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I second that, and we got plenty of room for more!
Gaian State of Arcadia


Summary: A small slice of paradise out in far corners of the Western Froniter. The Arcadian State was the result of decades of a slow, insidious takeover of the local religion, the Gaia Church, an evolution of a now defunct Gaia-centric cult that had grew in influence on the planet over the decades, incorporating elements of Old Earth-based religions to craft their own. Now the Gaians have established a theocracy in their corner of the Western Frontier, and set their plan in motion to embark on a great crusade to enact the will of Gaia.
The Arcadian State is separated into several dominating institutions.

  • The Central Government: The last trace of the Confederacy on Arcadia. In theory, it functions as the more secular portion of the Arcadian State, responsible for maintain the everyday functions of Arcadia, as well as law enforcement. In truth however, it it is but a shallow husk of its former self, serving the whims, and in turn, as an extension of the Gaia Church.
  • The Church of Gaia: Acting both as the State Church and the ruling Government of Arcadia. The Gaia Church main tenants is the worship of the personification of Mother Earth, Gaia, as a living Goddess.
  • The Arcadian Crusade: The combined military forces of Arcadia. The Crusade is an amalgamation of the former colonial militia and other assorted enforcers, various faithful civilian volunteers, Arcadian Xeno auxiliaries, and members of the Church's militant arm, the Order of Our Lady's Most Sincere Servicemen, or the Sincere Order as they're often referred to.


Dea Vult: The Dark Age brought about with the Confederacy's near collapse and the destruction of Earth has brought about a wave of fanaticism within the Arcadian State, leading to many very eager faithful to join the cause of the Crusade of the Western Frontier.

Blessings of Gaia: The colony of Arcadia was, and is renowned of the bioengineering research its minds have often delved to, often leading to surprising and beneficial results. Such results include Superfoods to properly feed the colonists and import to other worlds in the Confederacy, effective medical materials and the like. In these current uncertain times, the bioengineering research teams, at the request of the Church, have begun using their minds for military applications. The military Research resulting in a semi-regenerative alloy, bioengineered from the extremely dense chitin of the Northern Jade Strider, a rather large species of insect.

Papal Authority: As is the nature of any religion, the Church of Gaia's reach extends far beyond the Arcadian Borders, many going into the shadows, both missionaries and converts alike serving as the eyes and ears of the Church through known space. When the Primarch speaks of something he wishes to see on a grand scale, it seems to have weight outside of the jurisdiction of their own lands and into others, or at the very least his word and intentions travel far.

Keep it green: The Gaia Church makes it a priority to preserve the natural serenity of Arcadia, however, this has led to crippling industrial reforms that keep in mind the carbon footprint that is left. Their meticulous new policies include but not limited to ensuring that the recycling industry is bolstered, that carbon emissions from vehicles and factories are kept in check and regulated, and with other standards of practice meant to help the environment. In many ways this helps Arcadia stay beautiful and mitigates pollution; however the industry in Arcadia struggles to conform to these standards while still being financially viable, leading to slower production time all across the board.

Fanatical Ignorance: Many of the most devout and zealous followers of the Gaian church often have their heads buried in the sand and are not entirely cognizant of the larger picture of things. Though they will interminably listen and abide by the holy authority over them they often lack the critical thinking and capacity for discussion about whether or not things are as they ought to be, and often are not open to the conversation; this is a roadblock for those who wish to pause and ponder as well as foreigners who do not have such an obsession over the church of Gaia and wish to forego different solutions.

Propensity For Peace: Not all share the bloodlust of the Crusade, a portion of the populace and some of those within the Church see the Crusade as a perversion of the First Prophet Tobias' teachings. The predecessor's of the Church had expressed that pacifism was the way to be one with Gaia. These differences on Church doctrines has led to some divisions that hinder the Crusade to some capacity, although they move with the approval of His Holiness, the disapproval from the masses proves to be a morale breaker.

@Zombiedude101That's pretty much the gist of it, what remains of the confederacy is guarding Sol like a fortress.
@Hans Gruber Well, the GM stated that the sheet was made to be simple enough. Some of us just have the habit of overdoing it or prettying the sheets up :P It's all up to you though.
A work in progress.
Gaian State of Arcadia


