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Might as well chuck my name in for interest. How many cultures/races should be in one faction?

As much as you like or can handle really.

Also just to clarify, this is like fantasy races put in a sci fi setting with other sci fi groups?

Pretty much. Although not 100% sci-fi, you can have sci-fi aliens or whatnot living the simple life in a fantasy-like village/town, etc.
So this would be heavily inspired by the actual RIFTS setting, I gather. Mayhaps less sci-fi because there you got power armors as the "norm" for more civilized factions and also magic was strong enough to easily keep pace with the highest tech.

RIFTS was one of serval inspirations. And you would be correct, I would say the bigger factions have a good grasp on resources to maintain power armor and the like, while smaller factions would have more trouble, but it can be done.

But instead you want a massively multiversal setting where elves from a fantasy universe have to find their place alongside sci-fi robots and other races within the same country.

Correct, a bunch of strangers banding together in a new world. Some building a town or even a city to keep out whatever nasty things were also dragged in with them. Other would have more of a sinister intent and go about conquering bits of this new world, and etc.

Edit: Although I won't outright say no to monoculture(monodimensional?) factions if the idea sounds good or makes sense.
Sure, but before that I should say that the map definitely helps a ton to envision what you have in mind. Although can you tell us the size of the landmass we work with? Is it a Britain-sized island? A continent? A supercontinent spanning the whole world? No need to be exact, just help us to envision what sizes we should be thinking of.

I would say your standard continent.

Still, there are questions of basically what kind of nation and organization concepts you want to approve. Otherwise you can get anything from self-replicating world-ending nanobots to MLP pony empires to creepypasta BS. Even on less bullshit scale the difference between various apps might be too great. So in order to encourage players and give them some means to better grasp the kind of apps you want to accept. So with that in mind I ask a few more questions.

The kind of factions I envision are a mix of different groups from other worlds, a faction made up of single group from one world would be very rare. Nations would vary between alliances between city-states, coalitions made up of small communities for mutual defense, marauding warlords and bandits, and so on. Give that feeling of survivors banding together in a rough world.

What tech level would be the norm, how much it can be deviated from? Do you plan to balance the size of nations/orgs by their size if they are too advanced compared to the average?

It would be a mix as well. Infrastructure of riftworld would veer on medieval to somewhat modern/sci-fi or a blend of both. Same for weapons in that I would see armies wielding both swords, shields and firearms and so forth.

How about magic and supernatural elements? What would be the most you can feel adequate? While not related to magic, what about weapons of mass destruction? I mean nukes and things that can be equated to nukes.

I would say, unless I see something that seems iffy, any sort of magic is fine. WMDs would not really be a thing or at the least, very, very rare.

What about fandom/crossover elements? Do you support somebody to just port the Fire Nation from Avatar into this game? Do you mind sheets that are done thoroughly but are heavily inspired by a known nation from fiction?

I would like to avoid fandom/crossover stuff. But sheets inspired by fandom factions are fine with me, just gotta make sure to blend in original content to make it it's own faction.

Do you plan to have NPC nations in this setting or you'd prefer to populate the map with player characters?

Yea, I plan on adding in NPCS. I don't expect the map to be 100% filled with players.

These would be the questions I have in mind right now and I feel the players would be the most interested to know. BTW, do you want to make a Discord channel or you're against it?

I have a discord already set up and will share its link once enough interest is garnered.
@Willy Vereb If you mean the world map, that's my bad entirely. I just posted it up. If not the map, could you explain further?
Credit for new laylout goes to @ClocktowerEchos

The Reawakening

Discord Here:

Rifts are mysterious, ancient anomalies who are older than time itself, born before even the universe was. They are gate ways that pierce reality itself, linking dimensions together and sometimes, trapping people in other worlds. The world we live in now is one born from an uncountable number of Rifts, where people and land from alternative timelines, aliens planets and fantastic worlds have been combined to form one. New societies, pieced from those who arrived here on the Riftworld, have risen and fallen and risen again.

For a millennium, the Rifts were closed with only rumors of Rifts existing in only the most remote wildlands. Those who have accepted the Riftworld as their new home have built new lives here, starting families and establishing communities that would go on to form nations. It is a universal truth that all live desires company, and such desires on the Riftworld have given birth to a myriad of strange nations, formed from seemingly disparate parts and blended to create something new.

But something stirs. Rumors speak of the Rifts reopening from the coldest mountain peaks to the hottest desert planes , the foggiest wetland swamp to the untamed wilderness. These Rifts, long though sealed, have reopened their reality rending maws to let loose chaos anew. And now, the Riftworld will experience an Awakening of the Rifts.

Welcome to the Riftworld! This is an NRP set in the interdimensional dumping grounds of the multiverse, courtesy of the aforementioned Rifts. It is a world where all kinds of peoples, races and creatures have had to make their homes ever since they were first brought here in the first Opening of the Rift a millennia ago. It is a world were magic and technology co-exist and mingle, where the fantastic becomes the mundane and civilizations rise and fall.

The main narrative is what do these established nations do when the Rifts that brought them to this world have reopened to spew forth more peoples, creatures, and items into the world? They were thought shut and now the fact they have reopened brings up the question of what might come out of them.


