Avatar of ShwiggityShwah
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1378 (0.54 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. ShwiggityShwah 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Done with this site for now. Take care.
6 yrs ago
Except for 1 or 2 rps and some partners, I'm essentially done with the site. Can only sit down for posts once a week. Hate to make others wait.
6 yrs ago
Im cutting down on my writing time. Other projects to focus on.
6 yrs ago
Pointless and garbage respectively.
6 yrs ago
Want to do a slice of life romance, in the MHA universe. SoL is good with an interesting backdrop.


I don't know how to make this all stylish yet. I'll figure it out eventually.

In the mean time ahem:

Hello! I am currently writing a script for a fantasy story I plan on animating (Using the program Poser) Rping really helps get my creative muscles flexing and I'm going to be incorporating some character ideas into the RPs I produce with other people. This could include Male or Female. I really try to challenge myself.

I am a huuuuuuuge fan of epic scale narrative, and breathing life into a story is a great passion of mine. Seriously I watch trope talk pod casts and how to write, just to make my script as effective as possible.

I am versatile. I love things with emotion, whether Romance, Grim, Adventure Thriller, or even Comedy. Above all else, I love to entertain. I hope to do so with you.

Discord Shwiggityshwah#6420

I also have a 1X1 interest check.

Most Recent Posts

So... no spot for me? Need to be sure before I make a character.

The newcomer's interactions with others gave Ozzy a bit of a pause. She seemed to be just as interested in others as he was. Type, race, looks. Was she a fellow scholar? She was definitely a woman of culture.

"You're....you're an Owl Mage. A male one. I didn't think you guys existed. Then again, I didn't think male Wererabbits existed too, but Freyr proved me wrong."

Ozzy's grin seemed to widen, and his big eyes seemed to get a glint such as which he'd given every single living being that peeked his interest. (Which was pretty much everyone...) He pulled back on that before it would become odd. "Quite correct! And I'm not at all surprised. As far as I've researched, I'm one of a kind. A genetic miracle." He said, trying not to really brag about it but more of stating a happy fact. When she brought that up to Ditzy was another male he chimed in again. [color=gold]"It's actually kind of incredible how the guild attract such wonders. Kaiju, Dragons, even Ada is- SCRACWK!"

Yang grabbed him and hoisted him up, causing his wings to flap and kick out, then he heard his Sensei's voice and he grinned before laughing. He let himself lay in her grasp, treating her 'attack' like a welcomed hug. "It was intellectually and physically stimulating. Secret maps, weird clients, grave digging, and then a church collapse. Thankfully it was abandoned."

"Hmm, was there trouble? You're not injured are you?"

"Surprisingly no!" He quipped. "I managed to keep out of arms reach and danger. In no small part to your training I believe." His wings were still sore, but with the rest of walking there, he was rather surprised how much he was able to hover and fly today. Its only been a few days but it made him consider the benefits... Encouragement to keep training.

Neil recommended dinner and Ozzy of course volunteered. "I'll help...eeerr after I clean up." Ada and Haley claimed the bath limiting Ozzy's options. "There's a hose outside right?"


"Come on, you need to clean yourself up too."

"Ozzy, let's take a bath together, Ditzy will take too long and doesn't want to miss dinner."

"You can take a bath with us you know!"

Ditzy and Yang invited Ozzy and while he was suitably fine with Ditzy; Ozzy immediately felt the blood rush to his face and his lean figure begin to tense. "Rawrp?" Yang put a hand on his shoulder and it seemed to guide him towards the shared bathroom. "But but but-" He said looking slightly panicked. "But but you're a girl- and and-" Haley's a girl and Ada's... well she's always naked so he was used to that. Considering his study of biologies, the female form was not unfamiliar to him, but like any potentially intimate situations, Ozzy was a little, as Yang so eloquently put it, immature. And that reminded him, Yang still figured he was female and he could see it clearly with Ditzy that Yang figured she thought the same of Ditzy.

