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Caesar Gonzalez

Location: Chicago (Church - > City Streets)
Skills: N/A

The intentions of the priest were still a little unclear to Caesar. He had this thing that was supposed to be a major artifact with possible mythical origins that apparently everyone was after. Had been after for thousands of years, apparently. Wars, big ones, were fought over and/or with that tiny dodecahedron and its eleven siblings. But if all he wanted was to be kept in the loop, now that he knew that Caesar was caught up in the quagmire that was the Lunillud Aleae quest, then there was no problem there. That was the price for the message that might keep his family safe. It wasn't even a thought worth deliberating on. The older Mexican nodded and growled an affirmative, "Hmm." He reached out and grasped the Padre's hand, giving it a firm shake. "Deal. Gracias, Father. Let me know if I can help in any other way." He took a business card from the man's desk and slipped it into a pocket, exchanging it for one of his own. A custom that was beginning to fall out of use, but again more secure than pure digital storage these days, apparently.

There was the slightest air or relief around Caesar as he exited Atticus's office and made his way downstairs to the SUV, parked in exactly the same place it was earlier, as if it never left. Well, maybe not exactly in the same spot. It did seem a hair crooked, one tire threatening to jump up onto the curb if the driver pushed on the gas a little bit more. Caesar tried to peer into the tinted windows of the company vehicle, but was unable to tell much about the guy behind the wheel except that he was a really big guy with short-cropped hair, an penchant for a certain British female vocalist, and probably was involved in some dalliance with the older man's daughter before her untimely death. Yeah, it was Keystone. As it turned out, the big fellow wasn't quite as skilled a driver as their Chicago contact, Claire. Not that it mattered that much to Caesar. It seemed that the whims of fate held his life, and much like the thing he was now questing for (aside from that Tinder asshole for some much deserved agony), it was a roll of the die most days. If a car crash was his destiny and not some epic end involving ancient Aztec thunder god and hordes of infernal creatures, then who was he to argue?

Caesar opened the door to the vehicle and slid into the passenger's seat just as Keystone was moving a bag full of mysterious goodies that he no doubt picked up at the local MSS office. He scoped out the interior of the SUV, noting the room it had and the possibility that they might have to use it for a convenient place to crash, depending upon what went down in Grimm and how long they were going to be in the field. "Plan has changed a little. Let's get out of here, I will explain on the way." He took a deep breath of the air inside of the car, noting the smell of MSG and starch. He realized that he was actually very hungry. His meal from earlier was still in there, the bag at his feet containing takeout boxes of Chinese food, and began to help himself. Through a mouthful of Lo Mein, he grunted out, "Grimm, Indiana," and pointed forward.

J. Keystone

Chicago (Front of Church -> City Streets)
Skills: N/A

"On it, Boss." It was a simple phrase; one that he had used many times during his extended involvement with the company. Keystone was not some grovelling yes-man, nor was he anyone's toady. But so far as things went between he and Caesar, well... the guy earned the title of "Boss" a long while ago. In any case, heeding the direction of the old man, the large Brit put the SUV in gear and pulled away from the front of the church. And yes, he wound up jumping the curb in the process. But just a little. The event jostled the box of noodles that Caesar was busy trying to cram into his face, drawing a growl from the older man. "Sorry 'bout that," he mumbled, merging into traffic.

Once they hit their first red light, Keystone plugged Grimm, IN into the GPS. The basic rundown of the directions got pretty simple as soon as they got out of Chicago proper, so this was really just a means of finding the right road to get them out of town. After a couple of minutes (allowing the old man to get the edge of his hunger sated), Keystone made direct inquiry to his employer. "So, eh... You was sayin' that the plan'd changed a little. How's that, then?" He was the man's partner in this epic, continent-spanning drama. He might as well be read in.

To his credit, Caesar was open with the conversation. He filled Keystone in on the issue with his (their) family, what he was doing and why he was doing it. He spoke of the Lunillud Aleae, which was not news to the big man, but the Church's new information about it definitely piqued his interest. Be it that it was his deal to make, Keystone agreed with it wholeheartedly. "You got a spot for them to land yet?" he inquired further, talking about his son and the others back in Justice. "I might 'ave a place." Be it that he wouldn't mind if they went someplace warm and sunny, with umbrella drinks and business owners that didn't ask questions, he did know of a place that was perhaps more practical to survival for them. But that wasn't the end of it. Keystone couldn't help but poke a little fun at the situation that Caesar had gotten them into.

"Wait, wait... You're meanin' to tell me that a representative of the Catholic Bloody Church just put the two of us on a epic fongin' quest to find an' report back on some magic doodads what's got powers keen on influencin' mankind, yeah? Well, innat bloody neat! Oi, tell me... tell me - Which one of us's Percival an' which one of us's Galahad? I'd make me a kick-arse Bors the Younger, I would! HA! Oh God, I was raised on that tripe. Lemme know if we find any spare Grails along the way, right?"

Evidently, Caesar didn't have as much of a sense of humor about it as Keystone did. Or if he did, he didn't show it. All the large Brit was able to see as he glanced over occasionally (being that he was driving at the time) was the elder Gonzalez, lo mein noodles hanging out of his mouth and staring daggers at his younger associate. A closer look might have revealed him gripping his chopsticks in such a way that suggested he had something very uncomfortable planned for Keystone.

"Sorry, Boss. Back on business, then." The company vehicle made its way down the crowded streets of Chicago as its driver and passenger hammered out an outline of their midwest itinerary.

Ash Holloway

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Ash had his moment of open honesty concerning his emotions. While he was not fully closing himself off again, he did assume a more guarded position. This was for a few reasons. First, he did take to notice the look that Tatiana gave him. He had learned to take cues from the people closest to him, people who knew him well. Though he had no idea what earned him the look, he understood that even silent advice from a trusted source speaks volumes. He raised an eyebrow in her direction but likewise said nothing. Later, then.

