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Act 1: Harvestide

The sun crests over the gentle hills of Avonshire as you cross the border and into the region proper. It will be some time before you reach your destination, but if idyllic countryside suits your proclivities it will be a cheery leg of your journey. Late season sorghum stands ripe and lush in fields alongside the leafy greens and plump, colorful squashes common to the area. One can smell the more subtle scents of tilled earth and fall onions as one travels the road which ambles through the gently rolling hills and wooded areas of this calm, agricultural region. It is now autumn, and the air bears a chill promising the coming winter, as does the freshly changing color of the foliage to varying reds and yellows, likewise highlighting the verdant evergreens in their steadfast, immutable watch. The simple road winding through the countryside crosses a quiet river by means of a broad stone and wood bridge, upon which an older Halfling chuckles, fishing line in the water, extending a courteous grin as you pass by.


Avonshire is name to both the region and its most prominent township. To call the settlement a city would be generous; it seems only to exist as a hub for trade between the farmers outlying areas, central residence for laborers, and location for government tallies to be taken; census, records of birth and death, allocations of taxes, etc. The dominant race living in the region is Human, though coming a respectable second are the home and croft loving Halflings. Both races live in a stable, cooperative relationship with one another, sharing the fruits of the land openly and with all submitting to the same codes of law.

Related to its prominence with agriculture, the lifeblood of civilization as we know it, the region is known for its incredibly spicy peppers, the hottest and juiciest of which are grown at the Rentman Farm, an estate owned and managed by the same family of Halflings for generations.

While Avonshire Township is the most populous settlement of the region, the highest amount of day to day travel will be found in the fort town of Darenby. This is due to its prominent location along a trade route, drawing in all types of folk from the lands outside their borders. Most of these people are only around for a few days (or less) before continuing on their way. Fort Darenby maintains a token number of soldiers for the region and is the rally point of the local militias - which have not been called into action in many a year. Still, bored farmers’ sons might be found here, training with hunting bows and simple spears in hopes of appearing brave or impressing their peers. Businesses related to travelers and their needs, as well as the needs of the standing soldiery, have popped up over the course of time. Inns, smithies, stables, general goods stores, herbalists, outfitters, and even a few specialty shops may be found here, as well a number of foreign merchants who are just passing through but might be convinced to part with some of their wares for the right price.

It is actually Darenby where you initially find yourselves, summoned by letter to meet with a man named Gregory Arbalest. He has the distinction of being the Sheriff of Avonshire and local liaison to the King’s Soldiery, what pitiful few of them (for the region) are stationed at the fort. Your exploits are not amazingly well-known across the realms, forcing him to be in contact through intermediaries and contacts of contacts - it is well enough likely that someone you know personally put the letter into your hand, or an anonymous soul left it where you were sure to locate it.

Your budding reputation but not overly recognizable face were qualities which Gregory counted as an asset rather than a liability. Travelers came and went from Darenby all the time and a few foreigners wouldn’t draw too much attention at first. Whether subtlety would be the hallmark of this little adventure or not he did not want to tip his hand too early. The letter read as such:


The trade road, ordinarily a broad and well-traveled thoroughfare of hard packed earth and built up embankments, gradually increases in quality the closer one gets to Darenby. As soon as the town is in sight, this solidifies into a proper cobblestone path which continues into the settlement. One may find several persons, obviously merchants or the like, passing them on their way out of town. Some wave or nod politely while others take no discernible notice. Darenby itself is a collection of buildings with tile roofs and virtually nothing else in common, all clustered around the Fort, a circular, stone construction which dominates the silhouette of the city in the lowering light.

The main road cuts through Darenby like a great cobblestone stream, the banks of which are lined with shops and services which a traveler, merchant, or teamster might find useful. With the dying light of early evening, many such shopkeepers are trying for last minute business before calling it a day. Closer to the fort, other services may be had. Workers of metal and leather, masons, livery stables; skilled, laborious industry and the products they may provide. Off to the eastern side of town, past the rows of buildings lays a cemetery behind a fence of low, blackened iron bars, featuring even rows of marble and granite headstones. Curiously, this evening the sound of trilling, melodious violin music dances upon the wind coming from somewhere within. Farther out from the fort and by extension, the town proper, residences dot the landscape, each with a small plot of land utilized for the growing of things.

