Avatar of shylarah


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8 mos ago
Current The way some people spell makes me wonder about their pronunciation.
6 yrs ago
They say it's about the journey, not the destination. This is true of many things. Pizza delivery is not one of them.
7 yrs ago
TFW you know what you want to happen but the words aren't cooperating. Why is plot suddenly so much harder to write?
7 yrs ago
You can't fix a blank page ~ Neil Gaiman
7 yrs ago
Neil Gaiman on Friday. Neil Gaiman on Friday. NeilGaimanonFriday NEilGaimanonFridaYNEILGAIMANONFRIDAY NEILGAIMANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


I am an adult, though I don't usually act like it. I'm a voracious reader, and not overly picky about books. I am artistic in a variety of areas, including music, drawing, writing, and sculpting. I have a minor obsession with dragons, and love the color violet. Fantasy is my preferred genre, be it past, future, urban...as long as it has a fantasy flavor to it. I also like scifi, mystery, and some horror. I am crazy, and I like tormenting my characters. But I don't bite...much. ^.~

Color Sergeant in Bot Killer Squad

Most Recent Posts

@BurningCold Yee~ I'll add the attack to her sheet, then. That was what, seven years ago?
@BurningCold Ohh, maybe Leia was one of the knight commanders protecting the steward the day of Varn's attack? That might be cool!

EDIT: added a blurb about Kalowick, and the attack on the steward.
@Lyla Ah, sure thing! let me just do that real quick.
@Lyla sounds good.
@Lyla six is awful young for a squire. They'd be pages at that age, most likely. Squires have to be old enough to fight, and generally have already been pages for a couple years.

at any rate, have a sheet. <3 Let me know if anything needs changing, adding to, or whatever.

whoops, forgot to add when she became knight commander. Lemme just edit this...
@Lyla is there like a knight academy or some such, to train royal knights? I would imagine there is, but you haven't mentioned one.

Also what is the general age for knight commanders? 25? 30? *flails*
okay guys, question time. Which armor is better for everyday use? I have ceremonial armor already, I'm just figuring out what Leia wears normally.

@BurningCold Alright. Leia is a sorceress and a knight commander, and she uses force magic from her rune, and other magic from her sorcery.
@Lyla I'm debating things, and I phrased things wrong again. I know Burning Cold wanted a wizard and a knight commander, though, so I don't want to step on toes by being both sorceress and knight commander. *thinks*
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