Avatar of ShwiggityShwah
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1378 (0.54 / day)
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    1. ShwiggityShwah 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Done with this site for now. Take care.
6 yrs ago
Except for 1 or 2 rps and some partners, I'm essentially done with the site. Can only sit down for posts once a week. Hate to make others wait.
6 yrs ago
Im cutting down on my writing time. Other projects to focus on.
6 yrs ago
Pointless and garbage respectively.
6 yrs ago
Want to do a slice of life romance, in the MHA universe. SoL is good with an interesting backdrop.


I don't know how to make this all stylish yet. I'll figure it out eventually.

In the mean time ahem:

Hello! I am currently writing a script for a fantasy story I plan on animating (Using the program Poser) Rping really helps get my creative muscles flexing and I'm going to be incorporating some character ideas into the RPs I produce with other people. This could include Male or Female. I really try to challenge myself.

I am a huuuuuuuge fan of epic scale narrative, and breathing life into a story is a great passion of mine. Seriously I watch trope talk pod casts and how to write, just to make my script as effective as possible.

I am versatile. I love things with emotion, whether Romance, Grim, Adventure Thriller, or even Comedy. Above all else, I love to entertain. I hope to do so with you.

Discord Shwiggityshwah#6420

I also have a 1X1 interest check.

Most Recent Posts

@Crusader Lord

Naga :3 But I'm a little biast on reptiles myself. Imagine some kind of eyptian theme to go with it, or mayan. They could be a coatyl or something. Which is like an angel snake.
@Disciple Cain

Fixed it and finished history.

Still have cohorts and items to describe.

Oh and I would be very much open to abilities that can be alot of fun for others. I don't intend to fight other god players, believing its more fun to have intrigues then apocalyptic battles.

Squeeze being ridden as a mount would be a fun and funny scene. Helping design their farmland, gardens and animals would be another.


Finally a smile and a conversation. Carol's antlers lit up in a pattern of yellow, her nose kind of did too, her quirk impulsively activating. Her smile beamed, eyes lit up under her glasses. She put her hands together, ready to bow."Hi Yozhakura Yukhari. My namesh' Carol Tenebaum. I hope I can call you Yuki too. I'm jusht Carol." She did pick up a little, she was in the hero class too. GREAT! "Oh that meansh' we're in the shame classh. Aweshome! It'll be great-"


Suddenly a girl walked by, muttering something. She looked to be kind of shy, and also... very sleepy. There was a creep vibe coming from her and Carol noticed that the girl was going in the direction as the class. "Maybe she'shs in the hero classh-"


They were suddenly interrupted by a girl who... honestly she acted with a kind of flare that reminded Carol of one of those spoiled plastic jerks from her old school. Those that think the world owed them something. Carol immediately felt disdain for her as not only was she laughing at Yuki, but she hardly even seemed to acknowledge Carol. Calling her an extra. And just her... Since no one else seemed to be listening to them, but all she did was laugh at someone bumping her face.

Carol's lights flashed red before going dead. She picked her head up, turning up her nose. "Humph. It washn't that funny. Come on Missh Yukihari. Let'sh get to classh before it shtartsh." Lets see how Miss Fridge likes being ignored. That'll show her.

Back in class, Carol picked up the pace, honestly worried that class would have started without her. It didn't and her seat in the front row wasn't taken. She got back to her seat, her red backpack by the chair and she bowed to the teacher. "Shorry Shenshei." She then sat down, hoping that Yuki would take one of the chairs next to her. She would give her a little wave when she followed in.

"Oh, I'm definitely fine with that. Although, I'm not sure if I could fully appreciate having a male monster for an entire day. I suppose I'll just make do with an innocent date. We also get the money from the other contestants, right?"

Ozzy choked a bit. He had come to the full realization. A date? He was playing for the chance to win a date? Or was it more like he would 'lose' a date? And before he could recover, the quiz was on. He had to fight. If he won maybe he could pay back master Bart. It was a chance to wipe the slate clean... and then he would approach one, the owl harpy was still his pick but the maid seemed more innocent in her claims so-"

"Get ready, contestants! The first question is: Do monsters produce Spirit Energy?"

He immediately started to raise his hand, but then the Owl Harpy beat him too it... or did she? They all looked to him and a after a moment's puzzling... he figured out why. With a twisted look of contemplation on his face to consider what he was, he finally took a deep breath and forcing down any bit of doubt.

"No. Spirit energy is a vital energy possessed by humans, and various other races, but not monsters." He quickly shut up. He was giving out too much information, he'd have to fight back against the chatter.

He could go on. Males had more then females. Monsters couldn't produce it but desired it as food and other means. He waited for the answer, hoping and praying that the questions were about common book knowledge rather then potential technicalities.

I just wanted to get started since there is alot to go over. Hopefully its okay so far.


Added abilities and some of the history


Finished history.
@VarockSvent@Disciple Cain

See, an example of something I didnt know.

I dont read the manga and only watched the show a year back. Marveling at nature is something anyone could do at anytime so I had no clue things were like that.

As boss said, it shouldnt really have too much impact. But it does now give me an idea. Maybe the girlfriend was trying to preserve what she could. I would imagine super polluted but people still tried to fix somethings. MC could attempt the same as a way to honor her memory. Something to that nature.
Ehh, I probably need more points into classes anyway since there's alot.

As much of a power fantasy this would be, I still want to have the human element. The regret. The grief. The moments of a former life that ground and humble the forest god. A little development and strife is character building.
@Disciple Cain

Thank you so much for this ^^
I'll go with some 'wood elemental' types from other games. Stick man > Wood walker > Treant > Revenants > Treelords or something like that.

He was a normal player, but I have an idea where he started following a druid progression line and just kind of got sucked into the story and where it was going. Maybe there was a secret conclave of druids that worked to keep things in balance and he played the game in pursuit of their storyline and faction achievements since he got roped into the story of Yggdrasil and liked the kind of guardian of nature character he was making. It didn't hurt that he himself was an avid outdoors man, scientist, lover of science with an animal lover girl friend.

Think World of Warcraft's Cenarian Circle, a kind of faction that was only available to the Druid Class to join and take their quests.

The original concept of him is that he likes to help people so intentionally chose a class that can essentially fit roles for the parties when they need it, kind of favoring versatility over specialization with the balance of the game making it a viable option that would allow him welcomed to pick up groups often. There's other factors that he likes to stand out and picks unusual and generally odd ball things to get unique experiences. He loved the idea of being a kobold > lizardman > Naga > Dragonoid but being a walking tree was just too weird to pass up. (He also considered a slime too)
This character is going to be tough to make and will take a bit since the requirements are not what I'm used to.

I will probably ask a bunch of questions. I have made many entire sheets before only to miss something and then be completely shut down after taking the time.

All races are available correct? I have a complete nature theme so I was going with the versatility of a druid, capable of harnessing nature, elemental power, beasts, and shapeshifting. My race would be a Treant, capable of interacting with other characters because of his shapeshifting. So probably a fairy>dryad>Treant if that makes any sense racially wise. I'd prefer some kind of elemental in there but Im not seeing that option.

My character was very cooperative, so he'd peg himself as more or less a positive force, maybe perhaps attempting to establish a nice naturey refuge for other races.

The class progression would be levels in druid, shaman, summoner, beast master, elementalist, high druid, Nature's Herald, probably come up with something called 'The Ancient' or whatever. Mare apparently fits the bill as a caster of these kinds of spells.

Cohorts would be beastmen and other forest spirits.

If Im on the right track in term of concept just let me know.
Might do something kind of druidy.
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