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Orion Asunder

The Orion Sphere, home to hundreds of systems, thousands of worlds, and a countless number of various species. For a thousand years the Orion Sphere once was united under the banner of the Orion Federation, a rule that had its share of turmoil, unrest, peace, and eventually would circle back. Regardless of its faults, the Age of the Federation was a Golden Age compared to what was to follow very soon.

From beyond the Periphery, an invading alien horde arrived, attacking worlds at will and without mercy, any and all attempts at communication were met with silence. Once word reached to the Sphere proper, the Federation mounted its defenses, preparing for the coming battle. The resulting war would last decades, a whole generation of Orions growing up knowing nothing but war and loss. The war proved to be the most devastating in the history of the Sphere, as both the invaders and the federation made use of outlandish and outright barbaric tactics to gain victory, entire worlds left in ruin and cinder, billions dying within days. It truly seemed to be the End of Days to some, however, there was a glimmer, as the tide slowly turned.

Eventually, the Federation stood victorious against the invaders, but for many, that victory came at a great cost, as people were scarred and forever changed by the war. Whole worlds were damaged beyond repair, and terrible decisions made by the leadership needed to be met with justice. The post-war period was a bitter one, as bickering and infighting followed. In addition, although the reports in isolation seemed benign at the time, they were a dire foreshadowing of the Federation’s downfall. A Stellar Storm of sorts had been reported in many parts of the Sphere, which would coincide with reports of ships going missing.

Eventually, the Hyper Relays, structures that would greatly assist in hyperspace travel and helped link the hyperlanes, had started to fail. What was lone ships, would soon turn into whole fleets going missing. Hyperspace travel had become increasingly more difficult, ships traveling less known paths, trips that would normally take a day, with stretch out for weeks or months at a time.

One by one, the hyperlanes started to fail, systems becoming more isolated as time went on, left to fend for themselves. Soon chaos and panic was overtaking the populace, the Federation was quickly losing control. Within a few years, it all came crashing down as most of the Orion Sphere’s Hyperlane network had collapsed, eventually leading to a bloody civil war that would serve as the final nail in the coffin. In the aftermath of the war, the Orion Sphere was finally broken, the Federation that once stood for over a thousand years, had fallen.

A century has passed since the civil war, the Federation is no more, seeming more like a mere myth, a distant age long forgotten. In place of the Federation arose numerous new states, some going their own way, others claiming to be the successors of the federation, others seeking a new vision of the future, be it good or ill. Now is the Sundering Age, what path shall your people take in these uncertain times?

Welcome to the Orion Sphere! A bountiful region of space that’s home to not only humanity, but to all sort of alien species as well, both exotic and familiar. For this NRP, I aim to do something different pacing-wise, as in, I’m taking a very relaxed pace for this rp. I don’t expect posts every week, heck months could go by and I would still consider this rp active. We all have IRL stuff to deal with, and I don’t want to add any more pressure in your lives. Consider this rp as a fun side project, you don’t need to post immediately, only when you feel like it.

Nation Sheet
Nation Name/Flag (The usual, provide a name of your nation(long version, short version, or both, you decide) and an option to post your nation’s flag.).

Map Location: (Post your claim on the starmap.)

Government Type: (State government type and provide a small bit of info on how things work, doesn’t need to be super detailed, just paint me a good enough picture)

Demographics: (The people of your nation, human, xeno or both. It could be as simple as a percentage list with pics, a small paragraph or whatever you feel is best)

Military: (The fun part! What’s defending your nation in these uncertain times? You can provide as much or as little detail as you like. Can’t also forget, showing tons of pictures of what their soldiers, vehicles and ships look like :P)
History: (Speaks for itself. It can as brief or detailed as you wish.)

Core Systems: The beating hearts of Orion civilization, back in the Federation days, the Core Systems once served as the foundation and center of the Sphere political landscape. Worlds within the Core Systems were highly developed, urbanized planets largely populated by the wealthy and privileged, serving as the seats of power for the most influential interstellar governments, corporations, and organizations. Even in the present age, the Core Worlds still maintain some power, although they are being quickly challenged by rising Successor States along the rim.

Inner Systems: The bridge between the Core Systems and Outer Systems. Inner Systems once served as the industrial base of the Sphere, hosting countless top of the line shipyards and foundries. In the civil war’s aftermath, much of that industrial capacity had been severely crippled, various new states within looking towards new means of financial stability.

Outer Systems: The Outer Systems is a wilder and more varied region, plagued with wars and such. The Federation often engaging in peacekeeping operations. Parts of the Outer Systems serving as breadbaskets for the Sphere, hosting many agri-worlds, and to a minor extent, possessed its own industry with minor shipyards and foundry worlds. Now in the present, the Outer Systems are sort of a wild card.

Founder Worlds: The Founders: An elite subclass within the Core Worlds and with a name that speaks for itself. The three Founder Worlds are the homeworlds of the first three founding species of the Federation. The power they once held in the Sphere has been severally diminished, new powers rising to fill the void, and refusing to kneel before their old masters.

Periphery Systems: By and large the least developed worlds in the Sphere, the Periphery was and continues to be infamous for playing host to all manner of criminals, reprobates and other undesirables. It shares many problems of the Outer Systems, the Periphery plagued with conflict, slavery, and warlordism on a wider scale. The Federation no longer present to keep the peace or to present a veil of peace to keep the worst aspects of all species at bay. Some Successor States from the Sphere Proper have taken upon themselves to bring order to the Periphery, for some, by any means necessary.

Hyperdrive: An FTL system that serves as the main means of long-distance transportation for ships within the Sphere.

Hyperlane: Hyperlanes are charted routes in the Sphere and the Periphery in which a starship could safely and quickly travel. In the Age of the Federation, hyperspace travel through the Hyperlanes were said to take mere hours or a day. However, since the Collapse, those golden days are long over, although new and old hyperlanes have been charted once more, travel between systems is not what it used to be and travel times may very now from days to possibly weeks.

Hyper Relays: Hyper Relays are transit superstructures that assist starships in hyperspace travel and providing a sort of “boost” to hyperdrives and assist in linking the hyperlanes between systems. The designs of the Hyper Relays has sadly, been lost with time with the fall of the Orion Federation, many existing Relays in the present day, are leftovers from the Golden Days, still maintained over a century later.

Psionics: A mysterious, paranormal power that had once been described as sorcery for some, powers of the divine for others. During the Age of the Federation, this power became fully understood as a gift that crosses species lines and touches a small group of individuals. Psionics is a power of the mind, granting heightened mental and physical abilities. These powers can range from telekinesis, mind reading, mind control and so forth.
@Expendable Hmm, not sure if it would exactly fit, it could or not but maybe we can help you with that on the discord, talk more about it and such.
@Inkwell Been a while! Welcome!
@Steel Legion Yeah, that could work. Another player is doing a similar-ish concept, so it'll be good.

I'll send you the discord link!
@Damo021 Glad to have your interest!
@PortLikely Excellent! Welcome aboard.
Orion Asunder

The Orion Sphere, home to hundreds of systems, thousands of worlds, and a countless number of various species. For a thousand years the Orion Sphere once was united under the banner of the Orion Federation, a rule that had its share of turmoil, unrest, peace, and eventually would circle back. Regardless of its faults, the Age of the Federation was a Golden Age compared to what was to follow very soon.

From beyond the Periphery, an invading alien horde arrived, attacking worlds at will and without mercy, any and all attempts at communication were met with silence. Once word reached to the Sphere proper, the Federation mounted its defenses, preparing for the coming battle. The resulting war would last decades, a whole generation of Orions growing up knowing nothing but war and loss. The war proved to be the most devastating in the history of the Sphere, as both the invaders and the federation made use of outlandish and outright barbaric tactics to gain victory, entire worlds left in ruin and cinder, billions dying within days. It truly seemed to be the End of Days to some, however, there was a glimmer, as the tide slowly turned.

Eventually, the Federation stood victorious against the invaders, but for many, that victory came at a great cost, as people were scarred and forever changed by the war. Whole worlds were damaged beyond repair, and terrible decisions made by the leadership needed to be met with justice. The post-war period was a bitter one, as bickering and infighting followed. In addition, although the reports in isolation seemed benign at the time, they were a dire foreshadowing of the Federation’s downfall. A Stellar Storm of sorts had been reported in many parts of the Sphere, which would coincide with reports of ships going missing.

Eventually, the Hyper Relays, structures that would greatly assist in hyperspace travel and helped link the hyperlanes, had started to fail. What was lone ships, would soon turn into whole fleets going missing. Hyperspace travel had become increasingly more difficult, ships traveling less known paths, trips that would normally take a day, with stretch out for weeks or months at a time.

One by one, the hyperlanes started to fail, systems becoming more isolated as time went on, left to fend for themselves. Soon chaos and panic was overtaking the populace, the Federation was quickly losing control. Within a few years, it all came crashing down as most of the Orion Sphere’s Hyperlane network had collapsed, eventually leading to a bloody civil war that would serve as the final nail in the coffin. In the aftermath of the war, the Orion Sphere was finally broken, the Federation that once stood for over a thousand years, had fallen.

A century has passed since the civil war, the Federation is no more, seeming more like a mere myth, a distant age long forgotten. In place of the Federation arose numerous new states, some going their own way, others claiming to be the successors of the federation, others seeking a new vision of the future, be it good or ill. Now is the Sundering Age, what path shall your people take in these uncertain times?

Welcome to the Orion Sphere! A bountiful region of space that’s home to not only humanity, but to all sort of alien species as well, both exotic and familiar. For this NRP, I aim to do something different pacing-wise, as in, I’m taking a very relaxed pace for this rp. I don’t expect posts every week, heck months could go by and I would still consider this rp active. We all have IRL stuff to deal with, and I don’t want to add any more pressure in your lives. Consider this rp as a fun side project, you don’t need to post immediately, only when you feel like it.

