@Tortoise They probably would be :P Although the Columbians(in honesty, possibly a working name, might come up with another name later) got their own interesting stories to tell for sure.
I'm taking up that option of alien invasion. Basically a few decades before the gateway opened, Columbia had fought a fifteen year conflict against an alien invasion force, for all they knew, they fought for humanity's very survival.
The majority population of Columbia and Horizon. Unlike most colonies, the humans of Columbia have remained for the most part, pure of any drastic, species-altering genetic or cybernetic modifications.
A vaguely reptilian humanoid species native to Columbia, or Urkanus as they've called it on occasion. Before the Colony ship Columbus arrived, the Urkani were on a similar technology level to the late Medieval Earth, and like Earth, were a complicated sort that had various nations that competed for resources and land. Once the human colonists landed, that all changed. Some Urkani states tolerated the presence of human colonial settlement close or within their borders, others however, were not so welcoming. For well over two centuries, the human colonists and Urkani were in a constant struggle, many fighting long protracted guerilla wars, some joining the Humans in cooperation.
Their relationship would change once the Yulzan Empire invaded. The Ukrani now forced to pick sides in a interplanetary war of great proportions. Urkani would find themselves on both sides of the conflict, and after the war, mass reconstruction was in order. Fifteen years of fighting side by side with humanity and the Yulzan subjects had led to a bond of comradery between the three groups. the Urkani that fought alongside the URC, had finally put aside generations of hatred to lead the way to a new era of cooperation.
Yulzan Refugees
Liberated Dhulrak in human attire A large, bulky, amphibian species, the Dhalrak served as heavy shock troops for the Yulzan Empire during the war. Visually, from a distance, it is quite difficult to distinguish between a male and female Dhulrak, the only discerning features being voice and body build. The Dhulrak Clans had proven a challenging spoil for the Yulzan to conquer, even afterwards, many still resisted their control, while others simply gave in. Now abandoned, yet freed from their former masters, many Dhulrak of Columbia work hard to gain the trust of their new neighbors, and soon to be, their brothers in arms.
Aldzier in service of the Yulzan Empire during the war Vaguely insectoid in nature, the Aldzir were the life and blood of the Yulzan Armies, serving as foot soldiers for their old masters. Like with the Dhulrak, male and female Aldzir are very hard to distinguish, females having a slightly thinner build than a male. The Aldzir were the first to fall to the Yulzan, serving as their frontline warriors for centuries.
Narik A mammalian species of tall humanoids, the Janari are a race of heightened intelligence compared to humanS. Two sub-species make up the Janari as a whole, the Narik-Janari, and the Roonak-Janari. The Narik hail from the arid, desert regions of their homeworld, their skin having a dry, craggily feel and appearance to them, along with triangular horns protruding from their foreheads. The Roonak were quite the opposite, their skin as smooth as a babe, lacking any horns, and hailed from more temperate, continental regions of their planet.
The unique minds, and frail bodies of the Janari had led to their eventual conquest by the Yulzan Empire, making use of their talents and disabilities, acting as Civil Administrators, Field Commanders, and spiritual leaders.
Planet Name and Description: Columbia is an Earth-like world dominated by vast oceans. Thousands of islands both big and small dot its surface and as well hosting several medium-sized continents. Over two centuries after their arrival, the colonists of Columbia had managed to colonize the Columbia's moon of Horizon, an arid, dry, but breathable moon, not unlike Mars of Sol.
History: The initial colonization was a rough process, many losing their lives in the crash that followed. Once the dust settled, proper colonization had begun. Despite Columbia’s near perfect conditions, the planet hid its own share of peril as the settlers had to contend with dangerous new forms of alien fauna, and the native Urkani, who did not take the presence of the colonists too well. Over the coming decades the colonists would undergo periods of civil unrest and division as new settlements dotted the landscape, while contending with Urkani raiders.
By the year 100 AC, tensions escalated as power blocs formed among the numerous colonial settlements, two of the most prominent and historically significant of which were the Southern Alliance, the URC's precursor and its rival and instigator of events to come, the Northern Colonial Coalition. The Unification War was declared and for over a decade, the two blocs would fight tooth and nail, the prize being complete domination of Columbia. In the end, the Alliance would prove victorious, the NCCs defeat would signal both the end of the division and the rise of the United Republic of Columbia.
The next century would mark a new age of space exploration as mankind would seek the stars once more. This era would lead to the colonization of Horizon, Columbia's moon, and the establishment of orbital infrastructure.
By the year 265 A.C., Columbia would face its greatest threat. An elusive alien empire from the far reaches of known space, the Yulzan, had sent a massive invasion armada to conquer what they believed to be an vastly underdeveloped system, regardless of any miscalculations, the invasion proceeded as scheduled. For fifteen years, the URC struggled against the Yulzan warmachine, battle and battle lost in the early years. Miraculously, however, the URC would emerge victorious in the end, sending the Yulzan back into the dark void of space.
While the war was won, Columbia herself was scarred, and battered, the war leaving its marks. countless numbers of slave soldiers of the Yulzan were left stranded on a hostile alien world, many fought to the bitter end, most however, surrendered themselves to the URC, helping rebuild the world they helped broke in exchange for citizenship, to be free for the first time in forever.
Twenty years passed since the war's end, the URC has mostly recovered in the aftermath, but many scars still linger deep down. The old Gateway Listing Post having been converted into a small fortress, monitoring space beyond their borders, watching every vigilantly in case the Yulzan were ever to return.
Culture and Society: The People of Columbia are a diverse, traditional, and liberty-mind sort of people, importing old beliefs and traditions from Old Earth, and adapting and reshaping it on their new home, intergrading values and traditions of their xeno compatriots. They are an industrious, adventurous people who all seek a better tomorrow in their own respective image. While not inherently warlike, the people of Columbia are no stranger to war, and are always on the defensive, from the lowly citizens, to the most well-trained of soldiers.
Governance and Politics: The Columbian Government is split between Three Branches, the Executive Branch, that being the Office of the URC Chancellor who is both the Head of the Senate and the Commander-in-Chief of the Republic Armed Forces. One of the many tasks of a Chancellor consist of the creation of Laws, the signing of articles of diplomatic importance such as treaties, to appoint judges for the Interstellar Court and so on.
The Legislative Branch, that of which being the Senate. The Senate's main tasks consist of the passing of laws brought forward by the Chancellor, passing or vetoing Legislation by the Chancellor, and are to give consent to enact a Declaration of War. And finally, there is the Interplanetary Court, who are responsible for the enforcement of the Laws created by the Chancellor and passed then enacted by the Senate. IC Judges are appointed by the Chancellor.
Technology Overview: Columbian technological progress had hit certain bumps during the initial colonization of the planet, Columbian technology reaching to an old earth level, if lagging behind in certain aspects. The war against the Yulzan and the years after have led to some interesting innovations. Among the first were the Combat Frames, humanoid war machines developed to counter Yulzan mechs, followed by improved medical technologies, directed energy weapons, and anti-gravity vehicles, most of which is still in the development stages as the present.
Military Overview: Only twice in the three hundred year history of the colony has the Columbian Military had to go through radical reforms to meet the demands of the time, first was the Unification War, and last was the more recent Yulzan War. The Military had went from a glorified security force, to a fully-fledged militarized warmachine. The years following the Yulzan War saw some reduction and downsizing in military capacity. While a large military was no longer needed in peacetime, a standing military nonetheless, was needed, especially with ever present fear of a Yulzan return hanging over their heads.