Secondly, there was the matter of their guards. The periodic commentary seemed chosen specifically to be inflammatory, to wear upon people who have already been through some of the worst that their world had to offer. Some of Ash's own words in front of them put his people out there for almost a year and a half; six full seasons with nobody and nothing to help them except for each other. The last monologue from the one called Panama gave him some unvocalized annoyance, while the taunt from the Major about "20 percent" was a nihilistic display of cold hostility, being aimed at a group of people who were obviously dealing with their own pre-existing traumas. Waving a flag in front of them that threatened very clearly that only some of them would be allowed to stay. So what made someone worthy in their eyes?

Ash gave those thoughts some consideration. The welcome speech they received put this settlement here since the beginning. How many of these people had never had to go through what his people had? Did this bring with it a sense of aristocracy, looking down their noses at the ones that happened across their home after fighting to survive out in the sticks, picking through collapsed houses for cans of salmon and salsa-style tomatoes? Or more to the point of getting the boot, what would be left to scavenge or materials to build with anywhere close to Mexico Beach? It would have been necessary to pick the surrounding radius clean for supplies in the beginning. Being established for more than five years meant that the radius would be substantial, especially with a functional motor pool and a helicopter at their disposal. Getting expelled from the community would probably mean death. Which begged the question: Was all of this some sort of test? Get them feeling vulnerable and keep stirring the pot to see how they would react? Or was this a place with a tribal mentality that had to be addressed?

Then, of course, there was the look that passed between them after Ash spoke. Maybe it was a good thing that Tatiana punched him and he vented some of his frustrations at the way that life had stabbed it in and broke it off at the hilt. He was thinking clearer now. This place was their hope for salvation from the outside world for a long time. Not a vision of utopia, but a place like their Newnan. Maybe it even was, but with the clash of personalities from the survivors and the guards' commentary, not to mention the stakes for not making the cut to stay, this was becoming another type of survival scenario. So, what did his people need to do in order to survive?

For starters, Ash took a look at his people. This place was a community, and most of these people were still keeping to their own groups. It was a good time to... Ash's concentration trailed off for just a moment as he saw Riley and Amelia exchange a gesture of affection. It was warming. Riley's promise not to leave her by herself again was likewise an affirmation of her dedication to her loved ones. Perhaps that was why Ash was puzzled to see Amelia cut an embarrassed expression and immediately leave to go find a book. Considering the number of times that Ash had to bang on the back wall of the Hordebuster, trying to get the two of them to cut down on the decibel level of what he referred to as "Tandem Lesbian Yodeling" with a stern warning of, "You are giving our position away to the enemy! Yet now one was embarrassed. Ash tried to give the benefit of the doubt to the situation, they were in front of a lot of new people, feeling very exposed, and mild violence seemed to be the order of the day. It just seemed horribly counterintuitive to what they had been saying to one another. And a hell of a time for fluctuating emotions. But as Ash was just getting a rein on his, he declined to comment on it aloud. He did respond to Riley's apology, though. "Don't even worry about it. Time has been hard on us. The situation is resolved; I'm moving on. Thanks, though."

(ahem) But back to his initial thought, before getting mentally sidetracked, Ash knew that outside of Quarantine was supposed to be a thriving community. If what was best for his people was to be viewed as individuals that could become part of that community, then it was best to start now. Good leaders led by example. And in the event that they were not allowed to be a part of Camp Mexico Beach, then they had to prepare for that eventuality. Right now they were weak - partly malnourished, under-equipped, and suffering from fatigue based on constant movement and mild paranoia. They needed this time in Quarantine, if only for a period of rest before they were urged to move on. Yeah, the group was comparatively weak right then. They had seven days to get strong and figure out what their next move was afterward, if it came to that.

Not tonight. Ashton wanted to make sure that the Newnan survivors had a shot at being accepted, so after a quick "Excuse me," he stepped in the direction where most of what remained of the Eden Team was gathered. It actually took him a second or two to remember Beatrice's full name, being as it had been a long while since he had used it. As she looked like the lady who was making the decisions for the group, and the only one that spent time in Newnan, he made it a point to speak to her first. "Miss Decker? I wanted to say 'thank you'. What you and your team did gave me enough time to round up what survivors I could without being harassed and get them out. I am truly sorry for your losses, ma'am. If it's not too much trouble, could you please introduce me to the people in your group? Again, thank you." Hopefully, his attempt to be sociable might make an impression on the both the people in Quarantine and those watching them.

In a lowered voice, Ash followed up with a quick, "Damn fine hit, by the way. Impressive."

Thalia Carmichael

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Thalia gave a quiet laugh to Alexander's declaration about her. It was polite, she wasn't scoffing at the man, but she did find his words a little humorous. "Ain't a thing, Mugs. I'll tell ya though, that's naht why La Familia called me Angel." It sounded a little strange, her sudden change from her native Boston accent to one that marked her from northern Mexico. She gave him a small smile and finished up her thought with the sentiment of, "Us cripples gotta stick together, right?" The woman didn't have anything more to say on the matter, content to keep her words few and direct. The main portion of her concentration was on the room around her, more specifically the people within it. It was a curse sometimes, her psychological prompting toward securing an area and mentally guarding herself against possible threats. It was only reinforced by her formal education and years spent with her father's people. Not to mention her time at her tio's company, or the amusement park full of wonders to which she had to grow accustomed after the world fell. It was down to the bone now.

As she noted the various actions of the new people (new to her, anyway), Thalia absently responded to Alexander. "Yeah, they can't all be winnahs, Mugsy. But as long as someone's drawing attention to themselves, it's not on us." Sometimes just remaining unnoticed was preferable. Especially when one was gathering information about the people around them. Or when one needed to process feelings, flashbacks, or a single moment to themselves but were stuck in a crowd. Wayne's rant might not have been very nice to most of them, but it was opportune. She almost blew it when Wayne, from his recently reacquired recliner, used the phrase "Twat-Rocket". She had to suppress a chuckle at that one, which otherwise might have thrown more attention her way than being a one-armed lady in a hotel robe, offering physical and emotional support to a mobility-compromised Vietnam vet. When that thought congealed, Thalia had to suppress another chuckle. She couldn't make up a metaphor that twisted if she had tried.

