Avatar of shylarah


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4 mos ago
Current The way some people spell makes me wonder about their pronunciation.
6 yrs ago
They say it's about the journey, not the destination. This is true of many things. Pizza delivery is not one of them.
6 yrs ago
TFW you know what you want to happen but the words aren't cooperating. Why is plot suddenly so much harder to write?
7 yrs ago
You can't fix a blank page ~ Neil Gaiman
7 yrs ago
Neil Gaiman on Friday. Neil Gaiman on Friday. NeilGaimanonFriday NEilGaimanonFridaYNEILGAIMANONFRIDAY NEILGAIMANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


I am an adult, though I don't usually act like it. I'm a voracious reader, and not overly picky about books. I am artistic in a variety of areas, including music, drawing, writing, and sculpting. I have a minor obsession with dragons, and love the color violet. Fantasy is my preferred genre, be it past, future, urban...as long as it has a fantasy flavor to it. I also like scifi, mystery, and some horror. I am crazy, and I like tormenting my characters. But I don't bite...much. ^.~

Color Sergeant in Bot Killer Squad

Most Recent Posts

"Those decisions will not be easy. The archives...there might be something, but I have no idea where to begin looking. Rodion and I would sneak down there sometimes, when we could get away with it." A flicker of a smile crossed Ziotea's face as she remembered the hours down among the stacks, alone save for each other and things so old the dust stung her nose when they disturbed them. "I never came across anything like this, and really...I don't know if the church would care to keep them around. To say there was an appetite that exceeded Lord Varya's treads close to heresy." The gentleness in her expression faded, turning cold, and she twisted the haft of her spear in her hand.

"I don't know what I believe," she admitted at last, not liking to sound uncertain but finding no better answer. "I can't dismiss this out of hand, but there's too many questions still unanswered for me to accept it. But even if it isn't true, we would do well to learn all we can before leaving, now that we've begun -- especially if we need to deal with the three upstairs as well." She glanced around, tapping a gauntleted finger on her spear before adjusting her grip and swinging the point downwards as she turned to go. "I'm going to find the boy, and see where we'll be sleeping. I mean to talk to Rose after." She paused, glancing over her shoulder. "If we were guided here, it was Leviathan's Aspect that did it. ...You should know, Father Oren, I don't see any of this as my heritage. I am Varyan because that is who claimed me. Lanostre is the ones that abandoned me, but Omestris...Omestris is the heritage that was nothing but a curse. I am not one of you." She faced away and headed off.
@CollectorOfMyst severe and repeated injuries, I think.


I am almost done with a post @Lovejoy.
@Lovejoy That's possible. I think I hit the first page by accident briefly, and I do read fast. I could have lifted the comment and just misplaced it. ^.^;;

I reiterate that Stina carrying Ragnar would be adorbs, though. We all know Ziotea would never let him carry her (and Rodion'd have a fit anyhow if she did).
@The Angry Goat I must be going nuts because I could have sworn there was an OOC comment about Stina carrying the Aegis and smashing heads or something, and now I can't find it. O.o
@The Angry Goat "carry the aegis" You mean Ragnar? Stina's gonna carry Ragnar? That'd be ADORABLE.

Ahh, it's nice getting to see him with the others. <3 Feels like I know him better already. And the battle lust is fun. But if he ever called Zt "aether cattle" where she could hear him he'd probably have to punch her out to keep her from shredding him. She might regret it after if she succeeded, but she'd be so angry. Not that she'd succeed. She can't quite manage to beat him yet, if I remember right.
@CollectorOfMyst I love it. Gonna get a reply up once I can braaaaiiiin again.

@Lovejoy I just remembered that you guys were gonna have Hassan have his power not work because someone had a strong will or something. Is that still in the works?
@CollectorOfMyst A POST A POST A POST WOO! *explodes into happy confetti*
I feel that...I need to reread so I remember the burning questions I had.
With her decision to stay with the group for now made, Amuné paid the rest of them a little more attention. It looked like they were getting ready to move again. Ethan suggested she be in the middle of the group, but while it might have made sense to him it was the very last thing she wanted. If he wanted to watch her then he would walk with her -- after all, Wyth was very good at watching her and keeping her safe. She didn't think of the wilderness as frightening, but the people, they were. Most of the group didn't even consider that a girl of ten couldn't walk as fast as they, not even Adrian. She had to push herself to keep up, and even then she ended up lagging behind. It was just as well. With most of the adults in front of her she could see what they were doing, and that was reassuring. The Ydran woman with the black leopard had moved off somewhere, and that was fine with Amuné. She hadn't decided about most of them. Ethan was closer, maybe closer than she wanted. But she did need to thank him, didn't she?

"Um." It took a second try before she managed to find her nerve. "Uh, thanks...for the meat, I mean, and...y'know. For saying you'd help. Even if Wyth wouldn't hurt me, I guess you don't know that." She paused. "He's really not scary, you know. I mean...not if you're not trying to hurt us." Even now the great cat paced at her side, tolerant as ever of her fingers tangled in his coarse fur. Amuné fell silent again after that at least for a few minutes. Her thoughts, however, were anything but quiet. One of the people had said there was a beach, hadn't he? So that meant a body of water. Could she have made it all the way to the sea? That was a long way from home, according to her daddy's maps. Was it far enough to be safe? She didn't know if anywhere would really be safe. Nor had she been given any instructions beyond running. Tears sprang to her eyes unbidden and the girl tried to wipe them away unobtrusively. One step at a time, wasn't that what Mommy always said? For now, she was heading for the town, and if she could she'd take flint and steel before going off on her own again. After that...she'd have to see.
I neeeeeed more posts for Omestriiiiis. *flailing*

@Lovejoy Synthetic meat? O.o What.

Interesting that they don't want trainees to feel at home. Well hm, maybe less so for trainees...maybe once they're back from their first mission they get given better quarters? You'd think they'd treat Inquisitors a little better, even if it's adversity building character for trainees until graduation.

Ziotea probably didn't like the place out of principle, more than anything else. She learned to live wherever and so in comparison the Seminary was probably quite nice. Did workrooms have decent light? Of course the cold wouldn't have bothered her that much. I'm surprised it bothered Ragnar so.
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