The newcomer's interactions with others gave Ozzy a bit of a pause. She seemed to be just as interested in others as he was. Type, race, looks. Was she a fellow scholar? She was definitely a woman of culture.
"You''re an Owl Mage. A male one. I didn't think you guys existed. Then again, I didn't think male Wererabbits existed too, but Freyr proved me wrong."
Ozzy's grin seemed to widen, and his big eyes seemed to get a glint such as which he'd given every single living being that peeked his interest. (Which was pretty much everyone...) He pulled back on that before it would become odd.
"Quite correct! And I'm not at all surprised. As far as I've researched, I'm one of a kind. A genetic miracle." He said, trying not to really brag about it but more of stating a happy fact. When she brought that up to Ditzy was another male he chimed in again. [color=gold]"It's actually kind of incredible how the guild attract such wonders. Kaiju, Dragons, even Ada is- SCRACWK!"
Yang grabbed him and hoisted him up, causing his wings to flap and kick out, then he heard his Sensei's voice and he grinned before laughing. He let himself lay in her grasp, treating her 'attack' like a welcomed hug.
"It was intellectually and physically stimulating. Secret maps, weird clients, grave digging, and then a church collapse. Thankfully it was abandoned.""Hmm, was there trouble? You're not injured are you?"
"Surprisingly no!" He quipped.
"I managed to keep out of arms reach and danger. In no small part to your training I believe." His wings were still sore, but with the rest of walking there, he was rather surprised how much he was able to hover and fly today. Its only been a few days but it made him consider the benefits... Encouragement to keep training.
Neil recommended dinner and Ozzy of course volunteered.
"I'll help...eeerr after I clean up." Ada and Haley claimed the bath limiting Ozzy's options.
"There's a hose outside right?"@13org@PaulHaynek
"Come on, you need to clean yourself up too."
"Ozzy, let's take a bath together, Ditzy will take too long and doesn't want to miss dinner."
"You can take a bath with us you know!"
Ditzy and Yang invited Ozzy and while he was suitably fine with Ditzy; Ozzy immediately felt the blood rush to his face and his lean figure begin to tense.
"Rawrp?" Yang put a hand on his shoulder and it seemed to guide him towards the shared bathroom.
"But but but-" He said looking slightly panicked.
"But but you're a girl- and and-" Haley's a girl and Ada's... well she's always naked so he was used to that. Considering his study of biologies, the female form was not unfamiliar to him, but like any potentially intimate situations, Ozzy was a little, as Yang so eloquently put it, immature. And that reminded him, Yang still figured he was female and he could see it clearly with Ditzy that Yang figured she thought the same of Ditzy.
Ditzy didn't need any help and to be frank he wouldn't have gotten too much from Ozzy. Disrobing, he made sure to keep his reddened face away from the bathing females in order to preserve their modesty. He himself with his wings as much as possible, making him look very much like he was wearing a cloak of feathers. He squated in his little corner of the room, keeping his head down and waiting for his turn with the faucet, making sure he was covered with atleast something before he went for the brushes, the soap.
If anyone asked about his discomfort... a reply of.
"I've never been naked in front of others..." would be a meek and embarrassed response.
"It never came up." The red of rushing blood contrasting with the golden brown of his owlish features.