Yet more than their guards, and oddly more than everyone's new best friend Hunter, Thalia found her attention drifting to the group with that Army Captain in it. The Wayne guy was right, they were acting like a dysfunctional family. In this instance, she was focusing more on the family part than the dysfunctional part. They really were, complete with a borderline violent maternal figure using aggressive tactics to invoke what was probably a needed talk about feelings from an authority figure who was obviously uncomfortable actually talking about his feelings. Two others who were obviously close (and close cropped) that metronomed between fleeing one another's presence and retreating back to each other based on environmental cues, and an overprotective father getting defensive about his kid. Not that Thalia blamed the man in the least. That made as much or more sense than over half the crap she was seeing in this room. And he was a fellow Masshole. But the ballerina chick had a point. To the best of her knowledge, they had birthed and raised a baby out there, which was definitely no small feat, even with additional able bodied people around. Tatiana's response keyed her in to the fact that it was more impressive than that; the Russian mom had done so by herself, to start. As she mentioned earlier, that was some next level shit. Thalia wanted to speak more with Tatiana about her background and some about her dancing. Ulterior motive for wanting to learn ballet notwithstanding, she still wanted to learn it. Oh, what a mobile, gliding, hacking, stabbing, dark engine of destruction she would be once she grew fully accustomed to her alterations and upped her footwork game. Plus, hey - what little girl didn't want to grow up to be a ballerina? Graceful. Delicate. All she needed now was that My Little Pony tattoo and she was set to reclaim her childhood. Kinda.

Thalia's foray into imaginative thought was cut short by movement in Beatrice's direction. It was the Captain. Even this served to narrow her eyes and tense slightly. She had wanted to speak with the man. The guy had even said that they would talk later. And now here he was moving toward Bea. She didn't think that anything bad was about to happen, but as it came down to it the approach sharpened her attention anyway. She was aware that he and Bea knew each other, but a lot can happen in a year and she didn't know the guy well enough to fully trust him yet. Her friend was fully capable of handling herself, and she knew it. Thalia was merely acting out of loyalty and shared history. And a mutual love for "Dem Os", a factor that could not be brushed aside so easily.

Hank Wright

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

From his post in the recliner, Hank crossed his hands behind his head. Hopefully the drama had gotten out of most everyone's system and they could move on to a more glorious use of their time which chiefly involved sitting and television. Great invention, television. It had more of a point than staring into a fire for hours on end, even if doing that generally also involved a healthy amount of people shutting the hell up. Hank could respect that. But TV? Even if it was just a gimmicky kids' show that featured a character that happened to have a name in common with one of his traveling companions, be it only a nickname that Hank made up for him, it was still the best damn thing on the screen that he'd seen in forever. He'd be picky later.

Going against his own hopes for a lack of conversation, Hank did act on a compulsion to answer Nigel when he asked the exasperated question of why he even tried. In this case, to be a peacemaker, Hank supposed from context. Barely turning his head in Nigel's direction but maintaining eye contact with the program on the screen, he shot him something that passed for an answer. "Well gee there, Sportacus, I'd have thought you might figure that little mystery out for yourself, buuuut, as you're talking about your existential crisis out loud, maybe I can put this to bed for ya. Mmmkay, ready? Here goes:" He cleared his throat noisily and took in a breath, then fired away. "nnnnYOU, sir, are still burdened by a nasty, nasty habit of having Good Intentions. Everybody say it with me -" Hank removed his hands from the back of his head and gestured like he was crudely conducting an invisible orchestra. He didn't care whether or not anyone actually joined in with his sarcasm, he just went for it, "- GOOD INTENTIONS. Road to Hell's paved with 'em there, Sportacus. Can't deny it. Buy hey, maybe it's not so bad! Shows that you're still clinging to the idea of accountability and keeping order in a world that's clearly lacking both. And gosh darn it Champ, while I agree with you in theory, we've got so many personalities that don't know each other in this room, the only thing that anyone's going to listen to with any reliability is the one authority from which all other authority is derived on a primal level," pause for effect, "...The Threat ...Of Force." Yeah, that did it. "Force to themselves or the application of it to someone else, and the desire to be on the winning side of that potential exchange. I don't hate to say it, so I'm going to: We're animals. Instinctive, meat-eating predators who crave structure and, if I may add, need to blow off some steam and aggression every now and again before something really bad happens."

"Don't you worry about it, Sportacus. You're a good guy, more or less. But you need to lighten up. Tell ya what, there, hows about you grab a seat and pick out the next video, huh? Gonna be a nice, long week in here, and if you lose your shit today I'd hate to see what happens five days from now. You and Apocalypse Barbie, both." Hank motioned to seats around the TV, "We're here. We made it. Drama's done for right now, let's make the most of the lull before someone else craps a whole, live kitten in front of everybody." Deep down, Hank was hoping that everyone else heard his little pep talk and maybe, just maybe took his advice. Or he just wanted relative quiet and some TV time. One never could tell with Hank.

Slowly, Hank turned to face his dear friend and fellow former nuthouse resident. "...wait a minute, Maldonado. Did you just Toy Story me? Really? ...Jackass..." The last word was intoned through whispering laughter as he nudged Wayne's arm.

