Username: GiveITaSQUEEZE
Player Profession: QC Investigator for Big Pharma
Character Role: Versatile (Role dependent on form)
Appearance:Alignment: +400
Racial Levels: Trillip 15 > Treant 10 > Treelord 5
Job Classes:- Farmer 15
- Druid 15
- High Druid 10
- High Tamer 10
- Shifter 10
- Guardian of the Grove 5 - Acquire Max Level Arch Druid, have +250 Alignment, Complete the Emerald Grove Quest Line, get Exalted Reputation with the Emerald Grove Conclaive.
- Wyld Wood 5 - Be a Treant/Treelord, Acquire the Legendary Item: Primordial Essence, Complete The Blight Quest Chain.
Abilities:- Racial - Bark skin - Defense and resistance to poisons and disease increase.
- Racial - Symbiotic Communion - While in Natural Environment, mana and health regeneration increase.
- Racial - Branching Limbs - Size, Strength, and Reach increases. This applies to all forms.
- Racial - Natural Connection - Potency of Spells with the 'Nature' Element Increase.
- Racial - King of the Wood - Summon Wood Golems to fight for a while, their potency is tied to the player's level.
- Class Farmer - Farming - Can grow food and herbs. High levels can grow magical ingredients and use them in some recipes.
- Class Druid/High Druid - Druidic Magic - A list of spells that follow the theme of nature. Ensnaring Roots, Storms of Thorns, Weather Control, Celestial Fire, Earth Sense, Camoflauge, Channeling Animal Abilities, Animating Plants, Walls of Roots, Plant Growth, Regeneration, Clouds of Poisonous Spores, Summoning Venomous Swarms of Vermin, just to name a few.
Some Higher Powered Spells from The Guardian of the Glade
The Gladewyrm – a summoned titanic beast that crushes your foes and heals allies as an aura effect.
The Spiteswarm Hive – a colony of magical insects which makes nearby allies more durable, resisting magic.
The Vengeful Skullroot – a sinister, sentient, floating tree that can slay foes by seizing bodies in its crushing roots and sapping the life out of them. Seeing the bodies in the bark and skulls in the roots causes terror.
Reclamation - A semi divine spell that causes the sun and stars to shine through the druid. Where the light touches, life flourishes. This is especially deadly to undead type enemies.
Genesis - Causes vast swathes of land to come to full fecund beauty, Great for Farmers. Also can resurrect a dead character. - Class Shifter - Wild Shape - Transform into Beasts, Elementals, and other forms, to include other humanoids. At this point, nearly all animals regardless of size are fair game.
Note: The Wyld Wood Class allows some unique Shape options.
The Form of the Plagues The Player doesn't become one creature, but many. A cloud, an army. The game defaulted to a single kind of attack, an aoe of stinging biting insects causing physical, poison, and acidic damage but since its real, the possibilities are quite vast.
The Form of the Behemoth Titanic Creatures become targets of Transformation, and all of their abilities.
The Form of the God Monster Divine Creatures become targets of Transformation, and all of their abilities. - Class High Tamer - Control Plants and Beasts - The Tamer class allows for summon and control over animals to the point that they become companions. The ability overlaps with druid abilities so that sentient plants also count. He has multiple companions he can call temporarily or swap them out.
Whiskers is his favored 'combat mount', a Dragonoid type enemy called a Forest Phoenix. His high defense and large target range makes him a great tank while Squeeze can focus on DPS and the Phoenix types have a myriad of magical resistances and aura effects with combat spells. - Class Druid/High Druid - Healing magic and buffs - The Nature Spells revolve around regeneration and life magic, so there are a lot of spells that allow for Squeeze to act as a healer. The buffs can purify disease, poison, some curses and offer nature, elemental, and animal based buffs to imbue invisibility, mobility, strength, perception, etc.
- Class Druid/High Druid- Poison and disease based debuffs - Fungi, Poison, Venom as well as disease can be utilized via magic or other means to debuff enemies. Mushroom bombs that make choking, blinding spore clouds. Curse of the Sloth. The Prey's Fear, can give Squeeze the edge.
