Avatar of shylarah


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4 mos ago
Current The way some people spell makes me wonder about their pronunciation.
6 yrs ago
They say it's about the journey, not the destination. This is true of many things. Pizza delivery is not one of them.
6 yrs ago
TFW you know what you want to happen but the words aren't cooperating. Why is plot suddenly so much harder to write?
7 yrs ago
You can't fix a blank page ~ Neil Gaiman
7 yrs ago
Neil Gaiman on Friday. Neil Gaiman on Friday. NeilGaimanonFriday NEilGaimanonFridaYNEILGAIMANONFRIDAY NEILGAIMANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


I am an adult, though I don't usually act like it. I'm a voracious reader, and not overly picky about books. I am artistic in a variety of areas, including music, drawing, writing, and sculpting. I have a minor obsession with dragons, and love the color violet. Fantasy is my preferred genre, be it past, future, urban...as long as it has a fantasy flavor to it. I also like scifi, mystery, and some horror. I am crazy, and I like tormenting my characters. But I don't bite...much. ^.~

Color Sergeant in Bot Killer Squad

Most Recent Posts

@Draken ooh, that's a GOOD POINT!
@Draken You mean Creid? OH wait, you don't mean Creid. You mean Ilya's vision. Well...I guess it depends on how he interprets it. For example, Ziotea took her own vision to be confirmation of something she already believes: that she is a born destroyer. Granted, she's got a lot of circumstantial evidence, but that doesn't make it true. And yes, she interprets some of the aspects of her vision in a symbolic way -- a wave of fire perhaps not meaning actual fire but merely destruction or death -- because it lends itself to that, and Ilya's encourages a more direct interpretation. He doesn't seem the sort to accept that the future is set in stone, though. Either there's something about the scene he's misinterpreting from lack of data, or it's a warning and not a promise. Or that's how I'd look at it.

Also nice MewToo. <3
@Lovejoy welcome back!
@deathbringer ooh, have fun!
@Lovejoy Have fun!

N i k k i
the Fall, marshland

The laughter faded, the last of it leaving as Xell accused her of being foolish. But a smile lingered on her face as she blinked at him and then lifted her gaze to the cliff above. "Oh, Iunno, I'm pretty sure that guy meant to murder us," she said, tone only barely less flippant. "I've no interest in dying -- I'm no fool. But a little danger is what makes you feel alive!" Her amber eyes gleamed. "'Sides, this is how I see it: the worse things are, the more you gotta laugh. What's the point of being miserable over stuff you can't control, or paralyzed with fear over what might happen? 'Snot like that helps any. Life is for living! Might as well enjoy it, yeah?"
Dropping in to give this fellow a bump and an endorsement. Seriously, you like writing, you like intelligent partners with ideas, you like words and emotions...talk to this awesome dude.
Alexander wasn't interested in explaining, but at least Axel was willing to help. Of course his explanation just left her more baffled than before, but it was progress. It also made answering far simpler. "I do not have any further questions," Lee said, turning one ear towards Axel as Cal disagreed with him. "But my answer is also no." She felt bad for saying it, but this was just...too much. The way Axel's young face crumpled in particular made her want to take the words back, but she couldn't let people sway her into saying yes when she really ought to say no and stick with it.

One of them asked why, and while she actually didn't owe them an explanation, she felt like she did all the same. They all seemed shocked, though the emotions that emerged after varied. "Several reasons. If your powers have been sealed as the consequences for your actions, then I cannot in good conscience help you circumvent that. Furthermore, if you committed some sin that you need erased, your focus should be on that. If you spend your mandated time off looking for ways around the rules, you'll only be in more trouble when it's found out. If what you all did is as big a deal as you seem to think, it's worth taking time for self evaluation. Antonement isn't just about apologizing. It's also about committing yourself to doing better next time." Lee blushed, her shoulders hunching forward ever so slightly. "Sorry, I'm getting all religious and philosophical, and I can't imagine you need that from someone you've only just met. Besides, that's really not my biggest reason." She took a deep breath. "I just...can't see setting out with the intention of interfering in other people's lives as a good idea. Just stepping in as a passer-by is chancy enough. Helping doesn't always help...if you know what I mean."

She swept her hair out of her face. "I'm sorry if you got your hopes up. Axel, if I mean to catch the bus in time for my next class, I should get going now." The dancer turned her face towards him, offering an apologetic smile. "If you catch me between classes I'd be happy to talk, or perhaps I'll see you around town."
@Lovejoy it impairs cognitive function and motor skills, so probably yes.

And now I imagine the first time Ziotea gets tipsy she ends up making her glass explode. Or her neighbor's glass. or the table.
@SinfulSkills check your PMs. *wriggle*
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