Vladimir Alexandrov

Location: Port Annan (City Streets) -> En Route to Bridge
Skills: Fal'shbort (Passive), Tretiy Glaz (Passive), English

The question of the true nature of the monster that attacked Veta brought a lowering of Vladimir's expression just as quickly as Ludwig's estimation of their proximity to Gretna Green had raised it. Oh, he hadn't forgotten about the creature. It was part of the reason he wanted to get to their destination and secure the safety of the Grand Duchess, among other motivations. He had stood up bravely to the thing, like Constantin had done, but ultimately was unable to do anything more than drive it off. Vlad suspected that it left for its own reasons, however, and could likely have destroyed them at its desire. Why it specifically sought out Elizaveta was likewise a mystery. Still dour of expression, The Great Bazhooli nevertheless had to nod at his associate's line of questioning. They needed knowledge. The mad German had been a worthwhile source of it so far.

"Da. Big rubbery testicl... vait no, is like, eh.. осьминог? Octopus! Da, tentacles! Big rubbery tentacles. Freeze the very lake underneath. Try to take avay Grand Duchess." It was less of a description than simply his way of agreeing with Constantin in the wordy, dramatic way that was his habit. He did offer up a suggestion, be it without the benefit of anything aside from conjecture: "Perhaps, brother Firevalker, big floaty shitsplat is not liking our performance. Vhat do ve do if Circus is losing crowd?" He grinned broadly, nudging his horse in the direction of the bridge that Ludwig had pointed toward just earlier, "Ha! Now, let us try the same trick... ON FIRE!" The very idea sparked a sense of wonder and excitement in Vladimir, considering the opportunity to exhibit himself and his Circus as warrior-artists, combining every positive aspect of both showmen and soldiers against the universally common enemy of the Soulless. He would dance the steps of a flaming Mamushka with his people and smite his enemies in a way that was both terminal and entertaining. And if he failed? So be it! Another Great Bazhooli would rise. Perhaps with an even more impressive moustache. The thought made him grin all the more.

Gilbert Summers

Location: Ville au Camp (Main House, Room 101 (Sitting Room))
Skills: N/A

The topic seemed to be the only thing of notice, out of all of the interesting things that had been brought up. Naturally, as the Paradoxes were "fresh", as it could be described, or maybe just very young in comparison to the Emendators; the concept of looming death was still a pressing, motivating factor. Siduri went and dropped a concept of End of Days on all of them. A total elimination of the timelines would be a true death for even Emendators, though Gilbert looked at the idea with more of an academic mindset. After all, it would mean the true death for everything.

Gilbert looked around the room at a couple of the Paradoxes, and his mind focused on a couple more who had moved on to the next room. They had lived through their own versions of an Apocalypse. Anyone who survived one of those for any length of time had to have a talent for it. Gilbert understood why Evelina chose so many people from that timeline to be Paradoxes with this latest group. Then, there was his star pupil. Her life ended amid its own brand of chaos that might as well have been the End of Days that Siduri described in brief, so far as anyone there could have guessed. This end of everything? Be it metaphorical or a complete wipeaway of every possibility, and therefore every possible timeline, Gil was damned certain that this new crop was better psychologically equipped to deal with, and understand the fallout from, such an occurrence. Probably more than the other Emendators, being as they had already faced their own mortality.

It was funny, he barely gave the idea of Alexandra's "opting out" much thought, now that he knew about it. It was an option given to all of the Paradoxes and she took it. Some of those chosen just weren't cut out for this.

To look at Faith, though, and the potential for her abilities to develop in a manner that could become massively useful for their present circumstance? Be it at huge personal risk to her, and if that was even a route they wanted to take. The idea slammed into Gilbert that, even with the training and conditioning that these Paradoxes had gone through, the whole of them had not gotten opportunity to work together or take time to really, really concentrate on developing their abilities as Paradoxes. "We exist in this place, outside of time. It is the only resource that we have virtually unlimited reserves from which to draw. Perhaps it is time, now that our new Paradoxes have adjusted to the reality of their existence, to focus on them. We need our best to handle what is to come. Developing these young ones should be our priority. Unless this Loop fractures, as I have said, we have unlimited time to do exactly that."

Gilbert stared keenly at all of those present before continuing, "It also might be wise to check in with the more veteran Paradoxes at large. Giosue, perhaps we can view them remotely and work out a temporary extraction. Maybe they could help. Otherwise, they must be informed."

James Grady

Location: Ville au Camp (Main House, Room 101 (Sitting Room))
Skills: N/A

James had settled into his own chair in the Sitting Room, proving yet again that it wasn't just a clever name for that particular piece of floor surrounded by those particular walls. There was a ton to talk about, not the least of which being the more personal matter of which one of their number moved on to the Great Beyond, whatever the hell that actually was. The word that it was Alexandra honestly surprised him. The woman had been very present for almost the entire time that they were on the grounds of the plantation, acting in the histrionic manner that only she could. From what he gathered, she used to be Circus people. It showed. Now she was just gone? Did someone make her feel unspecial? It would have been one hell of a tantrum to make her give up on an afterlife-ish experience like this one, complete with superpowers. At the face of it, this made no sense. But he did remember getting the option to do just that on his first day at Ville au Camp. It even came with the welcome speech. James guessed that she decided to take them up on the offer.

Well, there was no sense in being a hater about it. If she was at peace, more power to her. James did wish that she was still around, at least as another person to help out when the (proverbial) shooting started. But it was her choice.

Likewise, it was Andromeda's choice to want to take a moment for herself in the other room. From what James had heard her talk about, the presence of the carnival was working her last nerve, though he couldn't help but feel that there might be more at play that he just wasn't aware of, floating around in her head. James had his own talents as a Paradox; reading minds wasn't one of them. So when she said that she needed to take a breath, the man took her at face value. His initial instinct was to rise from his seat and see if she was okay - he even put both hands on the armrests and began to stand, until the manners that were slapped into him as a child of the American South took over. When a lady says she wants a minute to herself, it's because she either A) wants someone specific to follow her, or B) wants to be left the hell alone. James was betting that it was B. Like hell he was going to force his presence on someone who needed a minute to steady herself. Besides, Sophia seemed to have taken it upon herself to test his theory.

On the upside, if he heard a smack from the other room, he was right.