Streets are still somewhat busy with foot traffic. Mostly these people are Human, but a quarter or so of them are Halflings. Indeed, one might notice accommodations for the shorter folk built into architecture, most especially from Halfling run businesses. There are a smattering of other races of the people of the continent here, obviously not native to the area by their accents and attire. The safer bet leans toward mercantile pursuits, travel escort, or other business as they pass through on the way to more important locales.

Of the establishments available for a working entrepreneur such as yourself to get a tankard of ale and maybe a mote of rest, there is the popular (and packed full) Dancing Mare, the less flashy and more reserved Yawning Dog, and on the other side of town a lovely establishment that offers gambling called The One-Eyed Stag. The place you are looking for, however, is a little further away from the main road, nearer to the fort. One may ask around or one may wander about until it is located, but as soon as you see the sign, you know it cannot be anything else:
"The Infamous Pear"

The exterior of The Infamous Pear features a long, covered porch which stretches the entire width of the building. There are chairs present, a few of which are occupied by locals enjoying the brisker air of the early evening. The doors are wide and welcoming, made from the same heavy grained wood that comprises the rest of the structure and featuring brass door handles. Ubiquitous red-brown tile covers both the roof and the awning, a couple pieces of which might stand replacement soon. Windows bear thick, mottled glass, making them more useful to let in light than to allow for unobstructed vision, and even these may be secured with thick draperies on the inside and shutters from without. Overall, this is a well maintained, two-story structure.

Entering this building one detects a toothsome smell of roasting meats and baked bread, over lightly sourer notes of ale and other fermentations. A grand fireplace burns upon a mildly raised stage area, as do various candles which provide a deceptively abundant amount of light with the help of a wooden and brass chandelier hanging above. Several round tables fill the common taproom, along with a couple of longer, rectangular tables featuring bench seats. As you enter, a cheerful looking Halfling gives you a big wave and urges you to come inside, out of the evening air. He has the comfortable demeanor of a person attached to the Inn, quite possibly, or just an overreaching local.

There are others present here, eating and sipping ale. Residents most likely, as this is not one of the more popular drinking spots for the merchant classes. A couple sport partial uniforms, obviously off duty guards or soldiers from the Fort, proper. Some might be shopkeepers or the like. This place looks more like a local hangout than a touristy location. This place is not exactly hopping with business. That being said, the night is still young.

There sits a decently sized, round table to the right of the slightly raised stage. In and of itself it is unremarkable, being much like most of the pther tables in the bar, but a paper sign upon it sports a single word written in clear, legible Common: "RESERVED". Place settings and cloth napkins are arranged in front of the chairs around the table, as if it waits for specific posteriors to rest thereupon. Your collective posteriors, perhaps?

Behind the extensive bar is a middle aged Human, almost stereotypically cleaning a thick glass mug in front of a stack of horizontal barrels, most of which have a tap sticking out of them. If approached, he will immediately smile and become very "barkeep professional", asking what he can get you. If one mentions the Arbalest Party:

The bartender suddenly leans forward, an exaggerated conspiratorial look across his features. He actually lays his finger to the side of his nose and winks, nodding all the while. His husky beard wobbles in a way somewhat humorous to the casual observer. Suffice it to say, he looks like he's enjoying being part of a Top Secret Mission involving Sheriff Gregory Arbalest. "Oh yes, Stranger, yes indeed! Bit of a mum, if you take my meaning - MUM being the word, don't you know?" He chuckles, amused at himself for the moment. "The Sheriff and m'self are good friends. Best of friends! And any friend of Sheriff Gregory's a friend of mine, if you take my meaning. So! So... My name's Owen Hardy, and I am the proprietor of The Infamous Pear. That there," he points out, toward the energetic social butterfly that is the Halfling that waved you in earlier, "Is Mr. Guido Laurel, my partner in business (and sometimes in devilry, yes? Yes.) You ask either of us what you need, anything at all! Well, in reason, of course, of course... respectable businessman, you see. And we'll have you right as rain! Not the Autumn rain, of course, but just as right as a warm Summer rain, lots of flowers and the like." he gives an uncomfortable smile, and points to the reserved table near the stage. "Oh, but I ramble, so. Your table is over there, nary a soul what doesn't belong there will bother you, short of staff. Be mindful of May, she's in the back. Not one to trifle with."

Seemingly pleased with himself, he straightens up and re-assumes his occupation, inquiring with another wink, "So, what can I get you, Stranger?"

