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Caesar & Keystone

Location: Grimm, Indiana (Outside of El Asilo/The Nuthouse!)
Skills: Shotgun
Skills: Pistol

Keystone wasn't the type to suffer fools, even if he was the one being foolish. Naturally, he didn't think that he was being particularly foolish, preferring as he did the concept of removing himself from this place and going elsewhere. I mean, there were noncombatants to think about, not to mention that there was a THING FROM A HENTAI HORROR MOVIE coming after them all. That might have been enough for most people, general principle alone. Now, Keystone was no coward. He'd proven this on many occasions. This was just throwing him for a loop, as was the mostly calm civility that most everyone was showing to one another, like the aristocracy from way back in the day sharing cucumber sandwiches and sipping tea while placing wagers while their armies of peasants killed one another. From a safe distance, of course.

Come to think of it, the big guy really could go for a decent plate of cucumber sandwiches. With curried mayonnaise. Maybe a couple with sundried tomatoes for a little extra oomph. But no, he was holding a 50 caliber hand cannon on an Eldritch Horror, hoping that the damn thing was going to listen to reason. And by "reason" he meant "hastily delivered ammunition". And by "delivered" he meant "Fuck all I'm gonna shoot this bastich".

Just before he pulled the trigger, an astute listener might have heard him rationalizing the situation and focusing on something to get mad about simultaneously by inquiring out loud, "Bloody 'ell's my cucumber sandwiches, right?" Any possible response might have been drowned out by the bark of his pistol.

Meanwhile Caesar had very little in the way of misgivings or concern for his own life, quite possibly, but like his more burly compatriot, he did wish to attend to the lives of others. His manner of doing that was a little different than Keystone's. While the younger man would have preferred discretion and controlling the circumstances of their encounter, Caesar favored the messier, if more direct route. He gave a glance toward Priya, advising her "You talk too much," with a growl before emptying the chamber of his shotgun into the beast above.

Any further attempt at conversation on his part was stymied by a further piece of advice, this from the old man's daughter, to Duck and Cover. It was heeded by both men, as the dead chick hurled the improvised explosive like a champ into the hole, bowling over the hideous thing with a sense of slapsticky charm. Caesar risked a half second to appreciate the throw - he certainly couldn't have done it better, himself, before Keystone grabbed him and pulled him down behind the vehicle they were using as cover.

There was something about a really good explosion that brought people together just as much as it blew others apart.

Ash Holloway

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Victor was being led away. It was incredibly sudden. While the recently grizzled Frenchman seemed like he knew this was coming, what was likely surprising was that Ash looked like he expected this, as well. There were no words of protest on his part, no personally vouching for the man (as if his word had any weight with these people). There was just a look of disappointment on his face as a man who was once a friend and confidant was led away. Maybe it was the man's fault and maybe it circumstance, but Victor had changed. Ash saw it in black and white. This was not the man that he once knew. Maybe one day he might be again, after significant help and chances that CMB could not afford to gamble on a newcomer. They at least treated him humanely. Yes, Ash was disappointed. This is how it had to be. The rest of the people that he had considered family for so long were safe. That's what mattered.

He did pay attention when it was immediately announced that Beatrice was leaving. They hadn't gotten exceptionally close, and she did also voluntarily leave Newnan, be it just before it collapsed, literally. She was a lone wolf type. Ash didn't mesh well with those. Still, seeing her meet up with the others near that chopper a week ago, leading her own group? He had assumed some serious changes had taken the woman over their time outside. Maybe it was temporary. Still, he thought it was a shame. He didn't expect a farewell from Beatrice. Maybe he'd see her again, years down the road. Who could tell?

Everyone else was cleared. Including the batshit crazy and generally disagreeable older men who spent most of their time watching VHS recordings and making quips about the people around them. Even the paranoid and potentially violent kid. Ash couldn't claim to know what happened in their individual interviews, as his seemed pretty damned nonstandard, but they knew something he didn't, obviously. It reminded him of the time when he let a couple of Viking women into Newnan, plus their entourage. It required a leap of faith on his part and an act of goodwill on theirs, but they proved valuable to the community in the end.