Nation Sheet
Nation Name/Flag (The usual, provide a name of your nation(long version, short version, or both, you decide) and an option to post your nation’s flag.).

Map Location: (Post your claim on the starmap.)

Government Type: (State government type and provide a small bit of info on how things work, doesn’t need to be super detailed, just paint me a good enough picture)

Demographics: (The people of your nation, human, xeno or both. It could be as simple as a percentage list with pics, a small paragraph or whatever you feel is best)

Military: (The fun part! What’s defending your nation in these uncertain times? You can provide as much or as little detail as you like. Can’t also forget, showing tons of pictures of what their soldiers, vehicles and ships look like :P)
History: (Speaks for itself. It can as brief or detailed as you wish.)

Core Systems: The beating hearts of Orion civilization, back in the Federation days, the Core Systems once served as the foundation and center of the Sphere political landscape. Worlds within the Core Systems were highly developed, urbanized planets largely populated by the wealthy and privileged, serving as the seats of power for the most influential interstellar governments, corporations, and organizations. Even in the present age, the Core Worlds still maintain some power, although they are being quickly challenged by rising Successor States along the rim.

Inner Systems: The bridge between the Core Systems and Outer Systems. Inner Systems once served as the industrial base of the Sphere, hosting countless top of the line shipyards and foundries. In the civil war’s aftermath, much of that industrial capacity had been severely crippled, various new states within looking towards new means of financial stability.

Outer Systems: The Outer Systems is a wilder and more varied region, plagued with wars and such. The Federation often engaging in peacekeeping operations. Parts of the Outer Systems serving as breadbaskets for the Sphere, hosting many agri-worlds, and to a minor extent, possessed its own industry with minor shipyards and foundry worlds. Now in the present, the Outer Systems are sort of a wild card.

Founder Worlds: The Founders: An elite subclass within the Core Worlds and with a name that speaks for itself. The three Founder Worlds are the homeworlds of the first three founding species of the Federation. The power they once held in the Sphere has been severally diminished, new powers rising to fill the void, and refusing to kneel before their old masters.

Periphery Systems: By and large the least developed worlds in the Sphere, the Periphery was and continues to be infamous for playing host to all manner of criminals, reprobates and other undesirables. It shares many problems of the Outer Systems, the Periphery plagued with conflict, slavery, and warlordism on a wider scale. The Federation no longer present to keep the peace or to present a veil of peace to keep the worst aspects of all species at bay. Some Successor States from the Sphere Proper have taken upon themselves to bring order to the Periphery, for some, by any means necessary.

Hyperdrive: An FTL system that serves as the main means of long-distance transportation for ships within the Sphere.

Hyperlane: Hyperlanes are charted routes in the Sphere and the Periphery in which a starship could safely and quickly travel. In the Age of the Federation, hyperspace travel through the Hyperlanes were said to take mere hours or a day. However, since the Collapse, those golden days are long over, although new and old hyperlanes have been charted once more, travel between systems is not what it used to be and travel times may very now from days to possibly weeks.

Hyper Relays: Hyper Relays are transit superstructures that assist starships in hyperspace travel and providing a sort of “boost” to hyperdrives and assist in linking the hyperlanes between systems. The designs of the Hyper Relays has sadly, been lost with time with the fall of the Orion Federation, many existing Relays in the present day, are leftovers from the Golden Days, still maintained over a century later.

Psionics: A mysterious, paranormal power that had once been described as sorcery for some, powers of the divine for others. During the Age of the Federation, this power became fully understood as a gift that crosses species lines and touches a small group of individuals. Psionics is a power of the mind, granting heightened mental and physical abilities. These powers can range from telekinesis, mind reading, mind control and so forth.
Collab between @Sigma and @Irredeemable
Earth Orbit
The Meeting Place

The gears of the Azulvistan war machine had been put into motion. They were sluggish and slow, rusted by years of peace against a near-equal threat, but as blood began to grease it, they spun faster. Their initial mobilization against New Terra was prepared to strike and put pressure on the dictatorship’s homeworld, and now it was time to start putting out the smaller fires.

First on the list was ‘Americana.’ Previous relations between the two nations had been almost entirely lacking thanks to the sheer confusion of the Meeting Place’s initial construction, and Azulvista sought to solve this. Reports of a Yyasum state claiming dominion over humans had roused the anger of the Patricians, and there were already calls for a crusade on them immediately- damn PUNT.

For now, cooler minds were winning out, and the Republic was devoting itself to the more immediate threat. Despite this, the recent PUNT assault had given them a unique opportunity to undermine the Yyasum threat without suspicion. Having entered the war, it was perfectly within Azulvista’s rights to supply allies with material… And if that happened to shore them up to a greater threat, so much the better.

Rafael Mendoza had been dispatched to the Americana embassy, armed with his identification papers, a dataslab, and a warm thermos of coffee. The first soldier of this new front.

Ambassador Vixril Ghask, the Free Republic’s first representative to the wider galactic community, and the first alien to attain such an esteemed office and the honor, stood in anticipation of the arrival of the Azulvistan Delegate. The limited communication between the two republics was quite a shame, although what little was gained had garnered the attention of the military brass, that being, apparently, the Yulzan had stumbled themselves in yet another system. By this point, it seems the Yulzan have an obsession with worlds touched by humanity, that or it was just really terrible luck for both species, cruelly destined to fight for galactic supremacy.
Regardless, this link, this common enemy, is what finally managed to get both Roseau and Azulvista to open some dialogue. Ambassador Ghask smiled as the delegate approached, greeted not only by the Ambassador, but by members of his staff as well. “Ah, welcome Mr. Mendoza! I’m pleased we can finally meet.”

Mendoza kept his surprise at the alien off his face. Professionalism was the name of the game, and the first nation Azulvista had stumbled onto had also enjoyed friendly experiences with xenos. Not everyone was so unlucky, Mendoza thought to himself. He offered a hand, shook firmly, then held the thermos in front of him.

“I thought I would bring a small gift. Fresh brewed Azulvistan coffee, for you.” With that established, he cleared his throat. “I will be perfectly realistic with you Ambassador. The Gran Republic is less concerned about the threat New Terra poses than it does the Yyasum- what you call Yulzan”

Ghask gladly accepted the gift, giving an approved nod, his staff quite curious, anticipating to taste the lauded coffee of Azulvista. Ghask handed over the thermos state to one of the staffers and turned his attention back to Mendoza. “I’m glad we found yet another that understands the true immediate threat.” While an out of touch comment for many no doubt, the ever-present threat of the Yulzan halfway across the system can do that to an individual- that, and this would be the third confirmed encounter between the Yulzan and Humanity, one was already too many. “While what was done to the Ishtari was a terrible tragedy, we unfortunately have our own hands tied at the moment…but enough about that.” Ghask motioned in a welcoming gesture, inviting Mendoza into the embassy. “We’ll discuss further in my office.”

“Of course.” Mendoza nodded seriously and followed Ghask to his office, taking his seat quickly before launching into the good news. “As you have been unwittingly brought into the New Terra conflict, a conflict Azulvista also finds itself entangled in, the Republic has been given the green light to provide lend lease to Americana. We wish to provide some. More than some, in fact. Give us a number for equipment you need and we will double it. Rifles, armour, canned food, trucks, generators… And so on and so forth.” A grim expression.

“Our initial mobilisation has gone swimmingly, and we’re already preparing a force to break the Terran blockade in your system- no doubt our militaries will need further coordination, but once that is done, the Republic wishes to pour enough resources into Americana to ensure that the Yulzan menace can be controlled. Once the threat of New Terra is quashed, we can collectively focus on eradicating the deeper problem.”

Ghask leaned back on his chair, clasping his hands as he intently listened to Mendoza’s words, it was quite the proposal he was offering, something too good to pass up, The New Terran attack on Mojave was an unpleasant surprise for all parties involved, within hours of contact, the central headquarters for both the FRA and Janissaries were simultaneously obliterated, it proved a boon and a curse. The stalemate on Mojave was broken…however, now forces on both sides were in total disarray, and soon became a three-way battle with the New Terrans swiping in the middle.

Ghask pondered for a few moments before leaning forward. “A Hundred Million.” He replied. “Enough military equipment to help stall the bloodbath Mojave has become, and for the future campaign to retake my homeworld.” Ghask paused a moment, leaning back once more. “I will relay your plans to the Chancellor and the Cabinet. They will be more than pleased.”

“Consider it done. Tell your armies to start sending us exact lists. At first, it’ll be reserve equipment- you know how it is when one mobilises, the fresh gear goes to the frontlines, but the engines of industry are burning already. As soon as the blockade is broken, we’ll be sending you your goods.” He paused for a long moment. “And, if you’d permit us to do so, there was another matter. Azulvista wishes to station some of its navy in Americana space. Purely a… Defensive measure against PUNT, of course, certainly nothing to do with the Yulzan presence in the area.”

The Ambassador pondered for a minute, granted, the Ishtari and Nibirun were allowed to maintain their own miliary presence around the gate, but would inviting too many foreign fleets cause a whole other issue of sovereignty in the future? Unfortunately for him, Americana cannot afford to turn away potential allies, once the Yulzan and New Terrans are dealt with, then the issue of the foreign fleets can be dealt with at a later date, when the fully restored Columbian Republic is at its strongest. He turned to face Mendoza and nodded. “Very well, your military will be granted access through the gate, to keep the New Terrans at bay.”

“Excellent. I am happy we’ve reached an agreement in good time and order.” Mendoza extended his hand. “To our current dealings, and to the future removal of the Yulzans from further interfering with mankind’s self-governance.”