The rest of the other stuff Gilbert was saying conjured up a question from James, which he vocalized to the Emendators. "So, um... How many more-a us are there runnin' around out there?"
Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Central Hall
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 2

"Oh indeed, Justice," agreed Dr. Swamp. He gave the man a nod that was positively conspiratorial. Even smiled slightly, be the gesture tinged with a strain of voice and sheen of perspiration across his brow; an additional gift brought about by the strain of movement coupled with that damnedable gunshot. It might be said that the Doctor wore his heart on his sleeve, being as his attempts at social niceties were, as he admitted earlier in the evening, were rarer than most people's. Perhaps it was because of the sudden lack of a facial covering that hid his features and expressions thereof that made his stand out more. Well, his interpersonal failings aside, he didn't want to dally too horribly much. There wasn't a lot of trust among these people, even if they could now see each other's faces clearly. There was a wolf among sheep here, and the ones that got picked off were oft on the edge of the herd, or falling behind the group.

Amaranthine had expressed a wish to hold back for a little, seeing where people were going. That was likely a good tactic as well. Just not too far back. He likewise wanted to take it easy while ascending the stairs for his sake as well as hers. Also, there was the matter of the instruction left by the rather imposing man, Quinton. Swamp looked to his very benevolent helper and reassured, "At your rate and time, of course." He then shifted himself, giving the Chanteuse as little of his weight as he could bear. She had her own issues to deal with, carrying other things in addition to himself. The presence of his cane did come in handy for that purpose. But, one issue at a time. "I shall find some way to repay your kindness if I can, Chanteuse Amaranthine," he whispered to the woman, otherwise quietly waiting on the word from their host's houseman to continue.

Reginald Keystone

Location: Benha (Trains)
Skills: N/A

"Many such curses that mortality brings us, madame," he said curtly, responding to Gene's sudden outburst of hysteria. "As we all enter the autumn years of our time, the leaves must inevitably turn to rusts and reds and browns; it is the signal of coming winter but has its own blustery, quiet beauty. Minus, of course, the trips to the lavatory in the night. Utter rubbish." The young woman seemed to sway between being vaguely amused and completely bored at their expedition. In truth, even being George's sister, Reginald had no earthly idea why she wished to join them. Well, sibling bonds and all that. One does not choose the family into which one is born.

Upon entering the train proper, Reginald engaged in conversation with another of the newer guests of the Fellowship. J.C.: "Yes, quite superior to a camel," agreed the Lord Major. He settled into a nearby seat and tucked his saber along the seam of his pants in the tradition of old military men of the era, removed his cap, then sat with posture befitting his station. The accusation of being old fashioned would not be wasted on the man. "Not as I have anything against the beasts, understand. Ships of the desert, I have heard described. ...were it not for that blasted spitting, though..." He shrugged. "So far as means of conveyance one must throw a saddle upon, I much prefer a good horse. Noble creatures, of course. The ones here in this part of the world are reputed as some of the best worldwide, you see, though I hear that your American breeders are giving them a run for their money."

Be it that he made sure to note that he was, in fact, not in charge of this expedition, old habits die hard. He craned his neck about, taking note of the people who had entered the train from their group, and decided to make a quick tally. "Gene - 1, Miss Kingston - 2, Bella and J.C., that's 3 and 4, Mr. Zalil (and I do hope your health is returning, sir) - 5, and... ah, has Miss Ridgeway boarded yet?"

Haring Reddish

Location: Benha (Bazaar)
Skills: N/A

Reddish maintained the perpetually goofy smile that seemed to give him a vacuous, totally British quality, all the while overexaggerating his facial expressions as he listened to Josephine's concerns about their current difficulties. Though he put on the appearance of a mentally underdeveloped lackey, his voice betrayed this; serious and thoughtful, pitched in low volume so as to not attract unwanted attention. "Such as it is, Miss Clarke, I cannot refute a sense of logic to your theory. Though I should wish to have something supporting that claim." His smile turned into something slightly more genuine and he turned to face Josephine directly. "Let us assume that you are fully, fully accurate, Miss Clarke. This means that this is truly an adventure worth having! I do despise the frightfully unpleasant nature of the loss of your ancestral timepiece (which I do still maintain some hope of recovery, mind you), let us assume that we all back off and go to our perspective homes now. Do you expect that the offending bastards will drop it off in the post? We shall find it, or we shall not. But if you are right? We are winning, madame." He nodded his head, eyes widening in the solid wonder of their plight. Whatever their Fellowship was really about, it was truly something adventurous. He even felt a little left out that the supernatural oddities hadn't happened to him yet.

He did feel a little bad about one thing in Josephine's address of her concerns, invoking the beginnings of a frown. "I am terribly sorry about the incident in the Museum. I understand that he was a friend of yours. Bad show all around, Miss Clarke." He shook his head slightly and placed a hand on her shoulder in a sympathetic manner, before changing his face back to something more as it was earlier: Oblivious. "Come along then! I've a mind to add to your wardrobe, if you'll allow, of course." He stepped up to the merchant selling the coin-embellished Arabic dancer's apparel and pointed in the direction of a couple of the finished products that had caught his eye from earlier. "How much, sir?" he asked the merchant, using slow syllables of English as a foppish tourist might, though he stood ready to listen with his other linguistic skills; Arabic, French, and of course German. The first two he wouldn't be surprised to hear in this part of the world, but German? He might actually have a conniption. Still, if only for now, Reddish had his mind on the task at hand: Find the watch or find a lead, unless Josephine expressly bid him not to. While searching or waiting for an opportunity, a souvenir wouldn't be entirely out of the question.

Caesar Gonzalez

Location: Chicago (Church)
Skills: N/A

When it came down to the final, bottom line about his presence in the church dealt with an exchange of favors. Perhaps fate or God or the Powers That Be had set him onto this path for a reason. Caesar couldn't even say for certain how long he had been directed this way. Maybe since his birth. Maybe longer. The problem with destiny was that, regardless of whether you knew you were part of something, you still were part of it. Unavoidably, inescapably. It was the difference between knowing the path and walking the path. But herein lay the difficulty: Now that he knew what path he was supposed to be on, if indeed he was, he had no idea what the hell he was supposed to do next.