His evaluation card, on the other hand, did set him slightly uneasy at first. PTSD? Maybe. As much as anyone else that still lived, and had to do it out there for any length of time. But if they were basing that on what followed on the card, well... Hearing voices, yes. A survival mechanism wherein he spoke to himself from a soldierly point of objectivity. The part of his brain that tells him to keep going when his body wants to lapse unconscious or when he had difficulties completing a necessary task due to various issues. "Get up, soldier. Move. You made a promise. Stay calm, or you're going to die." His own voice speaking to him in the confines of his skull.

But let's be honest: They didn't know him all that well. The people of CMB want to make sure that someone they invest in isn't going to do something bad, that might have been avoided with prudence. Well hell, no problem. He'll spend his 30 days picking up trash and doing recycling, he'll attend therapy even though it wasn't required. Ash would let them get to know him. From there, he'd take what roads were made available. His big, knightly quest of a year and a half was over. He was reunited with the woman he loved after thinking that she was dead, and what few people he could find from their ruined town were safely brought to this settlement. Oh, he'd always be a soldier. When they believed he was clear, he looked forward to being a part of CMB's restructured military. It was part of who he was, and always had been. But for now, at least for a little while, Ash could just be Ash. With Thana. That wasn't bad at all.

Ash folded his slip of paper and tucked it away. He listened to the remainder of what Thana had to say, and at the end, commented, "Seafood boil, huh?" He was a little bummed about Victor (which was fully on Victor), and just slightly put out about the psych section of his evaluation, but this wasn't going to make him regret any decision he made, nor was he going to sulk about it. This was a good day, period. "Count me in." It had been a long time since he'd been to a party. Ash really hoped he still remembered how to have fun.

Thalia Carmichael

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: Spanish

The more Thalia thought about it, the more an idea settled in her head. She was losing a friend today. This wasn't a new thing for anybody, but for her... Thalia had lost family. Lots of them. She had lost friends, too. She saw Lola shot down in front of her. Though she wasn't around for it, Bridgette and her cousin Alicia both got taken out by two different hordes of Zeds. Thalia herself had to put down Astrid's shambling corpse. Her uncle, people she worked with, that bitch up the road that made the really good cinnamon raisin bread, they all died horribly. But that was the point: they died. They went out trying like hell to stay with the people they counted as friends. Beatrice... She was just walking away.

She told her, and even told herself that she was cool with it, but it was wasn't fully true. She didn't want to make problems, and secretly Thalia hoped that Bea would give it a chance here. But no. After Quarantine, she was just opting to be dropped off at a random spot, hundreds of miles away, and keep walking. To be honest, Thalia felt a little betrayed. Maybe she didn't even have a right to feel that way. She still did. Everyone makes their own decisions, and yes, if certain boxed hadn't been checked off, she'd be right there with Beatrice. She couldn't do that now. And of course, she felt just a little like a hypocrite, seeing as she spent literally years out there utilizing primitive survival and bushcraft, all by her lonesome, to survive. She didn't have friends then, though. No one to fight for. Or alongside. Beatrice was leaving, and it sucked, and she wasn't going to try to stop her.

Oh yeah, and to hell with Victor. She had no idea what that guy's malfunction was.

Provided that Bea was going to pick her out as one of the people she said goodbye to, Thalia was burying most of these new feelings, planning simply on telling her, "DesearΓ­a que te quedaras1, Killeh Bea. You take care of you," with moist eyes. And a hug. Maybe a quick ass-grab, because we don't want things too saccharin. But whatever happened, happened. It was something she was going to deal with as a newish experience, losing a friend without death getting involved. Then back to guarding her feelings, as she tended to.

She had her own life to get back on track, and she knew why she had to. Her evaluation and job recommendation put a couple of questions in her head, which she planned on voicing at the next opportunity. Did this mean that she was to be trained as a soldier? Or as a security guard? Was she training for escort runs or the like, or training to handle firearms again with one hand, switch up her melee style a bit? Walk the wall? Babysit newer people in Quarantine? Was she going to pick up new skills that she could use? Well, no matter. She was signed up now, and when she was ready to join up with whatever part she was assigned and/or steered toward. Learn what she can from others. Train. Train. TRAIN. Ballet was kicking ass so far.