“May we no longer fear their reign.” Ghask replied, extending his hand in kind, giving it a firm shake.
Collab between @Sigma@Darkspleen@Crusader Lord@Lady Lascivious
Six Months ago
A Day Of Drink and Dramatic Entrances

No Man's Land
In proximity of Mojave DMZ

A strike flotilla led by the carrier FRS Orion were on approach towards the DMZ, now occupied by an outside power that neither the FRA or Yulzan know nothing about, that alone was a risky gamble, although reports from scouts were comforting, it seemed the new visitors were only interested in the Yulzan and their Janissaries, and made no effort to make the FRA an enemy. Admiral Eugene Drayk sat at the dead center of the command deck of the Orion, his mind constantly racing as he thought up all possible outcomes of how this could go right or so very wrong. Regardless, there was no room for maybes or hypotheticals, he would put to test if these people come in peace….at least partially, or do they have their own agenda for the Americana System, and if that is something he and the Free Republic should be worried about….

“Admiral!” One his officers called out. “We’re on final approach towards the Mojave DMZ.”

The Admiral shook his head as he was brought back to reality, launching himself from his chair as he strode towards the command table. “Are we in communication range?” Eugene asked.

The officer was quiet for a moment before he could respond. “Affirmative, sir.”

“Good, open up comms.” He ordered; a moment of silence followed before was given the all clear. He cleared his throat then proceeded. “Attention unidentified vessels! This is Admiral Eugene Drayk of the Carrier Orion of the Free Republic Navy! Identify yourselves and state your business, are you friend or foe?”

Within one the Royal Federation stations placed in a defensible position around the Americana Gateway, Commander Arden Orwald had found himself sifting over paper after paper for most of the stellar day. Or whatever time it was at this point, given he wasn't on-planet. Requests for supplies and so forth had been coming in without end, mostly as they tried to get things better and better organized on this side of the Gateways. Comms had begun trying to analyze local comms and frequencies, linguistics being hauled in to try to decipher. Scholars of Old Earth languages, master of current linguistics, and hell even some Dreslan-language speakers to help with the enemy comms. It was all old-school non-entangled comms technology anyways, though their own peopel were kept on alert and watch over their own quantum comms as a precaution regardless. Entangelements could communicate back home relatively simply and fast, even from these extreme distances, and yet the Gateways helped make it even faster. Like they hadn't left the comforts of home. Not everoyne had this sort of technology they had, though, but neither was it impossible for others to have developed it.

The station he commanded was the second, only the second of four total planned military space stations with defensive arrays on this side, was about to be shipped over in modules overnight to boot! It was a headache, as he'd had to tell the crew of the station and ships that they needed to send any special requests for homeside to his office ASAP before the second station modules began to arrive. It would be a big shipment, after all, and the Federation wanted to know what else was needed so it could be handled as quickly as they could send it over. Bah. So much paperwork, and yet if they got it in on time he knew the beauracratic system would have at least half the things requested coming along with the first few modules. Such was the importance placed on their mission over here, to keep the Great Enemy from getting access to their own space....even if it mean occupying foreign territory.

But it meant keeping the people back home safe, at least, whilst they continued to keep the TFCU comfortably at bay until-

"Commander! Emergency report, sir! Top level!"

The door to his office whooshed open without hesitation, one of his assistants barging in with a piece of paper held tightly in one hand. It almost made the exhausted Commander jump, though the station's controlled rotation did enforce a sort of simple but calculated and effective 'artificial gravity' of some description. Enough to feel more like back home. However, the declaration of such a high-level report was enough to snap him somewhat out of his stupor as he rubbed the throbbing in the right side of his head.

"Status report."

"A strike flotilla has approached, but is keeping simply within old-style comms range! They are trying to hail our forces directly!"

It made sense. Keep out of range unless you need to move in on a potential threat. Sound strategy, he respected that much. Hell he respected anyone who could survive this far into a Yulz Invasion, from the looks of things and what the could try to presume was going on here before and since their arrival. Even so, if things went south it would mean war. A careful line to tread.

Arden let out a small sigh.

"Can we decipher any of their language? Not like we can communiucate back if we can't understand each other."

"Roughly, sir! One of the scholars picked up on it first. They seem to speak a sort of warped 'American English', close enough to the ancient language proper we can get the general idea of what they are saying."

"Tell comms to bring this linguist, and anyone else who can help translate, to my office. Stat. I also want my office patched into the older-style broadcast array so we can send word back. Throne be damned if we don't at least try to avoid making enemies.

...and tell my Co-Commander to get their ass ready to take over for their shift. They're over six hours late!"

Such was how a sweaty woman in an ancient-style sweatshirt, as well as two comms officers and three other scholars from who knew where in the Federation, had ended up in his office after he had sent his assistant away and taken a high dosage of generic pain medication. Enough to kill the ache for the time being, enough to help him get through things. Almost took a swig of Braldian Brandy to help him loosen up, but even though he was no diplomat he knew better than to get drunk on a first international call.

Yet as the nearby comms officer gave him a thumbs up, the Commander cleared his throat and began to dictate his message directed at the flotilla. The comms and linguists would be translating what he said in the message alongside what he spoke in his mother tongue. Maybe it would help the locals determine their language better? Maybe.

"Attention Admiral Euugyne Drake of the Free Republic Navy! Only those who fight for the Yulz are our enemies. If you do not fight for them, then we may be friends.

We have fought the Yulz for a long time, and are here to keep them from our own people since the Gateways have reopened. We cannot allow them access. We see you too fight them on this side as well.

I am Commander Arden Orwald of the Royal Federation of Nibiru, and I send you this message that we do not come to blows!"

“Sir! We’re getting a response from the visitors!” The Comms officer called for the Admiral, Eugene quickly stumbling over to the officer in question. “What do we got?” He asked, the officer quite for a moment before he could give a good answer. “Opening comms….now!” At first, the message sounded like nonsense, Eugene or his staff could barely understand, although out of the message something sounded oddly…familiar. ‘Yulz” stood out, almost exactly sounded like Yulzan. Soon a more decipherable version of the message was forwarded through, and it was both eye-opening and somewhat terrifying. “Holy shit…” Eugene let slip. Both he and the bridge crew were left in awe…on one hand, another successful human colony has been discovered, and of course they seem to hate the Yulzan, however, on the other hand, that very fact is also worrying. Apparently, the Yulzan are more than one colony’s problem…

Despite the unfortunate fact that there are more Yulzan on the other side of the gateway, they’ve also made enemies out of the colony there, and much like the FRA’s own situation, they’ve survived and continue to resist the invaders, meaning another new ally to be made. The Admiral returned to his chair, feeling energized, focusing on the bright side. “Open comms again, it’s time we meet our new friends.”

The comms officer nodded as he pressed down as few buttons, giving the thumbs up. “Attention Nibirun vessels! We’ve have received your message and welcome you to the Americana System. While unfortunate that the reach of our Yulzan enemy extends beyond this system, it’s good to know that we are not alone in this fight. If you’ll allow us, we would like to board your station and meet face to face, we have so much to discuss.”

The message ends as the Admiral adjusts himself, making himself comfortable. “Set a steady course for the Mojave DMZ.”

As the next return transmission was sent back, and then translated back to him, the Commander let out no small sigh of relief. It was like the energy in the room seemed to go from very tense to relatively relaxed, if not jovial, in a heartbeat. Two of the linguists seemed to almost pass out, all as the woman in the ancient-style sweater seemed to just sit down on the floor to process it as sweat poured down her brow. The comms officers did visibly loosen up, albeit not as much as the civilians in the room were. It was obvious they felt as he did, however, and that was enough for him.

Yet as they spoke, a hastily-dressed man would hurry into the office. He was of a leaner build but taller size than Arden, but despite the small things to note about his attire it was obvious who it was. Messy, far too late, and yet he was finally here. More than the success of the message, Arden was happy to reach down for his bottle of Braldian Brandy and pull out a few shot glasses.

"Commander Dalteren! I was wondering when you'd get here! I think we all need a shot right about now, but I'll need you to watch over things and help prepare while I go to greet our incoming guests!"

Dalteren simply glanced at the brandy and let out a long, uterly exasperated sigh. How many times since the academy was this? Not the first, and definitely not the last. And yet he'd pulled it off yet again. Man was dedicated to his work and got the results, that much no one could doubt. Hence their joint deployment here. Even so, Dalteren straightened himself up as he looked back at Arden.

"Pour me one shot before you go, a strong one. But you will report to the medical bay before you meet anyone, or I'll toss your ass out of the airlock. They'll get you back in shape, and then I'll take on a few extra hours so you can get some rest after this meeting."

Arden grinned with the biggest shit-eating grin he could as he pulled out, and then popped open, the bottle of brandy without even looking. Yet before he could pour-

"...Just please don't take more than one shot yourself before the meeting. If you ruin this you will wish I tossed you out the airlock!"

The FRA ships were given the all clear signal as they powered up their drives moved at full speed, proceeding past the DMZ line and towards the designated space station, as instructed by the Nibiruns. The collective crews of the strike Flotilla were in awe in the exotic designs of the Nibirun ships, the smooth cigar shapes unlike anything built in Americana. As the Orion made final approach towards the meeting point, the Admiral wasted no time, and assembled his team for the talks with the Nibiruns. Eugene, along with his X.O., Ramos, briskly walked down the corridor leading up to the hanger bay, a shuttle prepped and ready for their departure, and were met with a marine squad, the sergeant stepped forward. “Watchdog Squad! Ready, sir!” He announced with a salute.

Two lead officers saluting back. “At ease, sergeant.” Eugene ordered with a smile. “Now let’s go make some new friends, shall we?” With that said, the marines were the first to board the shuttle, followed by the Admiral and XO, the engines soon roaring to life as the shuttle lifted up in the air, and shot straight out of the hanger bay as it made its short trip towards the docking bay at the Nibirun station.

"Prepare Docking Bay 05 for our arrivals! Clearance has been given for the foreign arrivals to land. Ensure all Dreslan crew are out of the line of travel prepared for our guests!"

