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@Meiyuuhi Actually, that would be great, thank you! I'll let you know what I add more to the sheet for another update.
A small note to potential players that the sheet for my nation, New Gaila is a bit outdated and incomplete, in case anyone is playing as someone from there :P
Good to have you aboard! :D
I would have to agree. I feel the idea might not clash too well with the setting. Sorry about that.

Paradiso System
Garden Moon of Nova Angeles
City of Dallas Crossing
Residence of the Adrios Family.

Senator Horis Adrios leaned over his desk in his personal office, almost in total silence, save for the occasional sigh and the ambient hum of the lit lamp next to him. “It’s just a terrible dream…” He thought to himself. “I’ll just close my eyes, and everything will be fine...” But no matter how many times he opened and closed his eyes, that damned news article laid before him. No matter how much he scolded himself, he had no choice but to read the news article repeatedly. With each read, he grew more and more incensed. His talon running against the touch screen. His mandibles twitching with every read. It was a harsh reminder that…this was no dream, but a waking nightmare.

Fatal orbital accident over Parousia.” The open title of the article stated. “Casualties in the thousands. No survivors.” It said. What made it all the worse, he recognized the name…it was the same station his daughter and her husband were staying at. “Avtia…” Horis mumbled her name, burying his face into his hands as his sobs grew with intensity. “Oh god…why her…” The grief built up, slowly morphing into rage In a snap, he shoved aside all desktop items that stood in his way, letting out a furious roar. Horis slammed his desk repeatedly as he tired himself out. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck you!” He cried out the loudest that he could, cursing out those that took his Avita’s life.

All the while, a couple of his in-house servants stood outside the room awkwardly, the senator rarely showing such savage outbursts like this one, it was a frightening experience to be sure. Taking notice of the presence of his servants, Horis calmed himself down, launching himself off his seat and straightening out his suit. “I’m going out for a few days...maybe more.” Horis said to the staff, his voice still trembling. The servants looking to each other with great concern. Mustering up all the courage that he could, one of them stepped forward. “If I may be so prudent….” The young man spoke up. “Where will you be going exactly?”

“Anywhere but here.” Horis was quick to reply with a stern tone to his voice. “And that’s all you need to know.”

“O-of course, sir.” The servant said, doing all he could to not make eye contact.


Paradiso, Outer System
Helheim Station

Cloaked in ragged cloths, Horis concealed himself, blending in among dozens of many undesirables. The trip between Nova Angeles and Helheim was not the most pleasant. Then again, he would’ve had to break out of his comfort zone, and reach out into the darkness. In addition to the rather cramped space and horrid odor, those damned Raygon-based ads kept up on a near constant loop over the ship’s intercom, those jingles stuck in his head. Salvation would come at last as the ads were cut short. “Attention passengers.” A feminine voice called out. “We will be arriving at Helheim, docking bay 5 shortly.”

“Oh thank Christ…” Horis whispered to himself as he braced for the eventual departure.


Helheim, even in “paradise”, the dark tendrils of the underworld creep their way in one way, or another. Horis, still under heavy cloak, wondered the decrepit streets of Helheim station, it’s interior design long worn out from decades of disrepair and neglect. Never before had Horis so willingly dug in deep into the darkness within the federation. Homeless, drug addicts and the like littering the damp streets, a far cry of his home.

Before long, Horis would find himself in market district of the station. The exact kind of place he was looking for. The district was packed, bustling with life as the air was filled with the delectable scents of street food. “Jarol steak for fifty credits!” cried out one street vendor.

“Finest Halcyon silk in this side of the sector! Twenty credits!” Another hollered. The voices grew more muddled as he went deeper in, getting lost in the crowds. Horis wouldn’t need to wonder for long, he finally found what he was looking for. He turned to left, walking down a dark alleyway leading away from the central market. As he walked down the path, he would pass by more unsavory-looking individuals as they passively watched him go about his business. One of the observers pulled out a small comms device, flickering it on to life. “Boss, got a new customer.”

Horis arrived to a “dead end” of sorts. Well, not really, standing before him was a curtained door, guarded by a heavily armed Putt and Shas. The guards didn’t pay much mind to their new visitor, the Shas pushing the curtain aside. Horis simply nodded to the guards and proceeded inward. As horis walked down the corridor, he passed by an assortment of armed men and women of various species. All gave their undue attention to their potential client. Upon reaching the main office at the end, he was greeted by a middle-aged, dressed in a very lavish-looking suit. With a wide smile, the man introduced himself. “Welcome to Leon’s Armed Solutions.” The man announced. “The name’s Leon O’Brien. please, take a seat.” Leo said, gesturing his hand to the seat in front of the desk.
Horis took his seat, adjusting himself. “So.” Leo begun. “What I can do ya fer?”

Horis cleared his throat. “As you’ve probably assumed. “Horis said with a hint of hesitation, but he’s gone too far now to turn back. “I’m in need of your…services.”

Leon leaned his chair back, folding his fingers. “Well, you came to the right place.” Leon said with pride and a wide smile. “Best bounty hunters this side of the federation!” Leon gave a dramatic pause as he continued. “That is, if ya willing to pay good enough credits, mister…..?”

No use hiding his identity. Horis lifted off his veil, so to speak, much to Leon’s surprised. “Holy shit.” Leon cursed; he was quite well aware who the man before him was. Senator Adrios being the public and beloved face in the Paradiso System. The main force behind the green initiatives, keeping New Eden’s assorted colonies “pure”, or at least not transform into heavily industrialized hellscapes. “What’s a senator of your standing doing in this godforsaken corner of the core?”

“Heard of the Parousia incident?”

” Ahh..I see where you’re going.” It didn’t take long for Leon to connect the dots. “Family? Friends?”

“My daughter and son-in-law.” Horis replied, his voice trembling. “…I want your best people to hunt down the bastards that took my Avita from me.”

“Any particular leads?”

Horis was silent… that was the worse part of it all, he had no clear idea who was even responsible. “I’m afraid I don’t know..”

“That’s going to be a problem.” Leon said. “It’ll cost ya more than extra to do a proper investigation plus the bounty hunting.”

“I’ll do it.” Horis quickly replied. “I’ll pay whatever it takes for you bring the fuckers to my doorstep cold.”

“Jesus Christ.” Even Leon of all people was taken aback by the senator’s…bloodlust. “I never took you as that type, senator.”

"You'd be surprised what tragedy does to a man."
@bloonewb Yeah, looks pretty good to me! You're approved.

Also, you still with us @Williwiw?
@Corax Yup! We're still open for new players.
@Williwiw Yup! We're pretty happy with the responses and your set to post up your sheet.
@Williwiw Yup! We certainly have room for more players. Although one of the mods do raise a question on the rp's discord regarding your faction idea.

1) Do they have any other industries than cloning? Considering the planet is a ecumenopolis, what else is there? Are all their citizens clones?

2) How would their clones compete with AI and drones? Who exactly is willing to test and purchase their services?
While I don't see anything that directly counteracts the current canon, I do hope this won't be an empire built on a single "planet of the hat". It sounds a little too homogeneous.

Otherwise, it sounds like an interesting faction that could fit in!
@Crusader Lord I think you're good to move your sheet over to the character tab.
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