

"Well then, average boy, shall we get going? This quest isn't going to complete itself, and the guild could use some more finances."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


After a tranquil and calm trip to the Valoran Woods, Ozzy and Haley finally arrived on their destination. When they were about to head towards the river in search for any sign of the mysterious white creature, they spotted a rather strange old man, grumbling angrily with a shovel on his hands, filling what was apparently a hole in the ground.

"Damn beast... First mah chickens then mah poor Banjo..." the man grumbled to himself as he continued filling the hole with dirt.

"Tha damn white thing's goin' to pay for messin' with mah property!" he continued, still oblivious to the harpies' presence.

Behind the old man, they could see a small wooden cabin with a small chicken coop, nearby a dog house, both of them, empty. Whoever that man was, he seemed to have seen the creature they were after. At least he knew more than they did about it. Maybe it was a good idea to know more about it. It would be certainly more efficient, maybe even safer, than just blindly start walking through the forest searching for a strange creature.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

~@ShwiggityShwah, @13org (HUS)~

"Was hoping to get a chance to hang out with you. How did you start with the guild? Seems like you're really close to Neil and Bart?"
Ozzy Skyway

"Hoping? Why, you got a crush on little ol' me?" Haley teased with a grin.

"Anyway, I wasn't here when the guild started. Although, I did enter it in its earliest phase." Haley then told her tale. "Let's see, what happened... Ah, right. Some guild members, Freyr included, first came to Mahigan looking for a guy who got lost in Lozagon Forest. I was in Mahigan as a regular traveler at the time. I met them, led them to Lozagon Forest and... resolved the quest more or less. I invited myself to join the guild, they accepted and here we are."

"There was a lotta people who came and went in the guild. I wonder how they are now."


The two Harpies then came upon what appeared to be a small abode containing a wooden cabin, a chicken coop and a doghouse. In the vicinity, an old man with a shovel was filling dirt in a hole. Likely burying something. The old man was grumbling about a creature that apparently took his chickens and someone named 'Banjo', probably his dog.

"Hey uhh, Ozzy. You mind taking this one?" Haley said. "I've had my fill of grumpy people shoveling dirt yesterday."

The Great Horizons 2
~@Restalaan (YNG)~

"...I'm a monk, I'm not allowed to kill or rob people. You look like you're about fall over too. Do you even know where Boreal port is? Tell you what, I'll help you get there so you can get a proper meal and rest."
Yang Bethlehem

"Oh. Well. Nice to meet a-a monk, I suppose. Monk, hehe, monkey." The man put away his dagger. The hostility was gone, but now you could see he was dazed and delirious. "Heh, did you know that some people believe that monkeys are related to h-humans? Like-like, can you believe that us civilized folk are similar to literal apes?"

"A-Anyway, nice to meet you Miss Monk. I'm S-Sam. Samuel Cabbage. Cubbage! It's-It's Sam Cubbage. Samuel Cubbage." His thoughts were all over the place although he tried to focus. "A-Anyway, thanks-thanks-thanks for the offer but-but I'm on a-- uhh, mission, you see? I, myself, have to get to- get to Boreal Port with minimal aid as possible. It's a family mission, you see? My grandfather went on a trip-journey. Reach Boreal Port in four- three! Three generations!." He held up three fingers. Clarifying to himself moreso than to you.

"O-Onwards to the Great Horizons!" He began to walk away, leaving his canteen in the swamp and heading south, the direction of Ambran and not anywhere near Boreal Port.

Fame And Fortune
~@AzureKnight (VRA)~

"Stop acting so flustered, you dolt! You're making this awkward! Well then, average boy, shall we get going? This quest isn't going to complete itself, and the guild could use some more finances."
Vară Riemsianne

"Ah! Yes, of course! L-Let's go."


You and Neil reach your destination, the northern edge of Lozagon Forest. The two of you avoided going through the forest itself so as not to encounter anything untoward. Not that there was anything life-threatening in the forest, just that Neil's presence might make the locals come out of the woodwork.

There, a small camp was set up. A small tent stood near a recently-doused bonfire with a man sitting next to it. He was sharply-dressed in green-colored clothes, appearing to fit better in a city rather than in a forest. He was currently looking at a piece of paper, a map of some sort.

"Hello there." Neil greeted.

The man's attention was caught. "Ay, magandang araw sa inyong dalawa. Alam niyo ba kung nasaan ito? Ito'y mahalaga para sa akin."