Rifts, mysterious, ancient anomalies that have existed for all of time. No beginning, no end, they simply just are. We don’t know why we, out of countless others were chosen by the rifts, but we have, and now, we’re forced to call a new world home. A world birthed by countless dimensional tears in the fabric of the multiverse. Thousands, maybe even millions, of chunks of land from alternative timelines, alien worlds, worlds beyond our comprehension, all smashed together to forge an untamed world of danger, mystery, adventure, and war.

Much time has passed since the world was forged, we have, and those that came before and after, have come to accept that this is our new home, many communities rose, and begun dotting the untamed landscape. Those that had the resources and power, erected great walled cities to defend against the elements, raiders, and rival powers. Once what resembled civilization was established, no matter the world, timeline, or universe, all peoples of the multiverse share one common trait, that we will always turn on one another.


Welcome to Riftworld! A Character/Nation rp set in the interdimensional dumping ground of the multiverse. Home to all sorts of people and races, a mysterious world that holds many secrets, a world where magic and technology co-exist. What path will you take in these trying times?

If anyone has any questions, I’ll gladly answer.


Sign-Up Sheets
Nation Name/Flag (The usual, provide a name of your nation(long version, short version, or both, you decide) and post either an image or description of your nation’s flag).
Government Type: (State government type. It is optional to provide a small bit of info on how things work, doesn’t need to be super detailed)
Demographics: ( The people of your nation, human, non-human or both. It could as simple as a percentage list, but you also have the option of providing some info the people of nation.)
Military: (The fun part! How does your nation approach warfare and defense? And of course, tons of pictures of what their soldiers, vehicles and war machines look like :P )
History: (Speaks for itself. It can as brief or detailed as you wish.)
Characters: (Pretty much the POV characters of your nation. From politicians, scientists, generals, soldiers, civilians, etc. Include whoever you wish to include really.)

Organization Name/Emblem: (The usual, provide a name of your organization, and post either an image or description of your emblem).
Affiliation:(optional, could be from one of the states of riftworld or entirely independent group.)
Strength: (Basically how large is your organization? Is it a roaming mercenary company? A small band of adventurers? A marauding warband? The possibilities are endless!)
History: (Speaks for itself. It can as brief or detailed as you wish.)
Characters: (What sort of people make up the organization?)


World Map:
I like to state my interest in the rp :)
Hmm, have some interest in this.
March 18th, 2259

May there be mercy on mankind for his sins

Days after the Earth's destruction. It was a time of great mourning, for the Earth, the billions of people caught in the blaze of a thousand suns, and the countless more faithful of the Church that had taken their own lives in sheer grief. So much death in a matter of days. Arcadia was sent rocking as riots broke out within major cities across the planet. Such a calamity could not be let aside, the Gaian Church leadership having recused themselves from public view since the incident, discussing plans on the future and their next course of action. The Colonial government, however, was insistent that the Church bring their congregation to order, to stop the continued violence gripping Arcadia. The Primarch was much obliged to speak to all the faithful, for them to receive a message of vital importance.


Colonial Governor’s Office, Capital City of Athena
Governor Horis, along with the rest of the colonial cabinet huddled around his desk as they all glued their eyes to the large projected screen presented in front of them, live footage of the mass at the Gaian Grand Cathedral in the Capital. Thousands gathered around the structure, all awaiting to hear word from His Holiness. The crowds started roaring once the Primarchal Guard stepped out into the light, quikly followed by the Primarch himself, waving to the people as he made his way to the edge of the balcony, overlooking the large crowd below him. The crowd continued to cheer and holler until the Primarch rasied both arms high up, instant silence filling the air.
" My people.” He begun. “Children of Gaia. we stand on the precipice of a dark, and cruel age. Our homeworld, Gaia’s firstborn, has been taken from us…”

Governor Horis watched with great anticipation and heavy anxiety, sweat creeping down his face. “Get on with it.” The governor mumbled to himself.

“I understand your pain, your tears.” The primach continued. “And in the days past, we have lost too many brothers and sisters out of grief and violence.” He paused a moment, to gulp, and resumed. “The Prophet Tobias, my dear mentor, would teach that tragedy should be a time of both mourning, and meditation. To shut oneself out from the world, and find inner peace, and forgiveness.”
In a premature moment, the Governor and his cabinet celebrated, clapping and wooing. “The old man may just saved us one hell of a headache. “ The top Commander of the colonial militia spoke.

Governor Horis stood up from his chair to stretch the stress away. “Alright ladies and gents, get to your stations and resume as normal.” Horis ordered. “Once we settle things here, I’ll get in contact with whoever’s left in Sol for any vital updates, we got one hell of restructuring to follow.”

“However..” The Primach continued, his tone changed.”

“Uh…sir.” One of the cabinet members spoke up. “The feed hasn’t cut..he’s still going.”


“The folly of mankind has brought Earth to her to destruction. This will not stand! The Confederacy has failed as stewards of the Earth, they have failed to prevent such a calamity. The time of meditation is past, my brothers and sisters, the time of the confederacy…has past..”

Governor Horis’ face was invisible red with rage. “That son of a bitch! What the hell does he think he doing?!!?”

“This wasn’t part of the agreement…” The Militia Commander said. The cheers grew even louder, the people chanting “GAIA VULT! GAIA VULT! GAIA VULT!”

“The Great Mother wills it my people!” The Primarch shouted out, almost like he was possessed. “These heathens will know suffering! The Earth will have her vengeance! I call upon all to join me! I declare a crusade upon all who stand in our path! RISE UP! MY PEOPLE! RISE UP AND WE WILL CLAIM THE STARS!”
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