Slowly, Caesar pulled in a breath of air and let it out. "That is a story, Padre. You have told me a lot of things that I didn't know and put a few things I did know in a different light." He growled an affirmation as he nodded. "My brother says that God puts us where he needs us. Okay. If that is true, he has been throwing me at this for a while now. M'hija paid a price for her involvement. If God wants me on this, fine. Who am I to question?" He shrugged, giving a nonchalant look to his grizzled features. "But you said that you wanted to cash in that favor, and showed me the die. Okay. I'm your man. What do you need me to do? Look for others? Take up the Pope's command? Or is there something more personal going on here?" For all Caesar knew, the priest wanted him to take up the die and see of he could activate some hidden power of the thing with his brutal masculinity alone. Caesar had to admit, he was kind of curious.

Caesar felt his phone vibrate in his vest pocket. It was a short buzz, indicating a message rather than a call. He gave it a quick glance before returning his gaze to Father Pearson. "If this is a holy quest, Padre, then I hope that God wants me in Grimm, Indiana. It is where I have to go now."

J. Keystone

Chicago (City Streets -> Church)
Skills: N/A

"Bloody 'ell is this bronzecockery about, then?" growled Keystone. He had done something stupid, forgetting that he was in a country where they drove on the other side of the street like brazen dumbarses, and turned left on a red light. Granted, the other guy stopped in time, so that was good. But it served to remind that, if distracted by the dulcet yet powerful notes of the "21" album, he might adopt the driving habits of a man still in the United Kingdom. Luckily no one was hit, no cop was there to make his life difficult, and all he got for his DUH moment was the extended middle finger of the brake-squealing errand runner in his mid sized sedan who almost plowed into him. He could live with that. Besides, it was his fault and he didn't want to waste the time it would take to make the poor guy wet himself.

Not just that, but what the arse was with these Americans? It was two fingers for that gesture, not one. They just had to be different, that's all. Hell with them, Keystone had somewhere he needed to be. He was a professional, damnit. Just file it away until he had an opportunity to vent his frustrations on some poor bastard who actually deserves it. "Yeah, that was my fault - myyyyy fault," he repeated, following the electronic route directions on the GPS.

Keystone finally pulled in front of the church where he and Claire had dropped off Caesar earlier. He punched in a quick message to the older man, informing him that he was back out front whenever he wanted to leave, and kept the SUV running. With measured consideration, he moved the music away from Adele and found a local radio station, turned the volume lower, and decided to just give it a wait for the meantime.

Thalia Carmichael

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Talk, talk, talk. A lot of talking in this room. Some of it was posturing but a little was common sense. This was what it was like to be around more than a few people at once. She was taken in by the lure of a decent meal, no doubt, but the behavior of the people in quarantine brought her guard slamming back up. She kept her stance, partially obscuring Alexander from the people in front of them, but did turn when her peripheral vision caught the blurred form of Beatrice wordlessly obliterate whatever points that kid had left on his Man Card. Thalia smirked, trying to suppress a chuckle but not succeeding fully; it was always her nature to handle things as directly as possible whenever she could and that fit the bill precisely. Yeah, the guy put up a good front and answered Beatrice as best he was physically able. Thalia knew from experience that it was hard to sound like a badass when you're faceplanted and pinned to the ground.

The whole incident reminded her of how she used to be, years and years ago. So much misplaced anger. So much sadness. All of that rage and no actual ability to back it up. Her father's people fixed that attitude, and fast. Okay, maybe not fixed, but most certainly redirected and taught respect. After that lesson was learned, sometimes with painful examples, she was ready to truly accept their instruction. Maybe that was the lesson that he needed to learn: Respect. Or maybe he just needed to be put down. That was a concept of which Thalia was very familiar.

Thalia was becoming uncomfortable with their surroundings. Not as much as Alexander, apparently. She quickly grabbed up her cup of coffee and hooked her other elbow under Alex's arm and around his back. Being minus that hand, it was half symbolic support. "It's alright, man. Don't worry about what you said. Nothing too bad." Her words were quiet but direct as she led Alexander back to his chair. When they arrived, Thalia eased him back into the seat and pressed her cup into his hands. "You forgot your coffee theah, Mugs." He probably needed something warming to drink more than she did.

As soon as Alexander was seated, Thalia gave a glance back to Beatrice. She allowed herself an actual smile, looking at the efficiency with which she handled herself. It was a good thing that they weren't out in the world. Good for the younger soldier, anyway. The customs of Thalia's people were significantly more final. She imagined that Beatrice entertained a similar philosophy; if not Before then certainly in more recent years. There was just something about watching the girl manhandle Hunter that gave her a sense of personal pride. "Sorry I called you an angry cunt beforah, Bea. You'ah carved out of cold, solid marble, girl."

Others had much to say. Especially the older guy who kept swatting around himself. He gave a fair amount of three second assessments to everyone, but she wasn't listening past anything more casual. The guy was talking, drawing attention to himself. It gave her an opportunity to look over everyone else. Just observe. Ash's change of heart. Jack's defensive response. Tatiana's scolding of her husband. Manny's unwillingness to engage (and she really couldn't blame him). The Sinead Twins sticking quietly to each other. The guards who weren't really there to guard them. This day was was a goddamned roller coaster, and part of Thalia wished that she was back outside of the walls - maybe up a tree chewing on a squirrel she had recently taken out with a pointed stick.