Dalteren's voice came out clear and true over the comms, all as the foreign shuttle made its way toward the station. Flashing direction lights would try to guide the FRA shuttle toward the assigned docking bay, alongside a translated transmission cobbled together and sent to them to try to help as well. It was the best they could do in preparation for the arrival. At the same time, however, something had come to the Co-Commander's mind that hadn't to his fellow. Something that, in hindsight, wasn't likely the first matter to come to mind.

The Dreslan. They were valued citizens like any other, but they had come from the enemy. These people had fought the enemy for a currently unknown period of time. Their own trigger fingers upon entering this system had been fast, and they had no idea if this was also true of these foreigners. Better to assume the worst and prepare things to aim for the best. Thus no Dreslan would be seen by the arrivals upon docking or along the way to the meeting with the, hopefully sober enough, Commander Orwald. The other Commander had been informed of these thing, however, and certain preparations for the meeting had been taken into account with this in mind as well...

As the shuttle would, hopefully, make it to the docking bay, it would find itself having to enter at an angle as the station spun. A more basic means of artificial gravity, requiring its own methods, but something that make it work all the same. The guides both nonverbal and verbal would try to help make it as easy as possible for the FRA shuttle though. All as docking bay crews would stare in some awe at the alien-looking ship design, something of which they'd only seen in fiction. Likewise, the FRA personnel would find two squads of RFoN space marines waiting for them along with an officer dressed in full regalia to greet them.

"Greetings! We apologize if any part of your landing was...rough. Our means of artificial gravity have remained limited, but effective, for a number of reasons.

Once you are ready, if you require any time to adjust to conditions here, we can escort you to speak with Commander Orwald in the conference room."

The entry into the station was…difficult to say the least, the Nibirun’s means of maintaining an artificial gravity was something to adjust and get used to, the pilot himself had a hell of a time telling what was up or down, but by some miracle, he managed a good landing. Once the boarding ramp lowered down, the Admiral and his away team came out stumbling a bit, suffering a brief stint of vertigo, he and the rest of his team were very much used to the stationary gravity generators aboard FRA vessels. Eugene fell on his knees, his vision spinning as the Royal Marines picked him up. “N-no time like the present.“ Eugene stuttered. “Don’t mind us…we’ll get used to it soon enough. Lead the way good sir.”

Aboard the CSV Burning Heart of Yusanis

"Holy shit? We actually made it!" Exclaimed a voice from the opposite end of the bridge. "I mean, I know the Star-Mother brokered that alliance and the Chosen are our allies and they told us it's safe but- but wow! I, I was afraid we were going to be stuck back in the Void after three hundred years of freedom!"

"Ensign, silence on the bridge." Came a stern, but likewise shaky order. "Celebrations later. We're no longer in our own system. The Chosen have informed us this system is home to two nations at war. We're here to evaluate the situation, and potentially establish relations with one or both." A moment's pause, "You can still breathe, however."

"Sensors reading numerous signatures from deeper in the system. Looks like the Chosen were right based on what we can pick up from here. Detecting multiple signatures not consistent with Chosen supplied information." Piped in a third voice. "Orders, Sister-Admiral?"

A moment of silence elapsed before Sister-Admiral Ixhuta spoke. "Chart an intercept course." He leaned forward into the ship's intercom. "All personnel prepare for maximum burn acceleration, ready battlestations for possible hostility. Broadcast on all frequencies in English, Spanish, Latin, Japanese, Russian, German, whatever else we can speak on board."

A flurry of activity overtook the ship as the crew prepared their ship for battle before rushing to the onboard limited-alteration chambers. Scarcely ten minutes passed for each crewmember before they emerged in high-g adapted bodies, to survive the rapid acceleration. The message rang out as the engines of the dozen strong flotilla flared up behind them, the armored warships accelerating as fast as the engines could take them.

"Unidentified vessels, I am Sister-Admiral 3-87 Ixhuta Stands As A Wall of Iron of the Commonality of New Ishtar. We have learned of the system from the Chosen of Ashevelen. Identify yourselves."

Being the third ranking officer aboard the Orion. Chief of Security Lt. Christina Cortez was left to hold the fort in place of the Admiral while he would settle the whole blockade issue with the Nibiruns, a simple enough task that thankfully, was devoid of any fierce fighting, these people seemed reasonable enough to not blast the flotilla out from the void. However, things would become a bit more complicated as the ship’s proximity alarm sounded off, the Lieutenant falling off from the Admiral’s chair, startled by the sudden disturbance. “What’s going on?!?” She said.

“Lieutenant! We got a dozen new signatures entering the DMZ!” The Nav Officer declared.

“Shit, just my luck…” Christina mumbled. “Is it the Jannies?”

The bridge officer was quite a moment as he traced their point of origin. “No, Ma’am.” He replied. “They came from the gate…and they aren’t Nibirun ships either.

“Not exactly the best time for First Contact, but I’ll take it..”

“We’re getting comms from the new arrivals.” The comms officer said, as the message was relayed to the Orion and possibly to the Nibirun command ship as well. What came as a surprise was that this wasn’t a happenchance meeting, one of the first colonies encountered by the FRA, the Chosen, had shared intel regarding Americana’s location to another…which in turn may alleviate worries that this was some kind of invasion.

“Open channels with the new arrivals.” Christina ordered, the officer nodding to her as communications were established with the Ishtari fleet. “Attention Ishtari vessels, this is Lt. Cortez, Chief of Secuity aboard the carrier Orion of the Free Republic Navy, my Admiral is currently busy with other matters, so I speak on his behalf, and if you share a mutual relationship with the Chosen, and they invited you here, then we welcome you to the Americana System, so long as you come in the name of peace.”

Ixhuta smiled. A friendly response! That was excellent news after dropping themselves ass-first into the middle of a standoff. Though tension still gripped the crew of the ship, it seemed immediate danger had been averted from at least one side. After some delay the reply to the Americanans came in the stiff, thickly accented English the original Ishtari message had been broadcasted in. "That is correct. The Commonality of New Ishtar and the Chosen of Ashevelen have concluded a formal alliance. We were told of this system and the conflict within by them. We wish to establish formal relations." A moment's pause, before the voice returned, "We apologize for the armed presence, the Chosen told us to be cautious."

Lt. Cortez let out a sigh of relief, these Ishtari only wishing to establish relations with the Free Republic. Why turn down a pointel ally? “The Chosen were right.” Christina replied. “This region of space is what we call “No Man’s Land.” And it’s an active warzone between us and the Yulzan. Besides that, I’m sure the head honchos back home will be more then happy to have another friend to count on.”

Commander's Office
RFoN Station
Americana Gateway

"Commander! Urgent news! More ships have suddenly appeared from the Gateway, all armed warships! They'd in the middle of us and seemingly readying their weapons but have not fired! Out own ship captains, station defenses, and defensive arrays are armed and requesting permission to fire!"

"Tell them to hold steady unless we are going to be imminently fired upon! We don't want to kick off a damn battle while talking to one of the locals here. I want all exterior sensors keeping tabs on things in case of Yulz vessels, as they have been, and the order is to fire on all Yulz vessels that come within range.

Tell comms to also keep a comms channel prepared to call for backup at any time. If this party gets any fuller or the powderkeg blows, we'll need it.

Keep me updated as things develop. I want to know if we can communicate or if we need another hasty translation project to be performed."

Dalteren ran a hand down his own face after ending the call. Not good, not good at all. Multiple first contacts, all occuring at once within an alien space and a position still being fortified against Yulz incursions from outside and other potnetial threats from the Gateway internally? Not good. Not good at all. But they needed to hold steady unless the situation demanded it. Or fire first if it would ensure their survival.


Of course the comms would light back up once more.

"What is it?"

"The newest arrivals are transmitting in muyltiple Old Earth languages! The linguists onboard the station can confirm the presence of Old English, German, Spanish, and more! We can respod back!"

"Patch me over to comms, and tell them I will be dictating a message for the linguists to beam back in a couple of these Old Earth languages."

Ultimately the Ishtari ships would take some time to get a response, but one would come back in both German and Spanish:

"We know of neither your nation nor the other one that has been mentioned, but we will not fire unless fired upon by your vessels.

We are of the Royal Federation of Nibiru, who have secured this station and continue to fortify this position due to the presence of the Yulz alien threat and to bar the threat's potential access to this Gateway and other systems, including our own home system, in full. The Yulz are a menace to all, and are waging war in this system against its proper inhabitants. Said inhabitants have a representative aboard our station at this time as well, seeking to make first contact.

If you wish to come aboard and speak, then we are willing. If not, we hope to maintain a neutrality in this space in regards to yourselves. We will, however, not tolerate any who cooperate with the Yulz threat."

Firm but friendly? Maybe. Dalteren simply hoped he wasn't going to instigate anything. Or, well, hoped at least that the intruders would not be trigger-happy as the Yulz had been so long ago with the Federation's own first contacct with them had come about...to say the least.

Ixhuta steadied herself before she spoke, once again in thickly accented, poorly practiced language she had scarcely known of before contact with the Chosen. This time, in Spanish. She silently thanked whatever statistician was responsible for predicting the most likely languages to imprint before dispatch. "We are the Commonality of New Ishtar, allies of the Chosen of Ashevelen. We know of no 'Yulz' and have entered the system after being informed of it by the Chosen." A moment's pause as Ixhuta gathered her thoughts, refreshing herself on the votes held after the discovery of the Chosen. "It is the policy of the Commonality of New Ishtar to intervene in cases of armed conflict in the interests of the common good. We know not of these Yulz but I wish to extend a preliminary hand in friendship, all the same, against any who would act as you have described."

And that was it. Ixhuta had never been trained for diplomacy. None of the Ishtari had - why bother with diplomacy when humanity is dead and the galaxy hostile and cold. She prayed, silently, that she had said the right thing.

