Avatar of shylarah


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Current The way some people spell makes me wonder about their pronunciation.
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They say it's about the journey, not the destination. This is true of many things. Pizza delivery is not one of them.
6 yrs ago
TFW you know what you want to happen but the words aren't cooperating. Why is plot suddenly so much harder to write?
7 yrs ago
You can't fix a blank page ~ Neil Gaiman
7 yrs ago
Neil Gaiman on Friday. Neil Gaiman on Friday. NeilGaimanonFriday NEilGaimanonFridaYNEILGAIMANONFRIDAY NEILGAIMANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


I am an adult, though I don't usually act like it. I'm a voracious reader, and not overly picky about books. I am artistic in a variety of areas, including music, drawing, writing, and sculpting. I have a minor obsession with dragons, and love the color violet. Fantasy is my preferred genre, be it past, future, urban...as long as it has a fantasy flavor to it. I also like scifi, mystery, and some horror. I am crazy, and I like tormenting my characters. But I don't bite...much. ^.~

Color Sergeant in Bot Killer Squad

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@Draken I took it as truth because Lovejoy said it, not a character...but then, DMs can and do keep secrets! Clearly something is going on. But instead of the ice titan surviving, I'd theorize that perhaps a sliver of it survived.

Although when I put it that way I realize that a sliver /did/ survive -- in the Omestrians!
@Lovejoy@CollectorOfMyst Not only that, but blue. I mean, what else blue have we seen lately...? *wiggles* And this means the Omestris pair are next! SO EXCITED!
NOT ME. *hides* dear gods no, please. I nominate Foster!
@Lovejoy oooh, hm.

...I wonder, Antonin and Creid? Or...Indira, perhaps? Although Antonin would be weird with the 200-year-old-and-probably-gonna-live-until-killed thing.

The odds of Ziotea not ripping the card up and chucking it are slim. Impossibly slim. Besides, that's so formal...and this is a bunch of kids. It might not be historically accurate, but I'm going to pretend dance cards aren't a thing unless that particular person really wanted them to be. ^.^;;

Besides, what about cutting in? C'mon, it's not a good party unless someone gets decked, after all!
@CollectorOfMyst except this is in the world war...one? ish? era, if we go by tech. Sorta. So I'd expect swing is around somewhere, too, some jazz, blues, stuff like that, and their associated dances.

But hey, if you want a quadrille, sure! Most really old dances were more social than paired, anyhow. Right?

...And now I'm seeing all the inquisitors forced to squaredance. Can you imagine X-XVII standing at the front of the hall, calling for them all to "swing your partners, round you go, and with your corner do-si-do"? *chortle*

@Lovejoy I figure this is early enough that they're still around. Ziotea has had to learn how to handle people, and besides she likes dancing. ...At least with Rodion.

I wonder if anyone else would dare ask her for a dance? *amused*
@Lovejoy@CollectorOfMyst I mena, a scary guy is gonna generate legends that just plain aren't true, whether he can do the deed or not. And if he has assistance going back, those people might remember a little. I would imagine that there is still some chaos theory -- he doesn't know the full outcome if he changes anything at all, and people don't realize a lot of that has been changed -- but the knowledge that he did /something/ would remain with a couple people. And perhaps the memory of what his goal was?

In other words, wibbly wobbly timey wimey. ^.^;;

I really hope they're not dead, though. And, I mean, since a number of our Culmination visions imply that /we/ die too, maybe they aren't? *hoping*

...If not going to the Rising was an option, Ziotea might have tried to ditch too. She and Rodion probably made an appearance, stayed for a little, and then left.
@Lovejoy She can, if it matches hers...but it's not really worth doing.

I do remember, yes.

Antonin and Creid as besties is *great*

And are we go for Antonin teaching Ziotea as much as she's willing to put up with about drawing on the ether of others? Sure, her abilities with it don't line up with his 100%%. But he'll know the concepts better than anyone, from the sound of it.
@Lovejoy Wait. WAIT. Okay, so... the Durendal already left. We know that. It's a long trip, we know that too.

This...seeing the future is a crime? or Hellfire is a crime? I'm sure the latter is, but it sounds like the former is as well...Why would it be such a crime? It looks like this time travel/vision stuff takes pieces of him...literally. Is that why she calls it a crime? hm....

I am going to guess that most fire is hellfire, since fire as a thing is no longer around, so it's all very evil. *thoughtful*

It would seem that he /can/ make his enemies disappear -- by travelling back in time and killing them before they become an issue, or some such. Granted, he might not know the full outcome of that, but...*shrugs*

Creid taught Indira? And about hiding her faith?! Creed's not Lanostran, I know that much. Is he Omestrian? It doesn't say in his bio.

It looks like Indira saw Magnagrad on fire at her Culmination, much as Ziotea did. Interesting. But the hellfire came on the seas...if it's going to come multiple places, odds are that it is not actually meteorites -- or something really wonky is going on. Very interesting.

It also looks like Antonin can manipulate the ether of others -- so maybe Ziotea did learn a little from him about her abilities in the area, and that's why she has as much skill with it as she does. It was incredibly difficult for her to make progress, most likely. Good think Antonin's a patient teacher, eh?

When Indira said "we" did she mean herself, Antonin, and Creid? Or "we" as in them and Warband Phoenix + extras, too?

Ziotea and Rodion did dance a bit -- I love the description of the place, actually. And the irony -- initially they were out on the balcony, or at least /a/ balcony.

Looks like parts of Magnagrad break down a lot.

...I wonder if any of us can do anything with fire. It'd make sense for aegises to be able to create some form of protection against it. And I'd imagine that Omestrians have at least a passing connection.

The real irony is that with how I made Ziotea...she might well have an affinity for it. Or at least like it/not be scared of it. The base idea there was lost or forbidden flames. Sure, it hurt in her vision, but...it was kinda glorious.

This might /also/ explain a little of why the Omestrians search for something in the ruins, if there was any sort of prophecy involving this. ...Assuming it's connected to the meteorite that fell there. Who knows?


You still need to stick the glossary somewhere it won't get lost, by the by.
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