Hank Wright

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Hank had his back turned when Tatiana began to change. He didn't catch the whole show of horror and abuse until the very last second, but that second was enough to understand a couple of things about the woman. He did get a good, solid eyeful of that slip of a girl with the bright blue-grey eyes single-handedly bring the concept of professional wrestling back to the Florida panhandle. Oh yes, Hank accepted the bathrobe, belt, and gown from his hetero lifemate when it was offered - so far as he was aware, it was either take it or let the guy commit murder in front of an armed presence. Hank was pretty sure that would provoke a response that he wasn't keen on seeing. Hank would be a liar if he ever said that he didn't exhale a relieved sigh when Wayne monologued his own personal critique of ...everybody, apparently. The assessment of Hank's character was fair enough, it earned the man a quick and quiet thumbs-up. Nothing out loud, mind you, as he didn't want to interrupt the man while he was on a roll. Hank did give a regarding brow furrow and nod in agreement as the man mentioned the woman called "Daytona", though he suspected that it wasn't her real name. Aside from that, he just gave a more relaxed smile and listened to the parade of roasts as they came up, one by one.

Then out of nowhere, the abrupt smack of flesh colliding with flesh sounded to his side. "Holy shit, sister," he exclaimed, fully turning around to get a better view of the scuffle now that it was on the floor. Maybe this would suffice to keep the monster that was Wayne at bay; Lord only knew that if that man got his hands on the kid, there wouldn't be the same kind of cool restraint that was being shown by the lady who now held the kid down. Ladies first and all, and lady or not, she looked to have called dibs. As Hank walked past, eager to get back to his own recliner, he did give a piece of encouragement to the guy pressed against the floor:

"Way to void the warranty on those testicles there, buddy." Admittedly, it could have been more supportive. At least he meant well. Kinda. Or not really, so long as it didn't interfere with naptime later. "Don't you worry, Mary Beth. First day's the hardest. Allllll downhill from here, but if I were you, I'd find a friend." Hopefully, he'd remember and take the advice after he regained a more vertical stance.

The next minute of his life was spent rolling the A/V stand back into position, queuing up "Lazy Town", though with a respectful lowering of volume, and settling his posterior back into the recliner from whence he came.

Ash Holloway

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

"Thank you," breathed Ash, speaking to Tatiana. He had waited until she was done speaking to her husband, partly out of respect but also partly because there was no way in Hell that Ash was getting in the middle of a marital conversation about how to raise their baby. He had likewise not responded directly to Jack's rebuttal of his earlier statement, and fully intended not to. There was no profit to be had in continuing to poke the bear, as it were. He was on edge. They all were. But luckily, there was a complete stranger on standby to discuss exactly what everyone's personal idiosyncrasy was. To Ash's surprise, he was pretty damned accurate. At least as far as he could tell from the long-term observations of the people he knew in the room.

Ash again waited until the speech was over to give remark. When he did, it was directed to his own extended family more than to the man himself. "Yeah, man's right. I got issues. We've all got issues. Every one of us has had to do some of the worst crap of our lives to survive. I'd like to think it was for each other, and we're damn lucky to have that. We've all made promises. I know that every one of us has had to kill at some point just to keep going. The last year and a half we've lost more people than I care to say anymore, and it weighs on me like a goddamn stone around my neck."

He sighed and shook his head. "Knowing now that I lost Thana..." His voice cracked a little yet again. He was saying it out loud as a means of battling back any remaining denial, and it might have been obvious. "Knowing. I needed that. And it's goddamn eating me, to be honest." Tears were in his eyes now, spilling quietly even as his face remained mostly still. "If I didn't have my family - all of you: Jack, Tatiana, little Jamie," He turned to look at the other two women in their party, "Amelia, and you, Superstar," Ash cleared his throat, then appeared to switch gears. "You're why I keep going." Even the people in the Eden Team might fit in that category, despite the fact that he only knew one of them at this point. Estranged by time, distance, and death, his opinion was that they should probably try to acquaint themselves with each other. They had paid a heavy price to make sure his team had a fair chance to survive.

It was no secret that Ash had difficulties expressing his feelings. Even to his ears, his words seemed blocky and awkward. They were sincere, though he couldn't help but figure that the impact was somewhat lessened by the fact that, not too far away from their position, Beatrice still had that young soldier pinned to the ground. His eyes drifted to the scene and focused on it, head tilting slightly to the side like a confused dog. Yeah, that was still happening. Some lessons had to be taught in decisive ways. It wasn't his method to utilize first, but he wasn't going to speak out against it. Ash had given him warning, explained why. What the others did, up to a logical point, was their own business.

Already he could feel the distraction tightening his emotions back up, though it did feel good to let a little out. There was still the business of getting approval from the people in charge for their continued presence, and even afterward, feeling out the settlement. Past that? He still needed to sort himself. For now, they had a week. He might as well rest. Talk. Get to know people again. It had been a long year.

Vladimir Alexandrov

Location: Port Annan (City Streets)
Skills: Fal'shbort (Passive), Tretiy Glaz (Passive), English

Vladimir gave a reaching and boisterous laugh, seeing the reaction of his German ally and guide to the supposition that he may (or may not) have engaged in activities most personal with the French lady. He shrugged it off. Vlad did not know what difficulties Ludwig may or may not have had with persons of a Francian nature, being as his knowledge of the geopolitical or military history of Europe was limited to what he overheard on the road or, with even less reliability, what news happened to make it into and/or past the Carpathian Mountains of his home. They had their own drama and difficulties there, so very far removed from the issues plaguing this part of the world. Yet it still drew a laugh from the veteran Circus performer. "Is good! Is good. I am liking you, Ludvig. You are humoring. But come! Are ve not trying for to make allies, friends, peoples who may come together from places most strange for to unite?" He shrugged and gave the German fellow a dashing smile. "And is very strange to eat snails and vear big powdery vigs, da?" He didn't take into consideration that the French were, to common knowledge, part of the nations that fell under the umbrella of the Graveolase, thus making it fairly ineligible for recruiting by their fledgling organization.