Ditzy didn't need any help and to be frank he wouldn't have gotten too much from Ozzy. Disrobing, he made sure to keep his reddened face away from the bathing females in order to preserve their modesty. He himself with his wings as much as possible, making him look very much like he was wearing a cloak of feathers. He squated in his little corner of the room, keeping his head down and waiting for his turn with the faucet, making sure he was covered with atleast something before he went for the brushes, the soap.

If anyone asked about his discomfort... a reply of. "I've never been naked in front of others..." would be a meek and embarrassed response. "It never came up." The red of rushing blood contrasting with the golden brown of his owlish features.
Ill try again.

Have 2 characters ready.


Is it a shared bath? I'm just making sure. It'll effect my response.
Ive been a bit busy with work, preparing for interviews, and helping family. Ill try to get a reply out today.
Work from home is making it difficult to find typing time. Don't wait on me if you want to get started.

I do thank you for the PM you send, Im sorry I havent responded yet.
Ugh I need inspiration.

I could make any of the specialties work but my problem is a why? A long term goal.

Biomancy with Cult of the Serpent - Maybe a transhumanist, making people better with 'enhancements'
Telepath - Maybe they're trying to find someone who wronged them and reading thoughts is how to do it.
Diviner - Wants to learn to avoid harm for himself or others. Dreams of being a general, using divination to help become a tactician.
Also, using divination for research purposes, essentially make a nerd character.
Pyromancer - Maybe a jock like character, flexing his magical muscles for fame and superiority.
Telekinetic - More of a protector type character. Wants to use his power to shield others from harm, maybe tragedy befell him and he has a constant 'not strong enough' mentality.

I just need a motivation and then I can fit a character around it. Even something as insidious as getting close to the throne or the pinnacle. Would I want to make an a hole character though...?

Discussing with someone would help cement my character.
Thanks but,

I'm not seeing the connections between the cause > affect. Telekinesis (movement of matter with mind) = Transmutation (changing matter)? Im used to those names/words used in other settings and Im having trouble kind of connecting them.

I can come up with ideas all day but nothing seems to be quite right with what I wanted, nor fits the kind of 'eyptian/arabian' aesthetics I originally had in mind for this.

I wont be able to come up with a solid concept until the lore is explained clearly. Thank you for the attempt. I'll come up with a solid concept when I have the foundation.
Well I guess how magic works would develop my character concept.

I kind of viewed geomancy as a type of, 'the art of placing or arranging buildings or other sites auspiciously.' basically I would describe it as 'magical architecture' considering the temples and pyramids and other building wonders. it would be the study of shapes, mathematical geometry, symbols and angles in order to tune and channel magic. Practically, it would be the use of runes to simulate magic, maybe partially through divine forces, or channeling ones own ability into things or objects. Creating symbols for health on pots of healing draughts. It would be a more scholarly type of character.

If alchemy is more about it, I guess it would be magic through chemistry. Mixing natural and mineral agreements to create, draughts potions salves, poisons, and oils as conduits for spells. Maybe with more work, transmutation from one substance to another and forging materials and reagents for other purposes. Purifying water, removing pests. This character would be probably medical in origin, a type of doctor, or even a healer priest if medicines could be combined with prayers.

I also had a concept of a golem mancer, creating living sculptures but I dont know if that's a discipline. I might be confusing high with low fantasy.

The way back was mentally trying to explain his way into staying in the guild, deciphering the map, and the usual small talk.

"Hole's almost filled." He said commenting before stepping inside to to meet with Talia the cyclops. Ozzy hadn't even considered they were covered in grave dirt. Morbid. "Hey Talia. It was... you know. Lots of zombies." He was already on his way to the kitchen to help with dinner, probably something quick and easy tonight.

Then Talia mentioned the new comer, and his eyes lit up a little bit. The harpy looked back for the newcomer, and noticed the insectoid. His head was abuzz with the species type, going over the volumes to determine the usual habits/likes/dislikes. He couldn't quite place it at present. Beetle? Ant Queen? "Oh, Miss Gigas." Ozzy tried to wipe the shmutz from his face. "Ozmodius Skyway. Just call me Ozzy. Welcome to the Guild." He held out a hand, until he realized the hand was just as dirty as the rest of him.

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