Equipment:- Primordial Essence: Trinket - The very essence of what is versus what isn't. The essence has unlimited potential of what could be. It's user is able to transform from one form into the next without needing to transform back first. Additionally, the user can develop their own 'custom' forms. Taking attributes from other creatures to combine them.
- Heart of the Nidhoggen: Trinket - The Heart still beats, and its blood races through those that hold it close. Using the heart channels the behemoth's power for a time. Caster's become fighter types of equal value, and their magical power translates into physical power on top of their own stats.
- Branch of the World Tree: Staff Weapon - A twig of Yggdrasil, the world tree. Its power to create and destroy channeled into every act. Greatly enhances magical power. Capable of casting the spells The Ravenous Thicket Wall of IronWood or Spirit of the First Tree while on cooldown without spending mana.
- Regalia of the Ancients: Chest
- Wreathed in Life: Legs
- That Which Strides At the Edge of Everything: Shoes
- Unbowed Unbroken: Wrists
- Touch of Life: Glove
- Touch of Death: Glove
-- Set Bonus Touch of Rebirth - Grants an life explosion effect. An enemy killed by the player causes the body to burst in an explosion of thorns and living essence. Nearby allies get health while other nearby enemies suffer damage. If they also die, the life explosion triggers in a chain reaction. The resulting corpses become flowers, making them impossible targets for necromantic effects. - The Wyld Veil: Cloak
- Ring of the Promised: Ring
- Oroborus: Ring
- The Emerald in the Grove: Pendant
- The Everbloom: Reusable Item
- The Snapmire Vine: Reusable Item
Alt Gear:
- The Tooth of the World Serpent[/*] Spear Weapon
- Hunger of Yanagu[/*] Chest Armor
- Primal Claws[/*] Wrists
In Game Backstory:The Player didn't think about the character he made at first. The idea became ridiculous at first. "Im going to be a farming tree. His name will be Siraki...Taken. Carmine. Taken... okay How about ShwiggityShwah... WHAT COME ON! Okay GiveITaSQUEEZE! Yeah that worked. Great. Oh well, time to have fun." He wanted to be a literal tree hugger... as in he was a tree that hugged.
And so, the adventure of GiveITaSQUEEZE began. A little cute Mandrogora type character running around as a farmer with a hoe for a weapon and throwing turnips to heal other low level newbies. He eventually needed to get something a little more martial, so figured the Druid matched the tree theme well. Plus the 'Treant' race had a bonus with them. He usually went for a path less traveled but Treants were rare and druid had alot of versatility. Nature magic for support, healing, and ranged dps. Wild Shape for tank and melee dps. He started the druid route. It took him to the beautiful world of Yggdrasil, epic sprawling landscapes. He showed his fiance the pictures, tried to make her play.
She showed interest, she especially loved how this was how nature was supposed to look. Green and good. It led to alot of conversation. Alot of dreams. Unfortunately she was volunteering, doing her part to make the real world match the game world. Sadly, he had his own responsibilities, and so he left it to her to save the world, he'd bring the money. Teamwork. He wanted to find more nature. Do more things that followed the natural world. He started to develop his character as a role player, and wanted him as a guardian of nature. Protect the wild and encourage a proper order of things.
This led him to only do quests on the side of good, helping people, and avoiding those quests that would lead to exploitation and destruction. He engaged in pvp with 'evil' players and joined guilds that were associated with the ideals of heroism. For a long while, he was a supportive team player to them, capable of fitting any role required for any quest or raid they engaged him.
Then a rare item description gave him a clue to look in a certain area of the world. This was odd as there was nothing about the item in the wiki's about Yggdrasil. On occasion, someone would find something completely new to the game as the devs continued to keep adding to the game world. This led him to an unknown faction, the Emerald Grove Conclaive. It was a kind of secret society of druids that would commune with nature and protect the world from calamity. For finding them, he was given access to their shops, resources, and high level quest line with a whole bunch of new lore to the world. The Grove told him that treants only awaken when Yggdrasil the first tree was in danger and that treants, the wooden ones were ancient guardians of the land, one of its first inhabitants that tamed the primordial chaos that the tree spawned from. The time has come again and this time, all of Yggdrasils children would need to fight.