In any case, he was glad to be atop his great black horse, Tolstoy(!), riding out of town in pursuit of their mission. Vladimir was glad to be out and about in the world in a grand piece of adventure, but he did wish to get it accomplished and return to his people soon. To that end, he gave a steady affirmation to the words of Constantin and his report that they would be ready to haul their proverbial asses as soon as they exited the more population-congested limits of the city of Port Annan. "Excellent, Constantin Firevalker. Ve should be on the ready vonce ve get past post and onto trade road," he returned, before being struck with an air of rising histrionics. "And then... then, my companions of travel; then the peoples of Isle Britannia vill hear thundering hoofbeats, feel very ground shake at passing of majestic beasts of Rusyn Training, vitness awesome speed and stamina of ancient line of Brivaldi!" Vlad positioned himself to stand on his saddle, balancing with crossed arms as the horse stepped slowly forward. "Not far now. Da, Ludvig?" he inquired, slipping back down to rest upon his saddle. The edge of the town seemed to creep closer. Soon enough, they would be fully underway.

Gilbert Summers

Location: Ville au Camp (Carnival -> Main House, Room 101 (Sitting Room))
Skills: N/A

Yes, Gilbert had to agree that indoors was indeed best. Give the option, he could stand overnight in a swamp in the middle of a thunderstorm and be able to tolerate his surroundings; anyone who had seen him in what passed for his original lifetime (all of whom were dead and dust, if even that) would have seen him surviving with a smile on his face while being scoured by desert winds in the throes of a sandstorm. Even for an immortal, he was one hell of a survivor. He was aware enough to realize that not everyone in the whole of creation was as constitute as himself. And tolerate did not carry the same sort of weight as comfort for social situations.

He did make mention of the minor scolding he received from Siduri, though he thought it strange to be subject to it, all things considered. Nonetheless, he made lighthearted not of it with a casual, "I am not best qualified to teach the Paradoxes about etiquette, being as I was originally what would be considered barbaric." He laughed a little, "Evelina does love to refer to me as a barbarian when I do something disorderly." The statement made Gilbert a little sad, but he pushed through it to complete his thought. "However, Faith - Siduri is correct. Failures of the student represent failures of the teacher. I apologize. Perhaps instead of etiquette, we might institute some basic protocol for accepting visitors that would simplify things." It would be a first. A huge first. Being in a time loop where knowledge of differing timelines and eras within them had zero bearing, coupled with the fact that unexpected and unfamiliar visitors literally never happened, such protocol was completely unprecedented. But seeing as they had exactly those kind of visitors before them, obviously that was a possibility. The implications were heavy.

Gilbert began to lead the group gathered in the carnival's area back to the main house with an imperative sounding, "Right this way. I believe the Sitting Room can accommodate all of us." Once he stepped onto the porch and reached the appropriate exterior door, Gil removed his hat, opened the door, and held it so as to admit everyone behind him into the relative comfort of their residence. He was curious to hear of the coming of, what Siduri had mentioned in passing, The End of Times. There were so many applications of that phrase that would, did, or were happening throughout the lines. They would get to the business of the one who had chosen not to deal with a second life in a bit. Gil had his suspicions.

James Grady

Location: Ville au Camp (Carnival -> Main House, Room 101 (Sitting Room))
Skills: N/A

Well, this was just peachy. Really. What started out as a simple, if highly unexpected, carnival coming to town just flipped into something leaning toward the truly epic. Not "this is an epic sandwich, bro", nor the slightly less expected, "Did you see that interstate pileup? It was epic", nor even the news that The Lord of the Rings was being turned into a series of really long movies featuring that guy who played Satan in that movie about the prophecy about Revelations, the name of which escaped him for the first few seconds of his train of thought until he facepalmed and said out loud, "The Prophecy! Duh!" That last thought slingshotted him back in the direction of the topic at hand, which apparently also had to do with the prophecy of Revelations, or something close to it as a couple of the people around him at the moment were alive at the time of its writing. Hell, James wouldn't be surprised if one or two of them had a hand in the initial drafting of it. James looked over in Gilbert's direction with raised eyebrows and an expectant expression, as if to punctuate his thought with a well placed, "Lookin' at you there, Gilgamesh!" that he didn't actually say aloud.

But otherwise, he was glad that the incident about manners was brushed to the side, handled, whatever, and they were headed indoors. The weight of something he had quite forgotten about on the temporary shifted in his back pocket, prompting him to ley a hand back there to investigate. It was a half second before he realized that he had a cylinder full of Oreos back there still, which he needed to hand off to the squirrel population of the Destrehan Plantation that evening (or day, something - he wasn't sure about time anymore), as represented by the one he referred to as General Fuzzy. James wondered if they reset with each day, too, or if they simply continued as they always had amid the never-changing day of early Autumn, unaware or uncaring about their situation. If they were not aware and did reset, then he could just avoid the squirrels until midnight and all would be well. If they did not, and he did not pony up the sandwich cookies... well, he didn't want to make enemies of the tiny woodland creatures that he may be able to strike mutually beneficial agreements with at a later time. Something to ask about. Well, later on. This bit about End Times and someone choosing not to deal with a second life and the general failings of humankind was becoming a little much for James to listen to without making some sort of inappropriate comment.

Instead, he bit his tongue and moved along with the rest of the group, though he did hang back a little to interpose himself between the last rays of the prematurely setting sun and the fair-skinned member of the group who didn't have her own umbrella caddy, Andromeda. Hopefully, his taller and broader frame would shield her from the more annoying parts of the remaining light. As they neared the house peoper, James did risk a question: "Um, y'all mean Alicia, or someone else disappear in a flash of light?" He still had her pendant around his neck, the one that depicted a folk saint that he never really believed in but thought sounded pretty badass anyway. A good compliment to both Catholicism and the Gonzalez bloodline. But getting back to the question, did they just lose someone else? Inquiring minds wanted to know. He hoped there would be a straight answer as he entered the building and found a chair for himself.

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