Naturally, this specific rant will not be repeated for every party member which shows up. Not word for word, anyway, but it might as well be. The garrulous nature and basically the same information will be relayed on each occasion that someone approaches him mentioning the Arbalest party. Owen does seem to like the sound of his own voice.

One detail does not escape your notice: It is almost the prearranged meeting time, and the Sheriff has not arrived yet.

Some race/class combinations, and in this setting, social factors which may come into play. Doing so also implies the addition of lore which might not have a balancing factor elsewhere. I am not looking to make the setting complicated. At first.
No offense intended to the lofty and experienced Volothamp Geddarm, but races are standard. This is a low level adventure in a seemingly idyllic countryside. Simplicity with race selection prevents a lot of complications as we go along.
Posting requirements are a minimum of once a week, unless in rotation for initiative. Mostly, this helps to keep the busier folk in on the story. Concerning character class, please refer to character generation rules in the OOC. If you can build the character concept within the existing guidelines, sure.

Good to potentially have you on board. I too know of the itch to roll a d20 if it's been too long. Hope to see you in the OOC.

Maybe it's paranoia. Maybe it isn't. One overworked and beleaguered Sheriff's suspicions direct him to a course of action he would never have considered a year prior - He is calling upon adventurers for aid.

Avonshire is a sleepy agricultural region in a greater Human kingdom which boasts highly productive lands and a solid population of Halflings among the Human majority. Disappearances and rumors of other things amiss have brought a sense of underlying dread to the region, and most people agree that something must be done.


Welcome to Avonshire.

This is a low level adventure based on Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons. I say based on, as I believe some aspects need to be altered or abbreviated to better fit the format here. To make things comfortable most parties, we will be using 5e character sheets, backed up by a more basic one on this site. There are excellent online options from Myth-Weavers and on D&D Beyond specifically for this purpose.

In any case, this is not a straightforward D&D game, but it is going to to be influenced so heavily that is might as well be. Think about this as a one-shot with elements of mystery, exploration, and sprinkles of warm, yummy combat. It will be RP heavy. It will also be pretty straightforward. This is a homebrew setting that is fairly cookie-cutter high medieval fantasy, with some features which might surprise certain preconceived ideas.

If things transpire optimally and a solid group comes together, this RP can be used as a springboard into a full campaign.

This is obviously based on Tabletop metrics, but I will be hosting it in Casual for two main reasons:

  • More draw from the RP passersby
  • Because while this is based off of 5e D&D, strictly speaking it is not.

This RPG is NOT first come, first serve. Follow the rules for entry and character generation, complete your CS fully, and I will consider this an application. Please click on the link to reach the OOC, below. Thank you very much for reading this far, and best of luck in all of your games.

Avonshire - D&D Based Adventure

Maybe it's paranoia. Maybe it isn't. One overworked and beleaguered Sheriff's suspicions direct him to a course of action he would never have considered a year prior - He is calling upon adventurers for aid.

Avonshire is a sleepy agricultural region in a greater Human kingdom which boasts highly productive lands and a solid population of Halflings among the Human majority. Disappearances and rumors of other things amiss have brought a sense of underlying dread to the region, and most people agree that something must be done.


Welcome to Avonshire.

This is a low level adventure based on Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons. I say based on, as I believe some aspects need to be altered or abbreviated to better fit the format here. To make things comfortable most parties, we will be using 5e character sheets, backed up by a more basic one on this site. There are excellent online options from Myth-Weavers and on D&D Beyond specifically for this purpose.

In any case, this is not a straightforward D&D game, but it is going to to be influenced so heavily that is might as well be. Think about this as a one-shot with elements of mystery, exploration, and sprinkles of warm, yummy combat. It will be RP heavy. It will also be pretty straightforward. This is a homebrew setting that is fairly cookie-cutter high medieval fantasy, with some features which might surprise certain preconceived ideas.

If things transpire optimally and a solid group comes together, this RP can be used as a springboard into a full campaign.

This is obviously based on Tabletop metrics, but I will be hosting it in Casual for two main reasons:

  • More draw from the RP passersby
  • Because while this is based off of 5e D&D, strictly speaking it is not.

This RPG is NOT first come, first serve. Follow the rules for entry and character generation, complete your CS fully, and I will consider this an application. Please click on the link to reach the OOC, below. Thank you very much for reading this far, and best of luck in all of your games.

