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@ReedeThe23rd Alright, now that I've familiarized myself. While interesting, I would prefer to keep things contained in Sol for the time being, in that contacting outside systems would be an impossible task at present time. Unless you meant something more local?

Although I have a fun suggestion. Maybe you could play as a group that is trying to reestablish communications with outside systems, which so far is met with little success.

Edit: Sorry, I'll first read up on it :P
High Orbit

It all came so suddenly and without warning, the Cerberus was en route to the Iceland Administratum to drop off the latest batch of recruits, it came no surprise who instigated the attack. Darius Garza laid on the steel floor, barely conscious as he heard muffled screams all around him, the ship’s sirens blaring out, dark featureless shapes morphing back and forth, he almost slipped back into the darkness before he felt a hand grip his shoulder tightly, a feminine voice slowly breaking through the darkness. "DARIUS!" A pale-skinned young woman called out to him, her hair as white as snow, her jade eyes, filled with deep concern, welling with tears as he regained consciousness. “Thank Talus…”

Darius at first was slow to stand on his two feet, but he managed the strength to do such a task. He rubbed the back of his head, sore from the nasty fall he took. “Alice…What the hell happened...” He asked, his voice slightly slurred, barely awake.

“Venusians, they pounced on us out nowhere.” Alice replied, the ship trembled as both slow their ground. “We gotta get you out of here.” Alice said as she lifted Darius, both shoulder to shoulder as they left the bunk. Once the doors slide open, it was chaos, as the Cerberus’ crew scrambled about, the sirens still blaring out, followed by “Red Alert! Red Alert! All personnel in combat stations!” Pushing through the corridors. The duo moving down the path leading to the hanger bay.


The captain of the Cerberus, Lyro Ordius waited with anticipation and dread as the battle unfolded. In the center of the CIC stood a moderately sized flat projector table, materializing all ships in the vicinity. On one end was Cerberus herself, and on the other, an imperial carrier and its frigate escort flotilla. Between both parties were dozens of small blips on the map, representing fighters and other craft for both sides as they duked it out. The ship trembled once more, breaking the balance of all the CIC staff.

"Captain! Shields are down to 30%!." One the staff called out. The captain focused his gaze at the battle unfolding, refusing to yield to the enemy. “Focus any available batteries on the enemy mothership! Blast the heathens to stardust!”

“Aye Aye, Captain.” Another officer replied. “Broadside batteries reconfiguring target….now!” The ship let out a low rumble as plasma bursts emerged from the ship. “Enemy mothership’s shields down by 20%.” The officer declared. Caption Ordius continued to survey the battlefield, circling around the table, bright red lights illuminating the dark room. “Status on our recruits?”
“90% of the 189th have reported in the hanger.

“Good, once those ships leave the Cerberus, I want all fighter wings to cover their escape.” The Captain said. “Once they make it planetside, we get the hell out.”


Alice with a still barely co conscious Darius, had finally arrived to the Hanger bay, filled to the brim with the rest of their battalion, the 189th Mobile Infantry. Legionaries lining up as they boarded their transports, while others remained on stand-by, awaiting for any stragglers left behind. Alice scanned her surroundings, seeking out her and darius’ unit, until she took notice of one legionary waving her arms about in urgency. Both slowly making their way to their squad. Two of their squadmates rushed over as they both grabbed Darius by his arms, taking him to the dropship. The other female legionary embracing Alice tightly. “Thank Talus! You both made it!” She exclaimed, Alice hugging back.

“Sorry to worry you Milly.” Milly shook her head. “It’s what the Priests taught us afterall.” Both nodded as they turned their attention to the outside, the darkness of space illuminated by the fires of battle, imperial and legion fighters zooming past the ray-shielded hanger. A new type of siren blared out as the signal was given for the 189th to finally deploy. “All aboard!” The squad sergeant hollered out as milly and alice boarded the dropship, the side hatches shutting up tight, the low rumble of the engine felt by all as it slowly lifted up and jettisoned out from the hanger, along side a dozen other transports and dropships.

It wouldn’t take long for the enemy to notice, a squadron of Raptors breaking off from the battle to pursue their new prey, unleashing a hail of laser shots and missiles, managing to take down a large transport and several dropships. Their assault wouldn’t last long as a squadron of Gladius fighters flanked the raptors, breaking their concentration as they engaged their new foe, giving time to what remains of the 189th to flee to the surface.
@o0V0o Well, not the whole belt, but a nice chunk of it.

@Dog You're welcome to. Although just to let you know that Uranus and it's moons are available. Eros is also available
@Aptrgangr Parts of it is shared by the Jovian powers. But a nation based out on a large part of Jupiter is possible.
@Abefroeman Io and Callisto.
Looking good so far!
@Nate1008 Yeah, maybe next time. Again, sorry about that.
@Nate1008 Hmm I feel this rp's level might be a bit too advanced for you, I'm sorry about.
@Katthaj We most certainly are. Welcome aboard!
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