Back on the station, Dalteren let out a small sigh. And yet all the same his right hand tried to massage his temple to deal with the stress. Another people, from another place, arriving with information from a group they did not even know or had even met yet, coming with military-grade space warships that currently seemed to be at a standoff with their own defenses. All in foreign territory occupied to keep a far too familiar threat at bay from their own borders and territory. Had someone told him this would happen, he'd have declined the offer to get sent over with Arden withou hesitation! All they needed was more people or a Yulz attack to really spice this all up to the point of no return...

...all the same, not responding would risk a diplomatic incident, and they were already trying to navigate out of that with the current meeting going on.


Soon, the Ishtari Admiral would get a response message from the Royal Federation Station, translated over into Spanish by the proper linguists currently living out of the Comms Department. Literally.

"We do not know of these 'Chosen' of which you speak.

Our people have simply intervened in this system at this Gateway as a means to keep our own territory safe, especially due to the location of the Gateway on our end. We are currently in a first contact situation with a military leader from the inbabitants here who have not fired upon us or been part of the Yulz threat, and no idea how this will turn out in the end or how talks will go. We pray there will not be open war.

If you claim to intervene in areas such as this, and with good intentions as you so claim, then such diplomatic issues may arise for your people as well. We invite you to come aboard to speak as well, that perhaps our three nations might begin the process of coming to some kind of agreement about things.

Should you have any particular issues or unique physiological needs to address for your arrival please do so in such a case. Likewise, please report of any mutations or alien species among your ranks. It would be helpful to avoid any potential panic."

A long, awkward silence elapsed before the radio crackled to life once more. "So... about that."

The shuttle that ferried Sister-Admiral Ixhuta and a small entourage to the waiting station was one that had not seen use in some time. Accumulated dust from disuse still clung to nooks and crannies within and the entire shuttle felt stirred from lifeless slumber, as if an old, cold statue of marble had been roused to move as if flesh and blood and ached and groaned with each tremulous motion.

In short, the ride was uncomfortable.

Crammed in beside the serpentine bulk of Ixhuta were two marines in dress uniform, both Tiamat Strain, a Tiamat Strain advisor and linguist, available in the event the meeting required further languages Ixhuta did not know, and a Sanguine Strain advisor, available to smooth the interpersonal difficulties of first contact. Ixhuta did not feel prepared in the least, but if nothing else she was not being fed to the sea alone. Each Ishtari carried a sidearm on their person, except for who Ixhuta carried two, one for each set of arms. They would be of little aid if it did come to violence, but if it did come to violence they would be reborn. This risk was insignificant if it benefitted the Commonality.

The shuttle creaked and groaned as it entered the station's docking bay, and the occupants waited in anticipation.

Docking Bay 05
RFoN Station
Americana Gateway

The Old Earth English linguist and comms officers, those who had once been with Commander Arden prior, did their best to translate the officer's words and Eugene's words properly. Not that it didn't come with its hard spots and rough estimations here and there. It was all impromptu after all. Even so, the officer did motion for two of his men to help lift the poor wobbly man up. Reminded him of new recruits for space military forces, all as they went about arriving at their first station.

"On behalf of the Commanders of this station, as well as the Royal Federation, I would like to offer you and your personnel basic anti-nausea medication as we make our way to Commander Orwald. We keep it for situations such as these, for those new to our means of artificial gravity at least, though if there is any hesitation to accept such things then we can understand taking such precautions."

The officer then gave a nod as he looked over Eugene and the arrivals once more, before motioning for them to follow as the Royal Federation Marines began to form a protective escort on each side of the party as they would head off. Most personnel seemed to be held back from the arrivals, keeping a regulated distance as they entered the temperature-regulated halls and made their way to the conference room at the end of what seemed to be the main hall running through the current level of the station they were on. It was a nice little walk to get there, however, but the layout of the station seemed as simple without being sparten in effect. Likewise the officer would from time to time look back or to the linguist and comms officers with him in case the arrivals requested annything along the way.

If all went well, they would arrive at the grand double-doors of the conference room, which would be opened to show-

"Welcome, welcome! I am Commander Arden Orwald, co-Commander of this station on behalf of his highhness and the Royal Federation of Nibiru!

Please, come take the seats nearest to you. If your armed retinue wishes to have a presence, then four may enter with you. The others may remain outside with our marines, however, if that is acceptable with you and your personnel."

Commander Arden was sitting there in the center seat on the opposite side, flanked by two very well-armored and weapon-holding troops with full-face helmets that hide what they looked like. Wardens. Two assigned to the station alongside the other forces, part of a small smattering of them included in the first wave of support sent over with the parts for the station the current crowd were all standing and operating within at this very moment. Of course the two Wardens stood out well from the already well-prepared marines, at the very least. The linguist and comms officers with them came in as well, making their way over and standing on the other side of the table of Commander Arden, translating for him as they went along.

As for Arden himself? Short brown hair, big but formal smile, exhausted eyes with bags under them, a brown beard of small cut but no moustache, and slightly large in size but not some slovenly person as those coming into the room would see him like. His officer's uniform dress shirt was a moderate green with a number of pins and awards on the left side of his chest and stripes and patches on his right arm sleeve's outward side to indicate his tank. That...and he had a large bottle of Braldian Brandy (written on the bottle's label in the Royal Federation's own tongue) and some shot glasses next to him on the table. Would at least be clear it was some kind of alcohol, if nothing else.

Eugene turned to his marine escort. “Sanders, Mason, you’re with me.” He said as the two marines stepped forward. “The rest of you will stand guard.” The marines salute and step out the conference room, the Admiral, his XO and the two marines proceeded to the table, the officers taking their seats while the marines remained on guard, weapons in hand, just in case. The Admiral for a brief moment, surveyed the room, the two Wardens of particular interest, their gear almost reminding him of the FRA’s very own Rangers, maybe a close equivalent to them? Either way, he’s glad that they’re friendly enough and not on opposite sides.

Eugene made himself comfortable and leaned forward, his arms resting on the table, there wasn’t a need to be so defensive, at least for now. “Thank you for having us, Commander.” Eugene said with a smile. “I must admit, with the entrance and impression your people made in Americana, I wasn’t expecting you to be open to talks, yet here we are.” Eugene paused as he took notice that Commander Adren had a bottle of alcohol with him, and some glasses. Eugune wouldn’t mind a drink, could be a good ice breaker. “Not to impose or anything, but….mind if I have a swig of whatever you got there?”

The translation wasn't even finished before Arden's smile widened some. The other man's eyes glancing at the alcohol and glasses was enough to communicate clearly in his mind. Or at least, the mind of a man such as himself if nothing else. He would take the already-opened bottle and pour two shots in quick, eager sucession before sliding one over to Eugene and drinking his own without hesitation. A satisfied sigh would come from Arden's very lips as he seemed to relax slightly more.

Still, he did lean forward on his elbows and became more serious as he began to speak once more. Even so, the formal smile did remain on his face.

"As a military man I felt this Braldian Brandy of mine would be a good icebreaker. Kicks like a mule, but the flavor outperforms the burn. A minor brand back from my hometown, not very popular but still my favorite! Name came from a mispelling of the maker's name, and it stuck."

Eugene took a single gulp making a soured expression, followed by a small coughing fit. “Shit, you weren’t lying.” He said, couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. “Stronger than anything I had back home.”

The translation to Eugene would continue as the two Wardens stood still, almost like statues.

"I am simply happy we can talk as well. Not that it was not perhaps the most diplomatic approach in human history on our part, that much the history books can tell us. However, our Gateway and space is something we cannot simply allow the Yulz potential access to. So we have begun to fortify the position, fire on anything of theirs that gets close. Yulz or humans of theirs or not.

That and we do not wish to grant them access to other potential human colonies that have survived until current times, however many out there that there are. Not that all would perhaps be friendly, but any allies or innocents out there could be left to their whims if we did nothing but stand idly by. Such is our perspective on the matter, though I can't imagine how unpleasant it would be for this to happen in our own system! So in that regard, I can empathize with this most unfortunate flow of events thus far."

Eugene placed the glass down, there was that word again. “Yulz.”, there was no doubt about it, the Yulzan’s reace far extends Americana, who knows how many human colonies suffer under their thumb? Was Columbia not enough for them? Their hunger for Empire is insatiable. “While plenty of politicians back home aren’t happy with your little stunt, I honestly can’t blame you. If what you say is true, you take no chances when the Yulzan are involved…sneaky fuckers. “ Eugene was getting off track. “Anyway, on to business. While we do share a common enemy and appreciate you blasting the Jannies to stardust, I’m afraid we can’t allow this blockade to continue any longer.” He paused as he cleared his throat, that brandy was some strong stuff. “However, maybe we can arrange something that both parties can be happy with?”

Ah. Arden let out a small sigh as the last sentence Eugene spoke was translated, before pouring and taking another shot of brandy.

"Yulzan. I can recognize that word anywhere. We just shorten it to 'Yulz', but it's the same assholes without a doubt that give your people trouble here. We've no idea how long they have been in this system, as ours arrived over one hundred and twenty years ago. Suddenly. Out of nowhere, almost wiping us out.

Took over one hundred years to turn them into ash, and no small amount of lives. Maybe that won't be the case here, I hope. Even got a group of deserters from their ranks. Was no easy road for either of them to cement themselves into our population at first, though, that was for sure. But by now they are a race who have long become citizens of ours like any other. 'Dreslan', they call themselves. Damn good people alongside ourselves and the Galateans and other humans, with many Dreslan also serving on this station that we had to pull from your travel path since we didn't know how you'd react to them. Didn't want to risk a shoot on sight incident in case your people had a trigger finger like ours did."

What Commander Arden said…was a lot to take in for the Admiral. Fighting the Yulzan for over a century? So, the Columbians weren’t the even first, but in actuality, were just the latest victims of the Yulzan. And deserters? Deslan? Were Yulzan even capable of betraying their own kind? And they're are on this very station at this moment? Had he not known, Eugune might've very well tried to gun down one of these "Dreslan". This was quite the eye opener, something everyone back home needs to hear. Eugene remained silent for the moment but still….