Avonshire - D&D Based Adventure

Act 1: Harvestide

Maybe it's paranoia. Maybe it isn't. One overworked and beleaguered Sheriff's suspicions direct him to a course of action he would never have considered a year prior - He is calling upon adventurers for aid.

Avonshire is a sleepy agricultural region in a greater Human kingdom which boasts highly productive lands and a solid population of Halflings among the Human majority. Disappearances and rumors of other things amiss have brought a sense of underlying dread to the region, and most people agree that something must be done.


Act 2: Wintering In Wine Country

In a show of gratitude, the last of a renowned family of Vintners have invited the victorious adventurers back to their estate to spend the coming winter in comfort. While they appear sincere, even lavish with their hospitality, they have yet to answer old questions, even as new mysteries - and possibly dangers - arise.

The Rose River Vineyard lays nestled in the heart of the Avonshire region, near the town of Southmoor, and produces some of the finest wines in the kingdom. The master of the estate has perished and his only direct living heir is too young to assume the responsibilities of family affairs. This detail, sadly, is the least of their difficulties.


Welcome to Avonshire.

This is an adventure based on Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons. I say based on, as I believe some aspects need to be altered or abbreviated to better fit the format here. To make things comfortable all parties, we will be using 5e character sheets, backed up by a more basic one on this site. There are excellent online options from Myth-Weavers and on D&D Beyond specifically for this purpose. Character sheets will be created there and linked on the CS tab, pending approval here. More about character creation will be discussed below. First let’s get a few things out of the way. Consider this our Session Zero.

That was fun, right? So, the previous items were semi-specific to the game and setting. The following are general rules for any RPG I run. You may notice a similarity to the general rules of Lady Absinthia's RPs. Pay no mind. Huge coincidence. HUGE.

Things can get complicated with character generation. I am using a modified point buy system for establishing ability scores and limiting certain things in regard to source material, while opening up possibilities for wiggle room in other areas. Read this carefully and do not hesitate to drop me a message if you have questions. Once this hurdle is out of the way, it's all downhill, I promise. Sort of. Maybe. Okay, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it; suffice it to say that this is a bear and it cannot be avoided. Let us plow through together.

The Header is, oddly enough, to go at the head of every IC post. It serves a few purposes, not the least of which it as a quick reference for what your character is doing, where they are going, and their general state of condition and injury. Also, when we get into combat rotation, your header is where you declare bare bones actions, bonus actions, and reactions (if any are applicable). This is where character faceclaims or art will be shown, as well. Your color code will feature prominently here, so pick one you can live with.

Here we go, the almighty Character Sheet. To clarify from earlier, I will need a 3rd party site online CS, fully filled out, completely legit, IN ADDITION to the one below. Myth-Weavers and D&DBeyond are really good for this. I have a bent toward D&DBeyond myself, but I am open to others. When this is done, link it to the CS here in the space provided.

Submit CSs in the OOC only. Do not post it to the CS Tab until I have approved it. Do not post Works In Progress. Use a self-addressed PM to work on it if you must. After your CS is approved, it becomes immutable without permission. If it's small or something you overlooked, just send me an ask. Edit your CS without permission and you're kicked. Get caught cheating and you're kicked. Standard stuff.

Oh yeah, and when your CS is posted in the CS Tab - Put it in a hider. The hider's title is your character's full name. Keeps things tidy.

So brace yourself, fuckle up buttercup, hold your loved ones close, for here we delve into the sublime horror of...

...The Character Sheet!

Approved Characters:

  • Victoria Belmont (Half-Elf Bard)
  • Marita Bärbel (Human Cleric)
  • Kosara (Tiefling Warlock)
  • Kathryn Pyke (Human Fighter)
  • Baronfjørd Chedgusah (Dragonborn Monk)

Ash Holloway
Location: Gaskins Still, Foodmart Exterior
Skills: N/A


A mild twinge of objection took Ash as he noted alongside their observers that Team B was fracturing. Better judgement might have them staying together as a group, obviously, and he had to suppress the urge to say something, make some suggestion, bark some command that might have kept them operating as a cohesive unit. The problem wasn't that he felt they were going against protocol, like some impotent stickler for all that which was spit and polish, prim and proper; for Ash, this was a simple matter of trying to keep people alive. Their lack of tactic increased the likelihood of tragedy without equivalent potential reward for their risk.