Summary: A small slice of paradise out in far corners of the Western Froniter. The Arcadian State was the result of decades of a slow, insidious takeover of the local religion, the Gaia Church, an evolution of a now defunct Gaia-centric cult that had grew in influence on the planet over the decades, incorporating elements of Old Earth-based religions to craft their own. Now the Gaians have established a theocracy in their corner of the Western Frontier, and set their plan in motion to embark on a great crusade to enact the will of Gaia.
The Arcadian State is separated into several dominating institutions.
  • The Central Government: The last trace of the Confederacy on Arcadia. In theory, it functions as the more secular portion of the Arcadian State, responsible for maintain the everyday functions of Arcadia, as well as law enforcement. In truth however, it it is but a shallow husk of its former self, serving the whims, and in turn, as an extension of the Gaia Church.
  • The Church of Gaia: Acting both as the State Church and the ruling Government of Arcadia. The Gaia Church main tenants is the worship of the personification of Mother Earth, Gaia, as a living Goddess.
  • The Arcadian Crusade: The combined military forces of Arcadia. The Crusade is an amalgamation of the former colonial militia and other assorted enforcers, various faithful civilian volunteers, Arcadian Xeno auxiliaries, and members of the Church's militant arm, the Order of Our Lady's Most Sincere Servicemen, or the Sincere Order as they're often referred to.


Dea Vult: The Dark Age brought about with the Confederacy's near collapse and the destruction of Earth has brought about a wave of fanaticism within the Arcadian State, leading to many very eager faithful to join the cause of the Crusade of the Western Frontier.

Blessings of Gaia: The colony of Arcadia was, and is renowned of the bioengineering research its minds have often delved to, often leading to surprising and beneficial results. Such results include Superfoods to properly feed the colonists and import to other worlds in the Confederacy, effective medical materials and the like. In these current uncertain times, the bioengineering research teams, at the request of the Church, have begun using their minds for military applications. The military Research resulting in a semi-regenerative alloy, bioengineered from the extremely dense chitin of the Northern Jade Strider, a rather large species of insect.

Papal Authority: As is the nature of any religion, the Church of Gaia's reach extends far beyond the Arcadian Borders, many going into the shadows, both missionaries and converts alike serving as the eyes and ears of the Church through known space. When the Primarch speaks of something he wishes to see on a grand scale, it seems to have weight outside of the jurisdiction of their own lands and into others, or at the very least his word and intentions travel far.

Keep it green: The Gaia Church makes it a priority to preserve the natural serenity of Arcadia, however, this has led to crippling industrial reforms that keep in mind the carbon footprint that is left. Their meticulous new policies include but not limited to ensuring that the recycling industry is bolstered, that carbon emissions from vehicles and factories are kept in check and regulated, and with other standards of practice meant to help the environment. In many ways this helps Arcadia stay beautiful and mitigates pollution; however the industry in Arcadia struggles to conform to these standards while still being financially viable, leading to slower production time all across the board.

Fanatical Ignorance: Many of the most devout and zealous followers of the Gaian church often have their heads buried in the sand and are not entirely cognizant of the larger picture of things. Though they will interminably listen and abide by the holy authority over them they often lack the critical thinking and capacity for discussion about whether or not things are as they ought to be, and often are not open to the conversation; this is a roadblock for those who wish to pause and ponder as well as foreigners who do not have such an obsession over the church of Gaia and wish to forego different solutions.

Propensity For Peace: Not all share the bloodlust of the Crusade, a portion of the populace and some of those within the Church see the Crusade as a perversion of the First Prophet Tobias' teachings. The predecessor's of the Church had expressed that pacifism was the way to be one with Gaia. These differences on Church doctrines has led to some divisions that hinder the Crusade to some capacity, although they move with the approval of His Holiness, the disapproval from the masses proves to be a morale breaker.

Gaiaic State of Arcadia


Summary: A small slice of paradise out in far corners of the Western Reaches. The Arcadian State was the result of decades of a slow, insidious takeover of the local religion, the Gaia Church, an evolution of a now defunct Gaia-centric cult that had grew in influence on the planet over the decades, incorporating elements of Old Earth-based religions to craft their own. Now the Gaians have established a theocracy in their corner of the Western Reaches, and set their plan in motion to embark on a great crusade to enact the will of Gaia.
The Arcadian State is separated into several dominating institutions.
  • The Central Government: The last trace of the Confederacy on Arcadia. In theory, it functions as the more secular portion of the Arcadian State, responsible for maintain the everyday functions of Arcadia, as well as law enforcement. In truth however, it it is but a shallow husk of its former self, serving the whims, and in turn, as an extension of the Gaia Church.
  • The Church of Gaia: Acting both as the State Church and the ruling Government of Arcadia. The Gaia Church main tenants is the worship of the personification of Mother Earth, Gaia, as a living Goddess.
  • The Arcadian Crusade: The combined military forces of Arcadia. The Crusade is an amalgamation of the former colonial militia and other assorted enforcers, various faithful civilian volunteers, Arcadian Xeno auxiliaries, and members of the Church's militant arm, the Order of Our Lady's Most Sincere Servicemen, or the Sincere Order as they're often referred to.