Plus, where there was a barbecue, there was a fire. Thalia hadn't seen a decent crackling fire in over a week, and to be quite frank, she was getting a little itch about it. So great. Tour, little community party, and then she begins the infinitely more difficult task of re-acclimating to living in a settlement rather than outside of one.

Hank Wright

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Much like Wayne, there wasn't a whole lot of caring or getting in a tizzy about the people who left. He didn't know most of these people here, and no tears were shed about the French guy. He might not have known it, but Hank was able to understand most of what the guy was muttering in his native language. It was called "being a Sheriff that close to the Canadian border", and sometimes it had useful little perks in hindsight like that. But that wasn't so much the big upset of the day. No, that honor went to the fact that not only was he cleared, but so was Wayne. That was heavy. Very heavy. A couple of older jackasses; one emotionally stunted and one batshit crazy, both starting out the apocalypse in a fucking loony bin, and now he's being recommended for...

"Oh, ah myGod, Wayne. Hey, Maldonado, you gotta take a look at this," he urged his counterpart, showing him the slip of paper. He pointed to the part that recommended him to Psychiatry, and gave a little chuckle. "Y'know, I'll do it. But I'm going to need some demands met, like a good pair of reading glasses and one of those couches for people to lie on. Ok, for me to lie on, until this beachside thing kicks off. That sounds like it's right up my alley. And no, that phrase means I like it, not... that other thing. Whatever. I'm doing this." He did seem pretty certain.

As if on cue to signal that the new people were their new countrymen, the guards around them lowered their weapons and became instantly more amicable. Hank guessed that this was retirement, then. In a manner of speaking, anyway. Now, he just had to figure out how many extra hours he'd have to shrink heads and/or yell at people who needed a good yelling before he could afford to live on a nice, sturdy boat. Goal Number 2. It was good to have goals.
Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Attic (Laboratory)
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 2

It was an interesting and logical observation that the Chanteuse had made. She was a talented singer, he had proven knowledge of literacy and anatomy. Titian was indeed male. (hence he Mr.) The titles didn't seem to lie, persay, but he couldn't help but think that they could be misleading somehow. Or that one or more of the given titles was a red herring of some kind, meant to intentionally lead the others astray. Was Penance a lady of the cloth? Moss a military or seafaring type? Swamp could only guess. It was a thing that bore more consideration, and the implications thereof. A hint to understanding the motives of some of the guests, perhaps, if such a thing could be sussed out from their behavior, much of which went to the erratic.

"I likewise wonder, Chanteuse. Though I debate the relevance of profession versus the threat they might pose. Sadly, this is foremost on my mind, so far as they are concerned. I believe I might have bias... Yes, likely." Getting attacked and subsequently shot would do that to someone. Moreover, what of the identity of their blackmailer? The more Swamp saw, the more he could rule out certain people. Though one question began to nag at him. He had asked this before, but never quite followed up on it. "I do think it would be prudent to find out whose laboratory this is, specifically. I believe it might help in fining out who our collective blackmailer might be, or, having seen the amassing of knowledge in the other room, rule out one or two people."

Vladimir Alexandrov

Location: Gretna Green, Church
Skills: Fal'shbort (Passive), Tretiy Glaz (Passive), English

Yes, the blade of The Great Bazhooli most certainly found its mark, as was expected. It was not the telling blow that Vladimir might have hoped, as it might have been were he facing a human opponent, though it was a rarer event in his life that he engage the skills of his ancestors against another living person. He has to stop the current thought in his head as immaterial, that being the urge to mentally speak the word 'Π±Π΅Π·Π΄ΡƒΡˆΠ½Ρ‹ΠΉ' (pronounced: bezdushnyy), or Soulless in the tongue of the land. He looked into the thing's soul. It existed. It was an inversion, a twisted thing that might have been a living being's soul before it was pulled inside-out, but it was there. Maybe it needed to be cleansed. Maybe it needed to be destroyed. Both? Who knew. Battle had been joined. The truth of the matter would more than likely be resolved with blood.