Ash glanced to their observers and then back to Group B, briefly. Was it part of the test for them to act in the best interests of all parties, including the other group? He shook this idea from his head. They were out in the world. He needed to focus on what was best for the people he was with now, not the greater community. "Alright ramblers," he began, a sense of pride forming now that he realized that his group was sticking together like an organized team, "let's get rambling." He noted the suggestion coming from Nigel and gave him a nod. It wasn't a bad idea, whenever they got around to moving farther up the street. This wasn't exactly an urban area and such a practice would give some cover to one side. Not quite the strategy used by his people in The Sandbox, seeing as his enemy there was fond of utilizing Soviet era RPGs which could be used to great anti-personnel effect if the targets were near to a wall detonation. But if the Dead were capable of properly using such a weapon in the first place, Ash figured there was a whole lot more to worry about. Likewise if the living had casual access to said armament.

The erstwhile Captain kept his focus on his task at hand, trusting that the team had their own angles covered. They were assessing a building before entering, and he was keeping to this, advancing with his carbine in a low ready position. Ash took in the knowledge of animated Dead being spotted by others, in the first instance Nigel, and mentally filed this away. Too far out to be an issue right that second, not enough of a threat to fix it with a bullet and draw more attention to themselves. His tactic was fairly simple - being in possession of a weapon with range, if a noisy one at that, he could serve as excellent, accurate backup to the others in case a melee attack went awry, thusly giving two chances to down a corpse and provide cover from any living assailants. Again, noisy. But the lives of his team were worth more than the contents of the list. Maybe next time, he might request the use of a bow or crossbow to round out the group's options.

The convenience store wasn't the only structure in their immediate vicinity. Large, above ground diesel storage tanks lay in front of the main building, closer to the road than the regular gas pumps and the overhead rain shield. An unattended dumpster quietly sat, peeling green paint out behind the store, as well as another low building a little ways off. Ash reasoned that they might give it look when they were done with the food mart. It could likely wait. When they came back around, he quietly mentioned to the rest of the group, "Wouldn't mind finding their transfer pump inside. Give that storage tank a look too, time an' circumstance permitting."


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Gaskins Still, Foodmart Exterior
Skills: Knife


Others looked for Zeds, Thalia did too. Keeping one eye on your surroundings, even when one was asleep, was the best way to not die that she'd figured out so far. That and only coming into formerly populated areas when she absolutely had to. To that note, this whole outing seemed like a waste of time except to see if they could function as a group. Perhaps it was a good thing that she spent all of that time with Thana the rest of the "Eden" team. Without this necessary experience working with a group, originally led by a former Naval officer, Thalia might have felt even more out of place with these people. Possibly to the point of taking her quick and quiet leave of these people now that she was well fed, armed, and outside of the walls.

Thalia volunteered for the role of rear guard with this group. It was one suggested by Mr. Army Captain, and this was the key point here - suggested. He didn't order, nor did he specifically point to her to assume a role. This made a difference to her. He mentioned a plan when nobody else seemed to. It made sense, more or less. So Thalia took it upon herself to hang back a little, keeping her eyes on not only the details of the building they were to enter, but to the group's back. She saw the one Zed that Nigel pointed out earlier and mentally started a tally. That was one. Another corner of her brain kept track of exterior doors to the building they were scoping. Front, obviously, with large windows that a metal fist or piece of ammunition could get through. Rear loading door, likely only opened from inside.

Another note was the dumpster out back. It could possibly be useful to climb on top of or stand inside in case of more Zeds than they could handle, as both a defensive measure and as high ground they couldn't get their rotting asses up to. Easier pickings then.

As the group passed around a corner of the building, Thalia remained toward the back, not quite liking the look of a blown over stack of wooden pallets. She couldn't quite put her finger on it until she saw it shift. The ground suddenly became dangerous. Shambling to a crawling stand among the tall, brown grass and scraps of stapled wood was a creature which used to be a woman. Stringy, sparse hair of a now indeterminate color stuck sloppily to a desiccated face, featuring milky, sunken eyes.