"I, uhh, don't understand." Neil replied.

"Ohhh, we can use the Common Tongue if you prefer. Or Zipanguese, maybe. Or--"

"Common Tongue. Common Tongue is fine."

"Ah, sige. I am Crispin Aguilar and before everything, I must ask. Are you two from the guild I asked help from?" He posed a question.

"Yeah, yeah we are." Neil answered. "I'm-- I'm Neil and this is Vară. We're here to help you look for your heirloom, Sir Aguilar."

"Oh, that is good. Very good. However, my request may not be done in a single day and might take you to rather untoward places." Crispin warned you and Neil. "Ah, don't worry. It won't take you anywhere near Order territories. But you might be disturbing the lairs or dens of monsters... and you two don't look like hardened adventurers that can take on Werewolves or Honey Bees and the like. Do you think you can handle this?"

Neil was rather offended by Crispin's correct assumptions but said nothing in retort. He looked to you for a response.

Setting Up
~@Stern Algorithm~

"Well, Bart's lucky to have you then. It's not everyone that can stay professional and loyal and continue working for someone after a personal disagreement."
Vivian Altissima

Neil was unsure about that notion. "Well, it just happened two nights ago so... we'll see. Anyway, good luck with setting up. Maybe the construction crews coming today can give you a hand. Oh! I forgot that we've got Talia here. She's a Cyclops who's building stuff behind the guild. I'm sure she can help you two."


After taking inventory of the kitchen supplies, the Altissima sisters went outside to find a suitable spot to set up their garden.

Behind the guild building was an empty patch of grassland save for a wooden fence that encompassed a bit of the land and a small roofed structure that appeared to be a very barebones stable that was part of the fence. A couple of horses lazed around inside the fence.

"Hello, you two." A voice greeted from behind the Liliraune. It was a Cyclops monster, towering over the two. She was probably Talia that Neil was talking about earlier. "We haven't introduced us to each other, have we? I am Talia Bucchas. The guild's smith and engineer, I guess. Hahaha." She scratched the back of her head.

"What brings you two here? Looking for something?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"When Legends Collide"

- : | Mentions | : -
@13org, @AzureKnight, @Restalaan,

With the smoke continuing to swirl around the unsung members, it may have seemed as if in that moment the titans were gone. One moment they were fighting in the flesh with raw destructive potential, and then the next they vanish into the smoke as if these ancient beings had never existed at all. However, these heroes wouldn't have to wonder much more as a semi-morphed Rodie burst through the silent cloud with a ravenous fury.

"*CREEEEEEEAWWWWWWW!*" the titan screeched at the top of her lungs as she lunged at her foe.

Her body was already beginning to slowly morph her body into her titan form. Her arms had transformed into fully functional wings, having a dark crimson hue and oozing with magmatic aura, while her feet had turned into monstrous jet-black talons that extended outwards. She was rushing into attack position, readying herself to grapple onto her foe's flesh. Within a matter of seconds, Rodie seemed to have found herself grappling onto her opponent, feeling her talons sink into something meaty, however she couldn't see her opponent within the thick blanket of smoke. She was quick to note that her talons had trouble digging into whatever they gripped onto and tried as she might, they wouldn't drive further then a few inches.

That's when she finally saw what she was perched onto... a massive scaly charcoal-black arm. Then it was followed by the unmistakable raising hum. Rodie's eyes widened as she witnessed a bright blue flare pulsating through the fog not more then a few feet away.

"Shit..." Rodie muttered lowly, realizing what fate lied in store for her.

However, the blue light would never reach her face. Instead, she felt a powerful explosive force smack the right side of her face, catching her completely off-guard. Titanica's powerful "atomic punch" met her mark, unintentionally launching Rodie straight towards the guild members, who'd have to act quickly in order to dodge the flaming hot mess that barreled towards them. At the same time, the heroes could see a semi-changed Titanica emerge from the fog - looking eerily similar to the time where she threatened Bart two days prior.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


She teased, and frankly he was quick to notice that was her personality. No complaints, it was funny. "I'm working on it." He said, kind of surprised at himself to flirt a little right back.

It was a combo of flying at a leisurely pace, taking some time to get ready, the conversation, and a bit of ego to atleast show capability that Ozzy was able to keep up, but his arms were sore and probably will be until he can get a good hour to rest them up. "Seems like the guild's got an open door policy." Wonder if Neil and Bart had to deal with any squatters, bums, or riff raff.