He heard the snatches of conversation that came after the vision of his associate, Constantin. A vision in battle? Uncommon, dangerous things in a fight, but this served a purpose. Well, as they all do. This one vision, or what he described of it, had something to do with the altar in the front of the room and... prayer? Vladimir wore a gold crucifix around his neck, a gift from one special to him which was in turn a gift from someone special to them. He was, technically, a member of his Empire's Orthodox Church, though he'd bet a shiny kopek or two that the different variants all prayed to the same God anyway. But a holy man he was not. Cultural observances and Rusyn Gypsy traditions often meant that the straight and narrow got pretty damned crooked and wide as the occasion called for it. This was a time that he lamented the loss of the Π‘Ρ‚Ρ€Π°ΡˆΠ½Π°Ρ ΠšΠ°Ρ‚ΠΎΠ»ΠΈΡ‡Π΅ΡΠΊΠ°Ρ Π”Π΅Π²ΡƒΡˆΠΊΠ°, Sister Mary. This was further proof that the all had to stand together or be ripped to pieces. The loss of the representative from the Church weakened them all against this thing.

The Great Bazhooli was no priest. Dear and shiny Lord, he was no priest. But he might be able to get the creature to the altar. It had a soul, which meant it had feelings. It understood him when he addressed it directly, or it seemed to based upon the reaction. He had a plan. Or part of a plan. Like, maybe 12% of a plan, which Vladimir reasoned was at least better than 11% of a plan. Yes, The Great Bazhooli was going to piss it off. Nothing bad could come of that, right? And if he goes down in flames? So be it!

James Grady

Location: Tunnels (Cairo, Egypt: October 6th, 1924)
Skills: Peccary Form

At the acceptance of the offer, James gave a slow smile. He didn't get the opportunity to use this form very often, but it did have some amazing advantages to his human physique. It was rather a point of irony that, in life, he was famous for hunting these creatures, and now? Now he had the ability to become a particularly impressive specimen of one. Death certainly had a sense of humor sometimes.

The slow smile began to show a pair of enlarged lower teeth on either side of his mouth, which began to elongate and thicken. His eyes remained more or less human seeming, but the rest of him warped and buckled. Limbs grew shorter and more specialized, bones shifted and thickened to accommodate layers of denser, differently shaped muscle. Clothing seemed to disappear entirely, simultaneously being absorbed into his body while thick, dark grey fur grew back out. Boots and hands became rock hard hooves with the slight but necessary flexibility of horn, and his human voice was lost in the more primitive sounds of a great, wild boar. His tusks lengthened and reinforced to the degree of deadly weapons, and lastly a mane-like collar of thick, white fur covered his neck and stretched down he front of him. He was an impressive specimen of wild boar.

James stopped and shook his thick collar of fur out, leaning to one side so that Andromeda could more easily climb aboard. He slowly, deliberately chuffed twice, followed by a noteworthy sneeze that blasted from his protruding, piggy nostrils with substantial force and sent a shiver down his spine. Ok, now he was good to receive a rider. She had plenty of handholds and, James bet, he could probably still get up some damn respectable speed if she lay forward and held with her knees. Well, they'd figure out the particulars later. Right now, they had someplace to be. When Andromeda was comfortably on board, James took back off at a trot, as not to zoom past the others with his lower center of gravity and ability to run with the power of Pork compelling him.

And if no one else did before he got his voice back, James was going to have to make some goodnatured comment about Andromeda "Riding the Wild Hog". Provided he felt the situation out and didn't think he was in danger of getting electrocuted or swept away by a highly localized El NiΓ±o. These things were important.