That was two. "Got one heah," she announced, stepping to one side slightly to clear a line of secondary fire. The move was not from any military training she had received recently, but rather security protocols from her previous life with the MSS corporation. The memory of that life made her feel conscious of a scar residing below her collarbone, received from a bullet back before Zeds were ever a consideration. She shook it off. From the corner of her eye, Thalia saw the muzzle of a carbine turn in her general direction. She stepped forward, keeping her 9mm pistol at the ready but leading with her metal arm in a defensive posture. Defensive, unless one counted the knife pointed forward in an underhanded grip. It was with this that she struck out, taking one lunging step forward to drive the blade into the eye socket of the former person before quickly stepping back, letting gravity bring the corpse down. It was a funny feeling, using a knife without the telltale sensations in her hand. Foreign, somehow.

First blood to the Edgelord Mestiza from Boston. Back to one.

Satisfied, Thalia regrouped and kept tabs on the Zed farther out. It wasn't critical. She couldn't quite tell if it even sensed their presence yet. But her job now was to watch their backs, and that was definitely worth notation. The once-around the building complete, Thalia's eye caught sight of another one. It wasn't right on them, but might be a problem if Ash wanted to check out the diesel tank like he mentioned. It was partly underneath, seemingly pinned by something or otherwise unable to use its legs. They couldn't see it from the vantage of the street, but from here it was clear as day. And back to two.

"Diesel tank, down low," she intoned, motioning with her prosthetic. Now came the question: Did they handle them before they attempted to enter the building, or after? "Two total."


Hank kept quiet, just as he said he would. He held a woodaxe in one hand, upon which he was precariously balancing a clipboard. Notes were taken. Occasionally, odd facial expressions or an errant head bob every now and again. This turned into something more serious when actual danger came to the forefront, but still, the notes. He looked to his fellow proctor and shrugged, then went right back to his observations.

Ash Holloway
Location: Bus
Skills: Leadership, Science (Military)


Ashton kept mostly to himself, giving himself the internal mindset of a man going back out into hostile territory. It was a decent enough approximation of what the world had become outside of whatever security could be carved out for one's self. Being inside of walls for the last number of months didn't serve to make him weaker or more intimidated by the outside world as it might have others in their position. Quite the opposite, he now had even more for which he felt a need to provide, or at least contribute. A much more soldierly version of Ash was asserting itself, still as quiet as ever but taking in and processing operational information from Maddoc as best as he could.

One thing which grabbed Ash's attention was that, despite the fact that there would be a senior officer present, no one was going to be giving guidance or speaking to protocol. In short: these teams, which had not yet been tested in the field together, were flying without leadership. Depending upon people and circumstances, this might not be a huge issue. Then again, for the same reasons this could be very, very bad.

When his name was called, Ash made his way over and was lent the use of a no-frills M4 carbine. Standard since the 90s, and a weapon that he extensively used since basic training. A field knife followed this, which he tucked into his belt. Ash took couple of seconds to inspect the firearm handed to him, going through initial safety procedure before returning to sit.

Ash was mulling over his concerns in his head, debating whether saying something was appropriate, when it occurred to him - the CMB officials were observing. They were trying to see how the groups would function while armed and without oversight. They wanted to see what would happen. In his case, they had already seen that Ash would follow orders with humility and purpose. Maybe this run was partially about something else. Be it possibly a mistake on his part, Ash felt the need to speak. However, someone wound up speaking to him first.

Nigel. He was proposing a deal. Ash regarded him for a moment and nodded, "I'm no expert. But sure, if you like." He leaned forward with a smile, continuing, "Provided we get the okay from brass. And a voucher for ammo." There was going to come a time when once standard, cased ammunition became a relic of the past. It was already a rare cottage industry at best. But if he wanted to learn pistols, great. He could help.

Just now, Ash took the opportunity to voice his concern from earlier. He raised his voice a little and projected mostly in the direction of the team to which he was assigned, but pitched so that the others might also be able to hear if they were trying to listen. "If you've made it this far, you're a survivor. I don't want to insult anybody's intelligence, so, grain of salt, please."

It looked like he was gearing up to say something. "A building to building sweep is nothing new for any of us." It was accurate enough; he'd been part of many of them during his military career and many more since the Outbreak. Anyone who scavenged from once-civilized areas did their own version of this. He took a glance around to eyeball the people that he was speaking to, then nodded and continued, "My intent is this: Scope a building's exterior first, quietly if possible. Then organize into a four-man fire team, fifth takes rear guard to cover our collective asses. Hit one room at a time until the building is secure. After, break into teams of two and three and go down our list. Move to the next building and repeat." He took a second to take in a breath. Either he just did something positive or he overstepped. In his mind, the team needed someone calling shots and keeping people together for the safety of all of them. Not to mention that, if the other team was listening and didn't have a solid idea of their own, there was something from which to build.