Arden offered the other man some more brandy, if he ultimately wanted, though accepting it or not the Commander would take noe more shot before he again began to speak. His eyes seemed...a little more tired for a moment. As if moving mentally to something he was not as much a fan of.

"But the entrenchment of our forces here is not as simple as any of us here giving the orders. I may be one of two top commanders of this outpost, but I can't retract it by a longshot. That is where my own authority ends, and something you'd have to get the politicians and officials back home to talk about on both our sides really begins.

When our first ship arrived to visit, it witnessed battle all around this zone of control. But no decisive control was seemingly held in the Gateway's location either, and that was a major red flag for our government. Not that these things haven't only just reopened, so I do get the idea. Hell, this is all new to myself and everyone back home to boot. But our Gateway goes deep into our territory, and that is unacceptable to leave open to attack on the part of our government and population so far. This is, after all, a more formal first contact scenario neither of us perhaps saw coming.

Yet if we simply left and handed control to your people, singular control or joint or otherwise, those in control back home would have to feel we can trust it to you. Genuinely. I know that much. If we left and the Yulz ever came barging in through the Gateway at some point from here, even just a single small scout ship, it'd ruin any chances of the top dogs and others being willing to hand it over to your people and to frankly respect those boundaries ever again. They'd have us come back and entrench here even harder than we are already, no matter the cost and even if we all came to the point of open war. All to prevent the Yulz from access to our home space and elsewhere....because hell it's been over a third of our history dealing with them. Our war with them only ended twenty years ago, and my own grandfather served and died in the last battle as a Commander.

The anger, the history, and crap all runs very deep, and even if we are frankly intruding on your nation's sovierign territory here it is the lens through which a good many look. That is one big thing to keep in mind about our people. We do not wish war with you, and things like trade and all of that would be great, but our people must be protected and cared for first. It is what kept us alive for so long.

In the end, you'd have to get a hell of a good deal running to get us to send any of this stuff back home. Or at least just good enough of a deal to make it work. That's why I suggest handing it over to those who can talk the details far better, and to let them hash it out over comms or such. I figure that wouldn't be impossible since we both hate the Yulz, so we've at least one thing in common so far that I know of to report back about."

After hearing the Commander’s side of the issue, while this wasn’t exactly the outcome the Admiral wished for, he can at least try to make this work. He let a audible sigh and locked eyes with Commander Arden. “Fair enough.” Is all Eugene said. “I’ve heard stories like this all too often, I know all too well what the Yulzan are capable of, were probably ten-fold or worse in your part of the galaxy. I can sympathize, wanting to prevent any more Yulzan atrocities from ever happening again. I’m not exactly thrilled with your answer, but I can sympathize. And you’re right, all this.” He paused as he jestered his hands to his surroundings. “Is beyond your power and mine. This is something for the politicians and leaders to deal with.”

As the Commander was about to speak, a message to his neural implant hurried in. For the most part he'd kept to standard talking and comms, because it made the place feel more alive, but even so the unspoken system of communication for the people of the Royal Federation had remained used for many things. Including emergency notification while he was in this meeting, as he'd instructed in particular.


Eugene pushed the glass over to Arden. “For now though? I’d like to enjoy a good drink with a potential new friend? What do you say?”

"An excellent proposal." Came a new voice unfamiliar to any present in the room. A slight inflection, a subtle inconsistency, as if two slightly different tones were spoken at once. "That is, if you don't mind sharing."

Into the room came the last sight any present would have expected. Flanked by a set of utterly bewildered guards glided the new arrival, flanked by her two advisors. The gorgon strain woman looked down at the two with an easy smile. Joined seamlesly with what seemed the three or four meter long body of some sort of massive snake was the torso of what seemed a mostly normal albeit unusually large human woman - were it not for the glowing lines that ran down her face, the cobralike hood that framed her head, the reptilian eyes that never blinked as they watched the two men, and the extra set of arms. Beside her walked two short, densely muscled individuals no less outlandish in their appearances. One of them, a man of a build far more slender than the other two, seemed almost a normal - albeit immensely beautiful - human, were it not for the snowy white hair, the featureless black eyes, the pale skin covered in swirling black patterns. Beside him walked a short woman with purplish grey skin, piercing irisless eyes that glowed a lavender hue, an intricate array of luminescent growths or organs arrayed across her body and face, greyish white hair contrasted with finlike ears and tendrils at whose ends glowed more of the same bioluminescent material. She smiled briefly at the two before returning to a cold, professional military stance.

Sister-Admiral Ixhuta smiled - she had not actually considered that their appearances might be alarming or unusual for the non-Ishtari humans encountered, and despite the seriousness of the situation enjoyed the surprised reactions her crew had garnered thus far, assuming them to be due to her entrance rather than her appearance.

The abrupt entrance of these of another group prompted a curious turnaround from the marines, followed by the Admiral and XO. “Jesus Christ!” Eugene cried out; he was more than startled by the distressing appearance of the new arrivals. One of the marines present, sanders, was readying his rifle and was almost tempted to open fire. “Hold!” The XO, Ramos ordered. It was brief and tense minute, the marines front and back haven’t had a clue what to do, before a Nibirun translator came rushing in with a “Wait!” to all parties.

Ixhuta for her part scarcely budged an inch as she stared down the barrel of a gun. Remaining silent, she was caught in some strange combination of defiant refusal to back down from a challenge, and sheer bewilderment and startled confusion at the leveling of a gun. Behind her her aides' hands overed over their sidearms, though neither drew.

The unfortunate Spanish translator who had been sent to meet with the Ishtari nearly fell over as he ran into the room. The yonuger man was likewise sweating badly, as if he'd run a marathon to get there. Heck, the linguist's hasty arrival not even allowing him to don more formal clothing was obvious. Large T-shit and jeans, looking like they'd been slept in down there in comms, was all he had on. At least besides a security badge for identification. Arden let out a long sigh, before pinching the bridge of his nose for a few seconds and then looking back up.

"Comms sent you last second, didn't they? I barely got the message about the new arrivals and their 'unique' nature a moment ago. Just like most of the station did apparently.

You still alive there, kid?"

The tired man nodded as he stood up straight once more, before giving a small salute in an attempt to mimic the soldiers of the station.

"Come sit near me with the others. I'll pour you a shot for the trouble, just don't tell Dalteren later.

Also tell the new arrivals I'll pour them some as well, but to please make room to the left of Eugene here. We don't want to crowd everyone out or too close, mind. Ask them if the trip over was well as well, and if they have any alcohol tolerance issues."

The linguist seemed to let out a somewhat relieved sigh, before carefully translating the message to the Ishtari delegation.

He hen made his way over to Arden's side of the conferernce table, taking a seat on the Commander's left. He almost slumped into it hard before the Commander's firm lft hand helped pull him back up in the seat with a seeing ease. Arden then poured the Spanish linguist, himself Eugene, the English translator plus two comms officers, and frankly the new arrivals all shots. Did not stop him from taking his own shot rapidly and pouring another rapidly before the others had a chance though. He would need it right now.

Heck, half the station probably needed one right now at least. Still, Arden motioned for the translators for him and Eugene to talk for him as he proceeded to speak again.

"Eugene, this is apparently a delegation from a nation called the...'Ishtari', if I can recall right? I just recieved word through a neural implant I possess that they popped in through the Gate. Also with warships, but apparently to come investigate this space themselves. Ah, they were told by some group called the 'Chosen' it seems?

Hell, I have no idea at this point. At this point I wonder if everyone will-"

The Admiral was briefed on the first set of colonies encountered after the gateways reopened, a group known as the “Chosen” was among them. Seemed both the FRA and Ishtari shared mutual contact with them, this somewhat eased tensions as Eugene, and the rest of his entourage withdrew from combat stances. Eugene letting out a cough in shame. “Uh, my apologizes, miss.” He said as he sat back down.

Arden paused as another rapid set of messages hit his implant, putting a sudden hand to his head. Ugh. It didn't hurt, but what the message made him feel was something else entirely. He did motion for the, admittedly sudddenly concerned, translators who had been relaying things to him and Eugene to continue. And frankly the Spanish translator as well.

"Ok. Everyone, another group has just popped in through the Gatway. Going to see how this one turns out, no offense to any here in this room. It's like one thing after another today, so please pardon my sudden exasperation at the matter.

Feel free to drink your shots at your leisure, and if you need more I will pour them out and send someone for something more out of my stash."

Ixhuta looked between the groups assembled with an expression of great bemusement, gradually shifting into one of growing understanding. "I see we beat the news of our arrival." She said in thickly accented but well spoken English, raising an eyebrow. Turning to the Spanish translator she switched back to the other language, "I think you may return if you wish." She told him with the same thick accent as with English, smiling as she spoke, "Though I could have sworn I sent the message out in English as well. Ah, well."

She turned to the remaining occupants of the room, "My apologies for any fright, all the same. I thought the news would have already spread." She offered a slight smile as she spoke, "I hope we can put this behind us and welcome these new arrivals I just heard mentioned." She paused, "Once again you have my sincere apologies. I understand with your war, unexpected arrivals must be a serious threat. It must be difficult to know if someone is friend or foe, I take it?"

Thankfully, for the Admiral, it seemed the new arrivals were unaware what really startled him and the rest of his me in the first place, and that’s something he’ll very much keep to himself. This will be quite the funny story to share with the others back home for sure. “My apologies once again, Ma’am.” He said with a smile, despite their freakish appearance, these people seemed friendly enough and were willing to talk, best to hear them out and possibly find yet another new ally. “The reflexes get the best of me. I do hope you’ll join us for a drink while we settle matters?”