Gilbert Summers

Location: Tunnels (Cairo, Egypt: October 6th, 1924)
Skills: History, Observation

"Well, certainly there will be enough to go around." stated Gilbert, supporting his fellow Emendator's statements. "It is an Armory. The very nature of it implies that there will be enough for a handful of people and much to spare." Gil gave a moderately contented smile, seeing that the old lighting system in the tunnels still functioned. This was definitely a "don't make them like they used to" moment, and he was still a little marveled at the idea. The ancients knew what they were doing. But to get back to the matter at hand, "My concern is based around the necessity of having to give a crash tutorial on firearms for those who have never had the ability to use them, or have forgotten how since becoming a Paradox. They rather randomly re-acquired abilities to begin with." He shrugged. It really wasn't anyone's fault, persay. Just the way that the dice landed, both literally and figuratively.

He caught the tiny bit of joking from Sophia and gave her a smile. It wasn't the first time something he did brought up a reference from Genesis (the book, not the band), though this probably didn't count as miraculous. Nevertheless, he responded with an almost mirthful, "...and there was light. And I saw the light, and it was good." He shook his head and sighed, "I do regret not meeting the man. We might have had such interesting conversations." He even sounded a bit wistful.

Gilbert did cock an eyebrow at his star pupil's newly acquired method of transportation. Yeah... Looking at it from a mostly objective point of view, it made sense. James could get in more practice with his alternate form as a great, tusked boar, and Andromeda could partly take her mind off of their surroundings, thus making less likely she accidentally discharges lightning or summons a tornado underground. That would be monumentally bad. So if this worked, he might suggest a team up for similar circumstances. Or just because it might strike serious fear in the hearts of evildoers everywhere and/or start a minor religious movement, depending on how effective the combo might be.

After a while, Gil announced, "The good news is that we are halfway there. The bad news, I suppose, is that we are only halfway there. But we are on the right track, I am sure of it."

Reginald Keystone

Location: Athribis (Underground)
Skills: Observation

Having completed the monologue of a tired, battle-tossed soldier, Reginald looked forward to the area in front of them, now representing the only recourse of travel open to the group. Things seemed increasingly tense, which made perfect sense considering that this cheerful little side quest of their happy, adventurous boatride up the Nile had probably just damned them, even after it might have just claimed the life of their guide. Reginald did not like the explanation given for any of these phenomena, though at present was willing to go along with things as the were because of a continued lack of anything other pertinent to do.

That was when the smell finally came to him, or rather, back to him after the big change to their surroundings. A thing well known to him from his decades and decades fighting for the Crown an on behalf of the Empire. It was the price for the glory of battle, such as glory could be pulled from a battle in most instances; recently become more prevalent because of the use of poison gasses bearing certain chemical compounds derived from or containing it. It and the sickly pallor of the ill and soon to expire. It was the odor of war and old death, of burning sulphur dioxide in a rich stew of other irritants and sickly concoctions. "Brimstone..." he mused aloud. There were other people to worry about down here, rather than just himself. "We must get a move on, and quickly." Perhaps an understatement. Definitely on everyone's mind. Still needed to be vocalized.

Haring Reddish

Location: Benha (Sun Deck)
Skills: N/A

Again, only marginally satisfied that the boat remained untampered with while the entire world around them was changing, Reddish's mind went back to his primary training as a soldier. It was a default, granted; a sort of security blanket for when things began to get unpredictable and dangerous. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing, granted, as there were very few security blankets that trained one in close quarters combat and the use of repeating rifles, let alone gave him experiences that had fractured and re-mended bits of his sanity enough that horrifying, sweeping changes to his environment and/or the wanton desecration of the human body (by bullet, blade, artillery, explosion, or the ravages of scavengers and decomposition) so that when terror-inspiring things did occur around him, his psyche had become desensitized enough to have formed a callous against it all. The nightmares and occasional bits of social anxiety were (albeit arguably) worth it, as he was less fazed than those with whom he kept company.

But to point, the last time all hell was breaking loose around him, he had options. None of them were very good options, but you did what you had to do. Here, there were actually fewer options available than when he was in the Great War. He took in a deep breath, blew it out, and spoke. "Ladies, if I may?" he began sweetly, beaming a little smile that looked just a little bit like he was holding back a torrent of some unpredictable emotional state, "Let us review. Hmm... Whilst off doing our part to continue the archaeological pursuit and follow up of what's been about with our collective missing goods, things start a'glowing on your bodies, yes? Yes. Now, just as soon a that happens everything changes, like it's years gone by, one direction or another, and a lost bloody city up and magics itself out of the desert." He shrugs, giving a goofy little smile and a head bob, like he was a puppet trying to entertain an easily amused toddler. "Bear with now, please - and shadows are coming out from it, regardless of where the sun is in the bloody sky NOW I can't be the only one who's thinking we ought to prepare for the worst, before whatever is there comes here."