"If anyone's got a better plan, I'm all ears. If you're willing to follow mine, I'll kick in the first door."


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Bus
Skills: N/A


While the others in the bus were speaking among themselves, Thalia was taking mental note of the direction the bus was going in relation to the gate they had just left. Moreover, she attempted to make out the street signs and general landmarks. Her more observant (mildly paranoid) nature was coming forward and she was already planning on worst case scenarios, in this case having to make her way back to CMB without the aid of the transportation they currently enjoyed.

When "the talk" from Maddoc happened, Thalia was not amazingly surprised. She was not very happy with the situation, seeing as this looked a lot like an unnecessary risk for what was a moderate reward, but she was not surprised. Testing time. Maddoc and Hank were their proctors. It was like college all over again, but with guns, knives, and animated corpses. So, almost exactly like Suffolk University. Go Rams.

When her name was called, Thalia rose and went to collect her weapons for their little outing. Her case became a little troublesome, as her square peg didn't exactly fit the round hole that was their policy for distributing shooting and stabbing implements. A large melee weapon wasn't in her immediate future. Having only one articulate hand made that more difficult than it would be for most. Her skill with a spear, which she might have used one-handed, had been abbreviated and it wasn't in her training regimen to recover that ability. So with a sigh, Thalia took a 9mm Beretta and a knife. It was less firepower than the others had overall, so she might have to make up for this in other, less tangible ways. The first thing she did to make herself ready was to place the knife in an underhanded grip, blade facing outward (because those horror movie slashers were dumb as hell) in her artificial right hand, then compressed her metal fingers around it and locked them in place. It wasn't like her grip would tire.

The Beretta found decent lodging at the back of her belt, shortly after she chambered a round by pressing the slide against the heel of her shoe and making sure the safety was on. While she was most comfortable with a Glock 17, Thalia had to admit that the safety feature on the Beretta was a more ergonomic option. Her initial appraisal of her sidearm out of the way, she settled in to get as much rest as she could considering the circumstances, as Thalia was certain today would be a long day.

Looking around at the people in the bus around her, Thalia realized that she had not been out in the world with any of these people. Thana, Alexander, and Manny were back in CMB. Nigel, while a decent enough sparring partner, was not someone she had gone on a run with ever. The same went for Tatiana. She had been teaching Thalia ballet, for which she was grateful, and they had some interesting psychological qualities in common that she found gruesomely interesting, but again, they had no experience outside of walls together.

In their group, she was the odd one out and she knew it. Wayne and Nigel had history. Ash and Tatiana also had history. Thalia? For all she knew, they were looking at her, wondering if she was going to find a dark corner someplace and screw them all over. Logically, objectively, if one of them was going to, she was the most likely suspect. Sarcastically, Thalia pondered that this was a really fun position to be in. And par for the course for her.

She listened to Nigel's response, taking in the words about finding their place in the group and having a baptism of fire. It sounded colorfully epic, like people who write books about the glory of war, yet did not stick with her heart. To Thalia's mind, either they would do their job successfully, hopefully with all of them surviving, enough timed until something worked out. Until actual trust was formed. It would be a difficulty for Thalia to fully trust someone, though she had no intention of screwing over the others in the meantime. "Yeah," she said simply. This was not a discussion she felt comfortable responding to with overt optimism. "I'm sure we'll be fine." Her words felt hollow.

Thalia was partly glad that the conversation turned away from her and over to Ash. It allowed to to put more of her attention outside of the bus to scan for things which might be useful to her later; more landmarks or even places she might be able to hole up for a night, worst case scenario.

Then without warning, Captain America began to speak again. She wanted to say that he was being condescending, or talking down to the people in the bus as if he was the One Great Authority on doing shit like this. But considering that her assigned group didn't add anything, the people in the other group weren't talking much, and those in charge blatantly said that they were on their own, she was slightly relieved that someone spoke up. Even him. Thalia didn't like taking orders from people she didn't know and trust. Whatever. It wasn't the worst plan ever and she knew that personal factors were probably coloring her attitude. So she added, "Anybody else capable of being quiet?" in a cold voice with a hard edge to it. If she had to pair with someone, she'd rather it be someone who wouldn't immediately give away her position. But, beggars and choosers.
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