He nodded. "I can imagine. There's something about it. Too many rare, powerful, even unique folks all showing up at the same place. Makes you wonder... Oh well at least some fun ones stayed behind." He said when she concluded, getting the idea that she was the helpful sort too. "What were you before that fateful day? You mentioned you were a traveler." maybe a merchant, messenger, bard. She was a siren after all.

It was all just getting to know her.

But when the abode came into view with the old man's ramblings the two perched on a branch. Ozzy was ready with his spy glass to scout, but thankfully the man's complaints were loud enough. Haley said something kinda odd that he couldn't help but chuckle at. "Sounded like a blast. I got it." He stepped down and his flared wings slowed his descent.

He made sure his wings were tucked in, feigning the look of a cape or cloak as he approached. "Morning sir!" said the harpy, a hand up nonthreateningly in a wave with a big smile. "Couldn't help but overhear you talking. A white beast. We're actually on the lookout for such a thing. Maybe we could help each other."

It seemed logical that once they knew what they were dealing with, it might be possible to keep the beast away from the man's home. They were just supposed to identify it though, not stop it, capture, or turn it away. Still, it was possible.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


The old man greeted Ozzy with a silent nod as he approached. After he finished talking, he rested the shovel on the ground, near his feet as he leaned on it, wiping off the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand. It was clear to Ozzy that he had no idea that he was a harpy.

"Teh only help ah want regardin' that white thing is hunting it down. Nobody messes with mah property..." the old man said, spitting on the ground as he looked at Ozzy.

"Yer not from 'round 'ere, are ya? Ar ye from that 'Guild' I've been hearin' bout?" The old man asked, looking at Ozzy from top to bottom almost as if analyzing him. The old man didn't try to hide his stare and it was clear to Ozzy that he was expecting something more... Someone who could be actually capable of hunting down the white beast.

"Dem damned farmers from Ambran told me they were finally sendin' some guys to take care of tha creature... Was expectin a hunter, not a child..." the old man said, clearly underestimating Ozzy.

"'Too much moonshine, tha old crazy man finally gone mad', they said... First it was mah chickens, then mah poor Banjo, yet nobody did a thing or believed me. Let's see who's laughin' now tha the creature began snatching livestock from tha farmers round these parts... Them bastards only did somethin' when their own property began to get attacked." the old man said, rambling more to himself than to Ozzy.

"Last time ah saw it was round tha river. Don't count me in though. With it's dagger like teeth and it's speed, ya free to go if ye want to kill yerself." He continued.

"Ah would be careful where ah step if ah were ya though. Left sum nasty surprises all round tha woods for tha damned beast... Hope them traps snap that white bastard thing's legs off..." the man said, with a hoarse laugh as he continued filling the hole with dirt.

As Ozzy spoke with the old man though, he noticed that despite having met the creature before, the man had no signs of wounds or scars on his body. According to what he said, it would be impossible for him to run away from the creature, especially due to his age. Not only that, but differently from what the old man said, the request the guild received mentioned only identifying the creature and not capture it or relocate it.

While waiting for Ozzy though, Haley would notice a few strange, old footprints on the ground, nearby the old man's house too. Judging by their size and form, they didn't seem to be from any animal which would normally live in the woods.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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Vivian & Sylvia Altissima


"Oh! Just the cyclops I was looking for!" Syliva exclaimed, "I'm Sylvia Altissima..."

"...and I'm Vivian," Vivian concluded the introduction, looking up at Talia's impressive height.

"I was hired by Bart to be the Guild's apothecary, and my sister was hired to be the Guild's pastry chef. We're actually looking to setup an herb garden and a greenhouse so I can grow the plants needed to make medicine. Ideally, it will be close to, if not accessible from, the kitchen, since that's wher my sister will be spending most of her time, and well, as you can see, I'm not very mobile." Sylvia gestured to the pot and the wheeled plank she used to get around.

"The greenhouse will likely be the most difficult, since we'll need glass, but i can get started with just the herb garden. All it would need is a fenced-off area around some decent soil and maybe a shed for tools. Oh, we'll need gardening tools too." This last part Sylvia said more to herself as she became pensive and thoughtful, putting a hand t oehr chin, hoping she wasn't forgetting anything important.
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