"Though so long as we're asking what that smell is, I'd say it's someone ripping profound arse..." He'd gotten a little caught up in the moment, and just realized that he'd made a rather lowbrow reference to someone expelling post-digestive gasses without an ounce of shame. He quickly tried to recover, "Hoooo. Um, a, ah... arse-enal! Yes, a profound arsenal of sulphur, I'd wager." Yes, smashing. Quick, to change the subject: "And no, I've no recollection of any of the staff of this fine, fine vessel on our way back. P'raps it's just the soldier in me talking, but I say we get to personal stores and our provisioning in Cargo and equip ourselves for every conceivable eventuality. It could just be the four of us left, and we must look out for one another, wot bloody wot."

That last part probably went too far. Further, Reddish knew full well that he being more assertive than his social status should politely allow in the circumstances, for the people he was with. "I sincerely apologize for speaking out of turn, and among my betters, but I shan't have opportunity to apologize and flog myself for my transgressions if we're all done in by forces unnatural."

Caesar & Keystone

Location: Grimm, Indiana (Outside of El Asilo/The Nuthouse!)
Skills: N/A
Skills: N/A

The older Mexican heard the remarkably calm words of his daughter, and while he found the tone perplexing, he could not help but growl approvingly at the sentiment expressed by Alicia in the form of "bombs are good". He even nodded a little along with it. Bombs weren't his favorite way of handling things, being as he was really more of a hack and slice kind of guy, but even he had to admit that a well placed explosive, given the proper amount of legitimate artistry involved and the number of discernible pieces the bad guys separated into, was kind of pretty in its own way. Or to put it differently, in the recent words of his formerly deceased daughter, Bombs are indeed Good.

Communications concerning what Keystone assumed was an assessment of the works of a physicist that he was just barely aware of, let alone versed in the works thereof, were even less fruitful. be that as it may, the discussion of it, or at least commentary, served as a focal point for the large man's brain as a defense mechanism against the utter wrongness of what he was watching, that being the partial destruction of an exterior brick wall from the inside by something best kept in a horror movie. All the same, it still sounded like Alicia was speaking gibberish; that or talking from a point of view of the world's most inside joke ever. "Bloody 'ell that, Schrody? Pet-name-basis with dead blokes then, 'ave you?"

Though his words were aimed at Alicia, his eyes were rooted to the monster that had chased them out of the Asylum just earlier, that he was still pretty sure they should be hauling ass away from in the SUV that very second, but for whatever reason they decided to abandon logic and join the ranks of the nigh suicidal. Keystone looked to his senior partner in this endeavor with immense curiosity as to how he was taking this all so well. Then again, this was the guy who, if stories served to be accurate, killed someone by using their intestines as rappelling line, simultaneously escaping gunfire and getting to the next floor down in a crowded building. Something that looked a little Ancient God-ish wasn't as mind-throwing to a guy with a serious callous for mayhem.

Meanwhile, Caesar's thoughts were on (aside from the obvious, anyway) the comment that she made about the voice in Russian coming from inside of the asylum, as if she knew the person to whom it belonged and seemed pleased with the fact that said person sounded like she was getting the business end of something electrified. Well, for one reason or another, he wasn't going in there after this mystery person. Besides, the main threat was that big, ugly thing ripping apart the wall. So... fine. If nobody had any objections, he was going to open fire at it. It seemed fitting, considering all the trouble that it went through to be menacing and everything. And his junior partner, Keystone - what was he going to do, punch it? Caesar seemed to weigh this for a while. The guy was actually really good at that. Could be something there. Nah, shooting is better. He wanted to keep the big guy alive for his own interests anyway.

"Stone!" he called, chambering a round in his Mossberg, "You want to help slow it down?" It was less of a question than it was an order.

