Avatar of shylarah


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4 mos ago
Current The way some people spell makes me wonder about their pronunciation.
6 yrs ago
They say it's about the journey, not the destination. This is true of many things. Pizza delivery is not one of them.
6 yrs ago
TFW you know what you want to happen but the words aren't cooperating. Why is plot suddenly so much harder to write?
7 yrs ago
You can't fix a blank page ~ Neil Gaiman
7 yrs ago
Neil Gaiman on Friday. Neil Gaiman on Friday. NeilGaimanonFriday NEilGaimanonFridaYNEILGAIMANONFRIDAY NEILGAIMANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


I am an adult, though I don't usually act like it. I'm a voracious reader, and not overly picky about books. I am artistic in a variety of areas, including music, drawing, writing, and sculpting. I have a minor obsession with dragons, and love the color violet. Fantasy is my preferred genre, be it past, future, urban...as long as it has a fantasy flavor to it. I also like scifi, mystery, and some horror. I am crazy, and I like tormenting my characters. But I don't bite...much. ^.~

Color Sergeant in Bot Killer Squad

Most Recent Posts

@Vena Sera@Mogtaki port to port can be any distance at all. In theory, it could even be across an ocean. Often villages are a day's travel or more from each other, on foot. It could be later in the day -- I figured late afternoon towards evening, personally, in Raylah's post, and since there's nothing to contradict it that I remember, there's nothing wrong with going with it. Injured or not, you have to travel as far as you have to travel. You help no one by collapsing on the road or breaking your leg in the dark. Help isn't going to set out at night, they're going to wait for morning. So we could arrive in the morning after camping the night and then help travels half a day to reach the point of landfall. Or we can reach town in the evening, and help leaves in the morning and again travels half or most of the day. The biggest difference is how far away the town is, and if nothing in particular is going to happen on that journey, there's no reason not to skip forward -- which was going to be done in one of the next few posts anyhow. The goal here is letting me and Taro in, and then Mogget doing whatever with Cecil.

In short, the only real issue is that Raylah skipped ahead without specifically asking, not the content of her post as such -- all of it fits at least well enough for everything thus far. The whole "gotta get to town, we have severely injured" wasn't a necessary component initially, that was added in after a gameplan was established, and I'm still unclear how we have a lot of badly injured but not a lot of drowned people and yet no supplies to speak of at the same time. Besides, needing help and "ohmigosh we're gonna die if we don't have help RIGHT NOW!" are two very different things, and I thought it was the former. As things were discussed, help should get there at roughly the same time whether they camp the night in the wilds or reach town in the evening. Resting in the wilds and resting in town take about the same amount of time, and there's no reason not to go with what fits -- and the latter means I'll need to change how I handle Amune yet again, grumble grumble. Could we just find something that works and stick to it? Please? Is it a big deal if it was later in the day, or if they spent longer walking and stop a couple miles outside of town, and need to go another hour in the morning? It works for me. Pascal doesn't seem to mind. Raylah wrote it. And Cecil can still show up in town. Is there something I"m missing that doesn't line up?

Then again, with how things are going right now for me, I don't even know if I can post if I'm given an opening. -.- Uuughhhh. x.x

I guess what I'm saying is that we keep making plans and not sticking to them, and it's confusing and frustrating for everyone, particularly those not involved in making the plan who hear only pieces. Whatever we decide -- all of us -- this time, can we agree to stick to it?
@Pascal@Mogtaki I have to agree. It's great that you and Vena are talking, but the rest of us can't do anything to take into account what you need -- and since I've had my plans nixed more than once even after DM agreement because Vena likes letting teh story go where it goes, I'm concerned that you're going to encounter the same issue. I don't want Cecil to be stuck. =/

@Vena Sera To be able to keep Raylah's post, can't it be later in the day, they camp now, and thne reach the town int he morning and make it back in the evening?
I'm not doing well right now. Doc's adjusting my meds dramatically, but that may well make things worse for a while. Feel free to cycle forward without Elian for the moment. She's there. I'm around. If you guys want me, you know where to find me. *lackluster wave*
@Mogtaki Well Amune was going to enter in the village, as of the second set of plans. We can still reach the village, so Cecil should be fine. O.o Unless he needs a nighttime village scene? But Amune needs more of a day one, so that's already an issue.
@.@ wait so what is the plan now? I mean, there really isn't anything wrong with camping, and certainly if the town's farther away it'll take longer. If we won't make it back until tomorrow then you're talking several miles, and with it being ~20 min per mile on foot getting to town will take hours at least.

@Vena Sera I can come in now, or I can come in when you guys reach town. But I will say that I don't see anything wrong with Raylah's post, and help reaches the others midday or afternoon tomorrow either way. It also prevents people like Yarri and others less enthused about a Hunter from splitting off once things have been dealt with. If the message is delivered, there's nothing keeping them around anymore.

I should let folks know that I"m a right mess at the moment. We're changing all my meds, and I've been warned it's going to be rough. That's on top of the mess I was already. So I'm around, just...yeah. X.x I was gonna try to write a post now, but it looks like I should wait until this is resolved.
It was hard to make out details, but when the strange woman took out what seemed to be a needle, Lee backed away and ended up falling right out of the bed. She could feel a trickle of blood making its way across her hand as she lay dazed for a moment, and quickly returned pressure to the insertion site of the IV she'd removed. She leaned against the bed as she got to her feet, trying to process what the man was telling her.

"So...after whatever happened, now people are after me. And I'm just supposed to trust the two of you?" Had she been sure of her balance she would have backed away -- as it was she*shrank back. Private security...no company name offered, not even their names, some unknown employer. And she was supposed to bring them home to her apartment? But what if she was being targetted because of...whatever that thing had been. They were being polite enough, but they were armed, and -- how could she sense the heavy scarring of unexposed skin?!

There was too much she didn't understand, and far too few answers to go around. She didn't think they were actually private security, but they were armed, and she was not in any shape to be resisting. She could call someone, let them know....

Her belongings. She was going to need them, and something other than the hospital gown she was in, not to mention shoes. And...even if it did incapacitate her later, it was her best option for the moment. "Fine. Does one of you know how to give shots?" Lee wouldn't be able to administer it herself, and her breath hissed out impatiently as the strangers exchanged glances. She tried to relax as the woman inched her way closer, but she felt as nervous as the other two appeared. She needed to get out of this place. The injection began to take effect at once, and soon she could stand on her own. The moment she was able, Lee made her way over to the cupboard where she sensed her things -- it was uncanny, being able to tell her shoes were beyond the closed door, but sure enough, there they were.

What the hell is going on?!

The faded smell of dried blood reached her, and her clothing felt stiff. "...Do either of you have something I can wear? Even just a large overcoat?" she asked, just fishing her things out of the pockets. Her shoes and purse she grabbed. They would just have to do. "The hospital gown is a bit obvious, and my things...." She grimaced, and tried not to shudder. As she spoke, she was already jamming her feet into her sneakers. "Oh, and yes -- I am very much going to want answers." I just hope someone has them. Dear God.
@Mae Aaah I love that pose. <3
@Lovejoy yeah, site's having issues. =/ I'm in favor of Phaedra being at least loosely related.
@Lovejoy Yeee! Hey, question -- Phaedra/Phaidra is the feminine form of Phaidros. Technically Ziotea should have Phaidra as her last name, but I said screw it. Is there supposed to be some connection? *wiggles curiously*

And OOOOH exciting~
@Lovejoy <3 You're adorbs. No worries~
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