He was so excited with the discovery, he created the wiki articles, shared the information on forums, and actually attracted others, some former friends but a bunch of new ones. All of them were nature lovers, conservationists, biologist, botonists, gardeners, and virtual outdoorsmen. He became an impromptu founder of a Guild and the leader of a small chat group which became friends in and out of the game. They even became friends with his busy fiance.
Together they made the small conclaive into a pretty sizable faction, complete with treasuries, crafted assets, NPCs, all the while exploring the new quests and dungeons the Grove offered. The quests took them inside the world tree, fighting against the world serpent among its roots. They discovered an apocalypse cult in its trunk. There was even a raid where the players had to go through a temporal portal to defend the seed of the world tree from an aberrant force called 'The Blight'. During the final battle with a monster simply called 'The Scarlet King', its possible that the seedling is taken, leaving only a hole with a glowing blue green light. A small island in a sea of chaos that Yggdrasil would bloom upon. Squeeze looked to his team mates, at a loss for what to do, before he received a prompt. [Become] is all it said. Hitting it with the mouse, Squeeze cast himself into the light, his tree body disappearing and a single sproutling beginning to grow.
The player was kicked out of the game but relogging in, found himself spawning inside of a unknown chamber near the Emerald Grove conclaive, the 'Primordial Essence' trinket on his person, and a new elite job title awarded to him. His friends raved about it for weeks. They theorized that Squeeze had gone back in time and was the first sprout of the World Tree. In a sense, GiveITaSQUEEZE
was the World Tree, grown from chaos, now re sprouting thousands of years later cause he was inside of it all this time helping it grow, protecting it. The interpretation was just a theory, but the trinket, the job was a unique game condition, and Squeeze found it. It was one of the best times of his life.
He was hooked on the game ever since, and he and his Guild flourished. The legend and the instance raids giving them a whole number of unique items that other players eventually found and joined to get. It all came to an end when the announcement that the server's would be put down.
It was fun while it lasted, defending such a vibrant, wonderous, and beautiful land. Time to face ugly reality, but atleast there was a ray of beauty and hope waiting for him. He had a wedding to plan anyway...
Cohorts:Squeeze's cohorts are a combination of NPCs that are part of the Emerald Grove Conclaive faction and the created NPCs of a bunch of players that also discovered the Conclaive which ended up becoming a kind of secret fan club the player was a part of, kind of making a guild in and out of the game. Its debatable whether the Guild still exists, but feel free to use the Faction for stories as they are meant to be a secret society of natural protectors, keeping the forces of nature in balance, fighting off the forces of death and plague etc.
- Carmine Lily A Dryad with a Beastmen skin that Squeeze personally created. His fiance did not play Yggdrasil but their relationship had alot of influence on how Squeeze roleplayed the character. Carmine Lily is supposed to be a kind of stand in for his fiance so he could play with her in spirit. His fiance loved animals as she worked at an animal shelter in her spare time and volunteered for conservation groups. Carmine Lily has that same kind of theme. Her abilities follow the Forest Wizard and Summoner paths as she can conjure nature spirits, beasts, or golems, and then buff them for better abilities, healing them, all the while sending down spells that make things unfavorable for her enemies wearing down opponents through attrition and savagery. She's designed to be more focused on DPS through use of summons as she was apparently a very blunt, stubborn, and passionate individual. Carmine Lily is the same. She has a heart overwhelming with care for those weaker then her and a burning passion to protect them. It's almost unnerving how she can swap from care free and motherly to sadistic and predatory. She doesn't know what restraint is.
- Merryweather An NPC of the Grove. Nothing particularly special about this Centaur as she is essentially a druid in training, a gardener, herbalist with hopes of becoming an alchemist or pharmacist. The only reason she is mentioned is that her jubilation and over bounding enthusiasm to help out makes her a rather common sight around the grove and Squeeze uses her for various tasks and eventually hopes to have a top notch potion maker among his retinue.
Note this is a work in progress and I will elaborate on specifics
Last Actions Before the World Ended: Frantically putting the finishing touches on Carmine Lily so he coule take some screenshots as a present. He didnt think it would take that long.