"Yeah, on it, Boss," he said, a hint of confusion and moderate amount of terror streaking through his words. In truth, he was glad someone else was calling the shots until his brain could fully process the moment. He raised his fifty-cal pistol and aimed it at the hole.

Both men seemed to be covering the all-female improvised demolition team, readily flowing into a supporting role. Though they began their careers as other things, they were private contractors now. This was kind of what they signed up for. Except the part about international conspiracy. And ancient, secret societies. And people coming back from the dead. And fending off demons. Okay, absolutely none of this is what they signed up for. Caesar should have retired a while ago and Keystone would have been happier playing Cockney Batman, beating up drug dealers and performing bodyguard work in London, like usual. But here they were.

Ash Holloway

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: Basic Russian

Speaking with Tatiana was a troublesome and painful process to get out. Certain truths had to be spoken in confidence, and things of a highly personal nature had to be risked on his part. It was with a huge, massive amount of relief that Tatiana understood him, and was willing to speak with Jack on the matter as well. That would be another hurdle to overcome. Luckily, she was helping him jump it. "Бпасибо, Π’Π°Ρ‚ΡŒΡΠ½Π°." he said, expressing his gratitude simply and in her native language. It meant a great deal that he could still count her among his adoptive family, even if their relationship dynamic had changed somewhat. When Tatiana embraced Ash, he hugged back with genuine, lasting depth of feeling. Ash was horrible at expressing himself a lot of the time. He gave the oft frightening ballerina a small smile, breathed a sigh of relief, and moved to rejoin Thana.

Ash didn't quite make it back to Thana before she stood and moved to the front of the room. It looked very much like the big moment had arrived. This meant official. This meant that he had zero right to stand next to her right now, lest the people around assume anything of him and/or he get escorted away by the people with guns. And it was a good thing, too. Full info dump, like ripping off a name brand adhesive bandage. This speech confirmed bits and pieces of things that had been mentioned or assumed over the past week, plus a whole lot more. When Thana got to the part about the military aspect of CMB, Ash couldn't help but notice that she looked to him. Yeah, he was a commissioned officer, once upon a time. If he wanted to be one again, here, then he had to prove himself. Fine. He was ready to do just that. Ash was experienced and talented, and if they wanted to make sure of that before they trusted him with weapons and people, then that made perfect sense to him. The bottom line was that he could have a life again, with Thana. It would be well worth going through the same trials that she did upon returning here.

When he got the paperwork, he took the time to look it over. Like many things of a militant nature, it seemed to work in redundancy, occasionally stating the same facts or procedures about several different things. It allowed no discernible room for misinterpretation that he could tell. And it boiled down to "don't fuck up, stick to your schedule and areas unless allowed otherwise". Okay. Therapy recommended, but not required. Also okay. Required or not, it would be good for him, set a good example for others, and show the Senior Officers of Camp Mexico Beach that he was willing to assimilate into their community openly. It could only help. Ash took a pen and signed in the dotted line. He was in.

He was actually smiling a little when he handed the paper over to Thana. Unless something unforeseen had occurred and he was getting the boot, he was very much onboard with CMB.

Thalia Carmichael

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: Spanish

Their table-side conversation was put on intermission for a bit, it looked like, when Thana stood and began to address the whole of them in Quarantine. It didn't take very long before Thalia realized that this wasn't some quick public notice, but the gearing up for the main event of the day, so to speak. This was a LOT to process, especially for the human equivalent of a once feral dog like Thalia. Rules. Upon rules. Upon rules. Most of these things telling you what you couldn't do, where you couldn't go, and reminding you that you're not special in the least. Fine, she could get that. Also, something about mandatory recreation time? Not being able to leave? She must not have heard that right. It was one of the few feelings of total freedom that she had for the longest time, being able to climb a tree and sleep the day away in its branches or running off to find lunch with a pointed stick; one of the most profound centering activities to set a fire in an earthen hole and watch the flames dance for hours.