Gaia Vult: The Dark Age brought about with the Confederacy's near collapse and the destruction of Earth has brought about a wave of fanaticism within the Arcadian State, leading to many very eager faithful to join the cause of the Crusade of the Western Reaches.

Blessings of Gaia: The colony of Arcadia was, and is renowned of the bioengineering research its minds have often delved to, often leading to surprising and beneficial results. Such results include Superfoods to properly feed the colonists and import to other worlds in the Confederacy, effective medical materials and the like. In these current uncertain times, the bioengineering research teams, at the request of the Church, have begun using their minds for military applications. The military Research resulting in a semi-regenerative alloy, bioengineered from the extremely dense chitin of the Northern Jade Strider, a rather large species of insect.

Eyes everywhere: As is the nature of any religion, the Church of Gaia's reach extends far beyond the Arcadian Borders, many going into the shadows, both missionaries and converts alike serving as the eyes and ears of the Church through known space.

Keep it green: The Gaia Church makes it a priority to preserve the natural serenity of Arcadia, however, that has proved as a detrimental setback to their military infrastructure, and as such, have a slower turnout capacity for military equipment.

History: History bullet points about the background of their origin and major events. You don't get credit for having five pages of history here, keep that in a hider.

Frontier World of Varad
Centarus System

The arid world of Varad. A world with a rather turbulent history, playing host to several coups and civil wars. The latest coup, however, would prove to a tipping point in Varad's history, and play a role in the ongoing frontier wars. Second Minister Ulysses Gray, with the support of a good portion of the military, had overthrown the rightful goverment of Varad, naming himself First Minister after brutally murdering his predecessor in cold blood. What followed is considered usual, anti-xeno purges from human supremacist elements of the Gray Regime, of which they highly encouraged, forcing out foreign corporations off-world. However, what stood out was that within a year, the Varadi military had modernized at a startling rate, of which they had quickly mobilized and launched an invasion of sister world of Duro.

Within months, the Durosian government had capitulated to the Varadi invaders. Such a drastic transformation had warranted deeper investigation by Federation Intelligence. Within a span of months, field agents embedded in Varadi territory had stumbled upon some worrying revelations. It was made apparent that the Gray Regime was and is still backed and supported by the CCN, not just in empty words, but in material support as well.

Once the CCN's involvement in the Varadi Crisis was leaked, that was all the justification the federation needed in launching their invasion of the Centarus System. The federation high command was confidant in the military's ability to crush the regime within a few months, and restore order in the system. A decade has passed since, the federation deeply embroiled in a bloody war against the Gray Regime, proving to be more resourceful than anticipated, an act of arrogance that has been paid for in a decade's worth of blood and tears.


City of Taloset

sound effects
Sergeant Justin Hask starred out into the city from the window of the blasted out remains of an apartment complex, laying against a more sturdier part of the wall, the sound of gunfire and explosions filling the air. He turned to face the rest of his squad, all tired and worn from all day of fighting in the streets, the battle taking its toll on all of them. Despite his own exhaustion, the sergeant mustered the strength and forced himself up with a loud groan. "Break time's over boys and girls." He said followed more loud groans from the rest of the squad.

"Quit your bitchin'" Hask ordered. "FOB isn't too far, just ba-" Before Hask could finish his sentence. A loud bang was heard as he felt a warm, stinging, painful sensation somewhere in his chest area. Hask looked down as he saw blood stain pouring out of a fresh bullet wound. "Fuck.." He cursed as he fell over. "Sergeant down!" One of the troopers, a northern Dathu shouted out.

"Take cover! Weapons free!" Another trooper shouted. The room erupted into a frenzy of screams of gunfire as a squad of varadi soldiers advanced from the street below, led by a cyberized monstrosity, a cheap knock-off CCN's warriors. "Get the sarge out of view!" Marcus Zaamil, Hask's second-in-command, ordered the squad's medic. "Sir!" she complied as she drag him into in the hallway.

"Garzo, blow that borg fucker out!" Zaamil ordered the Dathu.

"Ehehe, with pleasure." Garzo replied as he pulled out a portable rocket launcher. "Fire in the hole!" Garzo shouted as he came into view, pulling the trigger as the rocket came flying towards its target, the varadi soldiers scattering as the rocket made impact with their leader. "Surpassing fire!" Zaamil shouted as he broke down the wall with the butt of his rifle, the front of the rifle now through the hole, he pulled the trigger and unleashed a volley of lead, the others followed his lead, using their makeshift shield to mow down the enemy.
@Helios Looks good! You can move it to the character tab.
@Els Well that came out of nowhere :P

Sheet looks good and approved! You can move it over to the character tab.
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