A moment's pause ensued as the Ishtari looked between themselves and the assembled representatives of the other nations, before Ixhuta raised the upper set of her arms in a conciliatory gesture, "No, no, there is no need though I appreciate it. The alcohol you have available unfortunately would be wasted on us, we'd not feel a thing." She gave a small smile of apology before taking a position away from the door, unable to settle into a chair and simply lowering herself further to as close to eye level with the sitting men as she could. "However, settling matters is what we came for. Would you prefer we wait for these new arrivals or begin immediately?"

"Status report" Commander Evans ordered the moment his destroyer, as well as its sister destroyer and the two transports they were escorting, exited the gate. They were the first Kaus Borealis ships to use the Gate and Evans was not willing to let anything go to chance.

"No damage has been reported." One officer reported.

"All systems appear to be unaffected by the Gate." Another added.

"The other ships report that they are all in the green." The communications officer stated after a moment.

"We do have one problem." Sabre, the destroyer's integrated AI that shared the ship's name stated after a moment. "We appear to be in the middle of a large formation of warships. At this point I'm detecting what appears to be three distinctly different design ideologies amongst these ships, indicateing that they are of different origins. One group seems similar to the FRA cruiser that had appeared at the Kaus Borealis Gate. The other two designs do not seem to match that of the Janissiary cruiser.

"Damn it!" Evans snarled. "We just landed ourselves into the middle of a powderkeg!" At least his crew was already at battle stations. "Open up a wideband broadcast. Sabre: translate what I'm about to say in all the major languages of Old Earth."

"Aye aye." Sabre said.

"I am Commander Evans of the HMS Sabre, warship of the Kingdom of Kaus Borealis. We are here on a trade mission to the Americana System and come in peace. I request that the commanding officers of the battle groups in this region identify themselves, their affiliation, and their intentions. Do note that any hostile action taken against this ship or any other ship in this formation will be seen as an act of war against the Kingdom." A wave of his hand indicated that he wanted the broadcast terminated and a moment later his communications officer gave a nod.

"You came on a little strong." Sabre commented.

"The weak get trampled." Evans countered. "Its better that they think we've got a strong hand to play." He turned to his weapons officer. "Is our communication probe ready to launch?"

"Aye sir. Its in missile tube one. Want me to set it off?"

"Not yet. It'll look like we're launching a missile and I don't want to spook any of our friends. But be ready to send it off at any moment. In fact launch it immediately if anyone opens fire. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that."

Once more proximity alerts rang out throughout the Orion, this was becoming quite the busy day, to sat the least. “The hell? Again with this? Who else is out there?” Lt. Cortez demanded, by this point, it seemed like the whole galaxy was here. The officer was quite for a minute as the new contacts point of origin were tracked”…Got it!” He announced. “They’re Kaus Borealian! Both military and civilian ships are currently present. The officer mention civilian ship caught the chief’s ear. “Civilians? Here?” Lt. Cortez asked. “Damnit, the last thing we need is civvies involved, especially if shit hits the fan.

“Chief!” Another officer called out to her. “The Royal Navy ships are sending out a broadcast. Some moments pass as the message is relayed to the FRA vessels. With a sense of urgency, Lt. Cortez took action. “Get me comms with the Sabre ASAP!” She ordered. The comms officer nodded as he linked and open channels with haste, a few short moments pass as he turns back to Christina, giving her the thumbs up and all clear to speak.

She cleared her throat and proceeded. “This is Acting Captain Christina Cortez of the FRS Orion, speaking for my Admiral to all Royal Navy vessels. “She begun. “Do not, I repeat, do not engage the Bogies. They are non-hostile, I repeat, non-hostile.”

Back on the RFoN Station, things were beginning to...burn down. Metaphorically at least. Officers were running from spot to spot with information, silently and very rapidly communicating over their neural quantum entangelement comms channels. Other linguists were speaking verbally and trying to scrawl words down as they debated meanings with each other. Standard workers in the comms department were frankly tryingto sort things out both over everything as data and words and the occasional thrown can of drink or such flew across the space the department inhabitated. Amidst it all, Head Comms Officer Quarak stood with her fifth cup of black coffee in hand next to the door of her office before a messenger ran up to her.

The middle aged woman raised an eyebrow, her somewhat plump appearance and shot, curly brown hair unphazed visibly despite the growing bags under her eyes. Further, the messenger himself seemed to be equal parts dehydrated and red in the face.

"Speak, soldier, and get something to drink."

"Even more new arrivals, mam' sending a message across old-style comms channels in multiple major Old Earth languages. Including civilian and armed military space vessels from what analysists can tell.

They broadcast a....well here's the message mam'. And also below it the response the local military vessels sent back afterward. We informed Commander Arden as well over the emergency entangelement channel he designated for use while he's in the meeting.[/color]

Quarak grabbed the offered datapad and began to look the displayed message over, brows furrowing as she read along. She then placed the pad under one arm, before looking back at the soldier with a rather stern gaze.

Soon, another annoucement over private quantum entanglement channels would move across the defensively-aimed and frankly more and more tense Royal Federation soldiers both on the station and otherwise, though no one else would be able to pick up on it:

"This is Commander Dalteren, with another urgent update and orders. Ensure all of you on the defensive teams on the station, arrays, and ships are in the same loop, and quantum comms will be used soely at this point to keep everyone in the loop.

Report any suspicious actions, and ensure you all remain on standby. Do not fire first. However, ensure key potential enemy craft are in their LoS. Ones that could cause a lot of damage very quickly at this point-blank distance, or otherwise most badly disrupt our position here.

Maintain exterior sensor arrays pointed outward, however, in case all of this draws attention. We will be sending a message homeside to have major backup forces positioned at our own Gateway in case of the situation devolving.

...and above all, remain strong. You are soldiers of the Royal Federation. This is a hard situation, but we can weather any storm. For the Throne and the People!"

Soon after, a return message would be sent from Commander Dalteren to the Kaus Borealis ships using the same major old Earth languages in turn.

[b]"This is Commander Dalteren of the Royal Federation of Nibiru, if you do not fire on us then we will not fire on you in return. You are also not the only party that has arrived today to make contact in the Americana System, and currently the situation has continued to ramp up with each sudden new arrival. It has created a tense situation as it is, and we do not wish for it to boil over.

Talks of an impromptu sort have begun on the station as it is, under the leadership of Commander Arden Orwald, and we would invite you to come speak as well if you indeed come with peaceful intentions as you have so stated on your part."

Why not? Why not invite them over? Arden could handle it, right? Surely he had enough brandy to at least endure it on his end-...actually, no, too much and things would surely devolve. He was already getting feedback from back home that reinforcements were parepared right at their Gateway. Good. If this boiled over he would have to scramble for his own people, much less the other foreign delegates still on the station at that. Joy. Just...joy.

Two out of three had responded to Commander Evans. All in all not bad. It was especially encouraging that the FRA was viewing its guests as nonhostile, though the fact they were reffering to them as bogies did give Evans pause. Just what had he and his men blunder into? And then there was this Royal Federation of Nibiru. Why were they here?

"Tight beam to the Orion," Commander Evans ordered, "Sabre acknoweldges bogies are nonhostile. We are not here to fight and can quite obviously see that we are greatly outnumbered and outgunned anyways. We will be seeking answers from the Royal Federation of... Nibiru directly. Sabre out."

"Ok, now connect me to this Commander Dalteren." Evans waited for this communications officer to indicate that he was ready for Evans to begin speaking. "This is Commander Evans, commanding officer of the HMS Sabre. I would be very much interested in visiting your station to discuss your goals in this star system. I will be taking a shuttle, please indicate where my shuttle may land and how many men I can bring with me."

When the translated message made it to his ears, the brief time needed for translation notwithstanding, Commander Dalteren ran a hand through his hair. If they weren't rapidly-graying hairs by this point anyway. Barely bothered to look in the mirror these days anyways, except for a basic shave and hair combing. He would then ping back the comms department by pressing a button on the left arm rest of his chair. It was time to send a return message.

[b][color=silver]"Commander Evans of the [i]HMS[i] Saber, you may proceed by shuttle to Docking Bay 02. As for personnel, you may bring whatever amount is comfortable to bring with you. From there, an escort will bring you to the meeting room.

Should you have any particular issues or unique physiological needs to address for your arrival please do so in such a case. Likewise, please report of any mutations or alien species among your ranks. It would be helpful to avoid any potential panic."

Perhaps they would make it out of this without getting blown up after all. Or having to blow anyone else up for that matter.

Arden felt no small wave of relief wash over him as the current new arrivals did seem to get along somewhat. Not that he didn't almost have Eugene's same reaction. Having to keep a strong but calm face in front of arguing beauracrats and deal with the occasional horror of Yulz make had their upsides, as it turned out. However, he wordlessly poured two extra shots and handed the remaining bottle of brandy to the now exasperated-looking Spanish translator. Didn't even look him in the eye. Just handed it to him.

At the very least the old English linguist and the two comms officers assisting her were going to be that much more useful moving forward-...ah. As the next message came in, the Commander took a swig of the bottle before handing it back to the translator for the second time.

"Bring the rest of this back to comms as a gift. But if I find out you down the whole thing I wouldn't blame you at this point."

The English and two comms officer translators would not translate this particular bit, but perhaps it did not need to ne. Even so, they would from this point continue to ensure all different parties were at least able to understand each other. At least depending on what the newest arrivals would be speaking in.

The Spanish translator, for his part, would weekly raise his eyes up at the ceiling and utter a soft but very exhausted 'por que' before slipping out of the room is quietly as his tired body could manage. Soon after, Arden would send a quantum comms message to bring up more bottles from his stash. Two more bottles specifically...and an additional command for them to block his stash from his fellow Co-Commander under all circumstances.

Dalteren only had a problem when he got incredibly stressed, as in ridiculously stressed. Otherwise for the most part he had kicked the habit years ago. As for Arden himself? Today was one of the few special occasions he actually did pull something out. Not that it probably looked like it in front of the guests at the moment.