But she had made up her mind about something already. Much in the same way that Thalia had to learn from others to be able to do those things that gave her that freedom and kept her from dying, she had to learn the lessons of these people as well. She was weaker than she needed to be. They could help fix it. Thalia's brow perked when Thana talked about becoming part of the CMB military. That was what she was talking about, at least she thought. But there seemed to be a caveat involved: Those with prior military experience, specifically. The wording of it was such that joining up with that aspect of CMB might be open to former soldiers only. It was something to ask about later; it was the reason she initially wanted to stay, period. Other factors came into play, but... It might not matter anyway. What little Thalia knew of the military, she understood that people with college education could become officers. Well, she had one of those. Problem was, she was never military, persay. Nor had she ever wanted to be the unquestioned leader of anything. She worked for a security firm, dealing with electronics and training raw recruits how to not get their asses kicked. Or how to get their asses kicked with dignity, at the very least. She had an office, so that was fun, and she went through basic training with an aspect of security procedures like everyone else employed by the company; but doing the job that she did - were she in the military - might have made her a ranking noncom. Nothing like Navy Girl Thana, nothing like the Army Captain that her cousin used to get frisky with, and certainly not like the old man who ran this place.

Oh, but this wasn't ideal. It was something, though. And it was her best chance at getting stronger. Thalia wouldn't be ready to survive out there like she used to for a while, this she knew. Best chance. Thalia signed her paper for that best chance, though she looked at the paper for a long time before walking it up. Plus, it was kind of fun to watch her sign, manually closing her prosthetic around the pen and holding it like a dagger, underhanded, while the helped guide the damned thing with her left hand. This was something to work on.

The other two men entered Quarantine, one giving Thalia a goofy smile before taking position with Thana. Thalia raised an eyebrow at the man, then shook her head slowly. She took on a serious look after that though, and leaned over to Beatrice, speaking quietly. "One day, I need to find out exactly what happened with my father's people in Monterrey. I gaht reasons why I can't now, and you know why I gahtta stay here. One day, Bea. World'll probably still be shit then, too. If I had a rebar-tough bitch watching my back out there I'd feel better about it." She nodded solemnly, looking to her friend, "But I undahstand. It's okay. Anything was different, I woudn't've signed. So no mattah what, we're good, k? You don't owe me a thing. Anything, I still owe you." She waved her metal arm as reminder; she spent a while looking after her and keeping her alive during that time. "Anyways..." she stood, staring at her papers for a moment longer, then nodded in the direction of the toothy-grinned Latino by Thana, "Ese es mi hermano.1 I'll introduce ya, if you like." she whispered, giving a little wink.

Thalia walked up and gave Thana her paper, giving her a long look that seemed to say, "I trust you," or more specifically, "I trust you despite uncertainty about almost everything else." But there it was. She was willing.

Hank Wright

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Meanwhile, the motivations of Hanktholomew Patrick Wright were much less complicated and much more direct. He was still watching the people in Quarantine, taking mental notes, but was mostly "off the clock", one could say. Even the people that he had his concerns about had their attention focused elsewhere, and soon, everyone had their attention focused on Thana and her amazing stacks of ...paperwork. Yes, paperwork. Hank wasn't even going to think anything untoward while Captain America was lurking about like a protective monolith, casting his disapproving gaze upon those who would view his lady love in a manner to which he took offense. Not like he was going to say anything. Hank was along for the ride on this one.

The only thing he did raise an eyebrow at, or more specifically get a belly laugh rolling over, was his psych status. Apparently, having started this Apocalypse in a nuthouse wasn't in and of itself a red flag that he probably needed more looking after, so far as making sure that his cheese was still deftly atop his cracker, in all of the ways that made sense. Well, it's not like he was getting any younger staring at the papers. He signed, shrugged, and walked his papers up to Thana for proper filing, because filing was still alive and well here at the End of the World as We Know It, and he felt fine.

So, papers turned in. Hank walked back to his most recent favorite sitting spot, and began to look in earnest at what was going on around him. Something was up, he knew that much. Now to see if that something was going to turn into something difficult. For the sake of everyone involved, deep down, he did hope that this got handled in a quiet, humane manner. But when was the last time anything in this world got handled quietly?
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