"While we wait for the most recent delegation to arrive, I'm going to have two different bottles brought in from my own personal stash! Special ones considering the occasion. Two with flavors and such more unique to my peoples' homeland, but not too crazy, at least.

The last 300 years seem to have treated everyone a little bit differently here and there. However, in the end how we got here doesn't matter. It is good to see those who do not shoot first and ask questions later. Just 20 years ago my own people ended an over one century engagement against and invading alien power from beyond probably any solar system we know of. The Yulz. Almost wiped all life out."

The commander motioned in a friendly manner for the Ishtari arrivals to sit down. Or, well, get comfortable somehowif they could. No idea what happened beyond their gateway, but at the moment that really did not matter to his mind. As long as they were peaceful. He then looked to Ixhuta, who seems to be the biggest persona of her group in the room. Maybe a bit literally in his mind.

"To give the simple explanation firstly, for the sake of time, my people have an interest in this system specifically regarding the Gateway. It is basically a back door into our own territory, and the enemies of the nation Eugene here and his people are from are the same species that fought my own people for over a century back home just over 20 years ago.

To say the least, it caused quite a stir back home when it was realized that this was the case. Likewise, all of this will have to be something the politicians and bureaucrats will need to sort out more in depth."

He then slid the shots already poured out for the Ishtari party in their direction.

"Shots of some of my favorite Brandy back home. If there is any worry about alcohol tolerances are such though, then I do wish to apologize.

But please! Do tell us where you come from and so forth, how you made your way here, and your interests here. What I mean to say is,these sorts of things to establish the basics for the sake of the friendly discourse here."

Translators would rapidly relay the message, at least as best as they could. It was admittedly easier to translate into the simple Earth English of the ancient past. Even so, they would still make the genuine effort to translate to Eugene's own language as roughly done as it was on the fly.

“I would like to thank you for involving me in this discussion.” Commander Evans said as he entered the room. Two royal marines, one male and one female, entered behind him. Both were in dark green dress uniforms, a pistol holstered on their right hips and a kukri sheathed on their left. Evans was unarmed save for the bottle of wine he carried.

“I am Commander Evans of the Kaus Borealis Royal Navy” Evans continued. His accent was an almost perfect copy of the Oxford English of old Earth. “I bro-” His face blanched as his gaze drifted over the Ishtari. “What in blazes!” His expression shifted from bewilderment to fear to disgust before he finally regained control over himself. The male marine behind him had had a similar reaction, having reached for his pistol but stopped short of actually putting his hand on it.

If one were especially observant they would have noticed that the female marine had reacted well before Evans had even noticed the Ishtari, reaching for her kukri instead of her pistol, but had returned to an at attention stance before the first words had left Evans’ mouth. Interestingly her expression had at no time changed.

“My apologies” Evans said after letting out a small embarrassed cough. “I wasn’t expecting any nonhumans to be present. Not that I have an issue with that.” He was obviously still somewhat shaken by the appearance of the Ishtari, he seemed to unconsciously look everywhere but directly at them. “I… brought a bottle of wine for the station commander. A tradition of sorts in Kaus Borealis.”

Ixhuta was startled by the intrusion and subsequent exclamation, and she in turn reached for her own sidearms in initial alarm before just as quickly returning to a relaxed stance. Her eyebrow rose in bewilderment at his statement, and she looked around the room for a moment. "Nonhumans?" She asked, curious, "I don't recall seeing any whilst entering, though I believe we have been told these Americanans have nonhuman... allies? Citizens? I'm not sure the exact nature of their status." She shrugged, before smiling at Evans. "Strange, that's the second time someone's had a reaction like that. All the same, pleased to meet you, Comamnder Evans."

“What?” Evans asked, looking directly at Ixhuta. He then turned around to look at his guards as he asked “What?” a second time. The male marine looked just as confused as he did. The female marine’s expression had shifted to one of amusement. Seeing this Evans asked “What?” for a third time.

The female marine leaned in and whispered into Evans ear “She looks human.” She quickly continued before Evans could argue the point. “She has obviously been modified: I can’t determine if it's genetic or cybernetic in nature, nor can I determine the purpose of these modifications. Perhaps Sabre will be able to determine that.” She was quiet enough that most people wouldn’t be able to make out any of what she was saying.

“But that’s…” Evans trailed off.

“It's well within our technical capabilities to achieve a similar effect with cybernetics” The female marine stated, gesturing towards herself. “It's just exceedingly rare to choose such an inhuman appearance.”

“Right…” Evans didn’t sound entirely convinced as he turned back towards Ixhuta. “My apologies… ma’am. It’s just that your appearance… deviates from the… conventionally accepted standard of what a human usually looks like.” His face was still somewhat pale, but he had now mostly calmed down. “I dare say it's a tad shocking at first sight, especially since it was unexpected.”

Ixhuta frowned, now, as though her own ears could detect only a smattering of the discussion, the Tiamat Strain aide clued her into the their details, her own more advanced hearing picking up on the muted conversation between the Borealan delegation. In a less friendly, stiffer and more diplomatic tone, she spoke in response. "Ah, I understand. Let me assure you, the 'modifications' are not cybernetic in nature, though we possess such technology." Her eyes narrowed slightly as she spoke, watching the newcomers with apprehension. "While I do not know the nature of this 'Saber' you speak of, I am happy to give a short explanation. Whilst other vessels transited the Gateways instantaneously, the Ark Ishtar was trapped within an unusual anomaly for a period of many centuries." She paused, looking to the others in the room, before continuing. "Whilst within it... I won't go over the details, but every single person was mutated. Some attaining more stable mutations, and of those that survived, they became known as Strains." She drew herself to her full height - or, at least, as much of her full height as could be achieved within the confines of a space station. "I am what is known as a Gorgon Strain."

A moment later, she looked towards Admiral Drayk, "I take it this was why your own people were... alarmed, by my entrance?" She said after some pause.

There was an awkward moment of silence from Eugene and his entourage, exchanging worried looks, and eyeing one another, followed by the admiral clearing his throat, turning his attention to Ixhuta. “To be honest, ma’am.” Eugene begun. “We weren’t exactly ready for your arrival, and to put it as politely as I can....you startled the bejesus out of us.” The Admiral’s polite candidness was met with a few chuckles from his own men.

Ixhuta watched in silence for a moment before her taciturn expression broke and she let out a small laugh. "Well, I suppose in hindsight I can see why. It's not something that occurs to us much but we do look... a bit different from you. Please, accept my apologibaes for the fright."

Arden internally sighed to himself, rather than externally expressing such relief, as the delegates seemed to work some things out. Also as the translators scrambled to make sense of all the different dialects and so forth. Not that the translators weren't working overtime for it all already, but today had already been madness in a sense. Yet if nothing else some semblance of diplomacy existed out there elsewhere, it seemed, though the headache had along already begun with the whole first contact. Then it had been overshadows by rapid second, third, and heck perhaps all the way up to the fifteenth contact today alone at the rate things were going. Even so, he would seem a bit relieved as the door eventually cracked open and two bottles came into the room with one of his subordinates.


"Welcome, Commander Evans! I apologize for the ramshackle meeting going on, as one Commander to another, as if I had known so many would be arriving today I'd have brought more bottles earlier! So please, come take a seat and I'll get some more shots poured out. Local specialities from where I and my people come from.

I believe it is good that ll of us here seem to have preferred this to shooting each other on sight.

Once you are settled, then, I'll begin the proceedings so we can get toward the greater discussion here. After a few little formal introductions for those in the room from each party, if such a thing is acceptable to request."

He hoped he could smoothly segway enough into everyone getting to introduce their peoples a little bit. Then would come Get some Then he could get about to showing the faces of the two Wardens behind him, themselves a Galatean and Dreslan respectively. From here he could make his way into the serious issues once the icebreakers were done. Well, formal icebreakers in this instance.

...By the throne, he hoped this would go well.

After Action Report: Admiral Eugene Drayk.

“I have to say…that was one hell of a day I won’t ever forget. We came in expecting a fight with the new arrivals, the Royal Federation of Nibiru they call themselves, only to find we have more in common then we thought, and apparently…the Yulzan seemed to found themselves in other systems. I do recall reports that the original Yulzan Armada had broken apart due to freak accidents. Imagine my shock when one of those break aways ended up in other colonized system. The craziest of all? The Nibiruns not only won, but they managed to make peace with the fuckers, Dreslan they call themselves now, still processing that one.

Things got more complicated with the arrivals of new group, the Ishtari, who came on the recommendation of a previous contact, the Chosen. A bunch of gene-spliced freaks..but they were friendly enough, and proved themselves much later. Not much later, we get a flotilla of civilian and military vessels from Kaus Borealis jumping right in the middle of the mess. Thank God no one fired at one another. The little impromptu conference between the officers went as smooth as one would expect, complete with some hard drinks. Unfortunately, the Yulzan and their lapdogs weren’t too pleased they weren’t invited. The Jannies and Yulzan came swooping down, the resulting battle was chaotic at first, four different fleets trying to coordinate with each other is one hell of a hassle, especially when you got a large enemy fleet baring down at you. Eventually we managed to beat them back miraculously.

In the end, the battle pretty much help establish a common ground amongst the four groups, and the PR and diplomatic nightmare the Yulzan had to deal with in the aftermath was just glorious. Over the months, our leaders and diplomats did all the talking, being all diplomatic and making compromises. In the end we reached a conclusion everyone can be happy with. The Nibs had to pull back most of their fortifications, but were allowed to maintain a minimal presence around the Gate, the Ishtari also requested to maintain a small garrison, which was also granted. Both were supervised by one of our own garrison forces.

Overall, I just made some history, time to for celebratory drink. End of log.”

@Apollo26 Sorry about that, GM's been sick recently. We'll let Irr know to enable you to talk in discord.
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